#So far my best example is when he passes out in london and he wakes up to richard taking care of him
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okay so ive been into jeweler richard for a while now, i watched half of the anime when it came out and found it unremarkable (now it fills me with rage) but i didnt start actually thinking about it until the manga came out and i actually read it. I stand by my reccomendation of the manga and in still looking forward to reading it when more volumes come out (volume 6 got delayed till next year). I knew OF things in the LN and they intrigued me but i wasnt really into light novels cuz i read on my phone but i didnt know how to get books(for free) on there. Untill i started reading orv that is(thanks dokja). Its really not that important for the story but recently ive been ravenously reading the jeweler richard LN (im on volume 5 now in the past like weekish)
And uhhhhh wow its so good. Like acutally good i totally get what people say about seigi now he is absolutely unreliable about......everyone around him. This is my reccomendation if you watched the anime and liked it or read them manga pleaseee read the light novels. It is the ideal JR experience
#Idk why orv and JR are so linked#Im thinking about u @ririban we're in this together#Sorry if this is out of line#I was reading some jr fanfics earlier and i was like 'woag thats my tumblr mutual' so cool#Im feeling a lot of things that ppl say about orv with jr tho too#With the manga its hard to get into seigi's head cuz he has to be simple to understand#We dont see his stream of conciousness and goddam it sure is a stream#If you thought his admiration of richard was excessive in either visual medium you have no idea#Its like every paragraph#Also theres a good balance of factual information and drama#I also like how u can tell whats actually happening vs how seigi tells it to us#So far my best example is when he passes out in london and he wakes up to richard taking care of him#Hes completely bogged down with information (and fever) and still thinking he and richard and that close#From richard's perspective anyway#He describes richard as calm and collected and uncaring(nicely) but its so clear richard is worried about him#Its really well worded#Also i get to read with hindsight of knowing volume 13 exists its a true treat#jeweler richard#housekishou richard#jr
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A Comparison of RTD and Steven Moffat: Saving The Day
So for this analysis I’m going to compare when Moffat and RTD save the day well and when they save it poorly. There are a few bits of criteria I need to explain.
First I will only be including main series, no Torchwood, no spin-offs, and no mini episodes.
Second, I have to define what makes a good and a bad ending (my examples will come from episodes written by neither of them):
Bad endings include when the sonic saves the day (see The Power Of Three) (there are exceptions, see below), when a character spouts some useless technobabble that doesn’t make any scientific sense/when it doesn’t make logical sense in general, when the Doctor invents/presents a machine/equipment that miraculously stops the baddy and is never referred to again (see Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS), and any other ending I deem to be bad (see The Vampires of Venice)
Good endings include when the sonice activates a device that has been well established to save the day, when technobabble is used that actually makes some scientific sense, and just generally when the baddy is destroyed in what I deem to be a creative manner that makes sense with all the things that had been set up in that episode (see The Unquiet Dead).
There will also be cases where there isn’t really a day to be saved, however this happens more often with Moffat.
Let us begin (obviously there will be spoilers but the last episode in the list aired nearly 4 years ago so what you doing with your life).
Rose: Bad
What even is anti-plastic?! Like seriously, he’s faced the Autons loads of times and has never thought to use it any other time.
The End Of The World: Bad
The Doctor just goes up to the appearance of the repeated meme (ha meme) and rips its arm off. He then just summons Cassandra back by twisting a knob which apparently everyone can do if “you’re very clever like me”.
Aliens Of London/World War Three: Good
Just nuking them all was a bit dodgy but I’ll give it to him purely because it had been set up earlier in the episode and it is a genuine option that could have been taken.
The Long Game: Good
The heating issue was set up within 2 minutes of the episode starting. It’s always good to see the Doctor using his enemies weakness against them.
Boom Town: Good
Only just. It’s technology that hadn’t been showcased ever before and came out of nowhere, but I’m allowing purely because it was setting up The Parting Of The Ways.
Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways: Good
See above. It was set up the story before so it works.
The Christmas Invasion: Bad
This was so close to being good. If RTD had just let the Sycorax leader be honourable then everything would have been fine. Instead he had to let him be dishonourable and then the Doctor through the Satsuma at a random button that for no apparent reason caused a bit of floor to fall away.
New Earth: Bad
It only makes sense if you think about it for less than 10 seconds as just pouring every cure to every disease ever into a giant tub and then spraying said supercure onto them all, then having them hug each other to pass it on. That is suspending my disbelief just a bit too far.
Tooth And Claw: Good
Everything is set up in the episode so I’ll allow it but I fail to see how Prince Albert had the time to ensure that the diamond was cut perfectly.
Love And Monsters: Bad
It’s Love And Monsters. Need I say more?
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday: Good
It was very clearly set up throughout the episode.
The Runaway Bride: Bad
I don’t like how a few bombs can supposedly drain the entire Thames.
Smith And Jones: Good
All the events were well established
Gridlock: Good
It’s a fairly bland way to save the day, just opening the surface to all the drivers. But how else could he have done it?
Utopia/The Sound Of Drums/Last Of The Time Lords: Bad
As much as I like the idea that he tuned himself into the archangel network, he basically turned into Jesus. It is arguably the least convincing ending in modern Doctor Who history.
Voyage Of The Damned: Bad
Why was he the next highest authority? If he’s the highest authority in the universe why didn’t they default to him in the first place? If not then why not default to Midshipman Frame? And if he’s somehow in between them then why? Also Astrid killed herself for no reason when she easily could have jumped out of the forklift.
Partners In Crime: Good
It works in the context of the episode, but I don’t see why they needed two of the necklace things.
Midnight: Good
It’s human nature, you can’t get more well set up than that.
Turn Left: Good
It works logically
The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End: Bad
Donna just spouts a load of technobabble whilst pressing buttons and then the Daleks are magically incapacitated.
The Next Doctor: Bad
Why do the infostamps sever Hartigan’s connection with the Cyberking? As far as I remember it ain’t explained.
Planet Of The Dead (co-written with noted transphobe Gareth Roberts): Good
A good couple scenes are dedicated on getting the anti-gravs set up.
The Waters Of Mars (co-written with Phil Ford): N/A
The day isn’t really saved cause everyone still dies anyway.
The End Of Time: Good
Using a gun to destroy a machine is much better than using the sonic to destroy it.
Summary for RTD:
Out of 24 stories written by him, I deem 10 to be bad endings with 1 abstaining. That’s 41.7% of his episodes (43.5% if we don’t count any abstaining).
Steven Moffat:
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances: Good
You’ll see this a lot with Moffat, he knows how to explain things without stupefying levels of technobabble. “Emailing the upgrade” is a perfect example of this.
The Girl In The Fireplace: Good
Some basic logic, the androids want to repair their ship, but they can’t return to it, they no longer have a function so they shut down.
Blink: Good
Always loved this one, getting the angels to look at each other, however they do look at each other sometimes earlier in the episode.
Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead: Bad
This is more of a problem with the setup of the episode, I don’t like that he can negotiate with the Vashta Nerada. I’d rather see them comprehensively beaten, but I guess it’s good for the scare factor that they can’t be escaped from.
The Eleventh Hour: Good
He convinced the best scientists all around the world to set every clock to 0 all in less than an hour. In the Doctor’s own words “Who da man!”
The Beast Below: Good
The crying child motif pretty much ended up saving the day (well for the star whale, life went on as normal for pretty much everyone else).
The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone: Good
The artificial gravity had briefly been set up earlier so I’ll allow it.
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang: Good
Everything had been set up perfectly, the vortex manipulator, the Pandorica’s survival field thingy, the TARDIS exploding at every moment in history.
A Christmas Carol: Good
Literally the entire episode is the Doctor saving the day by convincing Kazran not to be a cock.
The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon: Good
The silence’s ability to influence people is their whole thing, so using it against them is a good Doctory thing to do.
A Good Man Goes To War: N/A
The day isn’t really saved, Melody is lost, but River shows up at the end so is all fine? I love the episode it’s just the day isn’t really truly saved (yes I know Amy was rescued but she still lost her baby).
Let’s Kill Hitler: N/A
There isn’t really a day to be saved. They all get out alive but no one is really saved other than maybe River but we all knew she was gonna live anyway.
The Wedding Of River Song: Good
Whilst opinion is divided on the episode, the ending still works. the Tesseracta was established in Let’s Kill Hitler, and the “touch River and time will move again” was established well in advance.
The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe: Bad
I don’t like how the lifeboat travels through the time vortex for no reason but to rescue the dad. It don’t make no sense and I don’t think it’s explained
Asylum Of The Daleks: Good
Oswin had access to the Dalek hive mind so of course she should be able to link into the controls and blow everything up.
The Angels Take Manhattan: Good
Paradoxes really do be something powerful, and they even acknowledge how nobody knows if it’d work so I’ll let it slide.
The Snowmen: Bad
Lots of people cry at Christmas, why are the Latimers anything special?
The Bells of Saint John: Good
The whole episode is about hacking so why shouldn’t the Doctor be able to hack the spoonheads
The Name Of The Doctor: Good
It was the story arc for the season pretty much, so of course it was explained well in advance.
The Day Of The Doctor: Good
Both the storing Gallifrey like a painting and the making everyone forget if they’re Human or Zygon works in the context of the episode.
The Time Of The Doctor: Bad
Since when were the Time Lords so easily negotiated with?
Deep Breath: Good
I like the dilemma over whether the half-face man was pushed or jumped.
Into The Dalek: Good
It’s set up well with this new Doctor’s persona of actually not being too nice of a guy (at first).
Listen: N/A
There isn’t a day to be saved. It’s just 45 minutes of the Doctor testing a hypothesis and I low-key love it.
Time Heist (co-written with Steven Thompson): Good
It works logically so I’ll allow it however it isn’t very well set up at all.
The Caretaker (co-written with noted shithead Gareth Roberts): Good
The machine to tell the Blitzer what to do was set up well in advance so I’ll allow it.
Dark Water/Death In Heaven: Good
The fact that Danny still cares even as a cyberman is set up fairly early on after his transformation.
Last Christmas: Good
He does use the sonic to wake up Clara but he convinces the others to wake up through talking so I’ll allow it.
The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar: Good
It’s set up well with that little scene from actually inside the sewers.
The Girl Who Died (co-written with Jamie Mathieson): Good
IDK why the vikings would randomly keep electric eels but they’re set up well so I’ll ignore it.
The Zygon Inversion (co-written with Peter Harness): N/A
Not including this one as it’s only the second part and I’d argue the ending is most likely Harness’.
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent: N/A
Again there isn’t really a day to be saved, yes Heaven Sent really is amazing but it’s only the first part and, being completely honest, he dies several billion times before finally getting through the wall.
The Husbands Of River Song: N/A
Again there isn’t really a day to be saved here.
The Return Of Doctor Mysterio: Good
He gets Grant to catch the bomb which is good. But he does just sonic the gun out of Dr Sim’s hand and says UNIT is on its way which just sort of wraps it up very quickly.
The Pilot: N/A
No day to be saved here.
Extremis: Good
You could technically call it the sonic saving the day, I consider it to be the Doctor emailing the Doctor to warn him of the future.
The Pyramid At The End Of The World: Good
The fire sanitising everything makes sense and it’s in character for Bill to love the Doctor enough to cure his blindness in return for the world
World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls: Good
Yes it is the sonic just blowing the cybermen up, but it’s blowing them up with well established pipelines so I’ll allow it (also the story is amazing).
Twice Upon A Time: N/A
No day to be saved here. Just Doctors 1 and 12 getting angsty about regenerating.
Summary for Steven Moffat:
Out of 39 stories written by him, I deemed 4 to be bad with 7 abstaining. That’s 10.3% of his episodes (12.5% if we don’t count any abstaining).
Moffat was much better at saving the day than RTD
Moffat liked telling stories where the day didn’t actually need to be saved
I’ve spent way too long on this and I need to sleep
If I spent as much time on this as my coursework I’d probably pass
If you’re still reading this, you probably need to get a life
#doctor who#steven moffat#rtd#in case you can't tell I really don't like RTD#Remember the Superwholock days when everyone ripped the shit out of Moffat#what am I doing with my life#tardis#rose tyler#martha jones#donna noble#amy pond#rory pond#rory williams#river song#clara oswald#Bill Potts
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Iron Dad AU Fic Recs
this is gonna be kinda long
Stark Industries: An American Workplace by fourdaysofrain
“No, I don’t--” The corner of Peter’s mouth twitches down and he looks at something behind the camera. “Mr. Stark doesn’t treat me any differently than the other employees. I don’t know why everyone says he does.” He tugs his sleeve down his wrist and looks to the side. “I’m the receptionist, so he has to talk to me more to like, plan his calendar and stuff.” --- The Office!AU (For the "AU: TV/Movie" square in Irondad Bingo
We’re Alright by writing-in-my-spare-time
When billionaire Tony Stark comes into the cafe late one night to get his caffeine hit, he finds barista Peter busy doing homework. The homework is quite advanced and right up Tony's alley, and the two hit it of immediately over their shared love of science. But when a masked gunman interrupts their bonding session, Tony knows he'll do anything to make sure Peter is alright.
Prompt: Modern Day/No Powers AU
Apartment 43B by @ironfamjam (my most favourite author ever)
After Peter gets stabbed clean through, he knows he can't let May see. His genius plan? Sneak into his best friend's apartment and clean himself up.
The problem?
It's the wrong apartment.
Enter Tony Stark, the ex-CEO that disappeared off the face of the earth three years ago, armed with his handy little first aid kit, custom made coffee machine, and witty anecdotes.
Somehow, the breaking in becomes a habit.
Irondad Bingo Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Walking The Grey Line by ALittleBattyLady
When Ben Parker dies in his arms, a little piece of Peter dies too. At age 14 he's spiraling down into a hole of emptiness and just can't seem to move forward. Then he accidentally texts the wrong number. Tony thought he could handle whatever the world threw at him, but Steve's betrayal was something he hadn't expected. Months later he's still struggling to pick up the pieces. Then after a wicked bender, he wakes up with a text from a stranger.
They've built themselves a world that exists within nonsensical messages, where Peter finds a father figure he never expected and Tony finds himself worrying for a kid who shouldn't have to suffer so much. Still, the world still exists outside of their bubble of texts. The Avengers have been broken apart, the Accords are nowhere near perfect. Peter's uncle is dead and he's about to be thrown into a world of heroes.
What started as a chance meeting through a strayed text is about to turn into so much more.
AKA The Wrong Number Irondad Au no one asked for, but received
If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep On Going by @baloobird
In a world with no superheroes or powers, Tony Stark turns over a new leaf after his plight with Afghanistan. He goes to therapy and it changes his life, so much so that he decides to open up his own practice and help people that are like him.
His newest client: Eight-year-old Peter Parker
Little did he know that he would actually become attached to one of his patients
What Occurred In Raychester Castle? by @fictionart
Lord Anthony Stark is the Earl of Raychester castle. He inherited it from his father when he died, and soon he'll be married to the lovely Lady Virginia Potts. His life the perfect example of Victorian values, everything was going the way it should have.
Until one day, one of his lower servants worms his way into Tony's heart, and introduces him to a world Tony knew was there, but had never seen, and challenges the very way he viewed the world.
Yet, it doesn't feel like such a mistake.
Or a historical AU of Tony Stark and Peter Parker set in 1890s fictional Britain, where Tony is an Earl and Peter is a lowly servant.
Our Pages Flipped In Reverse by @ciaconnaa
Fifteen year old Peter Parker makes headlines when he's captured in a terrorist attack during a Sokovian science convention. Three months later, he's a household name when there's reports he busted out of a cave in some ridiculous iron suit.
With a miniaturized version of Tony Stark's infamous arc reactor in his chest.
Naturally, this means the two have to meet.
Intern Spider by @justme--emily
Penny Parker applied to the pilot Stark Industries internship program before she got her powers. But when Mr. Stark becomes her personal and superhero mentor, she'll have to get creative to keep the two identities separate...and secret.
ever in your favour by @iron-spider
Peter startles awake when someone shakes him.
“Sorry, honey,” May says. Peter blinks a couple times and she comes into focus, her hair pulled back from her face. She’s trying not to look a certain way, but he can see it in her eyes anyway. She clears her throat, keeps talking. “But it’s…” She glances away, wets her lips. “You gotta get ready.”
He remembers what day it is, and his heart beats like a drum at someone’s execution. But he tries to put on a mask, make it all seem normal. It’s everything but, despite the fact that he’s been dealing with reaping day since he was born, between himself, Ben and May. That fear that one of them could be taken away. Sent to surefire slaughter. But now Ben is gone, taken despite never having his name drawn from a bowl, and May’s finally safe. Now Peter’s name is in there alone. The last Parker sitting on the chopping block. He doesn’t know how to be. He doesn’t know what normal is, when the Hunger Games are looming on the horizon.
A Tale As Old As Time by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars and @femalemarvelfanatic
A selfish man gets cursed into a metal suit, and only a little boy with a dark past and a heart of gold can break the curse. It’s a tale as old as time.
peter’s stars by @parkrstark and IronPengu
Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while refusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
Make Way For Tomorrow by @tonystarkstan
Before Ben died, Peter won a booth to present his project at the Stark Expo. But even on the run from the foster care system, he can't pass up the opportunity to attend and show the world his project. It all goes so well, until it doesn't. Trying to avoid being caught, Peter runs out on Tony just as the man is about to make him the offer of a lifetime.
Bold of him to assume Tony won't try to find him.
It All Comes Back To This by @tonystarkstan
After a car accident leaves him hanging somewhere between life and death, Peter must decide whether to stay or die. The answer isn't as easy as he thought it'd be. Luckily, he has his friends and the Avengers there to help him figure it out.
Have Patience, Quick Wit and a Gentle Heart by @ironfamjam
“I’m your fairy-” he scowled, looking pained, “you know what, no. I’m not going to say that. It’s ridiculous and not even accurate. I don’t know who invented those fairy tales you humans love so much, but they’re beyond terrible."
"Wait..." Peter tried to hide his grin, "Are you my fairy godmother?" he laughed, unable to stop no matter how hard he tried.
The man glowered. "Watch it kid. I could turn you into a frog instead."
The Irondad Cinderella AU one person asked for
More Ancient Than Magic by ironfamjam
Life isn't exactly normal when your Head of House is also kinda your father-figure and his daughter is kinda sorta your little sister.
It's also not normal when the bad guys your real-life-war-hero-not-actually-dad defeated in The Great War threaten to return and you're still just trying to finish your Charms essay.
But Professor Stark asked him to protect Morgan. And that's what he's going to do.
Even if it breaks him.
The mini Hogwarts AU
The Case Of The Sinister Spider
In New York City, Peter Parker finds his entire life up-ended when he gets a phone call informing him of May Parker's tragic accident. But when new evidence comes to light proving foul play, no one in the NYPD will give Peter the time of day.
No one that is, except genius consulting detective on probation, Tony Stark. But Tony has his own demons to fight. Struggling to maintain his sobriety after a tragedy in London forced him overseas, Tony learns that what mends hearts might not be at the bottom of a bottle, but something like a string of unsolved murders and perhaps even love.
Or, the Elementary AU no one asked for
Only For A Little While by eccentric_artist_221b
Exploring the relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker if they had been passengers aboard the Titanic over 106 years ago…. an Irondad AU
a galaxy far, far away by @madasthesea
a star wars au if tony and peter were master and padawan
add to this list if you know any more awesome fics with an au!
#irondad#irondad fic recs#tony stark#peter parker#alternate universe#star wars#titanic#beauty and the beast#historical au#homeless! peter parker#sherlock#cinderella au#female! peter parker#penny parker#the office
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What I should be doing; Updating my current BFU/GoMens fanfic
What I am doing instead; drafting an entirely NEW BFU/GOMens fanfic
Here it is;
Story Idea:
BFU*Good Omens, but make it scary.
The Unsolved Crew are trying to return to the airport after a successful hunt in London. Shane suggests they follow a scenic route of no discernible town. They somehow find themselves in a town that is not on the GPS maps with weird vibes and, surprise surprise, their rental breaks down. They have all watched enough horror thrillers to know all the cliché-est plot points. What lives in Devil's Dyke? Are the Them serial killers? Is Warlock going to betray them? Shane and TJ are probably going to die. But most importantly; What does it all have to do with Ryan?
-This is Shyan centric. On their way back to the airport, Shane suggests the crew take a scenic route down South Downs on their way back from London with the promise of a beautiful lake. The London shoots had been rife with sexual tension, and Shane does not want the moment to end.
-They find themselves driving into a town instead, suburbania and quaint. The townsfolk frown at them as they pass by. RP Tyler straddles his barking poodle. They obviously don't like newcomers.
-The rental breaks down. The cliche Ness starts to dawn on them
-"Hahaha, next we'll find out this place doesn't have line!"
-There is no line. They all glare at Mark.
-In a fit of nervousness, Ryan starts offline vlogging. Shane suggests they go into town to ask for someone to call the two service and find someplace with line. Surely SOMEONE will recognize them.
-But strangers look away and walk faster away when they approach. Whoever they manage to start scowling or fidgeting, and none of them seems to recognize the duo. Some even claim to know only faintly of YouTube. It's getting unreal. They do not seem to be joking, and get only more upset whenever the Crew tries to convince or tell them otherwise. It is finally pushing dusk. The Crew stops by a beautiful park. There is no one around, but a young boy, who has a look in his eyes they find relief in: recognition.
-His name is Warlock Dowling, and he showed them a copy of his birth certificate to prove it, claiming that it happens often enough that he has to resort doing so. It's so fucking cliche it hurts. Ryan hates this movie already.
-But Warlock is the son of an American Ambassador who lives in the UK, and thus, likely the only child who seems to recognize them and their YouTube Channel. He is not a big fan, but it's a whole site better than literally everyone else. South Downs is a bedtime story, he claims. It's perfect in the way all the towns in children storybooks are perfect. Nobody plays the internet in a storybook town. It is not a prank. Devon is skeptical.
-Warlock invites them to go to the Ambassador's house a little ways down the airbase near the back of the town, (what kind of horror path will they take? Thought Ryan. Both feel like equally bad ideas.) but they decide to go tomorrow. He directs them to a bed and breakfast instead. All the rooms look the same. The lady barely looks up as she hands them their keys. There is electricity in the rooms, meaning they could charge their appliances. For naught of anything better to do, they are filming this entire experience. They somehow convince themselves that Shane is going to die because Ryan is evidently the Protagonist, and since Shane is his Best Friend, he is either going to betray them or die in a heroic act sacrificing himself for Ryan. In a fit of panic, Ryan tells Shane he has a crush on him. Which is great and sweet and all, but now REALLY seals the deal in because now Shane is a love interest instead. Hasnt Ryan heard of the bury your Gays trope?
-"I knew you guys were gonna end up gay" "what why." "they have to kill SOMEONE off and none of us are black and Ryan s the protagonist."
-They don't find Warlock in the park the next day, and are forced to look for him themselves. Walking of course. They find out about the satanic nunnery that caught on fire on a cafe because the waitress explains that they have to pass through that and the abandoned airbase in the back of the town to get to the villa on foot. They all sigh in exhausted manner, not much in the mood for dying.
-Trudge they do anyway. Nowhere out but through.
-The old satanic nunnery is....not abandoned
-They rush inside and find that it is a company teamwork support organization, and they give out paintball sessions. There is electricity. There is a line, even if the company wasnt currently in season. They try to find a worker.
-They find her. Sister Mary is haggard and busy running an entire company and booking sessions all by herself. She is in turns dismissive and annoyed to moderately tolerant....up until she learns of Ryan's name
-She suddenly wants nothing to do with any of them, practically shoving them out her door and face sheet white, mumbling about being busy and how it wasn't personal. The door slams in their faces. Ryan looks like he is about to cry. Shane snaps.
-He breaks the door down, to the shouts of surprise from the rest of the crew, and announces, with the loud, arrogant nonchalance of a white man, that he is not going to budge until she tells them everything they want to know about Lower Tadfield, the South Downs and yknow the fuck what? Neither will Ryan. The rest of the Crew follow his example and dig their heels in, pretending to film her for good measure. They are counting on the fact that she does not have security, and that even if she calls the cops on them, the building is far too suburbania to find very quickly. Mary looks absolutely terrified, and refuses to look Ryan in the eye. She eventually gives in, on the account that they will soon leave immediately.
-The find out that she was an ex convent of the Chattering Order of St. Berryl's, a satanic nunnery. She came back because she had been born here, and oddly enough, the convent meant something to her. A good dozen of the Satanists died due to a lightning storm catching the nunnery on fire the night two babies had been born, and three left through the gates. She's never been afraid of Lower Tadfield. Nothing ever happens here. They don't buy it, but it's apparent she believes what she is saying.
-They demand to use the present line to call for another rental, cancel their airport tickets, etcetera etcetera, emphasizing that they are excited about leaving just as much as she does. With this promise, she allows them to do so.
--They manage to get their raw footage to Cloud and cancel their tickets but just as they are about to call for a new car, the lights start flickering. The building rumbles. Mary looks straight at Ryan and tells them to run. They grab each other s hands and does so.
-There halfway down the road when TJ yelps, and Devon announces they are being chased by something. They decide to run into the woods down further down south to lose it.
-It is dusk. Nobody is happy. At least everyone is alive though, which is something. Ryan remarks that the chase scenes in the movies are exactly as tiring as they make it out to be.
-Mark hears running water, and the Crew finds an occupied cottage on the shoreline of the sea. Their sighs are loud; both relieved and annoyed. Mark starts chanting/praying that they are not serial killers. Shane announces that everyone must be ready to leave at a moments notice, and sleep in the woods of they must, to everyone's agreement.
-The man who opens the door wears glasses and low slung jeans, eyebrow raised rudely. His husband, blonde and plump, tells him to let them come in, and that it is nearly dinner. They are gracious hosts-old enough to be someone's grandparents. Cute and domestic as well. Shane goes strangely quiet when the couple dances in the living room, and Ryan chalks it up to their romantic relationship, for which they share talks. There are unoccupied rooms they could bunk in-five; each of them reserved for the couple's godkids. Despite getting their own rooms, Ryan cuddles with Shane. He is oddly tense, at least until they start making out.
-Ryan wakes at night to voices in his ear, and decides to get a glass of something to drink. Shane is out cold. He finds TJ in the kitchen, looking at his phone. It is a picture of his family-Kate and their daughter. This is hugely concerning, as it is a surefire telltale that TJ might not make it. Ryan promises him they'll get back home. TJ clasps him on the back and tells him not to make promises he can't keep.
-Shane wakes the crew at 4 am and tells them, quietly, to pack up and leave for town. He had found a map, and determined the way to navigate. They are confused but obliging. They do not wake their hosts-in fact, Shane seems to want to make sure they leave without their knowledge. They find their way back into Tadfield by 8.30 am, and it is only as they are having bfast that Shane tells them that there is no tech but the radio-which isn't plugged in. The water runs, but the pipes underneath the sink are not attached to anything. Crowley does not eat, and his eyes were....weird. Too many red flags. And as he searched the room for maps before Ryan came into his room the night before, he had found a crumpled poker card of the Antichrist, and Devon admits to finding one of War, a horseman of the Apocalypse, in hers. Mark taps his fork anxiously, and his eyes spell out what they all could tell. The climax is soon.
- It is not until Ryan walks and spots a bespectacled child of Warlocks age that he realizes he has barely seen any children in this town, and suggests that they follow him to ask whether he knew Warlock. The rest of the crew return to the BnB for some well deserved rest, but Shane and Ryan pursues the kid....into the forest.
-They lose him until HE found THEM. He immediately recognizes Ryan, who had to introduce his best friend Shane. Two other kids appear from between the trees. One of them, a girl, has a large wooden sword. They are surrounded. Shane grips Ryans hand, and asks, half jokingly, is they are serial killers, and if they are intending to kill him.
-The Them claims that it happened like, one time, and they do not plan to kill Shane, but their smile looks too wide to be genuine, like they are sharing a personal joke. The boys start walking away. The Them follows. Ryan asks if they know Warlock. They stop, sharing looks. Brian asks how they met Warlock. Ryan refuses to tell them . The kids get defensive, the way 13 year olds tend to get when they are about to justify doing a notable offense, like staying awake past bedtime The wind picks up, and the kids get visibly relieved. Brian tells them that Adam is coming, in a way that makes them feel like they definitely do not want to meet Adam. They scram it.
-They are being chased again. This time, when Ryan looks back, he sees what looks like a dog but isn't-like something is badly wearing the skin of a dog, like it has too many limbs to fit into four legs, a slobbering maw and hellfire eyes.
-They manage to leave the woods, and almost get hit by a three wheeled blue car. Shane bangs on the door and it opens for them, and Ryan shouts at them to step on it. It is only when they get to a quaint little cottage at the other end of the town do they acknowledge their saviours-a bespectacled, brown skinned woman and a jittery boyfriend.
-The woman is American. She recognizes them immediately, and says that she is a huge fan of True Crime. It is the most mundane , normal conversation they have for all of 2 days. They enter Jasmine Cottage. Shane slumps.
-there is a horseshoe above the door, and runes etched into the wood. The smell of incense burns strongly, and a redlined conspiracy board in a corner of the kitchen.
-The woman calls herself a professional occultist. A witch, basically. Which is...fine. She is at least honest and blasè about it, which made someone in this godforsaken town at least. Shane spots a picture of the Antichrist on her pinup board, the same one as seen in the poker card he's found in AziCrow's cottage. Anathema notices, and admits that it's complicated. They are confused, angry and terrified, and mentions their encounter with Adam, and everything else they'd had to suffer through as they are stuck in the village. Her facial emotions change from shock, to calculating, to confused, to skeptical, before finally ending In blank. She claims that it is very unlike Adam, as he usually does not go about scaring people from out of the village. He had welcomed her in just fine, and the town had followed short after. Shane asks about the Antichrist and Horsepeople symbolism. She waves that one away, claiming how it wasn't important and that 'They wouldn't believe her anyway.' She offers Meet to drive them back to their Inn, and they accept.
-They get back to the village; as they open the door to their rooms, knowing that the rest of the Crew is waiting for them, Warlock is also there. He takes a single look at them, and raises an eyebrow. They tell him what happened. Warlock frowns. Tells them the only reason they'd been hounded In such a way if Adam wants something from them, and TJ puts his face into their hands.
-They ask if they should lock the door. Warlock tells them not to bother-it won't stop him anyway. Devon asks the possibility of leaving this very night. Warlock shakes his head, but looks contemplating.
-That night, Shane gets kidnapped.
-Ryan doesn't see the culprit, but something tells him it's the Them, and the Hound, and Adam. He runs into the woods. The night is cold and still, but the trees shake like they could be alive. Ryan yells angrily into the void, asking Adam what is it that he wanted, that it's him they actually want, to let Ryan go. He faces the Hound, a slobbering, monstrous nightmare. Ryan thinks he is going to die. There is a boy sitting in a dilipidated throne above a chalk pit with blood red eyes.
-Two headlights pierce through the gloom. The trees still. The hound sits, and Crowley steps out if the Bentley.
-Aziraphale is in the car. Warlock peers over his shoulder. Crowley stomps over and tells Adam to come down-that his game is over, and it stopped being funny for quite some time. Shane stumbles out of the woods, dazed and terrified, and Ryan traps him into an embrace.
-After some chastising Adam admits that he's made a bet with Greasy Johnson in school that Demons and Ghosts are real, and that the Them had managed to convince him that it lives in the woods. He had not believed them, and made them bet that if it was really haunted, Paranormal Investigators would come and make a whole documentary about it. Warlock had showed him a few episodes of BFU, and Adam thought it perfect.
-Crowley scolds him, telling him against manipulating and keeping the Crew here against their will, and Adam looks appropriately chastened. Dawn breaks. The crew emerges from the Inn in a state of panic. Crowley pat's the van twice and it comes to life.
-Someone asked Crowley if the kids really HAD killed people. Crowley waves it away, claiming that it isn't important. In the light of morning, the kids and the dog almost looks normal.
- They decide not to prod any further. Aziraphale apologizes one last time, and tells the that they are welcome in Tadfield if they choose to come again. Ryan and Shane emphasizes that they absolutely will not, ever. Aziraphale nods like he understands. They pack the equipment and leaves the town, possibly England, forever.
-In a few days time, Adam gets an email- a video titled The Horrors of Hogsback Woods, and he grins cheekily to himself.
#BuzzFeed Unsolved#Shyan maybe?#Good Omens#but scary#Warlock Dowling#Anthony Crowley#Aziraphale#Shane Madej#Ryan Bergara#fanfic#fanfic draft#Adam is a little shit#the Them are technically murderers?#tw horror#suspense#ineffable husbands#Devon#TJ Marchbank#Mark
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Running out of time part 2
Barry Allen x Reader, Alfie Solomons x Reader
A/N: This took way longer than I planned. Hopefully nobody was actually waiting for this. Sorry for any mistakes.
part one
Alfie needed to be at the bakery before the sun was up every day so he had Ollie drive you around. Alfie did not want to make you get out of bed early. Most of time, Ollie would take you to the bakery and back home later in the day or wherever else you needed to go. During the drive, you stare out the window, caught up in the people going about their day. Don’t get me wrong, you loved your life. But sometimes you were bored, spending all your time at the bakery. Compared to your old life, this was relatively slow. On this particular morning, you happen to see a red streak pass by the car multiple times.
“Oh No!” You whisper to yourself, scooting down in the seat in order to hide. That couldn’t be him, could it? You had to go check. You could feel your heartbeat starting to speed up a little at the thought of him turning up. You were definitely scared of Barry destroying something. He usually did when he travelled through time. A wonderful example is flashpoint. “Can you pull over? Please Ollie. I would like to walk the rest of the way to the bakery.”
You hear an audible sigh from the front seat as he pulls over to the side of the street. He turns around to look at you with a worried expression on his face, probably wondering why you were laying down in the back seat. “Mr. Solomons doesn’t like you walking anywhere.” Alfie was always worrying about you. He never wanted you to go anywhere alone. You had a feeling that was the other reason he made Ollie drive you around.
“I know but I would like to clear my head before I get to the bakery.” This was the best excuse you could come up with. Ollie gets out of the car, holding the door open so you can also exit. “Please don’t be late, ma’am. He will be livid, more at me than you.”
“I will try my best.” You start walking down the street, waiting for Ollie to drive off and for the streak to appear again. Once Ollie has driven far enough down the road, you slow down your pace. Settling on completely stopping all together, you stand at a store front to peer inside, using the window as a mirror and as a distraction. Someone was bound to come up to you and be a bother if you looked like you weren’t doing anything.
But you also needed a distraction for yourself. You hadn’t used your super speed since you ended up in England. So, if you became more anxious, your powers were bound to show themselves. You wanted to hurry up this “meeting” so you could get back to Alfie.
Your view is disrupted by the streak speeding past in the reflection. Turning your head, you watch it speed down an alley a few stores down from where you were standing. Looking around, you check to make sure that no one is else is concerned with a red streak running around the city. You follow it down the street and into the alley, stopping a few feet away from him. Barry Allen. The boy you left behind. How do you wake up from this nightmare? Or was it one that was just beginning?
“Y/N. I can’t believe I finally found you!” He looks so happy. “Wow, it’s been quite a while. Four years.”
“I am surprised you found me.” You look away from him, cringing at his overjoyed demeanor before turning to back to face him. The fact that he was standing right in front of you made your stomach start to do flips. He had to show up now! After you already made a life here. One that you would not give up that easily.
“We have been looking for you since you left. The team wanted me to give up hope.” He walks closer to you with his arms out, waiting for you to hug him. Rather than accept his invitation for a hug, you back away from him. Finally, he gets the hint and lowers his arms but not before you catch the glare that flashes on his face.
“I love it here. You know I always wanted to go to London.” Pulling off you gloves; you stuff them in your coat pocket. Your hands were starting to become sweaty. They were also starting to shake.
“We could have taken a trip to London if you wanted to go that bad.” Barry smiles weakly, trying to make light of the situation.
Knowing Barry wouldn’t understand, you grow silent. You had nothing to tell him. He wouldn’t like what you said anyway. How could you explain you had a new life? One without him. He would be devastated. You did not want to break his heart any more than you already did when you left.
“Well, you’re here. Now what?” Barry demands, irritated by your lack of communication. Hopefully nobody passing by could hear him. He tightens his hands into fists and starts pacing, faster and faster, picking up speed. Within seconds, he takes off down the alley, leaving you in a cloud of dust.
Barry would be back any second and his absence wasn’t enough for you to calm down. You needed to get out of there before something happened. Once he returns, you cut him off before he can start talking. “This was nice but I have to go now.” You were going to be late. You were already cutting it close by getting out of the car in the first place.
“You need to change if you are going to be here any longer.” You state, matter-of-factly before turning around to leave him once again. You hoped he wouldn’t stay. He was already starting to ruin everything and he had only been there for a few minutes. You are not more than a few steps from him when you look over your shoulder. “Stop using your powers.”
Before exiting the alley, you look around again. Rumors would be started if somebody you knew saw you in an alley. You shove your hands in your pockets to hide them from anyone walking by. Trying to calm your nerves, you feel for your rings and run your fingers over your them. The walk to the bakery takes about fifteen minutes. Barely enough time for you to get to your office before Alfie comes looking for you to give you an update from his early morning rounds.
As you arrive at the bakery, your hands are finally back to normal. Running into Barry totally messed up your morning routine. Unlocking your office door, you throw your purse onto the couch. Without taking off your coat, you head straight to the filing cabinet, pulling out some paperwork. You walk over to your chair and sit down, spinning around to face the desk. You let out a shriek when you find Barry sitting in a chair on the other side of your desk. All your papers fly around the room. Barry instantaneously hands them back to you. He takes his seat again as you stare at him in surprise. He was literally screaming at you a few minutes ago.
“What are you doing?” You whisper, hoping Alfie did not hear you scream. “You can’t be here.”
“Y/N.” He reaches for your hand but you scoot back in your chair. His voice is softer this time. “Please come back with me.”
“I can’t.” Actually, you didn’t want to go back. Crossing your arms, you lean back in your chair, trying to increase the distance between the two of you. “I have a life here. I don’t have to worry about fighting crime. The only things I have to do here are go to work and then go home and relax.” You smile at him. “It’s nice. I don’t have to be on edge worrying about saving the city every five minutes.”
“If that is the only problem, then you can quit fighting crime and leave it up to me.” He moves his chair closer to the desk. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt this way?” Once again, you let silence fill the air, you were already done with this conversation earlier. Maybe he thought the next words he said were what you wanted to hear. “I miss you.” Barry whispers.
You sigh, picking up a pen and tapping it on the edge of the desk. Doing your best to distract yourself before you start crying. “I can’t just get up and leave. This is not that simple.” Waving your arms around. As if right on cue, your office door swings open. “Love, I need you to- “ Alfie freezes at the door, holding a stack of paper. “Who is this?” He asks, very curious as to why a man would be in your office.
Once again, you think of an excuse. The one for Ollie was easy. He would believe whatever you told him. But for Alfie, you didn’t want to be lying to him in the first place. If he ever figured out what was going on with you. Let’s just say that you didn’t want to be on his bad side. How long would you be able to keep this up? This was not going well. “He is an applicant.” You state, sitting up straighter in your chair, and dragging yourself closer to the desk so Alife wouldn’t think anything was wrong. “You know…the position we put in the paper a few weeks ago. I guess he thought we were taking too long to choose applicants to interview.”
Looking down, you pretend to read his name. “This is Bartholomew Allen.” You look back up at Alfie to make sure he isn’t about to explode since there was an unknown man in your office. To your dismay, Barry speaks up. “I really need this job, Ms.-“
“She is Mrs. Solomons.” Alfie interrupts him, putting emphasis on the word Mrs. He always wanted people to know you were married to him and show you off. Turning your chair, you remain focused on Alfie. The pen you were holding slips out of your hand and to the floor, rolling under your desk. Leaning down to look under the desk, you lay your head on your knees trying to take a quick rest before picking up the pen. You really wanted to hide. Alfie seems to thinking you are taking too long looking for the pen. “Everything alright, Y/N?”
“Yes.” You squeak as you move back your chair to sit up straight. This whole interaction was going to be one hundred times more awkward now that Barry found out you were married. You can’t even look at him, knowing that he would feel betrayed by you for marrying another man.
Alfie turns his attention to Barry. “We were going to start calling for interviews tomorrow. We can give you an interview time today since you are here now.” You turn back to your desk still not making eye contact. You grab the first piece of paper you see to write down the time and his name. “Um...th-the.” You clear your throat. Get it together, Y/N! “The interviews are set for the 16th. What time would you like to come in?” You stare at the paper waiting for him to answer. “Nine thirty would be fine.” As you write down Barry’s information, your hand starts to vibrate. The anxiety from your ex-boyfriend sitting in front of you and your husband still at the door was getting to you.
Alfie knew nothing about your powers and you wanted to keep it that way. Thankfully he was too far away to notice anything was going on with your hand. Barry’s information ends up looking like chicken scratch when you are done.
Finally, you look up at Barry and your heart sinks. The pain in his eyes is too much for you to bear. You stand up to shake his hand while trying to control the shaking in your hand and your tears. “Th-Thank you, Mr. Allen.” Clearing your throat again. “I will see you on the 16th. Do you need me to show you the way out?”
“No. I will find it on my own.” The sound of his voice is like a knife through your heart.
After Barry and Alfie leave your office, you take out a new piece of paper to write his information again. Closing your eyes, you lean back in your chair trying to calm down your body so can get back to normal. It’s not like I could have contacted him all that time and tell him I moved on. He should have moved on too. Four years! Why didn’t he give up already?
This time there is a knock on your door. Opening your eyes, you slowly exhale, hoping it isn’t Barry again. “Yeah?” You answer wearily, looking at the door. It opens and Alfie walks back in. “I didn’t tell you about this morning.” You stand up walking over to him. “I know, we got interrupted.” He gives you a kiss and you walk over to the couch. He follows you, helping you take off your coat and hanging it up. He sits down next to you. While Alfie begins to talk, you try to forget about Barry.
tag: @primaba11erina @marvel-is-a-mood
#barry allen x reader#the flash x reader#alfie solomons x reader#alfie solomons imagine#the flash cw#peaky blinders
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london calling (yes, i was there, too)
For Day 1 of Wondertrev Loveweek!
Fandom: Wonder Woman Pairing: Diana/Steve Prompt: London Word Count: 2154 Rating: T (for ~innuendo~ probably) Summary: A view of London, past and present, from Diana's point of view.
Read it here on [AO3] or below the cut.
London has become a glittering, sprawling city in the years since Diana first arrived at its docks. Some would go so far as to call it the greatest city in the world.
Diana still dislikes it.
She never warmed to London. She loves Lisbon, adores Amman, visits Xi'an every chance she gets, calls Paris home for now. But London remains something of a frustration for her, a necessary evil for business trips from time to time.
There are things she doesn't mind, she supposes.
The red telephone boxes, for one. They're a bit cliché, but iconic. (She remembers when those were first put in.) They're less common now, but every time she passes one, she snaps a photo and texts it to Clark, with the caption thinking of you, because one time in a pinch, he used one to change into his Superman suit but in his haste accidentally broke one of the panes of glass, and she's never going to let him forget it.
Then there's Hampstead Heath. It's a bit outside the bustle of the city proper, sure, but it's a breath of fresh air (literally), and it has lovely views of the city. She's enjoyed her walks there, even fondly recalls a picnic or two on the grassy hill as she gazes at the skyline, stuck in the city between one meeting and the next.
Indeed, the city itself has largely been cleaned up. There are still stately aging buildings and parks, but less of the pervasive grime. Still, there's something about London that she can't quite put her finger on that makes her feel unsettled.
It's totally irrational.
"It's hideous."
"Yeah, it's not for everyone."
Diana hates it here. The air is bleak and grey and thick. It's like the air on Themyscira on the winter solstice, when it's choked by smoke from their celebratory bonfires, only worse, because this isn't fragrant, woody smoke. It's a thick miasma of coal and smog, utterly pungent, with an acrid odor layering it that Diana will soon find out is what the aftermath of bombings smell like.
The streets, too, are filthy, full of trash and grey with coal dust, and she's never seen anything so utterly uncivilized in her whole life.
And it's loud, an ugly cacophony of sounds like she's never encountered: people shouting—a language that she understands, to be sure, but one that is just a little dissonant all the same because it isn't hers —and bells chiming and the creaks and groans of the bridge as it raises, and hissing of the engines in the automobiles.
Truly, she doesn't know why anyone would live here, but it's all right, because soon they'll be headed off to the War. Battlefields are not good, but she is sure they are something that she at least understands.
Her first day in London has been a whirlwind: the clothing shop, the fight in the alley, Parliament and the horribly rude generals, and finally, assembling the team at the pub. She's not ashamed to admit that she's looking forward to a bit of rest before she goes to confront Ares.
After leaving the pub, Steve leads her to a quiet side street, and directs her up three flights of stairs into a cramped set of rooms.
"It's not much, but when I'm in London, it's home."
The apartment is largely impersonal—it's clear that Steve doesn't spend much time here, away on missions more often than not—but it still feels warm. To that end, Steve ushers her into the little kitchen and hands her a cup of tea.
It's pleasantly warm despite being bitter, and she manages to finish it as Steve gets up and starts rearranging the cushions on the sofa.
"What are you doing?"
"Um. Making up the couch?" It sounds like more of a question than her own, honestly.
"Yes, I have eyes," she says impatiently. "Why are you making up the couch?"
"I...don't have an answer you'll approve of."
She huffs. "I do not understand your society in the slightest. Did we not sleep together on the boat, just last night, and all the ones before it?"
"Er. Yeah."
"And tonight is different how?"
"Um," says Steve, clearly looking uncomfortable. "There's a bed?"
Diana levels him with a very unimpressed look. "You sat alone at the kitchen table with me while we drank tea."
"Well, I—huh? What's that got to do with anything?"
"Well, what on earth do they teach you about the pleasures of the flesh that makes you think a bed or even a horizontal position is a requirement?"
Steve chokes on air and starts coughing. "Diana—"
"I'm just saying you get very flustered about very peculiar things. The bed, for example, but not the kitchen table, which looks very sturdy, by the way—"
"Okay, okay! You've made your point! I'll sleep with you."
"Finally," she huffs.
"—not polite to assume, yes, you have said, but it is hardly an assumption on your part if I have clearly stated my feelings."
"Right, well, we'll just. Um. Go to bed, then."
Steve, anticipating Diana's lack of concern over modesty, offers her an oversized flannel shirt to sleep in.
"If it will make you feel better," she says, and puts it on over her undergarments.
"Goodnight," she says, once he's extinguished the light.
She's not awake long enough to see him fall asleep, falling into a slumber almost as soon as her head hits the pillow.
Diana wakes up to warmth, an intangible yet visceral feeling of safety, and a comfortable weight around her waist. It's clearly morning, weak light dappling the side of the room, the view out the window in front of her proving it's a cloudy day. She shifts slightly and realizes that in the night, Steve has rolled her way and thrown his arm around her.
They're meant to get an early start, but Diana is used to waking up so early for training every morning that it can't possibly be time to get up yet. She's willing to lay in bed just a few moments longer, but her shifting appears to have woken up Steve, who tugs her a little closer and then seems to realize where he is.
He lets go of her like her skin is aflame and jerks backward so hard that he nearly falls off the edge of the bed.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean—"
She catches his hand in the middle of a wild gesticulation. "If I thought you were being disrespectful, you would no longer have the arm in question."
"Right. Neat. I'll just, uh, go make some tea."
Sameer and Charlie knock on the door not long after, and then they're out of London, off to the War.
London, upon return, is even worse than London before. Even amidst the celebrations, it seems so much bleaker, so much colder.
Etta, dear lovely Etta, helps with all the arrangements to make it appear as though she existed before last week. Documents, a day job—and a place to stay.
"I've arranged it all so that it's yours. Young ladies, they usually have to stay in boarding rooms, but I think this is what he would've wanted."
Etta makes time to take her to the apartment, under the guise of ensuring that it has everything she needs.
It's a grey day, the kind that doesn't really let much light make its way indoors. The small apartment is dim, and it feels so desolate, so empty.
Diana turns in a circle as Etta rummages through the drawers, making a list of the few things she finds to be lacking. She was just here a few days ago; how can a place feel so intrinsically different?
"Well, luv, it appears to be mostly in order. If you don't mind, I'll come 'round tomorrow with a new spatula and a bit of sugar, and you'll be all set."
"Yes, of course," Diana says distantly, and then Etta's gone, out the door.
An apartment so small and cluttered shouldn't be so capable of feeling empty, but it does.
Diana, who's always run hot, feels vaguely cold.
She tries, she really does. She does her job and goes on missions and tries to make friends, invites people over for dinner or tea, does her best to make London home.
She makes it a whole month before it drives her mad, being in that little apartment. London itself doesn't hold Steve's ghost, but this apartment does.
After a month, she can no longer stand it, even though she's hardly ever there anyways. In a fit of impulsiveness, she turns the keys over the Etta, and moves to Paris, a place she's been several times already, on missions with Sameer, and once, Napi.
She moves frequently, after that, from place to place, city to city, country to country, but doesn't call London home again.
So it's irrational, but every time Diana thinks of London, all she can think of are the grey skies and the colorless light in that apartment, like the world was slowly being sapped of color. Each time she thinks of London, she can't help but associate it with sorrow. With each emotion she felt in the aftermath of Steve's death, all of the complicated ways her victory felt like anything but.
No, she never takes to London, even as the years pass and the city changes. She arrives only as absolutely necessary, and leaves as soon as whatever work is done.
Today, for example, she's here for a conference on artifact preservation. She knows the man from the British Museum who's presenting the seminar—and frankly he has no business giving this talk—and as soon as it's over she'll be on the Eurostar back to Paris.
Her next meeting in London is with the director of the British Museum itself. She and a small team from the Louvre are meeting with a team from the British Museum to hammer out a loans agreement for a couple of highly-coveted pieces. It's the most important meeting outside of the Justice League that she'll have all year, and she's the lead negotiator.
The day before she's expected to leave for the week-long trip, Steve shows up, alive again after a century and change.
She already wasn't looking forward to the trip—this just makes it worse. She's in emotional crisis, and has no desire to leave Steve for any period of time, but this is literally the one meeting of the year that she cannot miss. (After all, if there's one attitude regarding museums and artifact "ownership" that she hates more than France's, it's Britain's. She's not going to miss this meeting and let them get away with anything.)
"I could...come with?" asks Steve, uncertainly. They're both still trying to figure things out.
"Would you?"
"It's hardly the worst place I've ever followed you," he says weakly, trying for a joke, and it's met with a wet laugh. "Look, I know London. Knew London, anyways. I could walk around somewhere familiar while you were in meetings and then after…" he trails off.
"And then after, there is no one I would rather spend time with," Diana declares.
"Neat, so—I'm coming."
Diana wastes no time booking the second ticket.
"It's hideous," says Steve when he sees the ultra-modern skyline for the first time.
"Well, London isn't for everyone," replies Diana with a smirk.
"It's just—strange. London was sort of home for so long, and now I don't even recognize it."
"You get used to it, after a while," she says softly, and Steve has the distinct impression that she's not just talking about London.
They've arrived the evening before the meetings are set to start, so they wander around a little before getting dinner and checking into the hotel. (Diana has accumulated properties in plenty of places, but London was never one of them; instead, they're staying downtown, near several excellent take-away spots that Diana was already planning on taking advantage of.)
"How many shades of red would you turn if I offered to take the couch right now?" Steve jokes, surveying the hotel room upon arrival.
"Objectively? Fewer than if you joined me in the bed."
Steve flushes almost as many shades as he had in mind, still a little startled by her bluntness.
"Oh? And now who's assuming?" he says as evenly as he can.
"I don't know what you mean," she says, far too innocently, "I run hot when I sleep."
She can't help but laugh at that. She feels so—content, for the first time in so long. It's coloring her view of everything: the business trip suddenly doesn't feel so unmanageable, London doesn't feel so soul-less, even the sterile hotel room feels cheerful.
It's true that Diana never warmed up to London, but it has a fighting chance now.
Final Note: Please pardon any negative depictions of London; it's not my favorite city but it mostly comes from Diana's emotional relationship with the place.
#wondertrevweek2020#wondertrev#diana x steve#steve x diana#wonder woman#diana prince#steve trevor#wondertrev fanfiction#lenci writes
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Interview with Jonathan Bailey in Style Magazine (October 2020) where he talks a little bit about Bridgerton. The interview was conducted in English, transcribed into Italian, and then translated back into English by Google Translate so, you know, there are some things that get lost in translation.
Love affairs, marriages of interest and intrigues. It is the portrayal of the new Netflix series Bridgerton, a bit of a Jane Austen romance, a bit of sexy in the wake of The Favourite, with the right dose of Downton Abbey-style family drama, but “so modern that it could almost be set in the present day” enthusiastically states Jonathan Bailey, at his great opportunity to really make it internationally, playing the fascinating bachelor Anthony Bridgerton, the quintessential English nobleman of the early nineteenth century, who at the age of 28 finds himself at the head of a clan of seven brothers and sisters. One who “has to play the part of a loving brother and son and instead loves women and forbidden pleasures” ...
The Regency period has been less represented than other moments in British history, but the film industry abounds with period dramas. Do they still make sense today? Our instincts are the same, in 2020 as in 1820, and to observe them in a restrictive and oppressive context such as 19th century England where the will of the individual was stifled, sexuality was suppressed and there was a strong division between the social classes, puts them even more in evidence. Each of us at some point in his life felt forced into a role due to the expectations of others, just like Bridgerton's characters.
Women more than men, but ... Only in appearance: of course all the decisions are up to men, and Anthony for example to decide who should marry Daphne, but they are also forced to repress their feelings, which makes them unable to live a happy life. Patriarchal society has wreaked havoc on both sexes.
Bridgerton also has the virtue of surrounding Queen Charlotte with a court that is not exclusively white: the terrifying Lady Danbury and played by Adjoa Andoh, Regé-Jean Page plays the role of Duke Simon Basset and Martins Imhangbe as his best friend. Is it worth abdicating historical accuracy to be politically correct? We decided to do the opposite of whitewashing that so many historical moments have suffered. Here the question is to be faithful to the events told in the books by Julia Quinn from which the series is based, not to be historically accurate, so we can also imagine that at the time of Queen Charlotte it could have been an inclusive court. custom and the freedom given to the actors to model the characters, to make them current.
The fourth season of The Crown will also arrive on Netflix in the coming months: have you wondered why the public is still so fascinated by the nobility? We all love what we cannot have, which is closed to us. Even without getting to the royal family. Think for example of the world of the Bennet sisters and Mr Darcy of Pride and Prejudice: they were far below the social hierarchy, yet they have been represented countless times in period films. Personally, what intrigues me most about the golden world of the aristocracy is not the parties and privileges, but what lies beneath the surface: I wonder what the human cost of that life is. Bridgerton's characters always pretend to be something other than who they are: the real drama and their distance from the truth in a society of appearance, and this is what intrigues us about them.
Is the society of appearance then different from ours? If at the time classism was based on the distance between people, with the aristocrats who did everything to limit what the people could know about them, today social media allow us to <approach> characters that otherwise we would only idealize and this does so that high society no longer exists. We never knew so much about the royal family, but I don't think it's good.
Speaking of royalty, you started in the theater with the King John of the Royal Shakespeare Company: is the stage still your first love? A love that has only grown since I first saw a musical Oliver! as a child. I love the experience of being in the theater, first of all as a spectator, it's magic. But as an actor I have to admit that it's much more tiring than cinema.
And instead to dub the protagonists of the video games from Anthem and Final Fantasy XIV, how did he end up? That was one of the funniest things I could do. They have a really huge fanbase and I consider them an incredible art form as well as a thriving industry. He played them a lot when I was a kid and I rediscovered them during the lockdown.
What role do you dream of playing? I think it's better for me not to know, I prefer to be stimulated by reading a script. The important thing is to work with people who have a very defined idea of your character: it makes him stronger, you can already imagine him on the page even before taking on his shoes. But I can say that I'd like to play someone who looks a lot like me, who tells my reality, I'd like to find out how I would feel. It sounds like a paradox, but I think Hamlet could never play Hamlet.
And could Hamlet ever be a woman? Thanks to the role of Jamie in Company, who was originally an Amy, you won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical. Amy was transformed into a man, yes, but homosexual, and it is no coincidence: I believe that women and gays, even if in different ways and at different levels, are both oppressed minorities. In Company the goal was to make the reflection on marriage more modern by putting a man in crisis, because, given that gay marriages are now legal in many countries of the world, it almost seems that one has to marry by force. In general, however, I don't think we should cut the female parts on men, both because they are related to purely female experiences, but above all because of complex male roles I would say that there are already enough. Women are finally being given roles with an emotional complexity never seen before: it is interesting to see them act as protagonists in a society that has long been dominated by men, sometimes very weak, others brilliant.
Who is Jonathan Bailey when he's not on set? A boy who loves being in nature. I just finished a week of cycling in the English countryside where I covered about 700km. I think if I wasn't an actor I would retire Cornish hut.
I had read in an old interview with him that as a boy he dreamed of becoming a pilot. I think I was trying to reassure my parents that I would settle down and find a stable job (laughs). But in reality maybe I could have become a teacher, not because I necessarily think I have who knows what to pass on, but I believe in young people, it will be that I recently spent some time with my six year old niece. Instead it is not that I really had the opportunity to choose, fate did it for me.
Does it owe more to fate or to his willpower? I don't come from a family of actors or artists, when at the age of seven I was offered the part of Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol which was to be performed at the Barbican in London I simply jumped at an opportunity. Many kids who love theater go to drama school, but having grown up in a small town in Oxfordshire, I wouldn't have had much choice but to join the basketball team. So I will always be grateful for that chance, but it has never been an easy path. I believe in hard work, which always rewards.
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The Dreamer by Whatwashernameagain An Analysis? Chapter 3 Part 1
All portions:
Chapter 1: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Chapter 2: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Chapter 3: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
The Dreamer
by @whatwashernameagain
Reminder: Spoilers under cut!
Hello friends!!!
It has been some time since I wrote a literary analysis for The Dreamer, but Chapter 3 was released and I’m back in business!!!
If you have not read the analysis for Chapters 1 and 2 I suggest you do so. (Links above)
As Always if you have not done so please read @whatwashernameagain ‘s The Dreamer Chapter 3 before you continue. This analysis is pretty much a giant spoiler if you haven’t.
Lastly I am going to place all of the same warning as Whatwashernameagain did on the chapter because there is some pretty intense subjects throughout the work that we all need to be aware of. I have also broken my Chapter analysis into four parts as usual to keep it from getting too bulky.
Also, you can find additional links to The Dreamer analysis on AO3 (and other works by me) here on my masterpost.
Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, republican brainwashing, manipulation, mentioned pedophilia, violence, threatened sexual abuse, injuries, being pressured into sex, nakedness.
Eva opens with Roman making a mistake. He has failed to listen to his handler, Virgil. He had raided an abandoned warehouse, hoping to capture the leader of a human trafficking ring (Whatwashernameagain). This is a subtle reminder of the difference between Logan and Roman. Once again, we see Roman concerning himself with ‘the smaller’ issues. By this I mean, caring for the individual person rather than the world as a whole. Roman is good hearted enough to consider a small human trafficking ring as a very large issue that needs to be address. This also brings attention to just how sensitive Roman can be. Though it may not be apparent here, if we look closely, we can see the same endearing and caring individual that I have been analyzing throughout the first two chapters. Roman’s attention to the crimes that The Utilitarian sees as lessor implies that Roman is far more sensitive as a person than he lets on. An aspect that is even more apparent the further we get into the chapter.
We are informed that the target had gotten away as an explosion occurs, burying Roman in debris and crushing the only contact he has with the outside world. He loses contact with his friend, leaving him along. He passes out and wakes strapped to a chair. That’s when we see another development occur:
“He hadn’t realized how much he relied on the snarky, moody voice in his ear until helplessness flooded him in the silent dark room” (Whatwashernameagain).
First off, Virgil and Roman’s relationship has obviously evolved through the last chapter which we knew, but this also brings a whole new experience to Roman. He has grown accustomed to his friend being there, always guiding him, a voice he could rely and trust on. Now that voice is gone. It’s almost as if the crutch Roman had given himself to help support everything he was doing is now gone. In this instance we can see Virgil as an aspirin. Roman has grown so use to the pain of loneliness being gone because Virgil was always there as a buffer that when he is gone the pain feels as if it is ten times worse. Roman is alone. A feeling he has never really had to face, at least not since he became The Dreamer.
“The young man had grown used to bearing pain in silence, but as his blood dripped to the ground between his knees, coughed up from injured lungs, he barely managed to hold back the whimper of agony and fear” (Whatwashernameagain).
Okay, Eva… I smell what you’re cooking. Was this supposed to hurt? Huh?! Cuz it did!! But not as much as the rest of the chapter. -.- This line sets the new scene quite effectively. First off, Roman is referred to as ‘The young man’. I’ve had the privilege of chit chatting with Eva regularly and she has pointed out that I underestimate her often lol and she’s right. So, I’m fairly convinced that she refers to Roman in this way on purpose.
The Dreamer is a symbol of hope and justice that politicians paint for their own gain. He is strong and mature, a role model to those in need. Here we see the man behind the suit. The young man specifically. With all of his heroic feats it is difficult to remember that Roman is not very old. The reminder of his age is very strategic here when faced with the ‘agony and fear’ of this scene. Eva does a stunning job reminding us of just how fragile these monumental people can be. Behind the cape Roman is just a scared and pained young man trying to do his best, just as we all are. This simple sentence causes the reader to relate even more to the young man as we watch him try and keep himself together.
“By his estimation, he had spent two days in semi-darkness being beaten, dehydrated and humiliated. The worst thing wasn’t the broken ribs and fingers though, it was the things his torturer promised he’d do to him once he’d beaten him into submission and received the information he wanted” (Whatwashernameagain).
I have mentioned before that the best writers coax their readers into asking questions. Here we are, or at least I am, curious about a number of things. Roman has been tortured and beaten for two days. Is the fact that his team hasn’t found him due to their inadequacy without him or their indifference? My money is on the later. Roman is worth a lot of money as a hero, but if someone is sent to save him, he loses face which is bad for business. Perhaps they hope he’ll get himself out of the situation he is in.
The real interesting line from this section however is the line ‘The worst thing wasn’t the broken ribs and fingers though, it was the things his torturer promised he’d do to him once he’d beaten him into submission and received the information he wanted’ (Whatwashernameagain). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read literature with torture scenes that are nothing but physical. This is fairly sad because a person’s psychological torment can be just as painful as physical. For example, Metin Basoglu of King’s College London, UK and colleagues surveyed 279 survivors of torture from the former Yugoslavia, including both soldiers and civilians from the previously war-torn region (Khamsi, Roxanne). In this study, they discovered that Falaga, the burning of parts of the body, and forced extraction of teeth all scored a 3.6 out of 4 for a pain rating (Khamsi, Roxanne). The same rating was given for Witnessing torture of close ones and threats of rape (Khamsi, Roxanne). This would suggest that Roman’s fear of what is to come can indeed cause more pain than what he is physically experiencing. Not to mention we already know that the hero has an unusually strong tolerance for physical pain if his body alterations is anything to go by. Regardless, Eva obviously can acknowledge that the unknown can be as painful as any injury.
Next, we see Roman falling farther and farther into hopelessness. He knows no one is coming for him. His loneliness is settling in once more. The feeling is no doubt torture in and of itself judging by Roman’s need for approval and the public’s affection. Being alone is not something the man copes with well.
As a reader we can pretty much predict what is about to happen, however. This is not the first time an unexpected hero has emerged. Roman describes a tall slender shape drawing near and the relief from the man is palpable. Once again, Logan is his hope. His enemy becomes his savior. Eva has a tendency to remind her readers that though it is human nature to define things by placing them in a box of our own design, these boxes are often wrong. There is nothing separating one person from another. We are all people. The only divisions anything in this world has is the ones we give. An animal is an animal, not because they are not a person, but because we decided they are. A pen is a pen and not a pencil because we decided it is. If you remove these lines, everything is exactly what it is and there is nothing wrong with that. Without these lines I am still me and you can not define that and yet… I still am. Humanity has this drive that it needs to define every aspect of a being in order to accept it. Once someone accepts that not everything can fit in a box thing get easier… better… peaceful. The Utilitarianist is a villain in the public eye because they have decided that he is, just as they have decided what is good or bad. Roman, however, Roman just sees his savior. In this instance Logan is not good, Logan is not bad… Logan is hope.
“With another blow, he crashed to the ground with a sickening sound. With the usual disregard for the wellbeing of his victims, the Utilitarianist stepped over the unconscious man” (Whatwashernameagain).
Here Eva describes Logan’s attack with ‘a sickening sound’. Then immediately describes the victim as ‘unconscious’. To me, this is a bit contradicting. Firstly, we are still in Roman’s POV. Roman knows that Logan is more than capable of killing individuals, but Logan is the hero at the moment. It is possible that the man is in fact dead (I’m with Lo if this is truly the case. The bastard had it coming for hurting my poor RoRo), however, Roman’s denial and current mental state may have him believing otherwise. There is no real evidence, however, to support that Logan would leave the man alive. In fact, it would be more logical to kill him…. Then again, it’s not very logical for Logan to be saving Roman’s well sculpted ass in the first place.
“He was so relieved to see his nemesis he had to fight back a sob. He had the feeling if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop crying. The villain felt entirely unthreatening to him as he towered over Roman’s hunched body. He was familiar, like an old friend” (Whatwashernameagain).
Here we see more of Roman’s reaction to Logan’s appearance. But it is a bit more than that. Roman is still stricken with relief and his words are full of contradictions just as they had been before. These contradictions are similar to the ones we saw in Logan during the first chapter. Though some of you might know exactly what I’m referring to I’m going to quote it, just in case. Feel free to skip ahead.
“Logan goes on to talk about the ‘puffing up’ and how ‘unpractical’ The Dreamer’s costume is and his ‘irritating presence’, he talks about grand speeches and attempting to appeal to Logan’s ‘humanity’. The tone of the paragraphs is that of annoyed humor as if it were amusing to think Logan had any humanity at all. That being said… another literary study comes to mind when reading this portion of the work. I will do my best to keep from going too much in depth but basically back in the early EARLY 1900s Sigmund Freud invented psychoanalysis with his publication of The interpretation of Dreams (Rivkin, Julie). Why was it such a big deal? Well, before the publication psychology assumed that what goes on in the mind was limited to the conscious (Rivkin, Julie). What does that have to do with Logan? Well, the revolution was a huge part of history and the strides that were made in psychology didn’t only affect the medical world but the literary one as well. Psychoanalysis wasn’t only limited to a person but the work they created as well; it began to be used as a way of studying literature, analyzing the author through their work. But… I’m veering a bit too far to the left. The reason this is important is because some of Frued’s research was based on the ‘defenses’ that the ego mobilizes against unacceptable libidianal or unconscious material (Rivkin, Julie). I.e. The mind can invert a feeling into its opposite, so that a yearning for contact can become a desire to do violence (Rivkin, Julie). That, of course, is an extreme but we see the same psychological mechanism here for Logan. The Dreamer is a man who represents the very thing Logan is determined to pull down; it would be extremely illogical to have any sort of attraction to the man. There for, to put it simply, he’s in denial” (Sebthesnipe).
‘Denial’ isn’t quite the word I would use for Roman in this particular instance, though the Freudian information is still applicable. Roman refers to Logan as ‘his nemesis’ and yet feels relieved. He calls him villain but sees him as unthreatening. In fact, he ‘feels like an old friend’. Eva is obviously implying that this is a huge turning point for Roman in their relationship. While Roman is still actively rejecting Logan, calling him nemesis and villain, his emotions are betraying him. This is very similar to the issue with Logan that I quoted above. Roman is going through quite a bit of character development in this instance and the subtly that Eva writes it in is beautiful as always.
“As he silently helped him up and wrapped Roman’s shaking arm around his shoulders, the hero felt safe. They needed no words as their eyes met. The older villains were very dark, cat-like, behind the mask, and startlingly warm. The villain had never been this close. He smelled good. Clean, unlike the damp bunker filled with the scent of Roman’s blood. Somehow, the young hero was surprised to actually find himself a bit taller than the other. He’d always seemed sort of inhuman to him. Larger than life” (Whatwashernameagain).
This is a very very important paragraph. Mostly for what is to come but also because I’m Logince trash and I have no shame. Still Roman is beginning to humanize The Utilitarian. We are watching more of Roman’s character development. Roman is starting to see Logan as a person, an individual he can touch or talk to. Roman still calls him ‘villain’ to try and distance himself but his walls are falling. He mentions that Logan had never been so close. I doubt Eva mention to add this for just physical proximity. No, Logan had never been this close to the hero emotionally either. Roman is growing attached to the person behind the mask. We see Roman see through all of his previous perceptions.
He mentions seeing Logan as ‘Larger than Life’ and perhaps this is true. Prior to now Logan had always been the opposition. He had been the accumulation of everything that Roman fought again. He was a set of ideals, not an actual person. Now, thought, now, Logan is a tangible person that is currently helping Roman stagger to safety. He is solid in his arms. He is less of an idea and more of a person with feelings and ambitions, just as Roman is; because if Roman can do anything it is see a person for what they are. He’s proven that every time he has gone after the smaller criminals, the sex traffickers, the muggers, the rapists. Because to Roman, every individual is as important as every group of people.
As always, Eva shows her flawless ability to transition between dark undertones and light humor within the next few lines:
“I would like to say I was surprised you got yourself caught.”
And it was gone as soon as it had appeared.
“Excuse you, I didn’t get myself caught! And I didn’t know you were capable of doing something nice. Does it hurt to go against your nature?”
“You are being irrational.”
“And you are being a villainous menace!” (Whatwashernameagain)
Oh, how I love my bois’ banter. Ugh! So adorable!
Roman and Logan both are bickering, as usual, though perhaps this is just more of that denial I’ve mentioned? My guess is that it is, both men are trying to protect themselves from what they both know they can’t have: each other.
To be continued…
Khamsi, Roxanne. “Psychological Torture 'as Bad as Physical Torture'.” New Scientist, 5 Mar. 2007, www.newscientist.com/article/dn11313-psychological-torture-as-bad-as-physical-torture/.
Rivkin, Julie. Literary Theory: a Practical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
Sebthesnipe. “The Dreamer by Whatwashernameagin an Analysis? Part 2.” RAMBLINGS OF A MARRIED FANGIRL, 4 Dec. 2019, sebthesnipe.tumblr.com/post/189470642532/the-dreamer-by-whatwashernameagin-an-analysis.
Whatwashernameagain. “The Dreamer - Chapter 1.” Hello Guys Gals And Non Binary Friends, 8 Sept. 2019, https://whatwashernameagain.tumblr.com/post/187581477262/the-dreamer-chapter-1.
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Be Where You Are
A/N: nothing, my brain is empty from editing! just please enjoy this huge chunk of mostly fluff and forgive me
Summary: Five times Alfie and Tommy talked about spending the rest of their lives together -with each other, with others, and sometimes without doing much talking at all.
In which there's house-hunting, life changing decisions, and yet another failed (sort of) shovel talk from Arthur.
Notes/warnings: Heavy drinking and implied alcoholism, smut
Wordcount: 10 K (yes, yes it’s that long)
It may be true that Alfie Solomons is not the most… patient man in the entire world. He’s well aware of that. But when it comes to the things that truly matters, he’d like to think that he can in fact dig deep and muster up some of it. Patience, that is. Like with everything that concerns Tommy, for example. That includes his at best mildly infuriating and at worst absolutely unbearable family. And the living situation on Watery Lane. He’s put up with that far longer than any sane (or… less sane) man should ever have to.
But it’s the lock on their door breaking that finally is the last fucking drop.
Alfie has suffered through Arthur banging on their door at all hours, from early fucking morning to late in the evening (And yeah he’s entirely fucking sure that he does it just to disrupt any amorous activity that may or may not be going on in there, despite Tommy rolling his eyes at this and stating that not even Arthur could be that childish).
He’s quietly bitten his tongue whenever Ada’s passed by to ask irrelevant questions; like if Tommy has seen her missing dress. And no, why on earth would he have done that? Ada only gives Alfie a look when he grumbles this, which makes him wonder exactly what she thinks he and Tommy get up to in bed. When he brings this up with Tommy, Tommy is mostly annoyed that Alfie thinks Ada’s dress would even fit him. (He’s pretty sure that it would bu that’s not the point)
Then there’s John, who can’t seem to take a single step without checking with Tommy first whether it’s alright or not…. And all of these are just things that Alfie can come up with at the top of his head.
Well, the point is that he’s been very fucking patient with all of it. Because if the Shelbys all want to share the roof of that giant, rickety ancestral home, then that’s all well and good. And yeah he’s well aware that the whole lot -Tommy in particular, even though he’d deny it to his dying day- suffer some kind of collective abandonment issue. So, Tommy moving out before Finn is older is out of the question.
But when Arthur actually manages to break the fucking lock on their bedroom door by bursting in through it, Alfie’s had enough. On top of it all, he just got Tommy onto his back, making those noises that would make the best of men commit all sorts of atrocities if only to hear them again. Legs spread and cheeks flushed, and looking absolutely worthy to be devoured…
That’s when Arthur stumbles in, effectively putting a stop to the whole thing. And once he has rushed out again, red faced and shouting, Tommy is not in the mood anymore. In fact he’s so much not in the mood that he rolls over onto his side and hides his face under a pillow when Alfie suggests that now when they’ve scared Arthur off, they might as well get back to what they were doing.
And that’s when Alfie’s had enough.
“Tommy, my dove,” he says, very carefully keeping the frustration from his voice as he runs a hand up Tommy’s arm. “Has it, and I ask this with the best of intentions in mind, has it ever fucking crossed your mind that living somewhere where your relatives can’t burst through the door at all hours would bring you some peace of mind?”
A muffled noise comes from under the pillow.
“See, I know it might take some time getting used to the idea, but finding a good house, yeah, that’s also something that takes a bit of time, doesn’t it? So you might’s well start looking, should you decide later that this is an acceptable idea-“ It’s very hard to gauge Tommy’s reaction when he’s under the pillow like this, so Alfie pauses. But when no life signs come from the feathery depths, he goes on: “I’m not saying that I’m tired of these constant interruptions, no, who doesn’t want people running in and out of one’s bedroom at all hours, fucking brilliant thing, isn’t it? All I’m saying is that your family would most definitely survive making a phone call instead. Or just taking a little walk when they feel the need to ask you something.”
Tommy is quiet and Alfie has the good sense to stay quiet too, knowing this is the mandatory processing time that he needs to go through before giving some kind of response.
Finally he rolls over onto his back, pulling away the pillow to reveal a head full of messy curls and cheeks that are still a bit flushed.
Alfie waits expectantly.
Tommy reaches for a cigarette.
“Fine,” he says, raising an eyebrow when Alfie gives him an incredulous look.
“Fine.” Tommy lights the cigarette.
And that’s that.
A week later, Alfie is coming along as certified ‘Haver of great taste’ on this house buying mission.
“Now this, Tommy, this is a proper bedroom,” he says, cane tapping over the wooden flooring as he inspects the spacious room with its fancy wallpaper. But it’s a bit of an overstatement, that. The room is in fact not very inviting. Something about it feels… inhospitable and cold. But that’s what you get with an empty house, innit? And it’s better than Tommy’s little nook back in his family home.
Tommy nods, decidedly unenthusiastic. Not that his face is giving it away, but Alfie can read most of his tiny little shifts in mood without any problem these days. There’s that slight slump to his shoulders, and the way he’s not quite looking properly at the room. The same it’s been with the other four fucking houses they’ve been to. Alfie is starting to feel all the staircases in his knees.
“Could put a bed over there, and fit in a huge wardrobe for all those expensive suits of yours-“ he says. “Could have two, even.”
Instead of looking, Tommy stands by the window and gazes listlessly out at the dreary street below, smoking his cigarette with the same air of indifference.
“Do you like it?” he asks.
The question sort of surprises Alfie, because although he’s realised long ago that Tommy does in fact care a great deal about his opinion, it’s unlike him to admit it out loud.
“Well, love, I do fancy myself a man of good taste in all matters, the present company clearly being proof of that. But for once, what I think isn’t what’s most important.”
Tommy very thoroughly avoids looking at him.
“Well, it’d… be your house too.” He says the words with a slight shrug and carefully constructed nonchalance. Swallows visibly -Alfie can see it all the way from across the room. “Ours.”
Maybe it’s ridiculous, how monumental that little word feels, but Alfie can’t help it -it does send him reeling for a bit. It’s not like they don’t already live together. They do, in most senses of the word. Wherever Tommy is, Alfie is too. And vice versa of course. But that’s been more of a gradual thing rather than a big decision -Tommy has just slowly crept into every crevice of Alfie’s townhouse back in London: an ashtray on the kitchen table, well pressed suits hanging between Alfie’s own in the wardrobe, extra blankets in the bed because Tommy always runs a few degrees colder than any other warm blooded creature… And the house is arguably just as much Tommy’s home as it is Alfie’s now. But Alfie has a feeling that although Tommy might view it as both of their home, it’s still Alfie’s house. Alfie isn’t entirely sure if there’s a distinction to be made, but it feels like there is.
Buying a fucking house together feels like officially stating out loud that this is a permanent kind of thing. And even though Alfie has known that particular fact for a while, even though they’ve talked about the prospect of doing it in the future, there’s still something about hearing Tommy say it out loud that fills his entire chest with warmth.
“Ours, eh?” he repeats and Tommy’s shoulders set into a rigid line. He walks up behind him and smooths a hand over them. “Well, in that case we should be looking at something with an actual, proper fucking kitchen.” He can feel the muscles relax under his palm. “Yeah? And with a more appealing view, if that is to be found in this shithole.”
“Maybe something outside of the city,” Tommy says quietly, still looking out the window.
Alfie says nothing. Barely dares to breathe
Tommy clears his throat. “You know… like we talked about. I’ve been thinking and- and it might be nice. We could always just drive into town for work.”
Alfie still says nothing, for fear that anything he might say will ruin this. But he lets the hand on Tommy’s shoulder slip down to his waist, tugging him a bit closer. Tommy willingly turns to face him, arms coming up to loosely encircle his neck. His eyes are still fastened on some undetermined spot on his chest.
“Yeah, well, then we’ll have no trouble with the view,” Alfie says after careful consideration. “Whole countryside is full of it, innit? Granted that’s all it’s full of, but that’s the whole point of it, right?”
A smile tugs at the corner of Tommy’s mouth and he finally glances up at Alfie. Alfie rubs small circles on his back with his thumb.
“You sure about this? Don’t have to be doing anything you’re not ready for, love.”
Tommy leans in that last little bit and kisses him. And then the smile finally widens into a real one -the kind that makes his eyes sparkle and manages to light up the entire, previously so cold room.”
“I’m sure.”
Alfie wakes up from the book he’s been reading very falling down onto his face, and blinks to adjust his eyes to the darkness in the living room. The fire has died down to glowing embers, telling him that he must’ve somehow managed to sleep with the book in upright position for a while before it rudely decided to jam the edge of his glasses into his face. It also tells him that it’s late, and, combined with the silence in the house (and the fact that Tommy would no doubt have moved the book from his grasp) tells him that Tommy hasn’t come home yet and is working a whole lot later than usual. And he is just about to get off the sofa and call the office to tell Tommy to get himself home right this instance when the door creaks open. The annoyance is instantly replaced with relief, because fuck it, he can’t help it. Just the way he functions, innit?
He can hear Tommy moving about in the hallway, and it’s probably a sign of something significant, that he can hear just from his steps that there’s something wrong. Unwilling to explore that thought any further, he closes the book and listens.
There’s no answer, and that’s enough of an incentive for him to struggle his way off the sofa and out into the hallway. Tommy is stood by the large bureau, clutching the top in a white knuckled grip. A quick onceover tells Alfie that at least he’s not fucking bleeding from anywhere. But he’s so pale that his skin looks fucking luminous in the dark hallway.
“Oi, Tommy?” He crosses the hallway in a few long strides, and that’s when he can smell the whiskey. Tommy glances up at him, bleary eyed and flushed, swaying on his feet.
“Fucks sake,” Alfie sighs and pitches forward to catch him when his legs inevitably give out. Tommy clings to him, shuddering breaths making his back heave. He uselessly tries to catch his gaze without much success. “Hey, are you gonna be sick?”
All he gets in response is a weak hum, but it’s enough. Wasting no time, he drags Tommy into the kitchen and to the sink -the closest appropriate place to be sick- and barely has time to deposit him there before Tommy is vomiting his guts out. Alfie pats his back and mulls over if he could’ve seen this coming earlier in the day.
“I take it you broke into my desk, hm? Or will I find one of the fucking stills empty tomorrow, eh, silly boy…”
His disapproving mutters go unnoticed. Not that Tommy is really capable of listening right then, because he barely has time to breathe between the horrid waves of retching. Alfie puts all other thoughts on halt and just focuses on damage control, continuing to rub Tommy’s back and steadying him against his hip when his knees want to buckle. Not much else to do right then. But Tommy just continues vomiting long after the most likely meager contents of his stomach are gone, and finally, the bile that splashes into the sink is red with blood. Fucking hell. Yeah, he’ll have to step in here…
He puts a hand on the back of Tommy’s neck.
“Alright, deep breaths now, love,” he says. “You ain’t got nothing left to vomit up so I’m gonna need you to just breathe for a bit. Go on-“ Tommy pants, still hunched low over the sink on shaking arms, and Alfie takes the opportunity to fill a glass of water. He manhandles Tommy into a somewhat upright position against his chest and holds it to his mouth. Tommy just whines and turns his head away. His skin feels cold and clammy when he pushes his forehead into the crook of Alfie’s neck.
“ ‘m sorry.”
“Yeah, yeah it’s all fine,” he mutters and resists the urge to sigh. “Go on and drink this, or you’ll be even sorrier tomorrow.”
Tommy leans all his weight against him, and Alfie has to wrap an arm around his waist to keep him upright, all while continuing to fruitlessly push the glass of water against his lips. It takes a few more seconds, and then Tommy finally opens his mouth, grabs the glass and greedily swallows the entire thing down in three long gulps before Alfie can protest or remedy the situation-
Which of course has him hunching over the sink again, vomiting it all up within a second.
They end up on the floor after the whole ordeal, because Tommy just collapses where he stands and Alfie isn’t quite quick enough to do anything but break his fall. He’s still dry heaving somehow, and it’s right about then Alfie actually starts to worry.
“Tommy, hey, I’m gonna need you to focus for a moment here,” he says and holds his head up by his chin. Tommy’s eyes are still closed, his long lashes dark against his cheek. “Do you need me to get you to a hospital? Is it that kind of situation?”
Tommy shakes his head and curls into him, tearing his chin away from Alfie’s grip to bury his face in his shirt. And at least he’s stopped dry heaving for now, so Alfie will take his fucking word for it.
“ ‘m sorry,” Tommy repeats against his chest when Alfie pulls him into his lap. He’s finally opened his eyes a little, if only barely, and looks up at him, struggling to focus.
“What are you sorry for, eh?”
“Just… fuck up all the time.”
Alfie sighs and tries to adjust his right leg to avoid a cramp.
“Feel like telling me why you suddenly decided to fucking drown yourself in whiskey on this fine day?” he mutters and pets Tommy’s hair. “Seemed alright when I left you at the office.”
Tommy shrugs and slurs, “ ‘s just bad. ‘vrything’s bad.”
Alfie hums. Tries to not feel disappointed because he really thought they’d gotten past this. But it’s a two steps forward, one step back kind of deal, isn’t it? It’s been… well now when he thinks about it it’s been months since Tommy last had a proper slump, so they’re probably due for one. And they’re fewer and farther between now. He tries to remind himself of that.
“Bad day eh? How about you just do what you normally do and tell me, instead of doing shit like this.”
Tommy pulls his knees up to his chest, turns himself into a ball as he buries his face in Alfie’s chest and just breathes. Alfie continues stroking his hair.
“You’ll get sick of me,” he mutters suddenly, without emerging.
“Well, I do recall us having this conversation before. Multiple times, in fact, but I suppose I can remind you: since I haven’t gotten sick of you yet, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Maybe- maybe not now, but in- in five years. Or ten,” Tommy mumbles. “Twenty.”
Despite the implication -that Tommy himself can’t see an end to these occasional burst of self-destructive behavior- Alfie can’t help smiling.
“Twenty years, eh? We’re in this for the long haul I hear.”
Tommy’s entire body freezes into a tightly coiled ball of muscles. But Alfie keeps stroking his hair.
“I won’t get sick of you, love. Not in ten years, or twenty, or fuckin’… fifty. Though I can’t promise that you won’t eventually get sick of me now, can I. That’s a long fucking time, fifty years.”
Under his fingers, Tommy’s back heaves in a shivering breath and he pushes his face further into the confines of Alfie’s wrinkled shirt. He wraps his arms around Alfie’s chest.
“I won’t. Not for… for as long as I live.”
Alfie has to clear his throat.
“Well, that’s good, innit? Because you’re sort of stuck with me now.”
And with that, Tommy has apparently fallen asleep in his lap.
”How many people have you slept with?” Alfie asks Tommy one night, as the beginning of what could quickly turn into the worst pillow talk in recorded history. But it’s one of those occasions when the question just pops straight from his mind and out of his mouth. Luckily, he’s spent the past hour or so doing a very good job of fucking Tommy in every position imaginable, and Tommy lies satiated and warm against his chest. So his question is only met with a quiet little laugh.
“Haven’t we talked about this before?”
“Nah, then I was just wondering if you’d slept with that tall, lanky…” Alfie gestures to help the words along, “Communist fellow.
“Freddie Thorne,” Tommy offers helpfully.
“Hm, yeah, that’s the one. But now I’m just thinking about the general number.”
Tommy shifts, lifting his head up and settling his chin on Alfie’s chest. His eyes are still soft, a glint of laughter in them.
“Hm, what was it? Half of Birmingham or something, wasn’t that what you said at some point? So how many would that be?”
Alfie snorts, even though he probably deserved that.
“Why do you ask?” Tommy wonders then, genuinely curious it would seem. Alfie shrugs a little, a hard feat while lying down.
“It just feels a bit strange doesn’t it? The idea that you might not fuck anyone else for the rest of your life. That this is all you’ll be getting.”
“Oh, ifthisis all I’ll be getting, I’ll be more than satisfied,” Tommy whispers, and suddenly there’s a hand on his cock, fingers curling loosely around the shaft.
“Always knew you only wanted me for my cock,” Alfie says with mock offence, and Tommy smirks as he begins stroking him slowly.
“Well, in my defense, it’s a very nice cock. Best one I ever had in fact. And I should know, seeing as I’ve slept with… half of Birmingham.”
All blood is rapidly leaving his head, and Alfie sighs, feeling quite pleased with the turn the conversation has taken. Tommy rubs careful circles over the head of his cock, and he slips a hand down to grip his arse firmly, pulling him closer against his hip.
“Mhm, talk more about how much you like my cock.”
Tommy huffs out a laugh and kisses him, slow and soft as he rubs himself against Alfie’s thigh. Alfie is fully hard already, aching and leaking in Tommy’s grip, because fucking hell if he’s not ready to give it to him again whenever Tommy wants it…
“As if your ego needs it,” Tommy whispers against his lips, before sitting up and straddling him. Alfie’s hands immediately find his waist, palms flexing against the expanse of smooth skin and lean muscle. Tommy’s waist fits perfectly there, with Alfie’s fingers around it. Just as the rest of his body fits against Alfie’s: how his head lies perfectly against that spot on his chest, or how Alfie can tuck him under his chin… like a perfect puzzle piece- And then his thoughts are interrupted because Tommy rolls his hips, grinding down on his hard length and he bucks up against him, impatient. It seems to be one of those days when Tommy doesn’t need much convincing, because he just takes Alfie’s cock in hand again and sinks down slowly, moaning obscenely as it slides all the way in. He’s slick and open from before and something about that, fuck, that just makes Alfie so turned on that he gets fucking dizzy… That Tommy just so ready for him: wet and just barely open enough- Fucking hell this isn’t going to last long if he keeps this train of thought. He bites his tongue hard, hoping the pain will bring him back enough to keep himself from coming right then.
Tommy rides him slowly, just barely lifting his hips to begin with. Must be a bit too deep to really be doing it for him, but fuck it really does it for Alfie, is the thing, and Tommy appears pleased to just be giving him what he wants. He’s so fucking wet and warm and tight, and he must be feeling it because Alfie went none to gently on him before. Tommy curls his fingers loosely around his own cock and moves in tandem with his thrusts, eyes falling shut.
Alfie just keeps his hands on his waist for now, lightly, not trying to control anything. When Tommy gets on top like this, it’s usually because he wants to set the pace himself, and who is Alfie to deny him anything?
“Fucking hell, just look at you,” he breathes out. “Wish you could see yourself now, love- really is something else entirely, aren’t you?”
Tommy lets go of his cock and settles his hands on Alfie’s chest instead, lifting his hips higher and making Alfie slide almost all the way out before sinking back down. Moans each time, loud and unabashed and fucking desperate for it, as if it wasn’t just half an hour ago that Alfie pounded him into the mattress until he’d screamed himself hoarse.
Then he tugs at Alfie’s shoulders and Alfie takes the hint immediately, sitting up and wrapping his arms tightly around that narrow waist.
“Why would I ever want anyone else, ever again?” Tommy leans in and whispers, voice husky and unsteady in a way that just shoots arousal down his spine. He rolls his hips, cock brushing against Alfie’s stomach. His legs are trembling now, so Alfie helps him along, holding his weight up with his arms. Fingers tangle into his hair and Tommy kisses him, wet and sloppy and panting loudly, frantically pulling in the too hot air between them. Alfie has no answer of course, because with Tommy like this on his lap, grinding down on his cock and looking like it really is the best fucking thing he’s ever had, no, he can’t come up with a reason why.
“Fuck, it’s so good- so fucking good Alfie I-“ Tommy buries his face in the crook of his neck, clinging properly to his shoulders now. “No one else could ever come close.”
Alfie’s hips are moving on their own accord now, while he virtually takes Tommy’s entire weight and lifts him up and down on his cock, because Tommy’s legs have apparently decided to give up. And he doesn’t fucking mind in the least, does he? Because Tommy makes these desperate little noises, rutting and grinding against him as if he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.
“Won’t ever have to worry about that now, do you?” Alfie mutters into his ear. “Because you’re all mine and I’m going to take care of you. Fucking hell, if I had my way, you wouldn’t ever have to leave the bed. Would just keep you there. Make sure you’re fucked real good every single day… several times a day, because that’s what you want isn’t it?”
Tommy whimpers, and Alfie releases his waist to wind his fingers into his hair and pull his head back. And Tommy is just there, unable to move properly and just desperately grinding on Alfie’s cock. And it’s a fucking sight alright. His eyes are blown wide, filled with that raw, open vulnerability. It makes Alfie growl and tug harder at his hair.
“Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” Tommy whispers. “Always.”
Then his hands are back on Alfie’s shoulders and he pushes himself up, despite his shaking legs and clenches around Alfie and that’s it, Alfie fucking goneand he fucks up and into Tommy, arms clenched tight around his waist again. Tommy lets out an almost pained sound, shaking and twitching in his grip as he comes all over his stomach.
He collapses completely against him afterwards. Alfie can’t be bothered to stay upright and slumps down onto the mattress, but manages to at least be considerate enough to keep Tommy from hitting his head on the bedframe.
It takes several minutes before Alfie comes back enough to himself to manoeuvre Tommy off him, which is necessary, because God knows Tommy will just stay right where he is for the rest of the night otherwise, with Alfie’s cock still buried in his arse. Always needy and clingy after sex, Tommy of course whimpers out various complaints, until Alfie has got him settled against his chest again. And that, well that’s somehow just as great as the actual sex isn’t it? Alfie hushes him. Strokes his back until he’s calmed down again and seems at peace. Tommy drapes one leg across Alfie’s hip and noses against that spot on his chest that’s become his designated head rest, right below his left collarbone.
Alfie runs a finger down his spine, grabs the blanket and pulls it up over them both. Because although he still feels overheated, he knows for a fact that Tommy will start shivering in a minute. That’s just how it works.
“So, I take it you’re not going to miss fucking anyone else? Hm? Is that what I should take away from this?” He smirks to himself when he sees the exasperated wrinkle between Tommy’s eyebrows. “See, because I might need more convincing. Not straight away, mind you, but in half an hour or so…”
Tommy slaps his arm with the conviction of a sleepy cat swatting for a fly that’s buzzing around it’s ears.
“Fuck off. You’ve gotten yours tonight. Twice.”
“Oh, it’s more than that if you count the times I very selflessly made you come, love, How about you add that to the list of my fine qualities? What other man has done that for you?”
“If you continue to be this infuriating, I might find someone else who will,” Tommy mutters and shuffles a bit closer still.
Alfie continues, undeterred because he’s feeling quite pleased with himself right now thank you very much.“See, love, there’s only one thing that’s better than knowing you’re a generous and considerate lover,” he says and ignores Tommy’s annoyed groan. “Who can make their partner come their brains out several times in a single evening, and that’s knowing that you’re better than all the previous ones…”
“You’re fucking impossible” Tommy mutters into his chest, keeping his head firmly pressed against it while clinging to him. “Now shut up and let me sleep, or I will banish you to the sofa.”
Alfie scoffs, “Empty threats, love. You know better than to play cards like that.”
Tommy opens one eye and gives him a glare. Going against one of those would definitely be pushing his luck, so the best route now would be to stay quiet. But he does press a kiss against Tommy’s forehead. Which is met with another little huff.
Tommy is still smiling against his chest. He can tell.
There are plenty of things about Tommy’s older brother that Alfie finds infuriating. Were he to make a list, it would most likely be impossible to complete: Arthur would find new ways to bother him while he was writing said list and constantly add to it. But somewhere at the top of that hypothetical list, he’d put the fact that Arthur Shelby has the worst possible timing for absolutely everything. From barging into Tommy’s office with some question just when Alfie has persuaded Tommy to take a little break from working to sit on his lap for just a tiny bit, to calling them at home in London (God knows how he got the fucking number) demanding to speak with Tommy about all sorts of irrelevant matters, usually once they’ve finally settled in for the evening.
So really, it should be no surprise that when Alfie steps into the Shelby household much later than he’d anticipated and passes the kitchen, he hears a familiar voice.
“Oi, Solomons, a word.”
Alfie stops in his tracks and groans because fuck, has Arthur just set up permanent shop in the fucking kitchen? Ready at any time to call people in and have various ‘chats’ with them about questions that are none of his business and yet somehow crucial for him to put his nose in.
And furthermore it’s fucking late and he’s had a hellish evening dealing with incompetent employees and a broken still, so all he wants to do now is go upstairs to Tommy. Pull him close and bury his nose in soft hair that smells faintly of soap and smoke...
“Unless you hadn’t noticed, I was actually on my way to something more important. Namely to a bed that has your brother in it,” he tells Arthur and can’t keep himself from adding: “See if he’s up for getting a bit of cock on this fine evening.“
Arthur chokes on his whiskey. And really he should’ve fucking expected an answer like that. But he still waves for him to sit down and bloody hell, Alfie figures that it’s better to just have it fucking over with. So he ambles over to the kitchen table, slumps down on a chair and leans back in it, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Alright, as I’m sure you can see, I’m here,” he says when Arthur just stares at him. “So fucking talk.”
Arthur promptly empties his whiskey glass and then refills it.
“I’ve been thinking-“
Alfie huffs out a laugh. “Oh watch out, you might hurt yourself.”
Arthur glares, clears his throat and leans back in his chair, mimicking Alfie’s pose. Puts on what is most likely supposed to be a serious face, takes a breath… and fuck, Alfie is seconds away from just getting up and leaving when he finally gets to the point and says, “What are your intentions with Tommy?”
It takes a while for Alfie to take this in, even though the buildup should’ve adequately prepared him for something this stupid.
“What are your intentions with my little brother?” Arthur repeats, over annunciating every single word, as if that will clarify anything. My little brother… Arthur always adds that when he’s feeling particularly over protective. As if to further hammer home the point -mostly to himself probably- that he is indeed the older and wiser out of the two of them. That Tommy is his responsibility.
Alfie blinks. “Yeah, well if you really want to know, right now I intend to go upstairs and see if he’s still awake. And then possibly make him come his brains out a few times-“
Arthur’s face turns a darker shade of red and his moustache twitches in that absolutely hilarious way. His right hand clenches into a fist where it’s placed on the table. But he doesn’t lose it. Surprising, that.
“Which I really should prioritize right now so if we’re done here…” Alfie puts both palms on the table and makes a half-hearted effort to stand up but of-fucking- course Arthur won’t have that
“You know what I fucking mean,” he snaps.
“Well, dear Arthur, as it so happens I don’t actually know what you fucking mean so if you could fucking clarify…”
Arthur glares down at his whiskey. Moves the glass a bit to the right. Moves it back again… Alfie sinks deeper into his chair and sighs demonstratively.
“He loves you,” Arthur says, suddenly, still studying the glass. “Really… fucking loves you.”
Alfie decides to be quiet.
“Fucking hell I never thought that it- that it would actually go this far,” Arthur continues. “But he fucking loves you, more than- than I think he’s ever loved anyone or anything.”
Yeah and what on earth is happening now? It’s getting bloody uncomfortable, that’s what. So Alfie opens his mouth to fucking say something, but Arthur waves a hand dismissively and keeps talking.
“And the thing, the fucking thing is that now… Well, he wouldn’t fucking survive you leaving, alright? Almost fucking fell apart completely when you had that fight. And if you- if this isn’t fucking permanent in your eyes, then I…“ Arthur allows himself a moment of silence, probably because he discovers that Alfie won’t interrupt him. “It would fucking kill him,” he then finally says, without the tiniest bit of smile. Dead fucking serious.
And something about the tone… Alfie can’t bring himself to say something snide or sharp, but he doesn’t exactly have any other options either, so he just continues being silent.
“And, yeah I don’t know what to do with that fucking realization. Sure I can do the whole ‘If you ever hurt my brother I’ll hunt you down and fucking beat you to death with your own cane-spiel, but-” Arthur pauses again to breathe. “But that doesn’t really matter does it?”
Alfie sighs. “Fucking hell I’m not in the mood for this-“
He rubs his temples and realizes that a bit of sincerity is the only thing that will work here, even though he really is in no mood to be having conversations like this with Arthur.
He shoots a glare at the man in question. “What’s all this, eh, Arthur? Trying to catch up on 30 years of big-brother duties all of a sudden.”
Arthur ignores the remark and takes a swig of whiskey. Stares into the liquid again. “We just got him back, you know? We finally fucking got him back, and now I’m terrified that without you, he’d…”
He trails off and silence fills the kitchen.
“Nah, give your brother some credit,” Alfie says. “As much as I’d like to think that I have a magical cock that just… miraculously heals broken heads, Tommy’s done plenty of work to pull himself out of that pit he’s been in.”
Arthur sways forward and sets both forearms down on the table with a bang.
“Just give me a straight answer here,” he slurs, going a bit cross eyed as he watches Alfie. “Be honest with me here, between... two people, who just really fucking care about him alright?”
“You know that Tommy would fucking kill you if he found out you were having this conversation with me, right”
Arthur just keeps gazing at him with dim eyes, as if he didn’t even hear it.
Alfie sighs again. Fuck it.
“Alright, you want to hear what my fucking intentions are, do you?” He rests his forearms on the table and hunches forward, trying to catch Arthur’s eyes. “Even though you really have no fucking business knowing them. But I’ll fucking indulge you, alright? So here it goes, and you better fucking listen because I’ll only be saying this once: If we had lived in a world that was just a bit different… Or perhaps if Tommy had been a woman and I hadn’t just been an old sodomite, yeah? Well, then I’d have asked to marry him long ago.” He stops staring at Arthur’s face- stares past his shoulder instead, at a wall. “Would’ve done it all… fancy and the like. Taken him to some nice place. Bought an ungodly expensive ring. The whole deal-” he clears his throat, suddenly realizing he’s said far too much. But surprisingly, Arthur doesn’t take the chance to laugh in his face or something of the sort. Instead he just sits there, staring down at the tabletop. “That enough of an answer for you, eh, Arthur?” Alfie grunts when he finally can’t take the silence anymore. “Think you can get some peace of mind?”
Arthur opens his mouth, looks up, and his eyes drift to the doorway.
“Well, would you look at that. You’re talking, and the house is still standing. And no one is bleeding, from what I can see.”
The statement is finished off with a yawn and Alfie turns in his chair to see Tommy standing there in the doorway. He’s clad in only Alfie’s shirt and underwear, hair mussed from the pillow and with this soft, sleepy expression on his face that just makes Alfie’s heart skip a beat… But fuck how is it possible for him to walk so quietly? Alfie tries not to panic when he realizes that Tommy might’ve stood there for a very long time.
“Yeah, we’ve come a long way, haven’t we?” he says, feeling like his tongue is too big for his mouth. Tommy smiles and comes up to stand by his side. Alfie wraps an arm around his hips. Pulls him close
“Are you coming to bed soon?” he asks and leans into him a bit, soft and relaxed. Looks down at him through a fan of long, long, dark lashes. The way he is sometimes in the mornings after a good night’s sleep (and, if Alfie might add, a good and proper fuck before that).
“Yeah sure, if your crazy brother is quite finished with me, I’d very much like to go to bed.” Alfie tears his eyes away from Tommy long enough to look questioningly at Arthur. “Arthur here was just telling me about his secret dream of moving out into a hut in the forest to raise sheep for the rest of his days, and I told him to just go for it-“
Arthur sighs, as if the entire weight of the world was just dropped down onto his shoulders and gives Tommy a look.
“Really, Tommy, out of all the men you could’ve fucking picked, you just had to go with the most infuriating one?”
“Oh absolutely,” Tommy says solemnly. “It was very high up on my list of demands for possible partners-“
Alfie smirks. “Number one of course being that they must be above average both in stamina and in how well-endowed they are-“
“Number two: must be absolutely unbearable to be around,” Tommy fills him in.
“Fucks sake, you two. Absolutely fucking impossible,” Arthur mutters and looks almost pleadingly at Tommy when he adds, “Doesn’t it scare you that you’re gonna have to put up with this for the rest of your life?”
Alfie isn’t sure if Arthur fucking realizes how stupid it is, asking Tommy a question like that. But Tommy just keeps smiling.
“Not really, no,” he says, giving Alfie another look. “So… bedroom?” The quirked eyebrow gets Alfie up and moving.
“Well, it’s been a nice little talk, this, Arthur. All around fucking brilliant and enlightening, just as all talks with you are, mate,” he says as he stands, his arm sliding up around Tommy’s waist to pull him closer. “But I think it’s time for me and Tommy to go upstairs and-“
Arthur’s frame seems to draw together into what can only be described as a full body cringe
“Don’t want to hear it!” And the fucker actually slams is hands over his ears. Tommy snorts and walks out of the kitchen with Alfie close behind.
In the hallway, he takes Alfie’s arm in a sudden uncharacteristic move for closeness. And Alfie wonders just how much of the conversation he heard. Can’t have been much, if the good mood is anything to go by. Only reaction Tommy could reasonably have to listening in on a conversation like that is either being pissed off or absolutely freaking out. And he’s doing neither. Could of course ask. Get it out in the open. But it feels unnecessary to start poking around in it, because Tommy looks so… at peace. Happy. And Alfie would be a fool to start asking questions that might ruin that. So he leaves it be. Over all, Alfie tries to not dwell on the whole conversation; not on his own words and not on whether Tommy was there to hear them or not. Just like he tries to not… lose himself in that fantasy. Because, well, saying it out loud just turned it all the more visceral and it’s sort of hard to ignore it now. As if just saying the words out loud made him realize it on a whole different level.
Realize that if things had been different, he would’ve---
But they’re not. So there’s no point in dwelling on it.
Then again, who’s to fucking decide what sort of questions he can and can’t ask Tommy, even if it would just be a symbolic kind of thing? Not like either of them pay much attention to what is right and proper in the eyes of the law in any other aspect. Why should this be any different?
“What are you thinking about?”
He realizes he’s been standing with his shirt unbuttoned halfway, just staring into the distance. Tommy is already in bed, all bundled up in the blankets and watching him with sleepy eyes.
“Oh, nothing, love. Just the usual, eh?” Alfie mutters and finishes unbuttoning the shirt. “The weather, state of the English pound… things like that.”
Tommy yawns and sinks a bit deeper into the pillows.
“Well, if you want to do something besides sleeping tonight, you better think less and get undressed more. I’m already half asleep.”
“Oh would you look at that, love, a pig just fluttered by outside the window,” Alfie chuckles but puts some extra focus into getting his clothes off. Tommy lets out a snort that is most likely supposed to sound indignant, but when Alfie is finally down to his underwear and crawls into bed next to him, he’s all soft eyes and smiles again. And Alfie is tempted to ask what’s put him in such a good mood, but that is guaranteed to ruin it. So instead he just kisses him. And decides that all the thoughts the conversation with Arthur stirred up can wait till tomorrow.
Arrow House -or whatever the fuck it’s called- is an enormous block of bricks. Question is if it could even be deemed a house, what with the size and everything. No, it’s not just a house, of course. It’s a whole fucking estate.
Alfie walks through yet another room that could possibly be a bedroom -guest or otherwise, and wonders who the fuck needs this many room.
But apparently, this is the kind of house people of their ‘stature’ should have. It’s what everyone keeps saying. Tommy too. So of course when the opportunity presented itself to buy the estate of one Lord Whatever-The-Fuck-His-Name-Was -who apparently fucked off permanently to one of the colonies for whatever reason- they at least had to take a look.
So now they’re here, wandering around this castle like structure and getting lost. Alfie hasn’t seen Tommy for several minutes, it’s quite possible that he’ll never find the exit again and he’s pretty sure he’s heard a minimum of five restless spirits.
It’s all around, not a great experience.
Alfie opens the door to the next room, finding it just as empty as the last one. It feels like the sheer size of the building is about to swallow him whole. He gazes out over the giant lawn that stretches before the house. And the vastness of that isn’t helping either.
He moves on to the next room, trying to ignore the way the echoes of his cane bounces off the walls.
That room is empty too, and now he’s seriously beginning to wonder where Tommy has gone.
“Tommy?” He stands stock still, straining his ears to hear a response.
“Alfie?” Ah, there it is. Seems like he’s far away though.
“Where are you?” he calls out again, moving in the supposed direction where Tommy’s voice came from. It takes him out into yet another corridor, with far too many doors. That doesn’t bode well.
“I’m not sure,” Tommy calls back and Alfie lets out a chuckle. “In… a room.”
“What can you see outside the window?” He starts opening doors, feeling increasingly like he’s part of a giant joke.
“Grass,” Tommy calls back, and despite the unhelpful nature of the response it still makes Alfie laugh. It sounds like he’s at the far end of the corridor somewhere, so he sets off in that direction. And of course he still has to try three different rooms that all look exactly the same before he finds Tommy, stood in what appears to have been the master bedroom, judging by the canopy bed that has been left there.
“There you are!”
Tommy turns away from the window and gives Alfie a faint smile.
“We’re gonna have to install… fucking phone lines or something between all these rooms if we’re gonna find each other,” Alfie states and walks up to him, standing to inspect the view. And yeah, granted it’s better than the dreary houses in Birmingham, but again, there’s something oddly… eerie over the giant fields of grass. Feels as empty and lifeless as the house. “But I suppose we’ll get used to it, eh? Having to spend a few minutes just looking for each other every time we’re separated. And we’ll have to plan things in advance too, seeing as it takes at least ten fucking minutes to walk from one end of the house to the other.”
Tommy hums and turns to face the interior of the room, inspecting the ceiling that sits high above them.
“Have you looked at the rest of the rooms on this end?” Alfie asks when the silences stretches on. Tommy shakes his head, which prompts him to put a hand on the small of his back.
“Well, how about we do that, then? And then, might I suggest we go out into the sunshine? Fucking freezing in here, innit?”
Tommy is quiet as they inspect the four remaining rooms in this wing, so Alfie fills the silence by talking about the amount of people they’ll need to hire just to keep this house in order. And making little suggestions on what could be done to the rooms to make them slightly less… ghostly. A word he doesn’t use of course, because saying things like that is bound to make the whole house feel even more eerie.
Tommy’s got a wrinkle between his eyebrows the entire time, and his jaw is clenched oddly tight. It’s not until they get back to the main entrance, and are stood on the staircase overlooking the grand hallway and front door, that he finally speaks.
“I don’t… like it.”
Alfie cuts himself off mid-ramble.
Tommy sounds incredulous. As if he can’t quite believe his own words.
Tommy shakes his head and looks around; At the intricate wood panelling, the heavy oak floors and the thick velvet curtains that hang in front of the windows.
“Well, it’s hard to imagine living in it now, I suppose,” Alfie says to help him along. “Bet with some furnitures it’ll feel a bit more homely.”
A fucking lie if there ever was one.
Tommy shakes his head and sets off down the stairs, leaving Alfie to follow. Once they’re down in the hallway, Tommy looks around the room again.
“You do realise of course, sweetheart, that this is hardly the kind of house I’d want to live in either?”
“It’s not?”
“Now, love, when have I ever expressed that I’d like to live in a giant fucking ghost house that feels about as homely as an abandoned sanatorium?”
Tommy sighs and the tension finally creeps from his shoulders.
“Suppose it just… seemed like the next natural step.”
“Yeah, yeah because this is the kind of fucking house people with money live in, innit?” Alfie scoffs and taps his cane against an ornate fixture by a door. “Big gaudy things that require a whole squad of helpers and… cooks and fucking gardeners. And it’s still just as fucking lonely and miserable- I mean fucking look at it! Who needs all this fucking space? And it’s so fucking dark everywhere, even with all the windows”
He cuts himself off because Tommy’s got a sort of haunted look in his eyes.
“That about sums up why you’re not feeling it?” he asks, softer this time and Tommy shrugs a little.
Alfie walks up to the front door, resolute, and opens it. The sun streams into the hallway and a gust of wind blows in and ruffles Tommy’s hair. There, looks a whole lot better already. Alfie takes him by the hand and leads him out.
“I say fuck this house and whoever built it. Let’s go home
Tommy follows to the car without a word of protest.
Tommy isn’t too keen on looking at houses after that incident. So Alfie decides to hit pause on the whole thing for just a little while -sometimes he just needs a bit more time than other people to process things like this. But they do eventually look at another one, and that turns out -if possible- even worse. First off, it’s too far away from Birmingham. Then the estate agent tells them it was built by a Lord ‘What’s his name’(Alfie can’t be bothered to remember) who held a high position in the cavalry.
Tommy takes one look at the giant stone lions flanking the front door and then promptly gets back in the car.
Suffice to say, he’s not in a very good mood on the drive back towards Birmingham, quietly staring out the window and smoking one cigarette after the other. But the weather is nice, so when Alfie sees a fence bordering a large field that could possibly contain a horse or two -which could potentially cheer Tommy up- he pulls over and turns to his sulking companion.
“How about we take a walk, eh, love? We did make the drive out here after all.”
Surprisingly, Tommy isn’t hard to convince.
So they walk, taking a small gravel road that leads between two large meadows. And the sun is shining, a warm breeze rustles through the leaves, and although Tommy continues to quietly chain-smoke, the wrinkle between his eyebrow has smoothed out a bit.
And sure enough, after walking for a bit they even pass a pasture where several horses are grazing. Predictably, Tommy lights up when one of them comes towards the fence, eager at the sight of two people who might just be there to give it a treat. The horse hangs its head over the fence and Tommy scratches it behind the ears. Were it someone else Alfie would suggest to stay far away from a strange horse, but he has yet to meet a single horse -known or unknown- that doesn’t like Tommy. And he’s quite pleased that this horse has decided to turn up.
The horse is disappointed when Tommy leaves (Alfie is the one who initiates it because otherwise they might be stuck here until nightfall). It neighs a complaint before realising that petting time is over, and turning to re-join the rest of the flock a little ways away.
Alfie meanwhile offers his arm to Tommy, who actually takes it as they continue the walk. And this time, Tommy even refrains from lighting another cigarette. It could of course just be that he’s finally run out.
The sun is beginning to set in the horizon, which Alfie only realises when he glances over at Tommy and is struck by how extraordinarily beautiful he is in this light. He’s just about to suggest that they turn back when he sees the sign. Or… calling it a sign is perhaps to use the word too liberally: it’s really just a wooden plank with painted on letters, speered into the ground by the edge of an moss covered stone wall.
‘For sale’ it just says. And then a telephone number. Alfie frowns.
“Is this how they fucking do it in the countryside? Just hang a homemade bloody sign up in the middle of nowhere advertising a sale of… whatever. How is anyone supposed to find it here?”
But Tommy doesn’t appear to be listening. He’s let go of Alfie’s arm and walked up to the gate that is situated a bit further down on the wall, and is now standing there looking at something. Naturally Alfie has to see what is so interesting. And only a few steps along the road later, he sees the house, previously obscured by bushes.
He understands why Tommy is completely entranced by it, because it sure is something to look at. It’s large, but nothing compared to the last two monstrosities, just two stories and then what appears to be a large attic. Vines are growing up along the brick facade, and clinging around the green front door.
Alfie looks at it too. And then opens the gate and walks towards it.
“Alfie! Where are you going?”
“Just want to take a look, love.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“It is now!”
He gives the door three sharp knocks, just for good measure. As expected, there’s no answer. The door is locked however, and once it’s become clear no one is home, he begins inspecting the surroundings. There are no flowerpots or anything on the front steps, but by a barrel full of rainwater, there’s a watering can that somehow looks… suspicious.
Tommy’s steps are coming up the gravel path towards the house. “Alfie, let’s just leave before someone sees us.”
The key is, as expected, under the watering can.
Tommy looks absolutely mortified when he shows it to him
“Alfie, we can’t just go in,” he says with what honest to God sounds like a whine.
“Oh, calm down, love. Very uncharacteristic for you, this behaviour.” Alfie unlocks the door and it swings open easily. “You’re usually quite unbothered by… well everything. Where’s your sense of adventure, eh?”
“I’m just sick of looking at houses,” Tommy grumbles.
Alfie goes inside.
“Hello?” he calls out, lest they scare someone to death. But it quickly becomes apparent that the house is indeed empty.
Tommy is still outside on the steps.
“Aren’t you coming in, love?” Alfie wonders with a grin as he pops his head out the door. Tommy demonstratively lights a cigarette and turns his back against him. “Suit yourself. I’ll be back in a moment,” he says and kisses his temple just for good measure, before venturing back into the house.
Alife knows that no matter how hard he tries to deny it himself, heisprone to be a sentimental fool -Tommy’s words- so granted he might not be the best judge, but fuck if there’s not just something…about this house. Granted, the golden light of the sunset that cascades in through the large windows is of course showing it from its best side, but still…
The light spills across the hardwood floor and bounces off the walls with their white wallpaper, washing everything in golden tones. It becomes quite clear that no one has have lived there for a while, because a fine coating of dust covers everything. And still the house doesn’t feel eerie. More as if it’s sleeping, as odd as it might be to describe a house that way. The hallway takes him to a large living room with a fireplace, and huge windows that open up into the garden. He completely forgets to inspect the view though because he passed a staircase on his way in there and has to take a look at the upstairs quarters. Only a quick one, he promises himself -Tommy is bound to have become restless by now.
One look at the master bedroom though, and Alfie decides that Tommy has to see this for himself. And if he’s not going to do it willingly, well then Alfie will just have to carry him.
But once he’s back downstairs and out the door again, he finds the front steps empty.
“I’m here.” The answer comes immediately, thank fuck (will Alfie ever stop being anxious the moment Tommy is out of his sight?) “In the kitchen.”
Alfie follows the voice to the back of the house, and does indeed find Tommy in a big, bright kitchen with pale green panelling on all the cupboards. He’s stood by an open back door, with coloured glass in its windowpane. The sun is shining through it, casting light in red and blue that dances across his face.
Alfie only then realises he’s been too engulfed by the interiors of the house to look at the garden at the back of it. Because that’s where the door leads, out into a big garden with a lawn, and a giant oak tree.
“There are roses,” Tommy says quietly.
Alfie can only hum. The evening air is thick with the scent of them as it wafts towards him in gentle gusts. For a while they just stand there in silence.
He thinks about it, wonders what the fucking odds are of stumbling on a house like this. Just because you decide to take a walk. Then again, sometimes things do just line up perfectly, don’t they? It does happen, as rare as it might be. You take a walk and find a house, your new business partner turns out to be the love of your life… Things like that.
“Think we better get going. It’s about to get dark.”
Alfie snaps out of his thoughts and blinks. Tommy takes his arm and pulls him back into the kitchen.
Once the door is locked and the key is safe back under the watering can, they begin making their way towards the car.
When they pass the sign, Alfie grabs it and tugs it straight out of the ground. Then continues walking. Tommy looks uncharacteristically appalled.
“Alfie! You can’t just-“
“I’m just holding onto this for… safe keeping.”
Tommy shakes his head, but the lack of any more protests is approval enough for Alfie to carry the sign all the way back to the car and put it in the trunk.
And he’s fairly certain he catches Tommy smiling when he gets into the driver’s seat.
Alfie doesn’t call the number right away -granted he shouldn’t be calling at all until he’s hashed the whole thing out with Tommy- and that is yet to be done. The sign is now in the wardrobe (for safe keeping). On top of that, Alfie’s got the number written down in the only place he knows he won’t lose it (on the back of a photograph of Tommy that he keeps in his wallet. Which Tommy doesn’t have to know about)
But he sort of has another question at the forefront of his mind right now. One which has steadily become more and more obtrusive and that’s distracting him from the whole house business… It’s in fact taking up so much of the space in his brain that he finds himself unable to function. Back and forth it goes. Should he ask? Shouldn’t he?
It would be absolutely insane to ask.
But he desperately wants to, is the thing.
And it doesn’t hurt to just… see if he still has that box somewhere in the attic.
He’s been keeping it there for years -unable to throw it out, but it’s too painful of a thing to have where he has to see it all the time. And one day when Tommy is out, he makes the rather uncomfortable climb up to the attic to search. Lo and behold, it seems like whoever is in charge of it all is working in his favour on this matter, because it’s the first fucking thing he finds. He carefully avoids the photos and other keepsakes, unwilling to face all of that right now. And he does find what he’s looking for -at the very bottom, carefully wrapped in thin, sheer paper. As it’s been for twenty-five odd years, ever since his uncle gave it to him.
“This was your mothers, She asked me to keep it safe. I know she wanted you to have it. So now it’s yours to keep safe.”
He’d asked what he was supposed to do with it. Because that’s the kind of questions kids ask. And his uncle told him that, well, at some point -if you’re lucky- you’ll meet someone who you want to give it to. Someone special.
“You’ll understand when you’re older.”
And sure enough, he did understand when he got older. But all that really led him to was the realisation that the ‘someone special’ his uncle had been referring to, well, Alfie wasn’t the kind of person who was meant to find one of those. Realised that quite quickly in fact. So what was the point of keeping the bloody thing? Just a reminder of all the things he’d never have, wasn’t it?
Still, couldn’t fucking throw it away, could he? What sort of son would he be if he’d done that? No, that was out of the question. So he’d put it in this box. And now he’s holding it in his hands again and it feels oddly small… Small and delicate and somehow still so incredibly heavy.
He’s sort of forgotten to breathe, so he tries to do that as he folds away paper and looks down at the contents.
Then he has to wipe his eyes because there’s a lot of fucking dust up here and it’s making them fucking water. Has to blink, just to get his vision clear enough to actually seethe thing properly.
It’d need some adjustments of course. But that’s easy enough to accomplish.
It wouldn’t hurt to just… bring it downstairs. Keep it there for a while. It doesn’t mean that he has to ask… It’s not like it’s a huge commitment to just bring it downstairs.
When he descends the ladder on unsteady legs, it’s in his inner pocket.
For safekeeping.
And if he should want to ask, well it’s easier to have it down here isn’t it?
Not that he’s planning to. Because it’d be an absolutely ridiculous thing to do.
Well it can’t fucking hurt to have it close by, is the point.
If he would like to ask…
#alfie x tommy#Tommy Shelby#Alfie Solomons#Peaky Blinders#wtma au#BEHOLD the FLUFF#to be continued...
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Thoughts on “Far From Home”
SPOILERS FOR “Spider-Man: Far From Home”!!!!
this is for you anon
ok so basically i thought that it would have been good if it wasn’t a Spider-Man (“children’s”) movie.
Like, I think Quentin (Jake G) was such an interesting character, and an amazing villain but, I hated that his entire reason was because he wanted to be the New Iron Man. It bugs me to NO END that THATS the reason. Tony stole the projector tech he made, made fun of him (even if the audience didn’t know), and fired him. I think that’s a much better reason than wanting to be the next Annoying, Mean, Rich Rich Rich So Fucking Rich Metal Guy. The tech was so fucking cool? Like, projectors that seemed so lifelike,,, that’s so cool (also i kinda feel like you could relate it to how disney is only using GCI now but the russos are dumbasses). And like, the story Quentin and his team put together for Mysterio, and all the planning and the production value (if you can call it that lol) was so interesting and I was so intrigued. If there was a movie for him, and he didn’t fucking suck, I would pay to see it. His issue is that he’s so hellbent on killing Peter, MJ and Ned that I was put-off from like, half the movie. It’s kinda terrifying that someone can say, “I’ll just have to kill the kids myself,” and NO ONE IS CONCERNED??? And the fact that he was willing to kill innocent civilians just to make headlines, that’s fucked (and modern). Also, I think the directors missed out on a big opportunity for Peter to have a new father figure. Peter looked up to Quentin, trusted him, seeked him out for advice, like he would a father. I don’t remember him ever doing that with Tony. Peter was always too worried he was bothering him, and Tony seemed to brush him off a lot. Sure, Tony picked him and placed so much faith in him but, in the end? I feel Peter became more of a toy for the Avengers than an actual team member. If Quentin had been a good guy, doing this shit for the “right reasons” (idk like, taking the burden of becoming Iron Man off Peter, and maybe mentoring him) he could’ve been AMAZING. I still love him (except his dumb reasons) but, y’all missed out!!!!
Next: The whole deal with Peter being chosen by Tony to be the next Iron Man. Fucking hate that shit!!!!! Peter is a CHILD, he’s 16, and obviously he’s not ready for that responsibility!!!! In the movie, he’s manipulated by Quentin (which i lowkey also hate and explained above) and he just!!! gave EDITH to him!!!!! He’s a good kid, but not mature or responsible enough to handle having access to that kind of tech. I mean, dude almost killed a classmate?? Literally called a drone strike on the kid, couldn’t figure out how to cancel it, and destroyed the drone himself. Let’s not forget that this responsibility was FORCED ON HIM BY TONY???? Like, there was this scene where Peter literally told Quentin that he didn’t want EDITH!!! He didn’t want that kind of responsibility that came with being Iron Man!!! All he wanted for the summer was to hang out with his friends and kiss the girl he likes!!! Peter just wanted to be a normal child for one summer and, apparently, that was too much to ask for. Also, in the scene where Happy and Peter are in the jet talking about Tony, Peter says that he doesn’t know if he can be the new Iron Man. Happy doesn’t even hesitate when he says, “No, you can’t. No one can replace him.” Like hello!!!! And then they immediately forget that little nugget of wisdom, and Peter starts playing with Tony’s tech and literally everyone with eyes can draw the parallels between Peter and Tony. It’s frustrating. I hated how Tony was treated after his death. I completely understand mourning a character, especially one as important as Tony Stark, but it didn’t feel like mourning. It felt like worshipping. Tony had become a martyr, and he fucking knew it (EDITH = Even Dead, I’m The Hero 🙄) and people are still licking his boots. It’s just so weird that, even though he’s supposed to be dead, he’s still a main character and RDJ isn’t even in the movie!!!!!!!! When a character dies, that’s it, they can’t directly influence the story anymore, and yet Tony is still the reason for everything Peter does? He doesn’t have his own initiative. He lived and breathed in Tony’s shadow, and he’ll live in it forever. He’s being forced to become the next Iron Man. And believe me, I love Tony. I grew up watching the “Iron Man” movies with my parents and brother, and I remember watching one in the theatre and laughing till I cried. Guys! He’s dead! He’s done more than enough! It’s Spider-Man’s turn now.
I really hated Nick Fury in this movie. I grew up watching the OG Marvel movies and I loved Nick, but holy fuck. This dude hounded Peter, a CHILD, for help against those Elementals when he could’ve literally asked anyone else (side note: he shot Ned with a tranquilizer dart like? dude he’s a child calm down-). He gave a shit ton of excuses for why he couldn’t get in contact with the other Avengers but, I call bullshit. This dude is like, one of the most powerful men in the world (Quentin’s words, but it’s also been proven in other movies). He managed to track down Peter, how is it THAT HARD for him to find an adult??? Then he hijacked the school trip so that Peter would be in Prague, and he KNEW that once Peter was there he would help. It’s manipulation. Never mind the scene like, 5 mins later where Peter says he’s worried about his friends getting hurt (and having EDITH but not really understanding her), and Nick exploded on him. LIKE DUDE??? he’s a child. I’m also super pissed off at the fact that Nick manipulated Peter using his Avenger status. OOOOHHHH you whore!!! Literally everyone knows that Peter loved Tony (🙄🙄) and he used him against Peter! ASK AN ADULT FOR HELP YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE TEAM OF THEM????? Oh also, the bitch KNEW Quentin was evil. There’s a scene that proves it. It’s right after their first meeting where Peter says no, and leaves. Nick and Maria (the brunette lady hes always with, im surprised i remembered her name) share a knowing glance. They fucking KNOW. And yet?? They let Quentin do whatever the hell he wants?? He literally tried to kill 3 teenagers, and planned to kill hundreds of civilians in London (and i’m not sure if anyone did get hurt or died but, i wouldn’t be surprised). But the most powerful man in the world can’t stop him, apparently. He wants a 16-year-old CHILD to do it for him. It’s ridiculous!
The romance was also a bit hit-or-miss for me. Like, Ned and Betty?? It felt so forced and contrived? It literally only existed so that MJ could take Ned’s place. Y’all notice that Ned basically ditched his best friend for the entire movie for some girl he barely knows? Also, the fact that they “fell in love” on an eight hour flight. Hate that. It’s such a trope and it’s ugly. The romance with Happy and May was kinda weird, too? I mean, I don’t know their past together. I didn’t watch “Infinty War” or “Endgame” but, it also felt forced. Especially at the end, when Peter asked if they were dating!! May said no and Happy said yes!! I’m assuming that’s supposed to be comedy?? ig??? Anyway, I didn’t really like the romantic rivalry between Brad and Peter? (btw no shit i almost called peter “tony” i’m telling y’all they’re synonymous now). Like, Brad’s logic in using the photo of Peter stripping to “expose the truth” about Peter to MJ was so weird and awkward? The entire scene felt forced and I was so uncomfortable watching it. Also, MJ would’ve stuck up for Peter anyway, so it didn’t even matter, and the rivalry was dropped so easily after the opera in Prague. I did actually like the romance between Peter and MJ, even though I wasn’t expecting to. It’s a bit weird how quickly he got over Liz, but whatever; he’s a teenager. (I was going to comment on the necklace thing but, that’s actually kind of in character for him so, y’all get ONE (1) pass). I thought their hug and kiss at the end of the battle with Quentin was super fucking sweet and innocent, and it was refreshing compared to most teen romance movies where they act like adults instead. I was in LOVE with that scene, and it was one of the only scenes I honestly loved.
Ok, I wanna go back to Quentin for a bit. This dude absolutely destroyed the Peter Parker we were given in HOCO, and at the beginning of the movie. Yeah, Tony already had him as a puppet, but Quentin took his innocence. Y’all saw how easily Peter trusted people before him!! Like?? When he found out Quentin manipulated him, he lost almost all his faith in other people, except for MJ and Ned. For example, the scene where Peter calls Happy to pick him up because he’s in a holding cell in the Netherlands? Love that scene BUT! As he’s limping over to Happy, so obviously fucked up and hurting, he makes Happy prove it’s really him. THAT FUCKING HURT LMAO!!!!! I hated that. And that last battle with Quentin on the bridge? He maneuvered so easily through the drones, it was impressive, and he’d only fought against them once before (seems impossible but whatever). And watching the projections dissolve away into just pixels and a scared little bitch in a fish bowl helmet? Classic Theatre. But, he was traumatized by previous experiences fighting Quentin. Peter’s growth made the movie good but, his loss of innocence really made this movie kinda suck. Sure, his innocence still there—the scenes later with MJ prove that—but he’s still lost his easy trust in other people. It hurt to see. And, like, I’m not saying he can’t be more mature but, he didn’t even trust Happy!! He’s so paranoid that he’ll find his loved ones replaced by Quentin’s illusions!! It sucks!!!! Peter isn’t Peter without that sense of childlike wonder, curiosity, and helpless faith in others.
Anyway, I wanna talk about that Netherlands scene again because, holy shit, I loved it. After Peter was hit by that train (i actually screamed but the cinematography inside the train? *kiss*), he wakes up in some holding cell in the Netherlands with a band of friendly locals, and the guard, who’s talking on the phone with his pregnant wife. I don’t know why but, that scene was one of the first to make me smile? Like, it was so sweet how the other men were so happy for the guard and his wife, how they gave Peter a spare shirt because he looked cold, how Peter just broke the lock and left? How the guard was wearing Peter’s mask???? I’m in love. The next scene I liked was literally right after, of Peter limping through the tulip field, and Happy landing the jet nearby. Without dialogue, that scene is so pretty?? The petals stirring in the wave the jet left as it landed?? The HUG???? UGH! I fell in love. Another scene I loved was the scene when Peter went to Berlin to meet with Nick Fury and Quentin manipulated it with the projection technology. Even though I knew it was fake, I was worried about what was going on outside the projection (he got hit by a fucking train so,,,,,, iwas right to be worried-). Watching Peter so helpless and trying to stay vigilant was so heartbreaking, yet I was lowkey impressed. Like? How many other mean ass men could pull that off? None, next question. I can’t even think about how to explain it. I watched that scene at least 3 times, and was amazed every time, my only thoughts anxiety for Peter.
Okay, lastly, I wanna talk about the tech. I thought it was so interesting and unique. Like, I’ve played with the idea of projection in stories, or with characters as magic but, never considered applying it through technology, especially tech as capable as it is. And every scene where the projections were being used were amazing. I mean, obviously it’s CGI, but in the context of the MCU, it’s so interesting and cool to see tech like that used in a very public way. And no one knew!!! The whole system (along with Quentin and his team) was so good at camouflaging that I was fooled at the beginning of the movie. I seriously believed in the Elementals and Mysterio’s ruined Earth. It’s part of the reason I really enjoyed his character. And, like I said earlier, Peter was fooled by it too; everyone was. He learned it, eventually. But not before Quentin could manipulate the situation one last time and claim Peter called the drone attacks on London, and revealed his identity.
All in all, I didn’t have fun watching “Far From Home,” and it’s mainly because it didn’t feel like a Spider-Man movie. I enjoyed “Homecoming,” so much more. The villain was far more relatable (even though you could see it as demonizing the poor), Ned and Peter’s friendship was so wholesome and sweet, the entire cast was fun, and it was more enjoyable than watching some angry rich white man trying to kill children so he can get richer.
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Dragon Seekers. Chapter 16
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 15: click HERE
Chapter 17: click HERE
“Jamie! Wake up!”
A tired moan escaped Jamie as he felt someone shaking him. He opened his heavy eyelids, blearily looking up at Ash. She was wide awake, fully dressed and with her hair looking more messy from when he last saw it. He also noticed something like a harness on her as well as her spear seemed to be attached to her back.
“Ready? We’ve got to go now,” Ash hissed, keeping her voice as quiet as possible. She hurriedly started to sit Jamie up and drag him out of bed.
“Wait! Ash, my feet!” he complained, struggling to not cry as his feet touched the ground. They weren’t as bad as they were, but he still felt like he wasn’t quite ready to walk on his own.
“Don’t worry. Well be flying on Cinder for the most part. You’ll be okay,” Ash whispered, slinging Jamie’s arm over her shoulders to help him walk. Jamie just had enough time to grab the Soul Statue on the bedside table as he was carefully led out of the bedroom. “You’ve got to be quiet too. We’re the only ones awake.”
They were?
Whilst limping along, Jamie carefully observed his surroundings. No one else was up and moving around yet. The house was deathly still compared to the two children roaming about in it. What time in the morning was it? Too early for everyone else to be as wide awake as Ash. Did they need to be up this early?
Ash moved Jamie as quick as she could through the house, trying not to disturb the sleeping members of her family. She did her best to move Jamie, but it was proving to be difficult with how his feet were at that moment. Nonetheless, she helped him get his boots on before helping him outside. Cinder was waiting outside, looking just as awake as Ash was. Jamie recalled that Pyro’s and Blake’s dragons had saddles. Cinder didn’t seem to have one. Maybe the reptilian preferred to have one. However, there was something that looked like a brown jacket laid across her back.
“Here. You’ll need it when we’re out of the heat,” Ash insisted as she unhooked Jamie’s arm from her shoulders and passed him the jacket. He wanted to say no, because it truly felt too hot to wear it. However, now that he thought about it, it might get quite cold to him once they were in the air. He slipped on the jacket. It was a little long on the sleeves (which he rolled up a little), and it felt quite big on him, but he didn’t have time to complain. Ash nodded in approval before she dug out two scarfs, one red and one a dull orange colour.
“Put his on as well. I don’t want you passing out from Tahoe carbon dioxide when we get out of the air bubble,” she warned after passing Jamie the orange scarf. He shuddered as he recalled the suffocating sensation he had when he was chased and when Ash saved him. He followed Ash’s example, tying the scarf over their mouths and noses. He felt a little silly, looking like a bandit from the old cowboy movies, but again he didn’t complain. After all, he needed to be safe until they get far enough away from this environment.
Once her scarf was secure, Ash promptly jumped onto Cinder’s back. Cinder remained still, almost like a statue as her rider reached out to Jamie. He was hesitant. This would be his first time flying on a dragon. Was there supposed to be a proper procedure? Where are the seat belts? Okay, stupid question, but he honestly didn’t know what else to think at that moment.
Seeing the impatience brimming in Ash’s eyes, Jamie cautiously grabbed her hand. Ash effortlessly pulled him up and made sure that he was seated safely behind her.
“You might want to hang on tight,” Ash said, with Jamie picturing a smirk on her face. Hesitantly, Jamie wrapped his arms around Ash’s waist, not sure what else he could hang onto. Feeling that Jamie was hanging on tight enough, Ash muttered something and before Jamie could ask her to repeat that, Cinder suddenly started moving. She was walking to begin with, which wasn’t too bad. Then she started picking up speed, breaking into a steady gallop. Jamie found himself automatically tightening his hold on Ash as Cinder’s wings moved up and down, causing powerful waves of air. Jamie couldn’t help but close his eyes, feeling like his stomach was going into knots. There was what felt like a jerking motion and the sense of passing through something. Was that the air bubble they passed through?
Jamie had no time to think about that. There was a feeling of being hot, causing him to sweat right through his clothes again. He felt like he might pass out from it, but he held on with seemingly limitless determination. The last thing that he wanted was to fall off as the dragon was ascending. Gravity pulled hard at him, threatening to cruelly yank him down to the ground without mercy. He couldn’t let go, his life literally depended on his ability to grip tightly. His hands felt sweaty from the heat, making it more challenging to hang on. He couldn’t even tell how tight his grip was.
“Jamie, open your eyes,” Ash could be heard smiling as the heat was suddenly gone. The gravity suddenly felt more merciful as Cinder seemed to slow down. Jamie opened his eye by a crack, before they both opened in surprise. He then blinked a couple more times as he wasn’t used to the light of the sun after a short while. He had a better chance to look when his eyes became adjusted to the morning light as the sun started to rise over the ocean that Cinder was now flying over. The sun’s reflection made the ripples of the sea look like gemstones. The sky was painted with the last few evening stars, which were now fading, and shades of orange, blue and purple. The wind smelled o freshly of salt from the sea, offering more clean air than Ash’s homeland. Speaking of which, Jamie looked down at where they had taken off from. He couldn’t see much of it other than the faint flashes from the lava since smoke made it impossible to see anything else. It was definitely a small island it seemed.
Curious, Jamie looked around. He could more islands in the distance. About five more: one surrounded by mist and was pure white; one that seemed to only have sand with a small port and nothing else; one that seemed to house a dense forest; one that had large building structures that reminded him of sky scrapers and one that seemed to be surrounded by a thick black cloud. The last stand caused Jamie to shiver, giving him an awful feeling. There was something about the island that he didn’t like, but he wasn’t sure why. It seemed to be the furthest away out of all the islands.
Jamie looked again, seeing something that he had found quite interesting. Five of the islands, including Ash’s, surrounding the larger island that had the buildings in an almost perfect ring, as if the island was a representative of a capital city back in his world. Both worlds seemed to be more similar than Jamie thought. How remarkable.
“Nothing like your world, eh?” Ash smiled as she pulled down her scarf.
“No. This is amazing!” Jamie smiled back, taking everything around him in. Despite the island that gave him a bad feeling, he was awed by al that he could see. He was so used to seeing concrete, aside from the forest near his house, for most of his life, that seeing all this nature around him was a nice change.
“I guess so. I don’t leave the Magma Isles much, so this is a nice change,” Ash smiled as she took in a deep breath of fresh air. Jamie did the same as he took off the scarf he was still wearing. “We’re going to Central Isle. That’s where Nexus is. Hopefully it won’t be too busy with other kids getting their dragons this morning.”
So that’s why they left so early. It was so that Jamie could get help as quickly as possible. Hopefully it won’t be easier said then done. Jamie tried not to think about what might happen and focused on where they were going. Central Isle couldn’t have had a more obvious name. It almost reminded him of London, aside from a few details. The buildings weren’t entirely made from concrete but seemingly natural stone. They weren’t lit up by electricity on the outside it seemed. All the walls had crystals that were dimly lit. Shadowy shapes moved between the buildings or past them. It took Jamie a moment to realise that what he saw was dragons. Even though he had seen them already at Ash’s home, he was still blown away at just the sight of these mythical creatures right then and there.
And Jamie couldn’t wait to see all of them.
0 notes
I remember reading Romeo and Juliet for the first time, I must have only been about eleven or twelve, feverishly turning the pages of my crumpled old copy. I began to search the words for meaning, the hopeless romantic inside me yearning for a resolution other than death. However, when I reached the final act, it became apparent that the curtain had fallen on both the play and the young lovers lives.
Although it may seem cliché as fuck, an impressionable young girl fawning over the actions of two fictional children, I felt a certain numbness upon learning their fate.
I often found a strange sense of calmness amongst the images of decay.
I would romanticise the idea of death, obsessed with finding meaning in the absence of life.
I would wonder what people would think if I ceased to exist, creating elaborate realities in which I had sacrificed myself for the good of others, desperate to discover if my life had a meaning.
Although real life continued to seep into my delusions, like a busy train in rush hour, leaving me stranded at the platform with no hope of ever catching up.
The first time I put a blade to my skin I had hoped to find comfort in the pain, I yearned for the euphoric numbness I had read so much about. However, once again reality crept in. The turn of my mums key in the lock, the familiar mumble of “I’m home” as she struggled to carry her bags through the door.
I’d rush to help, but by then she’d be back at her desk, the door shut and the usual groan of her laptop as it struggled to ventilate against the wooden surface would once again echo down the hall. “Not now” she would snap, her hand shooing me away from the small crack in the doorway.
My dad wasn’t around much. He was always ‘busy’ working, or as I later learnt busy playing house with other women’s children. But my mum, she was the real hero in the house, working long days to keep our family afloat.
I didn’t see my mum as often as I’d like. But I grew accustom to the notes scribbled in haste on the back of envelopes.
“Be home late. Dinner is in the fridge. Will call you later, have a good day, Love you xx”.
I knew it wasn’t because she didn’t love me, in fact it was the polar opposite. She loved me, therefore she had to work. Our relationship would revolve around microwave meals, post-it notes and hushed conversations from the car or the various hotel rooms. The contrast of the harsh crackle of her voice against the humming of her car as she drove became a familiar sound.
At first I used to love being home alone. I would watch whatever I wanted and eat all the things I wasn’t meant to. But as I grew older it became quite lonely. The ache for attention would become unbearable.
At night I would hear my mum cry a lot. The muffled sobs would often lull me to sleep. My heart breaking every time my dad’s seat at the table remained empty.
I always played the understudy in my dads life or perhaps one of those secondary characters you add into a novel to flesh it out. It was almost like I had missed the audition for the main part, spending years of my life playing catch up with the desperate hope that one day the leading actor would fall down and then I could finally be the star.
It never happened. I’m still the understudy, but these days I’ve accepted it. His absence never went unnoticed but with age I learnt not to expect much. That way I was never as disappointed.
I was never good enough to be the leading lady. I never got the right grades, wore the right clothes, had the right attitude. I lived in an emotional prison of my own creation, desperately seeking someone to bail me out.
When I was 14 I was bullied so badly that I began to hurt myself again. I had started dating a boy I’d known since I was very young. My childish delusions of romantic grandeur had lead me to believe he was ‘the one’. I tried to open up to him, foolishly thinking he might be able to pay the bail and set me free. I craved attention, I just really wanted someone to love me.
This of course ended after three short weeks of playground kisses and late night texting. A girl in my friendship group had told everyone I was actually a lesbian. And this was high school after all, so naturally everyone believed it.
The late night texts stopped coming. I convinced myself his phone must be broken. It wasn’t.
He later told me, in front of all his friends, that he couldn’t be seen to be dating the “fat lesbian”.
I was 14, so this was ultimately the end of the world.
I lost all my friends. No one wanted to hang out with the ‘fat lesbian’. They would break my things, steal my money and shove me in the halls. My Facebook account was hacked, slut shaming me, with edited photos of my face on very graphic sexual images. I became a social pariah.
The girl started dating the boy. No one ever believed I wasn’t a lesbian either.
As I’ve grown older I’ve realised how pathetic it all was. I mean who gives a fuck if you like boys or girls anyway. But back then all I wanted to do was die.
I kept a brave face for a while at home, uttering a few words about how my day was fine and school was okay. It wasn’t.
I moved to Australia not long after this. My dad had told me this was my fresh start, a new hope. It wasn’t.
I started at an all girls boarding school, by the sea. My parents were going to move over later in the year, after everything was sorted back home. They never did.
I spent my locked away in my boarding house. I wasn’t allowed to leave.
“You need written parent permission and adult supervision.”
It became very monotonous. I felt almost like I was on auto-pilot for most of that year.
I would wake up, late as usual and have to skip breakfast. I would go to class, making small talk with the day girls, suppressing the deep burn of envy I would feel as they talked about their weekends at the beach or their dinners with their families. I’d then be forced to study in silence until 9pm, before I was able to return to my room. By this point I’d be mentally exhausted, craving the comfort of my bed. Sometimes there would be a slight variation, for example on Thursdays, I’d have to go to chapel. My mum had lied about my religion to get me a place at the school. Something that became achingly obvious with each passing week. I’d often argue with the pastor, telling him he was deluded. As you can imagine, at an Anglican school, this went down like a lead balloon.
It wasn’t long before I had fallen victim once again to the school bully. She weaved an elaborate web of lies that spread across the dormitory like an untamed bush fire.
And once again, one by one, my friends stopped bothering with me.
But this time I was all alone, 10,233 miles from home.
I tried to kill myself in the October of that year. It was the start of summer, one of the hottest days so far. I’d been to the beach for ice cream after school as a treat. It was a good day.
By this point I’d stopped texting my mum, feeding her lies about how wonderful boarding school was. I was angry with her. She’d abandoned me here.
My dad, the fantasist, was of course still determined that everything would work out. He couldn’t seem to accept the reality of the situation. They were never coming to Australia. The dream was dead.
Coming home felt like a relief. The suffocating heat disappearing behind me as the plane drew nearer and nearer to my home.
In my head I’d imagined a reality where everything would be perfect when I got home. My parents would be happy, my friends would love me again. It would be like the end scene from every high school movie I’d ever seen.
It wasn’t.
“Suicide is stupid. Mental Illness is a fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t need to see a therapist you’re 15. Grow up. Get a grip. Stop being so goddamn sensitive.”
My dad’s words echoed in my head, fragments of his harsh sentences tearing open old wounds and creating space for more pain.
I later learnt that my dad had bankrupted us. My mum lost her job. We had nothing. My mum had tried to kill herself that year. No one told me, they didn’t want to worry me - especially since I was “so far away”.
I started a new school, I thought it would be alright. I would be with my childhood best friend. I was wrong.
Her friends were awful. Their false promises of sincerity slipping through loose lips as they sold your personal business to the highest bidder in hopes of maintaining popularity.
Eventually I finished school. I packed up my things and moved away to London. As far as I could feasibly get, much to my mum’s disdain.
A lot happened in the 3 years that followed. I suppose you could say life happened.
In my first week of university, I was sexually assaulted in an alleyway as I stumbled around, drunk and bewildered looking for my bus home. It felt like I wasn’t really there. I failed to believe it was really happening.
I remember the rough texture of his hands against my shoulders as he slammed me against the wall, trapping my body. I remember I cried and screamed, I begged him to stop but he didn’t.
I wish I could say this was my only experience. In fact I wish I could say I made this all up. That it was a lie. But it wasn’t.
It happened again in my second year, I’d gone to a party with some friends, we’d invited a guy that worked with my best friend. He seemed nice, I’d flirted with him over the bar on occasion. We’d matched on Tinder, it all seemed innocent enough.
I was wrong. He’d followed me out of the party, explaining we needed to catch the same bus anyways. His obnoxious voice booming over the hum of the engine as the bus drew closer to my stop.
He followed me off the bus, pleading to use my phone charger. I shrugged and permitted it, my judgement clouded by substance abuse and exhaustion.
He made us a drink and I took it readily, my mouth dry and chalky.
He began to brush the hair from my shoulder, whispering compliments into my ear. It was almost as if he knew exactly what I needed to hear, his words making me believe he cared about me. Making me think maybe he could love me. My mind began to run away with delusions, my vision growing hazier as I sunk into my pillow.
He had laced my drink. I couldn’t feel my body, it was as if my conscious had left my body, as though I was watching from a distance, a bystander to my own destruction.
“You didn’t seem to enjoy that. Do you not like sex? Don’t report me. You probably think I raped you.” He joked as he buckled his belt.
“You did” I muttered, it must have been inaudible as he never responded.
I sat in shower for hours after he left. Hoping the heat of the water would cleanse my skin and burn away any evidence of his touch. It didn’t.
I began to sleep on the sofa, avoiding returning to the scene of the crime. I hated him. I hated how he had ruined the city of my dreams. I blamed him for every grey day. It was almost as if his touch had turned out all the bright lights, as if he had dulled all the colour and now all I could see was darkness and misery.
"You were obviously asking for it, I don’t know why you expect sympathy.” My own father’s words. And just like that I crumbled. The lifelong facade was over.
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Harry Styles is a faithful disciple of silence. He rarely does interviews, and when he does he speaks with charm and cheek while avoiding any nuggets of actual information that could be described as revealing. Until he started doing press around his debut solo album this spring, giving him various bits of artwork and magazine covers to screengrab, his Instagram looked like an A-Level photography project—full of dramatically monochrome shots of infrastructure and food. His Twitter timeline is essentially a corkboard littered with messages expressing thanks to his fans, structured like love letters from a husband in the trenches—"See you soon. Love. H."
In our climate of oversharing, his withholding nature may conveniently double up as a watertight marketing tactic, creating a shroud of mystery that's inherently desirable (what's he wearing today? What's he eating for breakfast? What does he do when he's not making scheduled public appearances?). But for him, it's more than that – "When I go home, I feel like the same person I was at school," he told Rolling Stone earlier this year, "You can't expect to keep that if you show everything."
This is why you don't often see Harry Styles among the names that frequent the daily aggregated news cycle of and Person Says Thing > The Thing is Outrageous! > Actually, The Thing Is Very Nuanced > Ugh, Someone Has Said Something Else Now. He has, to paraphrase someone he once dated, removed himself from the narrative. But, at the same time, Styles has created a narrative that exists just between him and his fans. Simply put: he cares about them, very sincerely and very unabashedly. Which isn't unusual—Lady Gaga is a perfect example of the often very intimate way fandom culture works today—but Harry Styles is muse to such a vast number of teenage girls, a demographic whose interests and opinions are rarely taken seriously by music critics or society at large, that his respect for them takes on a different meaning. It's a relationship best summarized by the following quote from Styles in that Rolling Stone interview: "Who's to say that young girls who like pop music—short for popular, right?—have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy? That's not up to you to say." He goes on: "Teenage-girl fans—they don't lie. If they like you, they're there. They don't act 'too cool.' They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick."
This was also the defining characteristic of One Direction's relationship with their fandom. They knew exactly who elevated them from bronze winners of a generic talent contest to global superstardom, they knew exactly who kept them there, and in return they gave them what they wanted. In the wake of their split, journalist Anna Leszkiewicz described One Direction as "a towering monument to the power of teenage girls."
It would have been both a strange and fairly stupid move for Styles to abandon that relationship moving into his solo career, but if anything he seems to have doubled down. He still doesn't say a great deal to the press, save for the endless shouts of appreciation for the people who make his life possible—namely, his fans and faves (artists like Stevie Nicks, to whom Harry Styles owes much of its inspiration)—but over time he's fostered a channel of trust that means his shows have become as close to a safe space as is possible for young girls to get as far as experiencing live music is concerned.

Harry Styles is currently touring Europe. He passed through London last weekend, with fans arriving to camp outside Hammersmith's Eventim Apollo in west London as early as Tuesday. Approaching the venue on Sunday evening, the area outside is deserted. It looks like a Glastonbury camping zone on clean-up day. Duvets are draped over the empty barriers; the floor is littered with foil blankets and carrier bags full of empty sandwich boxes and crisp packets; Pride Flags and Black Lives Matter placards have been taped in place like calls to arms. Everyone is already inside, obviously, and has been for ages. There are about 50 girls camping across the road on a patch of grass underneath Hammersmith flyover so they can be first in line for tomorrow's show. To arrive on time to a Harry Styles show is akin to missing it.
As for inside the venue, you can hardly see the stage for the number of LGBTQ Pride and Black Lives Matter signs held aloft by the audience. In Manchester, people also held up the city's bee symbol. The "I love you"s and "Marry me"s stereotypically associated with teen girl fandom are still very much there in spirit, but their articulation has taken on an actively political tone. The rainbow, the striking black and white of the BLM logo, the Manchester bee—all are symbols of support shared widely on social media, where pop fanbases tend to be most active, exemplifying a generational shift in consciousness towards social awareness. Here, they're brandished less a show of resistance and more as a celebration. People feel comfortable expressing themselves this way because they know everyone in the room is already on their side.
Styles has spoken generally about equality in the press before ("Most of the stuff that hurts me about what's going on at the moment is not politics, it's fundamentals," he told Rolling Stone. "Equal rights. For everyone, all races, sexes, everything"), but it's what he says at his shows, addressing people directly, that means the most to those who care the most. Throughout the night he encourages people to be "whoever you want to be in this room" and continually thanks them "from the bottom of my heart." Someone throws a Pride Flag on stage and he holds it with both hands above his head and runs back and forth across the stage. Someone else throws a French flag and he does the same. Someone else throws a bit of tinsel and he drapes it around his shoulders like a stole.
The room is full of groups of teenage girls hugging each other, hugging people they didn't know, turning to ask the people behind them if they could see alright. Anyone crammed towards the front has been there from the second the doors opened, denying themselves water or a sit-down so they could be as close to their idol as possible. The show had to be stopped twice to help two girls who fainted in the pit. Harry calmly asked people to take a step back, repeatedly checked if everyone was okay and spoke soothingly about looking after one another. He played "Kiwi" twice because it's what the fans wanted, though not without a bit of showmanship ("if you want us to play it again you're going to have to scream louder than that").
It's also worth noting that, although it was ostensibly The Harry Styles Show, five of the ten people onstage are women. As well as a female drummer and keyboardist playing in his own band, he's being supported by MUNA—a goth-pop trio from LA whose music communicates the emotional disarray of sexuality and relationships, as well as heavier topics like assault, through a specifically queer lens. On stage in Hammersmith this weekend, they repeatedly acknowledged the marginalised communities present within the crowd, providing reassurance that—in this room, at least—they are seen and heard. There are, sadly, so many awful reasons to feel unsafe at any show, but in light of the Manchester Arena bombing, pop shows now carry a particularly horrific association that lingers in the back of your mind and can make you inadvertently take note of the emergency exits. Rather than avoiding it, guitarist/vocalist Naomi McPherson addresses the elephant in the room and reminds people how brave they are for being here at all. Singer Katie Gavin introduces their single "I Know A Place"—essentially the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror as a song—by describing it as their imagining of an ideal world we should be working towards. "I know a place we can run / Where everyone gonna lay down their weapon," Gavin sings over a dancey four-to-the-floor beat, "Don't you be afraid of love and affection."

For all the talk of inclusivity and equal rights often thrown around within subcultural communities like punk, hardcore and indie—predominantly male-dominated spaces that can't seem to go a day without someone in a band being called out as abusive—it strikes me as significant that this is one of the few shows I've ever been to where I've not felt threatened by anyone in the room. And it's not because I am, at 5 feet 3 inches, one of the largest people in this one. It's because Harry Styles supports his fans' politics while they really live it, and as a result his shows have become a place for people to celebrate being whoever they are. The diversity of the room itself speaks to that. He's cheering just as much for his fans as they are for him.
Pop music is accessible and available in ways that more subcultural music isn't, but this dynamic doesn't just present itself anywhere. Justin Bieber shows, ecstatic as they may be, are not largely comprised of kids shouting down racism while overtly celebrating their queerness. Pop, like all music, can often be a form of escapism—a way to forget yourself, especially if being yourself can mean facing a multitude of hardships. The actual content of Harry Styles' music isn't anywhere near political but, because of the way his fans engage with him and each other, his shows inherently are.
Obviously, anything can happen anywhere and anytime. Harry Styles' name on the front of a building can't guarantee the absolute safety of everyone in it. But it does foster a world away from our current one; a world that feels less oppressive and more like MUNA's "I Know A Place." I can't imagine how valuable it is for teenagers to experience that—even if it's just for a night.
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APH rarepair week day 3: Childhood!
Pairing: Romania/Norway
Rating: T
I am really nervous bc the word childhood appears once in the story, but I think it counts? *nervous sweating*
I’m also very disappointed in myself for the ending
Idek anymore just read it
The magic community is huge. And that is an understatement. If one were to conduce a study on it, they would find out about two fifths of the global population are mages. Of course, nobody does it, because who believes in magic, right?
Lukas Bondevik lived in a tiny Norwegian town. He'd heard of famous sorcerers, but had never befriended a mage outside his family before.
Sometimes Lukas got to show off his magic to kids, who clapped and cheered, but their parents always took them away and told them ‘don't go near the strange boy’.
When Lukas was a teen, his family gathered enough money to move to England. Lukas made a small dance in the shower before their flight. They were going to live in London? Perfect! The whole plane ride, he played with strings he'd enchanted to change colour, to avoid looking out the window. He made them become various shapes, from a cat to a dragon. When they landed, he left them on the plane; someone could use them. The magic would wear off in a few days, though, and they'd become the dull grey they were before.
Everything about London was grand, even the airport. Lukas' family would have gotten lost if it weren't for the signs leading them outside. The tall ceilings giving off a spacious feeling, the chatter - or snoring, in some cases - of people, the smell of tea and coffee, it almost made him dizzy. Once they got out, he took deep, sweet breaths.
The hotel room had white walls, two bedrooms and one bathroom. Lukas and his younger brother slept in the same room. Emil fell asleep fast, but Lukas was jet-lagged and way too excited. He made little flames dance around the room, careful not to touch anything. He painted them different colours, like blue, green and purple. It was like a small show in his ceiling.
At last, he slept.
The sun brought light to their hotel room. Emil was up before everybody else. So, Lukas awoke not only from the aggressive sunlight, but because of his brother poking him everywhere.
“Emil. Emil, stop,” he grumbled, rolling to the other side and throwing Emil on the floor.
“The sun's already up, Lukas! Come on! You're a good wake-upper!" Shouted Emil, throwing his arms up. Lukas' hands tightened around his cover.
“Go away,” he growled.
“No! You always say it's good to wake up early and enjoy the day!”
Lukas groaned and sat up.
“All right, all right,” he sighed. “Go wake our parents.” He stood and opened the closet doors. Emil ran into their parents' room. How could someone be so energetic so early in the morning?
Oh divinities, not getting enough sleep was not worth it. Lukas chose the plainest clothes his eyes hit and put on flip-flops while brushing his hair. By the time he was ready, his parents were already up as well. Breakfast was decent, and they had a casual stroll around the city. They found a school for the kids and a good restaurant to eat in.
Emil and Lukas got into school a week later.
Nothing abnormal happened for months.
The lunch break bell rang. At last. Lukas put his case and notebooks into his bag and threw it over his shoulder. After waiting a few seconds for the most of people to get out, he walked out of the classroom. On the way to the cafeteria, he passed by the music room; there was Arthur, still practising on his cello, like every morning. He and Feliciano had teamed up to play a duet. Lukas stopped by and listened. It was a soft and cheerful tune, although short; fitted for the the end of summer.
Arthur's expression relaxed, and he smiled at Feliciano, who smiled right back. They put their instruments back in their cases, and talked about where they would meet next.
Someone tapped on Lukas' finger, and he turned around to see… no-one. The corridor was empty. He felt a pinch on his sides and almost yelped. Something encircled his waist and pulled him back. Lukas whirled around and hit the thing, which released him. This was an invisibility spell. Lukas spread his arm and sent fire in what he hoped was the thing's direction. A loud yelp echoed in the corridor – so the thing was afraid of fire. It also sounded human. Lukas spun around, shooting a circle of fire around himself.
By this point, Arthur and Feliciano were at the door, both shocked at the situation. Everyone was still for a second.
Arthur sighed.
“Vladimir, stop it,” he ordered. To Lukas' surprise, a voice responded.
“But- him and- the fire-”
“Vladimir.” Arthur's voice was much more stern. A groan.
“Fine.” And in the middle of the corridor, Vladimir appeared, dark red clothes, one fang showing, a tiny hat balanced on his head.
“Feliciano, are you okay?” Arthur placed a gentle hand on Feliciano's shoulder. Feliciano took deep breaths, then nodded.
“I’m… going to pretend this didn’t happen,” he said, putting his backpack on. “Let’s go, Arthur!” He grabbed Arthur’s hand, smiling, and they rushed to the cafeteria.
Vladimir and Lukas exchanged looks.
“So, where in the heck are you from?” Vladimir knitted his brow and tilted his head.
“Norway,” answered Lukas.
“Ohhh, that explains your skills!” Vladimir straightened his spine, raising his head. “I’m Vladimir Popescu, the illusionist.” He winked. “Let’s get lunch!”
Lukas blinked. That was a first. He was a little wary, but… how bad could it be? He wouldn’t have only his thoughts as company. He agreed. Vladimir grinned, and off they went to get lunch.
That day, they shared two classes in the afternoon. As there were no assigned seats, Lukas and Vladimir sat next to each other. The teacher was speaking while taking notes on the board.
“Now, we’ll need an example to demonstrate,” said the teacher, turning to the class. His eyes scanned the students. “Vladimir, please step up.”
Vladimir stood and walked to the front of class. Lukas looked up from his notebook and saw letters floating in the air.
Set my hair on fire.
He looked around the class; everybody else was listening to the teacher. One of Vladimir’s illusions, then. He looked back at Vladimir, and the letters had changed.
Don’t actually burn me, just set me on fire.
He nodded, and Vladimir failed to hide a grin. As the teacher explained, he concentrated on a spot in Vladimir’s hair and set it on fire. He controlled the spread, so it was slow and didn’t get out of control.
The teacher noticed it and gasped. He looked for an inexistent fire extinguisher, while Vladimir remained calm, joining hands behind his back. Some students panicked together with the teacher, others laughed, and yet others packed their bags and ran to the door in case of major disaster. As the teacher ran out to look for a fire extinguisher, Lukas turned the fire into a little snake, climbing down Vladimir’s head to his shoulder, then going down his side onto the ground. It disappeared in a small hole in the floor just as the teacher ran back into the classroom with a fire extinguisher.
There was a moment of tension as they waited for the fire to come back, but as it never did, the students flowed back into the classroom. The teacher stood a little more in shock, then sighed.
“I can’t handle this,” he groaned. “Go home. The class is over,” he then announced, walking out of the classroom to put the fire extinguisher back in its place. The students’ cheer was loud enough to hear from the gym. Most of them packed their supplies in a hurry, except Vladimir and Lukas, who were calm about the whole thing. Vladimir was trying to suppress a grin, and failing.
When they were out of the school, Vladimir burst out laughing.
“That was amazing!” he breathed out, putting his hands on his knees. “Did you see their faces? Man, you are the best!” He had to stop walking to catch his breath. Lukas allowed himself a smile.
“The idea was yours,” he replied. Vladimir’s eyebrows scrunched together and his grin faded.
“What, you never did anything like that? Nothing, you know,” he shook his arms side to side a little, “rebellious?” Lukas shook his head, and Vladimir put his hands on his hips. “Your childhood must have been boring!”
“…It was,” chuckled Lukas.
Vladimir’s expression brightened.
“Well, your adolescence’s gonna be much better!” He grabbed Lukas’ wrist. “C’mon, I know a great ice cream shop!” He tugged Lukas along to a street not far from his house. Lukas blushed at the sudden contact and protested a little, but went along with it.
The ice cream was much better than what Lukas had in his hometown. His marine blue eyes sparkled, and Vladimir was still halfway through his when Lukas had finished.
“Guess you liked the ice cream!” Laughed Vladimir. “Do you want another?”
As Lukas nodded, Vladimir bought him a new ice cream, despite Lukas’ protests that he should pay for it.
“It’s called a date, I pay for stuff.” He grinned at Lukas’ blush and stammer, and patted his head, despite being a little shorter.
After the ice cream, they strolled around with no aim. It was nice to watch the sunset, with red-leaved trees to accompany the beginning of the autumn night. They passed by a used CDs and books store, where Lukas spotted a CD from one of his favourite singers. Vladimir noticed him staring at it, and smiled.
“I have a fun idea.” Lukas looked at him with interest. “Let’s buy each other a CD and a book we find good, and then we listen to that CD and read that book!” Lukas raised an eyebrow in question. Vladimir shrugged in response. “I think we’ll know each other better after that.”
Lukas agreed. He bought Vladimir a CD with songs that told tragic stories, and a book on mythology. Vladimir bought an instrumental CD mixing electronic and orchestral, and a police fiction book. They put their new CD and book into their backpacks and walked out of the shop.
“…Don’t you have to go home?” Questioned Lukas, knitting his brow at Vladimir.
“Yea, but I’ll walk with you to your hotel first.” Vladimir put his hands beside his head. “Don’t know what could happen.”
It was a little illogical, as Lukas was a mage as well, but he didn’t argue. The sun had already set, and a few stars twinkled in the sky. Others would soon follow, but the sky was still indigo and not all the way to black.
“Do you play chess?”
“What, chess?” Vladimir shook his head with a chuckle. “I’d be out in two moves. I know how it works, though.” He raised a finger. Lukas rolled his eyes, although smirking. “Arthur plays well, if you want an opponent,” he offered. Lukas nodded in acknowledgement, and they walked in silence for a while. It was comfortable.
“Uh… where do you come from?” Asked Lukas, noticing they were nearing his house. He wanted to at least get that from Vladimir.
“Oh, a huge city in the west of Romania,” responded Vladimir, looking up. “There were a lot of mages there. Nobody from my family, though.”
“Then how did you become such a great illusionist?” Lukas blinked. Vladimir shrugged.
“I was a big fan of magicians, you know, the ones with the card tricks.” Vladimir made a vague gesture. “So I put lots of effort into magic.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Thanks for the compliment, by the way.”
“Don’t you receive them often?” Lukas’ eyes widened a little.
“Nope. People usually get annoyed at my antics,” he chuckled. “You’re one of the first to go along with them.” He stopped. “Is this your hotel?”
It was. The tall, beige building, Lukas’ room on the third floor.
“Goodbye, then,” Sighed Vladimir. “I’ll see you tomorrow on class, unless one of us is sick!” He smiled and waved as he walked away. Lukas waved back.
It had been enjoyable.
The class was silent for minutes. A checkmate in twenty moves, against the smartest kid of the class. Even the teacher had to admit it was impressive.
“Thank you for the match, it was great.” Lukas smiled as he put the pieces back in the box, and stood. He walked out of the school, in the last day of class, with Vladimir and Arthur following him.
“Great game you did there!” Vladimir joke-punched him on the back.
“There's a hand imprint with some obnoxious colour, isn't there?” Sighed Lukas. Vladimir nodded, grinning. “Clean it,” he demanded. Vladimir shrugged and made the green hand imprint disappear.
Arthur chuckled beside them.
“The year has been fun, hasn't it? Since we three befriended each other.” He smiled at them. The landscape was serene, the end of a spring day. The sky was a smooth, soft gradient from lapis to yellow to pastel pink. Vladimir took a deep breath, enjoying the air.
“True. That Alfred kid even got expelled. What a great world it is!” He spread his arms beside himself and smiled at the sky. Lukas glared at him.
“You really hated him, didn't you?”
“The most fun thing,” continued Arthur, smirking, “was watching you two fall in love like fools.”
The two stopped dead in their tracks, and Arthur stopped too to observe. Lukas' eyes were wide and he blushed profusely, his hand covering his mouth. Vladimir's arms fell to his side as he blinked many times. Arthur grinned.
“Goodbye, Vladimir. Goodbye, Lukas.” He waved and walked away. “I'll see you two any time you decide to visit me!”
Vladimir blinked.
“Oh, God, Lukas, I think he's right.” Vladimir shook a little. “I am in love with you.”
“I-I-” Lukas removed his hand from his mouth and sighed. “I love you too,” he muttered, looking at the ground and blushing. Vladimir beamed and hugged him. Lukas hugged back, trying to hide his face on Vladimir's shoulder.
“Do you think we could go out?” Asked Vladimir, his voice soft. He felt Lukas nod and giggled. “I'll call you later, then.”
They held hands until they reached Lukas’ hotel.
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Football ... and other kinds.
A wee fic I have just written on the train from Manchester to London whilst really hoping that the old man in the seat next to mine isn’t reading over my shoulder! haha! Enjoy some J+C fluff everyone, Happy Wednesday! :) xx
“Why do I never get picked first?”
Claire glanced up at her husband and suppressed a smile by sheer force of will
“I’m sorry?”
“I said, why do I never get picked first? It doesna matter the team, I ne’er get picked first.”
“Ah …”
Claire’s shoulder’s began quivering beneath the quilt and she sensed rather than saw the disdainful look her husband was giving her.
“What’s so funny Sassenach? Ye may as well spit it out before ye jiggle yeself out o’ the bed entirely.”
“You sound like a little boy in a Christmas special about to ask Santa to make his wish come true.”
“I thought Santa only brought gifts?”
“In America there seems to be a developing trend for him to grant wishes too.”
Claire shrugged and curled into Jamie’s side, tracing a finger over the swell of the biceps in his right arm.
“Aye well, I dinna understand it myself but I’ll take your word for it.”
Claire propped her chin on his chest and grinned at him in the dark
“You’re really quite put out about this ‘picking’ business aren’t you?”
“I wouldna say I’m put out as such … I’m no a wee lad. But I would say I’m fairly handy wi’ dribbling the ball and none sae bad in goal either.”
Hearing Jamie rattle off the football terms that Jem had taught him was still a novelty to Claire and caught her slightly by surprise. Which, she supposed, gave her the merest glimpse into how Jamie himself must feel each time someone mentioned trains or radios or germs.
“Oh, you’ve mastered dribbling now have you?”
Claire teased
“Mmmmph. Twas a mistake anyone could make, Sassenach.”
Jamie grunted but she could hear the smile in his voice. The tale of Jem advising his grandfather to dribble the ball to gain more control, assuring him that it was a perfectly valid move when Jamie had seemed sceptical, only to have his grandfather crane his neck over and cautiously spit on it, was still their grandson’s favourite story and one that he repeated at least once a week.
Claire agreed and then sighed.
“Alright, well I can tell you why you don’t get picked first if you like?”
Jamie’s shoulder jerked beneath her head
“Ye ken why?”
“I do, but you won’t like it.”
Claire warned, propping herself up on her elbows to avoid further jostling. Jamie raised his eyebrows and nudged her gently with his elbow in encouragement.
“It’s because, according to several other players, you’re a ‘ball hog.’”
“A what?”
Jamie frowned but Claire wasn’t finished
“And also, according to this player, you’re bossy.”
“According to …Ye think I’m bossy? And what is a ball-hog?”
Jamie spluttered, sitting up indignantly and swatting Claire’s hand away as she reached out to rub his back consolingly
“You ARE bossy and a ball-hog is someone who, quite simply, hogs the ball.”
“Keep it to myself ye mean?”
“I dinna do that!”
“Well you don’t pass it around much.”
Claire was biting the inside of her lip and willing herself to stillness with each huff from the darkness beside her, but she could feel the muscles in her stomach clenching and knew she would laugh despite her best efforts if Jamie didn’t stop flouncing soon.
She heard him rustling in his bedside drawer and then the scrape of one of Brianna’s matches, which he saved prudently for only the most dire need of light, and the soft glow of fire illuminated the room, swiftly followed by the more steady glow of candlelight.
Jamie settled himself on the bed and turned to face her, mouth set in a grimly determined line.
“Jamie, don’t worry about it! It’s just a game!”
“But …”
“I never get picked first either! Even you don’t pick me first!”
Claire laughed and Jamie grimaced guiltily
“In all other aspects of our life, I would pick ye over any other, but ye have to admit, Sassench, ye are no’ very good at football.”
He spread his hands before him, palm up, a gesture of helpless and hopeless resignation and Claire snorted wryly.
“I had noticed that my chief deployment seems to be the goal.”
“Aye, weel ye are verra good with your hands, ken?”
Jamie grinned, finally letting go of his indignation.
“Thank you.”
Claire edged closer to him and this time he reached out and tugged her gently forward across the bed, meeting her lips softly with his own.
“Sorry for the wee stramash.”
He murmured finally.
“It’s alright. You’re competitive and rather possessive by nature, why should your relationship with a ball be any different?”
She smiled and Jamie ducked his head bashfully.
“I think perhaps I just have a penchant for firm, round wee things.”
Claire squeaked as his hands settled firmly on the part of her anatomy he clearly considered to fit that description
“Firm? Ha! Maybe twenty years ago!”
“Och dinna be daft, I have my hands on it at least as often as you do and I ken a firm wee bum when I feel one.”
“Do you now? I sincerely hope you don’t have too many recent examples to compare it with!”
“No but I’ve a fine memory and I can tell ye truthfully that your arse has, if anything, only improved over the years, Sassenach.”
Claire squinted over her shoulder and frowned
“Aye, when ye were a younger lass ye had a fine broad backside but now it’s a wee bit fuller and unlike ye temper, it has softened slightly with age.”
Jamie’s voice was deeper but considered, like a sommelier trying to decipher the secrets of a particular vintage rather than husky with lust.
“I thought you said it was firm.”
“Aye it is but …”
Kneading his fingers lightly into the curve of her flesh, his thumb stroking small circles across her skin that made her breath catch in her throat, Jamie considered carefully before speaking.
“there is a softness there now that wasna there before. Or perhaps it was and I have only just learned how to seek it, for if marriage has taught me one thing Sassenach, it is that it takes a lifetime to truly learn to appreciate a woman’s magnificence.”
Jamie slowly rolled Claire onto her back and covered her with his body.
“Had someone asked me when I had been wed to ye for three years, I would ha’ told them that I knew every inch of your body with more certainty than I knew my own and I wouldna ha’ been wrong, but there was so much more to learn and savour.”
Claire gasped has his teeth found her nipple and gently tugged it, his tongue flicking against the hardened tip before doing the same with her other breast.
“I ken that ye were brave but I didna ken how brave, just like I knew ye had a fine arse but I didna ken just how fine it was.”
His fingers trailed her thigh and the sweet damp hair at her centre before slipping between her legs
“Christ, ye’re warm Sassenach.”
Claire didn’t answer, couldn’t. She arched her back and whimpered something akin to an invitation but Jamie was, as she had pointed out, bossy and by no means ready to relinquish possession.
His free hand moved across her hair, fanned across the pillow and traced the arch of her brow.
“I knew ye were beautiful, but I had no idea just how beautiful ye would become and I knew I loved ye, but I didna ken how deep that love could be. Look at me, Claire.”
Claire forced her eyes open and saw in his eyes all that she was to him and she could only hope he saw the same reflection of himself in hers.
“I do love ye, mo duinne.”
“Jamie, please…”
“Ye’ll have to release me.”
He smiled and as Claire released her grip on his fingers, he rocked his hips and they sighed together.
“I love you too, Jamie. I really love you.”
“Wait for me Claire, I’m no’ far behind ye, let me go with ye.”
“I can’t …”
“Aye ye can, mo chridhe, ye can for ye must.”
His hands on her arms were shaking and the thrust of his hips was gaining momentum, not wild but patient with the promise of such strength contained, reigned and held back, if only just. He would command her but only she had true control tonight and he knew it.
“Slow down.”
She could feel her breath break against his jawbone in a rush of hot air and gripped his earlobe tightly between her front teeth at the same moment as she dragged her nails from his buttocks to the nape of his neck.
“Ah Dhia! Claire…”
Claire pressed her hips upwards, drawing him deeper and locked her legs around his back, drawing her body from the bed, letting his hands slip beneath them, his finger pressing lightly on the damp, taught flesh of their joining.
“Come with me Jamie…”
Claire whispered and felt his huge frame shudder in surrender against her a split second before the waves of her own pleasure crashed around her and obliterated all other thought from her mind.
Sometime later, wrapped in each other, the blankets forgotten at the foot of the bed, Jamie grunted into wakefulness and lightly shook Claire’s shoulder.
“I swear I’ll pick ye first next time Sassenach.”
Claire blinked and tried to comprehend what he was talking about
“I’ll pick ye first next time we play football.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
Claire kissed his cheek and rolled over. She was drifting back to sleep as Jamie’s voice floated across the remaining strand of her consciousness.
“I’d be a fool not to, ye certainly ken your way around balls.”
#Outlander#outlander au#fanfiction#fanfic#outlander fanfic#outlander fandom#jamie x claire#RedStarFiction
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Thoughts on Wonder Woman
Well, I went to see the movie I had been quite apprehensive about given its setting and it turns out...it’s one of the better superhero movies of the past twenty years, and so far above the rest of the DCEU that it kind of retroactively breaks MoS and BvSDoJ.
More spoilery thoughts below the cut.
Before they can do anything else, an actor playing a superhero has to sell you the physical plausibility of them being super-human (even the ones without powers still do stuff that’s super-human - there’s a reason Christopher Nolan filmed Batman like a monster in a horror movie). Gal Gadot did that in spades, delivering an astonishing physical performance that really made you believe she was a demigod.
Equally importantly, the script delivered a Diana that audience can like - she’s idealistic to a fault, she sees the best in people, she’s compassionate and brave and her basic instinct is heroic. And her flaws - she’s incredibly naive (although you definitely chalk that up to being raised in a utopia by a mother who shielded her from the truth about everything), her idealism often results in her seeing what she wants to see rather than what’s there, and as a warrior she often tries to brute-force the world into seeing it her way - are both non-dealbreakers and fit the story really well. Diana tries to save the world without understanding it, learns the truth about the world and herself, and ends up saving the world by understanding it.
And I’m very happy that for once, the fundamental lesson wasn’t a misanthropic one: Diana doesn’t conclude that humanity sucks and that superheroism is either futile or fascist, she sees the good and the bad in humanity and believes that love can redeem us. For a film that posits the literal existence of the Greek gods, it’s one of the most Protestant films ever: humans are inherently sinful despite our best efforts, and only by the grace of Diana are we saved.
As for the non-physical performance: I thought Gal Gadot did very well at all the comedic scenes, and had a nice rapport with the ensemble, and was quite convincing in scenes in which she was angry or determined. I didn’t buy her as much when she was supposed to be grieving or despairing - the scene in the gassed town for example fell flat.
I really liked this sequence - it was colorful, strange, the combat choreography was incredibly balletic and dynamic, I thought the way they dealt with Diana’s origin stories and the gradual reveal of her burgeoning powers was quite good. In fact, I wanted to spend more time on the island and wish we could have seen Chris Pine - who did a great turn as Steve Trevor and really should be allowed to play more comedic roles than somewhat wooden leading man roles - interact with the broader Amazonian culture in the same way that Diana does with London. As it is, he really only experiences it through Diana.
I was less fond of this section. Visually, it’s incredibly monotone grey - how does the home front look less visually appealing than the trenches? - and outside of the shopping sequence it was generally rather exposition-heavy in a way that really didn’t illuminate very much. I have a sad feeling that if you polled people who watched the movie and asked them what an armistice was or why Ares was pushing for it rather than against it, most of them would be very confused indeed.
The Front
This is the part that I was the most apprehensive about, both because I was worried that the visuals of Diana going over the top and saving the day kind of re-writes the essential insanity of the Western Front - my great-grandfather fought at Ypres and no one there was passing around bullet-deflecting bracers or mortar-proof shields - and because making Ze Germans the baddies in WWI potentially re-writes the essential insanity of the alliance-builders and the war planners on all sides.
Thankfully, my fears were completely allayed. On one level, the action is just too well done - whatever intellectual position one holds, when Wonder Woman starts throwing tanks and knocking down sniper towers bodily, the adrenaline surge just overpowers that. But on another level, I felt that the filmmakers avoided the worst: they pointed to the shortcomings of the Entente through Sameer’s struggles with racial discrimination, Etta’s motioning towards the suffragette movement, and Chief’s pointed gestures to the history of American wars against Native Americans. Diana’s mistake wrt to Ludendorff and Ares and Trevor’s speech about how people cause wars due to having badness in them also points away from having one side be the Baddies.
And the final scene where we see young Germans cheering or sobbing in relief when they realize the war’s finally over was really important - I just kind of wish it was more consistent whereas 90% of the Germans we see before that were pretty stock faceless Baddies in stahlhelms.
But as far as individual Germans went, even Doctor Poison got humanized and who gives a damn if Ludendorff is slightly slandered? The man was a warmongering bastard proto-Nazi and both Germany and the world would have been better off if he’d died in 1918.
While the English side of his plan makes no sense, I actually liked David Thewlis’ bureaucratized, modern, seductive Ares - a god who changes with the times, like Vulcan on last week’s episode of American Gods - way more than when he started putting on pseudo-Greek armor.
Here’s where I think Wonder Woman kind of breaks Man of Steel and BvSDoJ: a big part of the premise of those two movies is that superpowered beings were completely new and literally alien and thus caused great fear and suspicion, requiring Superman to spend his life in hiding lest humanity something something.
But in this movie, hundreds of people saw a demigoddess in action a hundred years ago - and yes, the civilians in that one village got gassed, but there was a whole battalion of British soldiers who saw her deflecting machine guns and mortars and a whole base of German soldiers who saw her fly and hurl lightning bolts and pick up tanks. That’s not something that can be easily covered up.
And this is the problem that comes with trying to all of the sudden reverse-engineer a cinematic universe. Man of Steel makes sense in a world in which Superman is the only superhuman; the original idea of Batman fighting Superman in the wake of Man of Steel makes a certain amount of sense as well - but they don’t make sense in the context of a world in which Wonder Woman is a historical fact, and where superpowers are so common that Suicide Squad is a thing that can happen (thinking of Sorceress and Diablo here).
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