#So I had to share it here with all of you as well <3
seraphinitegames · 1 day
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 04/Oct/2024 
It wasn’t the week I planned, but oh boy, was it another seriously productive week!
I started on finishing up the chapter 4 edits and rewrites, getting those done just as my editor sent through the chapter 3 edits! So, I figured seeing as I was on an editing spree, I would skip the social media days this week and just slam through all of that to get it done.
So there were no asks this week, but I did get the first Autumn Scenario Specials up—always fun to write a soft!M, but even more so in this cosy season, hehe! ;D
And it was totally worth focusing on the edits as I got all of it finished, including bug testing chapter 4 too! I’ll be sending my edited version of chapter 4 to my editor to do the final tidy-ups, and chapter 3 is also now ready to send for the final phase to the last set of readers and sensitivity readers to be completed.
There was the weirdest bug ever in chapter 3, but was eventually sorted super easily, but it did have me puzzled for a while, lol!
So, with all of that done way quicker than expected, I moved onto writing the next chapter too! And I’m already slamming through that :D
Chapter 5 is definitely more intensive than the nice smooth, shortness of Chapter 4, but there’s a lot going on again, as well as the variations of meetings with some recurring characters, so got to make sure those make an impact! ;D
So yeah, it was quite the week!
But to make up for not doing social media days, I will be spending most of next week making up for that. I’m actually hoping to spend more time on those so I can get October’s and November’s content done in one, as I am thinking of something a bit more intensive and fun for December…but I need time to pull it off, so getting ahead on social media now will mean I will hopefully get the chance to what I’m excited for!
And because I totally forgot to detail the last upcoming set of Scenario Specials on Patreon, here is the list of the love interest poll winners and the word prompts, as well as when they’re coming up!
‘Embrace, Coffee, Wind’ —Mason/Morgan Autumn Scenario Special (02/Oct/2024)
‘Cinnamon, Chill, Cobblestone’ — Adam/Ava Autumn Scenario Special (09/Oct/2024)
‘Gold, Indoor, Socks’ — Nate/Nat Autumn Scenario Special (23/Oct/2024) 'Scarf, Lake, Umber' - Felix/Farah Autumn Scenario Special (16/Oct/2024)
‘Spooky, Fall, Basket’ – Li-Sar Autumn Scenario Special (30/Oct/2024)
Sorry for the essay of an update this week! But it did feel good to get so much ticked off the checklist in one go that I had to share my happiness, hehe! :D
Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3
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a-shade-of-blue · 9 hours
Terrifying news coming out of Nuseirat Refugee Camp today. Israeli fighter jets have bombed 3 family homes in Nuseirat, killing at least 7 people and injuring many more. That's not all. There have been helicopter air strikes as well as armoured vehicles firing at civilians in Nuseirat as well. 6 more people have been killed in the overnight airstrikes.
Israel has ordered people at Nuseirat to evacuate again. They were told to go to designated 'humanitarian zones'. We know from Israel's past actions that they will not hesitate to drop bombs and murder displaced families in these so-called safe zones, and that they will target people trying to evacuate.
I'm not joking, I'm really really scared for Mahmoud's family (@mahmoudfamily1) in Gaza. He has 17 family members at Nuseirat right now, including 10 children! Their makeshift tent has been hit by bullets and sharpnel, and the land they were staying on was bombed. They managed to leave before the bombs came, but it was a really close call.
I don't want them to survive on luck alone. Mahmoud has had his GoFundMe campaign since May and still he has only reached 1% of his campaign goal! His campaign is always stagnant and donations are coming in so very slowly. Please help. They have 10 children and on top of all the bombings they don't even have money for food, medical treatment and other basic necessities.
Only $1,312 CAD raised of $80,000 goal!
Mahmoud's campaign is vetted by association. Mahmoud is a friend of @hazempalestine (vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi)! I've also been talking with him frequently both on and off Tumblr! Please at least share, and donate if you can!!
here relaying information)
Tagging for reach, please message me if you want off the mailing list! We thank you in advance.
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @ahaura@ana-bananya@northgazaupdates@c-u-c-koo-4-40k@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @roadimusprime@aces-and-angels@just-browsing1222@neptunerings@mushroomjar@northgazaupdates2@kyra45-helping-others@decolonize-solidarity @heritageposts@timetravellingkitty @briarhips @akajustmerry @wellwaterhysteria @rhubarbspring@nevert-the-guy@ethanscrocs @gumy-shark @khizuo @brutaliakhoa @decolonize-the-everything @postanagramgenerator@heydreamchild
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@schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka
@fiqrr @irhabiya @sharingresourcesforpalestine @batmanego
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
Kitty Cards
Sylus x gn!Reader
I will never ever win a game against this man istg
Warnings: losing, frustration
Word Count: 925
Tag List Form
You swear he’s cheating. He has to be. There’s no way he just happened to draw three 6-point kitty cards to start with.
You look down at your own hand. Ah, yes, what a fine selection of ones and twos. None of the colors even match the cups!
“Sweetie, if you glare any harder, the kitties will jump out of the cards and run away.”
You turn your glare on Sylus. He’s sitting casually in the cafe chair, as relaxed as if he were back home. And that stupid smug smile! Ugh, it infuriated you to no end.
“Honestly, why do I keep inviting you to play if I’m just gonna keep losing,” you groan. You draw another card. Wow. A three. With no color matching cup. Fantastic. You sigh.
He chuckles and plays a card, doubling his 5 points to 10. At this point, it’s just sad. You’ve got 3 points to your name and he has 30-something at least. Maybe playing with him wouldn’t be so bad if you were anywhere close in scores, if he had 23 and you had 22. Enough to feel like it’s anyone’s game and not decided before you’ve even shuffled the deck.
Or maybe that would make it worse.
You play your 3-point card to keep him from getting the last cup. He lays his cards on the table, face down.
“Relax, sweetie. I’ve had plenty of practice in games with much higher stakes.”
“How many 6-point cards do you have right now?” you demand.
He smirks as he lifts up the edges to check. You know he remembers. The salt is ground ever deeper into your wounds. “None.”
“Mhm. And 5-point cards?”
You frown, seemingly even more frustrated now that you know he just got lucky. “Well, what do you have?”
He fans the cards out for you to see, long fingers holding them apart.
All ones.
He chuckles again as you huff and snatch them from his hand to pile on the deck. You don’t look up at him as you shuffle repeatedly. He flags down a waiter who replaces the cups with new ones with staggering efficiency. You cut the deck no less than 3 times, to ensure complete randomness, and place them back in the center. He goes to draw a card, but you’re setting it in front of him before he can.
“You really don’t trust me, do you?” he muses, picking up his two cards.
You ignore him, looking from your hand to the cups. You have an advantage by starting with three cards, but he could have the better hand regardless. The game really begins when he makes his move.
It’s not even 5 minutes later that your head is down on the table.
“I’m never gonna beat you, am I?” you mutter, not even caring if he does or doesn’t hear you.
He hums, quietly gathering your cards and organizing the deck. He sets it back in the center of the array without shuffling. “Don’t worry, you can practice with the twins.”
You laugh dryly. “They cheat like it’s the objective of the game.”
“All the better to practice against them.”
You don’t answer. Sylus drains the last dredges of his coffee. Your drink hasn’t been touched since the first round, two games ago.
As amusing as your pity-party is normally, he knows the failure runs a little deeper today. Usually, you sigh and moan and whine, but it only spurs you on to try harder next time. He’d never thought he’d see the day you succumb to defeat.
He sighs and stands up. “Wait here, kitten.”
You lift your head up. There’s a red mark on your forehead from where it rested on the table. “Why? Where are you going?”
“It’s a surprise.” He smiles as he hands you his card. “Get a new drink and something sweet, kitten. I won’t be long.”
You glower at the card in his hand, but take it anyway. You don’t watch him as he leaves.
When he comes back, the table has been cleared of cards and empty cups. A half-eaten slice of cake has been pushed to his side of the table. He wonders if you wanted to share with him, or if you feel too bad to indulge.
You’re taking a sip of your drink when something is set on the table in front of you. Sylus sits back down and picks up the fork on the plate.
You blink, because surely you’ve fallen asleep in the cafe and this is just a dream. But the big, full eyes of the crow plushie continue to stare back at you. You look up at Sylus for answers.
“I’m not heartless, kitten. Even I can only bear to see you sad for so long.” He cuts a bite off the cake with the side of the fork. “It loses its fun if you’re really upset.”
You flush, from embarrassment or from watching him eat off the same fork you’d used when a clean one sat next to him on a napkin. Maybe both. You set your drink down and grab the plushie.
Its ruffle is a bit uneven, so you idly adjust it so it sits better. The fabric of its body is soft. You boop its little beak.
You look back up at Sylus. He still has his eyes on you, like he’s still not sure if you like his little gift. You smile and hug it to your chest. “Thank you.”
He grins in return. “You’re welcome, sweetie.”
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eyeless-cunt · 2 days
PROMPT: Corruption Kink
CREEP: Masky
Word Count: 3.5k
CW: 18+, Corruption Kink, Loss of Virginity, Implied Stalking, Pill mention, Smoking/Nicotine, Gun mention, Fem genitalia, Raw Sex, Creampie, Oral (fem receiving), Outside Sex, the works. This had way too much plot sowwy got carried away <3
Small clouds of your breath released into the cold winter air, the small spiral of smoke-like whisps escaping your lips and rising into the sky. Your hands clenched around your torso as you shook, trying and failing to warm up. You searched the fog that blanketed the area around you, waiting for the man that had you wrapped around his finger. So much so that you were waiting at a bus stop at 2am in frigid weather just to see him again. You wondered when exactly you had become so enamored with the man. When you first made eye contact through his mask in the deep woods? When he gifted you a tape that he had apparently filmed only you on? Maybe it was that night he lifted your chin, calloused fingers holding you firmly, and called you a 'sweet little temptation'. When you asked what he meant by that you only got silence in return.
You didn't know when exactly he started haunting your every thought. Nor why he did in the first place. You didn't even know his real name. Your parents would be rolling in their graves if they knew you spent most of your nights in the woods with a strange man that carried a gun and pill bottles with the labels ripped off. If they saw you hesitantly take the cigarette he offered you, only to choke your lungs up at the first hit. You had no interest in smoking, only in sharing the object between each other's lips. You could practically hear your mother scoffing in your ear every time you watched a man that was most likely mixed in with something dangerously illegal comb his hand through his dark hair–leading you further into the woods.
A shadow shifted in the outskirts of your vision, drawing your attention. You recognized his scuffed boots, the only part of him that was uncovered under the various streetlights that lined the sidewalk. The sight of him slowly stepping out from the dark and into your view made your heartbeat pick up, the goosebumps on your arms now not only just because of the cold. He stood silently. Completely still, waiting for you to join him. That was how all your nights started, the masked man waiting for you to come to him.
You attempted to walk towards him at a steady pace, nervously wondering if you seemed too eager. It was hard not to rush at him after not seeing him for two days.
"Hi," you whispered shakily, cringing at how it came out. The cold coupled with your nerves was doing wonders to your voice. He only grunted, shedding his heavy jacket and draping it over your shoulders and the jacket you already had on. The gesture did equal things to your heart and core, both your chest and thighs squeezing in tandem.
"What–no! Aren't you cold? It's freezing out here, I can't take your only jacket." Your voice came out shaky once again, and you cursed yourself and the weather.
"'S fine. Don't worry about it." You simultaneously loved and hated that he was a man of very few words. It was part of his charm you knew, but you would love to hear his voice more often. It was a deep raspy tone, low and even.
"Of course I'm gonna worry about it. It's, like, freezing out here and only dropping more by the hour. You'll get frost bitten if I steal this from you." You had stopped shaking, the jacket not only thick and well insulated, but warmed from his own body heat. It smelled of him, and it took a lot for you to not bring it up to your nose and smash your face in it like a love struck school girl.
His only response was to grab your hand, surprising you, and snake it up his t-shirt. You squealed–embarrassingly–as he held your flattened palm against his chest. He was burning hot it seemed like, your cold hand a stark opposite against his own temperature. "See? 'M warm. Keep it on." You could only nod, thankful that the cold had already warmed your face long ago. You savored the feeling of his bare skin against your palm, feeling almost physically pained as you pulled away.
He turned and started walking towards the woods, pulling his mask on over his face as you both stepped over past the treeline and into the almost pitch black of the forest. You were grateful the moon was so bright, other nights you were a stumbling mess, barely able to see the ground in front of you. You followed him almost expertly, your months of shared exploration now carved into your limbs as you climbed after him over fallen trees and dodged spiderwebs that slipped into your pathway. You loved the silence, it allowed you to hear his breathing clearly. Although that thought made you feel a bit creeper-ish.
"What have you been doing?" You broke the silence, trying to keep your voice down as you knew by now that everything sounded louder in the woods at night.
"Busy." Right. You huffed, waiting for more than that. You hummed, prompting a better response from him.
"Had stuff to take care of. Nothin' you need to worry your pretty little head over." Your heart swooned over the slight term of endearment, not bothering to think about how he was still being secretive.
"I do worry about you though." You frowned. Would he think you were being overbearing? Overstepping, maybe? You shuddered at the thought, opting to not say anything else just in case. If he distanced himself from you because of your over involvement you'd probably hate yourself forever.
He hummed, stopping to pull a cigarette from the crushed pack in his pocket. His hands reached up to slip off the mask and you watched with baited breath, as always. You could never get enough of seeing the face under his mask. He flicked his lighter, the flame dancing around in the dark. You were impressed he lasted this long without a cigarette. Usually he had one lit before he came to meet you. You breathed in the scent of the nicotine smoke that floated in your direction, seemingly unbothered. You used to hate the smell, but it's something entirely different on him. It took on a new form in his presence. Maybe it was the allure of how his fingers flicked at the lighter, or the way the tiny flame reflected in his eyes. You'd never been attracted to men that smoked, much less the act of it. It was a disgusting habit is what you had been taught all your life. You had been taught a lot of things that you were now rebuking these past few months.
"Are we going somewhere?" Normally the answer would be something along the lines of 'wherever,' or, 'just walkin'.' He might take you to a sketchy abandoned building, something like a hospital. Sometimes a clearing, other times a steady stream. Once, it was a river that you dipped your feet into and talked in front of for hours.
"You wanna go somewhere?" You paused. That was a new one. He flicked his cigarette, lightly squashing the fallen ash under his boot. Any words you may have said escaped you. Was he serious?
"There are places to go?" The question was tentative. His gaze met yours and you froze in place, always mesmerized by the way he looked at you.
"If you want to. I'll take you anywhere you wanna go, pretty." He shrugged, seemingly unaware of the backflips that were happening in your chest.
"Aren't you cold yet? It's been a good hour now." You watched him carefully, noting how he still wasn't shivering. No goosebumps lined his arms, unlike you who was wearing two jackets and still had a tremor to your voice. You weren't sure if that was necessarily because of the cold though.
He raised an eyebrow as if asking you if you were serious. He nodded you over as he took another puff, his other hand reaching out for yours. Hesitantly, you let him grab your wrist, only for him to tug you towards him abruptly. He placed his cigarette back between his lips, one extremely warm hand slipping under your shirt and pressing against your lower back, pulling you into him. He pushed your hand up his t-shirt again, but you weren't anymore prepared this time. The feeling of his warmth against your hand had your head spinning in circles, the feel of his calloused fingers spread open just above your ass driving you wild in a way you'd never thought possible.
"Do I feel cold yet?" You were at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing in shock. You could barely shake your head no. You didn't miss the way the corner of his mouth ticked upwards, only for a moment. Your mind that was racing in a million different directions halted the second you felt his hand move along your skin to squeeze your hip and stay there. He pulled your closer until your body melded against his, completely stealing the air from your lungs. He had your ear pressed against his chest, his heartbeat loud and clear.
"Wha-? Why are we standing like this?" You didn't dare pull away, your voice coming out as a tentative whisper. Barely audible. You felt his hot breath on the top of your head as he spoke.
"You're cold, aren't you? You're shivering. You don't like it?" The question made you pause. Of course you liked it. You'd never forget this moment or the way his rough hands felt as they squeezed your bare hip. The way his body heat wrapped around you left you feeling wildly desperate.
"It's not that." It would never be that.
"No? Then tell me you like it." His voice sounded lower than usual. You fought the embarrassment of saying something like that outloud.
"What's that matter?" You mumbled the words like they were poisonous–the poison being pure shame.
He hummed, ashing his cigarette and freeing his hand back up so that both could be slipped under your shirt and clasped onto your body. He dragged his fingertips up your spine and back down, his other hand slipping down to cup your ass.
"You don't like it and I'll let you go. You want me to let go?"
"I...," you trailed off, the nervousness seeping into your voice plainly. He only hummed, prompting you to try again. Your hesitation made him begin to pull back, and the loss of his warmth had your fingers clutching his shirt, attempting to hold him there as you tired again.
"I like it." Your words were said quietly–slowly, even–as if it would make it less embarrassing if you took your time with them.
He didn't say a word to what felt like a filthy confession in your mind. His only response was physical, his hands returning and only getting braver. You remained clutching at his shirt as he trailed a hand higher and higher up your back, lightly dragging his nails up and under the straps of your bra. You buried your head in his chest, embarrassed and panicked as you felt him undo the clip that held it together.
"Tell me that's okay." You knew he was referring to the undone bra, but your words felt like jello as they tried and failed to come out. You could only nod, face still hidden.
He grabbed your chin unexpectedly, dragging your face up to meet his. You were sure you looked anything but composed, unlike him.
"If it's okay then tell me with your words. Use your mouth." Your mind immediately turned dark with the things you could use your mouth for, face burning at the thought. Your thoughts swirled as his other hand slowly slipped past your waistband slowly, just teasing the skin there.
"It is." You could barely get that out without shifting your gaze anywhere else besides his face. He leaned down to your ear, letting go of your chin to slip another hand up the front of your shirt. Your thighs clenched as your felt his hand stop just between your breasts, teasing the skin there. Your skin was lit with anticipation unlike anything you'd ever felt before.
"Tell me that with your words then. Go ahead." You couldn't believe he was making you say it again. You didn't think you were strong enough.
"I...," you started, the words dying in your throat as you watched his eyes stare into what was probably your soul. "I've never done this before." You shifted nervously, wondering if that would change anything. You being inexperienced in this way at this age was embarrassing.
"I'll make you feel good. You don't want me?" He was all you wanted.
"I want you," the words shook as they came out, but they were there nonetheless. "It's okay...for you to touch me." That seemed to be all he needed–in the next few seconds his mouth was latched to your neck, kissing and sucking as his fingers moved to unbutton your pants. You weren't sure what to do with your hands as he moved down your shoulder with his mouth.
He pulled your shirt up, telling you to hold the hem in your mouth as he pulled your pants down, accidentally pulling your underwear with them. You'd never felt so exposed in your life as he flipped your positions to have your back against the tree he was previously leaning on. Your undone bra was slipping off your shoulders, leaving your breasts half exposed, nipples peaking out. He had pulled down your pants leaving you completely exposed. You tasted fabric as you continued biting down on the bottom of your shirt, back arching as you watched him cut your bra off. You couldn't have protested if you wanted to.
"You're pretty jus' like this," he whispered lowly in your ear, fingers reaching down to push into your folds, making you whimper as you felt him slowly caress your opening, his fingers slowly pushing in and out, just barely. "With your legs spread, giving it up for a man like me." His words had you pushing your hips closer to him in a vain attempt to get his fingers to finally push inside of you fully. He dropped to his knees, not bothering to give you any warning before he pulled you closer to his face by your hips and licked a stripe up your pussy. You whimpered around the cloth in your mouth, hips jutting closer as he latched his mouth around your clit and sucked, fingers finally pushing up inside of you. You could barely contain yourself as he pushed in and out of you, pushing against your walls. The sting of him adding another finger had you reeling with the pain, only for his mouth to soothe it.
He was mumbling as he ate you, the words mostly too low for you to hear. You could only make out him telling you how you tasted, and the thought of him enjoying that almost had your knees buckling. You had your fists clenched onto his shoulders, grasping at his shirt. You had to fight not to fist his hair and push him further into you. Your hips weren't winning any fights, rolling on his tongue like a woman starved. He pulled away, fingers leaving you empty and clenching on nothing.
You didn't get to question why as he had you soon turned around with your hands pressed against the tree holding you up, your ass bare and sticking up for him. If your legs weren't shaking with what was an almost-orgasm you would have felt more embarrassed. Though as he grabbed you by the throat and rubbed his clothed dick on your ass you were only thinking about how you wanted more. He nipped at your ear, hand reaching around your front to messily play with your clit again.
"You're so wet I could just slip right in. Make a mess of you and fill you up." He sunk his fingers back into you, pumping as you gasped and shook against his body.
"You want me inside yet, pretty?" You moaned at the thought, nodding your head up and down as your hips rolled into his still pumping fingers.
"You sure? I don't have any protection. You still want me to fuck you?" Maybe your brain wasn't working properly, or maybe you really were corrupted because your only response was to push your ass up and arch your back, hands steadying yourself against the tree. You only received a laugh in response, and you thought about how normally you would have felt self conscious about that.
You let out a tiny gasp to yourself as you felt his tip press against you, shaking as he dragged it up and down your folds slowly. He rubbed it over your clit, probably smiling to himself as he watched you come undone over the simplest stimulation.
"Where exactly do you want it?" You could feel the glee in his voice as he said it, obviously pleased with himself.
"Inside." The words sputtered out, leaving you with a confidence you weren't aware was in your possession before today. "Inside me, Masky." He heard your request and granted it easily, pushing his tip against you and slowly slipping inside. Your breathing picked up as you felt the stretch and consequential burn, body tensing and rigid.
His hand slipped under your stomach, his voice low but tense in your ear. "Relax, baby." He smoothed his hands over your waist, maybe attempting to ease the tension there. Luckily for both of you it worked, his hands lighting fireworks anywhere he touched.
He eased into you, fingers finally gracing your clit again, the pleasure soothing a good portion of the burn as he continued to press into you, filling you in a manner that you thought should be impossible. A low groan left his mouth as he bottomed out, a few curses splitting from his lips as he asked if you were ready. You took a brief moment to breathe through the pain–his fingers on you and him being inside of you all at once was causing your brain to short circuit. You weren't sure your mouth and brain were connected at this point, the only sounds that left you now being uncontrolled moans and gasps. Thankfully your hips rolling back into him was enough of an answer in his eyes, and he began moving slowly. You'd never been filled up like this before, the new feeling of him moving inside you was almost addictive.
You were practically singing as he picked up speed, your walls fluttering as he hit seemingly every sensitive spot inside you repeatedly. You were seeing stars with the way he fucked you.
It took more focus than you were currently capable of to hold yourself up, the more he slammed into you the more jello-like your legs became. As you began slipping he wrapped his arms around you, bringing your back flush with his chest with no pause to the almost rhythmic pace, his movements unrelenting. You could have collapsed as he teased your clit, your orgasm slowly approaching. You were practically throbbing with desire as he fucked up into you, his mouth latching onto your neck. You could barely move your hips to meet him halfway anymore, the exhaustion beginning to set in. Although he seemed perfectly fine doing it all on his own, his movements never ceasing for a second as he cursed in your ear, his words barely making any sense to you.
It was a string of filithy compliments, sweet praises for you and disgustingly lewd comments about how you felt wrapped around his dick. You couldn't make sense of much, far too focused on the way you fluttered around him, your walls clenching as you rose higher and higher towards an orgasm. Your breathing came heavy as he fucked into you faster, your mewling and newly tensed legs signaling to him what was fast approaching. He circled and teased your clit relentlessly, encouraging you with words full of filith.
"I-I'm, I can't–Masky!" You couldn't push the words out, all your attention on the way your stomach coiled as your release got closer. Your hips were back to rocking against him, chasing the feeling and spreading your legs further to give him more room.
"Love when you say my name, go ahead and scream it for me." You did just that, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave, his name falling from your lips like a prayer and a song all in one. His place slowed as he kissed down your neck and shoulder, leaving marks behind and praising you endlessly. He fucked you through it as you slowly came down, his praise only serving to light you on fire again. You'd never heard him speak so much, much less to compliment you like this. He slipped out, the emptiness not doing as much to you as the immediate burn you felt afterwards.
"Wait, you didn't cum?" You questioned him worriedly, horrified at the thought that maybe he didn't enjoy it. He only laughed, motioning towards your legs. You looked down and only then did you feel the sticky wetness that slowly dripped from your entrance and down your thighs. You had no idea when he came or how he continued afterwards, but the evidence was clear.
“Not a chance in hell I wasn't cumming with you choking out my dick like that.” That comment had your face heating, as if you weren't already flushed and sweaty despite the cold. You nervously met his eyes, wondering what exactly this changed. Would he still want to meet with you like you had been for the past few months? Or was he done with you now that he'd gotten something? You figured worrying about this when you hadn't even pulled your pants up from where they laid at your ankles was a bit premature, but your brain didn't seem to agree.
You didn't have to worry for long though, Masky didn't waste any time in pulling you to his mouth, practically devouring you where you stood. You'd never been kissed like that in your life, his teeth biting at your lower lip as his hand held your head in place, pressed against him. He pulled away only after you began squirming, watching you with a satisfied gaze as you gasped for breath.
“Do you regret it?” You faltered, surprised he was the one asking that and not you. “Huh?” is all you managed to sputter out. Speaking didn't seem to be your strong point tonight.
“Do you regret me?” You shook your head almost violently, protests falling out of your mouth now in a jumbled mess. You couldn't believe he'd ever think that, as if you weren't just screaming his name against a tree of all things.
He hummed, watching you slowly rise from pulling up your bottoms. “That's good, ‘cause even if you did it wouldn't matter much.” He twirled a strand of your hair absentmindedly, his eyes locked on yours in a way that could only remind you of a predator. “You're mine now. Entirely.” Maybe you should feel put off–scared, even–at his words and the tone he says them in. The only thing you feel instead is pure, undiluted joy in the fact that he's claimed you so confidently. You'd never imagined being with a man that was clearly dangerous in so many ways, but something about him had changed you fundamentally as a person. Him or something about him had done something to you and your nature. Something irreparable.
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thatnonameuser · 2 days
A Wonderland Of Yanderes
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Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 here
There is no safe place here.
No home to return to, and the path back is just so far out of reach, that it's practically nonexistent.
Ramshackle is nice enough. It's a roof over your head. Walls to protect you from the chill and weather. A bed for you to sleep in at night. But it's not safe.
Rusty old hinges hang on my tiny threads of metal.
Locks on doors and windows are old and can't close properly.
Windows with cracks and holes the hands can fit through and open them with ease.
You chose your bedroom because it had the least holes in the walls and windows, had a bathroom you could use without accidentally bumping into the ghosts, and door that wasn't splintering at the touch of a hand.
But besides that, in the case of an obsessed stalker ready to take you home and away from your life for good, you might as well be sleeping outside.
Your door doesn't lock properly, and the locks on the windows are so weak they might as well not exist. A warm welcome to someone creeping on you in the night, wanting to come in and do whatever creepy or sick things they please.
You covered the holes in the walls and windows with old sheets and furniture, but what's stopping someone from peering through to watch you sleep at night.
It's no sanctuary or safe hiding spot, but where else is there to go?
Asking to room with Ace and Deuce could be a disaster if they decide to cross some very important boundaries as you sleep.
The old dorm is all Crowley could have offered, and after you're meeting today, you doubt he'd be very helpful. Or even concerned.
"Hey Grim, do you wanna stay in my bed tonight?" You don't want to sleep alone tonight, with what you discovered today still fresh in your mind.
"The Great Grim deserves his own bed, Why would he share one with his Henchman!" This coming from someone who sleeps in a basket with an old comforter pilled into it, if the day had been kinder you would've laughed. Would have.
You sigh, "I'll give you your own pillow and half the bed. I just don't want to sleep alone tonight."
Grim grumbles wordlessly for a few seconds before answering with a reluctant "....ok."
You smile, hugging him, "You're the best, Grim."
Grim squirms against your embrace, trying to escape, "Of course I'm the best Henchman! Now lemme go!"
Grimm jumps onto the bed to find your most comfortable pillow as you prop one of the old chairs against the door handle. A makeshift lock, just until you can get some Madol together to get a new lock for the door.
Your library escapade had yielded some fruit. You found a book about all the nations laws, so you at least knew were to run if you're being chased. Not helpful for now, but possibly in future, for emergencies.
More importantly, you saw a list of the different types of crazy, separated by dorm. With that it mind, and some helpful books about darling manipulation, capture and possession, you can plan around whatever you face.
From what you researched each of the seven the dorms were dedicated to were yanderes, whose treatment of their respective darlings matched that of the students.
Ace and Deuce's dorm was your first priority, with their growing fondness for you. Heartslaybul had a reputation for housing the most controlling of yanderes. All obsessed with keeping their darlings under their control and rule. Based on the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, it makes sense that controlling behaviour was the thing that separated them from the rest. You pitied the poor King of Hearts, her darling, a man too afraid of his wife's rules out of fear of being beheaded. It was so hard to believe that Ace and Deuce in the few days you'd known them, and the near death experience you shared together, were anywhere close to that level of a relationship control freak but from what you saw in the hall this afternoon, over a slightly too tight grip or what you wanted to do that afternoon, made you wonder what you hadn't seen before. Who else was like that? What was the extent of their control? How much freedom would they take from you to make themselves happy?
Next was Savanaclaw, a dorm nearly packed to the brim with beastmen, was a dorm full of possessive yanderes. All more than willing to fight their rivals to the death to get their darlings all to themselves. Based on the persistence of the King of Beasts, they will stop at nothing to get their darlings. No crime, not even murder is off the table. King of Beasts' sister-in-law was his darling, whom he killed her husband, his brother, for. If the rest of the dorm is like him, that means they'd willingly kill their own families to get you for themselves. And if that other book was right, they'd get away with it too. You made a mental note to carry a knife if you ever have to go to that dorm.
Octavinelle, similarly is also full of possessive yanderes, though they tend to come from the sea rather than the land. Even if they're similar to the yanderes in Savanaclaw, they're more sneaky than outright violent. The Sea Witch's benevolence mirrors the other students' preferred traps, as she tricked her darling into a deal that ended them in her garden, a mollusk until they stayed 'willingly'. Their preference is catch them, break their spirit and then, obviously, 'profit'. You made a silent promise to yourself then, never ever make a deal, or an arrangement with anyone in that dorm. No matter the offer or the cost.
Scarabia's next. A dorm based on the Sorcerer of the Sands and his mindfulness. In this case, mindfulness is another word for him being manipulative. Mind control was that man's specialty, and the woman who would have been his darling just barely escaped it, if it wasn't for her quick thinking. If the students in that dorm are anything like that, then you need to never speak with them. You might not be able to think that fast on your feet.
Pomefiore, a dorm about tenacity, determination, meant to match that of the Fairest Queen's. The poison that rots within its students are of the obsessive variety, as all of them have one thing in common, and that's their practically worship-level devotion to something about their darlings, that boils over into everything else. That dorm scares you especially, as the book had told you many horrible things. The Pomefiore Dorm Head has a spell book holding all the spells a yandere would ever need. Love potions, lethal poisons, even a spell to lock a darling inside a mirror, just as the Fairest Queen did with her lover, where they'll be forced only to look at whoever trapped them there forever until that person lets them out.
Ignihyde, a dorm of technology has enough history to date back centuries, founded based on the diligence of the King of the Underworld. The story about his darling is eerily familiar to a myth from your world. His wife was stalked for months to years, before being kidnapped and trapped in the dark and lonely underworld till she was tricked into staying forever. It makes perfect sense that dorm is full of stalkers. Devoting all their efforts into learning everything about their lives, before abducting them, and trapping them into the darkness to never see the sunshine again. A rumor recorded in the book said something about the Shroud family, said to have descended straight from the King, who have a very special fruit that has been used from the beginning to bind their darlings to them for the rest of their lives, and the afterlife that follows. That note makes you want to check every nook and cranny in Ramshackle for any cameras hidden from view.
And finally there's Diasomnia, the enigma. Based of the nobility of the Thorn Fae's spirit. That chapter was practically empty. Not one source could be found that had any information about her darling. They could have been the king who stole her wings, the princess she'd cursed or saved, the raven she taught to be human, or someone not mentioned in her tale. They could have been the prize jewel of the dragon's hoard but there was no evidence on how the Fae caught them, what happened to them after the Fae's death. The yanderes in Diasomnia were just as enigmatic. Some were devoted, sadistic, obsessive, but there was never a pattern to follow. No trick consistently used. Nothing. It's probably safest to avoid them at all costs. You don't know what they're capable of, after all.
But now, you can only prepare for the present. And you weren't really prepared, all you had was the sturdiest wooden chair from the dining room and a freshly sharpened knife from the kitchen, for emergencies.
Still, you promised Ace and Deuce you would hang out with them tomorrow, might as well, get some rest before you make yourself sick with worry.
You toss on one of your few pyjamas, the longest ones you own to prevent anyone from peeping in and seeing you in a compromising state of undress while you slept. Crawling into bed, Grim firmly cements his sleeping spot of choice to be right in the middle of where you curled up in bed. You laugh, but it ends in yawn. Exhaustion fills you and your eyes start to fall heavy.
It's only just before you drift off, that the mirror you have on the wall starts to glow.
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lou-struck · 2 days
Three Heads, Three Costumes
Lucifer x reader
Flufftober Day 3: Pet Costumes
WC: 1.4k
~ You were supposed to go shopping for your own Halloween Costume but got carried away and ended up making Lucifer's whole month.
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Lucifer is exhausted. The haunting melody of one of his favorite records does little to destress him as he sits hunched over his dark mahogany desk, completely engrossed in the expense report for the upcoming RAD Halloween party. Each charge on the ledger seems to deepen the crease between his dark eyebrows. 
No matter how many times he looks lit over, he cannot understand why Asmodeus spent 36,000 Grimm just on Mirrors for what he has labeled as aesthetic purposes. 
He sighs deeply and runs his hand through his hair. Of course, he trusts his brother, but he worries that the fifth-born may be letting the power of being on the party planning committee go to his head.
After staring down at these documents for so long, the demon feels a headache brewing behind his tired eyes. Even when he glances away, he can still see the numbers from the ledger ingrained in his blurred vision.
"You look like you could use a break," a soft voice says from the doorway. He has to blink a few times to remove the numbers from your figure, but simply seeing you eases his mind tremendously. 
"Ah Mc. How did the costume shopping go?" he asks as you pad across the room over to his seat and wrap your arms around the demon, which melts under your loving touch.
"I didn't quite make it there," you say with a strange little chuckle. Lucifer looks up at your face, and he knows you are hiding something from him. 
"But you were gone all afternoon; how did you not manage to buy anything?" he presses, shooting you a knowing smirk. 
"I never said I didn't get anything, just nothing for me." You say, your excitement bursting at the seams as you let go of the demon and pull his chair out from his desk. "Come see what I got."
Your eagerness is contagious and Lucifer finds himself on his own two feet, following you out the door, a loving smile on his face as he wonders what he has gotten himself into.
You had wanted to go costume shopping today, you really did. 
But as you were walking to the little boutique Asmodeus told you about, you passed the pet store advertising new seasonal pet treats and you just had to go in and get a few special biscuits for Cerberus has been such a good boy lately. 
You filled your basket with more treats than even Beel could eat in one sitting. You realized that the store didn't just carry pet food and seasonal treats; they also had a huge section of enchanted pet costumes designed to fit whatever pet the owner has. 
You immediately discarded your basket and grabbed a cart instead.
As you descend down into the underground tomb where your sweet, three-headed, fire-breathing hellhound resides. You hope that Lucifer doesn't bring up how much Grimm you have spent today…
"Well, I hope you aren't bringing me down here to share a Cask of Amontillado with me," Lucifer chuckles, following behind you. 
"Nope, not today," you pant, forgetting how many freaking stairs you have to climb to get down here. You pant and are so thankful you used a spell to whisk your many, many shopping bags down all these stairs just moments after you got home. "I got a little something for Cerberus."
"I see," the demon says amusedly, not sounding out of breath at all. "Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't spoil his dinner."
"What kind of dog parent would I be if I don't spoil him a bit," you huff, reaching the bottom of the steps and glancing back at him with a smile.
His lips curl into a smirk as he stops on the last step, towering over your form. "Are you implying that the two of us are a married couple?" 
"For now," you say playfully, looking up at the handsome demon, "but if you don't play your cards right, I'll take the dog when we split." He laughs as you walk over to your pile of shopping bags next to a long stone bench. 
"Did you really get all of this for the dog?" he asks, eyeing your purchases. Of course, you weren't gonna be able to hide anything from him; he's been dealing with Mammon's spending habits for years. 
"I had to," you say quickly. You look around for Cerberus, but he must be off wandering the tunnels, which means that you'll have to do the first part of your pet store haul without him. This may be for the best because you know there is no way in Diavolo you will get that dog to try on all the costumes you bought him. "Have a seat, and I'll show you what I got."
"What's in the bags?" he asks, sliding onto the bench next to you. 
"Costumes," you say, holding up the first bag, "I thought he should get to dress up for Halloween, too."
"You bought costumes… for my Hellhound…" he says slowly, trying to process your strange request. 
"One costume for each head, actually," you say, reaching into the bag filled to the brim with treats and crinkling the packaging; the faint sound travels through the room, alerting the puppy to your presence. 
From one of the tunnels, Cerberus emerges; his sleek fur shines in the light of the enchanted torches as he rushes towards you, his three tongues out and tail wagging up a storm as he slides across the stone to side obediently in front of you. 
"Hey babyyyy," you squeal, rushing up to him and petting the giant hellhound; his tail thumps the ground so much, you feel the vibrations in your feet, but you don't mind at all. "I got you something." you step back and reach into the treat bag, pulling out three pumpkin-shaped dog treats that are supposed to help with digestion. You toss one into each one of his mouths as his six eyes sparkle. 
"You spoil him, MC," Lucifer says, walking up and scratching under his pet's large chin. "Just how many treats did you buy?"
"Only this bag," you say, trying to look as innocent as you can. But you can tell that despite the demon's obvious soft spot for you, he isn't falling for it.
"Okay, fine, like three bags." You say, cracking under the pressure of his knowing gaze. "But I had to. How else are we  going to get him to try on all the costumes I bought him?"
The damn breaks and Lucifer's low laughter fills the room; the look of loving joy on his face makes him look far more lively, almost angelic. You find yourself unable to look away from him. "What am I going to do with you, human?"
"Help me?"
He pulls off his cape and sets it on the bench behind him. "Alright then, where do we start?"
Cerberus has had quite the afternoon, being dressed by you and Lucifer. So far, your favorite demonic pupper has had its heads dressed up as doctors…
Sailors, Superheroes, Lions, Tigers, Bears, and more.
And every time he sits still, he gets showered with treats and friendly scratches.
"Alright, Cerberus… you are doing so good. Just sit still for just a little longer," you grunt, trying to secure the last feathered hat on the Hellhound heads. Lucifer gives him another treat as a bribe, and he stills once again.
His dinner is definitely spoiled now.
Sliding down his back, you step back to admire your handiwork. So far, the Three Musketeers costume you picked out is the best yet. The large hats and bright blue doublets around their necks make them look absolutely adorable.
"What do you think of this one, Lucifer?" you ask, looking over at The Avatar of Pride, who looks much happier picking out Halloween costumes for his pet than wasting his day away in his study. 
"I like this costume more than the last," he says, sparing a glance at the charred pile that used to be the bumble bee costumes on the floor next to him. Cerberus certainly has his own opinions when it comes to the outfits you pick out. "But I still think we can do better; what else did you buy?"
"Let's see," you walk over to your now-smaller pile of costumes and go through them carefully. "I have the alien, the astronaut, and the moon set."
"Interesting…" he says, "Cerberus would look rather fetching with the little alien headband. What else do we have?"
His little pun brings a smile to your face as you grab the next few bags, holding them up to the light, "How long do you have?"
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Tagging: @pixelcafe-network @ambiguouslady42
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saturngalore · 6 hours
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kipetaka braids ✴️
kipetaka braids are believed to be a traditional african hairstyle originating from the betsileo people in madagascar! it specifically refers to the spiraled/swirled braided hair at the end of each braid. it’s often confused with the koroba, a nigerian hairstyle that refers to a specific braiding style that makes the hair resemble a basket but it also sometimes includes spirals at the end of the braid. i haven’t seen an official/historical article about this in english yet as this is based on pictures and recent articles so if you are familiar with this hairstyle and/or the betsileo people, please let me know! anyways, version 1 of the hair has smaller spirals and has 10.5k polygons (high poly!!) and version 2 has larger spirals with 9.1k polygons. i struggled a lot with this hair but im so glad that i finally got it together and i get to bring this amazing hairstyle to ts4 so pls i really hope y’all enjoy it as well!! download and details for the hairs below! <3
i also would like to spotlight some fundraisers and resources that helps the people in the democratic republic of congo and sudan. please donate and share if you can! anything helps 🫶🏾
a list of resources for both countries
a gofundme for the khartoum kitchen that helps feeds hundreds of sudanese people in the khartoum area
a list of resources and gofundmes for the people in dr congo
a gofundme that will help 4 sudanese families escape the war
a gofundme for an on the ground nonprofit in goma, dr congo
download via simsharefile (sfs) or on my patreon - ALWAYS FREE!
base game compatible (bgc)
maxis palette (24 swatches)
fem frame (enabled for both) 🤔
not hat compatible (some accessories can fit!)
high poly warning especially for v1!!! (pls use at your risk but i haven’t had any problems yet!)
v1 has 10.5k polygons
v2 has 9.1k polygons
custom thumbnails
disallowed for random
all lods
please tag me if you do use my cc! i would absolutely love to see it! also, please let me know if you encounter any issues with my cc! here’s my tou.
tysm to cc rebloggers! @public-ccfinds @sssvitlanz
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therealcocoshady · 2 days
Kinktober - Day 3 - Pet Play (Part 1)
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Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
A/N : Hey guys ! I'm a couple of hours late for Kinktober Day 3 but here it is ! The prompt is pet play. I actually got really inspired by it and as it turns out, I got somewhat ambitious and it is a long one. I'm not done with it so I will be releasing it in two parts. That way, you can still have something to enjoy on the day of 🤭. Please mind that this is my personal take on pet play, which is informed by reading that I have done on the subject. This kink can look different depending on people's dynamic ! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it ❤️
CW : pet play, implied d/s dynamic, soft domination, vanilla
« Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being someone’s pet ». Little did you know these joking words would be the end of you. 
You’d known Marshall for a little while. You had quite a few friends in common and, in spite of your age difference, you had become quite close. You namely shared a love for music and a questionable humor, as well as a knack for pushing the jokes a little too far. Everyone you knew said that the two of you had a chaotic duo energy but they had to admit that it was very distracting. It was all dark humor and banter. You always made fun of each other and you were never short on jokes that capitalized on his status as a lonely, single fifty something man with an hermit reputation. The age thing and relationship status were true. However, he was far from being lonely, or an hermit. Still, you enjoyed teasing him. You were spending the afternoon at his place, just the two of you, browsing through his cassette collection and discussing the latest hip-hop drama, when he made a snarky comment in passing about your recent breakup. Something about your relationships never lasting too long because of you being impossible. « That’s a lot of nerve for someone who’s been single for what ? Four, five years ? At least I’m putting myself out there. You should try that sometimes. », you clapped back. « I didn’t- I mean… You know. I’m just saying you don’t know how to pick guys that can actually handle you. », he tentatively clarified. « I’m not impossible », you argued. « For these dudes, you are », he hummed. « Whatever », you sighed. « Why don’t we focus on you, huh ? You talk as if you were such a big relationship expert buy you’re the lonely, single one. I still have a bunch of options. You, on the other hand…». He stared at you with an amused look on his face. « I’m all good, thank you for your concern, Y/N », he said calmly. You chortled and mumbled something inaudible, causing him to sigh. « To be fair, I’d rather be alone than have to deal with the whole relationship thing », he stated. « So… You don’t miss dating ? Like… You’re ok with the possibility of ending up alone ? » you asked with a raised eyebrow. 
«Yeah I wouldn’t mind some company but I don’t care about it that much », he shrugged. « Besides… Just because I’m not dating doesn’t mean I’m lonely. ». You hummed. Ultimately, Marshall’s dating life was none of your business. But as his friend, even though you sometimes joked about it, you didn’t want him to be alone. You knew him enough to know that, even though his family and friends kept his social life fulfilled, he could easily get into his own head. In truth, you were concerned. « How about a pet ? » you suggested with a smile. « I wouldn’t be a good pet owner, especially now that it’s just me at home » he chuckled. « I work too much. And I’m not sure it’d be too happy here ». You let out a giggle and looked around you. He had this massive mansion all to himself and you could definitely imagine a couple of cats or dogs living their best life. « Yeah, you’re right. Huge houses usually don’t make great spaces for pets » you said sarcastically. He shook his head and smiled. « Here’s the issue : if I want some live-in company, I’d need something as independent as a human being but as easy and docile as a pet » he chuckled. You hummed in understanding, thinking to yourself that this man was definitely too complicated. You already knew it but sometimes, it showed more. « Too bad it doesn’t exist. Maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with you being all cranky if it did » you joked. « I mean, it does. It’s just hard to find the right match » he shrugged evasively. « Huh ? » you asked with a raised eyebrow. « I mean, you know. Like… Different kinds of pets » he hummed. You still didn’t get it. You stared intently, waiting for him to elaborate. But he didn’t. « Like… robots ? » you asked. The question made him laugh, as if you had said some sort of joke. « I know you’re younger, but I didn’t think you’d be so innocent » he chortled. « Like what ? I really don’t get it ! » you defended yourself. « Like pet play, Y/N. That’s what I’m saying. Like… Real people being pets, it’s a thing». You ket out a giggle. « You mean people dressing up in the bedroom for some kinky shit ? » you asked jokingly. « I mean, yeah, that exists. But some people go kind of deeper than that. Even in non-sexual ways. They just have that relationship with someone, where they let go of tension, responsibilities, and they let the other person direct them and care for them ». You hummed, understanding a little better. In truth, you hadn’t really heard of that before. « So they’re treated… like an animal ? Like, they’re fine with being treated like a dog ? » you asked with your eyebrows furrowed. « Some people actually enjoy that. But it’s not so much about feeling like an animal. It’s just letting go, trusting someone to be responsible for your wellbeing. Like, they have rules, boundaries, and they can unwind ». You nodded, finding that it actually made some sense. « You seem to know a lot about this, old man », you teased. He shook his head and gave you an enigmatic smile. « I’m 51. I know a lot about a lot of things. ». You hummed again and chuckled. « That doesn’t seem so terrible. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being someone’s pet. Maybe it’d help with the constant noise in my head. ». He stared at you intently and chortled. « Right. You. A pet. » he said mockingly. « What’s that ? You don’t believe me ? What are you saying exactly ? » you asked, falsely offended. 
« You’re an agent of chaos, that’s what I’m saying », he chuckled softly. « I’ve been friends with you long enough to know you’d suck as a pet. You just don’t have what it takes ». You crossed your arms, almost vexed by his comment. You couldn’t exactly deny being rather skilled as an agent of chaos, but there was no way in hell you would let him say you weren’t good enough. « You think you know me that well, huh ? », you challenged him. « Maybe I’m not the problem, you know ». He raised an eyebrow. « Meaning ? », he asked, as if to make sure he understood the implication quite right. « You heard me », you said defiantly. « You’re would suck as a pet but, really, you’re the one who wouldn’t have what it takes ». His eyes opened a little wider and he scoffed, shifting to an assured stance. « Is that right ? », he asked. « Oh yeah », you teased.  « You wouldn’t be up to the challenge ». There. You had said them. The magic words that, you knew, flipped a switch inside of his brain. In the few years you’d known him, you had come to learn that Marshall didn’t deal well with people doubting him. And, petty as you were, you didn’t shy away from using that against him from time to time. « You know what ? Let’s settle this. I’ll show you », he challenged. You froze for a second because laughing. « Show me what ? » you asked. « That I’m up to the challenge », he replied. « I’ll prove to you that I’d be quite skilled as a master. You’re the one who would not last a day ». Now, you were the one being provoked. You crossed your arms and tilted your head, gesturing for him to elaborate. « You try being my pet for 24 hours. We’ll see who lasts longer. You or me. Then, you’ll now if you’re terrible as a pet or if I suck as a master. Deal ? ». You stared Ito his baby blue eyes. 
« What’s at stake ? » you inquired with a raised eyebrow. « Honor », he simply shrugged. « That’s the answer of someone who knows he’s going to eat his words », you teased. He looked at you and let out a sardonic chuckle. « Alright, smart-ass, what do you want ? » he asked, seemingly dubious. « Amazing Fantasy #15 » you immediately replied. He let out a laugh and shook his head, as if you had just made a joke. You stared at him with your arms crossed, standing on business. « Do you even know how much this thing costs ? » he challenged. Only you did know how much it cost. That comic book was a rarity, a holy grail. One he kept somewhere in a safe and had always refused to let you borrow, arguing that you were way too clumsy to be trusted with the diamond of his collection. « Last one that was auctioned was sold for over three million. I know. », you answered matter-of-factly. « Though rumor has it that you paid a third of that price for yours», you added. « We’re not betting a million dollar-worth comic book over some stupid pet play joke », he warned. « Relax, grandpa. I’m not suggesting you hand it over. I just want custody of it for a week. », you said. « Two hours. With gloves and supervision. », he counter-offered. « Two days. Here. No supervision. I’ll agree to the gloves. Besides… I thought you were confident. Are you backing down, old man ? », you grinned. « Put some respect on your owner’s name, pet » he grinned as he extended his hand. « You got yourself a deal. But if I win, I want your imperial star destroyer ». You stared into defiantly into his eyes and shook his hand, determined to make him eat his words and win your bet. Not only were you a sore loser and you really wanted to read that comic book, but now that the most precious item of your Lego collection was at stake, you absolutely refused to let him win. « You’re not my owner », you said. « Not until next weekend, that is », he replied with a grin. 
The two of you had agreed that the bet would start on Friday evening at 8PM and that you’d have to be a docile pet for a whole 24 hours. You’d spend the weekend at his place, which wouldn’t be the first time, since he often had people over. You hung out with him often and you’d stayed over in the past. His huge mansion was the perfect place for entertaining people and he tended to take advantage of that. In the preceding days, you had done research on the pet play dynamic, trying to figure out what you should expect. It appeared to be quite a spectrum, with various roles and possibilities. You had agreed to leave the details to Marshall and, although you inherently trusted him, you sort of counted on him to be an asshole to some extent. That being said, you’d previously had a conversation regarding limits, so you knew he was aware of things you absolutely wouldn’t agree to. He was one of your closest friends and he knew you pretty well anyway. That being said, you were a little curious as to what he had planned. Knowing him and his knack for making fun of you, you almost expected pranks. You wouldn’t put it past him to have dress you in some silly outfit and have you eat from a dog bowl.
When you arrived at his place, you greeted him with a hug, as usual. He took your bag and you went to sit on the couch. « I’m surprised you haven’t already bailed » he gently teased. « You know I’m not a quitter, Mathers. Besides… I really want to read that comic book. » you replied with a grin. He hummed and moved a little closer to you. « So, we’re doing this, huh ? » he asked. « Unless you already want to-» you began. « I’m good, pet » he cut you. « Let’s see if you can handle it for a day ». You looked at him defiantly, willing to show you were absolutely not willing to back down. « Bring it on, old man. Whatever you have planned, I can and will handle » you said. He chuckled and walked to fetch something from a drawer. « I figured you’d need something to fully get into it » he said with a grin as he handed you a collar with a little bell on it, as well as a pair of clip-on cat ears. You gave him a side-eye. You knew he would do something corny like this. Still, you weren’t one to fold, so you immediately put them on. « How do I look ? » you asked. « Pretty cute » he admitted. « So, we’ve established that I’m going to be a cat ? » you asked. He shook his head and shrugged, as it it didn’t really matter. «Pets don’t talk, now, do they ? », he asked with a playful grin. « So be a good girl and shut up unless I ask you something or allow you to speak, alright ? », he added. You pursed your lips and stared at him, tempted to run your mouth, but you ended up nodding, not without a slight eye-roll. He chuckled and cupped your jaw, stroking your cheek with his thumb. « Good girl », he softly praised. « And since I’m nice, I’ll pretend I didn’t notice you rolling your eyes ». You were used to having physical contact with Marshall. As a friend, he wasn’t one to be stingy with hugs. But this was different. It was caring and warm and intimate. You sort of liked it, though. As innocent as it was, it sent some kind of warmth through your body, the way he had gently cupped your face and asserted his dominance. He took you to the movie room, suggesting to watch a movie. You figured the weekend and that stupid bet might turn out to be enjoyable. After all, lounging in a lavish mansion, with the promise of being taken care of didn’t sound like a total nightmare. Even if that implied remaining silent and surrendering to someone else. You walked to one of the couched but, before you had the chance to sit, Marshall cleared his throat. « No pets on the couch », he hummed. You immediately gave him a side-eye, although you remained silent. You stood there, watching him. « Don’t look at me like that », he chuckled. « I’m not a monster. I’m not going to make you sit on the floor. I actually got you something ». He went to a corner of the room and brought what resembled a dog bed. Only, it was human-sized and seemed rather comfy, almost luxurious. He positioned it next to the touch and gestured to it, a smile tugging at his lips. « Did a bit of shopping, this week. Wanted to make sure my pet had everything she needs. What do you think ? », he asked. Judging by his smile, you could tell he was pretty proud of himself. Apparently, the collar and the corny cat ears were not enough and you wondered what else he’d bought. « Are you serious ? » you asked. « Are you backing down already ? » he playfully retorted. « Not at all. This looks… Fine, actually ». You kneeled and took place on the dog bed while he sat on the couch. To your surprise, it was one of the comfiest things you had ever sat on, and you almost automatically curled up on the soft fabric as Marshall stared at you with a smile. « See ? ». 
You silently hummed and he picked the movie, opting for some classic comedy, one genre he actually knew you liked. You settled, a little bit apprehensive. Calm and focus had never been your forte and, as much as you enjoyed lounging in front of a movie, knowing you had to be obedient was a little challenging. You were starting to get antsy and fidget a little and Marshall seemed to pick up on it. He gently placed a hand on the top of your head and traced small circles with his fingers. « Relax, pet. Just focus on the movie and ease up ». You hummed and tried your best to ease the tension of the past week. It had been stressful at work and you could feel it in your neck and shoulders. As soon as he saw you stretch your neck and shoulders, he placed his hands on your trapezius muscle region and gently started to massage. You closed your eyes and hummed in approval. « Better ? » he asked softly after a few minutes. « Yeah, thanks » you replied with gratitude, thinking that he wasn’t too bad when it came to caring for someone. « Good. Now just focus on the movie », he directed. You turned your head and focused on the screen. After a while, Marshall got up and left the room, only to come back after a few minutes with some snacks and water. « I know you never drink enough water or really eat when you’re working. Time to hydrate and eat. » he commanded. You looked at him with an appreciative smile and did as you were told. There was something freeing about all of this. You had thought the whole thing would be somewhat gimmicky, but he had actually anticipated your needs. He seemed kind of serious about this bet.  When you were done with the water bottle and the snacks, he gently patted your head. « Good », he gently praised. You gave him an appreciative smile and turned your attention back to the movie as his fingers kept on stroking your hair. Slowly but surely, the noise in your head started to quieten and you began to let go of all the tensions of the past week. In the back of your mind, you knew you were safe, with someone you trusted and felt safe with. When the movie ended, you were in some kind of zone, fully relaxed for the first time in ages. You knew where you were and yet, at the same time, you felt a little hazy. « All good ? » Marshall asked. You simply nodded with a soft smile, something different than usual in your eyes. You were usually in pocket rocket mode, especially around your friends. They were used to your erratic, sometimes chaotic energy, and how you never really stopped talking or fidgeting. No one was really used to seeing you calm and silent. Not even yourself. You could see Marshall smile and he extended a hand for you to get up and grab. « Time for bed, now, pet. I know you had a long day. You need to rest. ». You nodded again and followed him upstairs while he carried your bag. You expected him to drop it in the guest bedroom where you usually slept whenever you stayed over, but he seemed to have other plans in mind. He smiled as soon as he picked up on your confusion. « Pets sleep with their owners, now, don’t they ? » he said with a low voice that sent shivers down your spine. 
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mytribalnightmare · 21 hours
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(Credit to gif owner, I forgot who made it)
Pairing: Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and Fem reader 
Summary: You had a thing for both Cody and Roman. You could never admit it though, both of them having their own family and wives. What you didn’t expect was for both of them to be with you in the same room and it wasn’t for talking purposes…
Warnings: MDNI, smut, includes a 3 some, oral (all of them), curses amd dirty talk, p in v, unprotected sex, mentions of cheating, kinda silly, kinda dirty
Word count: 4450 (way more than intended but oh well, y'all tell me if it's too much 🥲😅)
Taglist: If you wanna be added to my taglist for my future releases, please let me know! :) (I don't bite unless you want me to 🤭)
Writer’s note: This is my first release as a writer. Although, it’s not the first smut I wrote. (gonna release it soon 😉) Please be considerate of this. Also, being French Canadian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize in advance if the wordings, choice of words or anything  isn’t the best. 🥲 I proofread and tried my best to make it as good as possible but let me know if there’s anything wrong, so I can improve in the future. :) It took me about a month to finish this, one because I’m a college student. Two, I just couldn’t figure out how to start it and kept restarting all the time, until I had THE idea in the middle of the night. (I’m starting to believe the best ideas happen at night 🤔 at least for me lmao)
📣📣I don't want none of y'all in my mentions, asks, dms, etc.. complaining about the pairing, my choice of tags, or anything else if it isn't ✨constructive✨ criticism PLEASE AND THA K YOU JUST KEEP SCROLLING IF YOU DON'T LIKE AND/OR DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY📣📣
And on that, I'll leave y'all to read and enjoy 😌
Don't forget to reply, reblog, like and follow me if you liked it 😇
Cyn 🖤 aka @cynssia (my main)
♡ ♡ ♡
Forbidden. Forbidden thoughts. Forbidden talks. Forbidden touches. Forbidden kisses. Forbidden relationship. It was forbidden. Everything about this was forbidden. Yet, here she was… Here they were…
She doesn’t remember exactly how it got to this point. It all happened so fast. One minute she knocked on Roman’s locker room door, the other, she was sitting on the black leather couch in the middle of the room... Tribal Chief and American Nightmare sitting on either side of her. But now, there was no coming back. There was no way out of this. Not that she, or they wanted to back out from this anyway… 
You had dreamed about similar scenarios before, with either of them… Only difference? You had them both at the same time, tonight. In the same room. Touching you. Feeling you. You all knew you were bad for doing this, for being here. Tension grew to a point of no return, after weeks of teasing, shared eye contacts, innocent touches of the arm…
The tension in the room was high. 
Heavy breathings. 
Sweaty palms. 
But everything written in their eyes. 
Not a word spoken. 
Attraction. Desperation. Need. Lust. 
Bodies brushing against each other… Warm and hot. Eyes locked on one and switching to another. Deep and daring. Waiting on the first who dares make a move. 
It didn’t take long.
She felt his strong palm on her left thigh. Moving in slow deliberate movements. Up and down, feeling the warmth of her skin under her clothes. Confident and gentle touch. Long calloused fingers grasping at the rough material of her jeans. Her skin erupted with chills, feeling his hand through the material. Teeth biting her lip. Heart beating fast and unsteady. Butterflies in her tummy. 
And then… Another hand was on her right thigh. Shy touch. Almost scared to hurt her. Delicately tracing patterns with his thumb on the side of her thigh. Your legs were wide open, feeling them both pulling on you. You were stuck in place. Not knowing how to react. Not knowing what to do. All you could do was leave your body to both of them. Both their eyes on you. Drinking in your body, your every curve. Bodies getting closer and closer. If that was even possible. 
Nervousness grew as the samoan on your left moved his hand from your thigh and moved your hair away from your face, behind your ear. The tip of his fingers barely brushed the skin of your cheek. The touch was nothing but gentle under his rough fingers. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N…”, he said, before licking his lips astonishingly slowly, your eyes looked down hungrily at them. Watching as his tongue lubricated his lips, before creeping on the side and disappearing back into his mouth. 
You felt your mouth starting to water. Slowly melting under his touch and sweet words, you always were a sucker for men telling you how pretty you were, how sexy you looked, how much of a good girl you were…
Before you knew it, his hand wrapped around your neck firmly, your eyes instantly closing and a gasp leaving your lips at the sudden movement. His lips trailed down sloppy kisses on your jaw and neck, his beard tickling your skin, now covered with chills. You could feel him smirk on your skin as he moved down to your neck. 
You couldn’t concentrate only on him, though… Not when Cody’s hand was now cupping your right breast, a soft groan moving past his lips. His leg brushed against yours as he moved his head dangerously close to your ear, biting the skin gently. One hand grasping Roman’s wrist, while the other instantly went to Cody’s cheek. Both men going to town on both your neck and shoulders… The warmth of their body enveloping you.
A mess. You were a mess. 
Your body was at their full disposition. They could do whatever they pleased with you. You’d let them. Eyes closed, trying to make sense of everything you were feeling. Trying to make sense of all the emotions felt at the same time. It was a first for you. Never have you ever had two men to yourself, let alone kissing your skin at the same time. “Fuck..”, you moaned, not being able to contain how good they made you feel at this exact moment. Time felt stuck in time.
All your worries had surprisingly disappeared…
“Look at you… You love that shit don’t you?”, you heard Roman say, voice low, almost a whisper. His hand left your neck, now gently holding your chin making you turn your head to look at him. You had a hard time keeping your eyes open. It also wasn’t helping that Cody’s lips and hands were everywhere. 
You couldn’t believe the way your body was behaving. The way it made you feel. The way they made you feel. With just the slightest look and slightest touch. “Y-yess.”, was all you let out in between breaths. They both chuckled at the state you were in. Your eyes opened and locked with Roman.
God. The way he looked at you.
Hunger. Gaze filled with lust and need.
And hell… You wanted to devour him too…
“Such a nasty girl, aren’t you? We barely touched you and look at you… you can’t stop moaning and grinding…”, Roman whispered, smirking, inches away from your face. Everything about him was perfect. He looked so sexy and hot. Though, hot was an understatement. No words in the dictionary could ever describe him perfectly. He didn’t seem real. 
He looked down at your lips for a second and licked his, looking at you. His dark brown irises diving straight into you, almost melting under his gaze. 
God, just kiss me already, you thought. 
“You’re right.. What are we gonna do to her?”, you heard Cody say, now looking at Roman, curious. His voice was deep but almost a whisper. Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Swallowing quickly, you looked at both men and almost came just at the sight of  them… They were sitting right there. They looked so good. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were right now. Having them both for your own pleasure. All to yourself. 
The look they shared, though. Fuck. You almost thought they were about to kiss right here and there. Eyes locked on each other, not moving one bit. Both waiting and daring the other one for what was about to happen. Turning his head to look at you, smirking, as always, Roman let out “I have my idea…” 
Yeah. You were fucked. There was no coming back from this, now. You were now at their mercy. 
Roman finally granted you with what you wanted desperately, as he brought his lips to yours. Your hand now on his thigh, gripping for dear life against the firmness under your touch. Teasingly and slowly moving your hand up, dangerously close to his hardening dick. The kiss was nothing but sloppy and messy and he moaned on your lips as your hand moved closer to where he was starting to need your attention. Both fighting for dominance with your tongues, you heard “Can I get a taste too..?”
Roman groaned in the kiss and you were sure he rolled his eyes too at Cody’s desperate need for attention. You chuckled and reluctantly moved your lips away from him, but not before biting his bottom lip.
You turned your attention to Cody, who smirked when he saw you motioning a ‘come here’ with your finger. “Your turn champ’.”, you winked at him, grabbing him by the neck and kissing him with similar passion than your previous kiss. His right hand resting on your cheek to deepen the kiss as his left hand was creeping behind your back, grabbing your ass.
Lust-filled eyes and cheeks starting to turn a pretty shade of pink, adding to his already charming features… 
It’s true that the temperature in the room had dropped in the last minutes…
“Bet you can taste me on her lips... You like it?”, you heard Roman say under his breath behind you. You could tell the little fuck was smirking too.
“Shut up Reigns.”, Cody replied back against your lips, not even looking at him. 
You heard him let out a chuckle. Lips still busy against Cody’s lips, you felt a pair of brown eyes burning through you and Cody as he watched you kiss. He wasn’t pleased with the fact you weren’t giving him any attention right now.. A groan left his plump lips, feeling his big hand moving up and down the bare skin of your back, under your shirt. You shivered at his touch. 
The samoan wasn’t gonna wait any longer to get a taste of you. Plus, he was done watching you and Cody kiss, “Enough kissing. Strip. Now.”, he demanded, his voice deep and serious. So, you did as you were told, getting up from the couch and standing in front of them. . 
Your movements were quick, yet slow. You took your time, yet you wanted to tease them. 
You started by taking off your shoes and discarding them somewhere in the room. Moving your hips to some kind of rhythm, seductively, you slowly moved your hands over your top. Grabbing your covered breasts, you glanced over to them for a second, looking at their reaction. They were both in trance, watching your every move. Their eyes followed your hands as they moved on your boobs and then, grabbed the hem of your top to put it over your head, now met with your chest and black lacy bra. 
You turned around, undid your bra and took it off slowly, leaving it to fall on the floor. Before turning around, you grabbed your naked boobs in your hands and moved your hips around. When you were in front of them again, still grabbing your boobs in your hands, you played with them a little, watching as their breaths caught in their throats. Winking at them you let go of your hands and let your breasts free. “Shit” and “Fuck” could be heard almost as a whisper. They watched both your boobs with hungry eyes, seeing how they bounced to your every move. Your nipples pink and perked. Not wasting another second, you took your jeans and panties off. 
Completely nude in front of them, you watched as they both shared a look then, turned to smirk at you. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”, Cody said, staring straight into your eyes, biting his lip. Roman hummed agreeing with him, “Sooo beautiful baby girl…” Cheeks turned red at their comments and the way they were both devouring you with their gaze. The prey they couldn’t wait to get a taste of. 
Roman was stroking his beard with his right hand’s fingers. Licking his lips slowly. Legs wide. Left hand laying flat on his thigh.
Cody was breathing heavily. Chest moving up and down under his black ‘American Nightmare’ tank top, with every breath he took. Right arm laying on the arm of the couch, fingers touching his chin. Deep in thought.
Their eyes were admiring your perfectly shaped body. All the hours spent at the gym and performance center in the last year or so, have done wonders to your body. You knew it. And they knew it. Growing impatient with their staring game, while they were sitting there fully clothed, you decided to say something, “Nuh uh, why y’all still with your clothes on… kinda unfair if you ask me…”, you looked at them while you talked, they both started smiling. 
“Do something about it then.”
“Oh, I will.”, you winked at Roman who dared you to make a move. Dropping to your knees, you started crawling over to Cody. Feeling Roman’s eyes following your every move, you stopped and looked at him, “Don’t worry, your turn will come too…”, you lowered your voice, “.. my Tribal Chief.”, looking at him innocently. That sure had an effect on him, you could tell with the groan that came out of him. 
“Oh, just wait til’ I get my hold on you…”, he retorted, voice low and husky. 
You chuckled and continued following the path leading you to Cody’s lap. He opened his legs a little to make room for you, situating yourself right in the middle. Locking eyes with him, his piercing blue eyes dove straight into your soul. Your heart almost skipped a beat at how deep his gaze was and how pretty his eyes looked. Even prettier now that they were filled with lust and desire for your sexy body incredibly close to him.
Eyes went down to his crotch, visibly showing his arousal through his sweatpants. Licking your lips, you brought your hands to his thighs, slowly massaging them and letting your nails grab at the material. Purposely ignoring the bulge in his pants, your hands moved under his tank top, to his abs. You heard him gulp loudly when your hot and soft hands touched his chest, up and down. You leaned yourself up and lifted his tank top, leaving soft kisses on his tummy. Making your way up in between his chest and pecs, where you took it off. Your eyes locked with his when he tossed it somewhere on the floor, but moved down quickly to your breasts. At full display, your hardened nipples cried for him to touch them. That’s exactly what he did. He grabbed both globes with his hands, playing with them and feeling how soft they were under his touch. Your head tilted back, feeling his lips connect with your left nipple, sucking, only to switch to the other and give it the same attention. “Cody..”, you moaned, your hands at the back of his neck bringing him closer. “Been wanting to see these two, for soooo long, you have no idea…”, he muttered against your skin, moaning. 
You chuckled, “Actually… I spotted you more than once staring at them…”, you connected your lips with his and kissed him softly, now that his head left your chest. “You’re real’ bad at hidin’ it, y’know..”, you winked at him. “Maybe I wasn’t trying to hide..”, he chuckled.
“Such a bad boy.. you’re a bad liar too..”, you retorted, moving your head down to kiss his shoulder and ‘Dream’ tattoo, soft breaths coming out of his puffy lips, your lips kissing everywhere on his chest.
Moving away from his gorgeous chest, your fingers were now playing with the waistband of his sweatpants. They slipped under them, Cody lifted his hips to help you take them off him, as well as his boxers. His erection sprung free and tall on his abdomen, a gasp leaving him when it finally met with the thick and hot atmosphere of the room. No longer constricted under clothing.
Barely touching the length of his dick with the tip of your pointer finger, you looked at him as you murmured teasingly, “I’d play with you.. I really want to…, but I have to take care of ‘mister big man’ over there…”, motioning with your hand and head to Roman, eagerly waiting on the other end of the couch. “Hope you don’t mind.”, you smirked as you stood up from in between his legs. He sighed but chuckled at the way you talked to him. Shit, she’s so hot, he thought. 
Big smirk on your face, tongue creeping at the corner of your mouth, you walked over to Roman. Him watching your every move intently. You swung your hips and situated your legs on either side of Roman’s, straddling his muscular thighs. 
“Hey, you.”, you said, smiling, your lips inches from each other. “Hey, baby girl…”, he smiled back, lowering his hands to your ass and slapping your left cheek with his right hand. “Mhm, fuck!”, you jumped at the slap, but you couldn’t hide the moan that came out of you. It felt so good. 
“Took you long enough…”, he said, making you melt on top of him. He always had a way with words and his raspy voice never failed to wake up the butterflies in your tummy. Grabbing your neck with his hand, he brought your face closer to his, whispering in your ear, “Daddy’s been waiting for you… for way too long…” You felt his tongue on your shoulder, his rough beard tickling your skin making you giggle, accompanied with a moan at his words. 
Tilting your head to the side, leaving him more access to your neck, your hands were now grabbing his biceps. You loved the feeling of his soft skin against your fingers and how big they felt in your tiny hands. You moved back from him, tugging on his ‘OTC’ shirt motioning for him to take it off. 
He did as you wanted, pulling his shirt over his head. His hands were fast on your hips again and he smirked, watching you stare at his body. His big hands were warm and helped you move your hips against his covered self. Bringing your left hand to his tribal tattoo, you lightly traced the contour of it with your finger. Biting your lip, your hands roamed over his massive chest, feeling him relax under your touch. 
“You’ so fuckin’ wet already..”, he groaned seeing as you were leaving a mess on his pants. A wet spot of your arousal for both him and Cody was left there. Making your way down his chest, you hummed on his skin, lips following down his pecs, to finish at his abs. Face now ‘eye level’ with his crotch and by the bulge in his pants, you knew he was big and more than excited to see you…
“You’re welcome.”, Cody whispered, his voice low and barely audible. “Uh? What are y- mmhm fuckk.”, Roman started asking Cody, until he felt your hand on his big thick dick. 
“Oh, sorry couldn’t resist..”, you smirked, innocently. He was too busy retorting to Cody, that he didn’t even realize you had zipped down his pants and retrieved it from his underwear. Your hand was moving astonishingly slow, teasing him even more. Your thumb moved to his red mushroomed tip, collecting the precum and moving it along his shaft. Moving your hand up and down, locking your eyes with his, watching as his mouth was left open, throaty moans leaving his plump lips. He wasn’t even in your mouth yet, but he already looked close to losing it. 
You smiled triumphantly, the powers of teasing and messing with him had taken over him. Clearly, you had such a big effect on him. Good. 
“Y/N.. if you keep that up I’mma cum…”, he moaned, desperately warning you. 
Now, that didn’t come from Roman…
Turning your head, you were met with a messy looking Cody, slowly stroking his dick. He looked desperate and so irresistible, his cheeks all flustered and pink. His gaze begging you to come over to him and suck his dick.. 
“You were touching yourself watching me suck his dick? Umm?”, you bit your lip, watching as he was trying to catch his breath, “You liked that, didn’t you?”, you smirked.
Shit. You couldn’t even believe the words that came out of your own mouth. That’s how big of an effect these men had on you. 
“Why don’t you come over here and suck my dick, too?”, his voice sounded so desperate, and he looked so fucking hot, pretty much begging you with puppy eyes and a pout. 
“I’mma tell ya’ she has the lips of an angel…”, Roman said, moaning as he remembered the feeling of your mouth around his dick just minutes ago.
Crawling to Cody’s lap, you took his dick in your hand, feeling it throb from your touch. Licking a stripe along the length, you followed by putting his full dick in your mouth, little by little. Cody grabbed your hair and pulled on it, guiding you as your mouth took him fully. “Fuck, you’re so good at this…”, he moaned, his head hitting the back of the couch, eyes closed. 
He wasn’t as big as Roman, but his dick still was decently big and thick. At least, you could fit him completely in your mouth and you did so, making sure to twirl your tongue all around his sensitive tip. 
With the position you were in, doggy style, ass in the air, Roman had easy access to your pussy. You felt his thumb moving along your folds, spreading your wetness. Soon enough, his hands were grabbing your ass, pulling the cheeks apart, as he was feasting on your juicy cunt, hungrily. Tongue slurping around and tasting your sweet juices. “You taste soo good baby….”, you heard him say, combined with slurping sounds, moaning in your pussy, his tongue now teasing your entrance. 
Continuing his work on your needy pussy, he inserted one finger knuckles deep, slowly, before adding another one. You were now a moaning mess. Stroking Cody’s dick you moved your head to the side to moan, “Mhmm, Roman, fuck…” This only made him go faster and deeper, touching that sweet little spot deep inside you that made you go crazy, as you felt the familiar feeling of a climax quickly approaching. 
Feeling your walls clenching around his fingers, he knew how close you were. Bringing his right arm around you, he rubbed your clit, “C’mon cum all over my fingers.. you’re doing so good baby girl..”, he encouraged you. Your body started shaking. 
Cody removed you from his dick, repositioned himself on the couch so he could kiss your neck and touch your boobs, adding on to your pleasure building up. “So fucking beautiful.. I wanna see that pretty face of yours as you’re cumming…”, he muttered. “Like that…”, he started stroking his dick again with his free hand at the sight of you close to climaxing. While his other hand was still on one of your boobs, playing and pinching at your nipple. 
And then, you came. Hard. 
As your breathing went back to normal, Roman removed his hands from you and put them to his mouth, licking them clean. 
You pushed yourself up on your knees and brought your hand to your pussy, collecting some of your juices, looking at Cody while doing so. He watched curiously, waiting for your next move, “Wanna taste, handsome?”, you asked him, motioning to your arousal-coated fingers. He gasped, but eagerly nodded yes. 
Taking your fingers and pushing them past his lips, he sucked on them and hummed at the sweet taste on his tongue, “Mmm. You taste divine baby...” You leaned in and kissed his lips, tasting yourself on them, as you started grinding yourself against Roman’s dick, poking your ass from behind you.
“You’re such a naughty girl.. can’t get enough of one of us..”, Roman groaned, feeling you grind against him, firmly holding your hips against him.
Both Cody and Roman chuckled at your desperate state, “I know… so fucking needy…”, Cody agreed, watching you suck on his thumb. While also watching how your hips moved against Roman. Free hand moving back to his dick, playing with it, pleasuring himself.
“Look at you.. touching yourself… You want his dick that bad, uh?”, you moaned at his words, your fingers on your pussy, rubbing your clit. A moaning and grinding mess. It’s what you were.
“Oh, and she’s gon’ get it…”, Roman said, feeling him move behind you. You heard his soft moans, knowing he had his dick in his hand, stroking himself a few times, before finally entering your wet entrance. Both moaning at the feeling of his tip slowly moving past your warm folds, “Oh my goddd…”, was all you let out.
Taking his time, pushing his dick little by little, letting you adjust to his size. Then, grabbing you by the neck, he brought you flush to him, your back touching his chest. He started slamming into you, hard, hands holding you close. You cried, his dick filling you completely and perfectly. Moving his hand over your mouth, trying his best to silence your moans, “As much as I love hearing your pretty moans… you need to keep it down.. Don’t wanna get caught like this with us, do ya’?”
“MmNoooMhm.”, you said against his hand, barely audible. 
“Bet you’re clenching and gripping his cock so good right now…”, Cody moaned watching you take all of Roman, and you all knew there was a lot of him… You heard Roman chuckle on your neck, “Keep on watchin’, you ain’t close to get your turn on her tight pussy”.
With the way he was hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, your hands were gripping his wrists hard. Head laying on his shoulder. Eyes closed. Mouth slightly open.  “That’s it, baby girl… Let him know how good it feels… How good, daddy, makes you feel… Show him…”, he groaned in your neck, voice husky and breathless, at how fast he was pounding your pussy. Trying his best not to be too loud either. 
Hearing Cody’s moans, you opened your eyes to look at him. You bit your lip, watching Cody’s eyes locked on your moving body, hand moving in fast movements on his erection, getting off to Roman and you fucking. Eyes moving down, watching his hand move around his dick. “I could cum just watching you get fucked.. you want it? You want me to cum all for you…”, Cody said under his breath, eyes locking with yours. He was close, no doubt about it. His face contorted in pleasure and his hand and hips moved erratically. 
Before you could even answer him, you heard a phone ringing. You felt Roman tense behind you, stopping all movements. Cody was wide-eyed and sat up straight on the couch at the sound.
“Shit, it’s your wife.”
Your eyes went wide at Roman’s words. Quickly coming back to your senses. Back to reality. What the fuck were you doing. You started feeling sick. Removing yourself from Roman, you jumped off the couch and started putting your clothes back on, wanting to leave ‘asap’.
“Fuckk, she told me she was gonna call before going to bed.”, you heard Cody say, also moving around the room retrieving his clothes and putting them on as quickly as he could. 
“We shouldn’t have done this. What the fuck.”, you said, finishing putting on your shoes and grabbing your phone, running to the door, closing it behind you.
Leaving and dressing up so fast, you didn’t even realize you forgot to take your vest and bra still laying on the floor…
To be continued…? 😋
🏷: @femdisa @harmshake @surdelcielo @eringobragh420 @smile1318 @murrylove @jxtina-86 @yana3sworld @empressdede @miss-kuki-nz @wrestlezaynia @aureliacorvina
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rey-jake-therapist · 2 days
I just want to tell my fellow Haladriel fans one thing (spoilers ahead)
NO, don't blame yourselves for imagining that this relationship would be more complex and deeper than what we witnessed in episode 8. They gave this relationship big words such as, "cosmic connection" and "greater than romance". The second season showed Galadriel battling with her own feelings, on the edge of crying when Adar shared his own experience with Sauron, and admit that everything else was now "dull and grey". You didn't imagine this ! It all happened on screen !
Don't blame yourselves for thinking that Galadriel wouldn't straight out reject Sauron without having even a moment of hesitation : it was foreshadowed in the first episodes, through Gil-Galad and Elrond's words. Him pesting about the rings in two episodes, warning Galadriel against the possible implication of Sauron (who proved him right during the fight, by the way!) only to make a 180° at the last minute was certainly a choice, by the way, but that's another can of worms I won't open here.
Don't blame yourselves for believing that they had set up a complex character prone to temptation of power, who also misses the connection she thought she had with the man who manipulated her !There was nothing to warn us that Galadriel would suddenly cast all her doubts and feelings for Sauron away after just a two minutes conversation with Celebrimbor, or that Sauron only cared about his rings ; we saw him obsessed with Galadriel, it was clear as water !
That most of the script for season 2 was written before season 1 is not an excuse. These people said they had paid attention to the reactions to season 1... Well, now we know they've been reading Reddit.
Was it delusional to believe that we'd get a romantic kiss or Dark Galadriel following Sauron? Sorry, but yes. We weren't baited into believing that Galadriel and Sauron would ride off together under the sunset at any point, or even that they would admit being in love with each other.
But we were baited into believing that we wouldn't get a repeat of season 1. And yet, that's exactly what we got : Sauron (who displayed more genuine emotion after Celebrimbor's death than during this entire encounter) made his proposal again, Galadriel rejected him again, he took the piss again, and he stabbed her. Before that, he very awkwardly tried to sway her with a vision of Halbrand, but it was basically Annatar impersonating Halbrand really, and he disappeared in a second anyway, so... It could have just as well not been done. And it was all manipulation, anyway. Nothing genuine here. I found the sentence about putting a crown on her head and not resting until everyone worshipped very romantic ! Too bad it was ruined when he showed that now, he just wanted Nenya. It felt like something he used to feel, not something that he felt at the moment, which by the way is completely in line with Charlie told us in interviews. We should have listened to HIM, and no one else. Charlie spoiled the whole thing in interviews, we just were naive enough to believe that there was more to it. *Sigh*.
Don't blame yourselves for believing Charlotte Brandström when she said that "Sauron really loves Galadriel, and we'll see it at the very end". It's not your fault if you're not walking bullshit detectors !
Criticism is ok as long as it's constructive. Personnally, there's a lot of stuff I enjoyed about the Saurondriel scenes. The fight was awesome, they confirmed that Sauron used Nenya to communicate with Galadriel (when he repeated "aren't they the seeds you planted?") and probably stalk her as well.
I think Sauron didn't really want to kill Galadriel ; he wanted her to give him Nenya and would have healed her with it, I think. He could have just taken it by force and walked away with it, after all. That's another thing I like. But c'mon now, it was overall very underwhelming, and not a very good sign for what we'll get in season 3 for this relationship.
Just my two cents anyway. Don't feel bad, I swear it's not your fault if you believed we'd get a good and emotional finals.
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accio-victuuri · 8 hours
okay, let’s do a part two of birthday cpns. part one is here incase you missed it ✌🏼
let’s start with this wardrobe match. xzs posted another set of photos and this time, xz is all dressed up. well it turns out it’s from the same brand/collection as what yibo wore at yh concert which is amiri. it’s kinda special cause that’s what he used to perform somebody else’s arms which i think is personal. and adding the cpn that the design on wyb’s side had WX on it.
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it’s like the tom ford thing ( among others ) all over again. granted that this is a good brand that they have used before but it’s so sus! do they have the same taste? lol. i imagine them talking about clothes and sharing what they think looks good on them. and personally, that collection had some v interesting pieces. so glad they get to wear stuff like this and not just plain black suits.
now we move on to yibo’s usual photoset related to exploring the unknown 🗺️. he does share personal photos he took from his time shooting for the past saturdays so we knew he will post today. fans have noticed that the number 33 ( gg’s age now ) is somehow incorporated.
his past posts only had one emoji or none. that’s how short and simple he is and we got used to that pattern. but for today, he had 9. and it’s 3 emojis reposted 3x. 33. when people also check this on weibo, it’s coming up as 33 characters. this exact combination. you can put in 9 other emojis that use the hand but it’s not 33. this may be a coincidence. you can say that there are lots of emojis because it’s the last weekend he is expressing his thanks.
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also, if you count all the photos/videos in sets he shared ever since he started it’s 33. not including the one posted today.
the universe is truly clowning us. 🤡🤡🤡
and oh, the photoset of wyb and xzs new photoshoot were posted a minute apart. did wyb miss the 16:23? or maybe he was really going for 16:24. I found an explanation here of what it means and it’s so sweet?!
The number 1624 represents love and romance. it can be explained in two ways: 1. Pinyin homophony: In Chinese, "one hundred sixty-two four" is harmonious to "all the way". the sound means smooth progress and smooth development on the road to love. therefore, some people will do it on the occasion of marriage proposal or anniversary.
Digit Split: Split the number, i.e. "1 6" and "24". "16" represents the meaning of "one heart and one mind". it means giving and serving wholeheartedly in love and "24" represents the hours of each day of your life. The number implies that the two of them will spend a whole life together. Day and night, we accompany each other and never leave.
some are also talking about the closed loop of yibo starting his bday with a photo in the desert. and then posting about it again on xz’s bday. 💛
it seems so similar to xz’s bday photoshoot before in a desert where he wore the GUCCI couple necklace. i don’t think i have to explain much, if you were there or read about it — you would know how chaotically sweet that year was.
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and the first emoji yibo used ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 is the same as the gestured they did in this photo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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this photo too, maybe i’m wrong but when i saw it i was like — two sets of tableware? Is he on a date? lol. or maybe it’s the girlfriend fantasy they are serving here. you and gege on a date? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
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FINALLY, xz studio shared 18 photos for the first set. and 9 on the second. they could easily made it 18 + 18 cause that’s the max and i’m sure they have lots of photos. but no. it’s 18 + 9 = 27 which is yibo’s age.
I honestly thought it was gonna be chill considering the kinds of cpns we picked up on part one. but this is kinda insane. lol. I think we will still get a video? the behind the scenes of the photoshoots ( hopefully ) and i’m excited to see it!!!!!!
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lukolabrainrot · 2 days
Hi there. So I've been firm in my belief that Luke & Nicola are gonna announce their relationship by telling us that they are already MARRIED. I've been conversing with a friend on here and we both agree there's been clues/crumbs that just might support the theory. Some might think it's too soon, BUT I just think their relationship was never a normal dating/courtship. Them being TOGETHER is 4-5 years in the making. Anyway, sorry it's long, but here's our thoughts on possible clues that these two may have tied the knot:
Many of them come from secondary sources, but I found these nuggets too hard to ignore. So here it goes:
8/22 N shares Polin photo. My interpretation of this photo is that this is the pivotal scene where Colin reads her letters and starts to forgive her. Penelope professes her love for him later that day. I think this particular photo was to signal they had worked out their differences and were together. I most definitely could be wrong, but I took it as a positive sign.
(I think 8/22/since deleted) JVN shares TT song and dance to Oh Happy Day. Well that's suspicious...
8/28 N and JVN like Evan Ross Katz Insta post about Catherine O'Hara meeting her husband on set and being married for 32 years. Hmmm?
8/28 Bridgerton Netflix drops the cute Lukola-coded media video on Insta.
8/29-8/30 I saw maybe 3-4 random comments on a few Insta and TT posts mentioning Cabo. In fact, there was a comment on L's Spain post up until recently that said "do Cabo next." So weird and probably not true, but I couldn't stop thinking about Cabo.
8/30 JVN posts the song "They Went for the Gun" from the musical Chicago to TT. I kept thinking what an odd song choice when talking about your remote work team. If you're a musical fan, you know that this is the routine where Richard Gere performs the puppet dance number with Renee Zellweger. The song is about convincing the media to buy in to your narrative by turning them into your puppets. I thought this could be about the JD photo gate distraction or maybe L/N were getting married and they wanted us to think otherwise? Or, this could mean absolutely nothing, lol.
8/31 This is the morning we all saw the JD in the ocean/pool story. OMG everyone panic - he's in Malta with N! I wonder if JD was excited to be on vacation and accidentally posted the pic to Insta and that set off the whole day of possible distractions? Right after, JVN posts a we're home and here's a garden update story. (I almost always wonder if his garden updates are jokingly about L/N status.) Maybe it was previously recorded, and he used it to possibly provide cover for JD's slip-up?
I know my theory is off the rails, but I kind of like the possibility of it. Maybe L/N went to Cabo for a long weekend wedding around 8/30-9/1 with just a few close friends and family? You know JD and JVN would be there. I'm not one of those photo date, location and time truthers. It seems like that is never accurate. The previously mentioned JD photo looked like a pool to me, and it reminded me of this deep blue-colored one that is at the One & Only Palmilla in Cabo. This resort has been featured on many episodes of Real Housewives and N loves that show. I also thought the Insta story from N's work colleague in Malta would be really thoughtless and unprofessional if she was actually there at that exact time. I hope it was an intentional misdirect.
8-31 Days before Chupi has been teasing their new Future Awaits Diamond Arrow eternity band. They have posts pairing it with the Claddagh ring. They release it early on this date. It looks very similar to the one N is wearing in her Polin post from 6/11/21. Maybe it's her new wedding band and she's already married? Squee!
Anyway, this is crazy delusional but it was fun to think they might have been breadcrumbs. Maybe L/N got married quietly in Galway(because she'd definitely want her mother there and her Irish roots/traditons are important to her, and now L) Spain when no one was suspecting it. Regardless, I hope Netflix paid for the wedding if there was one. Thanks so much for letting me share. I hope we find out soon! The rings are still the biggest clues of all. 🥰💍👀
This is all speculation... but interesting theories...
I don't think they are already married, but what does everyone else think?
The rings definitely mean SOMETHING about L/N 👀
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Hi there!! Love this account so much you have literally no idea 😭
Ive been looking for 1941 part 3 fics if that makes sense? I, for the life of me, cannot find any, do you happen to know some good ones?
Hello! Here are some fics set after the 1941 church bombing and magic show...
Part of the Act by jovipop (G)
An angel and a demon swap hats and share a dance after an eventful evening in 1941.
A Favour by SuspiciousCharacter1895 (G)
“Angel.” Crowley was standing, as if summoned by Aziraphale’s wandering thoughts, on his doorstep. He was dressed just like the other night, complete with the fedora which made him look so dashing. Aziraphale blinked that unanticipated thought away and recovered his composure. “How very lovely to see you! Please come in.” Aziraphale stepped aside with a broad smile and gestured for Crowley to enter. “I have a bottle of something I think you'll rather enjoy.” He always did, just in case. “Ah - thanks, but not tonight. I’m sort of, well I suppose you could say I’m here on business.” Two weeks after the incident with the church bombing and the magic show, Aziraphale can't get Crowley out of his mind. When the demon shows up asking for a favor, Aziraphale may be inclined to help this time. If only he could think of the right thing to say.
If we dare by MetalMiez (G)
It had been a wild ride after the church bombing and the magic show. But even after Crowley left the bookshop late that night, Aziraphale couldn't stay in there on his own for long. After wandering through the destroyed city, he happens to meet Crowley at the ruined church once again. But an unfortunate turn of events forces them together once more.
what turns up in the dark by shoebox_addict (T)
“I can’t have them taking you away. After all, who knows who they’d send as your replacement?” “Right. Probably not a fan of Châteauneuf-du-Pape.” “No, indeed.”
Near by Caedmon (G)
After the bullet catch, back at the bookshop, the angel and demon look at the photo that Furfur took and discuss being near to each other - both historically and in the future.
Break Me Like a Promise by demonsandpieohmy (E)
After a fateful night in 1941, things between Aziraphale and Crowley are changed forever. Crowley has a solution, but it comes at a high price. -- “Angel, you have to know—” Aziraphale didn’t mean to cut him off. Didn’t mean to interrupt what surely would have been some stilted declaration, words that would rend his heart in two. But that same survival instinct that had saved him earlier was telling him that what he needed, what he absolutely had to have in order to keep on living, was to be as close as possible to the demon across from him.
(catch you) every time you fall by rainbowumbrella (M)
“There’s nowhere to go!” Crowley whispers loudly, forcing irritation into his tone to hide the panic. It’ll be fine, he tells himself, he’ll think of something. Somehow, it’ll be fine, it has to be fine. He’s already escaped Hell’s clutches today, why not Heaven’s as well? “Just - run into the backroom, quick as you can!” insists Aziraphale. Crowley rolls his eyes. “Right, because Gabriel will never find me in there!” *** Aziraphale and Crowley’s dinner in 1941 is rudely interrupted when the Archangel Gabriel is sent to Earth to follow up on the destruction of a church a certain demon caused earlier that day.
- Mod D
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cardboardheartss · 3 days
Hi! Could you elaborate on your post about Nicholas Alexander Chavez ? 😭 It made me laugh but I need to know more!
Have a nice day <3
Nicholas Chavez Short D1 Chart Analysis
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disclaimer : this is for entertainment purposes only and i used tarot cards to get an estimate of his birth time… if you don’t agree with this technique please kindly scroll by and keep your twitter fingers to yourself!🌹💢
Before I begin, I just wanted to point out that I got beef with Virgos lol! Those people just tick me off for some odd reason, so that’s why the placements through me off!🤣
Sure! I wanted to do a chart reading for him today but I was just too tired because I had done another customers chart reading today so I need to rest my brain lol!
So that’s why I just made a subtle post about it; but anyways here we go :
Just looking at the 1H placements, this guy is purely just here on earth to work, he is hardworking and a perfectionist. He may not say it on interviews but looking at this chart, this man really did his work on building his character for Lyle.
He studied this whole case HARD! Which is why he is able to perform his role so well!
Extremely smart guy! He is truly always at least 10 steps ahead.
Now… I’m sure you’ve heard of him not wanting to visit Lyle Menéndez, well that could be because of his ENTIRE Virgo 1H square His 7H (business, contracts and etc) Pisces placements. This prominent aspect does scream “Purely here to just work, nothing else!”
More aspects of his chart like :
12H Leo Sun Square 3H Scorpio Industria, this is another aspect that explains why he seems so off putting and serious in interviews, he seems to not enjoy interviews that much or just being active within the Hollywood scene… because of you know of what’s been exposed lately…
10H Gemini Moon Square 4H Sagittarius Jupiter, this aspect can indicate more of a separation of Public and Private life. He is aware of what to share and not what to share, so don’t expect him to be all jolly and expressive like Cooper lol!
I am aware of people on the socials going around and viewing Nicholas as rude and stuff but once again… looking at his chart;
12H Leo Sun Trine 4H Sagittarius Jupiter?! He is one fun person to be around, Nicholas has high discernment, he knows who he can have fun with and who he needs to work with. Nicholas is more outgoing and expressive around people close to him like family, his partners and friends, he values those the most and feels safest around them.
In summary… Nicholas is just here to work as mentioned by this tarot reader. He could view high levels of fame as quite a toxic thing that he truly despises with the entirety of his heart! Looking at his chart! Nicholas is just here to work and do what hes passionate about.
Looking at the amount of Cancer 11H placements (PoF, Lilith, Venus & Mars) is also a quadruple confirmation of how Nicholas is prone to attracting a lot of attention from Fan Boys and Girls. 11H Lilith Trine 7H Fama, it seems like the more sexy/mysterious roles or just roles that appeal to the female audience he does, he will continue to attract more attention, like A LOT of it.
Nicholas is 28 this year, meaning hes in his 5H Profection Year… here is his Profection chart (left) and his Transit Chart for the Profection Year (right).
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The Transit 11H Libra in his 1H is just screaming RECOGNITION mainly for his visuals! All the 11H planets are currently square his Transit 5H Aries Rahu, this is more confirmation of how overwhelming this attention is to him. 12H Natal Sun Square Transit 1H Sagittarius Ascendant that’s in his Natal 3H, just screams the man just wants to be alone in a way. He kinda fears the attention that’s on him rn.
Well! That’s it for Nicholas for today! So I hope that his newly founded fandom will take some time to read this post and understand their new White Boy of the Months personality!
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lou-struck · 3 days
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Cancellation Comfort Part 2
Featuring: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belpheghor 
Part 1 HERE
Part 3 to come
~ One of the things I hate the most in this world is when the same person repeatedly makes plans with me and then flakes on me the day of. One of my primary Love Languages is Quality time, so it really stings to get all ready and excited to go somewhere only to get the call an hour later to cancel. 
~ This is how the Obey Me Boys would treat you after you were flaked on. 
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Satan ~
A large log crackles under the heat of the fireplace as Satan eagerly flips through the pages of the latest novel he has been devouring when he notices you scampering around the room collecting your things. 
He recalls telling him earlier that you are going to the Carnival with your new Witch friend and are so excited to get to know her better. As adorable as your excitement is, he has a bad feeling in his gut, he knows this witch well and she is a notorious flake.
But as he watches you eagerly search for your wallet, he can’t bring himself to warn you. The last thing he wants to do is put a damper on your good time so he keeps his mouth shut and hopes that this new friend of yours has changed.
Just as he reaches the last few chapters of his book, he notices that you are still waiting in the other room to be picked up.
Lowering his novel, he focuses all his attention on you as you try and fail to get ahold of them, getting sent straight to voicemail every time.
Are they just flat out ignoring you?
His wrath comes alive and it takes everything in him to not tear his book into two. His hands are shaking as he places a bookmark between the crisp pages and he slams it shut. The loud noise captures your attention and you look up at him with guilt on your features.
It’s almost as if you think that it is your fault your friend decided to cancel on you. 
His heart feels so tender he cannot be angry at all. His arms wrap around you as he  softly pets your hair, in the same manner he does to the cats at the animal shelter he volunteers at.
“They aren't worth it Mc,” he murmurs, “Forget about them and you and I will go and have our own fun.” 
He may not be used to the whole ‘comforting humans’ thing but he can tell from the thin smile that appears on your lips that he may be starting off on the right foot.
Asmodeus ~
 He had helped you get ready to go to Bar Trivia with a witchy friend of yours who apparently goes every week. You just looked so cute he wanted to keep you all to himself but he understood the importance of getting to spend some time with others.
You left him earlier tonight with a kiss on the cheek and the eager promise that you  would tell him any juicy gossip when you got home. 
The Avatar of Lust could hardly contain his excitement so he took his energy over to the Fall in hopes of getting equally as interesting tea to share with you at the end of the night.
But he hadn’t even made it through the front doors when he notices someone familiar standing in line.
His peach colored eyes narrow as he recognizes your friend standing in line with several other witches and lesser demons he couldn't care to remember the names of without you.
He pulls out his DDD and checks your location (because obviously you share them with eachother) and sees that you are still at the Bar you were supposed to meet them at.
It breaks his heart when he sees your little sheep icon exit the bar and slowly walk back toward the HOL
Although he is not one for Cardio, Asmo turns and starts to run towards the little blinking icon. Heels be damned. He moves through the streets like a comet until he sees You, still clad in his jacket walking home at a snail's pace. Quietly sobbing into the sleeve.
The sound breaks is heart and he calls your name 
You turn at the noise, and he sees that there is more than just puffy eyes and runny makeup on your face.
He sees embarrassment.
He wastes no time scooping your into his arms and putting his manicure to work scratching your back. “Oh Hon… I’m sorry.” he frowns into your neck. 
You sniffle and tell him everything about how the group had planned to go clubbing instead and forgot to tell you. You look so dejected and mention that you never should’ve left the HOL tonight. 
“Mc, you look so cute.” he smiles tilting your chin up so you meet his eyes. “It would be a waste to have you go home and sulk after all my hard work. How about this? I’ll take you out on a special little date and by the time I'm done you wont even remember those Witches names.”
He can tell from the look in your eye that you are more than happy to accept his invitation.
Today is the day, the snack subscription box he ordered from the human world has finally arrived. He is nearly giddy as he rips open the massive box and dumps its contents on his bed. And as he looks over the mountain of treats and sweets, he feels as if he is looking over it like they are the spoils of war. 
But instead of digging in like normal he decides to call for you, after all, you are from the human world and maybe you would want to eat some of these snacks with him. 
He pokes his head out the door, ready to call out to you, but you pass right by his doorway all dressed up. The first thing he notices is that you look good. 
Really good…
So good that for a moment he does not feel hungry at all.,,
“Oh Mc, you look really nice today.” he says with a bright smile. “Are you going somewhere?”
He notices the way his little compliment makes you grin as you stop and look up to him. Telling him that are about to get picked up for a meeting with one of the demons you are supposed to be working with for a RAD event at a new restaurant to go over some details.
Seeing you look so happy makes his heart feel full. But the cherry on top is that you offered to bring him back a togo order from the restaurant when you are done.
Needless to say, you left Beel feeling over the moon as he returns to oogaling his pile of exotic snacks. He even sets aside one package of one of your favorite candies and places it into an enchanted lock box so he doesn't end up eating it before you get home.
It’s been a few hours since he ate his snack stash and Beel is once again hungry. His stomach rumbles and he remembers that you are bringing home that togo order for him. Pulling out his DDD, he pulls up your location to see that your little sheep icon is at the House of Lamination. He walks down to the kitchen and finds you sitting up at the countertop, still in your outfit from earlier. He opens his mouth to ask you about the togo box but catches a glimpse of the frown you are now wearing.
He doesn't feel like eating any more.
How can he when you look so sad. 
Just then you notice that you are being watched and turn to see the Avatar of Gluttony. You are quick to apologize for not bringing any food home. But explain that you never actually left the house tonight. Apparently the demon you were supposed to be meeting kept you meeting for about two hours and then decided to cancel on you.
Hearing this, Beel just stands rooted to the floor in confused disbelief as he tries to wonder why anyone would want to cancel plans with you.
A small sound pulls him from his pondering and you shyly cover your gowling stomach and admit that you were so excited for dinner you didn't want to spoil your appetite. 
“You havent eaten?” he says softly. His brow furrows as he steps toward you and gently helps you off of the little bar stool you had been perched upon. “Lets go out and get something to eat.”
“Okay okay, but wait for just a sec Beel,” you say with a smile, clearly cheering up a bit. “I just need to put my shoes back on.” 
The Avatar of Sloth is absolutely exhausted from his walk to the mailbox and is searching the HOL for the perfect spot to rest his eyes. His tired legs carry him clumsily to the living room where he spots you on the couch. 
His perfect resting spot.
Through his droopy lids, he notices that you are not dressed for bed, you look like you are about to go out somewhere. When he asks why you look so good, you laugh and say that you are going to a special concert tonight with one of your new friends. 
Apparently their boyfriend is in a new band in the Devildom’s underground. and you were invited to go backstage with her and watch them play and you are super excited to go. Your eye shine with a light of eagerness as you speak that makes belphie feel all warm inside. 
“That sounds like fun,” he yawns settling down on the couch next to you, his head finds its rightful spot on your lap. “When are you leaving?”
“About an hour, I just had to get ready a bit earlier since I needed to drink an anti siren song potion so I could listen to the band safely.” you say, your fingers already playing with the sleepy demon's hair. 
Your friend is dating a rocker siren guy? Why does that sound so familiar? Belphie tries to remember, but he is just so comfortable laying on your lap, he finds himself drifting off. 
~ by the time he wakes up, he realizes that he is still asleep on your lap. Immediately, his eyes open an alarm and he realizes that you are also asleep. 
You were so excited about going to your friend's concert that he would feel terrible if you missed it because of him. He is about to wake you up when he sees the screen of your DDD screen light up with a text from the demon you were gonna meet. 
Belphie would never call himself a snoop, but when he reads the name of the demon you were supposed to meet up with, everything clicks into place. 
He’s never liked that demon… Something about her just screams gatekeep.
He unlocks your device and opens the message. It immediately opens up to your text exchange with your ‘friend’ who basically uninvites you from the concert tonight since a human like you would never be able to appreciate such deep music. 
Belphie is furious to say the least, and even in the dim living room lighting he can see the drying tear streaks on your sleeping face. 
With a sigh he sets down the device and moves you into a more comfortable position on the couch. 
Revenge can wait, the first thing he needs to do is comfort his human and make sure that you know just how loved and appreciated you are.
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Tagging: @pixelcafe-network
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griefabyss69 · 2 days
technically tagged by @carbonbased000 for WIP SHARING PURPOSES and so here I am! Thank you <3 I haven't done any WIP posting/games/etc in ages and I appreciate everyone who tagged me, it makes me feel nice even if I don't participate <3 I mentioned in some tags earlier this week that I attempted to have a day where I took a break from writing (I've been writing a LOT lately, even more than I posted in Sept) and that instead of doing THAT, I got possessed by two brand new WIPs that refused to wait their turn. One of them is over 20K by now and the other I think is still under 10K but it's gonna be a long one! My instinct is to keep these squirreled away until they're finished but they're not gonna be finished for a very long time so I might as well share some of the longer one! ---
God. What a relief, when Eddie slides into the passenger's seat, looking exactly how Steve expects him to, smelling like coffee and cigarettes - though he said he was quitting - and everything he uses in the shower. "Hey," he says, pulling out of the driveway. "Hello there," Eddie says, looking him over. "Is this a… don't you DARE talk to me about it kind of thing, or do you want to bring it up later, or should I pull it out of you with brute force?" Steve laughs. Everything's actually alright, isn't it? "The second thing. Nothing's… nothing's that bad, just had a hard day," he says. "Even though it was short." "Yeah," Eddie says, graciously, though Steve can tell that Eddie can tell that whatever it is feels like fucking dogshit. "Lucky you, then. You get to hang out with a such a distracting, devastating specimen like myself." Steve's got. Hot blood. It reminds him presently. "Uh-huh," he says, flat and dry as possible. "Tell that to all of the sexy single moms when we're waiting in line and you've got your cart full of like, fucking ice cream and TV dinners." Eddie laughs, scrunching his face at him. "You think you're sooo funny," he says. "That's embarrassing." "No, what's embarrassing is that you think I'm funny." Eddie bites his lips together like he's trying not to smile, crossing his arms. He doesn't have a retort, but Steve knows that's only because it's still Eddie's version of too-fucking-early in the morning. "You had coffee, right? Breakfast?" he checks. There's a diner up ahead. "Yeah, didn't want to go terrorize the aisles hungry, or whatever you said," Eddie sighs. "So I ate the stalest peanut butter sandwich on EARTH and with coffee that had NO milk in it." Steve laughs. "Good thing I'm here to save the day," he says, and pulls into the diner. He's not hungry, but they can get something small and share it or something. Whatever Eddie wants.
This fic is set in 1990 and is about trauma AND bdsm AND deep easy friendships AND it's got some of my most Eddie dialogue ever in it. (I've really been working on my presentation of him as someone who does NOT grow out of the adhd hyperactivity, perhaps inspired by pulling myself out of the sludge of a months long disassociation/depression thing and my own return of adhd hyperactivity, which is why I got SO possessed by the Stories I'm Writing)
I'm not tagging anyone specifically because if you see this (thank you for reading all of that ^), you're it!!! Please @ me so I can see your wip thank you <3
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