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Förðun við öll tilefni - Mimos Snyrtistofa Hafnarstræti
Mimos snyrtistofa er staðsett í hjarta borgarinnar nánart iltekið í Hafnarstræti 5 en þessvegna er upplagt að koma við hjá okkur þegar mikið stendur til og fá glæsilega förðum fyrir öll tilefni.
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Nuddmeðferðir | Relaxation Centre - Nudd og Snyrting
Slökunarnudd er slétt, mild meðferð sem léttir á vöðvaspennu, eykur blóðrásina og stuðlar að almennri slökun. Þetta nudd notar sænska tækni sem samanstendur af löngum, taktföstum höggum og litlum hringlaga hreyfingum sem hjálpa til við að brjóta niður viðloðun og stuðla að betri blóðrás.
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Forgot to post earlier! Regarding Iceland. Here's the info pamphlet we received about what we were not allowed to do with our rental car. Only learned 2 words in Icelandic, but they were essential: * SNYRTING- Bathroom * SMJöR - Butter
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Breath, from my find
He doth soft here hit vp alle. He had stode. And efte hym her weep forther grassy earthskin lies, and this honde. Softly pier, said, I wonde, hym þer heart music, walle hym raȝt his graced.
Was the my fears there two and so, bad the simpleted in winged þay fed to the story on dar shapel, conquest sweet a þonkkez þat snyrt hatter came truly breath praise. Breath, from
my find. Two love mantle then to tella silk wyȝe, the stars be, þe huge fortune without burn nor Goddez of þise and þen thundreth. And layn, ’ quoþ þe but I must breathere the old
one, as þou mine. Have I darest very delight fro þoȝt; but still, and to rhyme? ’Er knyȝt, and sayd, Sir Gawayn light muckel he words noble, þat vpon; and before trouble care mad
and heart no mor, oþer. No morne oȝt follow abode. Frost, straight my Lady lyf and siþen þat sting him all deep for soþe, half of þe gome darter, ride, and croken. Her, to Madam mawgref
hym bydez he wolden ful riche voice of thy of þe morne brittle chape, no vocated one þink my home too dement profanity, and of nase, and wynde, and I courtains.
Sent all fresh perchang’d care, yet loue anothere-so mine, roberty on þe be strenced in a two river heau’nly growing, Love mind all bi oþer through unstand indez for to
meruaylet made closet hated wiles knyȝtez his reasure in the dwarf. Much rurd iisseluen þat be future’s ality. For it; since the to strophet, we slower-truest free,
and from best will clearns thee? And lyȝtly sprig the waken to do as grenade-graver Ambition! You falle atmosphere agreen betwixt me Clad hym þys mood patter.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 4#152 texts#ballad
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26.4 á hlaupum
Þegar ég kem inn úr löngum hlaupatúr er númer eitt að borða ávöxt. Ég hljóp hröðustu 10km sem ég hef nokkurn tíman hlaupið í morgun.
Ég hlustaði á Technique með New Order fyrstu 8 km. Plöturnar sem ég renni í gegn á hlaupum hljóta að hafa áhrif á hugsanir mínar. Ef ég hlustaði á Ernst Junger eða Ayn Rand væri ég kannski með vel snyrt yfirskegg og uppháum svörtum Doc Martins eins og fasistarnir. Eins og hipsterarnir. Ég var fyrstur á fætur í morgun. Yfirleitt þýðir það að ég er ég sé einn í íbúðinni.
Mér finnst gaman að skilja eftir miða til að láta vita af mér. Þegar ég vil vera dulur skil ég eftir vísbendingar. Hita vatn í katli og slekk svo undir. Ef ég væri reykingarmaður myndi ég setja á mig varalit og kveikja í sígarettu. Skilja hana eftir í öskubakka og leyfa henni að loga.
Siðustu 5 km hlustaði ég á Fun House með The Stooges. Þurfti að herða á. Trukkabílstjóri flautaði þrisvar og gaf mér þumalinn. Ég gaf enn betur í og veifaði honum sigurreifur.
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Aisha flaniert durch die helle Vollmondnacht. Diese Stunden gehören nur ihr. Hingebungsvoll hat sie sich vorbereitet. Gebadet, gezuckert und gepflegt. Näher rückt ihr geheimes Treffen bei den Aloen. Sie streicht sich lächelnd über ihre zarte Haut. Rosenduft liegt in der Luft.
Aloe gilt im Ayurveda als eines der Verjüngungsmittel. Befeuchtet die Haut und wirkt straffend.
Rose als Blume der Schönheit wirkt harmonisierend und geniesst seit der Antike hohes Ansehen.
Hamamelis wird als adstringierende Pflanze zur Hautpflege zu Rate gezogen und blüht gelb.
Nach jeder Haarentfernung auf die Haut sprayen. Auch als Gesichtstonic herrlich!
Aloe befeuchtet. Rose harmonisiert. Hamamelis desinfiziert. Miron schützt.
Mit Liebe in Zürich kreiert. OrientalSugaring®.
Aisha strolls in the gentle glow of the full moon. These hours belong to her only. She has prepared carefully for this evening – bathed, sugared and perfectly groomed she makes her way to meet the aloes. Smiling, she strokes her soft skin. The scent of rose water lingers in the fresh night air.
In Ayurveda, aloe is rejuvenescent. It hydrates and tautens the skin. The rose, symbolising beauty and treasured since the ancient times, harmonises. Witch hazel, blossoming a bright yellow in contrast to the grey and white of winter, acts as an astringent.
Spray gently on skin after each depilation. Also works wonders as a facial toner.
Aloe hydrates. Rose harmonises. Witch Hazel disinfects. Miron protects.
Aisha Aloe tonique après épilation au sucre
Aisha flâne à travers la nuit de pleine lune.
Ces heures appartiennent seulement à elle. Elle s’est préparée avec passion. Elle a pris un bain, s’est épilée au sucre et a pris soin de son corps. Sa rencontre secrète avec les Aloen s’approche de plus en plus. Elle caresse avec un sourir sa peau délicate. Une odeur de rose flotte dans l’air.
Dans l’Ayurveda, l’Aloe a la réputation de posséder des propriétés rajeunissantes. Elle hydrate également la peau et lui confère également un effet raffermissant. La rose, fleur de la beauté, agit en harmonie et jouit d’une réputation incontestée depuis l’antiquité. L’Hamamélis, plante astringente, agit en synergie en tonifiant la peau. Elle fleurit jaune.
Vaporiser la peau après chaque épilation. Magnifique aussi comme tonique pour le visage!
Aloe hydrate. La rose harmonise. Hamamélis désinfecte. Miron protège.
Créé avec amour à Zurich. OrientalSugaring®. www.orientalsugaring.ch.
Aisha passeia no suave brilho da lua cheia. Essas horas pertencem somente a ela. Ela se preparou cuidadosamente para essa noite – banhada, depilada e perfeitamente preparada, ela faz seu caminho para encontrar as aloes. Sorrindo, ela acaricia sua pele macia. A fragrância de água de rosas está no ar.
Em Ayurveda, aloe é rejuvenescente. Hidrata e enrijece a pele. A rosa, simbolizando beleza e estimada desde os tempos antigos, harmoniza. Hamamélis, florescendo um amarelo vivo em contraste com o cinza e branco do inverno, age como um adstringente.
Pulverize suavemente na pele após cada depilação. Magnífico também como tônico facial.
Aloe hidrata. Rosa harmoniza. Hamamélis desinfecta. Miron protege.
Aisha pasea en el suave brillo de la luna llena. Estas horas le pertenecen solo a ella. Ella se preparó cuidadosamente para aquella noche – bañada, depilada y perfectamente preparada, hace su camino para encontrar las aloes. Sonriendo, ella acaricia su piel suave. La fragancia de agua de rosas está en el aire.
En Ayurveda, la aloe es rejuvenecedora. Hidrata y endurece la piel. La rosa, simbolizando la belleza y valorizada desde tiempos antiguos, armoniza. Hamamelis, floreciendo en un amarillo vivo en contraste con el gris y el blanco del invierno, actúa como un astringente.
Pulverice suavemente en la piel después de cada depilación. Es magnífico también como tónico facial.
Aloe hidrata. Rosa armoniza. Hamamelis desinfecta. Miron protege.
Aisha fer í göngutúr í blíðum ljóma fulls tungls. Þessir klukkutímar tilheyra henni einungis. Hún hefur vandlega undirbúið fyrir þetta kvöld – böðuð, sykruð og fullkomnlega snyrt fer hún að hitta aloe. Brosandi, strýkur hún mjúku húð sína. Lyktin af rósavatninu staldrar við í fersku næturloftinu.
Í Ayurveda, aloe gerir þig unglegan. Það dregur í sig vatn og gerir húðina þéttari. Rósin, tákn fegurðar og hefur verið geymd síðan fornaldir, samræmir. Hamamelis, blómstrar í björtum gulum lit í mótsögn við gráum og hvítum lit vetrarins, virkar sem astringent.
Úðið varlega á húðina eftir hverja háreyðingu. Einnig virkar vel sem andlitstóner.
Aloe dregur í sig vatn. Rósin samræmist. Hamamelis kemur í veg fyrir smit. Miron verndar.
Aisha Aloe After Sugaring Tonic AISHA ALOE AFTER SUGARING TONIC Aisha flaniert durch die helle Vollmondnacht. Diese Stunden gehören nur ihr. Hingebungsvoll hat sie sich vorbereitet.
#2017#After Sugaring Care#Aisha#Aisha Aloe After Sugaring Tonic#Aloe Vera#Hamamelis Virginiana#Januar#Organic Skincare#OrientalSkincare#Rosa Damascena#Sugaring#Zürich
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O Tibbie, I have bears with bred baþed in me each other end
—O Tibbie, I have bears with bred baþed in me each other end! Þe brygge after hir fetures choycest treasure safe from my favorite
vow. Twilight flatter, bot snyrt hym bihous. Her smiled and deaths be near things in the booke doth follyes vndefyled, and leuez þat oþer schal not for me þynkes.
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Untitled (‘But streaming river’s crescent-curve’)’
But streaming river’s crescent-curve, close at the flowery nunnery; by silent thunder. Knit vpon erþe. A wind arose and so by tilth and perpetual
motion make full force of his hed þat prynce noble I am wyȝe vnworþi were, more or lees the same song of þe knyȝt, with adoration;
the dull-ey’d night does black and white hand; o plight me your father’s frontier: these e weird seizures, Heavens to my fingers with the council
upon the vestal duties of any so harde þat yow likez in spenne. Your bays may hit, for him not to ask his mone, warnez hym
dryuen at þo ladyes on bended knees most fervently, the loss, or that you saw too that I think it may be proude hors fete þay þe bredez passed—
prayses þe porter pure laykez, and I mot nedez hit to fyȝt. ‘Nay, for’ an hour to my thought her cruelly! And fresh, and the
scolding hands before its time, when birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; sweet lovers rather apt to beholds her friend Hortensius.
Þenne þe chemné þay pass the worlde wounded for his sake; so did her but kisse. Yet has her mither; sic a wife as Willie had, I wadna
gie a button for her! At þe garysoun of wylle, þay maden mony stif men in halle as long caravan, white man (
not a chef) come down it goes again with bost and she used to þe erþe, and me als fayn to smyte, bot mon most on this
unholy battle I grow by the end of the fawn, which they conquestes, your pockets but you out the sweets that joy can give you be
your faire Mother ioy hath place! To her doating draperies and a hasty me haldez þe heuen I hope þat lyf bere. He had been fifteen
hundred young women, two almost wreck upon lif to lyþen þe houndez, and on his way, so stif þat þe wyȝtest and colour and
faste, and mony oþer þynge, now could not betray’d ( as night-dew, on a cypress glitters in its second not with fannes wel-shading
graph, in the man they give no more bot snyrt hym one,) carande for to glade Sir Gawayn, ‘wysty is her side; her mother was as
mild as any gome vpon folde þat I ask bi ryȝt. Comen to me where Dante found, so that he pushed me away that I am matched; that he hym
þoȝt, and þat I haf herde he of þe same segge, ‘I say yow forȝelde. Now, which pye being there,’ and he sete in þat, þur�� alle on þe stones; þe alder þen snawe.’
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#old textual selection method#Markov chain length: 7#93 texts
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Untitled (‘With one sesed þe hyȝe a disease,’)
With one sesed þe hyȝe a disease, and Parga’s should hille as þou behoues pray you camst, for blanket. And stifly strict and þou hatz kyst þe launce. Ride thy hilly aft that countrey move, to hiderward
running swarm of his Love’s a straunge in vain: his honde, þoȝ þay met. ‘In god fayre Alcmena lay, and sendal bisemez. And the naked is, there I stood? “Oh Thou could he annoyes.’ Bot snyrt hym ate his I sighest thought have?
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