#Snivy’s asks
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i-am-a-snivy · 2 years ago
You are my favorite starter. Your only flaw is your middle evo’s design. But other than that. You are perfect.
Thank you, I am aware that my line is Serperior among starters.
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critterbitter · 1 year ago
I have a question about the twins regarding starters. Yes, Chandelure and Eelektross are perfect for them, and I adore them. But if they were given a chance to choose one of the Unova starters, which ones would they pick? I think the Oshawott line fit Emmet, and the Snivy line gives me Ingo vibes. Tho, I'm not sure a Serperior would really get along with his Chandelure. And if they don't like the Unova starters and could choose from any starter of any other region, which one would be their choice? I'm asking this because I noticed they don't have any way to really hit ground types for super effective damage, so they might be interested in getting a water type and a grass type to cover that gap. 🤔
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More under cut!
My favorite trope is when the obvious starter-trainer pair is, in fact, swapped six ways into sunday and comes out a jumbled wreck on the other end.
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In a way weirder alternate universe, Ingo and Emmet would be given the two “trouble” starters from Professor Cedric’s batch much like how Pikachu is thrown at Ash in the pokemon anime— through a series of unfortunate accidents.
In this au, I would like to postulate they become the starter’s emotional support humans and end up running a battle gym, while Elesa (armed with a tepig) ends up head of a battle faculty.
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Bonus AU elesa… she’s plotting ways to motivate her lazy tepig. She’s scheming. That’s a constant.
FEEL FREE TO ADD ON TO THIS AU! It’s free real estate.
((As for the rest of the ask: chandelure would absolutely throttle that samurott. Eelektross and servine (i cant imagine wanting to loose limbs as serperior) would be friends faster then a house on fire, and probably cause fires.
Also, the submas gang being utterly decimated by ground types makes me honk with laughter. Earthquake is a constant nightmare in this household.))
Link to submas masterpost!
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pcktknife · 1 year ago
have u watched the unova pokemon anime. I feel like snivy and emolga could be yuri. This might be nothing but I think they deserve to be yuri
i havent but theyre getting yuri-fied regardless
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kangaskahn · 6 months ago
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Guess who evolved
(//leafeon design by @moddy-art !!!)
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calathazar · 4 months ago
Hello! How about a snivy for a pokémon request? Have a nice day!
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williceunleashed · 5 days ago
The side note about Ghetsis kid maybe getting the ability to talk to pokemon has me thinking about N stumbling onto them, mildly to very confused why they look so familiar (I doubt he could imagine Ghetsis getting it on with anyone) only for a pokemon friend to point out they look sort of like Ghetsis.
Maybe it's the old Politode, who also takes the opportunity to insult Ghetsis and the kid defends their father obviously, revealing that they understand pokemon.
I'm over here laughing at different faces N could be making at that revelation!
I am slowly preparing answers for all the Nach-related asks !!! Thank you so much for your interest in Nach, you make me want to me him "canon" in the story 😭
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I chose Zoroark as the pokémon in that comic ! Politoed passes away during the 2 years gap between BW1 and BW2.
I don't think N would have hard feelings against Nach, because Nach isn't responsible for his own birth nor his upbringing. He is just a kid with a shiny Snivy and a very big ego. But there's a deep injustice in Ghetsis being somewhat... a "normal" father to Nach when he mistreated N, Concordia and Anthea.
I wonder how N and Nach would interact though ? Would they never interact much and never try to contact each other ? Would of them be interested in creating a bond, would the both of them want to have a bond together ?? Many questions
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snivyartjpeg · 3 months ago
Ok wait wait. Does that mean. Makoto and Yuma have whatever the fuck makoto and yomi had going on in canon... while also being the same guy
(rain code spoilers)
that'd be so funny if they were the same guy lol. but, since he doesn't have amnesia, i think this version of yuma is smart enough to figure out that the guy who has his same exact height and demeanor and is always wearing a mask is also him, especially if yuma worked on project homunculus. so i decided against that jdkflsd. i guess i should've said makoto plays the same narrative role as canon lmao
since yomi is number one in this au, makoto is yomi's homunculus! that means he looks a lot like yomi. in my original ramble, i mentioned that makoto would have slicked back hair and keep yomi's original blue hair color. he'd definitely have tumblr sexyman type appeal 😭
HOWEVER, makoto and yuma absolutely still have some strange fuckass toxic dynamic going on. yuma in this au is a lot more composed than canon yomi, so whenever he's talking to makoto, he's incredibly polite, but also passive aggressive in a way where you can feel the pure, seething hatred radiating off of him. meanwhile, since makoto is yomi's homunculus, he takes a great deal of pleasure in rubbing salt in yuma's wounds because he is the CEO and yuma is not. think of them as the most petty, bitchy, divorced people you know and that's the dynamic! so... basically makoyomi with different flavors, lol
i want to try retaining as much of makoto's personality in this au as i can, which is a bit difficult when he's the homunculus of a completely different guy. fortunately, i can see both yomi and number one on two sides of the same coin- having the same type of motivations around peace, happiness, and justice, but with different warped definitions of what that is. so this makoto acts mostly the same as canon, but has a more prevalent sadistic side to him
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askteamspirit · 2 years ago
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This is not a post I ever expected to be able to make honestly! When I started this blog “10 years from now” wasn’t something I ever seriously considered. It felt like forever.
Hello eternity!
In some ways it feels like nothing has changed at all, both in good and frustrating ways
In others, especially this month, things have changed way way too suddenly
I’m so incredibly grateful to everyone who’s stuck around, both since the beginning and since I restarted in 2020
Blogs cameo’d in order are @askteamshelds lyra-and-leon @ask-thepoketrio @askteamterry askjollydagonite @askomni @the-army-on-the-horizon @askunown @askthetraveller @asksavel @flake-n-rudy
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esprei · 1 year ago
Can you do a Snivy drawing ? If you do so, you would brighten my day.
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of course! he picked a flower for you! 😊🌸
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adventuring-around · 7 months ago
Hhuiiio!!??!; :+)) heess ssslehhing. I jaa ee hishhh fonne. Ggoww arr youh?
(('Hi!!! :) he's sleeping, I have his phone. How are you?'- Princess))
Hrheyryyy pririrjdnddnxeess
Vegrgryyyrloveeelrrjttyyy rytttoooseeeeyoyyiuuu
Ñimm draggegegdnememeeeettooothsis
Istikltl bavevetoo deallwithhhbagelmknn asddndnndarewess
(Hey Princess, very lovely to see you, Nimo dragges me to this fancy school. I still have to deal with Bagelmon and Ares)
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groovygladiatorsheep · 11 months ago
Pokemon Fusions are one of my favorite things!
What about fusing your generally favourite Pokemon together, or the starters you would choose from any game you've played?
I remember playing Black n’ White, not which though.. The starters pack are Oshawott, Tepig n Snivy, so I choose Snivy and Oshawott !!
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I have too many favourites, sadly….
So here they are ! Snivy/Oshawott, probably named after a seashell ?
I think I’m gon keep ‘em, they’re lovely…
Pokefusion done so far !
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i-am-a-snivy · 2 years ago
how do you feel about the number universe discourse thats happening on your worst number poll?
Solidly the best thing’s that ever happened to my posts.
I wanted arguments but I didn’t expect an entire fucking universe of number lore to be created
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chaosoffriendship · 1 month ago
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luckyyyduckyyy · 4 months ago
a challenger approaches! surrender all your candy! >:)
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OH HO HO! A CHALLENGER! You'll be taking no candy from this gal, no-sir-ee!
Only two pokemon each? Then let's make this a double battle shall we?
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Alright everyone! Let's-!
I knew the security system would finally come to use! The last log was only a few minutes-
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To think we've found TWO criminals... Verrrry fortunate. I believe we indeed did. Let's apply them to the this new route.
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We're so cooked....
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(I had too much fun making the faces.... I had to do multiple versions)
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kangaskahn · 11 months ago
//HI @riggspath IM SO SORRY I accidentally sent your ask to the nether-realm 😭 here's your snivy! I really wanted to draw Vinny <3
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duckapus · 4 months ago
A few Project Thunder prep ficlet ideas:
Ash is gathering up his Pokemon (all his Pokemon, though since this is just starting he hasn't had time to retrieve the ones that don't live in specific spots like Oak's Ranch, Kukui's house or that one reserve Goodra lives on) to set up training for the rescue mission (because he's bringing everyone. all his Pokemon, all his old companions and allies, actually cashing in old favors and making use of his titles, the works), and notices that Squirtle isn't there. Snivy mentions that he went through one of the Hyperlink Gates with the Squirtle Squad a few days ago saying something about his expertise being needed elsewhere. Then Laharl calls to complain that Ash's crazy turtle got a bunch of his vassals hooked on some weird anime. Cut the Squirtles and Flonne doing code-proofing refits on Mecha-Flonne (yes, Flonne canonically has her own giant robot) and upgrading its arsenal in the process. Flonne questions whether the number of drill-based weapons they're adding is a bit overkill... and then she and the Squirtles laugh a few seconds later and keep going.
We get Peach checking on the progress of the Meme Alliance's Codeship fleet. We find out that they're using Battlerock Galaxy as a shipyard (they're making a bunch of huge spaceships, there's no room for that on the ground), and that most of the ships that are actually new instead of just refits look a lot like boats (that's mainly due to the Koopa Troop being heavily involved due to having some experience with this sort of thing what with all the airships. You ask Koopas to make a flying machine the size of a building that isn't a plane, you're gonna get a boat). She's informed that most of the fleet's construction is proceeding on schedule. Something called the Jubilation has apparently hit a few snags, but they were already weeks ahead of schedule, and considering it's apparently a Phineas and Ferb project they figure the problems won't take long to deal with. We also get a glimpse of just what the Jubilation is, because in the background we see a half-completed mushroom-shaped space station that dwarfs every other ship in the yard.
Dapple runs into Tonio while helping with the refugees in Game Dreamland, because apparently he's been an oc this whole time. Also, he notes that her fur is slightly singed and all she says about it is that she picked a fight with a thunderstorm. And won.
Cursor goes to the Snake-Eyes Casino because apparently she and Roulette knew each other back when Roulette was still a Moderator and Cursor was still Algorithm (they even call each other Roulz and Al [THAT IS AL NOT AI!], it's cute) since as the Admin of a pleasure server Roulette and her employees hear a lot of internet gossip, so she might have a lead on the CCC servers. And good news, she's heard about some unusual activity over in L33T territory! (leading into that one Doctor Who quote with Blotch) And once they're out of sight and earshot from each-other we're reminded that they are on opposite sides (though they don't know it yet) and very good at what they do. Because Cursor pulls out a silver scale she found sticking out between some seat cushions and makes a note that he was at the Casino at some point, while Roulette tasks her Moderators, Cloak (who is a disembodied white hooded cloak) and Dagger (a very pointy vaguely humanoid array of iridescent black polygons) to learn whatever they can of Admonspace's current situation, and to keep their "VIPs" informed.
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