#Snake x apu
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can i get some snapu? :3 (snake x apu)
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Tell me which ship that includes my Rebecca Simpson OC, you want to see my best art of.
1. Sideshow Bob X Rebecca
2. Krusty X Rebecca
3. Milhouse X Rebecca
4. Moe X Rebecca
5. Mr. Burns X Rebecca
6. Principal Skinner X Rebecca
7. Sean Bont X Rebecca
8. Apu X Rebecca
9. Barney X Rebecca
10. Blake Black X Rebecca
11. Bode Wright X Rebecca
12. Chief Wiggum X Rebecca
13. Colin X Rebecca
14. Jack DeForest X Rebecca
15. Frank Grimes X Rebecca
16. Superintendent Chalmers X Rebecca
17. Ol' Gil X Rebecca
18. Hank Scorpio X Rebecca
19. Hubert Wong X Rebecca
20. Ralph X Rebecca
21. Jacques Brunswick X Rebecca
22. Jimbo X Rebecca
23. Professor Frink X Rebecca
24. Julio Franco X Rebecca
25. Karl (Simpson and Delilah) X Rebecca
26. Lenny X Rebecca
27. Luke Stetson X Rebecca
28. Sideshow Mel X Rebecca
29. Ned Flanders X Rebecca
30. Nelson X Rebecca
31. Brenden Biederbecke X Rebecca
32. Nick (the Daughter Also Rises) X Rebecca
33. Stonecutter Number One X Rebecca
34. Otto X Rebecca
35. Grady X Rebecca
36. Lucas Porter X Rebecca
37. Snake Jailbird X Rebecca
38. Thelonious (Trilogy of Error) X Rebecca
39. Troy McClure X Rebecca
40. Freddie Scorpio X Rebecca
41. Lionel Hutz X Rebecca
42. Hugh Parkfield X Rebecca
43. Dr. Nick X Rebecca
44. Cecil Terwilliger X Rebecca
45. Fat Tony X Rebecca
46. Edmund (Tweenlight) X Rebecca
47. Reverend Lovejoy X Rebecca
48. Todd Flanders X Rebecca
49. Walt Warren (the Bob Next Door) X Rebecca
50. Willie X Rebecca
51. Bart X Rebecca
52. Herbert Powell X Rebecca
53. Homer X Rebecca
54. Jack Lassen X Rebecca
55. Artie Ziff X Rebecca
56. Jack Crowley X Rebecca
57. Dwight Diddlehopper X Rebecca
58. Mr. Bergstrom X Rebecca
59. Freddy Quimby X Rebecca
60. Comic Book Guy X Rebecca
61. Bleeding Gums Murphy X Rebecca
62. Cletus Spuckler X Rebecca
63. Disco Stu X Rebecca
64. Larry Burns X Rebecca
65. Officer Eddie X Rebecca
66. Hans Moleman X Rebecca
67. Mayor Quimby X Rebecca
68. Michael D'Amico X Rebecca
69. Bartigula the Jerk (I, Carambus) X Rebecca
70. Dr. Marvin Monroe X Rebecca
71. Wayne Slater (The Falcon and the D'ohman) X Rebecca
72. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) (The Simpsons Movie) X Rebecca
73. Kent Brockman X Rebecca
74. Carl Carlson X Rebecca
75. Langdon Alger (Simpsons Comics) X Rebecca
76. Charlie (Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?) X Rebecca
77. Portuguese Boy (A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again) X Rebecca
78. Peta (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
79. Pita (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
80. Martin Prince X Rebecca
81. Kirk Van Houten X Rebecca
82. Blake (Three Dreams Denied) X Rebecca
83. Corey Masterson X Rebecca
84. Dolph X Rebecca
85. Donny (The deBarted) X Rebecca
86. Digby Diggs (Diggs) X Rebecca
87. Kevin (Stealing First Base) X Rebecca
88. Zachary Vaughn (Bart Gets a Z) X Rebecca
89. The Rich Texan/Richard Texan X Rebecca
90. Rainier Wolfcastle X Rebecca
91. Marv Szyslak X Rebecca
92. Michael De Graaf X Rebecca
93. August Steffan X Rebecca
94. Homer Simpson (Not It) X Rebecca
95. Erik X Rebecca
96. Moe Szyslak (Not It) X Rebecca
97. David (Treehouse of Horror XVI: Bartificial Intelligence) X Rebecca
98. Roger (Treehouse of Horror XXI: Master and Cadaver) X Rebecca
99. Hugo (Treehouse of Horror VII: The Thing and I) X Rebecca
100. Vampire Burns (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
101. John (Homer's Phobia) X Rebecca
102. Mike Wegman (Go Big or Go Homer) X Rebecca
103. Lyle Lanley (Marge vs. the Monorail) X Rebecca
104. Roger (Every Man's Dream) X Rebecca
105. Devil Flanders (Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson) X Rebecca
106. Harry Potter (Treehouse of Horror XII: Wiz Kids) X Rebecca
107. The Fat in the Hat (Treehouse of Horror XXIV: The Fat in the Hat) X Rebecca
108. Reaper Homer (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Reaper Madness) X Rebecca
109. John Frink Sr. Robot (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Frinkenstein) X Rebecca
110. Mutant Burns (Treehouse of Horror VIII: Homega Man) X Rebecca
111. Hansel Bart (Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True) X Rebecca
112. Noir Homer (Treehouse of Horror XXXI: Into the Homerverse) X Rebecca
113. Dracula (Treehouse of Horror XX opening & Treehouse of Horror XXI: Tweenlight) X Rebecca
114. Stephen King (Treehouse of Horror XXIV opening) X Rebecca
115. Vampire Bart (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
116. Dr. Bartley (Treehouse of Horror XV: Four Beheadings and a Funeral) X Rebecca
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Behind the Stars – The Great Rift
⋯ ✩ A/N: This will probably be updated periodically as I work on them and their universe over time. If you ever have any questions, feel free to drop them in my inbox! Note: This alphabetical list encompasses characters from both Starfield and Liberation. These stories, while in the same universe, take place in different periods.
🌌 — Via Lactea – "Ama-gi; the All-Mother" (Milky Way) 🌌 — Andromeda – "Medea" (Messier 31)
💫 — Andromeda – "Andy" – The Chained Maiden 💫 — Antlia – "Lia" – Air Pump 💫 — Apus – Bird of Paradise 💫 — Aquarius – "Aqua" – Water-Bearer 💫 — Aquila – Eagle 💫 — Ara – Altar 💫 — Aries – "Ari" – Ram 💫 — Auriga – Charioteer 💫 — Boötes – "Tess" – Herdsman 💫 — Caelum – "Cae" – Chisel 💫 — Camelopardalis – "Cam" – Giraffe 💫 — Cancer – "Ann" – Crab 💫 — Canes Venatici – "Cane" – Hunting Dogs 💫 — Canis Major – "Cani" – Greater Dog 💫 — Canis Minor – "Can" – Lesser Dog 💫 — Capricornus – "Cap" – Sea-Goat 💫 — Carina – Ship Keel (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Cassiopeia – "Cassie" – The Seated Queen 💫 — Centaurus – "Cen" – Centaur 💫 — Cepheus – "Ceph" – The King 💫 — Cetus – Sea Monster/Whale 💫 — Chamaeleon – "Leon" – Chameleon 💫 — Circinus – "Cici" – Technical Compasses 💫 — Columba – Dove 💫 — Coma Berenices – "Berenices" – Berenice's Hair 💫 — Corona Australis – "Aussie" – Southern Crown 💫 — Corona Borealis – "Borea" – Northern Crown 💫 — Corvus – Crow 💫 — Crater – Cup 💫 — Crux – Southern Cross 💫 — Cygnus – "Cyg" – Swan (also the Northern Cross) 💫 — Delphinus – "Dede" – Dolphin 💫 — Dorado – Dolphinfish 💫 — Draco – Dragon 💫 — Equuleus – "Equi" – Pony 💫 — Eridanus – River of Eridanus 💫 — Fornax – Chemical Furnace 💫 — Gemini – The Twins 💫 — Grus – Crane 💫 — Hercules – Heracles from Greek Myth 💫 — Horologium – Pendulum Clock 💫 — Hydra – Sea Serpent 💫 — Hydrus – Lesser Water Snake 💫 — Indus – "Indy" – The Indigenous* 💫 — Lacerta – Lizard 💫 — Leo – Lion 💫 — Leo Minor – "Lee" – Lesser Lion 💫 — Lepus – "Lep" – Hare 💫 — Libra – Balancing Scales 💫 — Lupus – Wolf 💫 — Lynx – Lynx 💫 — Lyra – Lyre/Harp 💫 — Mensa – Table Mountain 💫 — Microscopium – "Micky" – Microscope 💫 — Monoceros – "Ceros" – Unicorn 💫 — Musca – Fly 💫 — Norma – Spirit Level 💫 — Octans – Octant 💫 — Ophiuchus – "Ophi" – Serpent-Bearer 💫 — Orion – Orion from Greek Myth 💫 — Pavo – Peacock 💫 — Pegasus – Pegasus 💫 — Perseus – Perseus from Greek Myth 💫 — Phoenix – Phoenix 💫 — Pictor – Easel 💫 — Pisces – Fishes 💫 — Piscis Austrinus – "Pisci" – Southern Fish 💫 — Puppis – Ship Stern Deck (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Pyxis – "Pyx" – Mariner's Compass 💫 — Reticulum – "Ret" – Eyepiece Graticule 💫 — Sagitta – Arrow 💫 — Sagittarius – "Sag/Saj" – Archer 💫 — Scorpius – "Scorpio" – Scorpion 💫 — Sculptor – "Scully" – Sculptor 💫 — Scutum – Shield 💫 — Serpens – Snake 💫 — Sextans – Sextant 💫 — Taurus – Bull 💫 — Telescopium – "Tele" – Telescope 💫 — Triangulum – "Tria" – Triangle 💫 — Triangulum Australe – "Trin" – Southern Triangle 💫 — Tucana – Toucan 💫 — Ursa Major – "Ursa" – Greater Bear 💫 — Ursa Minor – "Cub" – Lesser Bear 💫 — Vela – Ship Sails (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Virgo – The Maiden 💫 — Volans – Flying Fish 💫 — Vulpecula – "Vixen" – Fox
✨ — Beta Andromedae – "Mirach" ✨ — Delta Antliae – "Delt" ✨ — BPS CS22892-0052 Aquarii – "Sneden" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Theta Aurigae – "Mahasim" ✨ — Alpha Canis Majoris – "Sirius" ✨ — Alpha Cassiopeiae – "Schedar; Daria" ✨ — Gamma Cassiopeiae – "Navi; Tsih" ✨ — Alpha Centauri – "Rigil Kentaurus" ✨ — Beta Centauri – "Hadar" (goes by Malachy in other worlds) ✨ — BPM 37093 / V886 Centauri – "Lucy" ✨ — Centaurus X-3 / Krzeminski Centauri – "Krze" ✨ — Alpha Cephei – "Alderamin" ✨ — BPS CS31082-0001 Ceti – "Cayrel" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Omicron Ceti – "Mira(e)" ✨ — Alpha Corvi – "Alchiba" ✨ — Gamma Corvi – "Gienah; Dextra" ✨ — Epsilon Cygni – "Gienah" ✨ — ZTF J203349.8+322901.1 Cygni – "Janus" ✨ — Alpha Delphini – "Sualocin" ✨ — Zeta Delphini A – "Zeke" ✨ — Zeta Delphini B – "Delphi" ✨ — Alpha Draconis – "Thuban" ✨ — Beta Draconis – "Rastaban" ✨ — Gamma Draconis – "Eltanin" ✨ — Alpha Hydrae – "Alphard" ✨ — Gliese-Jahreiß "431931" – "GJ" ✨ — Alpha Leporis – "Arneb" ✨ — Beta Leporis – "Nihal" ✨ — HD 140283 Librae– "Methuselah" (also known as The Progenitor; a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Eta Ophiuchi – "Sabik" ✨ — Gamma Orionis – "Bellatrix" ✨ — Lambda Orionis – "Meissa" ✨ — V1005 Orionis – "Vee"
💫 — Ashlesha – "Ash" – Naga 💫 — Baihu – White Tiger 💫 — False Cross – "Eris" 💫 — Diamond Cross – "Dia"
#character directory#story: the great rift#story: liberation#oc#original character#oc story#original story
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What are 5 under-rated ships in your eyes?
Smithers x Moe
Karl x Homer
Apu x Snake
Seymour x Willie
Otto x Julio
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What do you think of Snapu (Snake Jailbird X Apu Nahasapeemapetilon)? I freaking love this ship so much!
Well, as much as I can say assuming I don't watch Simpsons at all, after a quick googling I think it looks cool! And from their descriptions I think they have great potential for some very fun prompts :>
It's great to have a beloved ship! Just like absorbing the content, creating it is also fun! So, go for it! Create, write and more, bringing in people who love it too! Above all, have fun!
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The Treehouse of Tarot
Current draft, looking for feedback. Also, looking for artists to draw a card! Currently, the Fool, the Devil, the World, and Judgement are spoken for. Everything else is up for grabs / debatable.
Major Arcana
The Fool - Homer The Magician - Milhouse The High Priestess - Lisa The Empress - Ms. Krabapple The Emperor - Grandpa Simpson The Hierophant - Lionel Hutz The Lovers - THE LOVEJOYS The Chariot - Otto Strength, RADIOACTIVE MAN (?) The Hermit - Bleeding Gums Murphy Wheel of Fortune - KRUSTY Justice - Chief Wiggins The Hanged Man - SIDESHOW BOB Death - BART Temperance - MAUDE FLANDERS The Devil: FLANDERS (with Rod + Todd) The Tower: Itchy and Scratchy The Star: MAGGIE The Moon - BART AGAIN?? The Sun - MR. BURNS Judgement - Groundskeeper Willie The World - MARGE
MUGS (cups)
Ace: Big Yellow Hand, Moe's tavern II: Barflies (Larry & Sam) III: Duffman and Duff Girls IV: Mr. Teeny V: Bumblebee Man VI: Bart + Milhouse Slushie Binge VII: Crazy Cat Lady VIII: Kent Brockman IX: Sea Captain X: Cletus & Family Page: Akira & Blinky Knight: Moe Queen: Malibu Stacy bathing in a mug of water King: Barney sitting on a bar stool in a sea of Duff DONUTS (pentacles) Ace: Big yellow Hand, maybe the Church b/g? II: Disco Stu III: Comic Book guy + Wendell + Lewis Clark (+Richard?) IV: Mayor Quimby V: Sherri and Terri VI: Dr. Nick Dropping Pills VII: Hans Moleman VIII: Sarah Wiggum (?) IX: Selma and Jub Jub X: Abe Simpson + old folks? Page: Lard Lad Knight: Poochy Queen: Luane van Hauten (?) King: Apu NUCLEAR RODS (wands) Ace: Big yellow HAND, Power Plant in background II: Professor Frink III: Tibor IV: Karl & Lenny V: Whole Simpsons family (plus Abe?) holding rods VI: The Very Tall Man (on a very small horse, with Nelson laughing) VII: Radioactive Man VIII: Just eight rods... what to do with this one? Bobo? Smilin' Joe Fission? IX: Lunch Lady Doris stirring a pot with a rod X: Ol' Gil Page: Fallout Boy Knight: Dr. Hibbert Queen: Mindy Simmons King: Smithers SWORDS (swords) Ace: Big Yellow Hand II: Baby Sitter Bandit III: The Tell-Tale Heart with Alison Taylor IV: Vampire Mr. Burns V: Nelson + Bullies VI: Fat Tony VII: Frank Grimes VIII: Skinner's Mother IX: McBane X: Scratchy (with itchy?) Page: Ralph Knight: Bartman (or Snake Queen: Laura Powers King: Mr. Teeny
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Blog #6: Claudi Kishi
Growing up, I didn’t see many characters that looked like me. I didn’t see many Indian Americans in TV shows, cartoons, books, or any other sort of media. It felt sad not being able to see people like myself in these different forms of media. The times I did see Indian characters in American media, it was the stereotypical “Indian guy”. Looking at Phineas and Ferb, we had Baljeet, an Indian boy with a very heavy accent that was very smart. In Big Bang Theory, we had Raj, an Indian guy with a very heavy accent that was very smart and pretty perverted. In Sanjay and Craig, there was an Indian kid with the same name as me but with a pet snake. In the Simpsons, we had Apu, an immigrant Indian American who ran a convenience store and had eight kids.
So, while it was nice for my young self to see Indian characters on screen, it didn’t feel nice knowing that they were side characters, asides from Sanjay, and were just written through stereotypes. It was cool to see Sanjay as a main character, what’s not cool is walking around middle school having kids acting like snake charmers or asking where Craig is. Well, I’m sure having the name Sanjay was a large part of the Craig “jokes”, but it did not feel good. But, Life of Pi and Slumdog Millionaire were two movies that I actually felt proud to see in big media. Both really good movies that were received very well in the US that finally saw Indians in the big leagues of movies. Also, Indian actors and actresses have been beginning to emerge in more mainstream American movies now, which is a huge step forward for the Indian American community. Deepika Padukone, Irrfan Khan, Dev Patel, Amrish Puri are just some of the Indians that have made it to Hollywood. Of course, they’re side characters but they’re not based on stereotypes. The movie Blinded by the Light doesn’t have an Indian American as the lead character, but it does have a Pakistani Britisher lead. The plot of the movie is something I can relate to as Pakistani and Indian families have nearly identical family structures. It’s a movie that has someone that looks like me as the lead, and that lead is someone I can actually relate to. It was refreshing to see this.
It is incredibly important to have diversity in different forms of media because representation matters. We live in the US, the most diverse country in the world, so it is inexcusable to not have a wide variety of representation for different groups of people in the US. Asian, African, Latin-x, Native American, LGBTQ+, you name it, whatever group there is in the US, they deserve to be represented in various forms of media because they exist. Simply not putting them in the spotlight is essentially erasure of their existence. Thankfully, its been getting better for groups with low representation and progress is actually being made. However, it shouldn’t just stop here. We need to keep on going so these groups get the equal representation they deserve so media isn’t bland and full of white folks.
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Best Games for Laptops and Low-End PCs in 2020
We used to view the idea of gaming on a laptop as a virtual contradiction in terms, at least for anyone who didn’t want to invest in a so-called ‘desktop replacement.’ Over the last decade, we’ve seen a lot more laptops shipping with integrated graphics that are capable of at least some light gaming and a proliferation of indie titles with less aggressive requirements. Put the two together, and you’ve got a lot more options for low-end gaming today than 10-20 years ago.
In this list of our favorites, we’ve tried to blend a mixture of modern titles and a handful of older classics. If you’ve been gaming for a number of years, we strongly suggest Googling “best games of X,” to remind yourself what hidden gems you might have missed the first time around. A game that required a midrange PC to play in 2011 likely runs just fine on an integrated GPU in 2019, especially if you’ve got an Ice Lake-based notebook or Ryzen APU-based laptop.
Since the last time we refreshed the list, we’ve trimmed a few titles off, kept a few, and added some new games. The PC gaming news cycle often doesn’t serve the interests of the larger PC gaming community when it comes to game discovery. This is particularly and sadly true for low-end gamers. Lost in the endless churn of new titles is the fact that there are literally thousands of amazing PC titles released long before you bought your system. Don’t be afraid to go digging for gems you might have missed in previous generations.
One way to express a love of PC gaming is certainly by investing lots of money in gaming hardware, but it’s certainly not the only one. What matters isn’t the amount of money you can plow into the hobby. It’s how much you enjoy it in the process.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
This XCOM-meets-Fallout title is based on the tabletop Mutant Year Zero game. If you’ve played the modern XCOM games, you’ll be familiar with most of the gameplay elements, though Mutant Year Zero gives you direct control of your squad outside of combat and fuses XCOM’s gameplay with some light RPG elements.
The worst thing we can say about Mutant Year Zero is that you’ll have to do some Googling to figure out which buttons are tied to which keyboard functions. The game’s plot and post-apocalyptic setting recall the best parts of Fallout, and while the game isn’t as deep as one of those sprawling titles, it still feels like a spiritual sequel. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden feels a bit like a “AA” game, for lack of a better phrase. Reasonably well-polished with solid aspirations, but you won’t mistake it for a 400-hour dungeon crawler.
World of Warcraft Classic
I had long since intended to have my WoW Classic reviews done by now, but the reality of leveling and my own crazy schedule have kept me working on my Classic Paladin and the slow climb to Lvl 40. Christmas is coming, which makes this a perfect time to revisit the best-loved MMO of Christmas, 2004.
Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. Left is Retail, right is Classic.
It’s World of Warcraft: Classic, which is to say, #NoChanges (except for a few of the changes, but really, there aren’t that many). I might be leveling at the speed of grass growing, but by God, I am leveling. There’s a lot to love in the original version of Blizzard’s MMO classic, especially if you like games of this era in the first place. It may use the modern WoW engine, but Blizzard re-used original WoW’s textures and assets. The result is a game that runs just fine on a low-end PC, including Carrizo-powered AMD ultrabooks and Intel integrated graphics.
Untitled Goose Game
Untitled Goose Game challenges you to find the Canadian goose inside yourself. Yup. This is a game about being an unrepentant asshole. Since the joys of honking and flapping don’t require a high-end PC, Untitled Goose Game is another game that’ll run on just about any toaster you can drag out of storage or cajole into running.
Honk. Flap. Steal objects, trick humans, annoy pets, wash, rinse, and repeat if necessary. It’s a brilliant game for people turned off by “typical” titles looking for a silly, funny, low-key experience.
Arkham City
I’ve decided to switch my low-end PC recommendation from Arkham Asylum to the later Arkham City. Arkham Asylum is, to be sure, still an excellent game, and it runs on an even lower-spec system than Arkham City. But between the two of them, Arkham City is the better overall Batman game. Batman’s overall bag of tricks gets polished and AC offers you playing time as characters like Catwoman, with her own distinct moveset and animation style.
Arkham City feels as though it genuinely captures what it would be like to “be” Batman, with a clever twist on why you face a never-ending army of thugs. If you want to find out if you’re going to like the Arkham game series, I’d say this is the best one to try. If you need something even gentler on system specs, try the original Arkham Asylum.
Into the Breach
Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy game that takes place on small maps of 8×8 grids. From the makers of FTL, Into the Breach challenges you to beat back waves of attackers in turn-based combat. There are no XCOM-style probability fields to deal with here — you get full transparency into what actions will be taken by both your own characters and the enemies you engage with.
Into the Breach launched in 2018, but it’s still winning recognition for its unique approach to turn-based combat today. Definitely worth checking out, if you’re looking for some turn-based combat options.
West of Loathing
West of Loathing is a “graphical” adventure game that could run on a Lite-Brite. Don’t let the black-and-white stick-based graphics fool you — under the hood is a classic adventure game with RPG elements, killer clowns, demon cows, snake oil salesman, and a heap of spittoons to dig through in search of loot. The dialog is laugh-out-loud funny and the game’s irreverent humor recalls the best adventure game writing of earlier eras.
West of Loathing came out at the end of 2017, but it’s still a top pick if you need a game that runs on anything and offers some genuine laugh-out-loud moments.
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley was heavily inspired by the Harvest Moon series of video games but adds its own spin on the concept. Explore Pelican Town, make friends, fall in love, and restore your grandfather’s farm to health in a gentle, open-ended title that will tease your curiosity as opposed to yanking you hither and yon with frantic quest demands.
Stardew Valley recently received a major endgame update in Patch 1.4, with new monsters, fish ponds, a new mystery to solve, various bug-fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and similar updates. Multiplayer support is also now available.
Cuphead’s visual aesthetic is truly unique — it’s the only game we’ve ever seen that mimics the “rubber hose” animation style of the early 1930s in a frenetic run-and-gun shooter. You’ll need sharp reflexes to beat the game, but not much in the way of PC horsepower.
Cuphead is a great game for someone looking for a game you might fairly call “Nintendo hard,” particularly if they enjoy its animation.
The open-world sandbox of Minecraft has been used to create everything from 1:1 scale models of the starship Enterprise to functional (if simple) CPUs. In between, there’s an easily accessible game with a rich crafting system, dangerous mobs, and huge worlds to explore. If your ideas of gameplay run more towards “give me a big space and lots of tools,” and less towards coherent narrative and story-driven play, you may find Minecraft much to your liking.
That doesn’t actually tell you nearly enough about Minecraft, a game that’s inspired millions of people to spend billions of hours stacking blocks on top of each other to build everything from an exact replica of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek to actual working computers. Minecraft is a phenomenal crafting and building game.
Orcs Must Die, Orcs Must Die 2
Orcs Must Die and Orcs Must Die 2 are some of our favorite titles for mindless slaughtery goodness and have a permanent space on my hard drive. This hybrid tower-defense/action game tasks you with burning, blasting, freezing, smashing, dissolving, shooting, and generally wreaking mayhem against wave after wave of orcs, trolls, ogres, and other various bad guys as they seek to invade your home. It’s easy to learn and sometimes surprisingly difficult to master.
I recommend both, but OMD2 is definitely the better game.
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon is a 2D, side-scrolling dungeon crawler with a side helping of Lovecraftian horror and a mental health management simulator. As your heroes wind their way through the stygian abyss, they’ll face the dripping claws and rasping moans of the eons-damned creatures that dwell beyond the stars. Safeguard them carefully, or you’ll find the abyss staring back at you when you least expect it…
Darkest Dungeon can be legitimately annoying, but if you love mods like “Longest War” for XCOM, this series is a treasure. DD doesn’t pull punches, and if you think you’ve figured the game out, that probably means there’s a DLC or difficulty level waiting to kneecap you around the corner.
So that’s our list. Feel free to chime in with your own. What older games or titles still have a cherished spot on your hard drive, and what games do you find yourself returning to, long after they’ve supposedly been surpassed by more recent releases?
Now Read:
Microsoft’s Xbox Series X Just Ended the PC-Console War
Internet Archive Adds 2,500 Playable MS-DOS Games
How to Troubleshoot Your Slow PC
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/269774-best-games-you-can-play-on-laptops-and-low-end-pcs from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2019/12/best-games-for-laptops-and-low-end-pcs.html
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Blue camouflage rocket ride – my flight in an L-39
I flew the L-39 jet, a former Russian military jet trainer, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The engine is a turbofan, giving it delightful, “push you back against the seat” power when you go to full throttle. Larry Salganek, master aviator and chief instructor, flew with me of course. I flew it from start to finish, Larry bravely never touching the controls, just offering advice through the hot mic.
The hardest part? Getting in and taxiing the airplane.
I gladly agreed to Larry’s suggestion that he taxi it out of the crowded parking area because to steer, you press the rudder in the desired direction, then with your right little finger below the stick grip, press a bicycle-like brake lever – not natural at first but easy to learn. Out of the chocks and on the taxiway, he gave it to me, taking it back only after rollout after my full stop landing.
Before leaving for Santa Fe, I studied the L-39 Pilot Handbook, studying procedures, controls, airspeeds, power settings, and fuel management. Most importantly, I also got for Microsoft Flight Simulator X the L-39 aircraft program, which translates extremely well to flying the real thing. At the Santa Fe airport, I got some cockpit time, finding that the simulator experience made me feel very much at home in the actual cockpit.
Preflight accomplished, Larry signaled to plug in the ground power cart which energized the built-in APU, a small “Sapphire” jet engine aft in the L-39 which spins up the main turbine engine. A twirl of the fingers to the ground crew, starter was engaged, a sharp whoosh of air was first heard, then a low thrum as the turbine began to spin. Starter air produced 22%. The APU spun the engine to 45% and then turned off automatically.
Starting fuel was selected and with a low rumbling and tremor I felt in the seat of my pants, the start sequence begin. The tailpipe exhaust gas temp needle swung upward toward 540 degrees Celsius and the tach settled on 55%, normal idle rpm.
Ground power removed, we received taxi clearance and set flaps down 1/2. Larry spooled up power, got us out of the parking area, then I tried my hand at taxi. Once rolling, the unique taxi/steering system quickly becomes intuitive.
Cleared onto the active for takeoff, I lined us up on runway 20. Brakes set, power to 85%, systems checked, controls clear, throttle 105%, 600 degrees Celsius, left to right around the panel checked, I advised Tower that we were rolling on 20, and I released my fingers from the brake lever. The takeoff felt quicker than my trusty old Air Force T-33, more like the spirited United Airlines Canadair twin jet on which United brought us here. She handled easily, only a nudge of rudder as we accelerated to rudder speed of 85 knots. Takeoff airspeed 100 knots, and I eased in the 10-degree nose-up pitch attitude. In the backseat this put the horizon right on the bottom of Larry’s ejection seat headrest up front. (Our ejection seats were not active but we wore chutes. This is what you sit on… and what straps you in.)
“The aircraft was frisky, yet stable, and a pure delight to fly.”
I held that 10 degree pitch attitude, then as the L-39’s wings took up the load, we flew off, the trailing-link main gears bumping, extending to hydraulic stops. Quickly, 130 knots showed on the airspeed, I increased pitch a bit to hold that for the climb, reducing power to 95%, two flicks of up trim. Climb rate was about 2,000 fpm. The aircraft was frisky, yet stable, and a pure delight to fly. I put the nose where I want it, added a couple of flicks of trim and she held steady as a rock. Pitch trim was a thumb operated “coolie hat” atop the stick grip. At level off, Larry invited me to “just try her out and get a feel for it.” I obliged using the flat topped cloud deck at 12,000 as my hard deck, rolling and turning, free as a breeze.
The jet was extremely powerful, quick, responsive almost to my thoughts and hand pressures, and a joy to fly. With a few hours in a Cessna 172 and a study of the L-39 handbook, any private pilot reading this could fly this one. At 25,000 feet and 95%, I flew about 300-450 knots, did some steep turns, stall series, barrel rolls, loops and a cloverleaf, rolled within puffy white cumulus hallways and canyons within brilliant towering cloud castles.
We had Approach Control’s clearance for a maneuvering block of airspace well off airways, floor 10,000 feet, ceiling 30,000 feet. I would just roll the plane lazily over, drop the sleek nose toward the desert and feel the thrumming speed in my seat as the airspeed needle raced around the dial towards our limiting Mach. Below us we saw dry riverbeds snaking back and forth on the sun-parched desert floor; a few white sand trails crossed the dry, empty landscape. Specks of green cactus and Joshua trees were scattered below us, and with a wrist pressure I made planet Earth turn and spin below us. Trading airspeed for altitude, I brought us near vertical, doing continued aileron rolls until she trembled a bit – telling me to roll out.
Now this is fun.
I wished the ailerons had hydraulic boost; it took forearm muscle for rolling maneuvers in aerobatics as well as in the traffic pattern. After the hour flight, my arms felt as if I had been arm wrestling. The rear seat was nicely elevated so I had a clear view over Larry’s head up front; the cockpit is well designed, ergonomic control locations, everything in easy reach. Good peripheral vision all around. Pure joy to fly.
Most enjoyable were the touch and go’s we did after the free-wheeling aerobatics. We shot maybe a dozen touch and go’s. Our pattern stayed full – airliners, helicopters, bizjets – so we flew rectangular patterns like you fly at your home airport in a Cessna. Pattern speed downwind is 130 knots, holding minimum of 80% power, because with the gear, 1/2 flaps and speed brakes the aircraft has lots of drag, and once you drop below 130 knots dirty, it takes loads of power to recover. On final I preferred half flaps, because I could set my touchdown more accurately, and could hold the nose off longer than with full flaps.
Final is 120 knots absolutely minimum. I found that over the fence, I would start pulling power, hold the nose wheel off, keeping Larry’s ejection seat marker on the horizon. For a touch and go, keep the nose wheel up, bringing in power to 107 %. Once established in a positive climb, gear up then flaps up at 130 knots. I shot two military 360 overhead pitch-outs, but with the stiff ailerons, this was work. Touch and go’s were the real fun part to me: on go-around, the power of that thundering engine thrust really accelerated us.
As we taxied back to park after the flight, Larry asked me, “Bill, how old are you?” I told him and he replied, “I sure hope I can fly as good as you did today when I get to be 82.” My reaction to that nice compliment was Dirty Harry’s famous line, “Go ahead… make my day.”
The post Blue camouflage rocket ride – my flight in an L-39 appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/11/blue-camouflage-rocket-ride-my-flight-in-an-l-39/
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yu gi oh 5ds world championship 2011 over the nexus nintendo ds
yu gi oh 5ds world championship 2011 over the nexus nintendo ds
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.
Genre: Strategy, Card Battle Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: May 10, 2011
Currently we have no tips for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Unlockable Items
5D’s Standard Disk – Complete the Game Blackbird – S Rank on all Battle Royale Different Facial Expressions – Duel Torunka and Win Duel Phantom (Duel Runner Frame) – Talk to the broken Ghost with Misaki as your partner DWE-CG – Talk to Klaus post-game DWE-X – Talk to Jack and complete his event Golden Shield Disk – Talk to Ransborg post-game, and complete his event King Replica Model – Talk to Jack Post-game KPC-000 – 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key Lambda Frame – Talk to Mina with Misaki as your partner and complete her event postgame Leather Top and Bottom Set (Yusei’s Outfit) – Found behind Team 5D’s Garage Leo’s Custom Disk – Outside of Sector Security Lucky Key – Talk to the guy behind Team 5D’s garage and choose the right box Missing Ring – See Spirit World Speed Spell – Deceased Synchron – Can be found as a Blue card on Battle Royal Race Stuffy Collar Shirt – See Spirit World Suit Style – 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key The Spirit World – To Access the Spirit World, Duel all 3 Computer Ghosts Waiter Outfit – Talk to Stephanie and complete her event Wheel of Fortune – S Rank on all Battle Races Yusei-Go – S Rank on all Time Races
Unlock Tag Turbo Duelist In Free Duel
Defeat Sonic Sprint 3 times : We’re on a Mission Defeat Food Chain Friends 3 times : Underworld Cops Defeat Down to the Sea 3 times : Unified in Darkness Summon Ultimate Axon Kicker : Hurricane Regiment Summon Scrap Twin Dragon : You-Go!
Unlock Tag Duel Opponents In Free Duel
Defeat Downy Duo 3 times : Forbidding Fellows Defeat Fool Around Get Hurt 3 times : Burn Girls Activate 200 Total Spells and Traps : 100-Monster Parade Duel in 200 total single duels : Terrorizing Tyrants Duel in 100 tag duels total : Alien Meets Snake Duel in 50 turbo duels total : Stardust Battle Duel in 25 tag turbo duels total : Samurai Twelve Summon Five Headed Dragon : Girls-Only Duel Win a duel by attacking with Skull Servant : Dark Sea Ritual Summon Koa’ki Meiru Maximus : Flash! Fusion! Summon Gaia Drake, the Universal Force : Sky Masters Summon Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste : Dimension Walkers Summon Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings : Queen’s Collection Summon Steelswarm Hercules : Moon & Sun
Unlock Turbo Duelist In Free Duel
Defeat Mefist the Infernal General 3 times : Kasha Defeat Delta Tri 3 times : Destiny Hero – Dasher Defeat Vlyon Sigma 3 Times : Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Defeat Ally of Justice Searcher 3 times : Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Do at least 200 synchro summons total : Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg Activate a total of 100 speed spells : Formula Synchron Do at least 573 total special summons : Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Have 12 Speed Counters in one turbo duel : Judgment Dragon Summon Machina Force : Machina Fortress Summon Evigishki Soul Ogre : Malefic Stardust Dragon
Unlock Recipe Duel
To unlock the Recipe Duel, just collect 90% of all cards.
Unlockable Structure Decks
Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Warrior’s Triumph Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Spellcaster’s Judgment Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Invincible Fortress Start Chapter II : Lord of the Storm Start Chapter II : Dinosaur’s Rage Start Chapter II : Machine Re-Volt Duel Gordon in Chapter II : Surge of Radiance Duel Gordon in Chapter II : Curse of Darkness Start Chapter III : Rise of the Dragon Lords Start Chapter III : The Dark Emperor Start Chapter IV : Zombie World Start Chapter IV : Warrior’s Strike Start Chapter V : Spellcaster’s Command Start Chapter V : Machina Mayhem Start Chapter VI : Dragunity Legion Start Chapter VI : Lost Sanctuary Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Fury From The Deep
Unlockable Opponents
Archlord Kristya – Beat Guardian Eatos 3 times Blackwing- Zephyrus the Elite – Summon Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant Bountiful Artemis – Beat Deep Sea Diva 3 times Dark Simorgh – Beat Vylon Omega 3 times Dragunity Arma Leyvaten – Have 666 Total Summons Ehren, Lightsworn Monk – Summon Judgment Dragon Elemental Hero The Shining – Summon Vylon Omega Evil Hero Dark Gaia – 50 Hours Total Play Time Gladiator Beast Gyzarus – Have 10 Consecutive Wins Guardian Eatos – 100 Hours Total Play Time Infernity Doom Dragon – Win with Final Countdown’s effect Junk Destroyer – Summon Shooting Star Dragon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En – Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Machina Fortress – Summon Odin, Father of the Aesir Malefic Paradox Dragon – Summon Malefic Paradox Dragon Master Hyperion – Beat Tiki Curse 3 times Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity – Beat Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu 3 times Power Tool Dragon – Beat Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto 3 times Queen Angel of Roses – Beat Flamvell Baby 3 times Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon – Summon Red Nova Dragon Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode – Beat Great Maju Garzett 3 times Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch – Have 50% of all Bonuses Thunder King Rai-Oh – Beat Gravekeeper’s Visionary 3 times X-Saber Souza – Have 10000 Max Damage
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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i'm trying to finish commissions today so i will be slow to respond but
send me Snake x Apu prompts, ideas, headcanons etc if you want! I'm getting really into this lately
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