Health benefits of drinking tender coconut water
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Get ready for long days, gorgeous sunsets, sultry afternoons and of course, mangoes and watermelons too. But with all the boons of summer, there are some less obvious and subtle banes as well. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things to keep in mind if you want to enjoy summer to its fullest. Did you know, you can get dehydrated even without feeling thirsty? Sometimes, the symptoms are headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds. 
So what’s the best way to stay hydrated this summer? Yes, there is water. But why not add a little flavour of summer into our lives! Here are some of the many health benefits of drinking tender coconut water -
Win with coconut water:
Coconut water acts as a natural electrolyte. So when you’re working out or playing sports, coconut water helps replenish your body fluids. What’s even better is that it is low in carbohydrates and sugar, so it works better than traditional sports drinks.  
Cut out the calories:
Coconut water is one of the beverages with a very low-calorie count. Not only does it have lesser calories than your regular sodas, but it also has lesser calories than fruit juices as well. If you’re looking to sip of something, turn to the classic nariyal pani.  
Cheer up an upset tummy:
Eating solid foods when you have an upset stomach isn’t the best idea, and surviving on just fluids can make you weak. The best solution is to switch to tender coconut. You get all the nutrients you need while helping your stomach recover. Tender coconut also helps in clearing intestines, further helping the process of digestion. 
Help blood circulation:
We don’t really think if our blood is being well circulated. Well, that is an important aspect of our overall well being. Blood carries oxygen to our internal organs and due to unhealthy lifestyles, our blood thickens and isn’t able to circulate very well. Tender coconut contains arginine that helps the process of circulation. This, in turn, helps keep our internal organs healthy. 
Kidney care:
Kidneys are important as they filter out the toxins we consume in our foods. They act like a sponge that soaks up the impurities in our system. From time to time, these sponges need cleaning too. Tender coconut contains potassium, which helps clear the kidney of toxins and can even prevent kidney stones. 
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These are just some of the many reasons why you should be drinking tender coconut water this coming summer. But yes, we know that the local vendors have become notorious in pricing and not giving us the best of the products. Try iD Smart Sip Tender Coconut. It is a completely natural tender coconut. You know exactly how sweet it is, how much water is present in it and how much pulp is in it too. You can purchase this tender coconut online on Big Basket as well. What’s better is that it’s packaged in the coconut shell itself, so it’s not doing any further harm to the environment. Get sipping now! Order here. 
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What are the benefits of tender coconut?
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When it comes to a complete source of nutrition and tasteful delight, nothing comes close to a tender coconut. As far as fruits go, coconut is probably the healthiest of them all. Its water contains important minerals, the pulp is both delicious and nutritional. This means that a tender coconut is an all-in-one meal that you can have any time, without any concern. It is wholesome and free of any kind of preservatives or unwanted additives. 
In this day and age, being able to consume something that is tasty and refreshingly guilt-free is the best thing about tender coconuts. The market is filled with products such as energy drinks, biscuits, and fruits that contain preservatives. Tender coconut, on the other hand, has no preservatives or unnatural ingredients. It is ready to be consumed, the moment you get it. A whole meal directly from the hands of mother nature. Buying tender coconut online was a hard thing to do, as we had to locate the street-side vendors for this natural refreshing energy drink. But now, they are easily available online.
Here is a list of benefits that you get when you consume tender coconut:
It is a refreshing drink: Tender coconuts help revitalize your body. It energizes you and keeps you ready for the day ahead so that you feel refreshed at all times. Since it is very low in caloric value, you don’t have to worry about your sugar levels when you consume it. 
Beat the summer heat: Summer is almost here. Instead of wasting your money and consuming food that is bad for you, why not try tender coconuts. It helps keep your body cool and helps you fight the high temperatures. The summer will no longer feel like you are having a hard time.
Protects from dehydration: Tender coconuts help replenish your body. If ever you feel that you are dehydrated, then consuming tender coconuts can instantly help restore your energy and rehydrate your body. It helps you when you are tired, dizzy or just low on energy.
A great source of antioxidants: Tender coconuts help increase the antioxidants in your body. This helps the body including your heart and brain. Increasing your antioxidants lessens the risk of dangerous diseases.
Other benefits: Additionally, tender coconuts are a great source of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium. It helps balance electrolytes and lowers blood sugar levels. 
Want to try some refreshing tender coconut? Try iD Smart Sip Tender Coconut.
Powered by common sense, the new iD Tender Coconut package tells you the volume of coconut water & soft pulp contained inside along with the sweetness level of the water, without even opening it. So that each time you're in the mood for a refreshing, healthy drink, just pierce & sip. And pop the lid open to scoop the delicious pulp for a snack. Naturally, no artificial chemicals or preservatives.
For water, peel the sticker and pierce with straw.
For pulp, use thumb or spoon on the groove and push to open.
Consume immediately and grow a plant in the empty shell.
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