#Smart Digital Locks Dealer
secureace · 1 year
Benefits of Smart & Digital Door Locks in Noida and Ghaziabad
Unlocking the Benefits of Smart and Digital Locks in Noida and Ghaziabad The advantages of incorporating smart and digital locks into your security system are numerous, setting them apart from traditional locks. As the primary digital locks dealer in Noida and Ghaziabad, we present the key benefits of adopting these state-of-the-art solutions. Heightened Security: Smart digital locks offer…
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Cleantech has an enshittification problem
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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EVs won't save the planet. Ultimately, the material bill for billions of individual vehicles and the unavoidable geometry of more cars-more traffic-more roads-greater distances-more cars dictate that the future of our cities and planet requires public transit – lots of it.
But no matter how much public transit we install, there's always going to be some personal vehicles on the road, and not just bikes, ebikes and scooters. Between deliveries, accessibility, and stubbornly low-density regions, there's going to be a lot of cars, vans and trucks on the road for the foreseeable future, and these should be electric.
Beyond that irreducible minimum of personal vehicles, there's the fact that individuals can't install their own public transit system; in places that lack the political will or means to create working transit, EVs are a way for people to significantly reduce their personal emissions.
In policy circles, EV adoption is treated as a logistical and financial issue, so governments have focused on making EVs affordable and increasing the density of charging stations. As an EV owner, I can affirm that affordability and logistics were important concerns when we were shopping for a car.
But there's a third EV problem that is almost entirely off policy radar: enshittification.
An EV is a rolling computer in a fancy case with a squishy person inside of it. While this can sound scary, there are lots of cool implications for this. For example, your EV could download your local power company's tariff schedule and preferentially charge itself when the rates are lowest; they could also coordinate with the utility to reduce charging when loads are peaking. You can start them with your phone. Your repair technician can run extensive remote diagnostics on them and help you solve many problems from the road. New features can be delivered over the air.
That's just for starters, but there's so much more in the future. After all, the signal virtue of a digital computer is its flexibility. The only computer we know how to make is the Turing complete, universal, Von Neumann machine, which can run every valid program. If a feature is computationally tractable – from automated parallel parking to advanced collision prevention – it can run on a car.
The problem is that this digital flexibility presents a moral hazard to EV manufacturers. EVs are designed to make any kind of unauthorized, owner-selected modification into an IP rights violation ("IP" in this case is "any law that lets me control the conduct of my customers or competitors"):
EVs are also designed so that the manufacturer can unilaterally exert control over them or alter their operation. EVs – even more than conventional vehicles – are designed to be remotely killswitched in order to help manufacturers and dealers pressure people into paying their car notes on time:
Manufacturers can reach into your car and change how much of your battery you can access:
They can lock your car and have it send its location to a repo man, then greet him by blinking its lights, honking its horn, and pulling out of its parking space:
And of course, they can detect when you've asked independent mechanic to service your car and then punish you by degrading its functionality:
This is "twiddling" – unilaterally and irreversibly altering the functionality of a product or service, secure in the knowledge that IP law will prevent anyone from twiddling back by restoring the gadget to a preferred configuration:
The thing is, for an EV, twiddling is the best case scenario. As bad as it is for the company that made your EV to change how it works whenever they feel like picking your pocket, that's infinitely preferable to the manufacturer going bankrupt and bricking your car.
That's what just happened to owners of Fisker EVs, cars that cost $40-70k. Cars are long-term purchases. An EV should last 12-20 years, or even longer if you pay to swap the battery pack. Fisker was founded in 2016 and shipped its first Ocean SUV in 2023. The company is now bankrupt:
Fisker called its vehicles "software-based cars" and they weren't kidding. Without continuous software updates and server access, those Fisker Ocean SUVs are turning into bricks. What's more, the company designed the car from the ground up to make any kind of independent service and support into a felony, by wrapping the whole thing in overlapping layers of IP. That means that no one can step in with a module that jailbreaks the Fisker and drops in an alternative firmware that will keep the fleet rolling.
This is the third EV risk – not just finance, not just charger infrastructure, but the possibility that any whizzy, cool new EV company will go bust and brick your $70k cleantech investment, irreversibly transforming your car into 5,500 lb worth of e-waste.
This confers a huge advantage onto the big automakers like VW, Kia, Ford, etc. Tesla gets a pass, too, because it achieved critical mass before people started to wise up to the risk of twiddling and bricking. If you're making a serious investment in a product you expect to use for 20 years, are you really gonna buy it from a two-year old startup with six months' capital in the bank?
The incumbency advantage here means that the big automakers won't have any reason to sink a lot of money into R&D, because they won't have to worry about hungry startups with cool new ideas eating their lunches. They can maintain the cozy cartel that has seen cars stagnate for decades, with the majority of "innovation" taking the form of shitty, extractive and ill-starred ideas like touchscreen controls and an accelerator pedal that you have to rent by the month:
Put that way, it's clear that this isn't an EV problem, it's a cleantech problem. Cleantech has all the problems of EVs: it requires a large capital expenditure, it will be "smart," and it is expected to last for decades. That's rooftop solar, heat-pumps, smart thermostat sensor arrays, and home storage batteries.
And just as with EVs, policymakers have focused on infrastructure and affordability without paying any attention to the enshittification risks. Your rooftop solar will likely be controlled via a Solaredge box – a terrible technology that stops working if it can't reach the internet for a protracted period (that's right, your home solar stops working if the grid fails!).
I found this out the hard way during the covid lockdowns, when Solaredge terminated its 3G cellular contract and notified me that I would have to replace the modem in my system or it would stop working. This was at the height of the supply-chain crisis and there was a long waiting list for any replacement modems, with wifi cards (that used your home internet rather than a cellular connection) completely sold out for most of a year.
There are good reasons to connect rooftop solar arrays to the internet – it's not just so that Solaredge can enshittify my service. Solar arrays that coordinate with the grid can make it much easier and safer to manage a grid that was designed for centralized power production and is being retrofitted for distributed generation, one roof at a time.
But when the imperatives of extraction and efficiency go to war, extraction always wins. After all, the Solaredge system is already in place and solar installers are largely ignorant of, and indifferent to, the reasons that a homeowner might want to directly control and monitor their system via local controls that don't roundtrip through the cloud.
Somewhere in the hindbrain of any prospective solar purchaser is the experience with bricked and enshittified "smart" gadgets, and the knowledge that anything they buy from a cool startup with lots of great ideas for improving production, monitoring, and/or costs poses the risk of having your 20 year investment bricked after just a few years – and, thanks to the extractive imperative, no one will be able to step in and restore your ex-solar array to good working order.
I make the majority of my living from books, which means that my pay is very "lumpy" – I get large sums when I publish a book and very little in between. For many years, I've used these payments to make big purchases, rather than financing them over long periods where I can't predict my income. We've used my book payments to put in solar, then an induction stove, then a battery. We used one to buy out the lease on our EV. And just a month ago, we used the money from my upcoming Enshittification book to put in a heat pump (with enough left over to pay for a pair of long-overdue cataract surgeries, scheduled for the fall).
When we started shopping for heat pumps, it was clear that this was a very exciting sector. First of all, heat pumps are kind of magic, so efficient and effective it's almost surreal. But beyond the basic tech – which has been around since the late 1940s – there is a vast ferment of cool digital features coming from exciting and innovative startups.
By nature, I'm the kid of person who likes these digital features. I started out as a computer programmer, and while I haven't written production code since the previous millennium, I've been in and around the tech industry for my whole adult life. But when it came time to buy a heat-pump – an investment that I expected to last for 20 years or more – there was no way I was going to buy one of these cool new digitally enhanced pumps, no matter how much the reviewers loved them. Sure, they'd work well, but it's precisely because I'm so knowledgeable about high tech that I could see that they would fail very, very badly.
You may think EVs are bullshit, and they are – though there will always be room for some personal vehicles, and it's better for people in transit deserts to drive EVs than gas-guzzlers. You may think rooftop solar is a dead-end and be all-in on utility scale solar (I think we need both, especially given the grid-disrupting extreme climate events on our horizon). But there's still a wide range of cleantech – induction tops, heat pumps, smart thermostats – that are capital intensive, have a long duty cycle, and have good reasons to be digitized and networked.
Take home storage batteries: your utility can push its rate card to your battery every time they change their prices, and your battery can use that information to decide when to let your house tap into the grid, and when to switch over to powering your home with the solar you've stored up during the day. This is a very old and proven pattern in tech: the old Fidonet BBS network used a version of this, with each BBS timing its calls to other nodes to coincide with the cheapest long-distance rates, so that messages for distant systems could be passed on:
Cleantech is a very dynamic sector, even if its triumphs are largely unheralded. There's a quiet revolution underway in generation, storage and transmission of renewable power, and a complimentary revolution in power-consumption in vehicles and homes:
But cleantech is too important to leave to the incumbents, who are addicted to enshittification and planned obsolescence. These giant, financialized firms lack the discipline and culture to make products that have the features – and cost savings – to make them appealing to the very wide range of buyers who must transition as soon as possible, for the sake of the very planet.
It's not enough for our policymakers to focus on financing and infrastructure barriers to cleantech adoption. We also need a policy-level response to enshittification.
Ideally, every cleantech device would be designed so that it was impossible to enshittify – which would also make it impossible to brick:
Based on free software (best), or with source code escrowed with a trustee who must release the code if the company enters administration (distant second-best);
All patents in a royalty-free patent-pool (best); or in a trust that will release them into a royalty-free pool if the company enters administration (distant second-best);
No parts-pairing or other DRM permitted (best); or with parts-pairing utilities available to all parties on a reasonable and non-discriminatory basis (distant second-best);
All diagnostic and error codes in the public domain, with all codes in the clear within the device (best); or with decoding utilities available on demand to all comers on a reasonable and non-discriminatory basis (distant second-best).
There's an obvious business objection to this: it will reduce investment in innovative cleantech because investors will perceive these restrictions as limits on the expected profits of their portfolio companies. It's true: these measures are designed to prevent rent-extraction and other enshittificatory practices by cleantech companies, and to the extent that investors are counting on enshittification rents, this might prevent them from investing.
But that has to be balanced against the way that a general prohibition on enshittificatory practices will inspire consumer confidence in innovative and novel cleantech products, because buyers will know that their investments will be protected over the whole expected lifespan of the product, even if the startup goes bust (nearly every startup goes bust). These measures mean that a company with a cool product will have a much larger customer-base to sell to. Those additional sales more than offset the loss of expected revenue from cheating and screwing your customers by twiddling them to death.
There's also an obvious legal objection to this: creating these policies will require a huge amount of action from Congress and the executive branch, a whole whack of new rules and laws to make them happen, and each will attract court-challenges.
That's also true, though it shouldn't stop us from trying to get legal reforms. As a matter of public policy, it's terrible and fucked up that companies can enshittify the things we buy and leave us with no remedy.
However, we don't have to wait for legal reform to make this work. We can take a shortcut with procurement – the things governments buy with public money. The feds, the states and localities buy a lot of cleantech: for public facilities, for public housing, for public use. Prudent public policy dictates that governments should refuse to buy any tech unless it is designed to be enshittification-resistant.
This is an old and honorable tradition in policymaking. Lincoln insisted that the rifles he bought for the Union Army come with interoperable tooling and ammo, for obvious reasons. No one wants to be the Commander in Chief who shows up on the battlefield and says, "Sorry, boys, war's postponed, our sole supplier decided to stop making ammunition."
By creating a market for enshittification-proof cleantech, governments can ensure that the public always has the option of buying an EV that can't be bricked even if the maker goes bust, a heat-pump whose digital features can be replaced or maintained by a third party of your choosing, a solar controller that coordinates with the grid in ways that serve their owners – not the manufacturers' shareholders.
We're going to have to change a lot to survive the coming years. Sure, there's a lot of scary ways that things can go wrong, but there's plenty about our world that should change, and plenty of ways those changes could be for the better. It's not enough for policymakers to focus on ensuring that we can afford to buy whatever badly thought-through, extractive tech the biggest companies want to foist on us – we also need a focus on making cleantech fit for purpose, truly smart, reliable and resilient.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: 臺灣古寫真上色 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Raid_on_Kagi_City_1945.jpg
Grendelkhan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ground_mounted_solar_panels.gk.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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renaultsindia · 5 months
Renault Kwid Price vs Maruti Suzuki Alto Price – Which Car Delivers More Value?
Renault Kwid and Maruti Suzuki Alto represent the new generation of compact cars. They are performant, stylish, and popular due to their economic advantage. However, when it comes to choosing between the two, which one proves a better choice? If you’ve been confronted with such a dilemma, you’ve reached the right place. This blog answers this question with Renault Kwid Price vs Maruti Suzuki Alto Price comparison.
Note: Features may vary with the variant chosen.
Renault Kwid Features
Renault Kwid is an elegant addition to India’s compact car horizon. The vehicle offers a never-seen-before (especially for a compact car) SUV-inspired look. It has an aerodynamic exterior that gives it the pickup and minimized wind resistance advantage. 
Some other striking highlights of its exteriors include a stylish graphite grille, LED tail lamps with LED light guides, and dual tone flex wheels. However, what also makes Renault Kwid an excellent proposition is its interiors and features. Here are some of them.
SUV-styled headlamps
LED digital instrument cluster
20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV with Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™
4-way adjustable front seats
Remote keyless entry
Optimized cabin storage
Boot space expandable to up to 620 litres
Electric steering with mounted audio controls
Fast USB charger
Front and rear power socket
In addition to the above, Renault Kwid also has some safety features, including,
Reverse parking camera with guidelines
Electronic Stability Program (ESP)
Traction Control System (TCS)
Dual airbags
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Hill Start Assist (HSA)
Front & rear seat belt reminders
Speed alert warning
ABS + EBD with brake assist
Maruti Suzuki Alto Features
Maruti Suzuki is another popular compact car in India. While having some incredible features and offerings, it carries the legacy of the leading Indian automobile carmaker – Maruti. As for the design or exteriors, the vehicle exudes a graceful look with its dynamic aero edge design. Another highlight of the vehicle’s exteriors is the bumper and side fender. However, what also makes Maruti Suzuki Alto an amazing vehicle includes,
Keyless entry
Power windows
Smartplay Studio
Stylish dual tone interiors
New speedometer design
Elegant new dual tone dashboard
Front and rear console bottle holder
The vehicle also has a few safety features that include dual airbags, smart reverse parking sensors, driver and co-driver seatbelt reminder, ABS with EBD for improved safety, speed alert system, and rear door child lock.
Renault Kwid Price vs Maruti Suzuki Alto Price
Knowing the price of both these vehicles can prove decisive. Renault Kwid price with all its features and offerings starts at Rs. 4.69 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi). On the other hand, with its feature and safety proposition, Maruti Suzuki Alto price starts at Rs. 3.54 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi). So yes, if you look at the price, Alto is quite economical than Renault Kwid. However, if you look at the features and the overall value, Renault Kwid proves to be a much better choice. Your decision is based on what you prioritise in a vehicle.
Want to know more about Renault Kwid? Enquire now and book a test drive with your nearest Renault dealer. You may also want to download the brochure to learn more about its features and technical specifications.
Stay connected with Renault India on the below for exciting updates and interesting Renault India stories.
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thedigitalanjali · 8 months
Wayonaa Electric Scooter: Ride 80 kilometers in just Rs 10!
Nowadays, many electric vehicles are being seen in the market and there are scooters of many brands which are available in good quality at low prices. Like the EV scooter of Wayonaa company. Which is a scooter that gives good mileage with very good looks at a low price and many features will also be seen.
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So now let us know the complete information about WayonaaEV Scooter.
WayonaaEV Scooter:-
Wayonaa company is a Surat-Gujarat-based company. Which manufactures different models of electric scooters and this company has also received an award. WayonaaEV scooter is eco-friendly and also stylish.
WayonaaEV scooter gives you a mileage of 80 kilometres, which means you can drive up to 80 kilometres with a single full charging. And it takes only 1-1.5 units for full charging which costs around Rs 10.
WayonaaEV Scooter Price
Talking about the price of the WayonaaEV scooter, it starts from 74,999 INR, if you take it in the name of a student, then you will get a student subsidy of Rs 12000. So you will get the scooter for 62-63 thousand. Which is the cheapest scooter among all the scooters in the market and you will get a great scooter.
WayonaaEV Scoter Features
Load Capacity: 160 kgs
Motor Power: 250W BLDC Hub Motor 
Headlight: LED with DRL
Battery: 48V 30Ah NMC
Suspension: Front Forks, Rear Shock Absorbers
Range Per Charge: 70 – 75 km
Top Speed: 25 km/h With Reverse Mode
Tyre: 90/100 – 10 Tubeless Tyre
Front Disc Brake: 80mm Front Disc Brake
Vehicle Weight: 80 – 85 kgs With Battery
 If we look at the weight of the scooter, it is only 80 kg. And can lift a weight of 160 kg. That means a person weighing up to 160 kg can either sit or lift goods weighing that much.
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You do not need to do any RTO or any kind of registration for this vehicle. And maintenance is also very low.
Talking about keys, the keys of the car are exactly like Four Wheeler keys in which you will get the feature of lock, unlock and sound. Due to this even if someone touches your car, a sound will be made which reduces the chances of theft. And no one can do anything to your car.
Special Features
You will get to see some special features in WayonaaEV Scooter which are not available in petrol vehicles. for example
Parking light
Smart Digital Meter
reverse gear
3 different speed gears
Sporty Design
160 kgs Load Capacity
WayonaaEV Scooter Modals :-
Recently there are 4 types of scooter models.
G Razor
You will get to see the WayonaaEV scooter as the Best E-scooter in India at the Lowest price. If you want to buy this scooter then you can visit the website or you can contact from the contact details given below.
Become A Dealer
If you want a dealership of the E-Scooter from WayonaaEV Company, you can get that too. And for that, you will not even have to pay application fees. You can apply for the dealership for free. This company is trusted for dealerships. Besides, you will also get good ROI from the dealership of this company.
Presently the company has more than 10 dealerships in the market, which means the company is making a good presence in the market and is making efforts to ensure that WayonaaEV scooters are seen all over India.
If you want to take a dealership of this company, you can also contact us at the contact given below.
WayonaaEV Company Contact Details
Company name: Wayonaa
Website: wayonaaev.in
Address:- G-19, Opera Business Hub, Lajamani Chowk, Surat-394101
Phone No:- +91 97266 99200
End Note
Electric scooters in India start at Rs 1 lakh, but you will get WayonaaEV Scooter for Rs 75 thousand, along with all the top features available in other expensive companies, you will get to see them in this scooter at a lower price.
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kevinndhruv · 9 months
Top 5 Best DeFi Staking Platforms in January 2024
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DeFi staking platforms have been around for a while. Still, in the last year, they have gained much popularity among cryptocurrency-staking blockchain users as a flexible and easy means of earning passive staking revenue. DeFi staking platform will keep expanding and changing in 2021 and beyond as new staking projects, cryptocurrencies, and DeFi protocols appear regularly. Although there are many excellent DeFi platforms available, the top ones have lots of advantages. In this blog, we’re going to explore the top 10 best DeFi staking platforms in 2024.
What are DeFi Staking Platforms?
DeFi staking platforms enable cryptocurrency holders to earn rewards by locking up their digital assets in a smart contract. Fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the types of cryptocurrency assets that may be staked; the benefits often equate to obtaining more of the same.
Top 10 best DeFi staking platforms in 2024
Aqru provides users with the ability to utilize unique features on a DeFi staking platform such as advanced types of orders, margin trades, and low fees. A multitude of tools are available on the cryptocurrency staking platform to assist users in making well-informed decisions and optimizing their earnings. Viewers may access technical analysis tools, charting tools, and real-time market data, among other things.
Crypto.com is a cryptocurrency-staking DeFi platform that allows users to purchase, trade, and transfer digital assets while also offering investing options. It provides the Crypto.com app, a wallet and card platform that combines all the features customers need to purchase and trade cryptocurrencies, keep money safely, pay bills, and more.
Cardano is a blockchain platform that strives to bring forth a reliable and scalable infrastructure to sustain the growth of decentralized applications (dApps). Through the use of Cardano’s delegation staking mechanism, users may assign their ADA tokens to a stake pool in exchange for incentives. As a dependable staking platform that encourages decentralization, Cardano has grown in popularity because of its emphasis on security and sustainability. Because Cardano’s blockchain is constructed using a peer-reviewed research methodology, its protocols are thoroughly examined and guaranteed to be safe. This strategy distinguishes Cardano from other blockchain networks by giving academic analysis and scientific verification top priority.
Avalanche is a platform designed to offer financial primitives together with decentralized, high-performance applications. Users may participate in the network’s consensus process and get rewards by staking their AVAX tokens. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility and scalability of Avalanche make it a desirable choice for DeFi Staking Platform Development Services. One of Avalanche’s unique selling points is its powerful performance. Thousands of transactions per second is a throughput it promises to reach, which is a substantial increase over competing blockchain systems.
One of the best platforms for buying, selling, and exchanging digital currencies is provided by Nexo, a top-notch blockchain stake cryptocurrency exchange for investors and dealers. The platform specializes in offering inexpensive fees for quick, safe transactions to investors. More than 100 distinct Defi currencies and tokens are supported on the platform, including Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Bitcoin (BTC).
In conclusion, DeFi staking enables users the chance to bolster a decentralized network’s security and generate passive money. Stakeholders only need to conduct the necessary research and select the best procedure for their requirements. After users have staked their DeFi currency, they may relax and savor the rewards of their diligent efforts! It’s not easy to find a trustworthy DeFi Staking Platform development company. To reduce risk, companies offering DeFi Staking Platform Development should be chosen carefully.
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ausmartlock · 1 year
Why Traditional Lock Should Be Replaced with Digital or Keypad Door Lock
In modern times, smart door locks are preferred over traditional metallic locks. It may be a keyless or keypad door lock; any of them can provide great safety to your premises. They are generally used as doors fitted inside the property or wooden doors. It is notable that they can't be installed on shutters.
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A digital door lock is an excellent choice for homes as well as businesses. Since its functionality and flexibility are unbeatable, tech-savvy people are getting these for their homes. Renowned digital lock suppliers offer a vast range to choose from. Some of these locks come with fingerprint sensors, which allow you to unlock the door within seconds.
Why Should Smart Locks Be Implemented on Your Property?
Improved Functionality: Smart locks can be operated remotely through a smart phone app. This means you can lock and unlock your doors from anywhere, eliminating the need to rush home to let someone in or check if you locked the door.
Stronger Security: Many smart locks use advanced encryption protocols to protect against unauthorised access and hacking attempts, such as two-factor authentication. This heightened level of security can help deter burglars and provide you with peace of mind.
Shared Access: One of the most significant advantages of smart locks is the ability to grant temporary or permanent access to others without the need for physical keys. This is especially useful for property owners who rent out their spaces.
Aesthetic Appeal: Smart locks come in a variety of designs and finishes to match your property's aesthetic. This blend of functionality and aesthetics allows you to enhance your property's kerb appeal.
Remote Monitoring and Control: If you're away on vacation or at work, you can check the status of your locks and even lock or unlock them remotely. This can be particularly useful if you need to grant access to a service provider or family member while you're not at home.
Smart or electronic locks are particularly useful in today's digitally connected world. They can be chosen for residential as well as office properties. You should consult with smart lock experts today to enhance the safety of your premises. Find a reputable electronic lock dealer today!
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Jawab Penantian Konsumen, AHM Luncurkan Sepeda Motor Listrik Honda EM1 e:
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) secara resmi meluncurkan sepeda motor listrik Honda EM1 e: untuk mendukung realisasi netralitas karbon dan menjawab kebutuhan pecinta sepeda motor listrik di Indonesia di ajang Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) pada Jumat (11/8/2023). Kehadiran Honda EM1 e: selain menjadi sarana mobilitas di perkotaan, juga memberikan pengalaman berkendara baru yang menyenangkan dengan dukungan layanan terbaik yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. AHM menghadirkan Honda EM1 e: sebagai pilihan kendaraan elektrifikasi roda dua yang tepat untuk kehidupan sehari-hari dengan tiga pilihan warna yakni Innovative White, Intelligent Matte Black dan Smart Red. Kenyamanan dalam mengendarai sepeda motor listrik berdesain modern-compact berkualitas tinggi ini disuguhkan melalui sensasi berkendara yang serupa dengan sepeda motor konvensional baik dikendarai secara personal maupun berboncengan. Didukung dengan baterai Honda Mobile Power Pack e: (MPP e:) yang dilengkapi dengan sistem Battery Safety-Lock, membuat baterai ini stabil di tempatnya, sehingga memberikan kemudahan dan keamanan bagi pengendara. President Director AHM, Susumu Mitsuishi mengatakan kehadiran Honda EM1 e: di pasar Indonesia merupakan bentuk komitmen perusahaan agar masyarakat luas dapat merasakan teknologi dan kualitas terbaik sepeda motor listrik Honda. Masyarakat Indonesia telah puluhan tahun membuktikan kualitas dan durabilitas sepeda motor Honda. Kedua hal ini menjadi pertimbangan utama pengembangan sepeda motor listrik Honda sehingga nanti mampu menjadi pilihan transportasi berkendara yang aman, nyaman, dan menyenangkan. “Kami memproduksi Honda EM1 e: di Indonesia sebagai salah satu bentuk komitmen Honda untuk mewujudkan netralitas karbon. Motor ini kami persembahkan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang menantikan sepeda motor listrik berkualitas tinggi yang dapat memberikan keamanan, kenyamanan, dan kesenangan saat mengendarainya. Kami pun melengkapi kehadiran Honda EM1 e: dengan pilihan pengisian baterai yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen,” ujar Mitsuishi. Executive Vice President Director AHM, Thomas Wijaya mengatakan melengkapi kehadiran Honda EM1 e:, perusahaan juga menyiapkan dukungan ekosistem sepeda listrik Honda dari hulu hingga hilir. Harapannya hal ini dapat mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam mengakselerasi pertumbuhan kendaraan listrik untuk masyarakat sekaligus memajukan industri sepeda motor di Indonesia. “Kami dengan senang hati akan mulai melayani pemesanan sepeda motor listrik Honda EM1 e:. Kami telah menyiapkan jaringan penjualan dan layanan purna jual terbaik, termasuk kemudahan pembiayaan bagi konsumen. Honda EM1 e: sudah dapat dipesan di jaringan Dealer Honda tertentu di wilayah Jawa Bali,” ujar Thomas. Sepeda motor listrik berkualitas tinggi ini memiliki performa yang halus dan responsif layaknya sensasi menggunakan sepeda motor konvensional yang dihasilkan oleh motor penggerak dengan tenaga maksimal 1,7 kW. Dukungan baterai MPP e: yang dapat dilepas-pasang (detachable) turut memberikan kemudahan konsumen. Dalam melakukan pengisian daya baterai, konsumen dapat melakukan pengisian daya dengan Honda Power Pack Charger e: dengan waktu pengisian daya 2,7 jam (160 menit) untuk 25%-75% dan 6 jam untuk 0%-100% maupun konsumen dapat mengunjungi Honda Power Pack Exchanger e: untuk menukar baterai yang telah terisi penuh.  Sebagai sarana pendukung mobilisasi area perkotaan, Honda EM1 e: mampu mencapai kecepatan maksimal 45 km/h dengan jarak maksimal 41,1 km. Pada sisi penerangan, Honda EM1 e: telah dilengkapi dengan teknologi lampu LED di semua titik pencahayaan. Dalam mendukung mobilitas penggunaannya, sepeda motor listrik berdesain modern - compact ini juga dilengkapi dengan Inner Rack dan USB charger type A. Informasi penggunaan sepeda motor listrik ini telah didukung dengan digital panel meter yang dapat menunjukan kecepatan, jarak, jam, trip meter, pilihan mode daya (Standar dan hemat/ECON) serta indikator baterai. Pada bagian ruang kaki semakin nyaman dengan desain pijakan yang datar dan luas. Sepeda motor listrik ini juga memiliki jok yang dapat digunakan secara pribadi maupun berboncengan dan memiliki tinggi dari permukaan tanah 135mm. Pada sisi pengereman juga telah dilengkapi dengan cakram depan berukuran 190mm dan drum brake pada sisi belakang yang terkoneksi dengan Combi Brake System (CBS) untuk memperhalus pengereman. Sementara itu, ban depan berukuran 90/90 dengan velg 12 Inci dan ban belakang berukuran 100/90 dengan velg 10 Inci. Honda EM1 e: yang dilengkapi baterai MPP e: dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar Rp40 juta – Rp45 juta (Honda EM1 e: Rp30 juta – Rp33 juta + baterai MPP e: Rp10 juta – Rp12 juta). Sepeda motor listrik berdesain modern-compact ini akan dijual pada jaringan dealer sepeda motor Honda yang memiliki logo Honda e: shop. Honda EM1 e: mulai didistribusikan ke konsumen pada Desember 2023. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diakses melalui website www.astra-honda.com atau contact center 1-500-989.(bpn) Read the full article
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10odmdigital · 2 years
5 Electric Two-Wheelers Best Suited for Indian Roads
The electric two-wheelers market has outperformed the expectations of analysts and stakeholders alike. Especially in the year 2022, the two-wheeler EV market has witnessed some milestones pertaining to sales and of course innovation. As per latest sales data, two-wheelers sales have seen a 237% jump as compared to the last year, whereas the monthly data indicates a 13% increase in sales in the month of August 2022 when compared with July 2022.
These numbers are undoubtedly encouraging for many, while they also indicate the changing preferences of the Indian consumer. Brands have prioritized innovation in all their undertakings and rightly so, with the timely support of the government through their friendly policies. In this blog, we bring to you the most advanced and rider-friendly electric two-wheelers which are the best match for Indian roads and weather conditions as well.
1.        Hayasa Ira:
Specially designed keeping in mind the everyday needs of the uber cool, the style queen Ira is the best  bet in its segment. This style icon comes with a detachable battery splash-proof design and sturdiness that lasts for long. This two wheeler can safely be considered to increase the style quotient of the young, especially women.
2.        GT Force Soul:
GT Force Soul belongs to the latest and advanced breed of smart scooters in India, fitted with a modern display which can be viewed hassle-free even during the day time. Aimed at giving commuters an unparalleled riding experience in its segment, the Soul is one of the most comfortable and affordable smart scooters from GT Force.
3.        Asis Helico Li-Ion 60V/30Ah:
Apart from being an environment-friendly vehicle, the Helico comes with modern features like remote control lock, alarm system, anti-theft device, digital metre and LED lights. The product is yet another achievement in the direction of making businesses sustainable while promoting local manufacturing.
4.        eRise e-1 Li-Ion 60V:
The eRise e-1 Li-Ion 60V eco-friendly, rider-friendly and economic scooter which has been designed taking into consideration the challenging city-riding conditions. The powerful acceleration gives it the sudden boost which is much needed in crowded areas whereas smart performance features make riding comfortable on uneven roads.
5.        Raymotoss Rider R-1
Raymotoss Rider R-1 specially designed light body and good storage space are must have features while riding on Indian roads. Some unique features like the inbuilt tracker can prove to be a big boost in terms of security.
eWheelers is working aggressively towards the establishment of a global ecosystem of smart mobility products and services, which ultimately make emobility better and reliable. In order to browse through our wide range of smart and affordable electric two-wheelers, please visit our comprehensive emarketplace www.ewheelers.com
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secureace · 1 year
Affordable Smart Digital Locks Provider in Noida and Ghaziabad
Best Smart Digital Locks Provider in Noida and Ghaziabad SecureAce has gained prominence as the leading budget-friendly smart digital locks provider in Noida and Ghaziabad. With a strong focus on delivering superior smart locks installation and repair services, combined with a diverse range of digital locks, SecureAce has become the preferred choice for residential and commercial security needs.…
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2023cars · 2 years
Volkswagen Virtus Made Simple: What You Need to Know?
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With its outstanding look and performance premiere, the Volkswagen Virtus 2022 adds the hashtag "HelloGoosebumps." It sports a stunning grille, LED headlamps, distinguishing LED taillights, and attractive exteriors. It also offers an electronic sunroof. There are also elements like sharp shoulders, a chrome rear wing, a chrome front wing with a glossy black accent, and others. The product groupings Dynamic Line and Performance Line both offer this automobile style. To arrange a test drive with the Volkswagen Virtus, get in touch with the PPS Volkswagen Showrooms in Kolkata.
The Volkswagen Virtus is a sedan with an automatic transmission and a gasoline engine. The Comfortline 1.0L TSI MT model of the Volkswagen Virtus costs Rs. 11.31* lakh, while the Volkswagen Virtus top model price which refers to GT Plus 1.5L TSI DSG model costs Rs. 18.41* lakh.
Engine & Performance
The Dynamic Line's ground-breaking 1.0L TSI engine generates 115 PS and 178 Nm of torque while consuming the least amount of petrol. 150 PS and 250 Nm of torque are delivered by the massive 1.5L TSI EVO engine. This is powered by the Performance Line e that has a GT badge. The Dynamic Line has a 6-speed manual or automatic transmission option, whereas the Performance Line includes a 7-speed DSG transmission option.
What is the top speed of Volkswagen Virtus?
The Volkswagen Virtus can accelerate to a top speed of 190 KMPH thanks to its 1498 cc engine. Along with cruise control, a rearview camera, electronic stability control, multi-collision brakes, and 40+ other safety features, the ventilated leather front seats and the smart touch climatronic AC keep one from losing sleep. Use the Kessy Keyless function to easily start, stop, and enter the system. With the Volkswagen Virtus, German engineering exhibits an overall exhilarating result.
What is the expected mileage of Virtus?
Volkswagen VirtusMileage (ARAI Certified) shows an average speed of 18.67 kmpl. The Volkswagen Virtus's maximum engine output varies from 115 PS at 5000–5500 rpm for the Dynamic Line (1.0L TSI) MT/AT to 150 PS at 5000–6000 rpm for the Performance Line (1.5L TSI) DSG.
Colors & Boot Space
There are 6 possible colours for the 5-seat Volkswagen Virtus. Reflex Silver, Candy White, Rising Blue Metallic, Curcuma Yellow, Carbon Steel Grey, and Wild Cherry Red are the colours that make them up. Every Volkswagen Virtus model comes standard with ABS. The boot capacity of the Volkswagen Virtus is 521 litres.
Features of Volkswagen Virtus
The Virtus has a wireless app connect with apple car play and android auto, a 20.32 cm digital cockpit, a 25.65 cm touchscreen infotainment, 8 speakers, and wireless phone charging. With a generous 521-liter boot capacity and a 60:40 luggage loading ratio, it is possible to travel comfortably without sacrificing carrying the essentials.
Is Virtus bigger than Vento?
Yes. Volkswagen Virtus is slightly bigger than Volkswagen Virtus.
The dimensions of the Volkswagen Virtus are as follows: 1507 mm in height, 1752 mm in width, and 4561 mm in length. The wheelbase of the Volkswagen Virtus is 2651 mm.
The Volkswagen Vento has the following dimensions: height: 1467 mm, width: 1699 mm, and length: 4390 mm. The wheelbase of the Vento is 2553 mm.
What is the ground clearance of Virtus?
The ground clearance of Volkswagen Virtus is 179 mm while it’s sister model Volkswagen Vento has a ground clearance of 163 mm.
The Volkswagen Virtus, which features up to 6 airbags, is delivered through PPS Volkswagen Dealers in Kolkata. In Latin NCAP safety tests, Volkswagen Virtus Safety Rating received a 5-star rating. It has a child lock, central locking, seat belt warning, child seat anchor points, and a centre rear three-point seatbelt as standard equipment. Overspeed warning, hill-hold control, speed-sensing door locks, flashing emergency brake lights, and an anti-theft engine immobiliser are further features of Virtus.
Volkswagen Virtus Price in India 2022
Volkswagen Virtus brings cutting-edge to this segment of cars. You can enjoy the comfort, performance, and convenienceat an affordable price.
Six Petrol variants of the Volkswagen Virtus are offered at allVolkswagen Car Showrooms in Kolkata. They are further divided into 3 automated and 3 manual categories.
Comfortline: Rs. 11.31 Lakhs*
Highline: Rs. 13.17 Lakhs*
Highline AT: Rs. 14.47 Lakhs*
Topline: Rs. 14.69 Lakhs*
Topline AT: Rs. 15.99 Lakhs*
GT Plus: Rs. 18.41 Lakhs*
The Volkswagen Virtus is the best option for people wishing to get a fashionable sedan at a reasonable price. To discover the appropriate versions, visit the PPS Volkswagen Dealers in Kolkata. When compared to its competitors, the vehicle offers greater features with a high value for the money. For clients looking for excellent value and quality at a reasonable price, the Volkswagen Virtus GT variant is the best option. Choose the variation that matches your needs when it comes to the pricing that are still affordable for this model.
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metafootballworld · 2 years
MetaFootballWorld uses advanced algorithms and technical means to design the entire meta universe financial system
With the emergence of new business formats such as Metauniverse and NFT, asset digitalization and digital assetization in the future digital economy will become a new wind outlet and main position for blockchain development, and the digital asset industry is booming. MetaFootballWorld -- a globally leading decentralized sports, sports, entertainment and competitive platform came into being. MetaFootballWorld, as a decentralized sports, entertainment and competitive platform, is based on blockchain, smart contract, AI, big data, neural network, supercomputing and other new generation information technologies. With the development mode of distributed commerce, private domain traffic, community economy, network effect and communication economy, MetaFootballWorld can solve the existing problems of lack of trust, capital flight Data fraud and other issues, combined with various international sports and entertainment competition betting projects and mainstream financial market intelligent trading logic, create a truly decentralized, trusted and transparent ecosystem, giving users the best sports and entertainment competition experience.
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MetaFootballWorld chain sports entertainment competition platform scene ensures fair participation of users
The sports entertainment competition platform on the MetaFootballWorld chain is truly decentralized, trusted, and transparent. With the public blockchain as the underlying technology, all funds are transferred through the token on the chain. All sports entertainment competition businesses are implemented and managed through smart contracts. That is, all fund flows and game rules are guaranteed to be realized and executed by code, which is stored on the blockchain It is implemented and disclosed, and can be queried at any time and anywhere in the blockchain browser, thus ensuring that the entire platform is highly trusted. No one can tamper with and operate the operation mode, build a world leading trust system for sports, entertainment and sports industry, and allow global users to participate fairly and safely.
MetaFootballWorld Decentralized odds platform to avoid centralized risk for sports and entertainment players
In the traditional sports entertainment competition forms, only sports entertainment competition companies can determine the odds and other key parameters. In MetaFootballWorld, this centralized approach will be completely decentralized: any player in the world can choose the game playing method, and set the odds and the amount of bets that can be received. In this context, players who participate in betting do not need to worry about the untrustworthy behavior of the banker. MetaFootballWorld adopts the DeFi model, because blockchain and smart contract technology will lock the betting funds of the initiator in the fund pool in advance, and then after the event results are generated, python crawler technology based on smart contract will directly obtain the event results and other data from the major event websites, In addition, after the judgment of the judgment contract, the transfer of funds is carried out, leaving an open mark on the blockchain throughout the whole process, which is not subject to the management and influence of anyone or a third party, so it has the characteristics of openness, transparency, fairness and security. In addition, any user of MetaFootballWorld can customize the odds, margins, and the number of bets that they want to make, publicly allow users to participate freely, and decentralize the opening rights of the platform and sports entertainment competition companies to all users.
MetaFootballWorld builds a decentralized odds exchange platform based on the blockchain infrastructure. Players are dealers, and dealers are players. Players can freely set odds, break the standard of traditional platform rules, and ensure that customers get the safest and most transparent sports entertainment competitive experience. Without the participation of intermediaries and third-party intermediaries, players create gambles, set rules, and provide current assets to complete payment. Smart contracts protect funds and automatically allocate wins according to sports and entertainment competition terms and results. The smart contract is automatically executed, and there will be no problem of canceling the betting, thus ensuring the rights and interests of sports and entertainment players, and avoiding the risk of centralization for sports and entertainment players to the greatest extent.
MetaFootballWorld has received strong support from many investment institutions, which has made MetaFootballWorld have gained influence that cannot be ignored in major countries around the world. In the future, MetaFootballWorld will also continue to work with its industrial chain partners to provide strong support for the development of the digital industry sports entertainment competitive economy, promote the development of the digital asset era, create a new model of digital asset sports entertainment competition, and let digital dividends spread all over the world.
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betswap · 2 years
BetSwap: To build the world's leading decentralized sports betting platform
The blockchain + betting model can create a new value space with technological advantages and model innovation, and the combination of the two has brought new value growth points to their respective fields and created a new market space. Blockchain-based engines, including blockchain wallets, smart contracts, and a range of tools, enable transparent, fair and secure betting. In this context, BetSwap seizes the opportunity to become the world's leading decentralized sports betting platform, through the platform currency to build and share with global users, to meet the future of the digital economy.
BetSwap: To build the world's leading decentralized sports betting platform
BetSwap on-chain betting platform is truly decentralized, de-trusted, transparent, with the public blockchain as the underlying technology, all funds are circulated through the on-chain token, all gambling business through smart contracts to execute and manage, that is, all the capital flow, game rules are implemented and executed with code, code is stored, executed and disclosed on the blockchain, and can be queried anytime and anywhere in the blockchain browser. This ensures that the entire platform is highly credible, and no one can tamper with and operate the operating model, building a world-leading trust system for the gaming industry, allowing global users to participate fairly and safely.
The BetSwap on-chain betting platform mainly includes three ways to play: including win/full result, handicap/handicap, and goal/score size.
Openness, transparency, fairness and justice, safety and security
In the traditional form of sports betting, only bookmakers can decide on key parameters such as odds, but in BetSwap, this centralized approach will be completely decentralized: any player in the world can choose how to play the event, and set their own odds and the amount of bets they can receive. In this context, players involved in betting do not need to worry about the untrustworthy behavior of the bookmaker, BetSwap adopts the DeFi model, because the blockchain and smart contract technology will lock the bet funds of the initiating odds party in advance in the capital pool, and then after the event results are generated, the python crawler technology based on the smart contract directly obtains the event results and other data directly from the major event websites, and after the judgment contract is judged, the funds are transferred, and the whole process is publicly left on the blockchain. It is not managed and influenced by anyone or a third party, so it has the characteristics of openness, transparency, fairness and security.
BetSwap is based on the underlying architecture of the blockchain to create a decentralized odds exchange platform, the player is the bookmaker, the dealer is the player, the player can freely set the odds, breaking the standard of the rules of the traditional platform in the past, to ensure that customers get the safest and most transparent betting experience. Without the involvement of intermediaries and third-party intermediaries, players create bets, set rules, and provide liquid assets to complete payments.
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farolli · 2 years
Iguard exe
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#Iguard exe software
Time / attendance solution with a fully embedded architecture. Introduction iGuard is the first self-contained, platform independent biometric access control and
#Iguard exe software
Appendix A: Complimentary Software Utilities A. Verification with Smart Card & Fingerprint D. Internet SNTP Time Server Time Synchronization ii. Advanced Configuration via the Web Interface i. Basic Configuration via the Web Interface i. Access Control Installation (Magnetic Lock) Access Control Installation (Door Strike) C. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.ĮMC DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC (EN55022 / EN55024)Ģ Lucky Technology Inc. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment Interference will not occur in a particular installation. May cause harmful interference to radio communications. Radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionĪgainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, 6,643,779įederal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
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Dashcam repo
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If you want a motto for the current economic situation, a touchstone to check in on whenever you hear about a new business model or a new depredation, I suggest Michael Hudson’s bedrock claim: “Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” 40 years of wage stagnation, combined with spiraling health, housing and education costs have produced a mountain of unpayable debts.
Our society is organized around a small number of creditors extracting rents from an ever-growing pool of debtors whose ability to pay is eroded by every penalty and every emergency triggered by the lack of a cushion:
Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid. We can pass laws that limit access to bankruptcy, we can pass laws that allow creditors to take your pay, to take your things, to take your home. We can pass laws that let creditors go after your children for your debts, so that even death won’t wipe the slate clean, so that debt becomes an intergenerational cycle:
We can do all that, and still: debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid. It’s a lesson every loan-shark knows. You can pile penalties and interest you’ve on your borrower until you consume an ever-greater share of their income, but eventually, you reach an end-game. Eventually, the borrower is out of money, and has to choose between an essential (rent, food, medicine) and the vig. When that happens, the loan-shark sends out an arm-breaker to rearrange the borrower’s choice-architecture.
Sure, under normal circumstances, the choice between food and a creditor’s bill is an easy one. Your hungry belly will trump the creditor’s claim, every time. But what if the creditor can threaten you with something worse than hunger? What if they can break your arm, or just one finger?
Faced with the choice between starvation (or homelessness, or sickness) and making your monthly payment, you might discover a third choice, like stealing and pawning your parent’s jewelry, or raiding your kid’s college fund, or remortgaging your house, or borrowing from another loan-shark to pay off your guy.
Sure, these are terrible options. Sure, they reduce your future ability to pay. They’re like gnawing off your own leg when you’re starving. The arm-breaker’s job is to make these terrible alternatives preferable to skipping a payment.
Enter the digital arm-breaker. Networked, digital objects make arm-breaking cheaper and more effective than ever, transforming the artisinal, personal craft of terrorizing debtors into a mass-scale industrial activity. Miss a car payment? Maybe that car has a second, remote-controlled stereo that blares angry demands at you wherever you go:
Or maybe the dealer can immobilize it, disabling the ignition system:
Or maybe it’s a Tesla, which will lock and immobilize itself and signal the dealer, then, when the repo man arrives, will flash its lights, honk its horn and back out of its parking place to ease repossession:
Algorithms can automate the arm-breaker’s creative sadism. Think of the subprime mobile phone lenders in India, who equip their phones with spyware that monitors the borrower’s usage, and if they miss a payment, switch off their apps, one at a time, starting with the app they use the most:
When you scale up arm-breaking, you can scale up the kind of lending that arm-breaking enables. You can pump tons of debt into the economy, luring investors into funding this loan-sharking by promising that the “securitized” stream of payments they’ll get in return will be backstopped by digital arm-breaking.
Eating your own legs can substitute for food…for a while. Credit can substitute for income…for a while. But you can’t build a sustainable economy by substituting debt for a living wage. That’s a zombie economy, one full of debts that can’t be paid, so they won’t be paid:
Every time the creditor class senses that the debtor class is reaching a crisis point, they reach into their digital toolbox and find another way to re-engineer the choice architecture.
Take used cars. At the start of the pandemic, the auto manufacturers cancelled all their microchip orders. This meant they couldn’t make cars anymore, because the car companies have been in a race to stuff as many superfluous computers into their products as they possibly can, vying to have the most powerful dashboard infotainment systems, despite the fact that 99% of drivers will just suction-cup their cellphone over that screen and ignore it, except to turn on the Bluetooth.
(Of course, stuffing cars with computers allows Big Car to charge by the month for every “feature” — like BMW, which makes you pay a subscription fee to use your own car-seat heaters):
The car companies eventually figured out that not being able to make cars was probably bad for business, but by that time, the chip-makers had given priority to other customers, and cars went to the back of the line. Now there are vast warehouses full of undriveable new cars, awaiting their microchips. Some car makers are so desperate that they’re buying up new appliances and tearing them apart to harvest their microchips:
The shortage of new cars has driven up the price of used cars. Used car dealers are kicking themselves for selling cars last year rather than holding onto them until the prices went up. Lucky for them, there’s always arm-breakers.
Because the US economy is structured around ensuring that creditors triumph over debtors, used car dealers are entitled to repossess their customers’ cars just a few days after they miss a payment (in many states, it’s just ten days!). When that happens, the dealer keeps all the money their customer has already paid, and they get to sell the car again — at a much higher price.
The poorer you are, the more predatory your car loan is. You’ll pay higher interest, you’ll pay more penalties, and you’re more likely to be on the hook for thousands in further penalties after the dealer repos your car. For dealers, this is great news: take the shittiest car on your lot, sell it to the most desperate person who walks through the door, extract every penny they can afford and then many that they can’t, and then repo the car and sell it at a higher price. Your first customer still owes you and you can sell their debt to a collector, and your next customer — already debt-burdened, bound by your most unfavorable lending terms — will soon miss a payment, which will let you do it all over again.
We’re in the middle of a car repossession bubble.
Subprime auto-lenders are repoing every car they can, reselling them at a huge markup compared to the prices of just a few months ago.
The repo bubble is so inflated that it’s budding off bizarre sub-industries. Writing for the LA Times, Don Lee spoke to Mark Lacek, a Florida repo man, who described a new kind of repo “beachcomber”:
“Like beachcombers with metal detectors a small army of people with license-plate-reading cameras mounted on their cars cruise the streets, waiting for a ping to alert them when they pass a vehicle in the repo database.”
Unsaid is what kind of car they’re cruising for. After all, most modern cars are factory-equipped with spyware that track’s the car’s location (manufacturers and dealers harvest this data and sell it to marketing companies, cops, or forced-birth cultists looking to track the movements of abortion-seekers):
If you’re a used-car dealer who can’t find a car you sold a few months ago, it is a very old, very low-end kind of car. It’s a poor car for a poor person. Likewise, if the only job you can find is cruising the streets, capturing license plates in hopes of winning a repo man’s bounty, you are very likely poor yourself.
Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal suggested that poor people could sell their children as food for the rich. But — thanks to digital arm-breakers — we don’t even need to involve the rich in our modern poverty-alleviation programs. Today, we can pay poor people to immiserate other poor people.
But still: debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A red Audi crossover SUV speeding down a highway, with a sunroof. Sticking out of the sunroof is an old editorial cartoon depicting a debt collector: a thuggish man brandishing a club and sticking out his hand. The SUV's windows are filled with the menacing, glowing red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The car's license plate is a custom California tag reading 'OTTO,' the name of the lead character from the 1984 movie 'Repo Man.']
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autronx-blog · 5 years
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Autronx is a power packed team of enthusiastic professionals who believe in the futuristic idea of internet of thingsby providing the complete range of lighting, automation, homesecurity &entertainment solutions. Our core ideology evolves from the very fact that technology can drastically change and impact our day to day lives in every sector enriching our experiences in moving towards a digital revolution embarking towards a golden age.
Visit Our Website: http://autronx.in/ Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Autronx/ For More Details Contact: +91-9908011196, +91 9885171908
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Näher | Pt.03
Walter x Female Reader; Axel Dieter Jr. (Marcel Barthel) x Female Reader (Nicknamed ‘Hase’) Mob AU! Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1677 Warnings: Smut. PiV, oral (male receiving), fingering. Summary: Walter is jealous of Hase and Axel  Pt.01 | Pt.02
Being with Walter has been something else. I moved in with him on the same day I agreed to work? fuck? be his play toy? anyway, I’m still trying to understand what our relationship actually is.
Work is relatively easy, pretty similar to what I used to do on my previous job. Finances, business administration, the usual. Walter always comes to me when he needs inputs on how to get something done, it felt nice to have my knowledge and capacity finally being recognised.
As to my sex life... well, it went from constantly putting batteries on my shopping list to having to take the day off because I could barely walk. Walter had this drive that was hard to keep up with. It was when he wanted, where he wanted, how he wanted and trust me, I’m not complaining. I haven’t felt this good in such a long time.
I am getting to know the other guys too. Tim is super nice and smart but very quiet too, Alex took a while to warm up to me. Being Walter’s right-hand man, he was very weary of my arrival, which I don’t blame him, they ran a serious business and who would trust a person that came out of nowhere? He did end up liking me, liking me so much that he became the father figure I never had and lectured Walter whenever he was being too harsh with me. Fabian was the sweetest person ever, calm, very friendly, made feel so welcome when I first arrived. He always made sure I was comfortable while he and Axel trained me (Walter asked me to take a few self-defence lessons, just in case). And Axel, well our relationship was the same thing we had in high school. We would go out, get drunk and go home in the early hours of the morning, order shitty takeout food to eat while watching even shittier movies. Sometimes it felt like Walter was jealous of us together. He would look at me with a face that showed that I let him down every time I came home in the morning after a night out with Junior or, when we were watching movies together, he would sit next to us and sigh and mumble incoherent things all the time. I always brushed it off and hoped that Axel never noticed it.
Today was a slow day, the business pretty much running itself. Walter and I were on his office, and while he was talking on the phone with his gun dealer, I read a copy of Edgar Allan Poe’s best works that he had in his library. He got off the phone, shook his head and let a defeated sigh.
“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked him without taking my eyes off the book so he wouldn’t notice the panicked look on my face when I realised I slipped up with the pet name. “Baby?” “I’m sorry.” “Say it again.” “I’m sorry.” “Not that, what you said before.” “Baby?”
“Come here.” he asked so softly while he patted his lap for me to sit on it. So, I did. I left my place on the chair on the other side of his desk, took of my heels, raised my shirt high enough so I could comfortably straddle his lap. As soon as I did, he held me close to him, hugging me, hiding his face on my neck, and inhaling. He stayed there for a little while and I respected his silence, the only sound around us was from the old record player playing Rolling Stones. I kept scratching his scalp, trying to soothe him for a bit. He mumbled something on my skin that I couldn’t really hear. “Can’t understand you, Baby.” “He said that the shipment will take longer than expected to arrive. Our usual route that passes by the Czech Republic got compromised and he’ll have to make a new one, probably by the sea.” “Is there anything else that we can do?” “No, he’s taking care of everything.” “Good, don’t worry then. Everything will be alright.” I gave him a little peck on the lips to punctuate it.
I positioned my elbows back on top of his table, to give him a better look. I was met back with a look of adoration, that felt really nice coming from him. “You’re so beautiful, you know that? Inside and out.”
I blushed and didn’t have the words to answer him. He noticed it and brought my lips back to his, kissing me softly and slowly taking off my shirt. He pulled my bra down enough so he could play with my breasts. We stayed like for a little while, just taking in each other.
We didn’t hear the knock on the door, noticing someone was entering the room when it was too late. “Walter, did Mack call y—“ Axel froze in place when he saw us. Walter’s demeanour changed completely when he realised who interrupted us. The soft touch he had on my breasts turned into a painful pinch on my nipple. “Junior, come here. Lock the door, please.” Axel did as he was told. “Walter, I’m sorry I interrupted you guys...” “No, no. It’s fine. Get up, honey. Junior, you always had a crush on her, right?” I couldn’t say anything, just stared at him. When I tried to get my bra in place, he held my hand. “C’mon, Junior. Cat got your tongue? Answer. You liked her, didn’t you?” “I did for a while during high school, yes.” Axel answered, blushing. “So fuck her.” Walter said as he pushed me towards Axel. “Walter, I don’t thin—“ I mouthed ‘don’t’ to him, better not to confront Walter in this mood. “It’s fine! I’m sure our little hure would love to! Go on, honey, make him cum. I’ll just sit here.” he said has he went back to his chair.
I held Axel’s hand whispering to him that it was fine. He kissed me gently, guiding me the couch that was positioned under the window, behind Walter’s desk. Walter turned around to continue to look at us with an amused expression. Axel’s touch was different. Gentler, calmer, almost apologetic, a very big contrast to Walter’s. He helped me take the rest of my clothes off and laid me down gently on the on the couch and proceeded to take his own clothes off. He kissed me again, with a bit more force this time, his hands roaming my body and it found its way to my core, where he rubbed my clit gently. He stayed like this for a while, then inserted two digits to prepare me for his length. His touch was precise and determined, giving me an orgasm quickly. He repositioned us, both kneeling on the couch, him behind me, his right arm holding me by my waist. Switching his fingers with his cock, he rocked us slowly, in such an agonising pace. Noticing how torturous it was for me, he picked up speed and I met his thrusts halfway. I took one hand to my heat and started playing with myself. Wasn’t long until another wave hit me. Axel started whimpering and Walter’s voice boomed, “Junior, are you close?” making us stop. “Yes.” “Hase, get down on your knees. Suck him and stop only when he comes.” So I did. I started slow, kitten licks on his head, one long stripe up on its underside. Back to its head, tongue swirling, taking more and more of him, deep throating him until I gagged, spit running down my chin. I kept going like this until he came on mouth and I made sure Walter saw I swallowed it all. “Open your mouth, honey.” I did as he said and he spat inside it, closing my mouth so I swallowed it too. “Isn’t she great? You can leave now, Junior.”
I quickly dressed myself again and sat on the couch waiting for Axel to leave. He did without saying anything, only shooting me an apologetic look. When he closed the door, I went straight to Walter’s face. “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you, but Axel is my best friend and I assume he is yours too. Don’t you even think about doing anything to him, you understand me? I’ll fucking end you if I see one hair out of place in his head, got it?” “Oh, mein hase, I’m not doing anything with any of you. I’ve seen how you two are together, you should hear how he used to talk about you before we met. That boy adores you and I know you reciprocate it. I see how you two look at each other, the lingering stares, and the soft touches. You can fuck him whenever you want, hell, you can fuck any of the boys whenever you want. I just made it easier for both you.” I looked at him to see if he was lying, but I never got a more sincere look him that this. “Fine, I’m going home.”
He sighed and grabbed my hand, kissing it.
“Liebe, come here.” He got me on his lap again. “Look, I’m sorry about this. I’m just jealous of how the two of you are with each other, I know there’s a lot of love there and it’s not the same between us. I hope it will be like this one day.” He confessed. I kept staring at him, my mind going a thousand miles per hour.
“You should talk more, express your feelings more. It looks good on you. Who told you I don’t love you? Because I do. It’s just hard to express because you don’t open yourself enough for others, and it’s okay to open yourself up, that’s not a sign of weakness. I love you, okay?” “I love you.” He repeated. “I love you.” And I kissed him. “Oh, good to know I have a free pass. Think I’ll fuck Tim next. Bet he gives good head.” “Hase…”
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