#Slushie rambles
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cupcakeslushie · 11 days ago
Ok. Next year I am definitely taking some sort of antidepressant during winter. I don’t know how many batches of debilitating seasonal depression I need to go through before I just admit I need some help around this time of year. I always think I can tough it out but then it hits me, and I spend like three months bedridden and unable to do any of the things I enjoy.
God I can’t wait for the time to change back 🫠
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risestarkiss · 1 year ago
Rise Ramblings #514
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and this:
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is the same thing. And no one can tell me any different. 💅
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thechibilitwick · 3 months ago
someone pointed out taht mahiru might be talking abt thanking shidou cuz he was the one that called kotoko its ok theyre both alive theyre going to live its fine man we live another day
ACTUALLY… actually… one can only hope tho sigh. no wait nothings wrong there’s no milgram. mahiru be like kotoko what's wrong? are you okay? milgram? prison? mental extraction? what are you talking about silly, we're about to go on a double date with shidou san and kazui san let's go hehe kisses her on the cheek. killing myself
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sigh........ but if it means mappi lives i'd do anything... 05 and 06 ass mentality...
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atticollateral · 2 months ago
why is it called a slurpee. it sounds so dirty. why don't they just call it a fucking slushie. what the fuck do you mean, slurpee. it has pee in it. why would. why would you. why the fuck would you call it slurpee
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years ago
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for tagging me just so I have another excuse to gush about you as well! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You guys. If you have not read Doth yet WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING?!!!!
Fai does such an amazing job writing Draxum, and it’s funny that they said they took a little bit of inspiration from my EWau because their fic was definitely the final deciding factor for me wanting some sort of redemption for Draxum. I’d been wobbling on the idea for a while, but wasn’t sure it would work with all the plot lines I already had going on in my head. Cue DoTH and it was no longer a question of if, but when and how to tie it into everything. When I first started EW way back, as a simple collection of sketches, I 100% admit I gave no thought to Baron Draxum, besides a driving force for angst and I just really needed a bad guy. Despite loving Dad #2 Draxum in the show, in my AU he was just gonna be a means to an end.
But then, I saw what Fai has done with their version of Draxum in the DoTH universe and it made me feel like I was doing the character a disservice. Seeing how much depth they were able to give to him, while still placing him in the antagonist role. Fai’s depiction of Draxum as a complex ‘villain’ character is one of the most amazing, thoughtfully done portrayals I’ve seen in any sort of media in a long time. The way I practically forget every single chapter, about Donnie’s kidnapping/memory wiping, because Draxum treats Galois (and Cass!!) with so much love and care no matter what. But at the same time he is a villain. He’s keeping Donnie from his family and altered his mind to meet his own ends. Its gonna be heartbreaking no matter what happens and I just LOVE that.
I have zero idea what’s actually going to happen in the end. Or even if I know what I want to happen. And there’s not many stories that have given me this much tracas over not knowing what is coming next.
Yet another example of this fandom having some of the most top quality creators I’ve ever had the great fortune of interacting with. 💕💕💕
I also like cupcakeslushie's au but other than donnie living with draxum I don't see the similarities. your draxum is WAY too nice
When I first started writing the fic, @cupcakeslushie's au (I felt like I was talking behind your back if I didn't tag you lol) was also in its very early stages. Donnie hadn't been introduced in the proper comic itself and it was mostly just asks and little blurbs she had posted. So I literally had less Draxum to work with. (also she has made some changes to her Draxum portrayal, his insanity via empyrean was not revealed yet, which...doesn't really explain anything on my end, no)
The biggest inspiration was probably the restraint scars on Three's arms and legs, that's probably what gave me the brain worms for The Table in the first place. Also I was not...planning to make Draxum this good of a father. Like, I knew I wanted him to see Galois as his son and have some complicated feelings about that, but he was originally much worse. Much colder, very high expectations, still good at praising his kid but would also not hesitate to do a 180 if Gale ever fell short. I also planned for him to be much more manipulative and physically abusive, and I briefly considered adding a SA element. (I am very glad I didn't go with that idea) But I was never totally satisfied with that, it just made things too...straightforward, I guess? Just good vs. evil, very little nuance to the story. AUs where Draxum is just evil generally work because he's a driving force behind the story, so it doesn't really matter if he's basic. But I knew I wanted Draxum to have more complexity to his actions, so he had to be much more likable for the audience to consider his validity. Cue Marxist, environmentalist goat-dad who read like a hundred parenting books for this.
Plus I just really enjoyed writing their more soft moments. Draxum is such a hard character, but through Book 1 of doth we see that armor slowly chip away, and now Gale is one of the few people he allows to see in his 'true' form. The removal of Draxum's helmet in chapter 20 of doth is both a metaphor and literal-he's discarded the hard shell that keeps him separated from everyone else, but also he literally did not take that thing off until Gale came into his life.
Also, my original plan was for the 'cracks' in Gale's memories was a little different, and that's where the Three influence would have come in. I don't want to elaborate on that too much because I think I am still going to do something with that idea starting in a few chapters, but it's going to be a much smaller thing. What I originally had planned would have taken over his arcs completely and made them something else entirely, and that's no longer what I want.
So in short...yeah, this is like when fanon takes a character and twists them until they're unrecognizable.
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cobalt-mutterings · 1 month ago
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Found a pic of the god-awful Blue Raspberry Slushie With Three Shots Of Espresso. Scribbled out my shirt and writing on the cup that had my place of employment written on it, the second pic is from when an assistant manager insisted on making it for himself
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drowningincaffiene · 9 months ago
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adhd-brain-slushie · 11 months ago
Hello there! My large Gaza family is filled with love and warmth, and losing them is a tremendous loss. I appreciate your efforts and time in reading my plea. I never expected to find myself in this situation.It is incredibly challenging to navigate these circumstances as an independent woman proud of her financial independence, finding herself in this dire situation.I understand the value of every donation and the effort behind it. I assure you that all funds will be strictly used for the evacuation of my sisters and my parents. I will personally bear any additional expenses incurred.Your support will make a significant difference in alleviating the suffering of my family and ensuring that my sisters and my parents receive the care they urgently need. As time ticking away translates to lives lost in Gaza I'm here and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to reach out and connect with me
i personally cannot donate unfortunately, but i urge that anyone who comes across this post to please go donate to this wonderful woman <3
asnet, i will never stop thinking about you and your family, you will be in my prayers always.
free palestine.
turns out this person is a scammer! :(
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cupcakeslushie · 2 months ago
if you could give one tip to an amateur artist (aka not complete newbie but not great either), what would it be?
Be inspired by artists you admire, but never discouraged.
You might look at a piece and say, “ah man, I’m nowhere near this level, why even bother?” But that artist you like, has probably put in years, and years worth of studies, doodles, and big stinky, cringe failures, all to produce that beautiful piece that you see floating around your dash. There are some people that do have a natural affinity for translating what they see in their mind onto the page, but most art is just hard work. Doing studies you don’t wanna do, learning the boring stuff—like perspective and anatomy, and color theory, so you can get better at the stuff you like. Everything can translate, even if you don’t make the connection immediately, your brain will find a way to merge everything you learn about art into your developing style.
Be inspired to grow.
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sad-leon · 11 months ago
"#also reading the word vore in context of rottmnt fandom in year 2024 has made me wheeze alsdjfalsjdf"
lol does the rottmnt fandom have some history with vore that I should know about? /lh
nothing i know about
i just wasnt expecting to see the word vore in the rottmnt fandom, the only time i've really seen it was in past fandoms, usually anime, or in a series with magic shenangins
its also been years since i've really seen the word vore outside of silly discord messages that it shocked me lmao
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faemytho · 1 year ago
man ykwhat, i didn't wanna say it but i was thinking about it earlier and swan being released so soon after abyss monarch, after something like three years of no new legendaries (not counting the dragons here), it feels like devsis was riding the high of releasing a good legendary with an interesting story and worldbuilding. feels like they were trying to cash grab what they got from the success of abyss monarch by quickly releasing swan so soon after. like, come on, i dont even think there were two events between abyss monarch and the sugar swan's releases, and those are two LEGENDARIES. bam bam. we had like zero room to breathe between them
also like, come on. they released swan from NPC hell after SEVEN YEARS and her whole event is unsatisfying because she wasn't even in the event for like 90% of it. i like the worldbuilding they did for the dessert paradise and i love blue slushy, but it really didn't feel like a new legendary release event.
if you ask me, sugar swan shouldnt have released at all during that event, ESPECIALLY because of that teaser cliffhanger at the end of the story! if they had used the dessert guardian test event to build up to the sugar swan's legendary release at a later date, that ending cliffhander would've given devsis room to make a future event to release her! they could've given swan the same proper build-up they gave abyss monarch. did you guys SEE how in-depth the designers went with "The Making of Wandercrab"??? why did swan get SHAFTED so hard
swan is an extremely indifferent character and i like the angle they're going for with her but. their execution of her story and the timing of her release and everything...??? it just felt SUPER flat. like they went all in building wandercrab for abyss monarch and shafted swan SO bad bc they wanted money. swan doesnt get an intricately built story and setting the way abyss monarch does with the tower of frozen waves leading into sugarteara leading into wandercrab, and it KILLS me bc swan's release could have actually been REALLY cool if they'd just teased her in the dessert guardian test event and then waited to release her in a future event.
like, hear me out. what if it had gone like, blue slushy, epic cookie, first release, they introduce the spring and summer sections of the dessert paradise. red panna cotta cookie, epic cookie, second release, they introduce fall and winter sections of the dessert paradise. everything goes as is, but the swan isnt released, she's just touched on in the story and is a little cameo at the end! like wow, she CAN turn into a cookie that's pretty cool. and its this big payoff for blue slushy's character arc and it gives some closure to red panna cotta's conflict with blue slushy too, all without dropping the sugar swan too much in there because the story wasn't really ABOUT her as a character, just her as an IDEAL.
and then, there's the ending cliffhanger with the black sugar duck, which gives them a perfect opportunity to springboard from that into a future event where swan is released!
and remember how in the event they said if the swan doesn't return, winter will come? well, what if in this hypothetical future event, something does happen to the swan, and it's the black sugar duck's fault, and winter DOES come.
i think it'd be an interesting spin to add elements of the demeter persephone hades story too, where persephone spends three months in the underworld with her husband and demeter is so upset at being away from her daughter that persephone's absence causes winter
black sugar duck does something to the swan, winter comes. the dessert paradise guardian birds have to go find and free/save the swan to stop winter! MAN THIS COULD'VE BEEN THEIR WINTER TO SPRING EVENT NEXT YEAR TOO
idk. maybe also the black sugar duck becomes a cookie because of whatever they did to the swan and is the first release cookie, but we don't KNOW it's them. we can only guess until halfway through the event where we find out they're purposefully leading the dessert guardians astray from finding the sugar swan because they want to continue being beautiful and its a huge conflict! and then swan releases as the second cookie in the event, and we get some characterization for her that's beyond just "she's an indifferent goddess, neither malevolent or benevolent". maybe she willingly GAVE some of her power to the black sugar duck. maybe she's the persephone to the black sugar duck's hades. maybe she's the indifference to the black sugar duck's extreme passion and they balance each other out.
meh idk. i just feel like the sugar swan's release event could have been better thought out instead of being a transparent cash grab. also red panna cotta SHOULD have been playable.
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neonkoii · 8 months ago
i wish sonic drive in was open 24 hours a day
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cinderflower · 8 months ago
I really need to get all my notes more coherently written for my Miquella and the Ancestral Followers/Spirits lore that I'm fairly certain was what they were setting up for the Age of Abundance ending that they scrapped. There's just enough for it to not be a coincidence and ties in so nicely with the contrast of Malenia's rot. Plus it explains Torrent, the spririt/dream connections, etc.
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madame-mongoose · 1 year ago
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foxmuldersfish · 9 months ago
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siennaditbot · 2 years ago
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I love how many of these are either Espio being sleep deprived or the Chaotix not having food. Basically canon at this point
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