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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months ago
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ellesmerestarchild · 5 months ago
Halloween Chaos Part 2
"A flock of lawn flamingos can pick a T-rex clean in under 90 seconds"
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Sponsered Items:
/Vae Victis\ - "Gregori" - Ghostly Lawn Flamingo
/Vae Victis\ - "Twisted Trio" - Pumpkin Set
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Other Item Credits:
Happy Halloween sign, edited: Second Life Marketplace - Happy Halloween
Mushrooms: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Slimedrip-Mushrooms-Set-Fatpack/24116184
Fog: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Old-World-Designs-Spooky-fog-maker-generator-copy-version-Spooky-creeping-fog/5172632
Skeletons: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/I-Skeleton-Pack-15-pcs/24030367
Other Halloween sign: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Halloween-Sign-Gift-Tidbits/10081599
Fairtytale Brambles Pack + {egosumaii}: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fairtytale-Brambles-Pack-egosumaii/17408725
https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Half-Deer-Deadwood-Tree-TALL-FATPACK/22682461 and https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Half-Deer-Deadwood-Tree-SPIRAL-FATPACK/22682460
Treehouse: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Old-Hollow-Dead-Tree-House-21-Prim13x14x18m-Size-copy-mody/10819324
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Other credits:
my brother Grizald helped me set up things with stuff he owns :D
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blazewatergem · 3 years ago
Hungry - Surefire Camp Snippet
Hey hey! First cute little oneshot involving my characters from Surefire Camp - which I basically just posted ^0^ no real warnings here besides fluff and teens being weird lmao. It’s kind of crackish but i cackled loudly while making it, so I’m proud of it.
Hope you enjoy!
It’s midnight. They should be asleep. They should all be asleep.
“…I’m hungry…”
Cleona sighs, “Yeah, but it’s midnight.” She points out, shifting to look at the apparently starving teen, “Where would we even go?”
Alex doesn’t give her a response. She figures he fell back asleep, and curls up to do the same. The four of them were in her room, her cabin specifically, and it sent a deep pleasure in her to see everyone at peace.
Charlie - legal name Clarence - was slowly losing pieces of his body via slimedrip in his sleep bucket. He said it was a good sleep bucket, something about it being soft. She took his word for it.
Sabella had chosen to sleep in her own spot, out at the lakeside retreat cabin - a floating cabin made just for her after too many times watching the Percy Jackson movie - but Cleona could see her through the dark. Half of her tail was in the water.
Bella was happily curled up close to Cleona, her little bumblebee humming in her sleep. The six year old was using her lower leopard half as a pillow, which was fine by her.
A phone screen lights up the darkness, and she swivels to look at Alex, hunched over his phone.
“Yo. Taco Bell is open. We can go get tacos!” He’s doing his best to stay quiet, he even turns down the phone brightness before turning it towards her, the light catching off his golden wings.
It doesn’t matter. The beast is awoken by the mention of…food.
“Tacooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssss” drones out Charlie, who manages to shamble up despite his lack of bones.
He still leaves a pile of himself on the floor.
Alex is unashamed, “Yeah, yeah Charlie. Tacos!” The bird kid shuffles out of his sleeping nest, before padding over to Charlie’s bucket. It takes a few minutes to get the green puddle into it, as Charlie was zero help.
The orchestrator of this looks to the very stern leopard lady. “We can’t deny him - look at his face. He hungers for tacos.” He makes a good attempt at scooping up Charlie’s face.
“Tacooooooooosssssssss” Charlie’s voice takes on a distinct bubble quality it does when he is in absolutely high mode - a common side effect of missing parts of himself. It’s harmless, but ridiculously…ridiculous.
She sighs, “Yeah, fine. If we get caught though, I’m telling Phil this was your idea.”
“Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t tell him so myself.”
Alex has to drive, since Cleona is currently working with four legs and not two, but they get to the truck and out to the streets easily enough.
Belle, who didn’t even whine when woken up, was happily sitting in the backseat buckled up, little legs swinging as she looked out the window. Charlie was next to her. Also buckled up. In his bucket. Also looking out the window.
“Did we put Charlie back together before we left?”
“Nah, he’s good. Isn’t that right bud?”
Charlie raises his arms - nubs right now - up into the air, as though summoning a deity he has long since prayed to. His eyes are shut, relaxed, ever sure of his place in the universe.
“Tacooooooos. Please.” Aha! Another word! He’s getting better.
“Of course bud.” Alex looks so fucking smug.
They quickly pull up to the drive through, and stare at the menu. Alex turns to Cleona.
“Ok, what do you want?”
“Oh, no. I’m here to supervise. That’s it.”
“Sí, sí, lo entiendo.” Alex mutters, “but you should still get something. You came out with us - c’mon.”
Cleona sighs, and shifts to look. She’s half leaning across Alex, but he doesn’t mind at all.
“What is that? The weird one that looks like a UFO?”
“The Crunchwrap?”
“Yeah, that. I guess I’ll get one of that.”
The two turn back. They should ask Charlie what he wants. But they already know.
They already know.
Kindly, she turns to Bella. “Bumblebee? Are you hungry?”
Bella shakes her head.
She shakes her head.
“Yeah, you sure?”
She nods.
Alex and Cleona wait the customary minute. Then,
“Yes Bella?”
“May I have a slushie, please?”
“Of course dear. Color?”
“Mmm, red.”
“Ok baby bumblebee.”
She’d slaughter an entire town and bathe in the blood for this small child.
The total order is:
One Chrunchwrap.
One chicken quesadilla.
One wild Cherry freeze(apparently it’s red).
And a order of twelve tacos.
Which quickly disappears into the depths of Green Hell, wrappers and all.
“Charlie, no not the paper!” It’s too late. All has met it’s demise against the Blob from the Forest currently constrained by a bright blue beach bucket. She’s lucky to prevent him from eating the box.
They eat on the drive home, Cleona alternating from helping Alex eat his quesadilla and eating her own food. She can see Bella happily sipping on her little slushie.
It’s when they pull into the driveway, seeing the shadowy wings of Phil - their current parental unit - looming over the truck that she laughs.
“Oh, you’re in such deep shit.”
“Kitty said a bad word!”
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kali mahamaya, kanya kanchana
darkriver moonrise girlrise locksdrip firmfoot mudbank starwheel skinflush
red mouthswell tongueloll breastswell hipswell archback cockride nailrake treebark sunripe wombswell cuntswell rockback haunchsquat pullsquirt babesquall blooddrip sweatdrip slimedrip
devour headfirst skullcrack laugh
leaffall headback laugh
you were seen mother but there was nothing to see
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l-esperanza-l · 3 years ago
Haircut before or after hair dye?
I planned on dying my hair blue, but a friend told me because of how my hair is (I’m an african american w black hair), that I would need to bleach/dye my hair blonde before doing it blue.
Now when it comes to haircuts I usually get a blowout cut, but should I get the haircut/shape-up before or after the hair dye??? Asking because I planned on doing this myself since I have COVID and I’m not gonna be able to hit a barber shop until I recover.
submitted by /u/SlimeDrip [link] [comments] from Beauty https://ift.tt/3hNjuXq
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ellesmerestarchild · 5 months ago
~Happy Halloween~
                  Halloween Chaos Part 1
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"Through chaos, I Persevere.
Through the night, I fight.
Til the end, I'll persist."
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Theme song:
"This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween"
Nightmare before Christmas - This Is Halloween
Sponsered Items:
Store 1:
PANIQ - Peculiar Goth Placard
~~~Official posts~~~
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/paniqsl/54011399083
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peridot%20Island/235/22/797
Happy Halloween!!
Store 2:
[Seydr] Dark Geode Pumpkin Skull
~~~Official post~~~
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~Other Items used~
Happy Halloween sign, edited: Second Life Marketplace - Happy Halloween
Other Halloween sign: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Halloween-Sign-Gift-Tidbits/10081599
Fairtytale Brambles Pack + {egosumaii}:
Other credits:
my brother Grizald helped me set up things with stuff he owns :D
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