pokemonastro · 1 month
#Page1Book1 #PokemonAstro
18th Birthday Hurtday
Sunday, Decis 1, 2023, 7:00AM
Mooncrest, Calvada, Calnova
Climate: Cold, Wet, Windy, Foggy Skies
Brother Marek's Cabin
"When sudden change is filling you with dread and anxiety, remember to wear your heart on your poisonous horns and pierce on boldly. -Elkhorn Horoscope, Pokezine"
Andrew Diaz, just turned 18, reads his magazine as he arrives to his brother Marek's Cabin in a moving truck.
He spends most of the morning unpacking, settling in his new home with his older sister, Linda.
His room is upstairs with grey walls, reminded him of steel type pokemon.
He wishes his parents were around to see them, too bad they're busy out in space doing missions.
Andrew goes downstairs and his sister talks to him.
Linda: "Andy, i think it's time you go to the lab and get yourself a pokemon. You graduated highschool, you're an adult, and you don't even have a pokemon. Maybe its time to earn some badges."
Marek calls on Andrews Pokegear, and Andrew answers.
Andrew: "Hello?"
Marek: "Happy birthday Andickus! I'm sorry i couldn't greet you in person, but i promise you're gonna love the cabin this year, i finally got wifi."
Andrew: "I'll try, weather up here is going to be amazing when Summers over, not."
Marek: "Yeah! It can be, unless it snows too much! I know your weak blood circulation makes you freeze up, take care."
Marek hangs up the call.
Andrew: "I'm going to shower and change, unpacking made me sweaty."
Somebody knocks on the door.
Andrew gets a message on his pokegear.
Linda: "Who could it be?"
Andrew: "I don't know, you open the door."
Linda: "What if it's a Sesquacha pokemon trying to lure us into the woods."
Andrew: "It's 9AM in the morning, Those aren't out at this hour."
Andrew opens the door and his neighbor Zoe rushes in.
Zoe: "Hi Linda! It's great to have you back! I thought you were going to chicken out on returning to Marek's cabin. Hi Andy."
Andrew: "Hi."
Zoe: "Well, I'm off to the Professors lab! He has a razor fang for my little Eevee, Darwin. I'm going to evolve it into a dragon type eevee, Drakeon. It grows bat like wings!"
Andrew: "Can you wait for me? i have to shower and change."
Zoe: "You know where the lab is at. Just walk over! Don't act like you never been here to Mooncrest before, Unova boy."
Andrew: "It's been 10 years!"
Zoe: "10 years too many! Hurry!"
Zoe and Linda sit in the living room drinking coffee as Andrew showers and changes clothes.
He wore red underwear, white hair ties, black mesh tank-top with sky blue jeans, grey feraligator belt, white socks with white shoes.
He looked into his mirror with his amber eyes and saw himself:
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He grabbed his keys, pokegear, and dashed down stairs.
Andrew: "I'm ready!"
Zoe salutes Linda goodbye and she leads Andrew to her indigo blue car outside.
They get inside the car and drive off to the pokemon lab in north Mooncrest.
Zoe: "Are you wearing deodorant?"
Andrew: "Oops, no."
Zoe: "Something smells nice, like Pecha berry."
Andrew: "Thats my anti dandruff shampoo"
Zoe: "Oh, your scalp is dry?"
Andrew: "Yeah, from bleaching my hair blond in Unova. I dyed it black and now it's dry and flakey."
Zoe: "I see, your hair is jet black."
Andrew: "Thanks."
They sit as Zoe plays her music and they drive in silence for 15 minutes.
The Songs she played in her car were:
Save your tears by The Weeknd
Toy Soldier by Martika
Beat it by Michael Jackson.
They arrive at the pokemon lab parking lot and get off the car.
A large Honchkrow attacks them with dark pulse from the tree up above.
Andrew flinches.
Zoe sends out her Eevee.
Zoe: "Darwin double kick the tree trunk!"
Darwin, Zoe's Eevee, kicks the tree twice and it shakes off the wild pokemon, it flies away.
Zoe: "That was a close one, return!"
Level 10 Darwin goes back in its pokeball.
Zoe and Andrew quickly rush into the Pokelab and go straight to the Professors office.
Sunday, Decis 1, 2023, 9:35AM
Mooncrest, Calvada, Calnova
Climate: Cold, Wet, Windy, Foggy Skies
Professor Bristlecones Lab
Zoe knocks on Professor Bristlecones office door.
Zoe: "Hello! Pawpaw! It's me, Zoe! Good morning! I have an old friend who wants to see you!"
Bristlecone: "How old?"
Zoe: "17."
Andrew: "18. Todays my birthday"
Zoe: "Oh yeah, you're an Elkhorn zodiac. I forgot Well, he needs a pokemon."
Bristlecone: "18, with no pokemon, thats outrageous, what if you get attacked?"
Andrew: "I never think about that stuff."
Suddenly A Honchkrow and two Murkrow bash through the windows and attack the office room with Gust, pages fly everywhere.
Zoe: "Go! Darwin, use Swift!"
Bristlecone reacts quickly too.
He offers Andrew a fire, grass or water pokeball.
Its contained Flaries, Virtian and Skruid.
Bristlecone: "Hey kid, hurry! Pick one and kick those pokemon butts!"
Bristlecone sent out his Calvada Beldum.
Bristlecone: "Don't just stand there, pick a starter pokemon!"
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Andrew panicked, he didn't know what to choose.
He knew water pokemon were abundant so he didn't choose Skruid, the bubble krill pokemon.
Grass pokemon were also abundant so he didn't pick Virtian, the tool monkey pokemon.
He chose the fire starter, Flaries, fire pillow pokemon, which were much rare in the region, so he chose that and named him Machoman.
Andrew: "Go Machoman! Use tackle!"
Machoman the Flaries used tackle on one of the Murkrows and it was a critical hit, It flew off back outside.
Bristlecone: "Beldum use take down on the Honchkrow!"
level 19 Beldum used takedown on level 15 Honchkrow and it flew away.
Zoe: "Darwin, use swift!"
Darwin attacked the remaining Murkrow and it left.
Zoe: "Guess i have to clean all this glass in your office, grandpa."
Bristlecone: "No, no, it's okay, I'll sort everything. Run along with your friend now. Who evolves a Murkrow into a Honchkrow and releases it into the wild. Maybe it found a dusk stone."
Andrew: "My name is Andrew, Andrew Diaz."
Bristlecone: "You must be Marek Diaz little brother. Glad to see you. Aaron."
Andrew: "It's Andrew. Thanks for the pokemon."
Bristlecone: "Yeah, don't mention it. Zoe take your little friend to the restroom and use the emergency kit supplies to band-aid Andrews cheek, glass seem to have cut him and made him bleed, oh, you got a cut too!"
Andrew touches his cheek and feels the blood.
Andrew: "Ahh!!!"
Zoe: "Lets patch us up. Return Darwin."
Darwin goes back inside its pokeball.
Bristlecone: "Return, Beldum!"
Beldum returns to its pokeball.
Zoe quickly scanned Flaries with her pokedex, it registered Machoman at level 6.
Zoe: "Andrew your Flaries grew to level 6. It learned the steam type move hot breath"
Andrew: "Return, machoman."
Bristlecone grabbed a pokeball from his drawer and unleashed a Rotom.
Bristlecone: "Anderson, hand me your pokegear device."
Andrew: "It's Aaron, I mean, Andrew."
Bristlecone: "Rotom, enter Adrian's phone and transform it into a Pokedex."
Rotom went into Andrews pocket and went inside his pokegear phone and transformed it.
Rotom flew out the pocket and floated around Andrew.
Rotom: "You have one unread message from Dad."
Bristlecone: "Probably a birthday wish Aiden, Anyways you may now be able to research and study pokemon with this ghoulish device, just don't try to hack it or it will hack you andre, hahahahaha, ill go get the broom and dustpan."
Zoe grabbed Andrews hand and led him to the restroom where she used the emergency kit to find a bandaid and patch Andrews cut cheek.
Zoe: "Pretty scary huh?"
Andrew: "All that, nah!"
Zoe: "I seen those Swanna hair bumps on your arms."
Andrew: "Haha, no, for reals, I was chill. I felt safe around the professor."
Zoe: "Sure... What are your plans after this?"
Andrew: "Probably go home, pack up my pokebag and head to route 1."
Zoe: "What's on route 1?"
Andrew: "It leads me to Rednose, no?"
Zoe: "What's in Rednose?"
Andrew: "The closest Gym."
Zoe: "You may want to train your pokemon hard if you want to beat Ice Gym leader Kylie."
Andrew: "I have a fire pokemon, it will be easy."
Zoe: "But you don't know any strong fire moves."
Andrew: "I have TMs stored in PC lockers at the pokecenter. My parents left them over for me."
Bristlecone opens the restroom door.
Bristlecone: "Here Zoe, Here's that razor fang you asked for."
Zoe: "Thank you pawpaw."
Bristlecone leaves back to his office and continues to clean the window glass.
Andrew: "But, yeah, my parents left me TM moves Thunder, Flamethrower, Blizzard and Psychic."
Zoe: "Must be nice being spoiled.... not that i'm saying you're a brat."
Andrew: ...
Zoe: "We'll I should take you back home."
Andrew: "Yeah, but no thanks. I'll walk to the pokemon center from here."
Zoe: "Okay, I'm going to eat a moomoo burger at moomoo cafe, see ya later! Take these 10 pokeballs."
They leave the pokemon lab and Zoe enters her car and leaves.
Andrew began his walk to the pokemon center which was 15 minutes away from the lab by foot.
He let out Machoman and let him walk with him, to build up his stamina, he also played music on his Pokegear, now Pokedex.
He Played the Songs:
Toxicity by System of the down,
Void by Melanie Martinez,
Ring of fire by Johnny Cash.
He arrived to the pokemon center.
Sunday, Decis 1, 2023, 10:10AM
Mooncrest, Calvada, Calnova
Climate: Cold, Windy, Clear Skies
Mooncrest Pokemon Center
Nurse Joy: "Good morning, Welcome."
Andrew went to the basement to the locker room and unlocked his locker.
He took out his TM Flame blast."
Andrew: "Huh... it wasn't flamethrower, it's Flame blast..."
Andrew: "Rotom, can Flaries learn Flame blast?"
Rotom: 'No, Flaries cannot learn fire move. It's learnable at the 3rd stage however."
Andrew: "Wow, what about Thunder?"
Rotom: "No."
Andrew: "Blizzard?"
Rotom: "No."
Andrew: "Weird, what about psychic?"
Rotom: "No."
Andrew: "What typings are Laries 3rd stage.
Rotom: "3rd Stage Laries is Fire/Light Type."
Andrew: "What? What is Skruids 3rd stage type?"
Rotom: "3rd Stage is Water/Steam"
Andrew: "How does a big shell pokemon fly?"
Rotom: "Special Ability: Balloon Flight, lets it float with a snot bubble over the ocean."
Andrew: "What is Virtians 3rd stage types?"
Rotom: "Grass/Cosmic"
Andrew: "What!? I missed out on a Cosmic pokemon?"
Rotom: "I believe so."
Andrew: "Hey there's a 5th tm disc. Saber claw, light move. Can Flaries learn that?"
Rotom: "Yes."
Andrew: "Sweet!"
Andrew releases Machoman in the locker room and puts the TM disc in the pokeball.
Andrew returns Machoman inside the pokeball and the disc processes inside.
Rotom: "Congratulations: Machoman learned Saber claw."
Andrew: "Cool."
Andrew exits the pokemon center and waits at the pokestop.
Suddenly Honchkrow lands above the pokestop.
Andrew gets very nervous.
Andrew: "Alright, this bird has been following me for a while, time to take it down."
Andrew runs out from under the pokestop and sends out Flaries.
Andrew: "Go Machoman! Saber claws."
Machoman's claws glow white little lasers.
Honchkrow laughed, flew around Flaries and used peck.
Andrew: "Now! Machoman, Saber claw him!"
Machoman used saber claw on Honchkrow and burned its tail feathers.
Honchkrow got real angry and spoke:
Honchkrow: *Mimicking humans voice* "Xsshole!"
Honchkrow flew around Machoman and used peck.
Andrew: "Machoman, Saber claws now!"
Machoman grabbed Honchkrow's leg and used saber claw with its other hand.
The saber claw burned through its beard feathers and struck punch its chest."
Andrew: " Critical hit! Alright!"
Honchkrow showed signs of exhaustion.
Andrew threw a pokeball.
Honchkrow went inside the pokeball and the release button pulsed white 3 times.
Andrew: "Alright!"
Rotom: "Honchkrow, the tormentor pokemon, evolution of Murkrow. This pokemon is native to the Jhoto and Sinnoh region though became prevalent in the new world. Honchkrow is at level 16, it knows Gust, Peck, Nightshade and Dark Pulse. Would you like to assign a nickname?'
Andrew: "Yes, Raven"
Rotom: "Congratulations! Honchkrow is now Raven!"
Andrew: "Rotom, call the professor."
Rotom: "The professor sent you straight to voicemail."
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