#Skin Derived Ipscs
creativeera · 24 days
The Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market is Trending Towards Personalized Medicine
The global induced pluripotent stem cells market is witnessing trends towards personalized medicine as induced pluripotent stem cells provide a patient-specific approach to develop cell therapies. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state through the forced expression of transcription factors. These cells can be generated directly from adult tissues such as skin or blood and can proliferate indefinitely. Once reprogrammed, iPSCs can be differentiated into many other cell types such as nerve cells, heart cells, pancreatic cells and others. This unique capability offers enormous promise for regenerative medicine and disease modelling. The global induced pluripotent stem cells market was valued at US$ 1,595.4 Mn in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 3,707 Mn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.1% from 2024 to 2031.  
iPSCs provide a potential alternative to human embryonic stem cells for disease modeling, drug discovery, and cell-based regenerative therapies. These cells circumvent controversies of using embryonic stem cells and the need for harvesting tissue-specific stem cells from adult tissues. This has led to an increase in research activities using iPSCs to model neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and explore opportunities for cellular therapies. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the global induced pluripotent stem cells market are Takara Bio Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, Astellas Pharma, Fate Therapeutics, Ncardia, ViaCyte, Cellular Dynamics International, Lonza, Blueprint Medicines and Other Prominent Players. These players are investing in developing new cell reprogramming and differentiation techniques which will enable mass production of iPSCs. The Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Demand for induced pluripotent stem cells is growing due to increased investments in stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Many pharmaceutical companies are investing in developing personalized stem cell-based therapies and iPSC-derived disease models for drug discovery. Furthermore, increased awareness about potential applications of stem cell therapies is also boosting the demand. Key players are expanding globally to cater to the growing needs of research organizations and pharmaceutical companies. Companies are focusing on establishing facilities in Asia Pacific and Europe through partnerships and acquisitions. This is attributed to presence of considerable stem cell research bases and favorable regulations supporting research in these regions. Market Key Trends The Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market Size and Trends is witnessing trends towards three-dimensional (3D) culture techniques. 3D culture enables iPSC expansion as well as differentiation into various cell types in an environment that closely mimics in vivo conditions. Several companies are developing 3D bioprocessing platforms using hydrogels and biomaterials to facilitate mass production of iPSCs in a clinically relevant manner. This 3D culture technique is gaining popularity as it enhances stem cell growth, viability and differentiation potential. Porter's Analysis Threat of new entrants: New entrants face high initial costs of setting up research and production facilities for iPSCs. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have low bargaining power due to limited availability of substitutes and differentiated products offered by existing players. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have moderate bargaining power due to availability of alternative raw material sources and suppliers. Threat of new substitutes: Threat of substitutes is low as iPSCs offer significant advantages over other alternatives. Competitive rivalry: Market is consolidated with presence of few players conducting research on regenerative medicines using iPSCs. Geographical Regions North America accounts for the largest share of the global iPSCs market, primarily due to presence of major players and availability of research funding. Presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure and rising stem cell therapy adoption in the U.S. and Canada drives the regional market. Asia Pacific is poised to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period. Increasing initiative by governments in countries such as China, Japan, and India to develop domestic regenerative medicine industry presents lucrative growth opportunities. Additionally, lower labor and manufacturing costs attract companies to establish manufacturing facilities in Asia Pacific.
Get more insights on Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Market
About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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mariacallous · 7 months
De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences wants to bring back the woolly mammoth. Well, not the woolly mammoth exactly, but an Asian elephant gene-edited to give it the fuzzy hair and layer of blubber that allowed its close relative to thrive in sub-zero environments.
To get to these so-called “functional mammoths,” Colossal’s scientists need to solve a whole bunch of challenges: making the right genetic tweaks, growing edited cells into fully formed baby functional mammoths, and finding a space where these animals can thrive. It’s a long, uncertain road, but the startup has just announced a small breakthrough that should ease some of the way forward.
Scientists at Colossal have managed to reprogram Asian elephant cells into an embryonic-like state that can give rise to every other cell type. This opens up a path to creating elephant sperm and eggs in the lab and being able to test gene edits without having to frequently take tissue samples from living elephants. The research, which hasn’t yet been released in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, will be published on the preprint server Biorxiv.
There are only around 30,000 to 50,000 Asian elephants in the wild, so access to these animals—and particularly their sperm and eggs—is extremely limited. Yet Colossal needs these cells if they’re going to figure out how to bring their functional mammoths to life. “With so few fertile female elephants, we really don’t want to interfere with their reproduction at all. We want to do it independently,” says George Church, a Harvard geneticist and Colossal cofounder.
The cells that Colossal created are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and they behave a lot like the stems cells found in an embryo. Embryonic stem cells have the ability to give rise to all kinds of different cell types that make up organisms—a quality that scientists call pluripotency. Most cells, however, lose this ability as the organism develops. Human skin, for instance, can’t spontaneously turn into muscle or cells that line the inside of the intestine.
In 2006, the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka showed it was possible to take mature cells and turn them back into a pluripotent state. Yamanaka’s research was in mice cells, but later scientists followed up by deriving iPSCs for lots of different species, including humans, horses, pigs, cattle, monkeys, and the northern white rhino—a functionally extinct subspecies with only two individuals, both females, remaining in the wild.
Reprogramming Asian elephant cells into iPSCs proved trickier than with other species, says Eriona Hysolli, head of biological sciences at Colossal. As with other species, the scientists reprogrammed the elephant cells by exposing them to a series of different chemicals and then adding proteins called transcription factors that turn on particular genes to change how the cells functions. The whole process took two months, which is much longer than the 5 to 10 days it takes to create mouse iPSCs or the three weeks for human iPSCs.
This difficulty might have to do with the unique biology of elephants, says Vincent Lynch, a developmental biologist at the University at Buffalo in New York who wasn’t involved in the Colossal study. Elephants are the classic example of Peto’s paradox—the idea that very large animals have unusually low rates of cancer given their size. Since cancer can be caused by genetic mutations that accumulate as cells divide, you’d expect that animals with 100 times more cells than humans would have a much higher risk of cancer.
But elephants have cancer rates even lower than humans—a surprising fact given their vast size. One hypothesis for elephants’ cancer-defying biology is that they carry lots of copies of a tumor-suppressing gene called P53. Humans, on the other hand, only have one copy of this gene.
P53 is good for elephant health, but it could be the reason that up until now scientists have struggled to create iPSCs from elephant cells, Lynch says. One way the gene seems to work is by stopping cells from entering a state where they can duplicate indefinitely, which is one of the key features of iPSCs.
Hysolli says that she’d like to reduce the time it takes to create elephant iPSCs, and refine the process so the Colossal team can produce them at a greater scale. The iPSCs will be particularly useful if Colossal’s scientists can turn them into sperm and egg cells, something that Hysolli’s team is already working on. Since there is a relatively limited supply of elephant eggs and sperm, one problem facing the de-extinction project is getting enough genetic diversity to support a population of functional mammoths—develop them from too few individuals, and you risk the negative effects of inbreeding. Being able to create sperm and egg cells in the lab should help with that, Church says.
These cells could also be useful for conservation work, Hysolli says. Colossal has partnered with researchers working on elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV), a leading cause of death for young Asian elephants. The iPSCs could be a good way to figure out how the virus infects different cell types. The cells will also be useful for testing whether Colossal’s edits to produce mammoth-like fur and fat layers are working as scientists hope.
“I have no doubt that given enough time and money they will overcome the technical challenges of making a woolly-mammoth-looking elephant,” says Lynch. But he’s less convinced of the ecological benefits of de-extinction. The startup intends to introduce the elephant-mammoth hybrids into the wild to re-create the role once played by the mammoth in the Arctic ecosystem, grazing the land and trampling snow cover, potentially decelerating the melting of permafrost.
“How many hairy Asian elephants do you need to make that work?” Lynch asks. Whether there really is a niche for edited elephants in the Arctic 4,000 years after mammoths last roamed the area is a question that conservationists are still grappling with. Sure, scientists might be able to create mammoth-like Asian elephants, but whether we should is open to much debate.
Colossal’s scientists will be glad if they get to that point. Although they have elephant iPSCs, much of the work of creating elephant-mammoth hybrids is ahead of them. They must figure out how to create elephant sperm and egg cells, master the right edits to tweak their elephants, and take their creation through the 22-month Asian elephant gestation period. And then they have to do it enough times to build a population that can actually deliver on some of their ecological aims.
“It feels very significant,” Church says of the iPSC breakthrough. “This is a very big deal.” If Colossal is going to deliver on its de-extinction mission, then there will be many other moments like this ahead.
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techtitan-01 · 2 months
Stem Cells Market will grow at highest pace owing to growing R&D activities in regenerative medicine
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Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide through mitosis to produce more stem cells. They are found in all multicellular organisms. Stem cells are invaluable for drug development, personalized medicine and gene therapy. The major applications of stem cells are in regenerative medicine, drug screening and toxicity testing. On the basis of source, stem cells can be broadly classified into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are derived from the embryo inner cell mass. Adult stems cells are isolated from adult tissues and cells including bone marrow, adipose tissue, heart, gut, skin and retina. The Global Stem Cells Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 14.87 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.9% over the forecast period 2024 To 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Stem Cells are Abzena Ltd., Clarivate, Immunetrics Inc., GNS Healthcare, Dassault Systemes, Evotec, Novadiscovery, Insilico Medicine Inc., and InSilicoTrials Technologies, among others. The key players are engaged in expanding their product portfolios in stem cell research by developing innovative techniques for isolation and differentiation of stem cells. The demand for Stem Cells  Market Demand is growing mainly due to increasing prevalence of chronic and lifestyle diseases and growing geriatric population globally. Stem cell therapy is considered as a potential treatment for various fatal diseases like cancer, myocardial infarction and diabetes. The increasing success of clinical trials is further driving the growth of the market. Technological advancements in stem cell manufacturing and 3D organoids are further enhancing the applications of stem cells in drug discovery and toxicity testing. Crispr/Cas9 gene editing, spheroid cell culturing and single cell sequencing are the latest technologies being used for manipulating stem cells. Market Trends Growing Focus on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Induced pluripotent Stem Cell Market Size And Trends (iPSCs) have emerged as a major trend in stem cell research as they can be generated from adult tissues such as skin and blood cells. iPSCs have potential applications in disease modeling, drug development and personalized regenerative medicine. Increasing Adoption of 3D Organoid Technologies: 3D organoids are miniature 3D structures grown from stem cells which mimic in vivo tissue structures. Organoids technology is gaining significant popularity due to its potential to revolutionize drug development, toxicity testing and disease modeling. Organoids can replicate the complexity of human tissues better than 2D cell cultures. Market Opportunities Regenerative Medicine Applications: Stem cell therapy holds huge potential in the field of regenerative medicine in treatment of degenerative diseases. Areas such as cardiac disorders, bone disorders, diabetes, neurological disorders and skin injuries offer major opportunities. Drug Discovery and Toxicology Testing: Stem cells provide a predictive human disease model for drug discovery and toxicity assessment. Their ability to replicate human tissues makes them ideal for preclinical drug development and toxicology studies. This opens up major revenue opportunities. Impact of COVID-19 on the Stem Cells Market
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the growth of the stem cells market. During the initial outbreak, many research activities and clinical trials involving stem cells were halted to divert resources towards COVID-19 treatment and management. This led to delays in new product development and launch plans of various market players. The demand for stem cell therapy also declined as non-essential procedures were postponed during lockdowns to prevent virus spread in healthcare facilities. However, post-COVID, focus on stem cell research has increased as scientists are exploring its potential in developing therapies against complications arising due to COVID-19 infection such as pulmonary fibrosis. Market players are investing more in R&D activities involving mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by coronavirus. Overall, though COVID-19 stalled market growth in the short-term, focus on stem cell based solutions for COVID-19 related issues is expected to boost the stem cells industry over the coming years. q The North American region currently holds the largest share of the global stem cells market in terms of value. This can be attributed to presence of major market players and higher healthcare spending on emerging cell-based therapies. The United States is the most prominent country dominating the North American as well as global stem cell market. The Asia Pacific region is identified as the fastest growing market for stem cells globally. This growth can be accredited to improving healthcare infrastructure, rising medical tourism, and increasing investments by global market players to tap the opportunities in emerging Asian countries like China, India, and South Korea.
Get more insights on,  Stem Cells Market
About Author: Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
*Note:1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public Source, Desk Research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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Stem Cell Treatment in London
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Stem cell treatment represents a cutting-edge approach in regenerative medicine, offering hope for patients with a variety of conditions. London is a hub for advanced medical treatments, including stem cell therapies. This article provides an overview of stem cell treatment, its benefits, types, applications, and specific offerings in London.
What is Stem Cell Treatment?
Stem cell treatment involves the use of stem cells to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. Stem cells are unique because they can differentiate into various cell types and have the potential to self-renew. This makes them invaluable in treating conditions where tissue damage is significant and traditional treatments are limited.
Types of Stem Cells Used in Treatment
Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs):
Derived from early-stage embryos, these cells can differentiate into any cell type in the body. However, their use is controversial due to ethical considerations.
Adult Stem Cells:
Found in various tissues such as bone marrow and fat, these cells are more limited in their differentiation potential but are less controversial. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a common type used in treatments.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs):
Adult cells reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state, capable of differentiating into any cell type. iPSCs offer a promising, ethically viable alternative to ESCs.
Applications of Stem Cell Treatment
Orthopedic Conditions:
Used to treat injuries and degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis and tendonitis. Stem cells can promote the regeneration of cartilage, bone, and soft tissues.
Cardiovascular Diseases:
Aim to repair damaged heart tissue following heart attacks, improving heart function and reducing the burden of heart failure.
Neurological Disorders:
Potential treatments for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis. Stem cells may help regenerate damaged neural tissues.
Autoimmune Diseases:
Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can be treated by resetting the immune system with stem cell therapies.
Cosmetic and Dermatological Applications:
Used for skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, and treating scars. Stem cells can promote tissue repair and regeneration, leading to a more youthful appearance.
Stem cell treatment in London offers a promising avenue for patients seeking advanced regenerative therapies. With a range of applications from orthopedic conditions to cosmetic treatments, London’s clinics and research institutions are at the forefront of this innovative field. As research progresses, the potential for stem cell therapies to transform medical treatments and improve patient outcomes continues to grow. Patients interested in stem cell treatment should consult with specialized clinics like Dr. SNA Clinic to explore personalized treatment options tailored to their needs.
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huntingtonsimpact · 3 months
Stem Cell Therapy
In a noteworthy 2019 study involving primates, researchers successfully transplanted neural progenitor cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This achievement is crucial because it demonstrates the feasibility of using stem cells to replace damaged brain cells in Huntington's Disease, where neurons progressively degenerate.
The concept revolves around using iPSCs, which are versatile cells reprogrammed from adult cells like skin cells, and coaxing them into becoming neural progenitor cells. These cells have the capability to develop into various types of brain cells, including those lost in Huntington's Disease. By transplanting these neural progenitor cells into the affected areas of the brain, researchers aim to replace the lost neurons and potentially halt or slow down the disease progression.
Moreover, combining stem cell therapy with gene therapy represents another avenue of exploration. Gene therapy could be used to modify the iPSCs before transplantation, potentially enhancing their ability to integrate into the brain and function effectively. This dual approach holds promise as a comprehensive treatment strategy that targets both the symptoms and underlying causes of Huntington's Disease.
While human trials have yet to commence, the results from animal studies like the primate research offer hope for future clinical trials. If successful, stem cell therapy could offer a transformative treatment option for individuals with Huntington's Disease, potentially improving their quality of life by mitigating symptoms and slowing disease progression. This research represents a critical step forward in the quest for effective therapies to combat this devastating neurodegenerative condition.
Cho, 2019
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nursingscience · 3 months
Understanding Stem Cells
Stem cells, known as “குருத்தணுக்கள்” in Tamil, are a type of cell in the human body that can develop into many different cell types, from muscle cells to brain cells. They are unique because they have the potential to develop into specialized cells and can divide and renew themselves for long periods. Stem cells are essential for daily health and regeneration, as they can differentiate to perform specific functions like beating of the heart, thinking in the brain, filtering blood in the kidneys, and repairing tissues like skin.
The unique responsibility of stem cells is to generate other types of cells. When stem cells divide, they can either produce more stem cells or different types of cells with specialized functions. For example, stem cells in the skin can create more skin cells or other types of specialized skin cells responsible for functions like producing melanin, which gives skin its color.
Stem cells are crucial because when we get injured or sick, our cells can get damaged or die. In such cases, stem cells activate to repair damaged tissues and replace dead cells. This process keeps us healthy and slows down aging, acting like a specialized medical unit within our bodies.
There are various types of stem cells, and scientists say that every organ in our body has its own specific stem cells. For instance, our blood is made by hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells. Moreover, stem cells are present in the human body from early developmental stages.
When scientists grow these cells outside the body, they are called “embryonic” stem cells. The reason scientists are so interested in researching embryonic stem cells is that they naturally create every organ and tissue during human development. Unlike mature stem cells, embryonic stem cells can easily form hundreds of different types of cells in the body, such as blood, bone, skin, and brain cells. They can also naturally form not just cells but tissues and organs, which mature stem cells cannot do.
Embryonic stem cells have a higher capacity to repair diseased organs compared to other stem cells. Embryonic stem cells used in research are typically derived from unused embryos from fertility treatments that are a few days old.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs or IPS) are a new type of stem cell discovered by scientists and doctors. They are excited about iPSCs because they possess almost all the properties of embryonic stem cells but are not taken from embryos. This means there are no ethical concerns in using iPSCs. Additionally, when iPSCs are derived from a patient’s own cells, they are less likely to be rejected by the immune system when reintroduced, which is a significant issue in stem cell therapy.
The future of stem cell therapy is promising, but before it becomes widely used, there are challenges to overcome. These include the risk of stem cells causing cancerous growths and the possibility of being rejected by the body’s immune system. However, stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medicine.
Currently, only a few stem cell therapies have been proven safe and effective, such as bone marrow transplants. While these treatments are gaining attention in the media, especially among celebrities and athletes, scientists and doctors caution patients about the safety and efficacy of unproven stem cell treatments. There have been cases of patients dying from such treatments. Therefore, doctors recommend considering stem cell therapies as a last resort.
Significant discoveries in stem cell research include Sir John Gurdon’s work in 1962, where he replaced the nucleus of a frog’s egg cell with the nucleus from a tadpole’s intestinal cell, demonstrating that the differentiated cell still had the capacity to form every cell in the body. This laid the groundwork for reproductive cloning, leading to the creation of Dolly the sheep. Another milestone was the cultivation of mouse embryonic stem cells in 1981, followed by human embryonic stem cells. A major breakthrough was achieved when Shinya Yamanaka and his colleagues introduced a set of transcription factors that could induce somatic cells to become pluripotent stem cells. For this discovery, Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2012, along with Sir John Gurdon.
ஸ்டெம் செல்கள் (குருத்தணுக்கள்) என்றால் என்ன?
மனித உடலில் தினசரி ஆரோக்யத்திற்கு தேவையான நூற்றுக்கணக்கான வகை உயிரணுக்கள் உள்ளன.
இந்த உயிரணுக்களின் பொறுப்பு நம் உடலை செயல்பட வைப்பதாகும் – ●இதயத்தை துடிக்க வைப்பது, ●மூளையை சிந்திக்க வைப்பது, ●சிறுநீரகத்தை ●இரத்தம் சுத்திகரிக்க வைப்பது, ●பழைய தோல் உதிரும் பொழுது ●புதிய தோல் உண்டாக்குவது போன்ற பல செயல்கள். குருத்தணுக்களின் தனி பொறுப்பு என்னவென்றால் பிற அனைத்து உயிரணுக்களையும் உருவாக்குவது. குருத்தணுக்கள் பிற உயிரணுக்களின் சுரபியாகும். குருத்தணுக்கள் பெருகும் பொழுது அவை மேலும் பல குருத்தணுக்களையோ அல்லது வேறு வகை உயிரணுக்கள் பலவற்றையோ உருவாக்க கூடியவை. Example உதாரணமாக, தோலில் இருக்கும் குருத்தணுக்கள் மேலும் பல தோல் குருத்தணுக்களையோ அல்லது பிற விசேஷ கடமை கொண்ட தோல் உயிரணுக்களையோ உருவாக்க கூடியவை.
விசேஷ கடமைக்கு ஓர் உதாரணம் தோலுக்கு கருமை தரும் மெலனின் எனப்படும் சாயம் செய்வது.
குருத்தணுக்கள் ஏன் முக்கியமானவை?
●நாம் காயப்படும்பொழுதோ ●அல்லது ●நோய்வாய்ப்படும் பொழுதோ ■நமது உயிரணுக்களும் காயப்படவோ இறக்கவோ நேரிடுகின்றது. ■
●இது நிகழும்பொழுது, குருத்தணுக்கள் செயல்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன.●
உடலில் காயப்பட்ட திசுக்களை சரிபார்ப்பதும்
இறந்த உயிரணுக்களுக்கு மாற்று உண்டாக்குவதுமே குருத்தணுக்களுக்கு நிர்ணயிக்கப்பட்ட வேலையாகும்.
*இச்செயல்களால் குருத்தணுக்கள் நம்மை ஆரோக்கியமாக வைத்து நம் உடலை வேகமாக மூப்படையாமல் பார்த்துக்கொள்கின்றன.
*குருத்தணுக்கள் நம் உடலின் பிரத்தியேகமான நுண்ணிய மருத்துவப்படை போல செயல்படுகின்றன. ••○○○○○○□■●
குருத்தணுக்கள் என்னென்ன வகைப்படும்?
குருத்தணுக்கள் பல்வேறு வடிவங்களில் இருக்கின்றன.
விஞ்ஞானிகள் கூற்றுப்படி நம் உடலின் ஒவ்வொரு உறுப்பிற்கும் அதன் பிரத்தியேக குருத்தணுக்கள் உள்ளன.
உதாரணமாக, ●நமது இரத்தம், இரத்த குருத்தணுக்களால் (கிரேக்க மொழி: ஹெமடோபொயடிக்/இரத்தம்-உண்டாக்கும்) செய்யப்படுகிறது.
குருத்தணுக்கள் மனித உடலின் ஆரம்பகால வளர்ச்சி நிலைகளிலிருந்தே இருந்து வருகின்றன.
*இந்த குருத்தணுக்களை உடலுக்கு வெளியே விஞ்ஞானிகள் வளர்க்கும்பொழுது
(எம்ப்ரியோனிக்) குருத்தணுக்கள் என்று அழைக்கின்றனர்.
விஞ்ஞானிகள் கரு குருத்தணுக்களை கண்டு வியந்து ஆராய்ச்சி செய்யக்காரணமாயிருப்பது வேறொன்றுமல்ல;
அவைகளின் இயற்கை வேலையே மனித வளர்ச்சியின்போது உடலின் ஒவ்வொரு உறுப்பு மற்றும் திசுவின் கட்டமைப்பை உருவாக்குவதாய் இருப்பது தான். இதனால் என்ன பயன் என்றால்,...?????.
●முதிர்ந்த குருத்தணுக்கள் போலல்லா���ு,
கரு குருத்தணுக்கள் உடலின் மற்ற நூற்றுக்கணக்கான வகை உயிரணுக்களை எளிதில் உருவாக்க கூடியவை.
உதாரணமாக, இரத்த குருத்தணுக்களால் இரத்த வகை உயிரணுக்களை மட்டுமே செய்ய முடியும்; ஆனால் கரு குருத்தணுக்களால்
●இரத்த வகை, ●எலும்பு வகை, ●தோல் வகை, ●மூளை வகை மற்றும் பல வகை உயிரணுக்களையும் உருவாக்க முடியும்.
மேலும், கரு குருத்தணுக்களால் இயற்கையாகவே உயிரணுக்கள் மட்டுமல்லாது, ■555■55■திசுக்கள் மற்றும் உறுப்புகளையும் கூட உருவாக்க இயலும்
ஆனால் முதிர்ந்த குருத்தணுக்களால் இது இயலாது. இதன் பொருள் என்னவென்றால், மற்ற குருத்தணுக்களோடு ஒப்பிடுகையில்
கரு குருத்தணுக்களுக்கு நோயுற்ற உறுப்புகளை சரிபார்பதில் அதிகத் திறன் உள்ளது. கருத்தரிப்பு சிகிச்சை முடிவுற்று உபயோகமின்றி இருக்கும் எஞ்சிய, ஒரு சில நாட்களே பழையதான, ஆய்வகக் கிண்ணத்தில் உண்டாக்கப்பட்ட கருமுளைகளிலிருந்து (எம்ப்ரியோக்கள்) தான் கரு குருத்தணுக்கள் தயாரிக்க படுகின்றன.
ஜ.பி.எஸ்/ஐபிஸ் – இன்ட்யூஸ்ட் ப்லுரிபோடென்ட் ஸ்டெம்) அல்லது
தூண்டப்பட்ட பன்திறன் குருத்து உயிரணுக்கள் என்றால் என்ன?
விஞ்ஞானிகளும் மருத்துவர்களும் “ஐபிஎஸ்” உயிரணுக்கள் எனப்படும் புது வகை குருத்தணுக்களை கண்டு உற்சாகமடைந்துள்ளனர்.
இதற்க்கு காரணம் ஐபிஎஸ் உயிரணுக்கள் ஏறக்குரய கரு குருத்தணுக்களின் அனைத்து பண்புகளையும் கொண்டவை,
ஆனால் எந்தக் கருவிலிருந்தும் எடுக்கப் படுவதில்லை. இதனால், ஐபிஎஸ் உயிரணுக்களை உபயோகிப்பதில் எந்த நெறிமுறை கவலைகளும் இல்லை.
கூடுதலாக, ஐபிஎஸ் உயிரணுக்கள் நோயாளியின் உடம்பின் குருத்தணுக்களிலிருந்து செய்யப்படுவதால்,
அதே நோயாளிக்கு திரும்ப செலுத்தும் பொழுது அவர் உடம்பின் நோய் எதிர்ப்பு அமைப்பு ஐபீஸ் உயிரணுக்களை நிராகரிக்காமல் ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறது. குருத்தணுக்கள் நிராகரிக்கப் படுவது குருத்தணு சிகச்சையில் ஒரு முக்கிய பிரச்சனையாகும். வருங்காலம் எப்படி இருக்கப்போகிறது.....?
குருத்தணுக்கள் சிகிச்சை எப்படி *மாற்ற போகிறது? இதன் தத்துவம் என்னவென்றால், நோயாளிகளுக்கு ●குருத்தணுக்களையோ அல்லது ●குருத்தணுக்களினால் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட முதிர்ந்த ●உயிரணுக்களையோ கொடுப்பதன் ●மூலம் குருத்தணுக்களின் நோயை குணப்படுத்தும் இயற்கை தன்மையை பயன்படுத்தலாம்● என்பதுதான்.
●உதாரணமாக, மாரடைப்பு ஏற்பட்ட நோயாளியின் இதயத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சேதத்தை சரி செய்வதை சிகிச்சையின் நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டு குருத்தணுக்களை அளிக்கலாம்.
இயற்கையாக நம் அனைவர் உடலில் இருக்கும் குருத்தணுக்களின் காயம் சரிசெய்யும் ஆற்றல் குறைவே.
முதலில் கூறிய இதயம் உதாரணத்தையே எடுத்துக்கொண்டால், இதயத்தின் இயற்கையான குருத்தணுக்கள் மாரடைப்பினால் ஏற்பட்ட சேதத்தை சரி செய்வதில் சற்றே யோக்கியதையற்றதாக இருக்கின்றன. ஆனால், இலட்சக்கணக்கான குருத்தணுக்கள் செலுத்தப்பட்டால் அதைவிட மிக சக்திவாய்ந்ததாக இருக்கும்.
எனவே நோயாளிகளுக்கு குருத்தணுக்களை செலுத்துவதன் மூலம் நாம் உடலின் குணமடையும் தன்மையை, இயற்கையாக உடலில் இருக்கும் சிறிதளவு குருத்தணுக்களின் ஆற்றலை தாண்டி மிகவும் அதிகரிக்கிறோம்.
குருத்தணு சிகிச்சைகள் பரவலாக பயன்படுத்த படுவதற்கு முன் சில சவால்களை சந்திக்க வேண்டியிருக்கிறது.???...........???????????
இந்த சவால்கள் என்னவென்றால்,
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●குருத்தணுக்கள் புற்று நோய் கட்டியை உருவாக்கக்கூடியவை
●●●●●குருத்தணுக்கள் உடலின் நோய் எதிர்ப்பு அமைப்பால் நிராகரிக்கப்படுகின்றன. எனினும்,
குருத்தணுக்கள் மருத்துவத்தை உருமாற்ற கூடியவை.
வெறும் 10பத்து 20 இருபதே ஆண்டுகளில் நமக்கோ அல்லது நமக்கு தெரிந்தவர் யாருக்கோ குருத்தணுக்கள் அளிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும். குருத்தணுக்கள் மக்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் முக்கிய நோய்களான
■புற்று நோய், ■ இதய நோய்கள், ■மூளை சம்மந்தப்பட்ட நோய்களான – ■பார்கின்சன் நோய், ■மல்டிபல் ■ஸ்க்லெரோசிஸ், ■பக்கவாதம், ■ஹண்டிங்டன் நோய், ■முதுகுத்தண்டு காயமென பலவற்றை ●■குணப்படுத்தும் என நம்பிக்கை அளிக்கிறது■
இப்போது கிடைக்கும் குருத்தணு சிகிச்சைகள் யாவை?
தற்போது, விஞ்ஞானிகளால் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகாப்பான பயனுள்ள குருத்தணு சிகிச்சைகள் சிலவற்றே உள்ளன. எலும்பு மஜ்ஜை (ஆங்கிலம்: போன் மேரோ) மாற்று சிகிச்சை இதற்க்கோர் சிறந்த எடுத்துக்காட்டு.
பெரும்பாலும் இச்சிகிச்சைகள், விளையாட்டு வீரர்கள் போன்ற பிரபலங்கள் மேற்கொள்ளும் பொது ஊடகங்களின் கவனத்தை மிகவும் ஈர்க்கிறது.
பொதுவாக, விஞ்ஞானிகளும் மருத்துவர்களும் இத்தகைய சிகிச்சை உண்மையில் பயன் தருமா
என்றும் பாதுகாப்பானவையா என்றும் சொல்வதற்கில்லை என்று நோயாளிகளை எச்சரிக்கை சைய்கிறார்கள்.
நோயாளிகள் இத்தகைய சிகிச்சைகளால் இறந்தும் போயிருக்கின்றனர்.
குணப்படுத்த முடியாத நோயை எதிர்கொள்ளும்போது அனைத்து வாய்ப்புகளையும் கருதினாலும்,
நாங்கள் பரிந்துரைப்பது என்னவென்றால் நீங்கள் இந்த STEM CELLS இச்சிகிச்சைகளை கடைசி நிவாரனமாகவே கருதவேண்டும்,
குறிப்பு ■■■■■■●●■ ஸ்டெம் செல் ஆராய்ச்சி வரலாற்றில் முக்கிய கண்டுபிடிப்புகள்
இந்தத் துறையில் ஆரம்பகால சோதனைகளில் ஒன்று சர் ஜான் கார்டன் தனது Ph.D. 1962 இல். அவர் பிளாஸ்டுலா கட்டத்தில் வளரும் தவளைக் கருவின் கருவை அகற்றி, கருவை அகற்றிய முட்ட��க் கலத்தில் அதை செலுத்தினார்.
பெரும்பாலான சந்தர்ப்பங்களில், முட்டை தவளை டாட்போல்களாக உருவாகலாம், வேறுபட்ட உயிரணுக்களின் கருக்கள் இன்னும் எந்த உயிரணுக்களாகவும் உருவாகும் திறனைக் கொண்டுள்ளன என்பதைக் காட்டுகிறது. இந்த ஆய்வு இனப்பெருக்க குளோனிங்கின் அடிப்படையை உருவாக்கியது,
இது டோலி, குளோன் செய்யப்பட்ட செம்மறி ஆடுகளை உருவாக்க வழிவகுத்தது.
மற்றொரு முக்கிய கண்டுபிடிப்பு 1981 இல் மவுஸ் பிளாஸ்டோசிஸ்ட்களிலிருந்து கரு ஸ்டெம் செல்களை வளர்ப்பது ஆகும். அதைத் தொடர்ந்து, கரு ஸ்டெம் செல்களும் மனித பிளாஸ்டோசிஸ்ட்களிலிருந்து வளர்க்கப்பட்டன.
ஷின்யா யமனகாவும் அவரது சகாக்களும் 24 டிரான்ஸ்கிரிப்ஷன் காரணிகளின் தொகுப்பை அறிமுகப்படுத்துவதன் மூலம் சோமாடிக் செல்களை ப்ளூரிபோடென்ட் ஸ்டெம் செல்களில் தூண்ட முடிந்தபோது ஒரு முக்கிய கண்டுபிடிப்பு செய்யப்பட்டது.
2012 ஆம் ஆண்டு சர் ஜான் குர்டனுடன் இணைந்து மருத்துவத்துக்கான நோபல் பரிசு அவருக்கு வழங்கப்பட்டது.
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orangeequinox · 4 months
Stem cells offer a promising avenue for creating skin layers for severe burns by harnessing their regenerative potential and directing their differentiation into specific types of skin cells. Here's how stem cells could be utilized in this context:
1. **Identification of Stem Cell Source:** Stem cells can be derived from various sources, including embryonic tissue, adult tissues (such as bone marrow or adipose tissue), and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are generated by reprogramming adult cells like skin cells back into a stem cell-like state. For skin regeneration in severe burns, researchers often utilize stem cells derived from the patient's own tissues to minimize the risk of rejection.
2. **Expansion and Culture of Stem Cells:** Once stem cells are obtained, they are cultured and expanded in vitro to generate a sufficient number of cells for tissue engineering purposes. This involves providing the stem cells with appropriate growth factors, nutrients, and culture conditions to support their proliferation while maintaining their stemness and differentiation potential.
3. **Differentiation into Skin Cells:** Stem cells can be directed to differentiate into various types of skin cells, including keratinocytes (epidermal cells), fibroblasts (dermal cells), and other specialized cell types found in the skin. By exposing the stem cells to specific biochemical signals and growth factors that mimic the natural developmental cues present during embryonic skin development, researchers can guide their differentiation into the desired cell types.
4. **Assembly of Skin Tissue Constructs:** Once differentiated into epidermal and dermal cells, these cells can be combined and assembled into three-dimensional skin tissue constructs using tissue engineering techniques. These constructs may include layers of keratinocytes on top of a dermal matrix composed of fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components such as collagen and elastin. The use of biomaterial scaffolds or matrices can provide structural support and facilitate the organization and integration of the skin cells into functional tissue.
5. **Transplantation onto Burn Wounds:** The engineered skin tissue constructs can be transplanted onto the patient's burn wounds to promote wound healing and skin regeneration. The newly generated skin cells can integrate with the surrounding tissue, promote angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and support the regeneration of functional skin layers. Over time, the transplanted skin tissue matures and remodels, leading to improved wound closure and restoration of skin function. Overall, by harnessing the regenerative potential of stem cells and employing tissue engineering strategies, researchers can create skin layers for severe burns that closely mimic the structure and function of natural skin. This approach holds great promise for improving the outcomes of burn treatment and enhancing the quality of life for patients with severe burns.
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bikeprice · 4 months
The Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Treating Chronic Diseases
Stem Cell Therapy: Revolutionizing Modern Medicine
Stem cell therapy has emerged as one of the most promising and exciting areas of medical research and treatment in recent years. Leveraging the unique properties of stem cells, this innovative therapy aims to repair, regenerate, and replace damaged tissues and organs, offering hope for treating a myriad of conditions that were previously deemed incurable.
Understanding Stem Cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of transforming into specialized cell types. They can self-renew, producing more stem cells, or differentiate into various cell types with specific functions, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, or blood cells. There are two primary types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adult stem cells (ASCs).
Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs): Derived from early-stage embryos, ESCs are pluripotent, meaning they can develop into almost any cell type in the body.
Adult Stem Cells (ASCs): Found in various tissues like the bone marrow and fat, ASCs are multipotent, which means they can differentiate into a limited range of cell types related to their tissue of origin.
Therapeutic Applications
Stem cell therapy holds the potential to treat a wide array of diseases and injuries by promoting the repair or replacement of damaged tissues. Here are some notable applications:
Regenerative Medicine: Stem cells can regenerate damaged tissues, offering potential treatments for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries. For instance, cardiac stem cell therapy aims to repair heart tissue damaged by heart attacks.
Neurological Disorders: Researchers are exploring stem cell treatments for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Stem cells may help replace lost neurons and restore neurological function.
Orthopedic Treatments: Stem cells are used to treat joint injuries and osteoarthritis by regenerating cartilage and bone, reducing pain, and improving mobility.
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT): This is a well-established treatment for blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. HSCT involves replacing diseased blood-forming stem cells with healthy ones from a donor.
Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration: Stem cells can accelerate the healing of chronic wounds and burns, significantly improving recovery outcomes.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Despite its potential, stem cell therapy faces several challenges:
Technical Hurdles: Ensuring the controlled differentiation and integration of stem cells into the target tissue remains complex. There is a risk of uncontrolled cell growth, leading to tumors.
Immune Rejection: Like organ transplants, stem cell transplants can be rejected by the recipient's immune system, necessitating the use of immunosuppressive drugs.
Ethical Issues: The use of embryonic stem cells raises ethical concerns regarding the destruction of embryos. This has led to strict regulations and the exploration of alternative sources like induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are adult cells reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state.
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nmsc-market-pulse · 6 months
Artificial Tissue Market: A Comprehensive Overview of Current Trends and Future Prospects
According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Artificial Tissue Market size is predicted to reach USD 29.83 billion with a CAGR of 12.3% by 2030.
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In recent years, the field of regenerative medicine has witnessed remarkable advancements, particularly in the development of artificial tissues. These engineered tissues hold immense potential to revolutionize healthcare by offering solutions for tissue repair, replacement, and regeneration. The artificial tissue market is poised for significant growth, driven by evolving technologies, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and growing demand for personalized medicine. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current trends and prospects shaping the artificial tissue market landscape.
Current Trends in the Artificial Tissue Market
Bioprinting Technology Advances in 3D bioprinting technology have transformed the landscape of tissue engineering. Bioprinters can precisely deposit biomaterials and living cells layer by layer to create complex tissue structures. Bioinks, composed of cells and biomaterials, serve as the building blocks for constructing artificial tissues. Researchers have successfully bioprinted tissues such as skin, cartilage, and blood vessels, paving the way for applications in wound healing, organ transplantation, and drug testing.
Biomaterial Innovations Biomaterials play a crucial role in providing structural support and cues for cell growth and tissue regeneration in artificial tissue engineering. Researchers are exploring novel biomaterials with enhanced biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and bioactivity to improve tissue scaffolds' performance. Hydrogels, decellularized matrices, and synthetic polymers are among the biomaterials utilized in artificial tissue fabrication. Surface modification techniques, such as chemical functionalization and electrospinning, enable the customization of biomaterial properties to suit specific tissue engineering applications.
Stem Cell Therapies Stem cells hold immense promise in tissue regeneration and repair due to their ability to differentiate into various cell types. Researchers are exploring the integration of stem cell-based therapies with artificial tissue constructs to enhance tissue regeneration outcomes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are among the cell types utilized in artificial tissue engineering. Stem cell-derived tissues offer potential treatments for conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and musculoskeletal injuries.
Organ-on-a-Chip Platforms Organ-on-a-chip technologies replicate the physiological microenvironment of human organs, enabling researchers to study organ-level functions in vitro. These microfluidic devices incorporate cells, biomaterials, and microengineering techniques to mimic organ structure and function accurately. Organ-on-a-chip platforms offer insights into disease mechanisms, drug responses, and toxicity testing, facilitating drug discovery and development processes. Liver-on-a-chip, lung-on-a-chip, and heart-on-a-chip models are among the organ-specific platforms used for drug screening and disease modelling applications.
Regulatory Landscape Regulatory agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of artificial tissue-based therapies. Harmonized regulatory frameworks are essential to streamline the development, evaluation, and commercialization of artificial tissue products. Regulatory guidelines provide requirements for preclinical testing, clinical trials, and manufacturing practices to ensure compliance with safety and ethical standards. Collaboration between regulatory agencies, industry stakeholders, and academic researchers is necessary to address regulatory challenges and facilitate the translation of artificial tissue innovations into clinical applications.
Future Prospects and Opportunities
Personalized Medicine The integration of artificial tissue technologies with patient-specific data holds promise for personalized medicine approaches. Advances in omics technologies, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, enable the characterization of individual patients' biological profiles. Combined with tissue engineering techniques, personalized tissue constructs can be tailored to match patients' unique anatomical and physiological characteristics. Patient-specific tissues offer potential treatments for conditions such as congenital defects, traumatic injuries, and degenerative diseases.
Disease Modelling Artificial tissues provide valuable platforms for modelling complex diseases and studying disease mechanisms in vitro. Patient-derived tissue models offer insights into disease progression, drug responses, and therapeutic interventions. Disease-specific tissues, such as cancer organoids, neurospheres, and cardiac tissues, recapitulate disease phenotypes and enable high-throughput screening of potential therapeutics. Artificial tissue models complement traditional animal models and accelerate the drug discovery process by providing predictive preclinical data.
Market Expansion The growing prevalence of chronic diseases, aging population, and healthcare expenditures drive the demand for artificial tissue-based therapies. Market players are investing in research and development efforts to capitalize on emerging opportunities and expand their market presence. Collaborations between academia, industry, and healthcare institutions facilitate technology transfer, knowledge exchange, and commercialization of artificial tissue products. Strategic partnerships enable the development of innovative therapies for unmet medical needs and enhance patient access to advanced regenerative treatments.
Collaboration and Partnerships Collaboration between stakeholders is essential for driving innovation and overcoming challenges in the artificial tissue market. Academic institutions, research organizations, and industry partners collaborate to advance tissue engineering technologies, develop novel biomaterials, and validate therapeutic applications. Public-private partnerships facilitate funding, infrastructure support, and regulatory guidance for artificial tissue research and development projects. Multidisciplinary collaboration fosters creativity, accelerates technology translation, and maximizes the impact of artificial tissue innovations on healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
Ethical Considerations As artificial tissue technologies continue to advance, it's essential to address ethical considerations surrounding their development and use. Ethical frameworks help guide researchers, clinicians, and policymakers in navigating complex issues such as informed consent, privacy protection, and equitable access to healthcare. Transparency in research practices, adherence to ethical guidelines, and public engagement promote trust and accountability in artificial tissue research and clinical applications.
Global Market Expansion The artificial tissue market is not limited to developed economies but extends to emerging markets with growing healthcare needs. Market expansion efforts focus on identifying unmet medical needs, tailoring products to local healthcare contexts, and navigating regulatory requirements in diverse regions. Collaborations with local partners, knowledge-sharing initiatives, and capacity-building programs support market entry strategies and promote sustainable growth in emerging markets.
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Technological Integration Integration with other cutting-edge technologies enhances the capabilities and applications of artificial tissues in healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics tools enable data-driven insights, predictive modeling, and personalized treatment recommendations. Integration with digital health platforms, wearable devices, and telemedicine solutions facilitates remote monitoring, patient engagement, and real-time feedback for personalized healthcare delivery.
Environmental Sustainability As the artificial tissue market expands, considerations for environmental sustainability become increasingly important. Sustainable sourcing of biomaterials, energy-efficient manufacturing processes, and eco-friendly disposal practices reduce the environmental footprint of artificial tissue production. Green chemistry principles, recycling initiatives, and life cycle assessments help mitigate environmental impacts and promote responsible stewardship of natural resources in the development and utilization of artificial tissues.
By addressing these additional points, stakeholders can foster an ethical, inclusive, and sustainable ecosystem for artificial tissue innovation, ensuring its long-term viability and positive impact on healthcare and society.
The artificial tissue market is poised for exponential growth, fueled by technological advancements, rising healthcare needs, and increasing investment in regenerative medicine. As the field continues to evolve, stakeholders must prioritize collaboration, innovation, and regulatory compliance to realize the full potential of artificial tissues in improving patient outcomes and advancing healthcare globally. By harnessing the power of artificial tissues, researchers and clinicians can address unmet medical needs, revolutionize disease treatment paradigms, and enhance the quality of life for patients worldwide.
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r3antiaging · 11 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Promise of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
In recent years, regenerative medicine and stem cells have emerged as game-changers in the field of healthcare. These cutting-edge approaches have the potential to transform the way we treat a wide range of medical conditions, from degenerative diseases to traumatic injuries. In this article, we will delve into the world of regenerative medicine and stem cells, exploring their remarkable capabilities, current applications, and the exciting possibilities they hold for the future of medicine.
Understanding Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is an interdisciplinary field that aims to restore, repair, or replace damaged or diseased cells, tissues, and organs in the human body. At its core, this innovative approach leverages the remarkable abilities of stem cells, which are the building blocks of the body, to promote natural healing processes. Stem cells have the unique capacity to develop into different cell types, making them invaluable in regenerating damaged or aging tissues.
Types of Stem Cells
There are several types of stem cells used in regenerative medicine:
Embryonic Stem Cells: These are pluripotent stem cells derived from embryos. They have the potential to become any cell type in the body, which makes them incredibly versatile for regenerative therapies.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): iPSCs are adult cells that have been reprogrammed to exhibit pluripotency, similar to embryonic stem cells. This breakthrough allows for personalized regenerative treatments.
Adult Stem Cells: These cells are found in various tissues throughout the body and play a crucial role in tissue maintenance and repair. They are often used in treating conditions like arthritis and heart disease.
Current Applications of Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine has already made significant strides in clinical applications. Some of the most notable uses include:
Tissue Engineering: Researchers have successfully grown and transplanted organs, such as bladders and tracheas, using a patient's own cells. This reduces the risk of rejection and the need for donor organs.
Cartilage and Bone Repair: Stem cell-based therapies are being employed to treat conditions like osteoarthritis and bone fractures by promoting the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue.
Cardiovascular Repair: Stem cell therapies are being investigated for repairing damaged heart tissue after a heart attack, offering hope to patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Neurological Disorders: Research is ongoing to develop stem cell treatments for neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Skin Regeneration: Stem cells are used for wound healing and regenerating skin in cases of severe burns or chronic ulcers.
The Future of Regenerative Medicine
The potential of regenerative medicine is vast, and ongoing research is continually expanding its horizons. Some exciting possibilities include:
Organ Transplants: The ability to create custom-made organs from a patient's own cells could revolutionize organ transplantation and eliminate the need for organ donors.
Aging Reversal: Stem cell therapies may hold the key to rejuvenating aging tissues, potentially extending healthy lifespan.
Personalized Medicine: Regenerative medicine may enable the development of highly tailored treatments, addressing individual patient needs and reducing adverse effects.
Immune System Modulation: Stem cells could be used to modify the immune system to target and eradicate cancer cells or autoimmune diseases more effectively.Conclusion
Regenerative medicine and stem cells have the potential to usher in a new era of healthcare, where the focus shifts from symptom management to tissue and organ regeneration. While many hurdles remain to be overcome, the progress made to date is truly remarkable. With ongoing research and innovation, regenerative medicine offers hope for countless individuals suffering from debilitating diseases and injuries, promising a brighter and healthier future for all.
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healthkenya7 · 1 year
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Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by inflammation, demyelination (loss of the protective myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers), and neurodegeneration. MS leads to a wide range of neurological symptoms, including fatigue, numbness, muscle weakness, vision problems, and difficulties with coordination and balance. Over the years, various treatment approaches have been developed to manage MS, including disease-modifying drugs and symptomatic treatments. One emerging and promising avenue is stem cell therapy.
Stem Cells: Stem cells are unique cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various specialized cell types. They hold tremendous potential for regenerative medicine because of their capacity to repair damaged tissues and organs. Stem cell therapy involves the transplantation or stimulation of stem cells to promote tissue repair and regeneration.
Types of Stem Cells Used in MS Treatment:
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs): These stem cells give rise to all blood cell types and are found primarily in the bone marrow. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a type of stem cell therapy that has shown promise in treating certain aggressive forms of MS. In this procedure, a patient's own HSCs are harvested, then the patient undergoes high-dose chemotherapy to suppress their immune system. After that, the harvested HSCs are reinfused into the patient's bloodstream to rebuild a new immune system that is less prone to attacking the CNS.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These stem cells can differentiate into various cell types, including bone, cartilage, and fat cells. MSCs also possess immunomodulatory properties, which means they can help regulate the immune response. MSCs can be obtained from various sources, such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord tissue. They are being explored for their potential in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair in MS.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): These are artificially reprogrammed cells derived from adult cells, such as skin cells. They have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including neural cells. Researchers are investigating the potential of iPSCs to generate myelin-producing cells and replace damaged myelin in MS.
Mechanisms of Action:
The mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating MS are multifaceted:
Immunomodulation: Stem cells, especially MSCs, have the ability to suppress excessive immune responses. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, leading to inflammation and demyelination. Stem cells can help regulate immune responses, reducing inflammation and preventing further damage.
Tissue Repair: Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, including neural cells. This differentiation capability is leveraged to repair damaged nerve tissue and promote remyelination in the CNS.
Neuroprotection: Stem cells can release neurotrophic factors that support the survival and function of existing neurons. This neuroprotective effect can help preserve neuronal function and prevent further degeneration.
Clinical Trials and Evidence: While stem cell therapy holds great promise, it's important to note that more research and clinical trials are needed to establish its safety and efficacy in treating MS. Some studies have reported positive outcomes, such as reduced relapse rates, improved neurological function, and enhanced quality of life, especially in patients with aggressive forms of MS. However, results can vary, and not all patients respond equally well to stem cell therapy.
Challenges and Considerations:
Safety: One challenge is ensuring the safety of stem cell therapies. Immunosuppression during transplantation can lead to infections, and there is a risk of graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic transplantations (using donor cells).
Patient Selection: Not all MS patients are suitable candidates for stem cell therapy. The decision to pursue stem cell therapy should be carefully considered based on the patient's disease subtype, severity, and overall health.
Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects and durability of stem cell-based treatments in MS are still being studied. It's crucial to track patients' progress over an extended period to understand the therapy's lasting benefits.
Mr. Jayesh Saini notes that, “Stem cell therapy holds significant potential in the treatment of multiple sclerosis by addressing the immune dysregulation, promoting tissue repair, and providing neuroprotection.”
Mr. Jayesh Saini advises that, “It is important to approach stem cell therapy with caution and continue rigorous research in order to refine protocols, optimize patient selection, and better understand the long-term outcomes. As the understanding of stem cell biology and MS pathogenesis evolves, stem cell therapies could become a valuable addition to the arsenal of treatments available for individuals living with this complex neurological disorder.”
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healthwisekenya · 1 year
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Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the central
nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by
inflammation, demyelination (loss of the protective myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers),
and neurodegeneration. MS leads to a wide range of neurological symptoms, including fatigue,
numbness, muscle weakness, vision problems, and difficulties with coordination and balance.
Over the years, various treatment approaches have been developed to manage MS, including
disease-modifying drugs and symptomatic treatments. One emerging and promising avenue is
stem cell therapy.
Stem Cells: Stem cells are unique cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various
specialized cell types. They hold tremendous potential for regenerative medicine because of their
capacity to repair damaged tissues and organs. Stem cell therapy involves the transplantation or
stimulation of stem cells to promote tissue repair and regeneration.
Types of Stem Cells Used in MS Treatment:
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs): These stem cells give rise to all blood cell types and are found
primarily in the bone marrow. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a
type of stem cell therapy that has shown promise in treating certain aggressive forms of MS. In
this procedure, a patient's own HSCs are harvested, then the patient undergoes high-dose
chemotherapy to suppress their immune system. After that, the harvested HSCs are reinfused
into the patient's bloodstream to rebuild a new immune system that is less prone to attacking
the CNS.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These stem cells can differentiate into various cell types,
including bone, cartilage, and fat cells. MSCs also possess immunomodulatory properties, which
means they can help regulate the immune response. MSCs can be obtained from various sources,
such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord tissue. They are being explored for their
potential in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair in MS.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): These are artificially reprogrammed cells derived from
adult cells, such as skin cells. They have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including
neural cells. Researchers are investigating the potential of iPSCs to generate myelin-producing
cells and replace damaged myelin in MS.
Mechanisms of Action:
The mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating MS are
Immunomodulation: Stem cells, especially MSCs, have the ability to suppress excessive immune
responses. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, leading to inflammation and
demyelination. Stem cells can help regulate immune responses, reducing inflammation and
preventing further damage.
Tissue Repair: Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, including
neural cells. This differentiation capability is leveraged to repair damaged nerve tissue and
promote remyelination in the CNS.
Neuroprotection: Stem cells can release neurotrophic factors that support the survival and
function of existing neurons. This neuroprotective effect can help preserve neuronal function and
prevent further degeneration.
Clinical Trials and Evidence: While stem cell therapy holds great promise, it's important to note
that more research and clinical trials are needed to establish its safety and efficacy in treating
MS. Some studies have reported positive outcomes, such as reduced relapse rates, improved
neurological function, and enhanced quality of life, especially in patients with aggressive forms
of MS. However, results can vary, and not all patients respond equally well to stem cell therapy.
Challenges and Considerations:
Safety: One challenge is ensuring the safety of stem cell therapies. Immunosuppression during
transplantation can lead to infections, and there is a risk of graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic
transplantations (using donor cells).
Patient Selection: Not all MS patients are suitable candidates for stem cell therapy. The decision
to pursue stem cell therapy should be carefully considered based on the patient's disease
subtype, severity, and overall health.
Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects and durability of stem cell-based treatments in MS are
still being studied. It's crucial to track patients' progress over an extended period to understand
the therapy's lasting benefits.
Mr. Jayesh Saini notes that, “Stem cell therapy holds significant potential in the treatment of
multiple sclerosis by addressing the immune dysregulation, promoting tissue repair, and
providing neuroprotection.”
Mr. Jayesh Saini advises that, “It is important to approach stem cell therapy with caution and
continue rigorous research in order to refine protocols, optimize patient selection, and better
understand the long-term outcomes. As the understanding of stem cell biology and MS
pathogenesis evolves, stem cell therapies could become a valuable addition to the arsenal of
treatments available for individuals living with this complex neurological disorder.
0 notes
cellquest0 · 1 year
Why Stem Cell Therapy Works: Unlocking the Healing Potential
In the realm of medical advancements, few breakthroughs have generated as much excitement and promise as stem cell therapy. Stem cells, often referred to as the body's "master cells," possess the remarkable ability to differentiate into various specialized cell types, offering a unique potential for repairing damaged tissues and treating a wide range of diseases. But what exactly makes stem cell therapy so effective? In this article, we delve into the science behind stem cell therapy and explore the reasons why it holds such immense potential in revolutionizing modern medicine.
Understanding Stem Cells: A Brief Overview
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that exist in various tissues and organs throughout the body. They serve as the foundation for the development and maintenance of all other cell types. Stem cells can be classified into two main categories: embryonic stem cells, derived from early-stage embryos, and adult stem cells, found in specific tissues, such as bone marrow, skin, and fat.
Stem cells have garnered attention primarily for their regenerative properties. When introduced into damaged or degenerated tissue, they can transform into the necessary cell types to facilitate repair and regeneration. This unique ability forms the basis of stem cell therapy and has prompted researchers to investigate its potential applications across numerous medical fields.
Regenerative Potential
The primary reason stem cell therapy works so effectively lies in its regenerative potential. When introduced into an injured area or a region affected by disease, stem cells can differentiate into the required cell types, ranging from muscle cells to nerve cells and even heart cells. This regenerative process jumpstarts the body's natural healing mechanisms, enhancing the repair of damaged tissues.
For instance, in the context of cardiovascular diseases, stem cell therapy has demonstrated the ability to regenerate heart tissue, leading to improved heart function and potentially reducing the need for invasive procedures. This regenerative potential extends to a variety of conditions, including neurodegenerative disorders, orthopedic injuries, and autoimmune diseases.
Immunomodulatory Effects
Stem cells possess another crucial feature that contributes to their therapeutic success: immunomodulation. These cells can regulate the immune response, dampening inflammation and promoting a conducive environment for tissue repair. This immunomodulatory effect is particularly valuable in conditions where inflammation plays a pivotal role, such as in cases of spinal cord injuries or autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis.
By modulating the immune system's responses, stem cell therapy not only aids in tissue repair but also minimizes the risk of excessive inflammation that can lead to further damage. This dual-action mechanism underscores the versatility of stem cell therapy in addressing various medical challenges.
Personalized Medicine
Advancements in stem cell research have paved the way for personalized medicine approaches. With the ability to derive patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), scientists can generate stem cells from an individual's own tissues. This eliminates the risk of immune rejection and opens the door to tailoring treatments to each patient's unique genetic makeup.
Personalized stem cell therapy holds immense potential for conditions like Parkinson's disease, where treatment response can vary significantly from person to person. By using a patient's own cells to generate therapeutic agents, the efficacy and safety of treatments are greatly enhanced.
Ongoing Research and Ethical Considerations
Despite the remarkable progress made in the field of stem cell therapy, challenges remain. Ethical concerns surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells and the potential for unchecked cell growth pose important questions that researchers and policymakers must address. Striking a balance between scientific progress and ethical considerations is crucial to ensure the responsible advancement of stem cell therapies.
For More Info :-
Why Stem Cell Therapy Works
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lyfebanana · 1 year
Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine?
In the realm of modern medicine, stem cells have emerged as one of the most revolutionary and promising developments in recent history. These remarkable cells possess the unique ability to transform into various specialized cell types, offering hope for treating a wide range of medical conditions and ailments. The concept of stem cells has ignited excitement and controversy alike, prompting extensive research, ethical debates, and groundbreaking discoveries.
Understanding Stem Cells At their core, stem cells are unspecialized cells that can differentiate into specialized cell types with distinct functions. They are classified into two main types: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos during the early stages of development, and they possess the ability to give rise to any cell type in the human body. In contrast, adult stem cells, also known as somatic or tissue-specific stem cells, are found in various organs and tissues throughout the body and play a crucial role in tissue repair and regeneration.
The Promise of Regenerative Medicine The potential of stem cells lies in their ability to repair and regenerate damaged or diseased tissues and organs, offering hope for patients with conditions that were once considered incurable. Regenerative medicine, an emerging field that harnesses the power of stem cells, seeks to restore function and structure to damaged tissues, replacing conventional treatments with natural healing processes.
1. Tissue Repair and Organ Transplants: Stem cell therapies hold great promise in treating conditions such as spinal cord injuries, heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. By injecting stem cells into the affected tissues, scientists aim to stimulate the body's natural repair mechanisms, aiding in tissue regeneration and potentially reducing the need for organ transplants.
2. Bone Marrow Transplants: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, commonly known as bone marrow transplantation, is a well-established therapy for various blood disorders, including leukemia and lymphoma. Hematopoietic stem cells from a donor's bone marrow are transplanted into the patient, allowing them to generate healthy blood cells and replace diseased ones.
3. Skin Regeneration: The use of stem cells for skin tissue engineering has shown promise in treating burns, chronic wounds, and various dermatological conditions. Cultured stem cells can be applied to damaged skin, promoting faster healing and reducing scarring.
Ethical Considerations While the potential of stem cells is undoubtedly exciting, ethical dilemmas surround the use of embryonic stem cells. The extraction of embryonic stem cells necessitates the destruction of the embryo, raising concerns about the sanctity of human life and the moral implications of such procedures. As a result, researchers and policymakers have sought alternative sources of stem cells, such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are generated by reprogramming adult cells to behave like embryonic stem cells.
Furthermore, the commercialization of stem cell therapies has led to an influx of unproven and potentially unsafe treatments offered by unscrupulous clinics. Regulatory bodies worldwide are working to develop guidelines and regulations to ensure that stem cell therapies meet rigorous safety and efficacy standards.
The Future of Stem Cells As research in stem cell biology continues to advance, the future of regenerative medicine appears increasingly promising. Scientists are exploring new techniques for directing stem cell differentiation, improving transplantation methods, and enhancing the understanding of stem cell behavior.
Additionally, the field of personalized medicine is likely to be revolutionized by stem cell research. By using a patient's own cells to create personalized therapies, the risk of immune rejection is minimized, leading to more effective and safer treatments.
Conclusion Stem cells have captured the imagination of scientists, medical professionals, and the general public alike, offering hope for a future where devastating diseases and injuries may become more manageable or even curable. While ethical considerations and regulatory challenges persist, the potential benefits of stem cell therapies cannot be ignored.
As we continue to unravel the mysteries of stem cells, collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and the public remains crucial in realizing the full potential of these incredible cells. Through responsible research, sound ethical practices, and prudent regulation, we can ensure that stem cells become a cornerstone of modern medicine, transforming lives and ushering in a new era of regenerative healing.
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albertalice920 · 2 years
Stem cell therapy in India
Stem cell therapy, alternatively known as regenerative medicine, has shown incredible potential in recent years when it comes to treating neurological conditions. It helps in repairing or restoring function of diseased, dysfunctional, and/or injured tissue by injecting stem cells (or their derivatives).
Stem cell therapy also modulates the body’s immune system and helps in reducing inflammation. Often touted as being the next chapter in organ transplantation, stem cell therapy uses cells instead of donor organs, making it that much more accessible.
Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Center is India’s first ISO-certified center for regenerative rehabilitation. With more than a decade of clinical experience, we are India’s foremost authority on stem cell research.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are progenitor cells that can transform and/or multiply into specialized cells.
Through a laboratory procedure known as differentiation, stem cells procured from one part of the body can become/grow into other kinds of cells. Stem cells work to repair the body and generate healthy cells that can replace the cells damaged by disease.
Types of stem cells
Stem cells possess the ability to transform into different kinds of human cells. Through suitable application, stem cells can be turned into neurons to replace the ones lost or damaged, thereby restoring neural function to a point where the patient recovers enough mobility and function to live a more independent life.
There are two main types of stem cells - embryonic and adult stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs), or pluripotent stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of an embryo in its early stages of development. These cells are usually grown in laboratory conditions.
Adult stem cells (ASCs) are undifferentiated cells procured from fully developed tissues like the brain, bone marrow, etc. These cells can differentiate into certain types of cells only. They also play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the tissue in which they are found. ASCs can be used for tissue repair and regenerative medicine.
ESCs are pluripotent cells, meaning they are unspecialized cells that do not have any specific characteristics like shape, or gene expression pattern. These cells can be differentiated into any cell type in the body.
ASCs on the other hand are multipotent cells. This means they have limited ability to differentiate into other types of cells.
There is a third type of stem cell known as Induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs). These cells have been genetically reprogrammed to exhibit the characteristics of embryonic stem cells. iPSCs are generated by introducing specific types of genes into adult cells. iPSCs can self-renew and also differentiate into any cell type in the body.
Since iPSCs are generated from the patient’s own cells, it significantly reduces the risk of immune rejection.
Mesenchymal adult stem cells
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult stem cells. They display anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, self-renewal, cell-division, signaling, and differentiation properties. They have the ability to divide and develop into many specialized cell types in specific organs and/or tissues. They can even become unique stem cell types and can create more stem cells when cultured in a laboratory. MSCs can replace cells that are diseased or damaged.
MSCs are sourced from different types of tissue, like adipose (fat) tissue, bone marrow, blood, dental pulp, umbilical cord tissue, liver, and skin.
Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation uses stem cells to treat motor neuron diseases, slowing the rate of degeneration caused by MND, Parkinson’s and other illnesses. This regenerative treatment is becoming more and more popular in the field of neurorehabilitation.
Types of stem cell therapy
Presently, there are two main types of stem cell therapy -
Autologous therapy : the patient is treated with cells procured from their own bone marrow, blood, or fat tissue
Allogeneic therapy : the patient is treated with cells from external donors
*At Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Centre, our patients have seen incredible results with our autologous stem cell therapy.
How long does it take for stem cell therapy to work?
In most cases, it is an out-patient procedure.
At Plexus, our stem cell procedure involves the following steps:
Step 1: Review the patient’s medical history
Step 2: Thorough physical examination of patient by a panel of stem cell consultants
Step 3: Patient’s eligibility for stem cell therapy is ascertained
Step 4: Stem cells are procured from the patient’s bone marrow; this procedure is performed under local anesthesia
Step 5: Collected stem cells are prepared sent to the laboratory for quality checks and isolated for further therapy
Step 6: Patient is discharged
Step 7: The isolated stem cells divide and form daughter cells which can either self-renew or turn into specialized cells like brain cells, bone cells,  or heart muscle cells
Step 8: Depending on the stage of the disease, level of symptoms, and any other needs of the patient, the specialists will set a date for the stem cells to be injected into the patient’s body, targeting specific areas
Step 9: Further course of treatment is determined
Side-effects and repercussions
Stem cell therapy at Plexus is safe and risk-free because the autologous stem cells are drawn from the patient’s blood, bone marrow, or adipose tissue. They are progenitor cells that have the potential to multiply and transform into specialized cells, taking on the functions of the damaged cells by replacing them.
Neuroprotection is one of the primary objectives of regenerative treatments like stem cell therapy. Injected stem cells can also provide immunomodulation, secrete growth factors, and also produce supporting cells that can protect damaged motor neurons from further damage and degeneration. Some of these supporting cells include astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
Apart from safe and risk-free, stem cell therapy at Plexus offers the following benefits:
Enhanced everyday functioning
Improved quality of life
Immune system modulation and reduction of inflammation
Prevention of further nerve damage
Speedy recovery post-procedure
Non-surgical procedure
Zero complications and side-effects
How are stem cells administered?
Stem cell therapy makes use of the self-renewal, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, signaling, and differentiating characteristics of stem cells to bring about positive change within the body.
Stem cells can be administered in the following ways:
Intrathecal (directly into the spinal canal)
Inject into problem areas like hips, hands, knees, etc.
Research indicates that different methods of administration have different effects. At Plexus, our team of stem cell specialists will help you understand the right course of treatment depending on the type and severity of your condition.
India’s first ISO-certified stem cell research center
Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Centre uses autologous stem cells taken from the patient’s own body. The procedure is conducted by Dr. Sadiq, India’s no. 1 stem cell specialist, and his team of highly-skilled and experienced stem cell specialists.
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What is stem cell therapy good for?
Stem cell therapy helps in repairing or restoring function of diseased, dysfunctional, and/or injured tissue by injecting stem cells (or their derivatives).
How successful is stem cell therapy?
The success of stem cell therapy is subjective. In the recent decades, stem cell therapy has proved to be extremely beneficial to patients suffering from motor neuron diseases, children with cerebral palsy, and other neurological disorders.
Stem cell therapy offers patients a new lease on life while empowering them to manage their symptoms.
Is stem cell therapy risky?
No. Stem cell therapy is safe and absolutely risk-free.
Is stem cell therapy painful?
The only times the patient may feel any kind of discomfort during the procedure is when the cells are being procured from their own body, and when the cultured stem cells are injected into the body. The discomfort is nothing more than a pin-prick!
How long does stem cell therapy last?
Research indicates that injected stem cells will continue to repair the target area for up to 1 year. But this can differ from case to case, depending on the type and severity of the disorder/disease.
Where do you inject stem cells?
Stem cells may be injected through IV, into the spinal canal, or directly into the problem area.
How quickly do stem cells work?
Patients can notice changes immediately or within 2 to 12 weeks after the procedure. The response varies from patient to patient.
How many injections do you need for stem cell therapy?
Typically, the patient will receive a series of three stem cell injections in a period of 2 to 5 days. The number of injections largely depends on the patient’s condition and the symptom severity.
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meditech-insights · 2 years
Global Stem Cell Therapy Market valued at ~$200 million in 2021 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 17% by 2026
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Derivation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) requires destruction of human embryos. One of the major factors that is anticipated to hamper the growth of the global stem cell therapy market is ethical concerns regarding embryonic stem cells. Another issue in the field of stem cell-based therapies is the rise in the number of clinics providing unproven stem cell-based treatments.
The Global Stem Cell Therapy Market valued at ~$200 million (2021) is set to witness healthy growth rate of 17% in the next 5 years. Favorable investment environment, increasing clinical trials for stem cell based-therapies, growing demand for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) as an alternative to embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the rising demand for cell & gene therapies are some of the key factors driving the Global Stem Cell Therapy Market.
The raw materials of the body are stem cells. They are unspecialized cells that have ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types. They are critical for the development, growth, maintenance and repair of bones, muscles, blood, brain, nerves, skin and other organs.
There are numerous sources of stem cells:
Embryonic Stem Cells: These stem cells come from embryos that are three to five days old. These are pluripotent stem cells and can be used to regenerate or repair diseased tissues and organs
Adult Stem Cells: These stem cells are found in most adult tissues (bone marrow or fat) in small numbers. As compared to embryonic stem cells, they have more limited ability to give rise to various cells of the body
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Using genetic reprogramming, adult cells are transformed by scientists into stem cells that act similar to embryonic stem cells
Perinatal Stem Cells: These stem cells are found in amniotic fluid & umbilical cord blood. They have the ability to change into specialized cells
Factors Igniting Interest in Stem Cells
To Develop Understanding of How Diseases Occur: By observing how stem cells mature into cells in nerves, bones, heart muscles and other organs and tissues, researchers and healthcare professionals may better understand how diseases and conditions develop
Help in Generating Healthy Cells to Replace Diseased Cells: Stem cells possess the potential to transform into specific cells that can be used to regenerate and repair diseased or damaged tissues
To Test Safety and Effectiveness of New Drugs: Prior to using investigational drugs on people, researchers can use stem cells to test drugs for quality & safety
Explore Premium Report on Stem Cell Therapy Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/stem-cell-therapy-market/
Transplantation of Blood Stem Cells Most Established Stem Cell Treatment
There are currently very few stem cell therapies that have been thoroughly proven to be both safe and effective treatment. The most well-known and frequently utilised stem cell treatment is the transplantation of blood stem cells to treat diseases and conditions of the blood and immune system, or to restore the blood system after treatments for specific cancers.
The following are additional alternatives for stem cell therapies:
For the treatment of knee cartilage defects in patients with Osteoarthritis (OA)
For the treatment of Crohn’s fistula
For regeneration of subcutaneous adipose tissue
For the treatment of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
For the treatment of acute graft versus host disease (aGVHD) in children and adults, among others
“Stem cells have a bright future for the therapeutic world by promising stem cell therapy. We hope to see new horizon of therapeutics in the form of bone marrow transplant, skin replacement, organ development, and replacement of lost tissue such as hairs, tooth, retina and cochlear cells.” - CEO, South Korea Based Stem Cell Therapy Provider
Future Outlook of Stem Cell Therapy Market
The medical innovation of the century may be stem cell therapy. It has emerged as a promising new approach in almost every medicine specialty. Despite the huge amount of research being done, patients still have access to only a few safe and effective treatments. This is mainly due to the fact that complex diseases that are now incurable require complicated treatments and a personalized approach.
However, there are several ongoing and finished clinical trials involving stem cells that are showing positive outcomes, thus the future of stem cell therapy looks promising.
The following indications for stem cell therapy have been studied in clinical studies and treatment attempts:
Macular Degeneration
Neurological Conditions
Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)
Cirrhosis of the Liver, among others
Stem cell therapies are progressively being seen as the transformative step in treating conditions with unmet needs. The market is anticipated to advance in the upcoming years as a result of this, as well as rising sector investment and a rise in the number of stem cell donors.
Competitive Landscape Analysis of Stem Cell Therapy Market
Some of the key players operating in the global stem cell therapy market are JCR Pharmaceuticals, MEDIPOST, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, PHARMICELL, Smith & Nephew, Anterogen, AlloSource, Holostem Terapie Avanzate S.r.l, Regrow Biosciences, CORESTEM, Stempeutics Research (India)., among others.
For More Detailed Insights, Contact Us @ https://meditechinsights.com/contact-us/
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Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.
Ruta Halde
Associate, Medi-Tech Insights
+32 498 86 80 79
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