#Skeeter Phelan x reader
harmonyverendez · 9 months
Dating Skeeter Phelan would include ( Gender Neutral Reader )
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• Growing up together, despite the racism in town. You and her we're the ' it ' couple.
• People always assume and expect you two to be together, but nothing happened, at least until years later.
• You were the talk of town, but despite all the attention you did not want anyone in small town.
• You have Hilly, Leefolt, and her other minions on you. But neither time did you back down.
• You were after all a tough heart.
• When Skeeter came to you about writing for colored people. You were shocked, write about people of color?.
• You instantly told her no, it wasn't the fact that you hated people of color or anything, you viewed them as people. It was the fact that she would either be in jail or get herself killed.
• But she beg you to let her write the story about people of color. She want them their story to be told.
• So you smiled, nodded your head and stood by her side.
• When she first started writing, you felt very uncomfortable ( regardless if you were poc or white person ) you felt she was out of place.
• But after explaining everything Skeeter knew you would be there for her.
• but as she began to ask around for help and answers, things went downhill. Abileen and Minny didn't like you much, but Abileen? She warmed up to you fast, the same could not be said with Minny.
• When Skeeter mother demanded her to go on a date, suddenly she had eyes you.
• but you approach her first, you simply asked her out. Regardless what anyone thought.
“ Skeeter would you like to go on a date with me?” You asked.
• Skeeter was lost with words, but she agreed. She been waiting for a long time to hear those words.
“ Y-yes, of course. Y/ N. I would love to ”.
• you waited a lifetime for those words. She stammered the words out, but you loved those words.
• fast forward to the date night, the date was fantastic. You two had a good time. Eating burgers, and drinking milkshakes, it was all fun until -.
• Hilly and her little group show up. They narrowed their eyes at the sight of you.
• But you didn't care, at all.
• You reached under the table to grab Skeeter's hand and gave it a squeeze.
• Hilly made a snark comment about you two, and you turned your head so hard you could have had a whiplash.
“ Excuse me? ” you snapped. Staring at her with wide eyes.
• her little minions looked at her lost with words, she was the ring leader. They would only listen to her.
• But Skeeter simply grab your hand and told you that it was pointless to do that.
• Afterwords you two went on home, you walked her home and told her good night.
• But stop at the last minute, you pulled her close and kissed her lips softly.
• Surprisingly she kissed you back.
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• The kiss only last for a few seconds. But to both of you, it felt eternity. And you both didn't want it to stop.
• But her mother was peaking from the doorway, so you had no choice but to pull away.
• Kissing her one last time, and a forehead kiss you went on your merry little way.
• After a few weeks, things got worse. After finally publishing the book, Hilly begin to cause problems for the people around.
• She stormed up to you one day and demanded to know why both you and Skeeter did what you two did.
• With a smile, you simply said.
“ I have no idea what the hell you are talking about crazy bitch. Now get your raggedy ass off my porch!” you snarled.
• She gasped and stormed off, not before saying how she would kill you or get her lawyer on you and Skeeter.
• You simply laughed. Her words did not scare you one bit.
• When Skeeter found out, she was all over you. Checking you for injuries and demanding to know details.
• You provided her with every details, no word left out.
• She simply walked over to you, and you embraced her. You could tell she was worried for you.
• But soothing words and a kiss made her calm.
• then it got worser.
• Aibleen got fired, Hilly and her little minions split up because a lot of drama was happening and you were powerless to stop it.
• After getting money for the books, Skeeter split the money up 12 ways and gave them to the maids who help.
• You smiled at your girlfriend's kindness.
• You met her parents just before you both were planning on leaving for New York.
• Her father was skeptical of you but warmed up, her mother? Was overjoyed and simply couldn't wait until you both give her grandchildren.
• That comment made Skeeted blush hard.
• You both got in the car and drove off, leaving behind the drama and ready to start a new life.
• All while Mississippi was still standing and drama was still unfold.
• But with Skeeter by your side, you both knew you could overcome everything.
The End
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