#Sk8 Maloley Imagine
annaaa-laurennn · 7 years
N.M| Forever With You
Masterlist (x) Requests (x) A/N: Feel free to send me request. I would love to hear from you! <3 
Nate had been so distant here recently, and I didn’t understand why. I would ask him time after time if everything was okay, but every single time I would get the same response. He would simply brush my question off with a soft smile and a whispered “yes.” Yet I knew Nate far too well, I was able to read him like a book, something was bothering him but he was choosing not to tell me. Though I knew better to pry, he would eventually come to me in his own time. 
“Are we still good for tonight?” I questioned for fear that tonight’s plans would fall to pieces at last minute. Nate had been so busy with his music, but I was hoping to steal him away for just this one night. 
“Yeah, baby. I’ll pick you up at 7:00,” Nate promised. I felt relieved to have his assurance and knowing that nothing had come up that would interfere. 
“I can’t wait. I’ll see you then,” I said, finishing up the conversation. It was only 1:00 in the afternoon, I knew that Nate was still busy with work and I hated to interrupt him. 
“See you then baby,” he quickly said before ending the phone call. It had been a long while since Nate and I were able to spend an entire evening together. To be completely honest, I couldn’t tell you the last time we did. It had likely been a good four months, if not even longer. Needless to say, tonight’s plans were much needed for the two of us. I hoped that Nate’s distance was simply a result of the lack of time spent together, I hoped that it could easily be fixed. 
I had the entire day off work, and I was so excited for our date. The day was passing by so slow. It seemed as if 7:00 would never arrive, each hour was dragging by slower and slower. It didn’t help that I had nothing to keep myself busy with, I was caught up with housework, laundry, and other errands. Finally the time came for me to begin getting ready for the evening’s events. I had never before been so eager to take a shower. 
I took my sweet time getting ready. I wanted to both look and feel my best. I pampered myself a bit, even pouring myself a glass of wine to sip on while painting my nails and applying my makeup. I curled my hair in a way that perfectly framed my face. I choose to wear a stunning black dress. It was as if the dress was made to perfectly fit me, it hugged all the right places. I slipped on a pair of heels and searched for a few pieces of jewelry that would truly complete the outfit. Timed perfectly, there was a knock on my door, I grabbed my handbag and headed downstairs to open the door. 
“Y/N...you are so beautiful,” Nate said in absolute awe. 
I blushed and felt my cheeks heat up. I had been dating Nate for two and half years, yet he still gave me butterflies every time. “You’re so sweet. Thank you.” I took a moment to admire his appearance. He cleaned up nicely. He was dressed in a nice, button up shirt and black pants. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and his muscles were nicely outlined. His hair was perfectly messy and he was freshly shaven. “And you look as handsome as ever.”
Nate reached for my hand and took it in his own, he led me outside to his vehicle. A tradition of ours was for date destinations to remain a surprise until we arrived, therefore, I had no idea where he was taking me. I only knew that we had dinner reservations for two at 7 o’clock. 
“I know I’ve said it a million times already, but I am so happy that you were able to get away for awhile tonight. It’s been forever since we were able to go on an actual date,” I said in an effort to start a conversation for the car ride. 
“I’m happy too, it really has been a long time since I’ve been able to treat my princess,” he said, looking over at me and winking at the very last part. I could melt at the sound of his voice. 
“So where are you taking me?” I asked, in hopes that he would give me the slightest hint. 
Nate softly laughed, “you know it’s a surprise.” He refused to tell me, “but we will be there in about ten minutes or so.” I was happy to know that we were close. 
“Nate...oh my gosh. You’re so sweet,” I gushed as soon as I realized where he was taking me. We arrived at a very special place, it was the same restaurant that we had our first “real” date at. It was sort of a tradition to only go there on special occasions. I began to wonder what else he had up his sleeve. 
“I will do anything for you. I’m happy to see a smile on your beautiful face.” Nate could really be such a gentleman at times. 
Dinner was amazing; we ordered some of our favorite foods, but most of all the two of us were able to share a conversation that went uninterrupted for nearly two hours. For once there wasn’t a phone ringing or an overwhelming tiredness taking over. It was sweet and something that I had greatly missed. 
After leaving the restaurant, neither of us were quite ready to end the night, therefore we choose to take a walk through the downtown streets. It was late but the streets and nearby attractions were still well populated, yet despite the amount of people around us, it seemed as if it were only the two of us. 
“There’s something else that I wanted to ask you,” Nate smile. We had just finished discussing how we wanted to spend next weekend together and how we both really wanted a puppy. I wondered what his next question might be. 
In the middle of the side walk, in front of a local bookstore of all places, Nate got down on one knee. What was he doing? Was he being funny? Did he drop something? Did his shoe come untied? I couldn’t control my thoughts before I started speaking out loud, “what are you do-...”
“Please,” he laughed, “I have a whole speech planned out.” He hadn’t even said a single word and I already felt tears surfacing. Was he really about to propose? 
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, two years and seven months ago I saw you for the very first time. You were breathtaking. I got to know you and you were and still are absolutely everything that I never even knew I needed. Y/N, I’ve fallen so in love with you and the fact that these words are even coming from mouth is crazy. You’ve brought out a different side in me.” Nate cleared his thought once more, his voice lowered just a bit and the tough guy was a brink away from shedding a tear. “I want to spend forever with you and only you. Y/N, will you marry me?” He reached into his left pocket and pulled out a little black box. Inside was a beautiful, diamond ring. 
Tears were streaming down my face. I was so ecstatic. Nate’s words were so special and the fact that they came straight from him. He had grown so much in the past two and half years. Without even having to think about my response, a huge smile spread across my lips, “Yes, oh my gosh Nate, yes.” He slipped the beautiful ring onto my left ring finger. 
A few hours had passed since the proposal, yet I was still in shock. It was so weird to look down at my hand and see such a gorgeous ring. Nate had asked me to spend the night at his place, so I was currently changing into one of his t-shirts and removing the evening’s makeup. I crawled into Nate’s bed and nuzzled up next to him. 
“I know I’ve been really distant the last few months, but that is only because I didn't want you to find out about the ring or anything,” Nate said with a light chuckle. It made sense and I was relieved to know that there wasn’t anything serious going on his life.
“Well you did a great job of hiding it. I seriously thought you were gonna breakup with me or something,” I casually rolled my eyes. “But I’m glad you didn’t.” I winked and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. 
“Wouldn’t even dream of it.”
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saucy-luh · 7 years
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Darling, you’re one of a kind
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Okay wow it's been over a year since I've posted. But hi again! I hope everyone is still enjoying my posts, even tho I've been MIA. And if you're new here, welcome to my mostly old magcon members page. If anyone has requests for imagines (slight smut is aloud) or anything please let me know! 💖
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dxlangrixrdxllxs · 7 years
When you're literally too high to keep up 😭😂😂😂
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davidobitch · 7 years
Pillow Talk - Jack Johnson (Part 2)
(Part 1)
It’s been two weeks since your call with Jack. He’s been back in California for a week and to be honest, you’ve been doing all you can to avoid having to talk to him again. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to hear something that will hurt you, it was because you knew that if you and Jack got together it would be all about the fans still. You loved him. You loved his fans. You loved his love for his fans but you didn’t love the fact that sometimes he loved them more than you. You were knocked out of your thoughts when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Jack. You hesitated to answer but then came to the conclusion that you left him hanging long enough.
"Hello?" You said almost as a whisper.
You heard Jack tell someone to hold on before answering you, "(Y/n), hey. Be ready in 5 minutes, I made plans," was all he said before hanging up.
Your body went cold. You haven’t seen Jack in almost 4 months and 5 minutes was not enough time to get ready. You rushed around your room throwing on the first outfit you thought would look good and applied as much makeup as you could. Just as it hit 5 minutes, you phone buzzed with a text.
From: Jack - Outside
You hurriedly put your shoes on and grabbed your keys and purse. Your heart started to beat faster with every step you took, knowing in just minutes you’ll see Jack again.
The chilly, fall air hit your face as you stepped outside. Instantly, you saw the boy you’ll always love leaning against his car with a single flower in hand.
A smile instantly appeared on your face as he looked up and his eyes met yours. You wanted to cry happy and sad tears but now was not the time. 
“I’m so sorry,” you mumbled as Jack pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly. You faintly heard Jack say ‘it’s okay’.
You stayed in his arms for what felt like forever until he pulled back, handing you the flower, “I know how much you hate flower bouquets, so I got you just 1.” Your smile grew wider but quickly fell when you realize what was coming next. “So now that you finally can avoid me,” Jack joked, “Can we talk about what happened?”
You took a deep breath and nodded your head. You gestured for him to follow you to the bench in your yard. “I meant what I said. Everything. I’m such an idiot for making you choose between 2 things you loved-”
“Love,” Jack interrupted.
“Two things I love,” He said, “I meant what I said too. I still love you (y/n). I know I put my music before us and god that was such a shit thing to do, so I get it. I get why you left and fuck, that hurt watching you walk away,” Jack turned so he was facing you and grabbed your hands, “Look, I can’t choose between you and my fans. You know that. But I promise with everything I have, to never ever put all of that before us. You have been there for me since before day 1 and I know you’ll be there until Jack and Jack and the music ends.”
Jack wiped away the tear that you hadn’t realized fallen. You didn’t think twice before going in for a kiss. A kiss both of you had needed and been waiting for since your last one months ago.
“I love you so fucking much, Jack Johnson and I swear you’ll be the death of me,” You said before kissing him again
(A/N: Wow! It’s been a solid year since part 1. Take about inactive. Yikes. SO in case yall haven't seen or even follow me, I am thinking about what to do with this blog. Jack and Jack still have my heart but I’m not as big of a fan as I once was. With that being said, I’m thinking about turning this into a multifandom blog w youtubers. I will still write imagines for the Omaha boys, of course, but from here on, this is just going to be a random ass blog w all the people I stan.
My ask box is always open and I will gladly write about any boy of your choice. [If you have something specific in mind, please feel free to suggest it:)]
So that’s that. If you’re curious as to who will be appearing on here, here’s a list:
“The Vlog Squad” - David Dobrik, Scotty Sire, Zane and Heath, etc.
“The @ Pack” - Elija and Christina, Tana whatever her last name is
“TFIL” - Sam and Colby, Elton Caste, Corey Scherer
as well as a bunch of other youtubers and of course my lovely O2L boys + K&J’s roomies
Love you all x Maria)
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lordwillinluh · 7 years
he is truly the prettiest human being.
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maloleysweekender22 · 7 years
How do you lovelies feel about visual smut? Just want some feedback before posting a lengthy smut imagine.
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Wedding Series: The Honneymoon
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A/N: Wow it’s finally here the last part! Sorry it took so long I’ve been hella busy and low-key putting this off. Only reason for that is because I’m not as into Sk8 as I use to be, which means this will be the last thing I write about for him (on this blog anyway). Thank you all for reading this entire series! Anyway enjoy the gif. I wanted it to match the theme of this chapter. Sorry for the long note so let’s get to it!
Warning: Contains Sexual Content. View At Your Own Risk!!!
     The feeling of turbulence was what made you wake up. You had jolted in your spot making Nate flinch in surprise. “Whoa you good?” Nate questioned, his hand landing on your upper arm and squeezing it for a second. You looked around confusedly with squinted eyes and nodded. Nate shifted in his spot to allow you to lay on him some more. “We’re gonna land soon,” he whispered, trying not to wake the other passengers. 
“Nine hours feels so long in the air,” you muttered, trying to get comfortable. Nate smiled at your words. The two of you had slept for most of the flight. At some point Nate had woken up and started to write a bit of music as you slept. The two of you had been married for two days exactly. Nate would have liked to have gone on the honeymoon directly after the reception, but he knew you all to well to know that you would need at least a day to pack. Any other time you were on top of stuff, but when it came to vacations you always took long to pack. “Can you open the window?” you timidly asked. Nate slid the cover barrier up so that you were able to see where the two of you where. The sun had started to set, but you could make out the crystal blue water down below. There was something else but you weren’t quite sure what it was. 
“The pilot said it was Mt. Otemanu,” Nate pointed out. The two of you could barely see the mountain just an outline. Your body leaned over Nate’s just a bit more so you could get a clear view. “The place we’re staying is not too far from there,” he said. You relaxed back into your chair and smiled at Nate in enthusiasm. Your hand reached over to grab his and you squeezed it. 
“Tell me more about the resort,” you begged. All Nate had told you was the location and that you’ll be staying in the Four Seasons Resort. Nate’s face contorted in thought and you tugged at his arm like a child trying to get their mother’s attention. “Come on,” you whined, giving him a pout. 
“Okay the only thing I can tell you is that we’re staying in a over water bungalow,” he told you. The tiny hint made your skin tingle and you started to imagine what it would feel like to finally be on the island away from everything and just disconnecting. Of course the two of you weren’t far from doing that. In about ten minutes the plane was going to land and the two of you would be in paradise.
Nate’s hand squeezed yours in comfort as he stuck the key into the door. You were buzzing with excitement and squeezed his hand back. Nate unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open. The two of you had been silent throughout this whole process. Nate gesturing for you to enter first and take a look around. You might have been a bit too giddy and skipped inside ahead of Nate. He couldn’t help but to smile and tipped the person that had escorted you to your bungalow. Nate grabbed your luggage and brought it inside. It was a bit cooler at night, even more so since the two of you were staying above the water. Somehow you had found yourself back outside. Except this time it was opposite of the entrance to the bungalow. You were out on the balcony and was staring out at the water. You could clearly see what was ahead of you. The bungalows that had occupants in them were lit, allowing light to spill out onto the water. There was some stairs leading towards the water. Your own way to get into it and back into the suite without going around. Nate had made his way into the bedroom. He placed your luggage to the side and kicked off his shoes. He let out a sigh of comfort and then went to go look for you. 
Somehow without Nate’s knowledge you had gotten into the plunge pool. This was where he had found you after about fifteen minutes. “This place is amazing,” you gushed towards Nate. He was leaning up against the door frame, watching you with the smile.
“You should see the bedroom,” he smirked, “Did you get in there with your clothes on?” Nate’s eyebrows furrowed when he realized you were literally swimming in the water. You shook your head and a sly smile made its way onto your lips.
“I decided to skinny dip. Care to join me?” you asked, beckoning him over. Nate laughed at your words and cleared his throat. You wiggled your eyebrows at him. “Don’t tell me you’re getting shy,” you said in a teasing manner. Nate licked his lips and a tiny whine left them. In just a matter of seconds he was stripping from his clothes. You cheered in delight, but quickly covered your mouth when you realized some people might be sleeping. 
“Oh shit this is cold!” Nate yelped, eyes closing as he tried not to focus on the temperature of the pool. He was letting out deep breaths for each step he took inside. Finally his whole body was submerged under the water. You swam towards him and Nate reached out to grab you by the waist and pull you towards his body. “How are you feeling Mrs. Maloley?” he questioned with a smirk. You smiled at his words and your eyes sparkled in delight. 
“I feel great, calm really,” you replied. Nate nodded at your words and he leaned down to give you a small kiss. You turned in his embrace, back pressed against his chest as you looked out at the view. Bora Bora was absolutely beautiful at night and you couldn’t help but to admire it. The both of you resting in this position for some time. You soon felt Nate’s hands slowly slide down your body. His fingers tickling your skin as he pinched at your hip and then his hands landed on your ass and Nate lightly squeezed at it. You laughed at the action and quickly pulled away from him. “Oh come on!” he softly whined, only to receive a face full of water as you splashed him.
“What?” you innocently asked, knowing exactly where he was going when he touched you. Nate’s eyes narrowed and he gave you a sly smile. You began to swim away from him already knowing what was on his mind. Soon the two of you were getting into a splash war and your laughter echoed out into the air. Finally Nate had caught you and you were once again back in his arms. “I know your games,” you said, wiggling about in his arms. You gave up after a while and wrapped your legs around his waist. Nate’s length pressed against your thigh. You rested your head on his shoulder and allowed him to swim towards the edge of the pool until your back was pressed against the cool glass. Nate’s nose nuzzled into your neck and water droplets fell from his eyelashes and onto your shoulder. He kissed at your shoulder then your neck. 
“Can I kiss you?” Nate whispered in your ear. He felt your body move against his and though he couldn’t hear it Nate knew you were laughing at his question. Usually if he wanted to kiss you he’d just do it, but for some reason Nate was feeling a bit shy right now. You pulled away to look at him. Your hand reaching up to brush away the hair that was draped over his eyes. 
“Of course you can kiss me,” you smiled, hands still running through his hair. Nate exhaled deeply and he leaned down to capture your lips with his in a sweet, but passionate kiss. You kissed him back with the same intensity and it lasted for a good three minutes before the two of you pulled away. You caught your breath feeling the heat rise between the two of you. You head tilted to the side as you felt his lips trail across your skin. You let out a tiny gasp as he nibbled at your sweet spot. You thanked your lucky stars Nate was holding you up at the moment. Nate pushed his crotch into yours and a soft moan left your lips. His lips were back on yours, but more feverish this time. Your tongue slipping between his lips and tasting his tongue. Nate’s teeth sunk into your bottom lip and he pulled and released it in a teasing manner. The kiss continued and you fingers dug into his shoulder creating half moons. 
     The sun beaming down through the window felt warm against your skin making a smile embrace your face. You had momentarily forgotten where you were. The soft sheets on your bare skin feeling unfamiliar as you tossed over to the side. Your eyes shot open and glanced at your surroundings for a bit before realizing where you were, body relaxing back into the covers. You were still naked from the previous night; though yours and Nate’s actions didn’t go further than making out and feeling each other up. You both were too jet lagged to have sex, so you opted for cuddling naked. Speaking of Nate, you had realized he wasn’t in bed next to you. You sat up and stretched while letting out a yawn. You could hear Nate talking to someone from outside the room and soon the sound of a door closing. You slid out of bed and grabbed a long t-shirt from out your luggage. Once you were partially dressed you went in search of your husband. Nate was out on the patio of the bungalow hovering over a table and moving around plates of food. You quietly stepped out and instantly felt the heat of the sun. You couldn’t help but to grin at the sight in front of you. Nate looked relaxed almost like he needed this vacation. “Are you going to stand there and stare at me or are you gonna come eat?” Nate said. His eyes were still locked on what he was doing, so the fact that he knew you were there was a bit shocking.
“How do you know I’m staring at you? I could be looking at the view,” you told him, arms now crossing over your chest and giving Nate an ‘explain that’ look. 
“I am the view, Sunshine,” he teased, waving you over. You laughed at his words and walked closer to him. “I asked them to bring breakfast technically it’s lunch because someone decided to sleep until one,” Nate playfully scolded. Your eyes widened at his words and your mouth gaped in surprise.
“It’s one in the afternoon?” you questioned, earning a nod from him. Nate pulled out the chair for you to sit down. “I’m sorry. I hope you weren’t awake without me for too long,” you commented. Your mouth watered at the sight of french toast being placed in front of you. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were until now. With all the excitement of getting to the resort, you and Nate failed to grab dinner. 
“Just for an hour. I was pretty jet lagged too,” Nate said, grabbing two sausages from a pile and placing it on his plate. “I called my mom to let her know we had landed safely, but other than that my phone is off and we’re entirely disconnected from the world.” You smiled at his words a feeling of comfort slipping down your spine. The two of you had agreed to not use your phones or social media while on the honeymoon. Opting to bring along a regular camera and a Polaroid one to document the trip. You let out a sigh of content and ate your breakfast while staring out at the gorgeous view. 
“So what do you have planned for today?” you asked a while later, popping a grape into your mouth and munching on it. Nate rose an eyebrow at you over his cup of coffee and he sipped at it slowly.
“Uh nothing,” he said, “We’re on vacation baby there doesn’t need to have a plan. We should just cruise carpe diem.” You let out a tiny groan at his words. Even when you two went on a normal vacation you both always had a plan. Nate could sense your hesitation and he reached out to grab your hand. “Right now the world is our oyster, so look around and tell me. What do you want to do first?” he asked.
“Well first off it’s ‘the world is your oyster.’ Second what’s with the famous clichés?” you laughed, tugging at his hand. Nate gave you one of his signature smiles and you rolled your eyes. 
“Come on just look. What do you want to do?” he seriously asked. You hummed, lips pursing as you looked out at the water. There was already guests out and about. You could even see some standing up on some boards and paddling around. You glanced at Nate and then smiled.
“How about paddle boarding,” you suggested. It was something you had always wanted to try and since Nate was saying the two could do anything you wanted then why not that. 
“Paddle boarding it is,” he agreed.
     “Oh shit!” Nate yelled, beginning to wobble on his board. He tried hard to steady himself but instead failed and the sound of his body hitting the water echoed around the area. Your hand covered over your mouth to stop your laugh. The sound of your giggles only coming through seconds later the minute Nate resurfaced. “You think that’s funny huh?” Nate said, narrowing his eyes at you. You shook your head and stifled your laugh. Nate dipped under the water and swam closer to your board. 
“NATE NO!” you shouted, already knowing what he was going to do. Before you could even stop him, Nate had tipped your board over and you fell into the water. The splash ringing loud in his ears. “You suck,” you pouted, sucking in a deep breath of fresh air. 
“You shouldn’t have laughed at me,” Nate smiled, splashing you with water. You began to tread the water then leaned back until you were back floating. 
“Have to admit that it was funny,” you said, slowly moving closer to Nate. He climbed up on the paddle board he had pushed you off of and closely watched you. The two of you had been out in the water for two hours now. Swimming with the fishes and just enjoying the sun. Finally after managing to ride the paddle boards without help the two of you were just playing around. Nate couldn’t help but to admire you. His eyes scanning over your body with love and lust. He didn’t forget the night before-or more so the early morning. You could practically feel his stare and stopped the back float to look at him. “What?” you questioned, almost feeling as if he was staring at a really bad tan you had just gotten.
“Nothing. You’re just so beautiful,” Nate replied. You felt your skin heat up at his words and swam until your were next to him. 
“This place is breathtaking,” you said, resting your arms on the board, closing your eyes, and raising your head up to soak in the sun. Nate nodded in agreement and reached out to poke at your cheek. “Mhm?” you hummed in response, still in the same position. Nate’s eyes landed on your collarbone and he began to chew on his bottom lip. When he didn’t respond you broke from your tiny trance and looked at him. 
“We should head back to the room. . .take a shower, get ready for dinner,” he said nonchalantly. Nate had expressed the words “take a shower” and from the look he was giving you, you knew what he meant. “Only if you want to,” he quickly added on. 
“How about a bubble bath instead?” you suggested, “We can light some candles, pop open a bottle of champagne.” Your words trailed off as your fingers ran across one of his tattoos. Nate felt goosebumps rise up on his skin at your touch. He was already hard and you could tell from how constraint his swim trunks had become. The two of you grabbed the oars and made your way back to shore to return the paddle boards. You couldn’t have been quick enough in trying to get back to your bungalow suite. The minute the two of you got inside, Nate ordered some champagne and chocolate covered fruit while you ran the bath. You began to light the candles that was provided in the room and turned off the bathroom light.
You began to get undressed and hung your wet swimsuit on the balcony to dry. The water was just the right temperature and you felt a tingle run down your spine as you stepped into it. “Okay I also got fruit covered in cho-” Nate entered the bathroom and stopped in tack when he saw you in the water. “Chocolate,” he said, “Couldn’t wait for me?” You shook your head at his words, hands reaching around you to play with the bubbles. He shook his head in amusement and then pulled the cart that held the champagne, two glasses, and the fruit he was just talking about. Nate popped open the bottle and poured the liquid into the two glasses. He handed one over to you and then proceeded to get undressed. Luckily the tub was big enough for the both of you. Nate’s long body sliding into the hot water. It was a huge contrast to the cool water from outside. 
“This is nice,” you commented, resting your head back and just relaxing. You decided to move over until your back was pressed against Nate’s chest and you could feel him slightly tense. There was always some affect you had on him when you two were naked and in a confined space. It drove Nate insane and once again his length grew hard. “You okay?” you muttered, reaching out to brush some strands of hair from out his eyes. 
“Great actually. I married the love of my life and now we’re in this beautiful place,” he said, kissing at your hairline. You grabbed a chocolate covered cherry from off the tray and fed it to him. The air became tense and you knew it was from the sexual tension you both were harboring. Neither of you had been able to touch one another in the way you wanted since the wedding. Your first night as a married couple was spent celebrating, so you were too exhausted to do anything. The next day you both had to catch a plane. Long story short you both were in desperate need for a release. Things seemed to escalate quickly. The both of you feeding each other fruit and getting buzzed just enough was what egged you on. The sensual atmosphere was all you needed. At some point the two of you started to make out. 
Your breaths were in sync and you turned in your spot until you were straddling him. The sounds of your kissing echoed around the room. Teeth clashing together and tongues massaging the other. You moaned into Nate’s mouth when he bucked his crotch into yours. The kiss broke and you trailed your lips across his jawline. Sucking tiny love bites into his skin. Nate’s hands slowly slid over your skin and his hands landed on your ass. He squeezed at your ass cheeks and spread them apart. Retracting his hand back, Nate gave your ass a slap eliciting a breathy moan from you in return. “You like that?” Nate questioned, earning a vigorous nod from you. He did it again and you moaned even more, your head going down to rest on his shoulder. You softly nibbled at the skin between his earlobe. Tongue gliding over the purple bruise that was beginning to form. With one hand you reached down and grabbed his length. “Fuck,” Nate hissed, hands pausing their action as you began to softly squeeze up and down his length. Nate licked his lips, breath becoming shallow as he tried to focus on pleasuring you too. 
His hand slipped between your legs and his thumb pressed near your clit. The sensation made you shiver and you began to stroke Nate’s length as he kept playing with your bundle of nerves. You continued to add to the display of love bites on his skin and both your moans littered the air. Your thumb swiped over the head of his length and Nate’s hips jerked up in instinct. He was in bliss, but knew the feeling would be much more intense once he was inside of you. Nate slid a finger into your heat. The feeling of it being a dull pain since water never served well in lubrication. It almost felt good, your legs going slack as he added in another finger and continued to rub your clit. Nate began to thrust his fingers making you whine in both pain and pleasure. Finally your lips landed back on his in a feverish kiss. Your hips moving against his fingers in need of wanting more. “Bedroom,” you said against his lips already knowing your stroking wasn’t doing much for him and neither was his fingering doing much for you. Nate pulled his fingers out of you and you whimpered at the loss. With legs feeling like jelly you stood up as best as you could. Nate was the first to step out the tub and he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Grabbing another towel, Nate draped it over your shoulders before bending down and scooping you up into his arms. You yelped in surprise, but still allowed Nate to carry you back into the bedroom.
“I’ve been waiting to do this,” Nate said, carefully tossing you on the bed. You were still wet and droplets of water flew everywhere as you body landed on the soft mattress. “Waiting to feel your warmth-” he grabbed at your ankle and slowly pulled you towards the end of the bed. “Waiting to taste you-” Nate spread your legs apart and you instantly felt a different type of wetness. Your chest rose rapidly as his fingers trailed down your leg and teased at your inner thighs. “Waiting to make lo-”
“Oh just fuck me already,” you moaned out, cutting off his words. As much as you wanted Nate to make love to you, you wanted him to fuck you the most. It had been so long since the two of you had just gotten down and dirty. You couldn’t even remember the last time the two of you had sex. With the wedding planning and Nate spending his time at the studio it had gotten hard for you both to spend some quality time with one another. 
“No making love? None at all?” Nate questioned with a chuckle. You knew he was stalling at the moment. Thumb slowly rubbing over your clit in a tantalizing way. After getting you all riled up Nate loved to tease you until you were begging for him.
“We can make love later please Nate just fu-” a moan left your lips and your hand flew down to grip at the sheets. Nate had skipped the teasing and went in for the kill. His tongue taking a long swipe up your slit and the tip of it playing with your bundle of nerves. Before you could even close your legs Nate had pushed them down. He sent three kitty licks between your folds and nipped at your clit. You had to be soaked by now, hips raising in a request for him to do more. Nate plunged his tongue inside of you, moving it about while his thumb rubbed over your clit. He moaned against your heat the vibrations of it making your clit throb. The sounds of your moans had his length pulsating. Once again his fingers were inside of you and Nate spread the two fingers apart as he scissored you. You let out a huff, toes curling as you begged him for more. “S-Shit p-please Nate,” you whined, desperately needing him inside of you. You had missed his length. Having it fill you to the brim and hitting all the right spots. 
“Say it. You know the magic word,” Nate growled, lust filled eyes glancing up to gauge your reactions. You whimpered at his words and Nate added in a third finger. The burning sensation of it felt good and you began to clench around his fingers. You were far from close and Nate knew it. “All you have to do is say it,” he teased, reaching one hand up to grab and play with your breasts. Your eyes slowly opened and he could tell they had grown a shade darker. “You know what I want to hear,” Nate taunted, pinching at your nipple until it became a hardened nub. You shook your head and as a result Nate completely pulled away. “Naughty girls get punished,” he told you. You clamped your mouth shut, but reluctantly turned over when he tapped your thigh in a small demand for you to turn over. You felt his large hands cusp your ass and he rubbed over the cheeks slowly. You knew what he was about to do, your clit already throbbing at the sensation of feeling your ass cheeks on fire. “Last chance,” Nate said, “Are you going to say it?” You shook your head once more.
“No,” you said through gritted teeth. Nate retracted his hand back and sent a harsh slap to your ass. You let out a gasp and he gave you another slap to the same cheek.
“Count,” Nate demanded. Sending two more slaps to the other cheek.
“F-Four,” you stuttered out, letting out a moan and burying your face into the pillow. “Five, six, seven,” you hummed, body tensing as the pain increased. Your juices coated your inner thighs and Nate smirked at the sight. He added five more slaps and you counted just like he had demanded. You felt the bed raise as Nate climbed off of it. 
“I brought a little something,” he said, you stayed in your position knowing good and well that if you moved Nate would spank you even more. 
“What is it?” you breathlessly asked. Rocking your hips up and down. Nate’s hands were finally back on you and you sighed in relief as he spread your ass cheeks apart and licked at your folds. 
“So fucking wet,” he hummed, thumb pressing hard at your clit and rubbing. “I bought lube. It’ll make everything feel so good and slick,” he said. You could hear the cap of the bottle open and soon felt the coolness of the liquid being poured over your ass. You moaned as the cold liquid calmed your burning skin and Nate continued to rub your clit. You couldn’t take it anymore and knew Nate wanted to be inside of you just as much as you wanted him there.
“Please fuck me. . . Master,” you finally said. The last word leaving your mouth slowly and washing over Nate. He smirked at the word and you could tell Nate might have came right there if you had said it again. It was a name he had chosen for himself, being the Dom of your relationship of course. 
“See was that so hard,” Nate whispered, sending feather-like kisses down your spine. You could feel the head of this length press at your entrance, but before entering you Nate made sure to rub his tip between your folds a few times. Slowly he pushed in and your body shook at the new sensation. Doggy style had always been your favorite position. The angle allowed Nate to hit all the right spots and you could sometimes take control if he was feeling up to it. Your hands reached out to grip at the sheets as Nate continued to enter you. He added more lube and you soon figured out what he meant about everything feeling smoother. Nate pushed all the way in and the two of you simultaneously moaned. There was always something about having sex in a new place that made everything feel intense. Maybe it was the atmosphere or the tension. Whatever it was you loved it. “I swear I’ll never get tired of this,” Nate said, letting out a throaty laugh. 
You had become impatient and pushed your ass back against him. Nate moaned at the movement and you began to rock against his length, riding him in a different way. You felt him leave you for a second and then you slid back down until he was inside of you once again. After about the third time, Nate took control and gripped at your hips. Your moans bounced off the wood of the bungalow as Nate pounded into you. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours was like a sweet melody. You met his thrusts as best as you could, body shaking in pleasure and thighs tensing. “Fuck yes right there,” you squealed, one hand reaching back to grip at his wrist. Nate gave a particularly sharp thrust and you let out a tiny scream. His length was long and had just the right girth to have you withering beneath him. Broken words left your lips as Nate repeated the action. Your hand moved from his wrist and dipped between your legs so that you could rub at your clit. You were nearly seeing stars and enjoyed the immense pleasure. The two of you weren’t going to leave that bed until you were ready. It felt so good to feel each other again. Celebrating your marriage in the best way possible.
     “Ooooh give me a turn baby,” Nate cheered, reaching his hand out and twirling you around. You giggled at his words and did a pose for him. “You look gorgeous,” he said.
“You look amazing too,” you smiled, straightening his bow tie and pecking his lips in a sweet kiss. Your eyes landed on the purple bruises scattering across his neck and you cleared your throat. “Maybe you should let your hair down to cover the uh,” you said, poking at one of the love bites.
“I’m good. I want everyone to know who I belong to,” he winked, “Let’s go before we’re late.” The two of you had reservations for a dinner and entertainment down at the hotel restaurant. You and Nate could have spent all day in bed if you wanted to, but Nate had brought up the fact that he made reservations and that you should start getting ready for it. Since neither of you washed up during your bath, it also met you had to shower once again. You glanced at yourself in the mirror before grabbing Nate’s hand and leaving the suite. You were starving to say the least. The first time you ate was earlier that day and it had already gotten dark. Warmth glossed over your skin as you both walked to the restaurant and Nate pulled you into his side. His arm wrapped around your waist, hand resting at your hip as you made your way there.
Nate could see your eyes light up in excitement as the dancers walked out. Your plate of food being forgotten as they began to dance with the fire. “Oh my god, Nate look!” you exclaimed, your hand hitting at his thigh. All the guests were in awe as they watched the dance take place. Nate’s attention was split between watching you and the dancers. He loved to see your smile and how the sides of your eyes crinkled when you became excited at seeing something new. 
“Maybe you should learn how to do that,” Nate joked, nodding his chin in the directions of the dancers. You laughed at his words and shook your head. 
“I’d end up hurting myself, but I should film this!” you said, your thoughts jumping all over the place. You dug into your bag and pulled out the camera. Nate laughed and shook his head in amusement. This had to be the best vacation the two of you had ever been on and he was glad to be sharing it with his now wife. 
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I apologize for the amount of sarcasm
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annaaa-laurennn · 7 years
S.W | It Was a Good Idea...Yesterday
Masterlist (x) Send Requests (x) Note: I would love to hear from you guys. Feel free so send me a request. <3
 Imagine waking up with the worst headache possible. You feel unusually chilly, therefore you notice that you’re wearing absolutely nothing; a white bed sheet is all that is keeping you from being completely exposed to the world. Then to your left lied your best friend, who was also naked. A bit awkward, right? Well that is exactly how I woke up. 
Oh god, what on earth have I done?, I silently questioned myself. What was I thinking? Sam and I were such good friends. We had fun together, it was so easy going and simple. But sex was surely going to complicate it. 
My next thought was what next? I pondered what my next step should be. Do I wake him? Should I just leave? Maybe I should stay until he wakes up? I could always just leave a note or call him later. Before I could even make up my mind, Sam began to stir awake. 
“Good morning…” Sam said, he sounded a little shocked that I was currently right next to him in his bed. 
“Good morning,” I replied, making my best effort to not sound weird or awkward. 
“Did we…?” He questioned, obviously referring to last night’s events. What gave it away? Possibly the lack of clothing or the fresh hangover from all the drinking. 
“Yeah…” I breathed out. How drunk did I have to be? Sure, Sammy was attractive and charming and everything else but he was simply a friend. Neither of us intended to ever bring things past that level. I know that I sure didn’t. “Well I should probably go.” I begun to search for my clothing. It was strewn across the room. 
“You don’t want to stay? I could fix us some breakfast,” Sam suggested as he pulled on a pair of underwear and basketball shorts. 
“I don’t know, I mean is that really a good idea,” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Sam didn’t seemed bothered by the fact that we slept together. In fact, he seemed to acting quite normal. Which in return, sort of bothered me. 
“Why wouldn’t it be? Come’n just stay for breakfast, I’ll make your favorite French toast,” he said with a persuading grin. He knew me well, food was always my weakness. 
“Okay, fine. But I don’t really think last night’s cocktail dress is appropriate attire for breakfast this morning, so throw me a t-shirt of yours, please,” I said with a smile. Just as I asked, he threw me a gray colored shirt and I tossed it over my head and onto my body. It was very oversized on my body and fell about mid-thigh. 
I followed Sam out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. I began to assist in collecting all of the essential ingredients for making homemade french toast. As I bent over to reach the milk, I felt Sammy’s eyes watch me intently. I didn’t say anything. 
“Will you hand me that,” I asked, pointing to the wooden spoon that was in front on Sam. He nodded his head and handed me the utensil. I stirred the mixture and once again I felt his eyes on me. I began to feel a little insecure of myself. After all, he had seen me in a such vulnerable state. What could be going through his mind? 
“Is there something wrong,” I questioned with a light chuckle. He knew that I was referring to his intent stares. 
Sam bit his lip and shook his head. “No, not at all. I just can’t help but appreciate how amazing you look.”
I instantly felt my face heat up and cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I smiled but hoped that he didn’t notice that I was blushing. “Thanks,” I said, not really knowing what else to say. 
Sammy and I spent the next twenty minutes cooking our breakfast. We joked around and had a great time. Much to my surprise, things weren’t awkward. Everything was like normal actually. The only exception was that I now knew how Sammy was in bed. But I wasn’t complaining one bit. 
“There’s something I want to ask you,” Sam said before taking another bite of his food. 
I swallowed a swig of orange juice before replying, “okay.”
“What are you thinking about last night?” He grinned. 
“Well sleeping with you was good idea…yesterday at least,” I joked, causing the both of us to giggle. “I just don’t want things to be weird or complicated. You’re my friend and I don’t want to loose that just because we got a little too drunk,” 
“Things are only complicated if we make them,” Sam said, “and I’m not planning on making them.” He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “But I would do last night over again completely sober.”
It would be a lie to say that I didn’t have a few butterflies floating around my stomach. Would he really?
“Y/N, this doesn’t have to be the end,” he said, inching closer. Without warning, he placed his lips on mine. “I don’t want it to be the end,” he whispered. 
“Me neither,” I said, kissing him back. 
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that-fandom-tho · 7 years
Saved-Khalid (Nate Maloley)
.3 days after. I didn’t understand the phrase ‘forever in a day’ until now. Because it hasn’t even been a week without you yet and it still feels like eternity. Every morning I wake up, thinking you’re in the kitchen drinking some of your goddamn Pedia-lyte or leftover Hennessy, only for a second. Then everything comes back and I just wanna cry all over again.
I wanna go check on you. I want to make sure you’re all right, remembering to eat something other than the junk you do when you get the munchies. Maybe hug Hugo one last time. But I know I can’t, I shouldn’t. It’s over and it’s time to move on.
I just can’t help but wonder. Why? What exactly went so wrong that we couldn’t fix it? Couldn’t ignore it? What’s stopping us from being in each other’s arms right now?
My eyes stay locked on your number, as if we’re having a staring contest. My fingers itch to tap it, hear your voice one more time. I hope you want to call me just as bad, to apologize for everything that was said so that I can too. Part of me knows that isn’t what’s happening though. I wish I had the power and the confidence to call you, start the conversation, but I think we both know I don’t. ——— .7 days later. It’s been a full week now. All your stuff is still gone, has been for a while now. Every picture of you on my phone is gone now, aside from the ones on social media. Only thing that feels good about it is that now I don’t get that stupid ‘Storage Almost Full’ message anymore.
But your number is still there. Sitting right under your contact name. I visit it every once in a while, with the same mentality as a museum, ‘look but don’t touch’. And I wish it would ring with a call that wasn’t from my mother and friends checking up on me, or an Instagram notification. I wish it would let out the sound of your laugh, the warmth of your smile. ——— .3 months before. We sat cuddled up on the couch after watching the Lion King. I laughed as Nate brought up a SoundCloud track of ‘I Just Can’t Wait for Booty’ which was a mash up of I just Can’t Wait to Be King and Booty Everywhere.
“Send that to me!” I cried out through tears brought by laughter.
The link soon appeared on my phone and I made it his ringtone.
“Call me,” I said.
“Why?” He asked, still smiling and laughing.
“Just do it.” He followed my request and we were soon greeted with the sounds of the song all over again, which just made out laugh harder.
“It’s cause whenever you’re not around I just can’t wait for that booty to come back to me.” I finally let out, broken in pieces by my giggles.
“Oh yeah?” he questions, digging his fingers into my sides and tickling me.
“Oh my gosh I can’t fucking breathe, Nate” I cry out after failing to escape his hold.
He brings me closer, wrapping his arms around me tightly and kissing me firmly on the lips. ——— .2 months after. I wonder if he thinks about those times too. I wonder if he’s moved on by now. I hope he’s okay, knows he can call me if he needs something, someone to talk to, someone to fall in love with. I hope he finally realizes I was the one who was always there, down for everything. I hope he knows no one will hold him down, keep him stable like I did.
But I also hope he realizes that I’ve moved on. Found other things to focus on. I have better things to do now than be his ride or die. I almost hope he calls simply so I can tell him that. But no, he could’ve called all this time and chose not to. He should live his life like I’m living mine. 

Without regret. ——— Nate’s POV: With every ring I get more anxious. She needs to pick up. Finally it clicks and the ringing ends.
“Hello?” I hear her melodic voice call out.
Prompt List - to be updated
Song Prompts List ———— A/N: Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Thanks to the requester, I actually really enjoyed writing this (not that I don’t enjoy every other request). It was just fun. I hope the whole before/after thing didn’t confuse anyone too badly. If it’s not clear the event based around the before and after is their breakup. Certain parts are very close to the lyrics of the song and other parts are kind of paraphrased, one part (in the two months after section) is actually based off of what Khalid said in an interview about the song. If you look at the lyrics you’ll see the similarities. Plus, that song I mentioned, the mashup is an actual thing that I highly recommend, it’s great. And Khalid is just.. ugh😍 my fav. Also, part 2 anyone? I wouldn’t mind writing one, but I wouldn’t mind leaving it here.
Also, about the Jack/Madison drama, I educated myself and tried to let it play out before I shared my opinion. My conclusion is they’re both assholes who need to get a grip on reality. This is why JJ has always been my favorite, especially after he done gone out and exposed her, love him for sharing that, but making it clear that he didn’t condone either of them. TL;DR: I probably won’t be doing JG imagines for a minute bc I’m mad at him. Sorry if you’ve requested one, it’ll get done eventually 😕
Peace, that-fandom-tho.
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ourdaddyluh · 8 years
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He's a blessing👅💦
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dxlangrixrdxllxs · 7 years
When you're literally too high to keep up 😭😂😂😂
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Instructor Maloley
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Warning: Contains Sexual Content, View At Your Own Risk!!!
     You knew it was wrong to get involved with a college professor, but there was something about Instructor Maloley that made you weak at the knees. You weren’t even sure if you should call him an professor. Just from the way he taught, how he dressed, and acted you knew Instructor Maloley wasn’t really meant for teaching. He should have been doing something much more than teaching Music 101 to college students. Instructor Maloley was young and most of all he was hot.
It started off with flirty glances and lip biting. You had noticed about halfway through the course that he was flirting with you. At first you took nothing of it, thinking his extra help sessions and friendly attitude was just him teaching you. Now you were positive there was more to it than that. “Please call me Nate,” he had said the last time you two met during one of his office hours. You could feel butterflies bubble up at his words. This of course wasn’t unusual. Usually the professors that were graduate students wanted their students to call them by their first name. Yet for some reason Instructor Maloley requesting that you call him Nate felt more intimate. 
“Want to get a drink with me?” Nate asked, “We could go over what topic you want to talk about for the paper.” He had quickly added the last part, licking his lips and giving you a smile. The room was deserted from students, leaving only the two of you. Your mouth parted in surprise and somehow you found yourself nodding.
“Yeah sounds like fun,” you agreed, pulling your bag up on your shoulder. “Just helping out on my paper right.” you said. The sentence was more for yourself than anything, not wanting to think of actually hooking up with your instructor. Though the thought was hot. Your eyes already scanning over the tattoos that were peeking out from the open buttons of his shirt. “I’ll catch up with you later then,” you smiled, backing your way out the classroom. You couldn’t help but to feel giddy. It was hard to concentrate on your last class when all you could think about was grabbing a drink with Nate. Your daydreams getting in the way until it was time to leave. You had rushed back home after class to freshen up and wait for Nate to message where the two of you were meeting. Grabbing a drink with your instructor was going to be harmless, professional really. 
It seemed somewhat natural for you to just talk to Nate. Not once did you feel nervous nor did the two of you discuss the paper you were working on. Nate was sweet and very charming. It was a bit weird seeing him in a non-classroom setting. His hair being down instead of its usual bun, outfit changed to something more laid back. He had more tattoos than you imagined, arms inked and looking muscly. You tried your best not to stare at his arms, the tension in the room becoming hot as you two continued to talk. “So you rap?” you said in astonishment, not expecting him to say that’s what he did in his spare time.
“Yeah I have about three albums out,” Nate told you.
“Three!?! Wow h-how is it that you got stuck teaching music if you make it?” you asked, now interested in his life story. You had always wanted to ask Nate why he taught. Though he was an awesome person, teaching wasn’t something Nate was great at; it was clear to you that he could use his talents somewhere else.  
“I just want to help other people create music. Help them learn how to study it and reach their goals,” he answered. You nodded in understanding, grabbing the drink that was in front of you and taking a sip. “What made you major in music?” he questioned, subtly moving closer to you. Somehow you found yourself moving over to him as well. The two of you now sitting side by side and shoulders pressing together. Nate bumped his shoulder against yours, raising his eyebrow in question. 
“I love music,” you told him. You noticed his eyes flicker down to your lips then back up to look you in the eye. You couldn’t deny that you had some type of sexual tension for Nate the minute he stepped foot in class. In fact you had mistaken him for a student on the first day of class and might have even flirted with him. The minute you found out that he was actually the instructor you were of course embarrassed. “I enjoy making it and the reactions I get from those who listen to my music is amazing,” you finished in a whispered voice. With Nate being this close it was hard for you to concentrate. You weren’t sure who was the one to kiss the other first. The two of you getting caught up in one another. Adrenaline ran through you as the kiss turned into something more and before you knew it the two of you were at his place. 
     Student and teacher relationships were not condoned. It was highly frowned upon and not to mention Nate could get fired and you could possibly be expelled. With all of this in mind you and Nate had kept what the two of you were doing private. Having sex with Nate felt different than all the other times you had sex. Maybe it was the riskiness, or the fact Nate seemed to have found all your weak spots in such a short period of knowing each other physically, but he made you feel good and loved. 
You were sat atop of Nate’s desk, hands lacing into his hair as the two of you began to make out. Your breath caught in your throat as his lips trailed down your neck. Nate nibbled at your sweet spot and you could feel the wetness between your legs grow. “Fuck me on this desk please,” you whimpered, attempting to unbutton his shirt. It had been a fantasy of yours to have him take you right on his desk. Nate was already your instructor, which turned you on even more, so being fucked on his desk was hotter. 
“We’re on school grounds, I mean kissing you right now puts us at risk of being caught,” he said, letting out a groan when you grabbed his clothed cock. You pouted at his words, hand sliding into his pants and lips sucking at the skin below his earlobe. His body weakened for a second, face nuzzling into your neck as you began to rub his cock. 
“Make an exception please,” you whined, “Just this once, Instructor Maloley.” You whispered the last part, a smirk making its way onto your lips when he moaned. Being called that by you turned Nate on immensely. It was like you were submissive to him, but even now the two of you could tell who was in charge. 
“Fuck is the door locked?” Nate asked, reluctantly pulling away from you so he could lock the door. “You have to be really quiet though,” he said in panted breaths, pulling you into a passionate kiss. “That’s your assignment got it,” he mumbled against your lips. 
“Yes Instructor Maloley,” you moaned. Nate groaned at your words before spreading your legs apart and slipping his hand under your skirt. You tensed in your spot when he ran his fingers over you throbbing clit. It had swelled and made you a bit sensitive to touch. It took him about five seconds to get you undressed. Your lips were swollen from his harsh kisses and your mind was no longer on the class you were suppose to be attending. Nate pecked your lips once before working his way down your body. You softly moaned as he took your left nibble into his mouth and tugged at it. Your breathing had became ragged, sweat starting to line your skin as he inched closer to where you needed him most. 
“You’re so wet,” Nate whispered, running a finger between your folds. He slowly rubbed at your clit, eliciting moans from you. He sunk down to his knees and spread your legs apart even more. Nate wanted to tease you, but knew if you two didn’t get through this quick then someone might walk in on you. The action was quick, his tongue feeling warm against your core. You gripped at the edge of his desk, thighs beginning to shake as he continued to eat you out. “Oh yes Nate,” you whimpered, legs wrapping around his head to draw him in closer. He began to nibble at your clit and you had to cover your mouth to stop the moans from slipping out. These walls in the classroom were always thin and you couldn’t risk being caught because of your loud mouth. 
“I’m so fucking hard for you,” Nate huffed, the air fanning over your clit. Your eyes fluttered closed in bliss as he continued to eat you out. Tongue darting out to play with your clit and occasionally sliding inside of you. You were so worked up, chest rising at a fast pace as you felt your release approaching. Nate pulled away making you whine in frustration. “I’ve got a meeting to go to,” he said, leaning down to peck at your lips. You frowned out words and before he could pull away you grabbed his wrist. 
“No you don’t,” you growled, yanking him closer to you. Nate laughed at this action, lust filled eyes glancing over your naked body. “Besides none of those teachers can fix your boner like I can,” you whispered, starting to pull down his pants. Nate licked his lips, eyes closing shut as you pulled down his boxers to release his cock. “Hmm? I don’t think any of them will give you head and please you like I do,” you whispered. Nate’s mouth opened wide as he felt your lips on his cock. You slowly sucked on his tip, tongue rolling over the head and spreading the precum around. The two of you had chemistry like no other, able to make each other crazy with just a single touch. You wondered why it took so long for him to show up in your life. You hollowed your cheeks and took him halfway down your throat. Nate let out a loud moan, mouth clamping shut and looking at the door in fear. You were going to make him late, but he didn’t care. Being in your mouth was heaven, but where he liked being the most was inside of you. Nate’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip when you began to play with his balls. God he wanted you bad. Whimpers being caught in his throat as you kept up the action. “As much as I’d love to cum in your mouth, being inside of you is what I really want,” he told you. 
You felt warm being wrapped around his cock. Core already clenching around him as he pushed all the way in. You let out a strangled moan, fingers gripping at his shirt. It always felt new when Nate was inside of you. His body molding into yours as he pulled you in closer. Your ass hung off the end of his desk and Nate began a steady rhythm. You were seeing stars and your black colored flats fell from your feet as your toes curled. Nate was fucking you good, the sound of the desk scraping against the floor echoed around the room. Both of your breaths were shallow. Soft kisses being placed to your lips as he worked into you. “Talk to me baby,” Nate whispered in your ear. He sucked at your sweet spot and picked up the pace.
“Right there, Instructor Maloley,” you gasped against his lips. Nate moaned into the crook of your neck. He loved when you called him that, one hand grabbing your thigh and lifting it higher up. You whimpered in pleasure still dirty talking to him. “You fuck me so good you know that?” you asked, “No one else can fuck me like you do.” Nate gave a particularly sharp thrust and you felt the head of his cock brush over your g-spot. It was enough to make your words cut short. The air from your lungs being ripped out of you as he repeated the action. It took all of your strength to not moan out his name. Fingers pulling at his hair and humming out in pleasure. “Keep doing that,” you muttered, beginning to rock back and forth to match his pace. Nate crashed his lips against yours, tongue darting into your mouth and moaning. He was so close to his release and if you kept clenching like you were doing Nate wasn’t going to last very long. 
“I’m nearly there,” he told you, reaching down to rub at your clit. This made you jump in your spot, and you could feel the pleasure intensify. The feeling started at your fingertips and toes, a tingle making your skin feel hot. You softly chanted his name, thighs beginning to shake as your orgasm overcame you. “Yeah right there! Come for me princess,” Nate whispered, still rubbing your clit at a fast pace. You whined in pleasure, head falling back between your shoulders as Nate rode out your high. His thrusts became sloppy and as you continued to clench around him Nate was releasing into you. He pulled you into a feverish kiss to silence his moans, hips rocking into yours to milk the release. After a few minutes Nate’s thrusts slowed to a stop until he was just rested inside of you. Your head rested against his shoulder while you caught your breath. Eyes becoming droopy as exhaustion took over you. “Will you go on a date with me tonight?” he asked, making you smile.
“Only you would ask such a question like after making me cum that hard,” you laughed. Nate laughed at your comment too, finally pulling out of you and making you feel empty at the loss. The two of you were still in the dating phase, but you knew that what you had with him wasn’t just some phase. It would be an understatement for Nate to say he just liked you. Hell he felt more than that and even though the two of you jumped into having sex fast, Nate still wanted to take things slow with you. 
“Me, you, dinner, and then mini-golfing,” he said, handing over your shirt and kissing your forehead. 
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled, hopping off his desk, so that you could get dressed. “You might want to hurry to your meeting now,” you reminded Nate, glancing at the time on your phone. Nate cursed under his breath, quickly pulling up his pants and grabbing his stuff.
“I’ll call you later okay,” he said, sending a peck to your lips and rushing out the door. You bit onto your bottom lip to hold in your grin. There was only just a month and two weeks left in this course and once it was over you and Nate could date without worry.
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maloleysweekender22 · 7 years
I'm not her (part 8)://(N.M)
Recap: Her hand makes its way to rest on her stomach she strokes it lightly before entering another room. She comes back with a glass and something in her hand. Y/N opens the package and eats something. After she finishes she walks down what seems to be a hallway. Could it be that I actually lost her. I won't give up until I have her back in my arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *4 weeks* *Y/N's POV* It's been 4 weeks since I last saw James. We had a few conversations here and there some long and some short. My appointment is today. I'm 12 weeks and I started showing 2 weeks ago. I've been trying to avoid running into any one who is an acquaintance with Nate. Swazz texted me to see if I was doing better, but I ignore his texts. He has also comes by the house, but I don't answer. I feel bad and all clothes make my baby bump more noticeable. I suddenly get a text from someone. To: Y/N From: James Hey do have any plans for later? To: James From: Y/N No, why? To: Y/N From: James Do want to go to the mall? With me. To: James From: Y/N Sure, should I meet you there? To: Y/N From: James No, I'll pick you up beautiful. I blush as I see his text. James has been sending texts with ending be cute names. Beautiful, sweetheart, and love. I get ready and wait for him to come. I hear a car park and right away I know that it is him. Before I can open the door a knock is heard. I open the door and I'm greeted with a panting James. I try and stifle my giggles as I watch him try to regain himself again. "Okay don't laugh at me now" he says as he grabs my hands and leads me to his car. "My bad, but shouldn't you be working?" I ask him as we get seated and he starts driving to the mall. "I used a vacation day" he says like if it were no big deal. "You what?" I turn to face him "you shouldn't have used a vacation day to go to the mall. That's what weekends are for James" I tell him looking at him. His hand comes down from the stirring wheel to rest on top of mine. He intertwined our fingers and strokes my knuckles with his thumb. I squeeze his hand and in return I get a smile. "Hey don't worry I have several of vacation days. Haven't taken a sick day or vacation day in 2 years, sweetheart" he explains as he parks into a parking spot. I see him get out and he opens my door. By instinct I reach for his hand as we walk into the mall. I was pretty sure he would let go instead he squeezed my hand and brought me closer to him. "So where are you going?" I ask him "We should go to that Maternity store" James points to the store in the corner. "Okay" We walk in and start browsing through the racks. I find beautiful pastel blouses with flower prints or butterflies. There's a hand on my shoulder. "Y/N? What are doing at a maternity store?" A familiar voice says. My heart stops as I recognize the voice. I see James from the corner of my eye carrying a few shirts and sweatshirts in his hands. As he walks he looks up for a second before placing a shirt back on the rack. I don't even have time to answer before James talks. "Hey beautiful, I thought you would like these pastel colors, right?" James says as he stands by me. I'm facing the racks so Nate can only see my back. "Y/N are you going to answer me?" Nate asks. I turn around and see Nate's eyes on James. Nate finally turns to me and lets out a small gasp. "Oh, I guess you moved on real quick" he says as he stares at my baby bump. I gulp and look at him not forming any words. "So is this the dad?" He asks "No, but you are" James says as he puts the clothes in the basket by my feet. I give James a glare until he finally realizes what he just did. "I'm the dad" Nate says before placing a hand on my stomach. I give him a moment before backing away. The hurt in his eyes are evident. "When? Where you ever going to tell me" Nate's  voice rises causing everyone in the store to look at us. "I will tell you, but not right now please" I plead with him as I grab the basket. "Let me go pay for those" both Nate and James say in unison. Nate sends a glare towards James. "No, it's fine I'll pay. I think I'll be leaving with Nate" I tell James as we head towards the cash register. I see him turn around and I do the same. Swazz enters the store walking towards Nate. Guilt rises up in my chest as I see him talking to Nate. Nate points towards me causing Swazz to see my baby bump. His eyes squint as he rubs them. I see his head shake before telling Nate something. I see Nate's eyes fill with anger and hurt. He shakes his head before storming off. I watch him as Swazz also shakes his head and runs after him. James hand rests on my back rubbing it to calm me down. I barely notice, but I'm crying. I turn into his embrace and let out a few sobs and sniffles. I come back to my senses as I remember we are in a store. The lady behind the register gives me a look of sympathy as I pay. I walk out with James behind me and we see Nate and Swazz sitting  down. Swazz is talking to him, but Nate just shakes his head. When he heard footsteps nearing him he looks up. The sight of his face makes my heart break. Tears cascade down his face as he looks at me. I tell James thank you and walk towards Nate. He stands up and waits for me to follow him. I have hard time trying to follow as he speed walks to the exit. Swazz is by my side making sure I don't fall as I run a little to catch up. I feel his lingering glances on my baby bump. I stop causing him to look at me confused. His face turns to worry, so he calls after Nate. Nate turns around and sees us and Swazz's face. He immediately runs to us and place a hand on the baby bump. How I've missed his touches. I say the only words that I've been trying to say all along. "I'm sorry" I say to them both as tears come down my face. Nate pulls me into a hug. He mumbles 'it's okay' 'we will be okay' and lastly 'I'll do anything to have you back in my arms'
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papaloley · 8 years
The GroupChat
We have decided to make a new group chat, let me know if you're interested!!!
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