#Sisco Supremacy
dreamcorexbeyblade · 4 months
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An upgraded screenshot of devastaded Sisco So real
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anchorarcade · 7 years
Letters to the editor, Nov. 6
Letters to the editor, Nov. 6
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Want to submit your letter to the editor? Here is how. Wochit
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Letters to the editor: [email protected](Photo: The Tennessean.com)
Story Highlights
Readers sound off on call center jobs, racism, the national anthem and more.
Congress should act for call centers
Some of the most profitable U.S. corporations are getting away with sending thousands of good call center and customer service jobs to other countries or to contractors that have lower standards and pay lower wages.
Communications Workers of America Local 3808 members who work in customer service have seen firsthand how this affects customers. By the time the customer reaches our members, they are often frustrated because these overseas call centers and contractors do not have the training or information they need to provide solutions.
We all know what happens when jobs go overseas; people are out of work and have less money to spend to support our local businesses.
Here in Nashville, we have three customer call centers in the AT&T building (“Batman building”) downtown. Imagine the impact on Middle Tennessee if these call centers were to shut down and be outsourced overseas or contracted out to another company.
It would be nice if all companies would step up and take some responsibility, but they just aren’t doing that.
Our union, the Communications Workers of America, is urging Congress to pass the U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act.
This bill would help in a couple of ways. First, it would require that the person you call identify their location and at that time you can request to be transferred to a U.S.-based call center. Second, it would prevent companies that send call center jobs from getting taxpayer-funded loans.
It’s time for our legislators to get on board with this bill. I urge everyone to reach out to their local, state and federal politicians to help keep customer care call center work in the U.S. and in Middle Tennessee.
Deborah Sisco, president, CWA Local 3808, Nashville 37214
Trump investigation troubling
So this is what has become of our democracy: The losing political party in a presidential election can pay for a “salacious and unverifiable” document made up of information supplied by officials tied closely to the Kremlin, and use it to smear and try to unseat a democratically elected president.
What is equally disconcerting in this sordid affair is that it appears James Comey, former FBI director, knowingly used this fallacious document to get FISA warrants to wiretap members of Trump’s campaign staff, and apparently to listen in on President Trump himself, as evidenced by leaked telephone conversations he had with other world leaders.
After 15 months of searching for evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to destroy Hillary Clinton’s campaign, they have come up empty-handed. The best they could do was bring charges against one of Trump’s campaign managers that have nothing to do with either Russian collusion or the 2016 presidential election.
It is time to put an end to the witch hunt; anything derived from this investigation can only be fruit from a poisonous tree. What must be investigated, if our democracy is to survive, is what appears to be the dangerous collusion between the Democratic Party and the U. S. intelligence services to destroy Donald Trump.
Marcie Williams, Sparta 38583
More combat against racism needed
While it was refreshing to see our city stand up against racists and shut down the White Lives Matter rally, it’s unfortunate that the majority only fight racism when it’s personified as throngs of angry white nationalists.
Local activists were horrified racists extolling white supremacy were coming into town and objected to the ramifications of their arrival, such as jeopardizing public safety, loss to downtown business owners and tainting the city’s image. But the truth is racism is embedded in all of our institutions — in public education, the criminal justice system and the economic sphere — and systematic racism hurts black and brown people more every day than blustering white supremacists can any day.
Black and brown people lose their lives every day, not from white nationalists, but from the very police who are supposed to protect them. Black and brown people suffer economic loss every day, not from sporadic rallies, but from unequal education and job opportunities as well as gentrification. Black and brown people get abused every day, not from white supremacists coming into town, but from media and politicians who portray them as criminals and terrorists.
We live in a capitalistic society, and capitalism subsists on white superiority to justify the concentration of world wealth and power in the hands of the 1 percent. Social justice activists must challenge day-to-day racist policies oppressing minorities, not just the in-your-face racists who make white people feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
Salina Khan, Murfreesboro 37130
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An open letter to white nationalists
You don’t need to march to show that your lives matter. Everyone already knows.
Your faces are reflected in every textbook hero our country celebrates. Even when those heroes enslaved, raped and killed their fellow women and men to rise to power.
You don’t need to march to say that you won’t be replaced. No one is trying to replace you. People merely want a seat at the table.
You’ve been in this chair at this table your whole lives. No one is replacing you; they simply want to scoot over and share.
You don’t need to march against oppression against you. This oppression does not exist. People of color and women and immigrants and LGBT folks and people of different religions aren’t oppressing you merely by being part of our society.
You don’t suffer from oppression.
You suffer from the illusion that everything is about you. You suffer from the illusion that everything must be yours and yours only. This country is bigger than you. This country is every color, shape, gender and religion.
You are part of that. But please don’t mistake the death of an illusion, the illusion that you are the ideal, with oppression. You’re not oppressed. You’re insecure and you have been lied to. You don’t have to be everything. And you don’t have to be white to belong here.
Emily Frith, Nashville 37211
Vanderbilt women shouldn’t kneel either
This morning I noticed on Facebook that some of the “girls” on the Vanderbilt women’s basketball team decided to kneel while our national anthem was being performed.
I was deeply disappointed by their action.
I served in the military many years just so these “children” could have the right to protest, but they should do it in another forum, not when the national anthem is being played. Let them get a placard and go stand on West End to promote whatever it is they are protesting, if they even know.
Many brave men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend this emblem of honor. Personally, I never fail to think of the blood shed for our freedom when I see the flag or hear the lyrics to Francis Scott Key’s “Star Spangled Banner.”
I hope some disciplinary action will be taken so these “children” can learn from their misguided actions. But I’m sure nothing will be done. And there are many of us who will choose to sit out this Vandy women’s basketball season (men’s too, if they, too, show disrespect for our flag) just as we are boycotting NFL games.
Vanderbilt does not have the luxury of losing any fan.
There are many sports venues in Nashville where we can spend our sports dollars. If you choose to let the children run the campus, then many of us will move on and find another college in the area to cheer for — Belmont is just right around the corner.
Mike McDaniel, Antioch 37013
Apologies to America
My dad had rules to live by. He told us that whenever we were congratulated or praised for doing something good, we were to be humble and just say thank you.
He also told us that whenever we did something that caused pain or even discomfort, inconvenience or grief to others, we were to apologize for our actions even though they may have been unintentional or just a mistake in judgment.
Last year I caused pain, discomfort and outright grief to others, and I am here to make things right so I can look into the mirror in the morning without an unwelcome glance from myself.
I thought that by putting someone who was not a “normal politician” into office, it would change things for the better. I thought that a real corporate giant would shake things up and be an asset to our country.
I did not do my due diligence. I overlooked the fact that he would not and could never be a great CEO nor, in his wildest dreams, would he be a good chief financial officer.
He would never, in a million years, make a good president or vice president of marketing. Let’s face it. He isn’t even a good salesman.
I am embarrassed for my family, my community and, worst of all, my country. I apologize to Muslims and all others of a different faith than mine. I apologize to all people of any color that is different from mine. I sincerely apologize to all women. I pray that my vote will do no more harm.
Sam Morgan, Hampshire 38461
Read or Share this story: http://tnne.ws/2j5zTLp
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Letters to the editor, Nov. 6
Letters to the editor, Nov. 6
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Want to submit your letter to the editor? Here is how. Wochit
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Letters to the editor: [email protected](Photo: The Tennessean.com)
Story Highlights
Readers sound off on call center jobs, racism, the national anthem and more.
Congress should act for call centers
Some of the most profitable U.S. corporations are getting away with sending thousands of good call center and customer service jobs to other countries or to contractors that have lower standards and pay lower wages.
Communications Workers of America Local 3808 members who work in customer service have seen firsthand how this affects customers. By the time the customer reaches our members, they are often frustrated because these overseas call centers and contractors do not have the training or information they need to provide solutions.
We all know what happens when jobs go overseas; people are out of work and have less money to spend to support our local businesses.
Here in Nashville, we have three customer call centers in the AT&T building (“Batman building”) downtown. Imagine the impact on Middle Tennessee if these call centers were to shut down and be outsourced overseas or contracted out to another company.
It would be nice if all companies would step up and take some responsibility, but they just aren’t doing that.
Our union, the Communications Workers of America, is urging Congress to pass the U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act.
This bill would help in a couple of ways. First, it would require that the person you call identify their location and at that time you can request to be transferred to a U.S.-based call center. Second, it would prevent companies that send call center jobs from getting taxpayer-funded loans.
It’s time for our legislators to get on board with this bill. I urge everyone to reach out to their local, state and federal politicians to help keep customer care call center work in the U.S. and in Middle Tennessee.
Deborah Sisco, president, CWA Local 3808, Nashville 37214
Trump investigation troubling
So this is what has become of our democracy: The losing political party in a presidential election can pay for a “salacious and unverifiable” document made up of information supplied by officials tied closely to the Kremlin, and use it to smear and try to unseat a democratically elected president.
What is equally disconcerting in this sordid affair is that it appears James Comey, former FBI director, knowingly used this fallacious document to get FISA warrants to wiretap members of Trump’s campaign staff, and apparently to listen in on President Trump himself, as evidenced by leaked telephone conversations he had with other world leaders.
After 15 months of searching for evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to destroy Hillary Clinton’s campaign, they have come up empty-handed. The best they could do was bring charges against one of Trump’s campaign managers that have nothing to do with either Russian collusion or the 2016 presidential election.
It is time to put an end to the witch hunt; anything derived from this investigation can only be fruit from a poisonous tree. What must be investigated, if our democracy is to survive, is what appears to be the dangerous collusion between the Democratic Party and the U. S. intelligence services to destroy Donald Trump.
Marcie Williams, Sparta 38583
More combat against racism needed
While it was refreshing to see our city stand up against racists and shut down the White Lives Matter rally, it’s unfortunate that the majority only fight racism when it’s personified as throngs of angry white nationalists.
Local activists were horrified racists extolling white supremacy were coming into town and objected to the ramifications of their arrival, such as jeopardizing public safety, loss to downtown business owners and tainting the city’s image. But the truth is racism is embedded in all of our institutions — in public education, the criminal justice system and the economic sphere — and systematic racism hurts black and brown people more every day than blustering white supremacists can any day.
Black and brown people lose their lives every day, not from white nationalists, but from the very police who are supposed to protect them. Black and brown people suffer economic loss every day, not from sporadic rallies, but from unequal education and job opportunities as well as gentrification. Black and brown people get abused every day, not from white supremacists coming into town, but from media and politicians who portray them as criminals and terrorists.
We live in a capitalistic society, and capitalism subsists on white superiority to justify the concentration of world wealth and power in the hands of the 1 percent. Social justice activists must challenge day-to-day racist policies oppressing minorities, not just the in-your-face racists who make white people feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
Salina Khan, Murfreesboro 37130
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An open letter to white nationalists
You don’t need to march to show that your lives matter. Everyone already knows.
Your faces are reflected in every textbook hero our country celebrates. Even when those heroes enslaved, raped and killed their fellow women and men to rise to power.
You don’t need to march to say that you won’t be replaced. No one is trying to replace you. People merely want a seat at the table.
You’ve been in this chair at this table your whole lives. No one is replacing you; they simply want to scoot over and share.
You don’t need to march against oppression against you. This oppression does not exist. People of color and women and immigrants and LGBT folks and people of different religions aren’t oppressing you merely by being part of our society.
You don’t suffer from oppression.
You suffer from the illusion that everything is about you. You suffer from the illusion that everything must be yours and yours only. This country is bigger than you. This country is every color, shape, gender and religion.
You are part of that. But please don’t mistake the death of an illusion, the illusion that you are the ideal, with oppression. You’re not oppressed. You’re insecure and you have been lied to. You don’t have to be everything. And you don’t have to be white to belong here.
Emily Frith, Nashville 37211
Vanderbilt women shouldn’t kneel either
This morning I noticed on Facebook that some of the “girls” on the Vanderbilt women’s basketball team decided to kneel while our national anthem was being performed.
I was deeply disappointed by their action.
I served in the military many years just so these “children” could have the right to protest, but they should do it in another forum, not when the national anthem is being played. Let them get a placard and go stand on West End to promote whatever it is they are protesting, if they even know.
Many brave men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend this emblem of honor. Personally, I never fail to think of the blood shed for our freedom when I see the flag or hear the lyrics to Francis Scott Key’s “Star Spangled Banner.”
I hope some disciplinary action will be taken so these “children” can learn from their misguided actions. But I’m sure nothing will be done. And there are many of us who will choose to sit out this Vandy women’s basketball season (men’s too, if they, too, show disrespect for our flag) just as we are boycotting NFL games.
Vanderbilt does not have the luxury of losing any fan.
There are many sports venues in Nashville where we can spend our sports dollars. If you choose to let the children run the campus, then many of us will move on and find another college in the area to cheer for — Belmont is just right around the corner.
Mike McDaniel, Antioch 37013
Apologies to America
My dad had rules to live by. He told us that whenever we were congratulated or praised for doing something good, we were to be humble and just say thank you.
He also told us that whenever we did something that caused pain or even discomfort, inconvenience or grief to others, we were to apologize for our actions even though they may have been unintentional or just a mistake in judgment.
Last year I caused pain, discomfort and outright grief to others, and I am here to make things right so I can look into the mirror in the morning without an unwelcome glance from myself.
I thought that by putting someone who was not a “normal politician” into office, it would change things for the better. I thought that a real corporate giant would shake things up and be an asset to our country.
I did not do my due diligence. I overlooked the fact that he would not and could never be a great CEO nor, in his wildest dreams, would he be a good chief financial officer.
He would never, in a million years, make a good president or vice president of marketing. Let’s face it. He isn’t even a good salesman.
I am embarrassed for my family, my community and, worst of all, my country. I apologize to Muslims and all others of a different faith than mine. I apologize to all people of any color that is different from mine. I sincerely apologize to all women. I pray that my vote will do no more harm.
Sam Morgan, Hampshire 38461
Read or Share this story: http://tnne.ws/2j5zTLp
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