#Sirzechs Lucìfer and Grayfia Lucifuge
vampire207343 · 2 years
Marigold Potter reborn as Amaris Gremory
What if....Marigold Dorea Potter (Fem!Harry Potter) died after beging betrayed by her so call friends.
Marigold Potter the only daughter of the Late Lily and James Potter was killed by her so call friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in bid to get their hands in her fortune but unfortunately for both if them. Marigold has never truely trust them so when she died the truth about them beging fallowers of the supose dead headmaster Albus Dumbledore that they lost everything. The respect the magical world for the weasley was lost as soon as they gain it while Hermonie Granger has her magic bound and kickout of the magical world.
The moment Marigold died she end up meeting death, she return the three Hallows back to him in doing so Lord Death allow Marigold Potter to be reborn in other world even in the world of anime if she wanted and granted 7 wish before geting reborn.
I wish to be reborn in Alternate world Highschool dxd.
I wish to be born with skils of a Master Cooking Chef, Great Dancer, Political & Bussiness Savvy, Great at Chess, Photograhic Memory, Painting & Drawing Skills, Akido, Judo, Karate, Kenjutsu, and Technology Skills.
Born as the younger twin sister of Rias Gremory and born with power of Destruction. And with the Knowladge how to train myself and others to be powerful
Born with a Superior Hyper Intuition
Stamina & fighting ablities of Madara Uchiha & Harashima Senju.
How to properly train herself and her future peerage.
She was born with magic in creation, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water.
After her wish was made Lord Death sent her to the world of her choice to be reborn as the youngest daughter of Gremory, Amaris the younger twin sister of Rias but since she is the ypungest twin she has always been over look by her parents which was find by Amaris the one who was mostly their for her is her older brother Sirzechs the current lord Lucifer.
While Sirzechs acts like brother to his younger sister Rias but he act more of a father to Amaris than an older brother the same could be said for Grafia. Rather her actual parents to be their to love her like they actually supose to but they only mostly pay attention to Rias and because of this Sirzechs and Grafia mostly pay more attention of Amaris than Rias.
So it was no suprise when Sirzechs given Amaris his own house in the underworld he rarely return to Gremory house hold anymore and spend his days to his new house
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Than return home at Gremory house hold which Sirzechs can't blame Amarus not wanting to return home even if she's just an eight years old child who recently gotten her own evil pieces of her at the same time as Rias. Even though she is still a child she open up her own restorant in the underworld with the help of Sirzech, which she makes alot of money from many high devils gose yo her restorant alot with how delicious the food she make.
It wasn't long after reciving her evil pieces that Amaris Gremory as her oldest friend Ravel Phenex as her first Bishop which she agree. While Amaris parents Zeoticus Gremory and Venelana Gremory nèe Bael are under the impression that since Amaris is the youngest child it means that she didn't inherit the power of destruction like her older siblings that even other Prueblood devils know that Amaris Gremory has inherited the Power of destruction and that she is more powerful than her older twin sister Rias Gremory.
After Ravel Phenex became Amaris first Bishop she has began training her to be a powerful devil which Ravel has no problem since she has always wanted to be a powerful Devil like her two older brother Ruval & Riser Phenex so that she can stand side by side with her brothers and not get in their way. And she wanted to prove herself and her brothers that she can also protect herself with her own power so she has no problem training to get stronger.
When both Ravel Phenex and Amaris Gremory were about 10 years old they were visiting the human world in Tokyo where they found a human girl the same age as them both kick out by her parents for having a low grade and she kept beging her mother to let her in and that she promise she'll do better next time but her mother never let ger back inside so we decided aproach the girl and we found out her name is Serena Tsukino and I had ask the girl to be my 2nd Bishop since she has alot of untapped potential which Serena decided to accepted since her mother wouldn't let her back inside the house and just as they were leaving the human world they found a girl in a car accident the girl would sirtenly die if she dosen't do anything so Amaris reincarnated Hotaru Tomoe as her pawn and she end up taking 3 mutated pawn along with 5 of her normal pawn evil pieces to reincarnate her unlike Serena who only took one mutated Bishop to reincarnated as a devil. She took her new servants to her home and Ravel help healed Hotaru and explain everytying to them both of what it neans to be a devil.
It wasn't long after Serena tsukino and Hotaru Tomoe join both Amaris Gremory and Ravel Phenex in their training did they find out that Serena has the secound strongest sacred gear a high-tier Longinus the Zenith Tempest which allow it's user to manipulate the weather and elemental attributes that exists in nature, which grants them control over fire, wind, lightning, water, earth, and ice. Zenith Tempest can also be used to cause snowfall. Which Amaris began helping Serena control her Sacred Gear.
And she isn't the only one Hotaru Tomoe also turn out to have a Sacred Gear of her own which is a Longinus which is called Absolute Demise which allows the wielder to summon a three meter tall ice doll in the form of a woman in a dress with four slender arms, which acts on their wielder's command. It wields immense ice-based powers, which is capable of freezing an entire area, turning it into a frozen world. At its maximum range, it can lock an entire small county within a crystal of ice as long as the user wishes to, befitting a Longinus. Which Amaris help Hotaru with her sacred gear as well.
It wasn't long before an old friend of both Amaris Gremory and Ravel Phenex join her peerage and it's non other than their old friend
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Claude Valefor the only Valefor left, when his parents and older half brother dead, so after he join as Amaris first Knight, he moved in her house.
The Valefor were quite known around the underworld for their very large Mana and their crystal like eyes.
Ever since Ravel Phenex moved in the house of her king Amaris Gremory, Riser Phenex the third son of the Phenex family he decided to visit his sister and saw how Amaris is working so harder to get stronger than her twin sister Rias who was supose to be the so call powerful twin arcording to Lord and Lady Gremory ut the fact remain that Rias Gremory has never train her peerage since she made them her servant. She never train her servant unless it's absolutely necessary to train them so it reality Rias and her servants are alot weaker than Amaris and her servant.
Even his beloved sister Ravel Phenex has grew powerful under the leadership of Amaris Phenex in just a short time of creating her peerage she manage to make her servant strong as Riser's own servants and from time to time they both had unoffical rating game.
Riser Phenex's own Queen
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Medusa who is a powerful Snake Youkai before she was reincarnated as Riser Phenex's queen help Amaris servant get stronger by having a sparring match with each of them mostly Ravel Phenex and Hotaru Tomoe.
While Amaris and her peerage were in Kyoto they found an injure inu youkai who is in the verge of death so before he could died Amaris ask his permission to reincarnated him as a Devil which Sesshomaru of the West gaved his permission to be reincarnated as Amaris's secound Knight. Who recently lost everything & everyone he cared about he was planning on giving up until Amaris appear.
Sesshomaru help his new family get even stronger than they already are and with Riser's peerage visit Amaris home every so ofthen, sesshomaru end up helping Riser's own peerage get even more stronger.
Amaris ask the king of heroes Gilgamesh if he would willing to be part of her peerage and he decided to join since he been alone since the death of his only friend along with secret lover, he became Amaris's Queen.
Gilgamesh has no regret of ever join Amaris' peerage since it allow him to be reunite with his secret lover Serenity who happen to Amaris Bishop even though her current reborn self has no memories of their past together but sooner or later her memories would return but this time he would not allow his Queen to stolen from him by some upstart Prince specially not by Prince Endymione XVI of Earth.
Along the way Riser Phenex slowly but surely fallen in love with Amaris Gremory and the same could be said for Amaris who fell in love with Riser but the only one in her family knows her feelings for the third son of the Phenex is her older brother Sirzech Lucifer and his wife Grafia Lucifuge.
So when Lord Zeoticus Gremory enganged Rias to Riser when they were 14 years old, even though the engagement the Phenex ask wasn't for wasn't ment for Rias but for Amaris not that our parents or Rias know that since I know for a fact that Riser Phenex can't stand Rias he see her nothing but arrogant devil that never took her time to even train her servant even once. That compare to Amaris own peerage, Rias servants are nothing but a step stone for Amaris.
Riser Phenex spent 5 years trying to break his engagement to Rias even with Amaris but they can't find away to break the engagement not like Rias is even happy to her engagement to Rias who seem to have the impression that Riser wants her as his wife that she seem to have forgotten she even have a twin to begin with. She run to the human world away from her engagement nof that it did anything to stop it.
The only hope that Riser has for stoping his wedding with Rias was if Rias Gremory herself defeat Riser in a Rate Game wish is impossible since Rias has never train herself and her peerage though Riser has no wish to marry Rias it dose not mean he would willingly lose on a Rate Game on purpose just to to prevent himself from marry Rias he still has his pride as a pureblood Devil and as a member of the Phenex Devil family.
And if his family is the one who break the engagement it would look bad since they were the one who ask for the marriage but the bride they want wasn't the one he currently engage with. So it has to be Rias who break the engagement.
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Rias Gremory had a rating game with Riser Phenex in order to stop the wedding but she lost which devested Riser not that Rias known that she thought that he was happy that they would end up getting married since Rias pawn Issei Hyoudou who is the current wielder of the boots sacred gear and he is the current Red Dragon emperor failed to get Rias out of his marriage to Riser even with his sacred gear issei still lost.
Amaris Gremory is devested to see the only devil she has ever love get married to her older twin but the door suddenly thrown open and he saw Rias only pawn Challage Riser for Rias.
"Pray tell, why should Riser agree to such challage when you fail to defeat my whole peerage"Riser said looking down at Issei.
"Why scared that I would win Rias"Issei said trying to gloat Riser to agree to his challage.
"Riser is not scared for he already know the outcome would still be the same even if Riser chose to accept beside Riser has no wish to marry Rias Gremory"Riser said looking at Rias with distain look in his eyes.
"WHAT? But your family was the one who ask of this marriage."Rias said confuse along with her entire peerage.
"While I'll admit that my family might have ask the Gremory for the marriage between our two family but you were not the bride Riser wants"Riser said.
"WHAT."Rias seem to ge even more confuse than she already was.
"Hm...Rias you seem to have to forgotten that you have a younger twin she is the one my brother Riser wants to marry not someone who is weak as you Rias Gremory"Ravel Phenex said with gloating in her voice.
"Beside Riser only see Rias as a weak devil for she is unable to defeat Riser, and Amaris is alot stronger than Rias" Riser said.
"WHAT? Are you saying that I'm weaker than my sister"Rias question furious on beging called weak.
"You heard Riser the first time he would not repeat it again" Riser said. That's when Amaris know what Riser was doing making Rias challage Amaris to a rating game is the only way to stop him from getting married to Rias.
"That is it!, Amaris wherever you are in this crowd I challage you to rating game" Rias said her challage to Amaris.
"Very well but should I win, I will be the who would marry Riser and become the heiress of the Gremory" Amaris said.
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Amaris Gremory look down at her older twin sister accepting her challage.
But unfortunely for Rias she has bite off more than she can chew since even though this is Amaris first offical rating game, but that dosen't mean it's her first rating game as she has some unoffical rating game wirh Riser before. So it didn't suprise Sirzechs Lucifer and Grafia Lucifuge that it didn't took Amaris and her perrage to actually defeat Rias and only took her 20 minute to defeat her so call powerful twin sister and it's also where she showed their parents she has also inherited the power of destruction like her siblings and her control on it rivals that of her older brother.
Amaris Gremory winning her first rating game that her reputation in the underworld ascend, while Rias own went down specially now that she is no longer the heiress of the Gremory family.
It didn't took long before Amaris Gremory married to Riser instead of Rias which the couple was happy about.
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"What made you think that my brother Riser would ever want someone like you, or that you had the chance to defeat my King to a rating game at that."Ravel Phenex said to Rias before walking away.
By then Serena Tsukino remeber her pass life her true life not the one her mother Queen Serenity wants her to remember. She promise herself that her past mother Queen Serenity meddling would not get in between Gilgamesh and her again she make sure of it.
Sailor Pluto who is guarding the gate of time was horrified to see Crystal Tokyo slowly disappearing and she has only manged to saved the soul of small lady Serenity otherwise known as Rini
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the only daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and Neo King Endymion XVI who she see as her own daughter the time of Crystal Tokyo is now gone forever so in order to make sure that small lady survive she most leave her post to her past self in her place to protect the gate while she leave she insured small lady is born even if she is no longer Neo Queen Serenity's daughter. So Sailor Pluto's civilian self seduce the prince of earth and insure that she get pregnant with small lady. Which Rei Hino the civilian form of Sailor Mars wasn't so happy about, since she has always been in love with Darien Shield the current civilian form of the Prince.
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