#Single Room Rent Singapore
novenahallsblog · 2 years
Novenahall is one of Enjoy the benefits and bonuses of our affordable packages for a memorable stay with accommodation packages in Singapore at a very affordable cost. https://www.novenahall.com.sg/rooms-rates/
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hislopchino · 2 years
Paul Merton: ‘I stayed in one of the world’s worst hotels in China’
The comedian recalls terrible hotels in China, mishaps with malaria tablets and why he’s happiest holidaying in the UK
Interview by Nick McGrath
From The Sunday Times, 22nd February 2023
Paul Merton, 65, first performed at the Comedy Store in 1982 and since 1990 has been a fixture on the BBC’s Have I Got News for You, which returns this spring for its 65th series. He lives in London with his third wife, Suki Webster, his co-star on Channel 5’s Motorhoming with Merton & Webster
My first holiday of any substance was to a holiday camp in Hemsby, on the edge of the Norfolk Broads. I was eight years old and I loved it. I loved the space to run around and the people drinking beer and watching the shows in the ballroom. It felt idyllic.
I visited Ireland a couple of years later and got a lot of attention from my mum’s relatives, which was great for my performer’s ego. We saw the Ring of Kerry and I was charmed by the locals’ love of words and storytelling.
I spent most of the Eighties living in a bedsit earning very little money, so the first time I travelled further afield was in 1987, when I went all the way to Australia, with a heavy cold, to visit my girlfriend at the time.
The cheapest route was London to Sydney, via Athens and Singapore. In Athens, the complimentary coach from the hotel to the airport was full of boy scouts from Liechtenstein, who were on their way to Sydney for an international scouting jamboree. Being stared at by three-dozen hostile Liechtensteiner boy scouts is an experience I won’t forget.
After a two-day delay in Singapore, I eventually got to Sydney on Christmas Day with horrible jet lag and an even heavier cold, sat down to Christmas lunch in 35C heat, then fell asleep for 16 hours. It felt like I’d been kicked in the head by a horse.
I’d only been earning £30 a gig, sometimes £10 even, so holidays were rare. But as my career took off, I travelled more — including to Kenya in 1990, where I had a terrible experience with anti-malarial drugs. Back then you had to take a weekly and daily pill and I had a severe reaction to the weekly pill, but it took a while to work out what the problem was.
Each Friday, first in Kenya and then back home in London, I’d take this pill then start to hallucinate. I got these paranoid thoughts, where I believed I was being followed by the Freemasons and could predict the next song on the radio. Which I couldn’t.
I then went to places like St Lucia, but felt uncomfortable driving around in a rented Land Rover that probably represented what some people there might earn in half a lifetime. I felt the same visiting Cape Town.
I was lucky enough to film a couple of travel documentary series in India and China — and had totally contrasting experiences. The poverty was dramatic in India, but the people were polite and proud and when I returned to film in Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta, they found our earnestly awful attempts at Bollywood improv hilarious and gave us multiple standing ovations.
I wouldn’t return on holiday to China, as the state interference leaves a bit of a nasty taste, as does the spitting. You literally pull up at some traffic lights and a woman in a very nice car will open her window and spit on the road. Everybody does it. Maybe a popular Chinese film star was a passionate spitter. Or perhaps Chairman Mao decreed it a healthy habit. Filming while surrounded on all sides by armed soldiers wasn’t massively relaxing either.
I also stayed in one of the world’s worst hotels in China. The foyer had a tarpaulin covered in some unusually dark stains and the room had bits of wall missing and stank of urine. I moved to a nearby hotel which was equally basic but clean, at least, although the TV was puzzling. It had a single channel showing a military man laden with medals berating a group of people for hours on end while they looked shamefaced.
I’d love to visit New Zealand as everyone raves about it. Another place I definitely won’t go back to is Tahiti, which everyone imagines is a South Sea paradise, but for me, it wasn’t. The hotel I stayed in was completely overrun by cats.
These days I prefer British holidays, as airports in the 21st century leave you with a low level of anxiety. My wife and I now love travelling round Britain in our motorhome, which is basically a hotel room on wheels. If we all could drop the idea that we have to go on holiday somewhere that has guaranteed sun, holidaying in this country has a lot going for it.
Paul and Suki will be speaking at the Caravan, Camping & Motorhome Show at the NEC Birmingham, which runs from February 21 to 26 (ccmshow.co.uk)
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aj-cook-nude-law · 2 years
Buy the best apartment in Singapore
Claiming a home is a fantasy for everyone. Whether the person is a daily professional or an employee, he will calmly buy a house and stay there to stay there.
Singapore is one of the most exciting countries in the world where people prefer to live in protection, protection, and relaxation. This is a great position for anyone, because the country is peaceful, protected by nature, and filled with vacancies. There are many housing options in Singapore. In contrast to HDB pads, a condom in Singapore is adapted to the owners, especially.
The apartment is a personal property owned by a person; However, ordinary regions such as the hallway, pantry, lift, and heater frames are divided. Condominiums are completely private places that provide a family with a stylish life. It has a swimming pool, grill, entertainment center, and clever security office. Today’s condoms are definitely for customers with auto-locking offices.
There are valuable apartments accessible in the city center. Ardmore Park, Cairnhill Circle, Drykot Park, Tanglin Street, Cascade Walk, and Ladihill Walk are some prominent places in Singapore where apartments are accessible and increasingly popular.
Depending on the need, families can buy a single room or a 5-min-room apartment at different prices. Some apartments are accessible with test offices sponsored by top developers.
Singapore Real Estate Agents have divided the apartments into four unique classes, namely single apartments, family apartments, definition apartments and reverse apartments. Singapore suburb apartments are not like the suburbs. Experts are ready to provide ideas to get the most ideal apartments, the best situation, and the expense.
Separate apartments and developers audits are also provided on the web. Tourist apartments are also available for rent for permanent guests. Most people working in Singapore will really want to have a bedroom apartment that provides a full room with all their basic privileges. Belgravia Ace Villas
Since the city center has many accessible apartments, transport is not a problem at all. Transport stations and railway crossings are a few steps away from apartments and so people will not be tired of working with secret transport regulators.
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marie-dufresne · 4 years
Stepping out of the train station and into the city, Marie felt oddly out of place. It could have been because she was in the same outfit she’d been wearing for the past five or so months (when she was even wearing clothes. At some point it had become more practical to wrap up in a fur and leave it at that), worn down to practically threads by her standards, yet ballet flats that were practically brand new.
She had no makeup on to speak of (in public of all places) and was, despite her now tighter fitting clothing since being fed properly on a regular basis, also without a bra, the damned thing having split right into two halves and rendering itself useless.
At least she wouldn’t be recognized.
In the pocket of her jacket she had some money that Veld had given her and a piece of paper with a name and the number of someone who would get her a new identity and the proper paperwork to travel freely out of the country and into almost any of her choosing.
He owed Veld.
Make a good life for yourself, he’d told her before they parted.
Amidst the bustling of Prague she sighed, stepping out of the way and making herself small by a lamp post. She didn’t know what that meant.
What she did know was that she needed clothes and a hotel. Locating the shopping mall was simple. She practically had radar for the finer things in life and though she was eyed by the sales woman for her incredibly average appearance, Marie paid no mind, flipping over the tag of the dress she’d set out to purchase.
Her heart sank.
The dress alone cost almost half of what Veld had given her. There was no way she could provide herself with a new wardrobe here. With tears in her eyes, Marie dropped the tag and turned away, realizing how little she really knew about surviving on her own.
“You might try MY,” drawled the sales clerk, examining the diamonds on her fingers, “perhaps better suited for your….budget.”
Thanking her, Marie left the boutique, and, locating a directory, was pleased to find this ‘My’ was an anchor store and she wasn’t likely to get lost finding it.
The clothing selection, she found, was severely lacking in…well anything she cared for, really. But then again, she’d been living practically primitive for nearly half a year and had found herself quite happy in doing so, so purchasing a few bits of clothing she might have to share the style of the masses was not the most horrible thing she’d ever endured.
And to her surprise, they had everything. Undergarments, pajamas, hair accessories, makeup (bargain brand, but still), purses, shoes, and even a not-quite-awful and sort-of-formal-depending-on-her-hairstyle dress she might be able to wear should she choose to treat herself to a drink at a place more her scale.
She even found a new suitcase.
Leaving the mall she encountered a small tourist cart where she was able to pick up a few brochures and pamphlets in English and sought out a budget-friendly hotel. Family-friendly, it said. That was likely to be affordable enough without being questionable. She was right.
Feeling successful, she checked into the hotel and rolled her new suitcase containing her entire new life, into the little room and when she laid eyes on the shower, she let out a squeal and practically jumped from her clothes and underneath the running, hot water. Oh how such a simple pleasure was a luxury.
The towels and robe provided by the hotel may have been of moderate quality but to Marie, it was like entering the world again and when she flopped down on the bed, she smiled. Life could be good, if lived on her own terms.
She sat up, digging in her jacket pocket for the piece of paper Veld had given her, and scooted closer to the telephone, reading the name and numbers over and over again until she wasn’t reading them anymore, but simply…staring through the paper.
Mmm….maybe not tonight. She put the paper back in her pocket. Maybe she’d wait just…another day.
She didn’t sleep that night, the sounds of the city ringing through her ears and thundering in her head. They were loud, obnoxious, unnatural noises she’d forgotten about. Here there was no crackling of a dying evening fire, and no steady heartbeat of another person. It was screeching and yelling and music and she was overly aware of all of it.
The next morning, though she’d had little sleep, she was determined to have a good day. It was the last day she’d spend in Prague, she decided, and while she was there, she might as well do some touristing.
She had breakfast at a cafe, walked some fashionable streets, and when she found the library, she decided to see what they might offer by means of nearby attractions. There was a sign in the lobby she couldn’t quite read, but she recognized the wifi logo and the currency, and the image of a clock.
Maybe…just for a few moments she could rent some time on a computer. There was something she was curious about. Into the search engine went her name.
Gossip blogs had plenty to say about her death. None of it good, of course, but she brushed those aside, looking for an actual news article and found exactly one.
“…where Californian heiress fell victim to the brutality of Czech mountain terrain. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dufresne have refused to speak about the loss and wish to mourn in peace. No services will be held.”
She hadn’t even been named.
Angrily she clicked away, returning to the search and typing out Harold Davenport. Pages of articles of the great tragedy that befell the ‘philanthropist’ and ‘business guru’ assaulted her eyes and had she been one to make more a scene, she might have thrown the monitor from the table. Instead, she clicked out of everything and with angry tears in her eyes, stormed silently from the library.
Even in death she meant nothing to anyone.
On the steps of the library she sat off to the side, tucking her face into her knees and sobbed. The benefit of city folk was that they were city folk and had better things to do than bother with someone who may or may not be crying and she was left alone.
When she was calm enough to stand, she walked aimlessly, not knowing what exactly to do anymore. She’d lost interest in being a tourist. She needed to decide where to go from here. London and Paris were too obvious. She had too many connections in both places. Anywhere in the United States put her too close to Arthur.
Australia? New Zealand?
No, too many creepy crawlies that were beyond the appropriate size. Tahiti was a nice idea. It was her favourite place in the world, after all, but it was expensive and she wasn’t exactly equipped with the capital to set up residence there. It would be a great place to establish herself as a photographer though.
She sighed. But she didn’t have her camera. It was at the bottom of Veld’s boar pit. She wondered if it had survived. It was in its protective bag, inside of the suitcase. Well, it didn’t matter now. Still, she wondered if he’d look through her things. If he’d look at her photos. There were some of herself on that card, she remembered.
She wondered if he’d miss her. She grunted. “Probably not,” she whispered to herself as she walked, “useless burden.”
There was a pang in her heart as she thought about not being cared for by yet another person, but this pang was small and dull, as if she’d made it up to torment herself.  The greater pain came with remembering he wasn’t next to her in the bed when she’d tried to sleep.
Get over it, get over it.
Of course they’d grown close. Of course they’d grown intimate. Two people cooped up in a cabin for five months were bound to have sex eventually. That’s just how the world worked. It didn’t mean it meant anything.
Well, it had meant something to her. She wouldn’t deny it. She’d hold those memories close to her heart. She’d allowed him in. She’d chosen him, even if, admittedly, the options were limited, she had genuinely wanted him and he hadn’t paid a single penny for her.
She stopped at a deli for something in between lunch and dinner, a hot sandwich loaded with more meat than she’d ever been allowed outside the cabin before, having acquired the taste for it and finding herself craving it now.
Back in her hotel, she took to the complimentary pad of paper and pen, trying to decide where she might decide to live. Singapore was an enticing option, but like Paris and London, she knew far too many people who frequented the area and the circles of the rich and powerful were small. Crossing someone’s path was inevitable.
Both Ireland and Scotland were possibilities. There wasn’t anyone in either of those countries large enough for Arthur to deal with and they were English speaking lands. That was a plus. She thought some more, tapping the pen against the little desk in the room. Both of those options were a little…chilly for her tastes.
“Scotland, Ireland…Germa…no….Greeeeece?”
She put a question mark next to that one, then promptly scribbled it out. Lamb was too high on their list of favourite meats.
“Oh! Spain!”
She’d been to Spain several times and enjoyed the climate, the food, the people, and they were lovers of the arts. Almost too cultured for her family, truthfully, and it had only ever been a place clients had taken her to on their holidays. She favored Barcelona.
The Spanish were a passionate bunch too. Not that she wanted to take advantage of men exactly, but she didn’t see the harm in securing a temporary boyfriend for temporary lodgings while she got on her feet. She would even be honest about her reason for being in the city. A photographer making a name for herself—
She frowned. It would be hard to claim to be a photographer without equipment. She didn’t have money for all the equipment she needed. She didn’t even have money for the sort of camera she preferred and that was…one thing she simply wouldn’t budge on.
Sighing, her hand found her hair and she rested her elbow on the desk. Stupid money. If only there were some way to…
Her eyes fell on the little black dress hanging up on the back of the hotel door. She knew where the swankiest hotels were, and the lofty bars that sat below the rooms the visitors kept.
That evening found her at the bar, dressed and made up to entice, nursing a glass of white wine, her cheap lipstick leaving a kiss on the rim of her glass.  A man sat down beside her but she paid him no mind. They would come to her. They always had. Whether they left putting koruny in her purse or not was entirely up to them.
“You’re new.”
With no one else at the bar top, Marie turned, knowing she’d been addressed.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re new,” the man repeated, all knowing eyes and thick accent, “to this bar.”
“It’s a hotel,” she pointed out, “everyone is new.”
“Maybe this is true, yes, but you are working.”
Irritation rose up in her chest then. Was she so obvious? “I am waiting for someone,” she clarified instead.
The man chuckled. “Ah. Yes. I’m sure you are waiting for many someones. But here now, is only me.”
With slightly narrowed eyes, she studied him. Early ffities by the looks of it, well groomed, sporting a rolex and tailored suit; he had money. Then again, so did almost everyone else coming through the doors of this hotel. Everyone except her.
“You seem to think you know a lot about me,” she replied, taking a sip of her wine and fully intending to ignore him.
“Mmm,” he hummed, “maybe I assume but only a working girl who is new here would sit at this bar in costume jewelry and a hmmmm….” he waved his hand in the air a bit, calculating the currency in his head, “…sixty dollar dress.”
He had here there.
Now the question was: did he believe her cheap attire was a reflection of her skills? Did he think her out of her element and would be be unwilling to pay?
“Well,” she cooed, leaning over to him, “I don’t see the point in spending all my money on a dress that is going to spend the night on the floor.”
Her glass was at her lips again. “Besides, men usually don’t notice these sorts of things.”
“Ah.” He motioned for the bartender to bring her another glass. “Maybe not the boys you played with in…America, is it? Boston maybe. They will not know any better. But here in Prague…men, we know.”
She didn’t know what in her face changed, but he picked up on it, quirking a brow and giving her a smirk.
“You do know men,” he noted softly, “and yet here you are.”
Accepting the new glass, she straightened her back, looking over the rim through her lashes. She wasn’t accustomed to being read so easily by strangers and she was willing to admit her pride was hurt. She had been good at what she did, as involuntary as it had been.
“I took some time off,” she replied, lips turning up softly, “not by choice.”
The man beside her tended to his own drink for a moment, before his hand found her thigh and he leaned over.
“You will come with me and if I am satisfied, I will give you ten thousand dollars.”
Marie’s eyes flicked to the side, then down to his hand. His drink hit the bar top, thumb and forefinger snapping up to take hold of her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“And you will return tomorrow looking like a woman who can afford to sit at my brother’s bar.”
These words were colder now, almost threatening and he squeezed, though not hard enough to bruise. “The fee to do business here is thirty percent.”
Marie nodded and for a month, she returned to what she knew. There was money to be made in the escort business, particularly when the fee was paid directly to her and not her father.
After a month, she met a trust fund baby on vacation with a bunch of his buddies. She didn’t care for orgies, but they were her age and not nearly smart enough to keep their money in their pockets. Easy targets. The whole weekend ended in one of them setting her up in a penthouse flat as he cancelled his return trip home, opting instead to stay in Prague with her, living the high life.
While she’d taken the name ‘Poppy’ for work, this boy toy of hers had opted instead to call her ‘Puppy’, a pouty little pet name he held for her when he wanted to get his way.
Marie had not touched the money Veld had given her. It didn’t seem right to spend it. This was not the ‘good life’ he’d meant for her to make for herself, and guilt ate at her whenever she thought about him. She had more money than she’d ever need. Both in cash and jewelry. Her boyfriend had bought her a luxury car she couldn’t drive. That alone could buy her a pleasant country cottage if she sold it.
She wasn’t pleased with herself. She wasn’t even particularly enjoying her life. As she nursed her sore cheek outside on the balcony, even that was a generous assessment.
She hated herself.
She’d found what she knew, what she was comfortable with, and like a coward had crawled back into its toxic embrace—a life of distraction, of pretending.
Her boyfriend didn’t love her. She didn’t even think he liked her all that much. He liked her body and he liked what she could do with it. He liked how powerful he felt when jealous stares of his peers followed him when she was on his arm, and he liked the power he had over her when he was putting her in her place. But her? No, she didn’t think he liked her. She’d asked him once if he would hold her hair back if she was sick. She didn’t know why she asked. The mood had soured immediately and he reminded her the rug was new and if she vomited on it, he’d rub her face in it so she’d know what she’d done.
Just like a puppy.
Rubbing at her cheek gingerly, she stood, palms flat on the marble railing as she overlooked the city. She’d asked to meet his family and he hit her.
She wasn’t his girlfriend, he’d sneered, she was his whore. Up until tonight, she hadn’t known he had a fiancee in London. Up until tonight, she had thought he was a reckless party boy with a bit of a temper.
He’d never called her a whore before. Not just ‘a’ whore, but his whore. He wasn’t name calling; he was stating the facts of their arrangement.
He was passed out in the bedroom now. The sun was flirting with the horizon and Marie looked directly to the street below, lifting one foot onto one of the little bistro chairs set up there. No one would have to see her. Someone would find her, but…there was no one about right now. If she jumped, no one would witness her death. No one would be traumatized. It was the least selfish thing she could do.
With her second leg up on the chair, she brought her knees up onto the stone and took a deep breath. With a sharp inhale, she looked up, taking in the view, pausing for a moment and savoring one last look. The bridges and beyond them, the shadow of the mountains. Was one of those mountains Veld’s mountain? Probably not. They were too close.
Her chin wobbled and she ducked her chin into her chest.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, teetering where she knelt. He would have been disappointed in her. She didn’t imagine he’d look too favorably on rich girl suicide. He hadn’t been impressed with her drug addiction.
He’d held her hair back for her when she vomited. He’d cared for her as she detoxed. He nursed her back to health, a perfect stranger who had barrelled into his peaceful life.
She wobbled a bit at the memory, yelping and throwing herself back, back onto the balcony, back to safety. The chair clanged against the table as she fell and when she realized just what she’d almost done, she choked on her own guilt, sobbing onto the slate beneath her.
By the time the sun rose above the horizon, she was just picking herself up, throat raw and eyes swollen. Her arms and legs shook and she found that she couldn’t look down onto the street without the feeling of falling assaulting her.
As she stepped back into the penthouse, a new sense of clarity overcame her.
She wasn’t stuck. She wasn’t as trapped in this lifestyle as she pretended to be.
After a shower, she cleaned the apartment of all liquid assets she could fit in her purse and, cutting her credit card and fake identification card in half, she tossed them onto the bedside table beside the unconscious leech on society, and left.
She spent the earlier hours of the morning in a cafe, fueling herself and making a list of necessities. She bought a train ticket, and when the shops opened, she bought what she would need. She was on a mission. Whether it was clarity or mania was still yet to be seen and on the train, ‘out of sight, out of mind’, came into play. Her guilt and self loathing began to melt into excitement.
At the train station, a taxi took her to the small mountain village and for a little (lot) more than his fee, continued up the narrow mountain road until it became almost impossible to drive any further. This was fine.
She was sure the taxi driver thought she was insane as she hauled her much heavier duty suitcase, military grade duffle, and all season backpack out from his trunk but returned down the mountain without her after her insistence.
Traveling wasn’t much easier than it had been the first time almost a year ago, but knowing where she was going this time kept her motivated.
Her far more practical footwear helped immensely.
When finally Veld’s cabin came into view, she found muscles and speed she hadn’t previously been able to access, and several yards from the dwelling, abandoned her luggage, hastily throwing the backpack from her back as she sprinted forward, calling out his name.
Would he be happy to see her? God she hoped so. She felt that he might. Her months with him up here in this cabin had felt so real, so genuine.
Her new leather boots thudded up the few steps to the door and she froze before she could even knock, his name dying on her lips.
It was entirely boarded up. The door, the windows. In fact, it was so oddly still, there was no mistaking the lack of life in the tiny house that had held so much of it this past winter.
“…no….” She shook her head, backing away, eyes darting all over, “No!”
With her tiny fists, she pounded on the door, screaming for him. It couldn’t go like this. He couldn’t just be gone. It…it wasn’t fair.
Dropping to the porch, she cried into the wood of the door. She shouldn’t have left. She’d made the wrong choice, continued to make poor choices, and now she was paying the price for it.  
If she had just…stayed.
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My mother (TW: abuse)
My parents immigrated to Singapore in the 90s from China. I grew up in Singapore since age 3, I have no memories my early childhood in China, so I speak, behave and think like any Chinese Singaporean. I am Singaporean, my parents are not. A lot of the abuse actually comes from cultural differences. My parents basically think they are the best parents in the world because providing food, shelter and education to a child is more than enough. They do not believe in mental growth and health.
My mother is the main narcissist in my life now (she wasn't the only one). She has emotionally abused me since childhood and I have only realised it about 5 years ago. I can remember one vivid incident when I was 6/7. She was trying to take a photo of me and told me to stand in the HDB corridor. Singapore is a tropical country, we get plenty of sun during the day so it was so bright and glaring that I couldn't open my eyes properly. She got so angry and upset that I couldn't do it. She blamed me for "looking ugly" and "ruining the picture" and absolutely refused to listen to me trying to explain that it was too bright. There were countless of such incidents from my childhood. Once she tried to kick me out of the house for reasons I can't remember and pushed my small 6 year old body out of the door when I clung on the door frame and cried for dear life. As with other Asian parents, I got my fair share of threatening and beatings not only from them but my grandparents as well.
I have always wondered why I was usually the sad and anxious kid and why other kids seem to have nicer parents that aren't controlling or angry all the time. I have always wondered why I kept attracting emotionally abusive or unavailable partners in my adult years. 5 years ago I was so depressed and became suicidal, had social anxiety, avoided my friends, so I sought out a free counsellor from a non-profit and took herbal antidepressants as I couldn't afford a therapist (consultation is usually 100/hr). The counselling completely opened up my eyes - all my emotional issues had roots in their way of parenting. Due to Singapore's restrictive housing laws, I have no choice but to live with her. In Singapore, unless you're rich or married, you can only life with your parents. I can't afford renting out. An apartment here easily costs at least SGD2000 per month. Just a small room without a toilet in a shared apartment costs SGD600 per month and that's already the cheapest. Also, I can't live with strangers (trust issues + anxiety, another story) and have no friends (whom I can trust) who can rent with me. I can't afford private housing. Only legally married couples or singles at 35 years old can buy government subsidised housing.
My father is the enabler in the relationship and either doesn't believe what I tell him, or he downplays the impact my mother has on me. I have had nightmares reliving her abuse where I woke up screaming. My father used to live with us and went to China about 6 years ago for work. That's when my mother's abuse was at its worse because I was the only other person in the house. That's another story for next time.
After counselling, I managed to cope a lot better now and could hold on to a full-time job. I realised my parents won't be able to change due to their age, culture and habits. The main takeaway from counselling was that I MUST remove myself from this family, no matter how difficult because I'm the only child. I've started planning my departure since 2017 and this year, my plans are finally in motion. This blog documents shares my journey of putting distance between myself and this emotionally toxic family, and my mental health recovery. I really wish no one goes through the same thing as I do.
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southeastasianists · 5 years
About 1,000 people live on the streets of Singapore, according to the first study done here to measure the scale of homelessness.
The highest levels of homelessness were reported in Bedok, Kallang and in the City, with each district having more than 50 people on the streets, according to the study which was led by Assistant Professor Ng Kok Hoe from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
Fewer than 10 homeless people were observed in Bukit Panjang, Sembawang and Sengkang.
The study found that 87 per cent of the homeless people were men. About half of the total were judged to be in their 50s or older. Approximately a third were either separated, divorced or widowed, with a similar number who were single.
In the report, Homeless In Singapore: Results From A Nationwide Street Count, Asst Prof Ng said: “Despite growing public attention in recent years, the size of the homeless population in Singapore has always been unknown.”
Measuring homelessness in a systematic and transparent way enables the researchers to provide guidance for policy and service planning, he said.
Street counts like this should be conducted every few years to provide timely guidance for policy and service planning, he added.
The study focused on street homelessness, about which there is a lack of information, the report said.  Other types of homelessness include living in temporary accommodation or moving frequently because permanent housing is not available.
Almost half of the homeless people interviewed - 47 per cent - cited unemployment, irregular work and low wages as reasons for their situation.
About 37 per cent gave family conflict and break-ups as a reason, while 27 per cent said they had housing problems such as an inability to pay rent and mortgages or that they had sold their housing.  
About 40 per cent of the homeless people interviewed stated that they had housing registered under their name. Fifteen per cent said they had public rental flats, while 11 per cent had purchased HDB flats. Others mentioned having a hostel place or a residence overseas.
Some of them said they could think of safer places to sleep such as with friends, family or at their workplaces, but said they did not do so due to family conflict, not wanting to inconvenience friends, problems getting along with co-tenants, or wanting to be near the workplace.
“These responses show that actual access to better housing options is often hindered by practical and social barriers,” Dr Ng said.
Asst Prof Ng led a team of 480 fieldworkers which included representatives from more than 20 non-governmental organisations and members of the public. All fieldworkers had to attend training prior to participating in the counts.
Together, they covered all 12,000 blocks of residential flats and other public and commercial spaces over a period of three months this year. The map of Singapore was divided into 298 zones grouped into 25 districts. Most of the zones were in public housing estates, where each zone covered about 50 blocks of flats.
These zones also included public facilities and commercial spaces. In the city and other non-residential areas, zones were demarcated so that each zone would take around two hours to cover on foot.
The volunteers recorded the numbers of individuals who were asleep or going to sleep in public spaces, with some evidence - like bedding and belongings - that they are homeless. The volunteers started their count at 11.30pm or later.
Almost half of the interviewees reported health problems and one in four persons had eaten just one meal that day or none at all.
When choosing locations, there appears to be a trade-off between safety and peace, Dr Ng said. Exposed spaces that are under the public eye are safer but noisier, while quieter places may be remote and render homeless people more vulnerable.
Some homeless people accessed medical care frequently, but half of them did not, including a quarter of those who reported health issues. They also faced dangers such as theft, and were often approached and questioned by law enforcement agencies.
The research also showed that homelessness was often chronic, lasting six years or longer for about a third of them. Half of the homeless persons had been sleeping in public for between one and five years, Some of them did not sleep in public every day, but switched between different housing arrangements periodically.
“Persistent street homelessness combined with constant instability characterises their housing insecurity and indicates the considerable challenges of exiting homelessness,” Dr Ng said.
However, many of the homeless persons had found ways to maintain their appearance, did not keep many possessions, and often slept in spaces that were clean and sheltered.
Dr Ng said that close to half of the homeless people interviewed had sought help in the past year. The Social Service Offices were mentioned most frequently, followed by Family Service Centres and Members of Parliament.
There is room for improvement in the current landscape of public and social services, he said.
“The report highlighted opportunities such as expanding outreach services, offering overnight shelters with lower barriers to entry, and removing the joint tenancy requirement as part of HDB’s public rental housing scheme so that there is adequate living space and privacy,” he said.
The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) said on Friday that it appreciates efforts by the community, researchers and volunteers in reaching out to and helping homeless people and rough sleepers.
"We thank Dr Ng Kok Hoe for facilitating our outreach to respondents who were willing to seek assistance from MSF.
"Homelessness is a complex issue that often involves multiple underlying social issues. Dr Ng’s study observed many different profiles: homeless people and rough sleepers who may have their own homes, Singapore residents and foreigners," said MSF in a statement.
The ministry said that over the last two years, it has been partnering with community groups and government agencies to reach out to and assist homeless people and rough sleepers.
"Together, we engage and refer them to shelters and help agencies, such as Social Service Offices and Family Service Centres, to address their longer-term issues," it said.
MSF cited the Partners Engaging and Empowering Rough Sleepers (PEERS) Network, which was launched in July this year and currently includes 26 agencies, many of them religious institutions.
It also highlighted and thanked partners who have opened up their premises as SafeSoundSleeping Places (S3Ps), which "provide safe accommodation for homeless people and rough sleepers to rest during the night, and makes it easier for government and social service agencies to engage them in a timely manner".
Members of the public who want to help homeless individuals they have encountered can call the ComCare hotline at 1800 222 0000 or refer the person to the nearest Social Service Office or Family Service Centre.
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novenahallsblog · 2 years
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We, at Novenahall Students Hostel, offer the best student hostel service in Singapore at an affordable price and with a clean and clear experience. call + 65-97720291
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Phoenix Residences
Phoenix Residences (Former Phoenix Heights) is an uncommon 99-Years improvement gladly introduced to you by OKP Holdings Limited. Mr. Or then again Kim Peow began Or Kim Peow Contractor in 1966 drawing in Civil Engineering Works with PWD. With the quick development of the organization, Or Kim Peow Contractors (Private) Limited was joined in 1977 to assume control over the current business of the sole-ownership. OKP kept on growing its business and set up its track records of structural designing and framework ventures in Singapore. OKP is a pioneer in structural designing and framework industry in Singapore where the gathering ability is in the development and support of freeways flyovers, air terminal runways and runways, air terminal foundation and petrochemical plants and oil stockpiling terminals. The gathering has been continually offering effectively in both open and private segments for framework and structural building and designing tasks for the last 50 years.  We have differentiated our portfolios to property improvement and speculation. We were recorded in Singapore trade on 26th July 02.
Phoenix Residences will be OKP Holdings Limited most recent private advancement in locale 23 along Phoenix Avenue.
Phoenix Residences townhouse offers 1 room to 4 room units types that will suit all financial specialists and property holders needs. Hopeful purchasers can search forward for top quality completions from OKP Holdings Limited.
Phoenix Residences Pricing is to be declared soon. Phoenix Residences will be appealingly estimated for all timely riser enlisted purchasers. The engineers will report once the Phoenix Residences Showroom is prepared for review. Do enroll right on time as designer's VVIP visitor for first hand data, for example, Phoenix Residences Floor Plan, Phoenix Residences E-leaflet and Phoenix Residences Pricing. VVIP Guest will be welcomed for the first day Preview Launch with alluring engineer rebate.
Phoenix Residences is situated at a prime area in locale 23, along Phoenix Avenue in Bukit Panjang domain. This new apartment suite is in a private enclave of landed houses. 375m to Phoenix LRT (BP5) 2 stations to Bukit Panjang MRT (DT1) a Downtown line which carries you to downtown and Central Business District.
For inhabitants who drive utilizing their private vehicle, Phoenix Residences Singapore is helpfully arranged close to Upper Bukit Timah Road, a significant hub connecting between both Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) and Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE), making venturing out to the remainder of Singapore a breeze. MORE INFO
Phoenix Residences apartment suite is under both Choa Chu Kang URA masterplan and Bukit Panjang URA masterplan. By 2020, Upcoming new seller community and coordinated medicinal services offices will be prepared at Senja. Encompassing occupants can anticipate a recently overhauled Choa Chu Kang sports complex by 2020 and a recently assembled Safra Clubhouse at Choa Chu Kang town park by 2022.
Hopeful purchasers taking a gander at every day food supplies shopping, NTUC Fairprice, Sheng Siong, and Giant Hypermart are a short walk and drive away from Phoenix Residences townhouse. For eating and amusement choices, they can go to Hillion Mall, Junction 10, Bukit Panjang Plaza and Teck Whye Shopping Center.
With respect to guardians sourcing for trustworthy schools, West View Primary School, South View Primary School, Beacon Primary, CHIJ our Lady Queen of Peace, Bukit Panjang Primary, Green Ridge Primary, Kranji Secondary School, Dunearn Secondary, Fajar Secondary School, Assumption English School, Teck Whye Secondary School and Crest Secondary are close to this new dispatch townhouse advancement.
Confident proprietors of Phoenix Residences can investigate progressively abundant comforts in the encompassing with the Phoenix Residences area map.
For Phoenix Residences showflat arrangement booking, mercifully register through this site or basically dial our Developer Sales Hotline +65 6100 9266 preceding approaching perspective Phoenix Residences Showroom.
Because of guideline of group control, Phoenix Residences Showflat won't be available to people in general however through APPOINTMENT as it were. Along these lines it is firmly fitting to tie down an online arrangement before coming down to the showflat.
For those whom had enlisted on the web, you will be ensured of making the most of our Direct Developer Price with NO COMMISSION payable by you.
In the event that you had enrolled an online meeting with us, you don't need to enlist again to maintain a strategic distance from duplication. It would be ideal if you be guaranteed that we will reach you in 1-hour time to affirm your arrangement. An email will likewise be sent to you once enlisted with us.
We are right now in the Phase 1 of Registration of Interest for our VVIP Preview. Register your Interest ahead of schedule to be the first to see our delightful Showflat once its prepared for review.
We will refresh Phoenix Residences Balance Units Chart and Phoenix Residences Pricing in this official site once the undertaking is propelled.
It would be ideal if you note that all equalization units available to be purchased at Phoenix Residences depend on first-start things out serve premise. For any booking of unit, it is liable to the board's endorsement and not over 2 hours.
Kindly don't miss this uncommon new condominium dispatch close MRT. Just 79 elite units are accessible. Register now for Phoenix Residences VVIP Preview.
Phoenix Residences Price is liable to change moving forward without any more notification.
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Phoenix Residences the previous Phoenix Heights is a forthcoming extravagance condominium at Phoenix Avenue in the Bukit Panjang Estate. This new apartment suite advancement venture was made sure about through a fruitful delicate of $33.1million in 2018 by the Group's related organization, USB Holdings Pte Ltd at 71-85 Phoenix Avenue. A new multi year rent was allowed by the Authority to Phoenix Residences. It includes 79 units of 5 story private improvement which is minutes' stroll to Phoenix LRT (BP5) and Bukit Panjang MRT station (DT1). Downtown line is very much associated with Central Business District (CBD) and downtown which makes driving to the remainder of Singapore for work and relaxation no sweat.
The advancement highlights 79 extravagance units from 1 room to 4 room units type to provide food the requirements for both clever financial specialists and homebuyers. Phoenix Residences gives different offices, for example, the pool, lap pool, open air structure, BBQ pits, private capacity rooms and vehicle leaves. Attendant Services is likewise solely accommodated the inhabitants of Phoenix Residences apartment suite.
Phoenix Residences Singapore proprietors can appreciate the comfort of shopping, feasting and diversion at the close by shopping centers, for example, Hillion Mall, Junction 10, Bukit Panjang Plaza and Teck Whye Shopping Center.
Concerning guardians' thought of encompassing schools, we have West View Primary School, South View Primary School, Beacon Primary, CHIJ our Lady Queen of Peace, Bukit Panjang Primary, Green Ridge Primary, Kranji Secondary School, Dunearn Secondary, Fajar Secondary School, Assumption English School, Teck Whye Secondary School and Crest Secondary which are close to this new dispatch apartment suite improvement.
Phoenix Residences is under Choa Chu Kang URA Masterplan and Bukit Panjang URA Masterplan. By 2020, forthcoming new peddler community and coordinated human services offices will be prepared at Senja. Encompassing occupants can anticipate a recently overhauled Choa Chu Kang sports complex by 2020 and a recently constructed Safra Clubhouse at Choa Chu Kang town park by 2022.
Inhabitants of Phoenix Residences apartment suite will get the chance to observe every one of these changes and redesigning sooner rather than later.
Every single confident proprietor can peruse and download both Phoenix Residences Floor Plan and Phoenix Residences E-Brochure here.
Engineer Page
In 1966, Mr. Or then again Kim Peow set up Or Kim Peow Contractor drawing in Civil Engineering Works with PWD. With the quick extension of the organization, Or Kim Peow Contractors (Private) Limited was consolidated in 1977 to assume control over the current business of the sole-ownership. OKP kept on growing its business and set up its track records of structural designing and foundation ventures in Singapore. OKP is a pioneer in structural designing and framework industry in Singapore where the gathering ability is in the development and upkeep of interstates flyovers, air terminal runways and runways, air terminal foundation and oil and gas framework for oil stockpiling terminals and petrochemical plants. The gathering has been continually offering effectively in both open and private segments for framework and structural designing and building ventures throughout the previous 50 years. We have differentiated our portfolios to property improvement and speculation. We were recorded in Singapore trade on 26th July 02.
Over the 50 years, we had built up cozy associations with our customers from both private associations and open parts. For open segments, we have JTC Corporation, Urban Redevelopment Authority(URA), Housing Development Board(HDB), Land Transport Authority(LTA) and some more. For Private associations, we have customers from WorleyParsons Pte Ltd, Changi Airport Group, ExxonMobil and numerous others.
OKP's ceaseless endeavors and commitments to the business and Singapore has been perceived by the business and has therefore gotten numerous honors and awards. The Group keeps on maintaining its strategic giving top quality homes to all buyers.
We were highlighted in August 2010 for Forbes Asia's "Best Under A Billion" list, Merit for the Singapore Corporate Governance Award under Mainboard Small Caps classification, Best Annual Report Award (Gold) in the "Organizations with under $300 million market capitalisation", Top 200 firms in the Asia-Pacific locale and some more.
In 2011, OKP fused an entirely claimed auxiliary partnership, OKP Land Pte. Ltd. The vital business exercises of OKP Land Pte. Ltd. are venture holding and property advancement.
In 2012, OKP engaged with an enbloc acquisition of an apartment suite hinder at 8 Amber Road to build up a top notch venture – Amber Skye.
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biiancaguedes-blog1 · 5 years
Why Everybody Is Talking About Condominium Apartment...The Simple Truth Revealed
Condominium Apartment: the Ultimate Convenience!
Penthouse apartments are normally pricey and are associated with a luxury lifestyle.  To locate a specific school district, and the way it relates to a particular apartment, please contact the apartment manager. Besides efficiency apartments, one-bedroom apartments have a tendency to be bigger, in which one bedroom is distinct from the remainder of the apartment.
Everyone is going to have essentially the very same leases, and the very same rules apply throughout the building. Thirdly, a residential lease can be employed by the tenant if the landlord attempts to change the ailments. A superb lease should have as much as information possible to permit the tenant know what things to anticipate from the landlord, but in addition keep the landlord protected in the event of a poor tenant. The Model Lease isn't legal counsel. In case the rent isn't paid at that moment, you might serve a 3-Day Notice to Quit on the 10th moment.
Condos Condos are somewhat more unique and more upgraded than your standard apartment. They are a bit different. The condos may be also owned by a group of individuals, but apartments are largely owned by means of a developer. Having a condo usually means that you have a component of the property or a proportion of it in that there are a number of resources in which you'll have to share with other condo owners.
For best singapore condo visit Parc Botannia condo. Only 20 Units are left.
What defines a condominium is the shape of ownership. Condominium'' isn't a term that's widely utilised in England and Wales. In general though, the term condominium is used for the dwelling unit that's otherwise referred to as an apartment in many areas of the world.
Facts, Fiction and Condominium Apartment
While each sort of housing unit can arrive in a wide variety of fashions, the major difference between both lies in the shape of ownership. After all, it's futile to buy a 3-bedroom condo unit in the event the rooms are too small that you use effectively. It may also be more challenging to sell a condo unit rather than a home with acreage. After all, condominium units in properties like the North Park Residences Singapore and similar others are likely to be big investments that you may not be able to earn a second time in the the next couple of years (unless you are exceedingly rich)!
Apartment living gives renters a lot of flexibility and a great deal of choices, but there are a few negatives. Buying a house is not an effortless practice. Then you need to be home when the vendor arrives to do the job so there's scheduling involved. For instance, landlords renting single-family homes ought to know that the lease consists of occasional references to common locations. In rare scenario, if any, you are going to find more than 1 family residing in a flat. Quite simply, it is dependent on whether you're alone or with family, for short or long-term stay.
The operator can go through the contract when drafting and check whether any condition or aspect was overlooked. You are going to have to speak to the condo owner to see whether they'll cover the plumber or in the event that you will. Since you'll rent from whoever owns your condo, you will receive more personal time with your landlord. Furthermore, landlords can occasionally give tenant-specific info about what landlords must do and how they're expected to act under the laws of the specific state the parties reside in.
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Batam Girl
Bahasa Indonesia was adopted to make communication less complicated across the vast Indonesian archipelago, but its simplicity has only designed new barriers. Orchard Towers subsequently gained the notorious name of Four Floors of Whores”, referring to the retail podium which would be flooded with bar hostesses, escorts and prostitutes at evening. All of the functioning girls know where are the nearest quick-time hotels exactly where you can rent a space for an hour or two. Of all the single guys or females you may well meet on line, really couple of will be compatible with you especially, and it can be hard to determine the level of compatibility of a prospective companion via strategies of conventional dating services - browsing classified ads, on line personals, or viewing profile photographs. From Australia to Mexico, India to England, all over the place there are girls willing to offer their services and appreciate a Tamil hard fucking for example. Singapore Independent Escorts And Escort Agencies of our website has a great selection of hetero and bisexual girls and boys. Subsequently, SG ELITES The Ultimate Companionship Experience. WE ARE PROUD TO SAY THAT WE Give THE was constructed in two phases, giving a way westwards from the city centre, allowing the whole Orchard Road to be one particular-way. Respect! The Anal Sex Duties Of An Escort reported the incident to the ReCAAP ISC who informed the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) and the Indonesian authorities. In 1955, the Malayan Chinese Association planned to make a 12-storey developing at the junction of Orchard Road and Cuscaden Road, consisting of shops, office spaces, apartments and hotel rooms. If you are an escort providing your time and services, post an ad in the Singapore female escorts category to meet men and women searching for the services you offer you in the Singapore region. Ladyboys in Singapore are hanging around Orchard Towers area, Geylang area and Desker Road Orchard Towers is a bit far more costly to have sex with ladyboy. Trafficking of females to the sex market in Singapore is a issue. Later, they dance naked around the poles, and some sell extra-solutions at the hotels, or merely in the bar itself.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Kai! We’re excited to have you and Lara James in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Kai + she/her Age: 25 Timezone: EST Ships: LJ + an NSA-less world Anti-Ships: LJ + unhappiness
Full Name: Lara “LJ” Rae James Face Claim: Hayley Kiyoko Age/Birthday: January 28 / 25 Occupation: Member of Geek Squad at Best Buy + Full time student at NYU Personality: adaptable, charismatic, impulsive, extroverted, creative, clumsy Hometown: New York City, New York Bio: To say that Lara James’ childhood was a mess and a half would be speaking politely. From the moment that Lara was born, her parents struggled. Her mother was a waitress for a small diner located in the heart of Manhattan and her father was a handyman for an apartment building that liked to pay him under the table. While it was nice to not have to deal with the taxes taking money from his paychecks, it meant that sometimes, the main provider of the house was not bringing home enough money for the family to live comfortably. There were many times throughout Lara’s childhood that she remembered the lights flickering before going out for days on end. This was something that typically brought on hours of screaming and bickering between her parents about all issues surrounding money and the unhappiness that it brought to them. While Calvin and Melissa James always strived to bring the best for their daughter, sometimes their money situation could not even provide a well balanced dinner for their daughter for weeks on end. It was something that Lara always thought to be normal and casual amongst the children of her neighborhood, but after being labeled a few horrific names from her classmates, she knew that wasn’t the case.
As she grew, things never really got better. Her father kept losing job after job, stress taking over his life, and turning him into a man that was filled with anger instead of the happy, bubbly man that she always loved and adored. Her mother had lingering eyes for every male that came into the diner, always wondering what life would be like if she wasn’t strapped down by the suffocating lack of funds in her family. In fact, when Lara was just seven years old, her mother’s lingering eye is what took her away from her family. One night, Lara heard shuffling outside of her bedroom door and before she was able to investigate what was going on, her mother was gone. She had packed her few belongings and left Lara and her father to their own devices. Later on, Lara would find out that she had met a wealthy man who was capable of giving her more monetary happiness than her own flesh and blood ever could. It was something that made Lara see that the world was not always as kind and forgiving as she thought it was.
It took her mother’s departure from their lives for things to turn around for Calvin and Lara, however. Once there was no other means of money and income coming into the apartment, Calvin started working harder to get jobs that were well paying and reliable for work. He started looking in construction, quickly becoming employed with a company that actually made him fill out a W-2 and do things by the book. The money started coming in more readily, and Lara was seeing things that she never had before: birthday presents, dinner on the table every single night, random gifts of appreciation from her father, etc. While they didn’t have much, there wasn’t a single day in which the lights went out in their home.
It wasn’t until her fourteenth birthday that Lara received a gift from her father that opened a door in her life that she had never been prepared for: a personal laptop. There was not a lot of extra money lying around, but the hefty priced gift was something that was met with a beaming Lara and a very smitten Calvin that he had done so well by her. For that next coming years, Lara spent her life on her laptop. She researched everything she could find, downloaded all the free video games that she could come across, and taught herself everything the Internet could teach her about coding (which was a lot). Her research and fooling around online quickly came to a staggering halt the moment she turned sixteen whenever she thrusted herself into a job. While she was just working at Best Buy as a cashier, it was something that helped her father out in little ways whenever it came to bills and purchasing groceries. He was constantly protesting her from working as much as she did, but Lara liked that she was finally pulling her own around the house.
Once Lara graduated from high school (fourth in a class of a few hundred), she focused on working and nothing more. She had always dreamed of attending college, but dreams did not pay the bills at home and Lara was terrified of racking up a bill with student loan programs. She was happy though. She climbed the ranks at her local Best Buy and soon enough, she was partaking in the program of Geek Squad. She got to spend time doing what she loved most, handling technology, and was getting paid in the meantime. It only took a couple of years and soon enough, Lara had padded her savings account enough to fly from her nest of a home. It was something that Calvin struggled with, but she was only living a subway trip away from his clutches.
Living on her own was something that Lara quickly found to be a lot more complicated than she had thought. She wanted to be the independent individual she always knew she was, but rent was hard to make every single month. Because of such a thing, Lara was quick to look for roommates. After a few duds came into her life, she came across Evie Miller. She was everything that Lara found annoying in a person, but for the sole purpose of wanting entertainment around her apartment, she decided to sign the lease with allowing her to move in. While it may have taken a couple of months, Lara and Evie soon became inseparable. Not to mention, Evie was the person who inspired and encouraged Lara to start following her dreams and enroll in college. Lara isn’t shy to tell anyone that her roommate is the reason behind her college success, but she keeps it under wraps that while she is attending school for a Computer Science degree, she’s also enrolled in a full time honor’s program. Pets: N/A Relationships:
Evie Miller: At first meeting, Evie was the opposite of the kind of person that LJ wanted to associate herself with. She was the happy-go-lucky type that was constantly barging into her room with her wide smile and multitude of stories, which always made Lara question her decisions about agreeing to be her roommate. However, as time has passed, Lara has considered Evie to be one of her closest friends in life. She’s the epitome of a ‘ride or die’ for Lara.
Matt Solis: For a person that runs the other way from love and actively states that it does not exist, she fell rather hard for Matt. They got along from the very beginning of meeting, and from the moment they kissed, Lara knew that she was screwed. She was wrapped around Matt’s pinky finger up until the moment that things weren’t what fairytales were made of. Somedays, Lara blames herself for being too flaky whenever things got closer and closer to true love. Other days, she blames Matt. While she isn’t entirely sure why she blames her, it’s sometimes easier doing such.
ACup baristas: Since Lara was heavily involved with one of the baristas, Lara spent a lot of time at the establishment. She even made sure to keep her menu hacking skills to a minimum whenever it came to being part of the customer sea.
MON$TA LJ / @laranotcroft/description: sometimes i legitimately believe i might be the love child of a trash can and steve buscemi
Five latest tweets:
@laranotcroft: my top 5 best life moments is still when Smash Mouth RT’d me thats when i truly became an all star @laranotcroft: anyone gotta dollar ??? my bank account would be at $69 then and lemme tell you that would be delish @laranotcroft: ariana grande releasing new music every 6 months is why i’m gay as fuck @laranotcroft: im only a heaux whenever melted cheese is in the pic <3 @laranotcroft: FUCK U @NSA FIRST YOU LET ME INTO CANADA AND THEN YOU LET ME RUN AMUCK IN SINGAPORE ???? IDIOTS shoutout to cousin jay tho ur new wife is hot and its a hella good thing i’m back in america bitch <3
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magenta-teal · 6 years
This is me letting you go
We met exactly in one and half year ago, didnt know each other yet, well, i've heard you before, a lot, but not really paid attention. That time, i feel ur eyes judging me, thought u are the one i should avoid the most.
And then, we're going to karawang. It's the first day you finally talked to me. You asked me abt romi-dude, and i said he was the most handsome guy in the gang. You laughed at me, and i just strunted my eyebrow, feeling weird.
Turns out it was your birthday, it was so late and we didnt give u a proper wishes. Vincya made u blow up the candle with her zippo. Well, next day everyone throwed a party for u, and i dont feel like belongs to family so, i just slept on my blanket, faking to be busy.
And time passed. We got along well, but not that well. Until one day, you asked me to watch coco. I want to reject u at first, scared that we might got awkward as the movie played. But fortunately, we didnt. U even shed a tears, and u said u never cried in front of everyone but certain person. And lucky me, i am one of the kind.
And u told me abt ur stories, and i'd loved to listen every words u said. Blablabla, and u told me ur school, ur ex, ur family, and all bout stuffs. Serious matters. And u shed a tears once again. Want to give u a hug but who am i anyway?
Once again, we got along well, this time, we got along pretty well, as u ended up in same division as me, we traveled a lot, together. Bogor, bandung, medan, bali, what that was again?
And i remember the time when we had a staycation in ubud. U never been that clingy to me. U tailed me wherever i go. And for some reason, idk what, u loved to took a picture with me. It was the first time finally i feel something in u.
Do u remember? The time when we didnt go exploring ubud but swam in early morning? Time when i really want to made a group with u in our ttw camp? Time when i nagging a lot, longing for beach, and u were the one who made people going there, to fulfil my needs. U remember when we had dinner at jimbaran? We took a lot of photo. U even held my hand as if we were a real couple. U made me swing my body. I feel weird but still did it anyway.
At the end, i know it was u who always accompanied me. When i went back to dinner table after took some photos in beach, when im all alone, surprisingly u also went back and sat with me for the time being. And because of that, i cant help but seeing u as a different person.
So as we went back to jakarta, when u sat right next to me on the plane, i really cant help secretly laid my head onto ur shoulder. For a glimpse, for a second, and i could feel the warmth already.
Last, u remember when we waiting for our luggage in conveyor belt? I absent mindly dropped my trolley. Everyone laughed at me, but u. You just smiled, and helped me lifted it back.
Sometimes you surprised me with what you did. Once, you asked me going on rooftoop in the middle night, watching sky full of star with sight of pool in front of us. The next day, you asked me to accompanied you ate sekoteng at 1 AM on a narrow street at bandung. And how do i forget all of your stories on your igs? Once you told that i'm much cuter than kawa. Then you told me to picked between jeans and flanel. And you made me popped up in your 2ndary account. It might be just a birthday wishes, but it really means a lot, for me.
And soon, i realized that you always came by my bench. Once you just passed by. Once you sat on the chair next to me and asked me a things. Once you deliberately brought your laptop and worked in front of me.
People started gossiping us. Some took photo and shared it on group. Some talked behind. Some frankly asked what our relationship really are. What we did just smiled. Neither saying no nor yes.
Time passed once again, long story short u asked me to become ur fwb. Still remember the day u gave me a paper-made-flower. Idk why but i felt butterfly on my tummy. Weird. Shouldnt be that happy but i am.
Turns out it was totally wrong when i asked u to make clear abt ur feelings towards me. I shuld left it hanging but what i did was pushed u to confess. Never knew that would be bad.
Then we made some rules so no one gettin hurt. You told me not to get hard feeling. But it cant be. You know, my feelings already hard to begin with.
Till one day i felt different towards u. You changed. And I came to confront. U said u werent into relationship. I understand, as u started to avoid me, i started to forget u.
But who knows we got a long too well? We attached into each other, somehow. I started to walked away from u, but u popped up once again. Gone clingy with ur dumb smile.
Darn you, spirit of fungus.
And i couldnt resist u at a moment, i come too far by moved out and picked a house rent nearby u. Crazy, i know. And once again, u proved me u really attached to me as u always always and always asked me to had my supper with u.
I know it always been fun hanging together with u. We spent a day, a night. Talking unnecessary thing. Full of laugh. No phone, no people, no distraction. Just two of us. With our own world.
As the feelings started to blooms, i began to showed u a real side of mine. A bitchy one. Annoying, angry, meany, sucks. I got mad couple times. I talked bad. Im an asshole, i know.
Thought u would got tired and walked away from me. But it's you i know. U just being u. U put down my anger by showing me a good side of yours. And you stayed.
Then i started to questioning abt our rules. If we already did a right thing or not. Bcs if we were a real fwb, i shuldnt gone that far by got mad at u. As i start to asked u abt this relationship, u ignored me and just left everything the same.
We were going abroad together on November. Singapore. Your hometown for half a year on 2014. It was a group trip but i'm gone too far by being clingy with you. You didnt pushed me back and let everything be.
We went to USS. And we almost looked like a couple as we always riding things together on theme park. We also did a lot of couple lookalike shoot. Full of awkward pose. After all we are not a real couple.
But you surprised me by knocking my door at 7 AM. It was cloudy morning. Rainy outside. Cold. I opened the door and you straightly went to my room. Snuggled up under my blanket. And i could hear you snoring. As i'm watching you sleep, i wonder if we weren't really a couple. But no, we're not. I'm your friend, i said to myself.
Many things happened. Who knows that i would staying with you on your surgery day? I saw you screaming cause of a shoot. You made me see every single step mrs doctor did to your feet.
And i cant forget all of day we watched movie together. It was a midnight movie. We were wearing our pajamas. I didnt wear any make up and you didnt bother.
Once, you asked me to ate midnight snack on 1 AM when i already put some skincare, turned off the lamp and ready going to bed. We ended up going on conversation until 5 AM.
Sometimes you cooked for me. And you always granted my wish by making some dish my mother barely cooked.
It was sure a best day of mine.
4 months later, after i moved out to your neighborhood, you decided to left cause you cant stand living alone. Im not lying when i said, its saddening. Once i mad at you, gone clingy, questioning you all over if you would still there. But you tell me you're not going anywhere. You're not going to leave me. Then i come to trust you with disbelief.
Now you are going busy with your work. And your life, perhaps? You kinda ignoring me, not replying my text, not answering my call (okay its too exagerrated), not even read 'em. And what can i do? I dont want to ruin everything. So i just sit back and wait. I really dont want to disturb you. You have your own life.
And i'm letting you go this time. Letting you do what you wanna do. I dont want to hold you back. After all, Im just your friend. Like your other friend. But with slight of benefit which i dont know what.
Feel free to stay. Feel free to go.
So this is me unclapsing my finger.
This is my parting, my reluctance, my heartache and my final gift to you.
This is me letting you go.
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Utilities – All you need to know guide to rent in Singapore
So, you found your ideal house to rent in Singapore, you are ready to move in and can’t wait to use your concierge vouchers from us, but not just yet! Before you unlock that front door, are you aware of all the clauses in your tenancy agreement — Especially about your obligations towards paying for the utilities?
Well, Utilities expenses are recurring and hence it makes a lot of sense to spend some time and review them. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know almost everything about “Utilities” set-up, payment and management.
Let us start with a set of frequently asked what’s, their possible answers and best practices:
What are the questions that you can ask related to your new rented house utilities while signing the Tenancy Agreement (TA)?
       What are included under Utilities in the Tenancy Agreement?
Usually, it is the water, gas and electricity supply which forms a typical Utility Bill. However these days most condos have an induction stove which eliminates gas.
       What about the Internet, telephone, television, aircon maintenance services (Sign up and rent through Truuue App and get $100 home service voucher)?
Amenities such as landline telephone services, aircon  servicing, internet broadband, and cable T.V. are your prerogative. You are solely responsible for setting them up and maintaining them.
       Will the utilities be billed to you as a stand-alone house or will your landlord get the bills, which then he claims from you?
This is a landlord’s prerogative. If the utilities were transferred in your name using your FIN or NRIC number, in that case, you will receive your bills every month and have to pay it to the authorities as and when due.
However if you are renting just a common room or a new en-bloc property like I, where the landlord chooses to bill you back the expenses with every month’s rent, all you got to do is pay on time!
       When are the bills due for the utilities?
This primarily depends on when your account was set. We will come to how to set your account in some time.
       What is the formula for calculating the cost of utilities if it is billed to the landlord?
Unless you occupy the whole unit, most landlord’s in Singapore divide the bill based on the number of the occupant or includes it as a part of your rent.
Communication is the key – You can always ask for the bill to know the monthly consumption.
For further information on current and historical data on tariffs and details on the national average household consumption, you can visit SP Group, the electricity provider to all residential consumers in Singapore.
       Confirm that there are no outstanding utility bills on your house
It is good practice to get at least a verbal (and if possible a written) confirmation from the landlord clearly stating that there are no outstanding utility bills to avoid any unsavoury experience during your stay. I’d recommend following this at the end of your lease term as well.
So now that you are clear with the basics lets look at how to set up your utility account.
You can set up the three basic utilities gas, water, and electricity supply by opening a single account with Singapore Power services (SP Services).
       Completed and Signed Application form for Utilities Account
       FIN or NRIC copy – Front and Back
       Letter of Authorisation from ACRA registered Director (only if leasing the property under the Business’s name)
       Latest ACRA detailed business profile (Applicable only if creating a residential account under Company’s name)
       Documentary proof of occupancy of premises (Usually required upon request)
And initial Security Deposit.
The security deposit ranges from $40 – $400 and $80 – $800 depending on the type of premises you want to rent in Singapore for Citizens/permanent residents and the Expat or Work Pass holders respectively.
The application process:
Applying for a Utility account is simple and SP Services ideally takes about 3 business days to activate the account for you (There is also an express service available to activate services by paying an extra $60 and three hours of notice on all working days except Sunday & public holidays, depending on appointment availability). However, to be on the safe side I’d give it a week.
You can apply for the Utility activation both online and offline.
Option 1: Apply online through the SP Service’s website by filling up the online application form which takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
Option 2: Like Truuue, SP Utilities has a downloadable App adding to your convenience of being able to apply via mobile or a smart device.
Option 3: Call the toll free number 1800-2222 333 for a phone application. Or you can Fax the completed application form to 6304-8229
Option 4: Apply via Snail Mail: take print and fill up the application form and post it to the address:
Senior Manager (customer service), SP Services Ltd
10 Pasir Panjang Road #03-01
Mapletree Business City
Singapore 117438
Option 5: Apply directly at a customer service centre. There are 2 locations as listed below. Choose either and submit personally.
Manulife Tower: 8 Cross Street #02-01/03, Manulife Tower, Singapore 048424
HDB Hub: 480 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #02-08 HDB Hub, Singapore 310480
There are a few exceptions and important inclusions, we encourage you to read here.
Now that your Utility is set, make sure you clear your bills on time and avoid any late charges. Thisdetails the components of your bill for easy understanding.
Late Utility Bill charges come in a pink notice reminder fee of 50 cents in addition to a 1% per month charged for late payment.
For all who share an apartment, you could insert a clause in the tenancy agreement that would explicitly state that you would not be held responsible for any late payment of bills if you had made every possible effort to pay them on time.
Bill Payment Methods
Again there are online and offline methods to pay your utility bills on time.
For a hassle-free-no-reminder method, simply set up a GIRO account and link all your recurring bills for payment through it.
Alternatively, you can always pay using their app, or login to your online account or the island-wide several AXS machines.
Retain bills and documents
It is highly recommended to retain your utility bills, Tenancy Agreement, Payment Receipts, and any other monetary exchange receipts with the landlord or the service provider. These documents are the best way to resolve any dispute that might arise between you and the other parties.
We at TRUUUE seek to promote mutual trust and understanding between the tenant and the landlord.
But a truly win-win situation can happen only when all the parties involved are aware of their rights and responsibilities, and act accordingly.
We at TRUrental wish you a Truuue-ly happy stay at your home!
Are you a tenant looking for a room or whole unit to rent in Singapore? Download Truuue Tenant and enjoy perks like Home Service coupons (you can use for your aircon servicing or home cleaning or any other handyman jobs) and peace of mind (our services are always FREE)!
Are you a Landlord who is looking for his next tenant or planning to rent in Singapore soon? Download Truuue Landlord and enjoy tailored service with “Truuue’s customer care” as the mediators, Renters Insurance and verified Tenants at the lowest fee in the market of S$50* upon successful transaction.
Original content available at https://blog.truuue.com/
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