#Sinclair media tv stations spewing Republican propaganda
This is how Republican billionaire conservatives influence every aspect of your life.
“Independent journalists Aaron Rupar and Judd Legum reported that the repetition was an example of how Sinclair outlets “launder hit pieces into the news cycle.”
The conservative media chain also came under scrutiny this week after union leaders at the Baltimore Sun complained that substandard stories — like an op-ed comparing the “transgender movement” to “cancer” — have appeared on its website since Sinclair’s David D. Smith bought the newspaper, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
Sinclair has previously used a unified voice — some might say propaganda — to boost Biden’s 77-year-old Republican rival, Donald Trump. In 2018, the company forced its TV news stations to read Sinclair-written promos that echoed Trump’s ranting about “fake news.”
A Sinclair spokesperson on Wednesday defended the practice.
“Affiliates using a preproduced script for a package that has been provided by another media outlet is a common practice across the industry,” the spokesperson wrote to HuffPost, adding that this is “not specific to Sinclair.”
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citizensaul · 5 years
The onslaught of Extreme media outlets spewing Conservative Spin on Uninformed Naive people !
Religious zealotry is nothing new except now it has reached the airwaves of TV and radio reaching millions of Americans sounding like it is Normal news when in reality most of it is Republican Conservative Spin ,Propaganda, outright lies and distortion of the truth. We have Limbaugh and Breitbart as Right Wing as possible then Sinclair Broadcasting with over 200 TV stations catering to rural America and then FOX  advertising itself as America’s Network for News which in itself is an outright lie just look at the lineup of the on air people starting with Sean “Goebells” Hannity., Tucker Carlson,Laura Ingraham,Not one is HONEST, it’s all SPIN, to the EXTREME ! These Evangelicals behind the money are the Mercer Family and the Koch Brothers pouring their billions into making their narrow Religious and political views the core values of our country and they must be STOPPED before the Destruction of our Democracy and it’s freedoms ! The courts are being packed with Extremist judges,look at the Supreme court with /Samuel Alito,Gorsuch and  Kavanaugh and  the venerable” Say Nothing “ Clarence Thomas ! Now the lower courts are being filled at a rapid pace before the 2020 election .Trump is a MERCENARY who has already shown Cowardice and for money, he has Betrayed the nation to Russia ! There is a very clear choice in 2020 and American’s had best wake up to IGNORE the FAR RIGHT MEDIA and VOTE to restore DIGNITY and Respect to this Great & Good United States of America ,bastion of Hope & Freedom for all people !
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