#Since it appears that she acted as a vessel for the conjoined humans' evilness
primordialchoice · 11 months
Bereshit A: Verse 417 LILIT was not "a help to match him," as it is written, "but for the man there was not found a help to match him" (Ibid. 18). What does this mean? IT MEANS SHE WAS AN EVIL KLIPAH AND HE COULD NOT TRUST HER. SHE STAYED WITH HIM until that time, of which it is written: "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate to match him" (Ibid.). FOR THEN SHE WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM. Come and behold: Adam was the last BEING TO BE CREATED. Therefore, he had to come into the world as a complete being. THIS IS WHY LILIT HAD TO BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM AND EVE GIVEN TO HIM INSTEAD.
So you mean to tell me that Adam was made after Lilith????
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