#Simple Things You Must Know In Interior Design
missmilkie · 5 months
My Hero Academia Bf Scenarios
How You Meet
Ngl I pulled a lot of this out my ass. It’s super random, but the best I could do. Also I’m sorry if something is wrong, I don’t know much about anything. Definitely not proofread.
3339 words
Izuku Midoriya
You couldn’t believe that the Deku was commissioning you for costume upgrades. It was so unreal as you sat in the car that he had arranged to pick you up. When he offered, you had originally declined, but he insisted. No one can argue with the number one hero.
As you fought the nervousness from your face, the car rolled up to the tall building that everyone in Japan could name. The hero himself was right there, and he opened the car door for you. You took his hand that he offered you, and climbed out of the vehicle.
“Thank you for coming, (L/n)-san.” His grin was wide.
“Thank you for offering me this job. It’s an honor to work with you.” You had mentally rehearsed this the entire car ride there.
“Considering your credibility, I’m lucky to have found someone with your skills.” Deku opened the door to the building for you as well. “Your work is incredible.”
While you’d made quite the name for yourself amongst support companies, you didn’t think that talk would reach the number one hero.
“Thank you, I love what I do.”
“I’m glad you’re passionate about your work. That’s something we have in common.” You could’ve sworn he winked at you.
He made polite small talk as you rode the elevator up to his office on the top floor. Keeping cool the entire time was a struggle, but you miraculously accomplished it.
“Alright, I have a list of things that I need upgraded and added on. I’m not sure how to accomplish that, so I’ll leave the details to you.”
For the rest of the day, you went over his list, discussing his requests. It was going to be a tough job, but that was to be expected of the top hero. You couldn’t wait to start on it.
Katsuki Bakugo
Becoming a sidekick for Dynamight was huge for you. To get into one of the top hero agencies straight out of high school was almost unheard of. It was satisfying to have your talent recognized, but you still had bigger plans.
It was orientation day at the Dynamight Agency. All of the new sidekicks would be shown around and have the rules and requirements explained to them. You would most likely zone out through the entirety of it.
After arriving at the agency bright and early, you changed into your costume in the locker room. The older sidekicks gossiped amongst themselves and gave you looks. You brushed off the latter, writing it off as jealousy.
The orientation was given by one of Dynamight’s top sidekicks. You were a bit bummed that the hero himself wasn’t there, but you knew he wasn’t formality oriented. As the number two hero, he was also extremely busy, so he probably didn’t have the time for it either.
You followed the group, only half listening. It sounded like pretty general stuff, so you figured you weren’t missing anything important. You took the opportunity to look around the agency. The decor was simple, but fierce, no doubt not picked out by Dynamight himself. He most likely hired an interior designer and then approved the decor.
Every inch of the place was clean. Which was kind of surprising as he was always so wild on tv. A man’s got to have standards though. The secretaries were all quiet and doing their jobs at their desks. They were probably too scared to make a ruckus in the Dynamight’s agency. Being on the receiving end of one of his anger must be terrifying for weaker individuals.
After orientation and the tour, the new sidekicks were given assignments. Most were put on patrol with veteran sidekicks. A small group was left behind. Confused as to why you and the small group were kept behind, you huffed and crossed your arms.
“Listen up, newbies, I’m only gonna say this once!” You whipped around at the familiar voice. Dynamight. “You’re the top candidates that I personally selected from all of the new sidekicks. As such, you get to patrol with me today.”
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat picked up. He picked you as one of his top new sidekicks. You were effectively fired up.
“Let’s get out there and kick some ass now!” He ordered, spurring the group to action.
The patrol route was loaded with all sorts of criminals. It made sense that Dynamight would choose the most dangerous patrol as the number two hero. It was a race to beat each villain. Dynamight held back for no one. A few were able to show their stuff and gain the attention of the number two hero. You took the opportunity as soon as it presented itself to you.
You lunged at the same time as Dynamight, but teleported behind the criminal to deliver a blow that made them lose consciousness. As time went on, you began beating your fellow sidekicks by taking down the second highest number of villains under Dynamight.
In the locker room, you were getting looks again. This time they were accompanied by whispers. “Did you see how many villains she took down?” “What a show off.” “She looks so fucking dumb.” “She’s not even that pretty.”
You had no idea what looks had to do with heroics, but you knew you weren’t lacking there. Haters were going to hate. They just wanted to be you.
Clad in civilian clothes, you exited the locker room and went down the hall. Your AirPods played music in one ear to block out the annoying people.
“(H/n), please report to Dynamight’s office.” A voice called out over the intercom. You sighed, hoping there wouldn’t be trouble.
“(H/n), here.” You announced as you stepped into the warm office.
“You did well during patrol today. I didn’t think any of you would actually be able to keep up with me.” A smile flashed on his face before it became harsh again. “You still have a lot to learn though! You’ll be training with the top sidekicks. If you’re really good, maybe I’ll train with you.”
“Thank you, sir. See you on the training field.” You smirked at him.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I’m not.”
Shoto Todoroki
Being a famous singer was a lot of fun. You got to do something you loved and get paid a ton for it. You could afford all the clothes, shoes, and makeup you could ever want.
Being famous also had its downsides. You couldn’t go out in public without fans bombarding you and acting crazy. You traveled with bodyguards to keep yourself safe. Even with the added security, there were still risks.
Still you did your best to do good and make the most of your platform. You were going to perform at a charity event that several of the top heroes would be attending. Fans went crazy on the internet, discussing what songs you might perform and anticipating a stylish outfit.
You straightened your dress as your limo pulled up to the venue. With a final look at your makeup, your door swung open. Cameras flashed from nearly every direction. Somewhat accustomed to the light, you ignored them. You stepped out of the car and smiled. Making sure to let as many cameras get a good angle on you, you strutted down a carpet.
The inside of the building was decked out with elegant decor and smelled expensive. The host welcomed you with a bow. You bowed back before continuing into the building. You would have some time to mingle before the event officially started. A fellow artist of yours was going to be here, so you went looking for her.
“(N/n)!!” A familiar voice called out. (B/f), your friend.
“(B/f), I was looking for you.” You hugged the other singer.
“Your dress is so gorgeous. Look at your body in it, goddamn!”
“Yours too, the color is great on you.”
You sat at a table with her and chatted until the host welcomed everyone to the event. You were then called to the stage to sing. Taking the mic in your hand, you sent a smile (B/f)’s way.
The music started up slowly. This song was sultry, so you took your time and let it flow. Every run and scoop floated across the air. You didn’t need autotune to sound this good.
When the song was over, everyone in attendance clapped. Reporters kept taking pictures and covered the event on tv. You had just met back up with (B/f) when everyone was dismissed to dance, eat, and drink.
You stayed seated for the first few songs, drinking a cocktail. (B/f) chatted your ear off about perfumes. You were wanting to try some new ones in your scent family. Of course you’d always have your signature scent to come back to. It’s the only one you’ve bought multiple times.
The two of you hit the floor, dancing with each other. While the dances were more classy, they were simple and kind of fun. (B/f) was a boy/girl magnet, so she was asked to dance. This left you alone on the floor.
While contemplating sitting back down, you felt someone get pushed into your shoulder. You looked up to see the number three hero, Shoto.
“Apologies, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He rumbled out in his low voice.
“It’s alright, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Would you take a dance for reparations?”
“I would.” You felt a smile bloom across your face.
Shoto led you very well, he was firm but gentle. You felt the different temperatures of his hands through your dress. You continued to talk, joking around by the second song. The two of you ended up dancing to several songs. Usually people switched partners, but you kept talking.
Only when (B/f) found you after a while were you pulled away from your new friend. She teased you relentlessly about the whole thing. You hadn’t left without giving him your number though.
Eijiro Kirishima
Cities were full of crime, so they had to be full of heroes. It wasn’t uncommon for you to come into contact with heroes from other agencies. You often weren’t familiar with those you encountered as they were your run of the mill heroes. Not everyone could be famous.
The cries of innocent citizens alerted you to danger nearby. Focusing heat to the soles of your feet, you shot off in the direction of the screams. In such close quarters you had to keep your flames compact. Rounding the corner, you took in your situation. Three opponents, all armed. Two civilians in immediate danger.
“Either you let those two go and just go to jail,” you smirked sickly. “Or you go to jail all beat up.”
One pointed a gun at you and took a shot. Summoning intense heat to your palm, you launched a fireball at the bullet. It was so hot that the bullet immediately melted on impact.
“You wanna pick again?”
Another used their quirk to grab at you. Tendrils whipped through the air. Flames extended from both hands this time, slicing through them. Sizzling tendrils dropped to the pavement.
“You’re starting to get on my nerves…” you extended your flames to rope around the three criminals, careful not to actually touch them. “Drop your weapons.”
Moments later, the cops came and handled them. The sound of incoming steps made you turn around. A broad muscled hero with cherry red hair stood grinning at you.
“Way to go! You beat me to it.” He chirped.
“Thanks, Red Riot.”
“And you are?”
“(H/n).” You stated with confidence.
“I’ll remember that.”
“See you around.”
Denki Kaminari
“Chargebolt, a few words please!”
The press conference was packed with reporters like you. Chargebolt was a sociable hero who was more friendly to the paparazzi. Heroes like Dynamight and Shinso didn’t tolerate them well.
“Chargebolt, is it true that you hooked up with your ex, Earphone Jacks?”
“What really happened during the Kyoto Raid?”
Questions of all kinds bombarded the blond hero. Depending on what type of magazine or newspaper there were questions either about the hottest lip gloss in his opinion or about a past mission. You waited to be heard. That was how you used your quirk. By asking a direct question the person must answer you truthfully. This only works if they can hear and understand you.
“What can you tell us about future hero agency team ups?” You spoke clearly with a curious edge.
“Team Earphonebolt has been disbanded for the time being. I’m currently trying to get Dynamight and Red Riot to form a team with my agency.” The way he answered was as bubbly as he usually was. No one noticed anything off about it.
“And is the disbandment in relation to your break up with Earphone Jacks?” Another reporter asks.
“No. Not at all.” His smile had dropped for a moment.
“Why haven’t you been able to team up with Dynamight and Red Riot?”
“Dynamight keeps saying no because he thinks it’s stupid.”
You took some notes on questions that other journalists asked. You didn’t think you’d have the chance to speak to him again. You thought wrong.
“Hey, you who asked me about the team ups!” You heard him call as you were preparing to leave for the office.
“Can I help you, Chargebolt?”
“I just wanted to ask about the weird feeling I got when I answered your question.” The blond admitted sheepishly.
“People say I have an effect.” You let a smirk grace your lips.
“That was more than just an effect. I felt compelled to tell the whole truth.”
“You got me. It’s my quirk. It makes it so people answer me honestly.” You explained with a shrug.
“You’d make a great interrogator.”
“I’m not super into criminal justice.”
Chargebolt chuckled. “What’s your name?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).”
“A pretty name for a pretty girl.” The stun gun hero flashed you a smirk.
Tenya Iida
You didn’t think you would actually land a job as Ingenium’s personal secretary. Yeah, you applied and did the interview to the best of your ability, but you didn’t think you’d get picked. There had to be someone better than you. Apparently not.
The hiring officer led you to your desk. It was clean, very modern and professional looking. It was big enough to hold three laptops and several stacks of papers. You figured you’d be busy enough to utilize the space.
“Ingenium will be out to meet you soon.” You nodded and the hiring officer walked away.
You took a seat in the plush office chair. The levers to adjust it were easy to find, so you fiddled with them for a good minute. Your shirt slid off your shoulder and revealed part of your bra. It was no big deal because you thought no one would see.
“You must be my new secretary.” You jolted at your boss’s voice, scrambling to stand up and look put together.
“Yes! (Y/n) (L/n). So grateful for the opportunity to work for you.” You bowed deeply.
“I’m glad you could come in at such short notice. My old secretary got married and had to move away. I’ve tried to deal as best I can on my own, but it’s been too much to keep up with.” His voice turned softer when he admitted this. You relaxed a bit.
“Then I’ll get to work right away.” You flashed a sweet smile his way.
Hanta Sero
When your agent told you that the company you were doing a shoot with was collaborating with some pro heroes, you got excited. As a celebrity, you often attended high class events that had pro heroes there. It was always nice to meet new ones.
Your driver stopped in front of the location.
“Be back here in three hours, please.” You instructed before walking away.
You had done a photoshoot with this company before, it was a designer brand. The shoot was for a new perfume and cologne line. You hoped it would smell good, you’d be taking some home with you. If you didn’t like it, one of your friends might.
“(L/n)! Here’s the outfit choices.”
The employee held up two outfits. One was a black silk dress with cutouts on the side and spaghetti straps. The other was a teal strapless bodycon.
“That one.” You pointed to your choice. It was immediately handed to you and you were ushered to the changing room.
In about two minutes you got undressed and into your dress. You came out to pick a pair of heels. While trying some heels in, you lost your balance. Almost as quick as your fall, someone stopped your motion.
“Careful there, chula.” You looked up to see the pro hero Cellophane in a suit that matched your dress. He was so hot in person!
“Sorry! I should’ve sat down for this.” You took a seat on a bench and put the shoe on with ease.
“There we go, all dolled up for the camera.”
“(L/n), it’s time for makeup.!”
“Ah, thank you for catching me.” You bowed slightly.
“No problem.” He smiled wide and it was so sexy.
They did your hair while they did your makeup. The style was elegant and complimented your face shape. Your makeup was dewy and natural. You looked expensive.
“Alright, Sero and (L/n), come over here.” The photographer called out once the both of you were ready.
You took pictures in several different poses together. You were always touching each other in some intimate way. Luckily you kept your composure the entire time.
After everything was undone you turned to leave, your driver was right outside.
“(L/n)!” It was Sero calling out to you.
“Yes?” You turned around.
“I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?” His nerves weren’t evident in his voice, but you could see it in his eyes.
“Yeah, give me your phone.”
Sero opened his phone to the contacts app and handed it to you. You put your number in and pressed on the name part.
“What did you call me earlier? It was something in Spanish?” You looked up to him making mesmerizing eye contact.
Your contact name was Chula <3.
Hitoshi Shinso
Working the graveyard shift at a hero agency wasn’t all bad. It was quiet, no one really bothered you. Things rarely happened, so a lot of what you did was organize and check on medicines. When you got patients. You skillfully dealt with them.
It was another boring night at the agency. Lights were dim and barely anyone was walking around. It was quiet with the sounds of the ac. You had done all you could for the night, so you sat on your phone to keep yourself awake. When the door to your office opened, you jolted.
“I just need a few things.” He wasn’t a hero you could immediately recognize. His voice was low and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. The guy’s left arm was bleeding profusely and soaking his ripped sleeve.
“No, let me help you. It’s literally my job.” You stood up and guided him to a bed. He took a seat while you gathered supplies.
Beginning to treat him you asked, “So who are you?”
“Shinso. I’m more of an underground hero.” He answered monotonously.
“Not big on attention? Me neither.”
“Is that why you work the graveyard shift?” The two of you made eye contact.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Who are you? Are you a nurse or medical hero?”
“Med hero. The name’s (H/n).” You finished up patching him. “There you go. Go easy on that arm these next couple of days.”
“If I don’t follow your advice, will you get mad?” Shinso cracked a teasing smile.
“Nah, I’d just force you to stay in the office with me.”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad punishment.”
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dyrewrites · 1 month
Before Deluca -- pretty promises
While its exterior was of simple stone, weathered if well-carved, its interior was an artistry all its own. Ornate figures peered at and wept over the single stone sarcophagus—which dominated the small space—from every close corner. What the numerous candles in varying degrees of spent could not light, the colorful stained glass of elaborate design illuminated in rainbow splendor.
More it coated us in the same. Splendor, that is. Leaving us to gape, to marvel in a room too swollen with sweetness to be one of death. Small though it was, cold though it should have been, that space all but pulsed with grandiosity, with warmth...with life.
Reverence, perhaps, would be the word.
It might be surprising to learn, dear reader, but that was my first time inside such a building. Inside a cemetery for more length than it took to bid departed family goodbye even. So I can’t say if all mausoleums are so grand and warm, only that hers was.
Nathaly hopped onto the sarcophagus, sitting cross-legged on its chest, and motioned for us to take seats on stone stools situated on either side of the entry.
Ones we opted not to, choosing instead to stand as close and tight as we entered.
She giggled, closed her eyes and sighed…
Releasing mists from her open mouth and pressing us closer as it danced through the air toward the stools. All the white swirled and pulsed and each stool stretched into a bench curving with the wall.
Lucient scoffed, “what witch did you swear fealty to for such tricks?”
“No witch,” Nathaly tittered, “and no trick,” stretching her arms wide she spoke with more of a commanding tone than she’d displayed, “all what is dead, or for dead, is mine,” swirling her hands close and tight, she laughed, “to squish and stretch and shape how I want.”
“None hold such power,” Lucient tested, but his thoughts told more to me alone, none I’ve known, but I’ve heard of those with similar, treasure. They are frightful things spilling kingdoms of blood, with palaces choked in the cries of their own—of us.
She does not seem the ruling type, my love, I soothed, earning pinched lips and narrow eyes. My chuckle earned an elbow before I spoke to our host, “with how often we’re referred to as ‘dead’ things, do you intend to own us as well?”
More laughter, “No, no. I would never claim such rare things as mine,” mist again she became, to appear before us—still standing, refusing her seat—and gazed up, “I invited to help. To keep any from holding you. Keeping you. Claiming you.”
“How will you do that,” I asked, smiling more for Lucient’s fingers in my arm.
She can’t, he insisted, this is some trick, some trap.
But Nathaly appeared genuine, nothing of her singing of ill intent—not that I could tell if she did, mind, but something so small and sweet was hard to distrust.
And she aided my belief of altruism, with honesty, “I won’t. Can’t, but know who can. He, or she, or it. As I am, they are all and none whenever they wish...and they can bind you deeper than blood. Deeper than claim,” reaching on tip-toes, she tapped our rings, “can make your pretty promises real.”
“They can’t possibly,” Lucient had barbs on his tongue, ready to stab.
I was quicker, “How?”
“Magic greater than mages, than witches,” Nathaly said through an unwavering smile, “they are older power...and they will love you. You who walk among prey, who keep to their spaces,” tugging on Lucient’s coat, and earning a twitched lip, she giggled, “their clothes. Yet still feed, still kill, with no regard for lives. Paradoxes, you. They will give you all you wish.”
“If such a power exists,” Lucient snipped, yanking his coat from tiny fingers, “there must be a cost.”
Nathaly nodded, “always there is price, but not mine to argue.”
“Where,” short my questions, but long the look they earned me, with concern glittering in all his moonlight.
“They are all places and no places. A between place. A new place,” her riddle continued—through the sound of Lucient’s groaning—as she returned to the top of her sarcophagus, “it follows lines of magic, sigils carved on steel and silver. Faster than any carriage, any horse. And leaves in a week’s time from the North. Two cities to the other end of civilization. You must be on it when it does.”
“Fetid riddles,” my love muttered, “it would be less frustrating to ask the statues.”
But I had the answer, if I said it a bit too giggly, “train.”
Meeting his confusion with kisses, I explained, “she means a train, my love. Out here there is only the one, if the signs in the city are anything to go by.”
He returned my kisses but kept a confused irritation in his face, “two cities away, with a week to reach it?”
“Oui,” I answered, earning a small smile in all his annoyance, “we can make it by foot faster than any carriage...if we leave now.”
“What of our home?” He tested, eyeing the giggles from Nathaly as he accepted my lips on his neck.
Guiding him back toward the entrance, I continued to tease that soft chill with my heat, “its sigils will keep it while we, my love...we will return married.”
“Mm,” fighting still, he leaned to address more giggles, “have you a name for us, someone to ask after?”
“They will find you, young ones,” her giggles erupted louder, filling the small space and the entrance we stood in with thicker mists.
Thicker and thicker it swelled, carrying her laughter in echoing song.
And then it puffed clean away...leaving us in a garden.
No tall trees surrounded us, no headstones either. Simply flowers, bushes, iron fencing, a statue or two and a gravel path leading over a familiar bridge into a city we could see as easily as the night sky above us.
Lucient sighed, shook his head, scooped me up and bid me, “chut,” as I thought of speaking to it—to the power on display—before he sped us north.
→Before Deluca Taglist<-
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@watermeezer @starbuds-and-rosedust @thespacelizard
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teaboot · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @lost-and-cused 💛
Are you named after anyone? Yes, a musician my mother met in Russia!
When was the last time you cried? Huh. I think like, two months back? Trigun '98 episode 23. If you know you know. (I am wrapping u up in a blanket.)
Do you have kids?  Nope! I think I might like to be a foster parent someday, though, once I have the money and the time do it properly.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I- huh. I was gonna say yes, but honestly, not much in the last few years? I used to be so snarky and biting, like, all the time. It must have been really exhausting for the people around me. Now I think mostly it's just when I'm venting. Wild!
What sports do you play/have played?  I dunno if it's a sport if I don't compete but I enjoy martial arts! I do BJJ sometimes but I'm not very good at it, it's just for fun. Oh, and I was on a basketball team for a couple years, but I'm 5'3" and still don't know the rules so I think I was mostly just just for the body count, lol
What's the first thing you notice about other people?  Demeanor. Are you calm or tense? Loose or tightly-wound? Are you likely to explode if you encounter a perceived obstacle? Are you agreeable and easygoing? Or are you pent-up and raw and itching for a fight?
God, I don't think people realize how visibly LOUD they are when they're unhappy.
Some people are like music, moving along to their own little beat or tune, and then a heavy, harsh note walks in and you just KNOW they'll fuck up the rhythm if you brush too close. It's wild. Are they aware of it? Do they care? Who knows.
What's your eye colour?  Brown! Sorta like.... hmmmm. #622a0f in the middle, with a darker ring around the outside. (Never did relate to the 'brown eyes are boring' gang, always liked mine too much. Then again, I was the only one in my family with brown eyes, so maybe it was that.)
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies WITH happy endings? But no, actually, I hate watching horror movies. I LIKE them, I think a lot of them are very good and it's an underrated genre, I just. Don't enjoy being scared. Or sad.
Any special talents?  I'm an artist- I enjoy watercolor, acrylic, and India ink as painting mediums, I'm rather good at realistic stippling, I'm decent at identifying animal bones, I enjoy sculpting and sewing and needle-felting, I'm finally at a point where I like to read my own writing, I enjoy interior design and have been told I'm good at it, I'm a pretty good cook, and I've been told I'm a decent singer! I can also fold incredibly tiny origami cranes, and pick up on new languages well enough for simple use.
And I be far more proud of any number of these things if I did them a little more often.
As it is, I sleep a lot.
Where were you born? British Columbia, Canada!
What are your hobbies? Lord, too many. I'm actually sewing a new battle jacket right now, and animating a short video. Also writing fan fiction. And reading! And I like to collect antique books and handmade ceramics and theater masks. And go antiquing. And I'm still learning to knit? Hhhhhhhhrrrrnnggfn I wish I could have a year off to just. Do things. I wanna take a pottery class! And do metalwork again!! I used to love making chain jewelry. Oh, I do beadwork sometimes! And paint! And I'm sloooooowly designing a guest room. Bfyvxuhfhgtjggjhgyu
Do you have any pets? Yes! Big baby bird cat. He lives out of the country now, though.
How tall are you? 160cm!
Favourite subject at school?  Art. And Metalwork. And Psychology. And Literary Analysis. (And lunch break.)
Dream job?  Okay so imagine this: There's a VERY rich eccentric hell-bent on accumulating strange art, and by some miracle they are both mentally stable and not a gigantic dickhead. They travel a lot and don't really enjoy socializing so I don't have to kiss their ass.
Twice a month I receive an automatic deposit into my bank account and in return, all they want is a reasonably steady continued production of literally whatever art. Portraits, statues, robotics, ceramics, conceptual shit, costumes, carvings, literally whatever.
And they'll cover educational expenses for it all so I can go back to college and learn screen printing and 3D animation and use the kiln and shit forever and ever, and take up apprenticeships at tattoo parlors and volunteer as a face painter and pick up photography, and just create as much beauty and love and confusion and joy as I possibly can forever and ever and ever until I die.
And I'll have enough money to own my own apartment that I'll paint in all my favourite colors, with murals and everything, and have a cat who I will of course spoil rotten, and maybe adopt a few weird and goofy kids who'll have sleepovers with their friends in the living room and play new bad music that I pretend to hate, and when they fuck up and do stupid shit like kids do, maybe I'll handle it better than my adults did.
And maybe if they like making stuff too, I can make stuff with them. And maybe I'll get to see them do it better than me. And maybe I'll get to see them do everything better than me. And maybe they'll be happier, too.
So, uh. I guess I'd like to be an artist. A sugar baby-artist? Sugar baby artist combo. I'd like to have a patron is what I mean. A sponsor. Yeah
Fifteen Mutuals*: @Melancholysage @Genderfuckedpigeon @Raspbrrytea @Qthewhatever @Sternenhimmel-mond @Mythosandsuch @Anunholymessofagirl @Ifitistobeitisuptous @Here-you-can-read-my-feelings @Meat-puddle @Catgirlwarrior @Rodeokid @Not-fae-no-sir @Inbox847 @Pip-53
*I have no idea if we're all mutuals but take this anyways
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lorenid · 2 years
All Day
Genre: fluff, au 
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: none 
Summary: You keep Namjoon company as he buys and builds furniture for his new apartment.
A/N: Got this idea after his apartment tour on RM ‘All Day’ Part 1, the cozy vibes were immaculate and I can’t believe we got to see something so personal. It's my first time writing about BTS and I enjoyed it a lot tbh.
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“Aww thanks, it brings me a lot of joy to pick up furniture. I feel like in another life I could’ve been an interior designer.” You look up at him giving him a sincere smile, he greets the entrance guard introducing him to you and alerting him that if he saw you he could let you in anytime you needed.   
“Aww thanks, it brings me a lot of joy to pick up furniture. I feel like in another life I could’ve been an interior designer.” You look up at him giving him a sincere smile, he greets the entrance guard introducing him to you and alerting him that if he saw you he could let you in anytime you needed.   
“Aww thanks, it brings me a lot of joy to pick up furniture. I feel like in another life I could’ve been an interior designer.” You look up at him giving him a sincere smile, he greets the entrance guard introducing him to you and alerting him that if he saw you he could let you in anytime you needed.   
“I would have hired you in a heartbeat.” He responds with a cheeky smile that makes his eyes look like daggers into your soul. Keep looking back at you to check that you are alright carrying the lightest box he gave to you because you refused to be empty handed. 
“You know what this reminds me off?” You keep climbing the stairs to the first floor to the destination because Joon, as you call him, refuses to use the elevator for such a short distance going on about conserving electricity in simple ways.  
“Pivooooot!” You say elongating the o sound and giggling at your own joke. Imitating Ross during the iconic couch scene from Friends. As you make a turn to the last few steps and he reaccomodates the boxes tightly in his arms, the weight enough to see the flex of his arm muscles.   
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” He pretends to be Chandler waving his arms around for comedic effect, waiting for your reaction because he thought he could have offended you but on the contrary you were laughing and he relaxes saking his head in disbelief that he just did that.   
“Didn’t expect you to be a fan of Friends.” You wait behind him as he opens the door and he extends his arm as a signal to pass him by welcoming you. 
“Oh yeah, I must confess that I learned English thanks to that show.” You met him on a exchange program college reunion as you both are international students. The program helps you adapt to the new environment with the comradery and companionship between locals and the group that stays for at least a year.    
“That’s amazing, I learned English by reading romance books. My bestfriend harassed me into watching it just so we could discuss the episodes and don’t miss out on the references.” What better way to learn a new language than to just enjoying your favorite hobby.  
“She’s a good friend then, I would have done the same thing. Actually tried with my roomates, but they ignored my persistent request.” You could imagine him forcing his friends to watch the sitcom and them pretending to enjoy it in order to shut him up. 
“Oh right, your 6 roomates you talked to me about. That must have been very chaotic, do you feel at peace or lonely leaving by yourself now?” He leaves his shoes by the front door and you do the same keeping your socks on for comfort. 
“A little bit of both, they became my family really quick because we used to see each other more than my actual family. But yeah I can’t lie that sometimes I wanted to run for the hills when they were making too much noise and I wanted to study or sleep. Sometimes I felt like an older brother or the dad of the group.” You think about the similarities because you are the therapist/mom of your girl-friends, even though they are far away you still try to talk to at least one of them everyday.   
“I bet they’re missing you even more, maybe they’re thinking of transferring here at least for a year just to follow you around.” His expression changed from deep in thought to a lighter mood when you tried to lift his spirits. 
“As much as I love them, I hope not because all of us are so attached that if we don’t take our own paths we would stay like Peter Pan and refuse to grow up.” He chuckles sitting down on the couch and motioning for you to do the same, you tuck your tote bag to the side and turn to face him.   
“But the important thing is that you can count on them at the end of the day.” You attempt to highlight the positive side of the situation, not wanting him to dwell on the feeling of fear of how many things were changing in his life including getting a new place to live.  
“Exactly, and now I also have you.” He looks at you with tenderness, a strand of his parted hair brushing his eye and you realize that he squeezed your hand because you couldn’t stop feeling the butterflies in your stomach and all you can do it’s nod and smile. 
“Honestly I don’t know why you said you needed my help, even the stacks of books look like pieces of art.” You deflect by looking around the living room where he has a black marble coffee table, a couch and a love seat. As you entered the area you noticed several paintings on his walls and sculptures on shelves by the tv. 
“You’re far too kind, also I trust you, your taste and your judgement. I could’ve ended up buying something crazy.” You blush and felt special that after such a short time of knowing each other he could feel comfortable. 
“I mean you did almost buy a swing that hangs from the ceiling just because it reminded you of a park you went to once.” You give him a judgy look. 
“It reminds me of my childhood, I’m still a little tempted to get it.” He lifts his arms in surrender just like a kid would react, and that melted your heart.   
“No please, no. It’s a safety hazard and you can’t afford to not getting your album finished.” You stand your ground and scold him jokingly because you knew how hard he was working on his upcoming project. More often than not you texted him about classes or activities around campus and he always responded at ungodly hours. You got concerned about his health and he reassured you that he was taking time to rest between his crazy schedule.  
“That’s true, by the way you should visit the studio sometime so I can show you some samples. I think you’ll enjoy it.” He brought the boxes and sat down on the floor in front of the couch to open them, reaching for a remote control to put on some R&B background music.
“I’ll be honored to judge your work, think of my opinions as valuable as the trash you forgot to take out this morning.” You say sitting down across him and pointing out to the bags sitting by the front of his door that never made it downstairs. 
“Hey, I was in a hurry because I had to meet you and I looked like a complete mess when I woke up. I already know which song will be your favorite and I bet it’s the one that musicians tell me its their favorite” If this is how he looks after rushing you couldn’t imagine how he would look dressed up, his fashion sense exceeds the expectation of every boy you have seen. His classic white t-shirt that had you hyperventilating when he rolled the sleeves a little, jeans with dark and light blue patches and forest green jacket that he left on the perch.  
“Well maybe next time you should consider me as a taste tester, like they do with food, for your future shenanigans.” You wink just to tease him a little and he smirks. 
You’re a bit of a perfectionist, correction, a lot of a perfectionist. You help Joon in arranging the different sets of tools and screws he needed to assemble a bookshelf and a desk. While he reads the instruction manual that looked more complicated than the Biochemistry test you took before finally getting your bachelor’s degree. You can’t help but stare at his focused gaze through the glasses he put on figuring out what the demonstrative drawings meant. He has this duality of looking very intellectual and attractive at the same time, any time you try to explain his appeal to your friends they thought you spent too much time reading romance novels and made him one of your fictional boyfriends. 
“Could you hand me the screwdriver, please?” You spend a few minutes like that hands brushing every time and you swear that he’s doing it purposely. In between handing things to him you inspected the titles of his books. Reading the spines, careful not to mess up the order and placement. 
“You can take out whichever you want, I can sense your curiosity from here.” He notices that your eyes light up like a kid opening the presents under the Christmas tree. 
“Sorry, I love books so much and I’m impressed that you have this many.” You mumble apologizing but feel better seeing his proud expression after you give him praise. 
“I keep buying them even though I have less time to read these days.” He sighs, shaking his head and his perfectly styled hair sways to the side which is a habit you find adorable but are too afraid to tell him that. 
“Bookworm struggles, I can relate. Carl Jung?” You pick up the book rasing an eyebrow at him because you were surprised to find something related to your current field of study. But then again you don’t doubt that he likes to learn new things constantly like you. 
“Oh yeah, I’m revising it for some lyrics I want to include in my music. I just realized that this is another thing you could help me with, come be my teacher for a day or two to learn a few psychology theories.” He is literally speaking your love language.  
“Don’t tempt me into making a beautiful powerpoint just for you ‘cause you know I will enjoy it and have it ready by tomorrow.” Is it possible to be academically flirting or am I just lame? You wondered but he seems to like your eagerness. 
Taking out the book you start pacing around the living room reading it, dancing to the rhythm of the sensual music as he whispers/sings to himself. As time passes you have to re-read a few lines because you start fantasizing about the friendship with Joon turning into something more. Imagining the two of you moving in together, playing house like right now, decorating the apartment for Christmas, getting a pet, making your famous holiday themed chocolate chip cookies…
“What?” You catch him staring at you through your peripheral vision. 
“Nothing.” His dragon eyes turned soft and you’re taken aback by his shyness, he’s usually very straightforward, especially giving you compliments or teasing you because he gets excited about how you’ll react. 
“Oh I almost forgot, I bought something for you! I guess it counts as a housewarming gift.” You stop in your tracks and head towards your tote bag where you have cleverly hidden it. 
“You didn’t have to.” He says while finally finishing his building project and setting them in the space you cleared out for him after making a pseudo blueprint of the area with doodles and estimated measurements in a piece of paper. 
“I know, but it reminded me of you so I had to get it.” Now you’re the one staring as he lifts the desk and bookshelf effortlessly. 
“What’s that scent? It makes me feel a bit nostalgic and I love it, let me light it.” You hand him the forest green candle poured in a black ceramic vase and he immediately smells it, going to the kitchen and grabbing a match. 
“It’s very common for this season, pine and wood.” You shrug like it’s nothing special but it truly reminds you of his grounded, calm and warm personality. He puts it down at the center of the coffee table. 
“Come here.” He opens his arms for a hug that he knows you can’t refuse because you have admitted to him before that he gives the best ones. He wraps his arms around you, placing his hands on your lower back, your head pressed to his chest and your arms on his upper back, hands on his shoulders. He sways you side to side like you are waltz dancing to the slow beat and if you could you would stay there forever.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 8 months
MAG10 - Vampire Killer
*turns around in the most ugliest coolest yellowest office chair like a Bond villain, petting a baguette-shaped cushion* so, you came here from MAG9 without expecting the whiplash. Don't worry, you are not alone lmao
Trevor Herbert is like a homeless Chuck Norris, a shaggy Terminator, a Van Helsing lite (the Hugh Jackman one, not the original). He looks in your head like the dog in The Lady and The Tramp but in human version.
And the very first thing this mf says when he writes his statement is "I've been procrastinating this shit for 50 years, but hey, I finally came to the Magnus Institute". So better late than never and all that jazz.
Quoooooooting timeeeee:
"I hear someone even made me a page on the Internet and it got a few thousand likes. I don’t know exactly what that means but it sounds nice." - Trevor Herbert, July 10th 2010
Aww, doesn't he sound nice? :D
"Obviously that’s not why I’m here, though, is it? No, I’m here because I have also dedicated my life to finding and killing vampires." - Also f*cking Trevor
Sorry u wHAT
" (...) but I do not have proof to give you except for the vampire teeth that I will leave with this statement." - Trevor "I brought you a souvenir" Herbert
" I killed my first vampire in 1959." - Trevor Herbert, THE LEGEND THE MAN THE MYTH
You wish you sound as badass xD
"I was hit by a stale, coppery smell that I did not recognise as old blood at the time, since I was barely 16 and did not have then the experience I have now." - Trevor, barely 16 but already a poet
I find upsetting how many statement givers were so young they didn't know they were smelling blood.
"The furniture and wallpaper had clearly not been changed in many decades, and a thick layer of dust covered everything." - Trevor, 16, also an offended interior designer
LOL the landlord when he tells you " I just painted everything, it's all new"
"I remember wondering whether Sylvia McDonald walked exactly the same route through the house always, as I saw other clear lines of passage in the rooms we passed through." - Trevor "WTF" Herbert
" It was 1968, I remember because that was the year United won the European Cup, (...)" - Trevor "Yes, I'm British, why u asking?" Herbert
"I do not know if you’ve ever felt your blood being sucked out of you, but I would not recommend it." - By Trevor, 0/5, no stars
"Regardless, there is substantial evidence to support the version of events told by Mr. Herbert in all aspects except the vampirism." - Jon Sims, April 13th 2016
He really said "I believe everything except the vampire bullshit" XD
"(...) It may be that they take Mr. Herbert’s statement far more seriously than I do." - Also Jon
He sees that a lot of government and law people takes this statement seriously and goes "hm how weird, why tho, it's all bullshit"
Small review:
The vampires in the tma universe are so freaking weird, disturbing of course, personally I can't really tell if they are scary tho, but I'm certain they are a mystery.
Gotta say, RIP Nigel, he seemed nice :(
I must admit Trevor is quite an interesting figure, he's intelligent and resourceful, can do much with almost nothing and put together every piece of information he has in a way he can reach a satisfactory conclusion. And then he just sticks with it. There are these monsters, which I know how to kill, and so I do it. Simple. Efficient. Practical as hell.
This is also the second time going clubbing has ended horribly for someone in tma, and honestly? Wtf
This guy just die in the break room, like, lmao. He really said "no time like the present, may as well reach supersaiyan state in that couch over ther", and he fucking did it
And then Jon ends everything by showing a lot of evidences while acting the sceptic part and it's so goddamn funny. He should be a comedian.
General overview:
Vibe: this one is so fucking wild, nice homeless grandpa ends up being the modern Van Helsing and "dies" in a couch at paranormal research institute. Iconic
Horror: there are cryptids in it, that's horror genre coded
Audio: pretty ASMR in general
Humour: hilarious Terminator Grandpa, feat.Jon being Jon
Score: 10/10
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tamelee · 1 year
What are your thought about modern art? I know a lot of artists on the Internet absolutely hate modern art, and talk about it like it was the thing that was killing art in general.
Personally I don’t agree at all, I think contemporain art can bring very interesting concepts and experiments.
And usually the people I’ve seen criticizing contemporain art were the one who make an obsession about realism. Tbh I think realism is kinda overrated…
But I’m curious to hear about your opinion :D
Well, I don't think contemporary art equals a certain style anyway as it is made by people today. You see realism and abstract now as well as in our history (not photo-realism ofc.). The father of my mother (so my grandfather, but it feels weird to call him that as I never knew him) was a well-known painter here in the Netherlands and his art was very abstract with lots of colors and shapes. So what some refer to when they say 'modern' often in such discussions is mostly the more 'simple' styles where they criticize it and say "a child can make this" where the comeback is "but you didn't".. At times they refuse to call it art as it requires little to no skill. Where the actual skill doesn't really get the recognition anymore. That's when these concepts becomes experimental and it makes people talk. I guess AI in a way is part of that as well though still in a much lesser form, but a bigger issue.
If I put up a simple photo of a child depicted in a wooden box and said: "Look, isn't that great?!" You'd probably think I was out of my mind but if I told you that it was Chris Hadfield as a 9 y/o pretending the box was a space rocket because he had an ambition to become an astronaut and actually realized his dreams later- only then it becomes interesting. A picture itself doesn't always tell a story (it can) and in 'modern' art a lot of the time the same thing applies. Yes, like the taped up banana which earned the title; a piece of art.
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Authenticity (as vague as that is) as told by Pine & Gilmore can actually be measured by something (a story or art etc-) being faithful to itself and/or whether it says what it is. (At least that's what we in general do when it comes to communication in business.) The banana obviously is just a banana and the creator of this absurdity said they were making fun of the person (multiple) spending 120k on a rotting banana and said they deserved to be scammed. Which fair, I don't necessarily agree with it, but in that sense, they're being true to the message. This is how you can measure most media and businesses because it almost always works. (It is a bit more complicated than this, but you get the idea.)
But here's the kicker, people, in this case 'artists' or people who call themselves one, idk, can give their creation whatever message they want despite the visuals. Though spending 120k on a rotting banana is most likely money laundering and the artist must know that as well.. so, to then say it's just 'funny critique' regarding art and capitalism and "believing" the buyer got scammed, changes the message a bit. Yes? How valuable is it then really?
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Not all art has to have some deep value-driven meaning at all, but most 'modern' "art" pieces that require no skill need other ways to gain attention and do so by provoking the audience. Marcel Duchamp was called an artistic genius because he turned a urinal upside down.. a damn toilet.
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How does that compare to an actual drawing where someone put their heart and soul into the making of it through perhaps even years of experience, where you can see the person has skill? Or the making of a sculpture? Even things like graphic/interior design? Have we realized what happened to photographers? If you want to talk about the toilet as 'a piece of art' or even a simplistic circle because to you ~somehow~ the meaning behind it changes the world, then bring it along to your TED-talk and actually talk about it. Become that storyteller. It is proven that through the PSE (picture superiority effect) visual elements leave a lot more impact on your audience compared to just text or speech and that you remember it better by 65%. But to replace masterpieces in art galleries and auction them off for thousands/millions worth that we know goes also into money laundering regardless and call it art? And there must be some sort of meaning.... I guess? Nah. I have no clue what 'killed art' specifically because I'm not too knowledgable on that topic, but if this is art, then why aren't we calling your average Tiktokker professional movie directors/actors etc? Why isn't your YT-short or Tiktok clip an actual short film instead? How about calling this "thought-provoking art" just a concept as you say? Or the jpg that I forgot to include in my powerpoint? Comedic relief? An idea? And yes ideas can be art, but not every idea is art. AI images are generated prompts, but certainly not art and their makers are prompters and definitely not artists. So I agree with you that it can be experimental or perhaps provoke interesting concepts, but depending on the... 'art' and its intention... we should call it as it is. That's what I think. Perhaps 'modern art' in that sense as a term is too broad to judge.
So when you say realism, do you mean hyper/photo-realism specifically? Or just realism in general? Because as an artist my own opinion is that I wouldn't want to draw photorealistically as it takes too much time and if people can't tell whether I actually used up all my time to draw it or took the photo, even used photo-bash.. then for me, I don't really see the point in putting in all the effort. But, it is an amazing way to learn how to draw though, that's how I started. Looking at photo's and replicating it. In my earlier art I tried to render it to the best of my abilities as I had no idea how to draw so I had to look at pictures and see how light falls, how colors blend, what skin does and how it reflects.. On Instagram I often got comments that it looked so real, like a photo. I didn't know what to think of that, because even though it is a compliment, it wasn't a photo, I actually drew it and so it almost feels like an insult somehow. Does that make sense? I now want to almost erase parts of what I've learned when it comes to things feeling 'real' and stylize my art better. That's not something you learn in photo's but by finding out a tiny thing you like and then doing that over and over again until the next tiny thing. And lemme tell you... that is hard. So, I don't think realism is overrated, I think stylized art, often recognizable from an artist is severely underrated.
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Parental Control
Based on the old MTV show. Nan doesn’t like Gary’s girlfriend, so she throws away her dislike for tv- just long enough to prove there’s a better match for him out there.
Huge thank you to @rebelrayne for springing this idea in my head. I couldn’t not do it.
Also tags to @csmicletters, @bypine, @lasswithumor for being awesome 💛
Gary’s nan sat at the table they put her at in the bakery, watching the line get longer and longer as it stretched out the door. The cameraman posted next to her, and the producers instructed her to talk about why she was doing this, “It’s pretty simple, sonny.” She grinned with a playful tenacity, “I know my boy isn’t happy. He isn’t some bloke that likes to argue every day about something as simple as what to eat. Gary wants someone he can have a laugh with, not someone that yells at him to swill his coffee so she can pretend to make out images in it.”
Nan had met Marisol first, the law student, gauging the girl’s habit of analyzing and trying to ask invasive questions that had just enough wording to play off. She wasn’t a fan.
Priya was polite, but so high end. No surprise she was a fashion designer. Nan wasn’t willing to risk Gary thinking he wasn’t good enough because he couldn’t afford to support a lifestyle of so many name brands, even if the girl made her own money.
Hope struck her as too serious. She seemed to have a playful edge, but still far too appropriate, which made sense as a CEO of a toy company, and Nan knew that Gary was too much a lad.
Nan was almost impressed with Chelsea, but with everything Nan said, the girl gasped and nearly shouted something about it belonging a cushion. She thought maybe interiors designers just never left their job at work.
But eventually, Nan finally found the two girls.
Hannah was exactly the type Gary’s Mum would’ve picked. She was sweet as a sugar cookie, smart as a whip, and a little romantic at heart. A novelist to be. Gary’s Mum would’ve adored her.
But Nan was more excited about Matilda- Matty. She had sat down, paper in hand, and before Nan could greet her the first thing out of her mouth was, “This seems like a lot just for someone to buy a pastry.” Nan had been amused, this girl sat in line and filled out the questionnaire because she thought it was the line for the cupcakes? Nan liked her.
Gary knew his nan didn’t like his girlfriend. He wasn’t an idiot. He’d been dating Lottie for less than a handful of months, and Nan was constantly turning into her silent ‘You know better than this’ mode when the blonde would start arguments over petty things, or how she would raise an eyebrow when Lottie went off on her tangents about tarot and tea leaves.
What he didn’t expect was Nan to ignore her mistrust of television people to reach out to a show herself. He wasn’t warned ahead of time, wasn’t even aware it was hinted at, but he turned up to Nan’s house one day to find a camera set up in the living room. “Nan?”
“Gareth!” She called happily as she entered the room, tea tray in hand as she offered a cup to the people working around the camera. Gary couldn’t miss Lottie’s sour expression if he tried. “Bout time you made it here, you bloody knobhead.”
His brow furrowed as he looked around the room, “What’s, uh, what’s this?”
“Hi!” A brunette man popped up beside him, “You must be Gary.”
“Welcome to the show. I don’t know how familiar you are with it but-“
“What show?”
“Parental Control.” The man answers as if it was obvious, and Gary realized why Lottie looked pissed. He used to watch the show, and Nan had sat in on episodes with him while they heckled bad dates or wondered why the contestant would date someone their parents didn’t like. Gary didn’t realize Nan didn’t like Lottie that much. “Your nan has selected two dates for you today.”
“Nan, ya didn’t-“
“Course I did, boy.” She rolled her eyes, “I told you I don’t think this Lottie girl is good for you.”
“I’m right here, ya geezer.” Lottie curled his fists at her sides, glaring at the older woman.
“Good for you.” Nan scoffed before looking back at her grandson, “Just go on the dates, darling. Worst that can happen is that they don’t pan out. If you stick with Charlotte at the end, I’ll accept it.”
The producers let Gary and Lottie have a few minutes together, on camera, before the first date started, and she spent the whole time yelling and blaming him for the set up.
Nan rolled her eyes as they set up the camera to record the intro, “My name is Evelyn, though my friends call me Evie. I’m Gary’s nan, and I’ve helped raise my boy into the fine young man he’s become. He’s a lad- probably too much of a bloke, but he has a good heart and he’s always helping those who need it. He’s made his fair share of mistakes- probably more than his fair share that daft knob- but there’s only one mistake that still follows him. His girlfriend Lottie.” The producer called a cut, calling her a natural as she rolled her eyes again. Nan didn’t care for any of this, but if this helped Gary find a better fit for him then she was willing to suffer.
“We need to get clips of what you don’t like about Lottie.”
Nan sighed, waiting for their signal to start talking, “Lottie is a beautiful girl, or she would be if she wasn’t perpetually scowling like someone personally slated her or smirking like she won some secret game. She’s a make up artist by day and a wannabe vampire queen by night, not to mention her obsession with the occult. I can’t tell you how many I’ve heard her threaten to curse or hex my boy. It’s time he found his ray of sunshine to bathe in, not a speck of moonlight that sometimes deems him worthy of enjoying the glow.”
They sat Gary down next, in a different room, and the same man from before told him to talk about how his nan felt. “Well, I mean, I knew Nan wasn’t her biggest fan- Lottie can be fairly abrasive. But it’s because she hides behind a wall of sarcasm and sass to protect her insecurities- and she would hate that I shared that, but, mate, I need people to understand that the side people don’t like, it’s not the only side she has.”
The three of them sat on Nan’s pink sofa, the two of them bickering as Gary kind of stared of into the void. Lottie was being disrespectful, but Nan was just as disrespectful back, and Gary was torn on who to defend- if he should even defend either of them anymore.
Gary was antsy. Even if he didn’t like either of these girls, he would probably end up without Lottie. She was definitely not the forgiving type and definitely not okay with what he was doing. But this was for Nan. And Gary would do anything for Nan.
So here he sat, waiting, when the knock on the door echoed and Nan practically shoved Lottie back in her seat when the girl tried to hop up to open it herself. “Hannah! Welcome, come in lovely girl.” Nan smiled, ushering her into the house. But the older woman didn’t miss the way the girl seemed to shrink at Lottie’s glare, “This is my boy, Gary. Gareth, this is Hannah. I chose her because she is just who your mum would pick.”
“Hi, Gary.” He could admit she was pretty, with her long red braid and poise, but he saw her bright smile falter when her eyes flicked to the blonde beside him.
“And this is the witch that has him under her spell.”
“No spell here, you old bitty. Just my natural charms that won him over.” He sighed inwardly. This would be a long day. He pressed a kiss to the blonde’s cheek before following the redhead out the door, and he knew by the way she tensed as he pulled away that she was not pleased he didn’t give her a proper kiss.
The ride to the date location was awkward. The show had put champagne in the limo, but it wasn’t something he cared for. Gary wanted to give Hannah a fair shot, if Nan really thought his mum would’ve liked her then he needed to at least try. But she kept going on and on about how sweet it was that Nan would search for a girl for him, and how it was romantic and reminded her of Prince Charming sending his staff to search for Cinderella.
By the time they got to the location he was just confused. Looking out at the water that lapped the sandy beach, he looked at her, “I didn’t bring my trunks.”
“No trunks needed!“ She grinned, pointing toward where someone stood with two horses. Horses, with no saddles. Oh bloody hell.
It may have been the most painful date he’d been on. He’d ridden horses before, but never bare back. His whole body hurt, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to function properly again, but he still kissed her cheek politely when it concluded.
He did all but collapse back onto Nan’s sofa when they drove him back.
“So how was it?”
Gary found himself rolling his eyes at Lottie’s tone, but he still wanted to appease her, “She doesn’t have your spice, Lotta.”
Nan suppressed a groan at the satisfied smirk that curved those black painted lips. When the knock sounded on the door, she didn’t hesitate to shoot out of her seat with energy she hadn’t had in years, “Matilda!”
A beautiful laugh rang through the room, “I told you, Evelyn, call me Matty!” Gary glance over to see his Nan yanking the girl into a hug, and she was the most beautiful girl Gary had ever seen, especially as she smiled at his Nan.
“And I told you to call me Evie, darling.” Gary’s brows shot up to his hair. Nan never let anyone call her Evie or Nan if they weren’t family or the strictest of best friends. Dicky had even had his privileges revoked and returned a few different times when he’d gotten Gary into trouble.
Matilda’s eyes seemed to flick around the room as they walked over from the door, “Evie, your home is beautiful! I can feel the years of love built into it.” She admired an array of small porcelain figures his Nan had collected over the years, “My gran used to collect these! She left them to me. And I think…yeah, I could complete the collection for you.” Finally those bright green eyes met his bright blue ones, “This must be your boy, yeah? Nice to meet you, Gary. I’m Matty.”
“Matty?” His girlfriend scoffed.
But the girl with black hair and rainbow streaks didn’t miss a beat, or lose her beaming smile, “You can call me Matilda.” It gave Gary the funniest deja vu. The first Lottie had called his Nan Evie instead of Evelyn, she had the same reaction. And he could tell the moment registered to Lottie as she scowled in return. Nan just smirked.
Gary expected another awkward car ride, especially when he was preparing to pretend to enjoy champagne as she picked up the bottle. But then he was trying to keep from snorting as her nose scrunched up.
“You think they’d ask preferences for a day like this.” She laughed lightly, shaking her head with a smile as she put it back, “Good thing I come prepared.” She pulled her bag off her back, and it was the first time Gary had even looked at any part of her that wasn’t her face. Digging into it, she produced two bottles of…beer. Gary had to laugh, “What?” She asked, mirth dancing in her eyes, “Would you have preferred the champagne?”
“No, not at all. Just surprised.” She raised an eyebrow and he grinned at it, “You just strike me as the type of girl that would like the fine things.”
She tossed her head back with a laugh, “The fine things? I work in the rainforest for months at a time. The ‘fine things’ in my life are indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and refrigeration.”
“So you’re a blue collar girl?”
Matty hummed before giving him a smirk, “I’d consider myself more green collar.”
Gary couldn’t help himself. He howled in laughter at the absolutely terrible pun. This girl was something else.
They were dropped off as what looked like a maze, but with some larger open areas and different obstacles to climb on. “What are we gonna do exactly?”
Matilda grinned at him, nodding toward the trunk, which opened to reveal two sets of coveralls and paintball guns.
Gary was nervous as hell. No matter the decision, Lottie was not going to take it quietly. The producers told him to ask each girl to name a reason why he should choose them, and Lottie spoke up first with venom in her voice, “Think carefully, babes. I don’t do second chances.”
Hannah shuffled just a little further away as she spoke, “I just think with a chance you could be my prince. I know we have very different preferences, but I’m willing to learn yours. It could turn into true love.”
Matilda seemed to snort, but she covered it with a hard cough that had Nan looking amused, “I’ll be honest, I was shocked when I realized I was sat down to meet a woman about going on a blind date with her grandson. I just wanted a bloody cupcake. But after meeting Evie- how was I gonna say no? Anyone that she raised was worth a shot. And meeting you, I know I was right.”
Gary took a deep breath, before he sighed, “I have to send one of you home immediately, and I’m sorry, but…Hannah, it was nice to meet you.” The redhead nodded, offering him a hug before heading out the front door. Gary knew this was going to be the rough part. But he knew what he needed to do. What he wanted to do. Who he wanted to choose. “Matty, you are- to be honest my best mate would probably call you the bird version of me, but miles better looking.” Matty laughed, and Gary had to ignore Lottie’s glare to keep talking, “You are just a little too good to really be true. Lottie, I care about you so much. You can make me laugh, but you also spend just as much time arguing with me. You can’t get along with my Nan, and you don’t even try no matter how important you know she is to me.” He glanced at his Nan, but she just nodded. She was going to accept his decision. She had promised him that. “I need to choose this girl, because I need to choose the girl that I think understands me. The girl I might have a future with. So…I’m going to choose Matty.” Nan nearly did a fist pump, but she lost the joy when Lottie’s hand shot out and threw one of her figurines to the floor in a rage. But to their shock, Matty- who had been giving Gary a hug- flew to the floor and caught it.
And Gary knew he made the right choice.
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insomniac-jay · 11 months
Well, Here Are Things You'll Never Know
The Gotham rogues gather at an estate for a party hosted by the mysterious Madame Nightshade.
Only, their host has no intention of being a good one.
Title taken from XS by Rina Sawayama
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The sight of the estate's grand entrance was enough to make Penguin jealous. With its green, manicured lawns to the African blackwood doors featuring carved scenes of an epic battle to the statues that overlooked the fountains. It wasn't a stretch to imagine Gotham's newest rogue sat on a pile of gold.
And the interior was just as grand as the exterior. Scarlet velvet drapes hung above the windows and doorways. An expensive, intricately designed rug laid on the floor of foyer while a chandelier made of real crystals hung above.
"Looks like Brucey boy has competition." Penguin stuffed his cigar in his mouth, hoping to avoid any further jealousy.
Catwoman simply looked around, looking for anything she could grab and make off with once the party was over. What kind of person was the host? Who could afford for so many luxurious treasures to be in just one area?
"Cool, isn't it? I neva imagined walkin' into a place like this!" Harley Quinn took her spot alongside the feline thief. Poison Ivy was not too far behind.
Riddler kept his eyes on the chandelier, studying it. Surely the hostess wouldn't mind if it went missing. His sidekicks Query and Echo chatted amongst each other before noticing a familiar face from across the room.
"Eddie, don't look now, but Monochrome's here," Echo whispered.
"Mon lapine." Riddler was already giddy and the party hadn't even started.
But Riddler looked anyway. Sure enough, the mysteriously alluring Monochrome was there with her henchmen.
Her monochromatic hair was styled neatly, giving her a smooth, clean look. And how could he ignore the beautiful black and white dress she wore?
Two Face quietly stood off in the corner. He wasn't too happy about being called out of work to attend the event--even if the invitation did say attendance was mandatory. His plan was just to come, drink a bit, then go home. Simple and easy.
The clicking of heels caught the attention of the guests as a woman came out into the foyer. She had brown hair with sleek gray streaks and green eyes. Her dress was navy blue with matching gloves.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Penelope Richards," Penelope greeted. "Madame Nightshade has been expecting you. Please follow me."
Penelope led them to a large room lined with covered tables full of food on silver platters. On the walls were paintings that would rival those found in the Sistine Chapel. Crystal glasses of champagne and wine awaited them as well as a chocolate fountain. Servants dressed in pricey Italian suits stood off to the sides, ready to meet the demands of the guests.
The other rogues looked around in awe. Just when they thought they'd seen everything.
"Madame Nightshade will be with you shortly. For now, why not enjoy a drink?" Penelope snapped her fingers and servants brought around trays of drinks for everyone.
Riddler kept his eye on Monochrome. The suit he wore was much different from his usual style, but he hoped it would impress the always stylish art thief.
"You know she finds your staring weird."
"Two Face? I never thought you'd come here."
"Don't got much of a choice when the invitation says it's mandatory." Harvey took a sip of wine. Probably one of those super expensive brands no one knew the name of, but damn did it taste good. "What do you suppose this Madame Nightshade wants?"
"Must everything be a conspiracy? Why not it be a simple party?" Riddler turned his attention back on Monochrome, who was talking with Catwoman. "Must there be an ulterior motive to everything in that mind of yours, Harvey?"
Two Face rolled his eyes.
Slow heels walking down the steps caught turned everyone's heads. Three more women descended down a grand staircase.
On the left side was a woman with dark brown skin and curly black hair done into a neat bun. Her dress was purple with a diamond necklace.
On the right was a brown skinned woman wearing traditional South Asian wear. Her hair was black and flowed freely down her back.
In the middle was a woman wearing an elegant scarlet dress with a black fur shawl wrapped around her. Her hair was styled into neat curls. If her appearance told them anything, it was that she's the boss.
Onyx eyes looked down at the guests from the balcony of the staircase. They examined each and every person present; likely making mental note of who's who. Then, they shifted to Two Face.
When Two Face saw the woman's face, the glass in his hand was crushed. Why his days as a DA flashed before him, he couldn't say, but he knew that face the moment she came downstairs.
"You!" He yelled out in anger.
The woman stood tall, not flinching under the anger of his voice. "Hello, Harvey Dent. I'm not that surprised you still remember me."
"Course you're not, Marjorie!" Two Face growled. While the whispers of the others about how they possibly knew each other filled his ears, he blocked them out. Instead, he reached in his side and pulled out a gun.
"Tell the-"
Bang, bang!
Two Face screamed in pain as he felt two bullets enter his shoulder. But he had no time to nurse it as two more bullets entered his other shoulder. He writhed in pain on the ground.
In the woman's hand was a smoking gun. Despite the attempt on her life, her face remained stoic, cool, calm.
"Too slow yet again, Harvey." Frost laced her voice. So calm as though she hadn't just shot a man twice in both shoulders. After returning the gun to its place, she fully put her attention on the guests.
"Welcome. My name is Madame Nightshade." Madame Nightshade raised her head like she were a queen. "I'm glad you all accepted my invitation and graced my home with your presences. However, this is not a party."
Gasps and whispers emerged from the crowd.
Madame Nightshade made her way down to the floor, followed by the other two women. Her eyes shifted from side to side, taking in just who walked into her home. "You may not know me, but I know all of you. Or maybe you do, but do you really know me?"
"What do ya mean by that? What are you getting-" "Oswald Cobblepot. It's wise not to further increase your debt."
Penguin was taken aback by the newbie knowing his real name. She hadn't even turned around when she said it. But his shock quickly turned to anger.
"What debt do I owe you? You just got here!"
Penguin's eyes widened. "The Iceberg Lounge? What's that got to do with you?"
Nightshade's gaze stung the crime lord, forcing him into silence.
"Yours is one of the lengthier ones. But since you wish to test me, fine. Relinquish the Iceberg Lounge to its rightful owner. It's just enough to clear your tab."
The guests were speechless. Madame Nightshade built the Iceberg Lounge? Since when? First Two Face knowing who she was, now this. Just who was this woman?
"Who do you think financed its construction? The workers? The merchandise?" Each word was laced with venom. They sunk their teeth into Penguin, making him uncharacteristically quiet in minutes.
Nightshade went on. "It was my money that built your precious lounge, and I'll have no problem taking it from you--should you wish to see how far I'll go."
Nightshade picked up a glass of wine from a tray. While nonchalantly taking a sip, she looked out into the crowd.
"Come hither, Edward Nashton. "
"Your recent stunt as increased your debt to me. Meaning you owe me over six hundred million dollars." She looked down at him with contempt. It transported him back to his childhood. "Does someone like yourself even have access to the needed money?"
Riddler walked up to her. He did his best to hide the trembling in his body. Once near, he bowed best as he could.
"Y-yes, ma'am?"
"N-no, ma'am."
"Figured," Nightshade hummed. "Especially when I can see all the poor financial decisions you make everyday. How do you expect to have a woman like Mona Lisa Beauvais when all you can afford is Ramen and crackers?"
Monochrome froze when she heard her name. Becoming a target wasn't what she had anticipated for the night.
"For all your genius, money is your weakness. That's such irony." Nightshade continued her lecture.
"I-I can come up with the money by tomorrow afternoon." Riddler sweated. His heart pounded against his chest from feeling her venomous gaze on him. Riddler's knees had been threatening to fail him ever since she called him his birth name.
Once Riddler found his place back in the crowd, the spotlight was placed on Monochrome. Usually she'd be reveling in it, but it felt like she'd been put on trial. Even more embarrassing that she'd just been called Riddler's girlfriend.
Nightshade only hummed in response. While she didn't doubt his capabilities, she surely knew that the task was impossible.
"Of course you will. Return so that I can give my attention to your novia."
Just as she did to the other three rogues, Madame Nightshade set her gaze in on the art thief.
"Just because you're a widow and a mother doesn't mean I clear your tab. But, I do believe yours will be relatively easy to pay since your finances are more sound than your novio's." Nightshade set the glass on the table.
She then took the rest of the time exposing the other rogues and informing them of their debts to her. Honestly, it made her laugh how much these fools didn't know how she'd woven herself into the very fabric of Gotham. No one could separate their money from hers without risking death or financial ruin.
Suddenly, a noxious gas was released.
The air became so thick that it caused the guests to start coughing. Madame Nightshade, however, was perfectly fine. Like she'd experienced conditions like this before.
"Listen closely and listen well: I'm not just a boss in Gotham, I am Gotham. So every bank you steal money from is my money. Every hitman you hire is my hitman." She walked over to an unconscious Two Face and rolled over his body with her foot. Shaking her head in disappointment, she went back to the other rogues. "I own everyone in this city, including all of you and the Batman. I don't expect flattery or worship; but when you are in debt to me, I expect my due."
The ice in her voice sent shivers down the spines of many. She then walked towards a pair of doors leading to an outside balcony. The night air flowed through the room once open, giving the rogues some sense of relief.
"Take this as your first and final warning: Deceive me and you'll never get the chance to do it again."
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy
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automotive-75 · 7 months
The best Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler can make your driving fun
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the daily commute, car drivers face many minor inconveniences and problems. One such annoyance is the dangerous gap between the seat and the center console of your car or truck. Fortunately, Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler has come up with a simple and effective solution to this common problem. As the original and patented seat gap filler. It not only fills the space between your car but also helps you keep your various things. Its exquisite design is designed to provide gap coverage and prevent items from falling into gaps.
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Features of Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Fille:
Original and Patented Design: The Drop Stop is the pioneer in seat gap fillers, ensuring durability and reliability.
Universal Fit: Each package includes two Drop Stops, fitting most vehicles with ease.
Technical Details: Weighing only 11.2 ounces, with dimensions of 17.95 x 5.04 x 2.6 inches, it’s lightweight and compact.
Safety First: Prevents distractions and hazards by blocking gaps and keeping items secure.
Bonus Gifts: Comes with a Slide Free Pad and an LED Credit Card Light, enhancing user experience
My Experience with the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Fille :
As a frequent commuter, I’ve experienced firsthand the frustrations of items slipping through the gap between my car seat and the center console. It seemed like a minor inconvenience at first, but the moment I dropped my keys and spent precious time frantically searching for them, I knew I needed a solution. That’s when I discovered the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler, and it completely transformed my driving experience.
The installation process was a breeze, and within minutes, I had the Drop Stop securely in place. No more worrying about losing my keys or phone between the seats. The peace of mind knowing that my belongings are safe and secure is priceless.
What truly impressed me was how seamlessly the sleek design of the Drop Stop blended into my car interior. It’s almost as if it was meant to be there, enhancing the aesthetics while providing practical functionality. Now, every time I slip into the driver’s seat, I’m greeted with a neat and organized space, conducive to a comfortable driving experience.
The Drop Stop isn’t just a convenience; it’s become an essential part of my daily commute. It’s remarkable how such a simple solution can make such a significant difference. I no longer dread the possibility of items slipping through the gap, thanks to the reliability and effectiveness of the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler. It’s really a game-changer, and I can’t imagine driving without it.
Special Note:
Upgrade your driving experience with the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler. Say goodbye to the frustration of retrieving dropped items and hello to a safer, more comfortable journey. Ensure distractions are minimized, and safety is maximized with Drop Stop as your reliable companion. Deduction of the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler offers more than just convenience; it’s a safety essential that addresses a common yet overlooked issue. Its universal fit, durable design and bonus gifts make it a must-have for every vehicle. Invest in Drop Stop today and elevate your driving experience to new heights. Learn more about the Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler
Universal Compatibility:
The Drop Stop Car Seat Gap Filler boasts universal compatibility, thanks to its high-grade neoprene casing. This innovative material allows the Drop Stop to adapt seamlessly to various gap sizes, ensuring a snug fit in most vehicles. Whether you drive a compact car, an SUV, or anything in between, you can trust that the Drop Stop will effectively fill the gap between your car seat and center console.
Moreover, its dark shade adds to its versatility by blending discreetly into the interior of any vehicle. Once installed, the Drop Stop virtually disappears, maintaining the seamless appearance of your car’s cabin. Say goodbye to unsightly gaps and hello to a cleaner, more organized driving space. With the Drop Stop’s universal compatibility and sleek design, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your belongings are securely stowed and your driving experience is enhanced.
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batoolmarzooq · 1 year
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The artist Abbas Almusawi, a famous Bahraini artist, born in Bahrain 1952, He has a diploma from the higher Institute for teachers in Bahrain – Art Education, also a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Egypt.
How the artist gets into art?
The artist Abbas Almusawi lived in an artistic, cultural and literary house. He was the father of an artist, photographer and poet. This resulted from the presence of books and paintings, which made his house semi-museum, next to it facing in Al-Naeem area. All these factors contributed to the establishment of the artist Abbas Almusawi, in addition to the presence of talent where The artist Abbas Almusawi says that the absence of talent makes it difficult for the artist. There are other factors, the most important of which is study. The artist Abbas Almusawi explains that his studies in various fields resulted from expanding his field of art and enlarging his circle in it, as he discovered in the end that art completes life.
What is art to him?
Artist Abbas Almusawi says that “art has become a part of his life through his eating, clothing and work. He also says that art has several fields, such as opening a photography club, which is part of art, or opening an environment association that takes care of the environment, which is the primary source of art”.
What is the source of inspiration for his artwork?
The artist Abbas Almusawi says “that his first source is nature, as he explains that nature is the most beautiful source for the artist, as he included it in his works such as the sea, land, markets, villages, cities, farms, and everything around us, as these are the true sources of the artist”.
What is the Most work that the artist proud of and what is the story behind it?
The artist Abbas Al-Musawi says “there are many works that he is proud of, one of which is a dream, where he says that he dreamed that he was on another planet and saw the beautiful world and beyond the universe, and when he woke up, he discovered that the real world is not devoid of the beauty of the planet that he saw in his dream, so it became the goal of the artist Abbas Al-Musawi is to create a message for this universe and the earth, and thus the painting of the dream of the next century was created by the artist Abbas Al-Musawi, as he says that the dream is a goal and we must dream in order to know it and achieve it”.
What messages do you want to convey in your work?
The artist Abbas Al-Musawi says “that the most beautiful message he can convey is the beauty of nature, and it must be preserved, along the ancient markets, and Bahraini people with their simple way of life, as well as the ancient heritage of Bahrain and others”.
What are the things that helped him develop his art?
Artist Abbas Al-Musawi says that work, seriousness, study, daily practice and expansion of ideas are the factors that contributed to the development of his work.
What is the artists message to aspiring artists?
“if you love a work, continue to do it and be creative in it besides being serious about it, just as you are an active and optimistic person and have a fingerprint and a bright name”.
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oggnhome · 1 day
The Art of Thoughtful Gifting
It is always pleasing to search for objects that are useful around the house and can also warm the hearts of people. It is the beauty of giving a gift that has been well-planned and the elegance of living a luxurious life. Following this blog will help you select the pieces you would love to have in your gifting list, adding beauty and elegance.
Gift-giving is so comprehensive that it is no longer a mere issue of the object. It is not about the ability to capture a warm feeling, to preserve a moment in time, or to bring a small part of one’s own life into another’s. When the gift is a décor piece, it then has that extra feel of elegance and uniqueness that is hard to find.
Know The Choice Of Recipient
When choosing a décor item, one should consider the type of décor the recipient favours. For instance, are they of the minimalist sort and prefer simple clean designs, or are they the sort who like bright and diverse designs? You must know what kinds of things they like so that you can get them a gift that will fit in properly in their house.
Timeless Decor Ideas for Any Home
Simplicity and practicality are seen to be the elements that define classic interior design. Below is a list of some of the items that not only enhance the appearance of any interior but also become great and warm gifts.
Originally Posted:
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alekhya33 · 14 days
Best Home Interior Designer in Bangalore
Bangalore, the bustling Silicon Valley of India, is not just a hub for technology but also a growing center for modern living spaces. In this ever-expanding city, having a beautifully designed home that reflects your personality and lifestyle is a must. Whether you’re moving into a new house or planning a renovation, choosing the right home interior designer in Bangalore can make all the difference. Among the leading firms in this domain, Q Oak Interiors stands out for its commitment to creativity, functionality, and personalized designs.
In this blog, we’ll take you through various aspects of home interiors, from simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore to pooja room interior design in Bangalore. We’ll also explore the best practices for kitchen interior design, living room design, and other essential spaces in your home.
Why Choose Q Oak Interiors: Leading Home Interior Designer in Bangalore?
When it comes to finding the right interior designer, Bangalore offers many choices. But few match the expertise, innovation, and client-centric approach of Q Oak Interiors. As a top home interior designer in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors is known for creating spaces that are not just visually appealing but also highly functional.
Here’s why Q Oak Interiors is the go-to option:
Personalized Designs: Every project is tailored to suit the client’s preferences, making each home unique.
Comprehensive Services: Whether it’s kitchen interior design, living room design, or pooja room interior design in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors covers it all.
Experienced Team: With years of expertise in the field, their team knows how to maximize space, style, and functionality.
Let’s dive into some of the essential spaces in a home and how Q Oak Interiors can transform them.
1. Simple Bedroom Interior Design in Bangalore: A Haven of Comfort and Elegance
The bedroom is where you retreat after a long day, and its design should reflect calm, comfort, and relaxation. When considering simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors believes in keeping things minimal yet sophisticated.
Key Elements of Simple Bedroom Design:
Neutral Tones: Soft whites, creams, and pastels create a soothing atmosphere.
Smart Storage Solutions: Space optimization through built-in wardrobes and multi-functional furniture is crucial, especially in compact city homes.
Lighting: Natural light paired with ambient and task lighting sets the right mood.
Furnishings: Less is more in a simple bedroom. Opt for streamlined furniture that doesn’t overwhelm the space.
The goal of a simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore  is to strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality, making the room a sanctuary of comfort.
2. Kitchen Interior Design: The Heart of the Home
The kitchen is often regarded as the heart of the home. A well-planned kitchen not only makes cooking enjoyable but also enhances the overall look of your home. When it comes to kitchen interior design, Q Oak Interiors excels at creating designs that are both modern and functional.
Essential Features of a Great Kitchen Design:
Efficient Layouts: The work triangle (sink, stove, and refrigerator) is optimized for smooth workflow.
Ample Storage: Cabinets, drawers, and pantry units are customized to store all kitchen essentials efficiently.
Durable Materials: The use of high-quality countertops, backsplashes, and flooring ensures longevity.
Smart Appliances: Incorporating modern kitchen appliances that integrate seamlessly with the design adds a touch of convenience.
A well-designed kitchen is not just about aesthetics but also about practicality. Whether you prefer an open kitchen or a more traditional setup, Q Oak Interiors will craft a kitchen interior design that aligns with your culinary habits and lifestyle.
Kitchen Interior Design: Combining Functionality and Style
The kitchen is often called the heart of the home, and its design must be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. At Q Oak Interiors, we understand the importance of a well-designed kitchen, especially in a fast-paced city like Bangalore. Our kitchen interior design services focus on optimizing space, ensuring easy movement, and making the cooking experience more enjoyable.
We offer a variety of layouts depending on your space, such as U-shaped, L-shaped, and island kitchens. Each design is tailored to your lifestyle, whether you are an avid home cook or someone who loves to entertain. Our designs emphasize the efficient use of cabinetry and smart storage options, ensuring that everything from your appliances to utensils has its place. When it comes to kitchen interior design, our team works closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, delivering a kitchen that is both practical and stylish.
3. Living Room Design: The Centerpiece of Social Interaction
The living room is the space where family members gather, and guests are entertained. It should reflect warmth, hospitality, and comfort. A thoughtful living room design by Q Oak Interiors can enhance the ambiance and functionality of this key space in your home.
Key Components of a Great Living Room:
Seating Arrangements: Comfortable sofas and chairs are positioned to encourage conversation and relaxation.
Lighting: A mix of natural and artificial lighting is used to create a cozy atmosphere.
Color Schemes: Whether you prefer bold colors or neutral tones, the palette is chosen to complement the furniture and décor.
Decorative Elements: Accent walls, artworks, and plants add personality and warmth to the room.
Whether you prefer a contemporary look or a more traditional aesthetic, Q Oak Interiors provides bespoke living room design solutions to match your style.
4. Living Area Interior Design in Bangalore: Where Style Meets Functionality
For those looking for a more comprehensive design approach, focusing on the living area interior design in Bangalore is essential. The living area includes not just the formal living room but also additional seating or lounging spaces that connect other parts of the house.
Design Ideas for Living Areas:
Open Concept Design: Creating a seamless flow between the living, dining, and kitchen areas for a spacious feel.
Furniture Layout: Optimizing the layout to make the best use of space without overcrowding.
Color Coordination: Ensuring the living area color scheme complements other spaces in the house.
Functional Zones: Creating distinct zones within the living area for reading, socializing, or relaxing.
Q Oak Interiors excels at living area interior design in Bangalore, focusing on maximizing space while maintaining elegance and functionality.
5. Pooja Room Interior Design in Bangalore: A Sacred Space for Reflection
In many Indian homes, the pooja room holds a special place as a sacred area dedicated to prayer and meditation. Creating a serene and spiritually uplifting atmosphere is the key to excellent pooja room interior design in Bangalore.
Features of a Perfect Pooja Room:
Material Choices: The use of marble, wood, or metal for the altar enhances the sacredness of the space.
Lighting: Soft, ambient lighting creates a calming atmosphere conducive to meditation and prayer.
Traditional Elements: Incorporating traditional Indian design elements such as bells, lamps, and carvings adds authenticity.
Compact Design: In modern homes, space can be a constraint. Therefore, Q Oak Interiors designs compact yet elegant pooja rooms that blend seamlessly with the home’s overall aesthetic.
For those seeking a peaceful corner for spirituality, pooja room interior design in Bangalore by Q Oak Interiors offers personalized solutions that meet both traditional and modern tastes.
Creating a home that is both beautiful and functional is a challenging task, but with the help of the best home interior designer in Bangalore, this dream can become a reality. Whether you're looking for a simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore, a modern and practical kitchen interior design, or a cohesive living room design, Q Oak Interiors is the ideal partner.
From living area interior design in Bangalore to specialized spaces like pooja room interior design in Bangalore, the experts at Q Oak Interiors provide tailored solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.
Choosing the right interior designer is key to achieving the home of your dreams, and with Q Oak Interiors, you can be confident that your space will reflect your unique style, needs, and personality. Transform your living spaces with Q Oak Interiors—where creativity meets craftsmanship
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worldbestblogs1 · 14 days
What Are the Best Tote Bags for Women in 2024?
Tote bags have become an essential accessory for women, blending both functionality and fashion. Whether you're heading to work, hitting the gym, or enjoying a weekend getaway, the perfect tote bag can complement your outfit while providing ample storage. But with so many options available, which ones stand out in 2024? Let’s explore the best tote bags for women this year, focusing on styles, practicality, and emerging trends.
Why Tote Bags Are a Must-Have for Women in 2024
Tote bags have evolved from simple carry-alls to statement pieces. Their versatility makes them perfect for various occasions. Whether you're looking for something stylish, spacious, or sustainable, there’s a tote bag that fits your needs.
With new designs and materials hitting the market, finding the right tote bags for women can be overwhelming. The best tote bags offer a balance of fashion, durability, and utility, ensuring they stay trendy while meeting your everyday needs.
What to Look for in a Tote Bag
Before diving into the best tote bags for women, it's essential to know what factors to consider. Here’s a quick checklist:
Size: Depending on how much you need to carry, choose a tote with the appropriate size.
Material: Leather, canvas, and nylon are popular choices, each offering different levels of durability and style.
Compartments: A tote with pockets can help keep your items organized.
Strap Length: Make sure the straps are comfortable, especially if you plan to carry the bag for extended periods.
Design: From minimalist styles to bold patterns, the design should reflect your personal taste.
Best Tote Bags for Women in 2024
1. Cuyana Classic Structured Leather Tote
Cuyana is known for its high-quality, minimalist designs, and the Classic Structured Leather Tote is no exception. Made from Italian leather, this tote is both stylish and durable. It has a sleek design that works well for professional settings, while the spacious interior can fit a laptop and other daily essentials.
The Cuyana tote stands out because of its sustainability. The brand encourages "fewer, better things," making it an excellent choice for women looking for long-lasting tote bags for women.
2. Everlane The Day Market Tote
Everlane’s The Day Market Tote is a fan favorite. Crafted from premium leather, it has a structured yet relaxed look. The tote's large size makes it ideal for women who need to carry multiple items, from laptops to gym clothes. It’s versatile enough to transition from the office to casual outings.
One of the biggest advantages of this tote is its simplicity. With no flashy details or embellishments, it complements any outfit, ensuring it's one of the most practical tote bags for women.
3. Madewell Medium Transport Tote
Madewell’s Medium Transport Tote is a perfect blend of style and functionality. Made from sturdy leather, it features a roomy interior and an external pocket for easy access to essentials like your phone or keys. The tote also comes with a detachable shoulder strap, allowing you to switch between carrying it by hand or over the shoulder.
For women who appreciate timeless design, this is one of the best tote bags for women. It’s versatile, durable, and comes in various colors to match your wardrobe.
4. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote
The Longchamp Le Pliage Tote is an iconic piece. This lightweight, foldable tote has been a favorite for years and continues to be popular in 2024. Made from water-resistant nylon with leather trim, it’s perfect for travel, daily commutes, or weekend getaways.
The tote’s durability and easy-to-clean material make it one of the best tote bags for women on the go. Plus, it comes in a variety of colors and sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect one for your needs.
5. Dagne Dover Signature Legend Tote
The Dagne Dover Signature Legend Tote is designed with organization in mind. This neoprene tote is packed with pockets and compartments to keep everything from your laptop to your water bottle neatly organized. The water-resistant fabric makes it ideal for rainy days or gym trips.
This tote is perfect for working women who need to carry multiple items and keep them organized. With its stylish design and functional features, it’s undoubtedly one of the top tote bags for women in 2024.
6. Tory Burch Perry Triple-Compartment Tote
Tory Burch is known for creating luxurious yet practical bags, and the Perry Triple-Compartment Tote is no exception. This bag features three spacious compartments, making it easy to organize your belongings. Made from high-quality leather, it’s available in various colors, ensuring you can find one that fits your style.
The combination of practicality and elegance makes this tote one of the most sought-after tote bags for women this year. It's perfect for both professional and personal use.
7. L.L. Bean Boat and Tote
For a more casual, rugged option, the L.L. Bean Boat and Tote is a fantastic choice. Originally designed for hauling ice, this canvas tote is incredibly sturdy and durable. It’s perfect for beach trips, grocery runs, or casual outings.
The tote’s simple design and affordable price make it one of the best budget-friendly tote bags for women in 2024. Plus, it comes in various sizes and colors, allowing you to customize your look.
8. Goyard Saint Louis Tote
The Goyard Saint Louis Tote is a luxury option for those who want to make a statement. Known for its distinctive pattern and lightweight design, this tote is both fashionable and functional. The bag’s unstructured shape allows it to hold a variety of items while still looking chic.
While it’s on the pricier side, the Goyard tote’s iconic status and timeless design make it one of the most coveted tote bags for women in 2024.
9. Rothy's The Essential Tote
Rothy’s is known for its sustainable practices, and The Essential Tote is a perfect example. Made from recycled plastic bottles, this eco-friendly tote is both stylish and durable. It’s available in a range of colors and features a spacious interior with pockets for organization.
The tote’s lightweight design and sustainability make it a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers, earning it a spot on the list of best tote bags for women.
10. Mansur Gavriel Everyday Soft Tote
Mansur Gavriel’s Everyday Soft Tote is perfect for women who prefer a minimalistic yet elegant design. Made from high-quality leather, this tote is soft, lightweight, and spacious enough to carry your daily essentials. It features a simple, sleek design that works well for both casual and formal occasions.
The craftsmanship and timeless appeal of this bag make it one of the top tote bags for women who value quality and style.
Tote Bag Trends in 2024
When selecting the best tote bags for women, it's important to consider emerging trends for 2024. Here are a few:
Sustainable Materials: More brands are focusing on eco-friendly materials like recycled fabrics and vegan leather.
Bold Colors and Patterns: While neutral tones remain popular, 2024 sees a rise in bold colors and patterns, making your tote bag a statement piece.
Multi-functional Designs: Women are looking for bags that serve multiple purposes, such as totes with removable pouches or laptop compartments.
Personalization: Customization options like monograms or unique designs are gaining popularity, allowing women to add a personal touch to their tote bags.
Finding the best tote bags for women in 2024 requires balancing style, functionality, and durability. From classic leather options to eco-friendly designs, there’s a perfect tote for every occasion and style preference.
Whether you're looking for a luxury option like the Goyard Saint Louis Tote or a budget-friendly alternative like the L.L. Bean Boat and Tote, the key is choosing a bag that fits your lifestyle. Pay attention to size, material, and compartments to ensure you find a tote bag that meets your needs while staying fashionable.
Remember, a well-chosen tote bag is not just an accessory—it’s an essential part of your daily routine. With the right tote, you can stay organized, look stylish, and feel confident, no matter where your day takes you.
So, explore the wide range of tote bags for women in 2024 and pick the one that suits you best!
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kaivalya38 · 21 days
Best Home Interior Designer in Bangalore
Bangalore, the bustling Silicon Valley of India, is not just a hub for technology but also a growing center for modern living spaces. In this ever-expanding city, having a beautifully designed home that reflects your personality and lifestyle is a must. Whether you’re moving into a new house or planning a renovation, choosing the right home interior designer in Bangalore can make all the difference. Among the leading firms in this domain, Q Oak Interiors stands out for its commitment to creativity, functionality, and personalized designs.
In this blog, we’ll take you through various aspects of home interiors, from simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore to pooja room interior design in Bangalore. We’ll also explore the best practices for kitchen interior design, living room design, and other essential spaces in your home.
Why Choose Q Oak Interiors: Leading Home Interior Designer in Bangalore?
When it comes to finding the right interior designer, Bangalore offers many choices. But few match the expertise, innovation, and client-centric approach of Q Oak Interiors. As a top home interior designer in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors is known for creating spaces that are not just visually appealing but also highly functional.
Here’s why Q Oak Interiors is the go-to option:
Personalized Designs: Every project is tailored to suit the client’s preferences, making each home unique.
Comprehensive Services: Whether it’s kitchen interior design, living room design, or pooja room interior design in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors covers it all.
Experienced Team: With years of expertise in the field, their team knows how to maximize space, style, and functionality.
Let’s dive into some of the essential spaces in a home and how Q Oak Interiors can transform them.
1. Simple Bedroom Interior Design in Bangalore: A Haven of Comfort and Elegance
The bedroom is where you retreat after a long day, and its design should reflect calm, comfort, and relaxation. When considering simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors believes in keeping things minimal yet sophisticated.
Key Elements of Simple Bedroom Design:
Neutral Tones: Soft whites, creams, and pastels create a soothing atmosphere.
Smart Storage Solutions: Space optimization through built-in wardrobes and multi-functional furniture is crucial, especially in compact city homes.
Lighting: Natural light paired with ambient and task lighting sets the right mood.
Furnishings: Less is more in a simple bedroom. Opt for streamlined furniture that doesn’t overwhelm the space.
The goal of a simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore  is to strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality, making the room a sanctuary of comfort.
2. Kitchen Interior Design: The Heart of the Home
The kitchen is often regarded as the heart of the home. A well-planned kitchen not only makes cooking enjoyable but also enhances the overall look of your home. When it comes to kitchen interior design, Q Oak Interiors excels at creating designs that are both modern and functional.
Essential Features of a Great Kitchen Design:
Efficient Layouts: The work triangle (sink, stove, and refrigerator) is optimized for smooth workflow.
Ample Storage: Cabinets, drawers, and pantry units are customized to store all kitchen essentials efficiently.
Durable Materials: The use of high-quality countertops, backsplashes, and flooring ensures longevity.
Smart Appliances: Incorporating modern kitchen appliances that integrate seamlessly with the design adds a touch of convenience.
A well-designed kitchen is not just about aesthetics but also about practicality. Whether you prefer an open kitchen or a more traditional setup, Q Oak Interiors will craft a kitchen interior design that aligns with your culinary habits and lifestyle.
Kitchen Interior Design: Combining Functionality and Style
The kitchen is often called the heart of the home, and its design must be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. At Q Oak Interiors, we understand the importance of a well-designed kitchen, especially in a fast-paced city like Bangalore. Our kitchen interior design services focus on optimizing space, ensuring easy movement, and making the cooking experience more enjoyable.
We offer a variety of layouts depending on your space, such as U-shaped, L-shaped, and island kitchens. Each design is tailored to your lifestyle, whether you are an avid home cook or someone who loves to entertain. Our designs emphasize the efficient use of cabinetry and smart storage options, ensuring that everything from your appliances to utensils has its place. When it comes to kitchen interior design, our team works closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, delivering a kitchen that is both practical and stylish.
3. Living Room Design: The Centerpiece of Social Interaction
The living room is the space where family members gather, and guests are entertained. It should reflect warmth, hospitality, and comfort. A thoughtful living room design by Q Oak Interiors can enhance the ambiance and functionality of this key space in your home.
Key Components of a Great Living Room:
Seating Arrangements: Comfortable sofas and chairs are positioned to encourage conversation and relaxation.
Lighting: A mix of natural and artificial lighting is used to create a cozy atmosphere.
Color Schemes: Whether you prefer bold colors or neutral tones, the palette is chosen to complement the furniture and décor.
Decorative Elements: Accent walls, artworks, and plants add personality and warmth to the room.
Whether you prefer a contemporary look or a more traditional aesthetic, Q Oak Interiors provides bespoke living room design solutions to match your style.
4. Living Area Interior Design in Bangalore: Where Style Meets Functionality
For those looking for a more comprehensive design approach, focusing on the living area interior design in Bangalore is essential. The living area includes not just the formal living room but also additional seating or lounging spaces that connect other parts of the house.
Design Ideas for Living Areas:
Open Concept Design: Creating a seamless flow between the living, dining, and kitchen areas for a spacious feel.
Furniture Layout: Optimizing the layout to make the best use of space without overcrowding.
Color Coordination: Ensuring the living area color scheme complements other spaces in the house.
Functional Zones: Creating distinct zones within the living area for reading, socializing, or relaxing.
Q Oak Interiors excels at living area interior design in Bangalore, focusing on maximizing space while maintaining elegance and functionality.
5. Pooja Room Interior Design in Bangalore: A Sacred Space for Reflection
In many Indian homes, the pooja room holds a special place as a sacred area dedicated to prayer and meditation. Creating a serene and spiritually uplifting atmosphere is the key to excellent pooja room interior design in Bangalore.
Features of a Perfect Pooja Room:
Material Choices: The use of marble, wood, or metal for the altar enhances the sacredness of the space.
Lighting: Soft, ambient lighting creates a calming atmosphere conducive to meditation and prayer.
Traditional Elements: Incorporating traditional Indian design elements such as bells, lamps, and carvings adds authenticity.
Compact Design: In modern homes, space can be a constraint. Therefore, Q Oak Interiors designs compact yet elegant pooja rooms that blend seamlessly with the home’s overall aesthetic.
For those seeking a peaceful corner for spirituality, pooja room interior design in Bangalore by Q Oak Interiors offers personalized solutions that meet both traditional and modern tastes.
Creating a home that is both beautiful and functional is a challenging task, but with the help of the best home interior designer in Bangalore, this dream can become a reality. Whether you're looking for a simple bedroom interior design in Bangalore, a modern and practical kitchen interior design, or a cohesive living room design, Q Oak Interiors is the ideal partner.
From living area interior design in Bangalore to specialized spaces like pooja room interior design in Bangalore, the experts at Q Oak Interiors provide tailored solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.
Choosing the right interior designer is key to achieving the home of your dreams, and with Q Oak Interiors, you can be confident that your space will reflect your unique style, needs, and personality. Transform your living spaces with Q Oak Interiors—where creativity meets craftsmanship
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10th Anniversary Legacy Challenge Part 3
GENERATION SIX - 2019 **Long Lifespan strongly recommended for this generation** Let's face it, you had an unconventional childhood. Celebrities, Jungles, bizarre food, and plants everywhere. You even had a butler! Growing up this way made you really believe that you could do or BE anything. So you're going to try to do it ALL. Packs: Island Living, Discover University, Strangerville, Realm of Magic, and Moschino Stuff Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Paranoid -Use the photography skill to document your long and eventful life -Use the digital photo frames to display those photos in your home -As a TEEN move to Strangerville and complete the Strangerville Mystery aspiration -Go on to live the dorm life at University while pursuing a Distinguished Degree in Biology -Complete the Academic Aspiration -After graduation, become a spellcaster, move to Sulani, and enter the Marine Biologist career using your degree -Marry a mermaid or at least have a child with one -Complete both Purveyor of Potions AND Spellcraft and Sorcery aspirations GENERATION SEVEN - 2020 *You can return to normal lifespan now if desired* Your overachieving parent made you dizzy with all of their accomplishments. Knowing that you could never live up to that and really not wanting to, makes you crave a much simpler life. Packs: EcoLifestyle, Snowy Escape, Journey to Batuu, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple, Maker, Adventurous, Proper (pick any three) *Didn't include Batuu gameplay because it is repetitive and a lot of people don't even have this pack. If you do, use it to create the ultimate "nerd room" in your home before the end of this generation* *Nifty Knitting has bugs that don't allow you to resume or frog creations if you start one and then stop. There's another bug that prevents you from completing the aspiration. For this reason I have left it out. Feel free to use it for decorating or gameplay with an awareness of the bugs* -Leave home as a teen and move to an empty lot in Evergreen Harbor -Build a tiny home using things you found in the dumpster -Build up from micro through small home and beyond throughout this generation -Vacation regularly in Mt Komorebi and max at least one outdoor skill from the pack -Attend the Mt Komorebi festivals at least once for each -Join the Civil Designer career and reach for the top -Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration and either one of the Snowy Escape aspirations (or both if you want to be an overachiever!) -Have at least three children GENERATION EIGHT - 2021 Garbage, light sabers, and snow OH MY! Growing up, life was weird and it's only going to get weirder before you learn to simplify. Packs: Cottage Living, Dream Home Decorator, and Paranormal (kits are also now a thing, use them if you have them and want to) Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Lactose Intolerant, and one other of your choosing that existed in 2021 -Move into a Haunted House as a Young Adult and just survive it -Work in the Interior Decorator Career to get the money for your dream farm. -Once you have the money, quit your job, and move to a farm in Henford on Bagley with the Simple Living lot trait -Your farm must have one chicken of each base type, one cow, and one llama. You CAN have more, but you MUST have at least the one of each. -Grow all the things! Sell the fruits of your labor at the Finchwick Fair every week (you don't have to participate in the Fair otherwise, but you may if you like) -Make canned goods to sell at the Fair too -Befriend the wild animals for help on the farm -Cross stitch in your (limited) leisure time -Have at least four children *youngest is the heir* -Pick an aspiration that makes you happy and complete it (if you're a purist go with Country Caretaker. I personally hate that one so I won't require it) ...to be continued...
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Dubai Curtain Cleaning Experts That Will Transform Your Space
Maintaining a neat and welcoming home is crucial since Dubai enjoys sunshine almost throughout the year. Curtains are not just adornments- they have a significant role to play in creating an ambiance that is comfortable. With time, their loveliness and operation may be diminished by accumulating filth, dirt, and allergens among other things. This article will discuss the importance of curtain cleaning, best practices for keeping your curtains fresh as well as tips on selecting professional services in Dubai.
Why Curtain Cleaning is Important
Indoor Air Quality Enhancement
Did you know that your curtains can act like dust magnets and entrap minute particles such as pollen? If not cleaned regularly, they can cause indoor air pollution. This problem assumes particular significance given the fact that Dubai is characterized by sandstorms and pollutants as routine features of daily life. Regular cleaning of your curtains therefore improves the quality of air within your house.
Dust and allergens can lead to difficulty with breathing or even asthma attacks among those living with this condition. When you buy curtain cleaning service, you are also securing yourself a healthier way of life rather than improving how your room looks like. A cleaner space contributes to better overall well-being.
Preserve Your Curtains
Your curtains are an investment you made when purchasing them. You must take care of them whether they are elaborate pieces made from luxurious materials or simple designs. Dust and dirt over time break down fabric fibres leading to early tear and wear out. Regular washing helps retain their colors and texture thus ensuring they live longer while still adding beauty to the room.
Should curtains get really dirty; it may demand more aggressive methods that might end up damaging fabrics used to make them after all. By cleaning them routinely through maintenance programs such issues can be avoided hence saving money in the long run.
Aesthetic Value
Clean drapes significantly enhance the beauty of any home at large. They frame your windows perfectly, provide texture as well as add to the interior look of your house. Otherwise clean rooms will appear messy with dirty or stained curtains.
Regular cleaning ensures that they are always looking their best. This kind of attention to detail can really transform how you feel about your entire house making it even more inviting to people visiting and also family members. You don’t need so much effort to keep the beauty of your living areas intact.
Different Curtain Fabrics Explained
Common curtain fabrics
Curtains come in different fabrics, each one requiring distinct washing methods. Some common materials for curtains include cotton, polyester, silk and velvet among others. Knowing what fabric you have is important for effective cleaning.
Cotton-made curtains are known for their versatility and easy wash ability. Normally, these items can be thrown into a washing machine without any hassle at all. Polyester is user-friendly too, often being stain-proof and resistant to wear out fasts. However, handling silk or velvet requires extra care lest they become damaged in the process.
Special Care For Delicate Fabrics
In case you possess luxury curtains which are made from silk or velvet, running them in a single standard washing program may not be enough. Water and soap must treat these textiles with utmost caution since they might fade in color or get distorted due to bleaching effects on them respectively by those substances involved in cleaning such items using machines meant for thorough dirt removal anyway. In such cases it’s advisable that you opt for professional cleaners specializing in delicate materials.
Professional cleaners have the knowledge and tools to ensure that your curtains are handled correctly, preserving their beauty without risking damage. Proper understanding of your material helps you make wise decisions on how best to clean thus preserve its quality over time when maintaining drapes properly
Following Care Labels
It is important that every curtain has care instructions supplied by the manufacturer. Such labels provide crucial guidance on washing temperatures, drying methods and whether the material can be machine washed. Failure to follow these instructions can have dire consequences.
Do not begin any cleaning before looking at the care label. If you are unsure or if the instructions are vague, it is advisable to consult a professional cleaner. It is best to strictly adhere to these guidelines if you want your curtains to last for many years.
How You Can Clean Your Own Curtains
Regular Dusting and Vacuuming
One of the easiest ways of keeping clean curtains is through regular dusting and vacuuming. Dubai’s dusty environment can cause quick build-up of dust on them. Use a vacuum with an upholstery attachment to gently remove dust and allergens from your curtains.
By regularly cleaning them, dirt does not settle deep into fabric thus maintaining their look better. Make sure you do this either monthly or weekly depending on how often your curtains get soiled in order to keep them fresh all time.
Spot Cleaning Stains
For small stains, immediate action can prevent them from setting in. Avoid rubbing as this may spoil the fabric but rather gently blot it with a clean cloth or paper towel if possible. Most fabrics work well with mild detergent mixed with water.
Always test any cleaning solution first on a hidden part of your curtains’ fabric. This will help you ascertain that there will be no negative impact due to using this particular solution out of all others available for removing that stain.Try calling a professional cleaner if it doesn’t disappear after trying all these methods.
Cleaning Your Curtains
If they can be machine-washed, then follow the cleaning instructions given by their manufacturer. To avoid shrinkage or fading, use cold water and delicate cycle settings when washing them in a washing machine which mite require hand-washing for very delicate materials like silk.
If you have heavier curtains, consider using a commercial laundry service. They have the right equipment to safely and effectively clean bigger items. Proper washing techniques will help maintain your curtains' beauty and functionality.
When to Seek Professional Help
Signs Your Curtains Need Professional Cleaning
Certain signs may indicate it is time to call in the professionals, even with regular maintenance. If your curtains are heavily stained, have a strong smell or are overly dusty, then it is recommended that you look for professional cleaning services.
Also when you have delicate fabrics that require special treatment for laundering which only professionals can provide without causing damage. This requires special skills and tools since some of these fabrics are very sensitive.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Service
Dubai has numerous professional curtain cleaning services making it hard for one to choose. Go for firms known for good reviews as well as high quality of work done. You can also find out whether they have dealt with similar textile materials before if you look at their profile.
A good cleaning service will assess your curtains’ requirements and inform you about the process involved in cleaning them thoroughly. Ask them about their methods like chemicals used and other things so that you can know what exactly they plan on doing before they do it.
Benefits of Professional Cleaning
There are several advantages of using a professional cleaning service. They usually come with specialized equipments as well as detergents that make your curtains look brand new again. Moreover, their expertise could detect some issues which you might not notice thus giving better attention to your curtains than ever before.
Also, professional cleaners can save you time and effort, enabling you to concentrate on other important aspects of your home. You will find even more pleasure in your space if your draperies are cleaned by professionals.
Curtain Maintenance Best Practices
Regular Inspections
It is very important that curtains be inspected on a regular basis. Look out for signs of damage, such as fraying or loose threads, and take care of them promptly. Neglecting small issues can lead to major ones later.
Another thing you should do is check curtain rods and hooks to ensure they are secure. By doing this, you will prevent straining the cloth unnecessarily and keep the curtains looking good.
Seasonal Cleaning Schedule
A seasonal cleaning schedule can help you stay on top of curtain maintenance. This means deep cleaning curtains at the beginning of each season mainly focusing on dust removal and any washing or spot cleaning that may be necessary.
By following this method in advance, it will ensure your curtains always look great all year through so that it remains one beautiful feature in your house at all times.
Educate Family Members
Involve the family members while maintaining curtains. Educating them about how to care for the curtains can ensure everyone contributes to keeping your home clean. They should also advise you immediately from any spills or stains made knowingly or unknowingly.
This way a team effort creates a sense of shared responsibility thus helping maintain our living quarters into true homes.
More than just a task curtain cleaning enhances the living environment for better home maintenance purposes. Dubai residents understand why they need tidy drapes, choose their fabric types wisely, and are aware of what works best in terms of cleanliness methods to make their houses healthier and more interesting aesthetically speaking.
For example having regular cleaning routines including seeking professional services when necessary is among initiatives which will guarantee excellent conditions for your curtains until they get old. Do not be blind about this importance in your home, embrace the advantages which come with good quality curtain cleaning and experience its transformation.
For further assistance with your curtain cleaning needs or to explore the various professional services available in Dubai, don’t hesitate to reach out and discover the perfect solutions tailored to your home.
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