#Simone Cerio
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Religo][Simone Cerio]
Un percorso storico e visuale tra le emozioni e le esistenze dei protagonisti che hanno vissuto in prima persona il difficile tentativo di mettere in relazione le persone LGBTQ+, desiderose di essere accolte all’interno di una Chiesa che solo ora mostra s
“Per te non c’è posto in Paradiso. Ricorda.” Questa fu la maledizione scagliata da un prete contro un ragazzo omosessuale, in una piccola chiesa vicino Roma. La sua unica “colpa” è stata quella di chiedere una benedizione per un gruppo di giovani gay cristiani durante un pellegrinaggio. Lì è nato Religo, un progetto incentrato sulle comunità LGBTQ+ credenti. Un percorso storico e visuale tra le…
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jymeia · 2 years ago
All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
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Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Arg��n 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication:  Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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spettriedemoni · 4 years ago
«Chiedo a Simone di raccontarmi un episodio che lo ha particolarmente colpito nel corso dei sei anni di documentazione: “Ero in una chiesetta vicino a La Storta, Roma, durante l’ultima tappa di un pellegrinaggio organizzato dal Progetto Giovani Cristiani LGBT, gruppo di under 30 nato per riunire tutti i giovani appartenenti ai gruppi LGBT cristiani presenti in Italia (sono circa una trentina). Il capo gruppo entrò nella chiesa per chiedere un’ultima benedizione al prete, spiegandogli chi erano. Il prete ebbe una reazione spropositata, violenta e aggressiva, insinuando che non dovevano permettersi di reputarsi cristiani, perché erano fuori dal progetto di Dio, ma che dovevano purificarsi, redimersi dai peccati di carne. Alla fine li congedò maledicendo il capo gruppo: “Per te, un posto in Paradiso non c’è”»
Conosco Simone da tempo. Ottimo fotografo e splendida persona.
Questo reportage è uno splendido progetto e l'articolo lo racconta bene.
Trovate anche il link al suo sito. Visitatelo perché merita e potrete trovare altri suoi progetti.
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giallofever2 · 6 years ago
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L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
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vaiani · 3 years ago
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Religo, la mostra fotografica di Simone Cerio a #Lucca, su fede, omosessualità, cambiamento (presso Lucca, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeY5ae4KOF9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ivandimarcofotografo · 6 years ago
The 2019 Wellcome photography prize: close focus on the human condition
The annual awards celebrate the best images of science around the world
A human face lies inert on a surgical tray as if staring up at the team of doctors hovering over it. It has taken them 16 hours of precise, painstaking work to remove it from a 31-year-old female donor, who had died three days earlier. A few seconds after photographer Lynn Johnson captured this extraordinary moment, plastic surgeons in the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, began the second phase of a procedure that lasted around 30 hours in total. When it was completed, 21 year-old Katie Stubblefield became the youngest person to receive a successful full face transplant.
Taken in 2017 as part of a bigger series documenting Stubblefield’s groundbreaking surgical transformation, Katie’s New Face (2017) is one of several arresting images that have made the shortlist for the 2019 Wellcome Photography prize. The aim of the award is to celebrate “compelling imagery that captures stories of health, medicine and science”. Composed of four categories – Social Perspectives, Hidden Worlds, Medicine in Focus and Outbreaks – the shortlist perhaps predictably favours documentary and photojournalism. There are some surprises, though, not least the often beautiful abstractions of David Linstead’s microscopic image of the capillaries of a human fingertip that had been injected with red ink.
Katie’s New Face, 2017, Lynn Johnson.
At the age of 21, Katie became the youngest person ever to receive a full- face transplant. This was the critical moment after the donor’s face was surgically removed before being transferred onto Katie. There was complete silence in the room as the surgical team absorbed the gravity of their mission. The transformational procedure took over 30 hours and was undertaken by a team of around 30 medical professionals at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
Shroud, Rhône Glacier, 2018, Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
In the Rhône glacier in the Swiss Alps, a family runs an ice grotto as a popular tourist attraction. But, as the Earth warms, the glacier is shrinking and the grotto is under threat – an unusual example of how climate change imperils people’s livelihoods. In response, the family has covered part of the glacier with white geosynthetic blankets to reflect away the sun’s heat and keep the cold in. This slows the shrinkage, but it is only a small-scale, temporary fix.
Zora the Robot Care-Giver, 2018, Dmitry Kostyukov This woman in a nursing facility outside Paris has developed an emotional attachment to Zora the robot. There are at least 15 of these robots currently in use in healthcare settings in France, and more around the world, including Australia, the US and elsewhere in Europe. Controlled remotely by a nurse, Zora can help people with communication and provide comfort and entertainment (including exercise classes). Some people respond very positively to interacting with Zora, others ignore it completely.
Love Givers, 2013, Simone Cerio
Debora is the first sexual assistant in Italy supporting disabled people (male and female) to explore intimate practices. Repression of sexual instincts can cause psychological stress, and this can particularly affect those who are not able to use their bodies fully. By providing physical contact of the right kind in a safe environment, a trained professional can improve a person’s wellbeing, increase self-esteem, and prepare them for future intimate relationships.
The Morgue, 2017 Luis Henry Agudelo Cano
In a country with high rates of violent crime, many young people in Colombia choose to study forensic sciences or embalming. They seek to discover the identities of the many unknown bodies that arrive at the morgue in the hope that they can then be returned to their families. This busy university teaching morgue in Medellín also doubles as the judicial morgue when the civil service is on strike.
Mapping SHIV infection in the body, 2018, by Carly Ziegler, Alex Shalek, Shaina Carrol, Leslie Kean, Victor Tkachev and Lucrezia Colonna.
Visualising complex genomic data is hard. In this image, each of the four coloured circles shows the same roughly 100,000 cells from rhesus macaques, with genetically and phenotypically similar cells clustered together. Every dot represents a single cell and the lines connecting them reflect how similar they are. In the bottom right circle, red cells are from monkeys infected with simian- human immunodeficiency virus while blue cells are from uninfected ones. Distinguishing the red and blue cells helps to show which cells change and malfunction during infection, despite treatment with antiretroviral drugs.
Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/jun/01/2019-wellcome-photography-prize-entries
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photographerguide-blog · 6 years ago
The 2019 Wellcome photography prize: close focus on the human condition
New Post has been published on https://photographyguideto.com/must-see/the-2019-wellcome-photography-prize-close-focus-on-the-human-condition/
The 2019 Wellcome photography prize: close focus on the human condition
The annual awards celebrate the best images of science around the world
A human face lies inert on a surgical tray as if staring up at the team of doctors hovering over it. It has taken them 16 hours of precise, painstaking work to remove it from a 31-year-old female donor, who had died three days earlier. A few seconds after photographer Lynn Johnson captured this extraordinary moment, plastic surgeons in the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, began the second phase of a procedure that lasted around 30 hours in total. When it was completed, 21 year-old Katie Stubblefield became the youngest person to receive a successful full face transplant.
Taken in 2017 as part of a bigger series documenting Stubblefields groundbreaking surgical transformation, Katies New Face (2017) is one of several arresting images that have made the shortlist for the 2019 Wellcome Photography prize. The aim of the award is to celebrate compelling imagery that captures stories of health, medicine and science. Composed of four categories Social Perspectives, Hidden Worlds, Medicine in Focus and Outbreaks the shortlist perhaps predictably favours documentary and photojournalism. There are some surprises, though, not least the often beautiful abstractions of David Linsteads microscopic image of the capillaries of a human fingertip that had been injected with red ink.
Katies New Face, 2017, Lynn Johnson.
At the age of 21, Katie became the youngest person ever to receive a full- face transplant. This was the critical moment after the donors face was surgically removed before being transferred onto Katie. There was complete silence in the room as the surgical team absorbed the gravity of their mission. The transformational procedure took over 30 hours and was undertaken by a team of around 30 medical professionals at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
From its inception, photography has been utilised to illuminate the mysteries of science and medicine, with Victorian pioneers such as Henry Fox Talbot and Auguste Adolphe Bertsch creating microscopic studies of insects and plants that often resembled ornate line drawings. As the category Hidden Worlds shows, that tradition of cutting-edge experimentation continues apace with an advanced image-mapping of HIV infection undertaken by a team of research scientists that allows us to see four representations of the same cluster of 100,000 cells from a rhesus monkey.
Shroud, Rhne Glacier, 2018, Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
In the Rhne glacier in the Swiss Alps, a family runs an ice grotto as a popular tourist attraction. But, as the Earth warms, the glacier is shrinking and the grotto is under threat an unusual example of how climate change imperils peoples livelihoods. In response, the family has covered part of the glacier with white geosynthetic blankets to reflect away the suns heat and keep the cold in. This slows the shrinkage, but it is only a small-scale, temporary fix.
In the same section, Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymanns man-altered landscape Shroud, Rhne Glacier, shows the range of approaches and the breadth of subject matter that the prize celebrates. It could be mistaken at first glance for a signature work by the conceptual land artist Christo, famous for his wrapping of monumental buildings and stretches of landscape in fabric. It is, in fact, an attempt by environmentalists to slow down the melting of the Swiss glacier, the heavy thermal material reflecting heat and light that would otherwise destroy the ice. It is an image of an undertaking that seems both surreal and slightly desperate, but the ecological context is calamitous: the Rhne Glacier has lost 350 metres (1,150ft) in ice thickness since 1856 and around 40 metres in the last decade alone.
Zora the Robot Care-Giver, 2018, Dmitry Kostyukov This woman in a nursing facility outside Paris has developed an emotional attachment to Zora the robot. There are at least 15 of these robots currently in use in healthcare settings in France, and more around the world, including Australia, the US and elsewhere in Europe. Controlled remotely by a nurse, Zora can help people with communication and provide comfort and entertainment (including exercise classes). Some people respond very positively to interacting with Zora, others ignore it completely.
Sex and death inevitably feature and, again, it is in the Hidden Worlds category where the contrast is most dramatic. Simone Cerios wonderfully tender and intimate series, Love Givers, is represented by a single understated image of two semi-naked women lying on a bed. Shot from above, it suggests the casual intimacy of longterm lovers, but one of them, Debora, is the first officially sanctioned sexual assistant in Italy, whose role is to support disabled people to explore intimate practices.
Love Givers, 2013, Simone Cerio
Debora is the first sexual assistant in Italy supporting disabled people (male and female) to explore intimate practices. Repression of sexual instincts can cause psychological stress, and this can particularly affect those who are not able to use their bodies fully. By providing physical contact of the right kind in a safe environment, a trained professional can improve a persons wellbeing, increase self-esteem, and prepare them for future intimate relationships.
Cerio has described her project as a physical and mental journey that challenges our perception of the disabled and their most intimate needs. Sexual assistance is a technique of psychophysical approach to disabled people, based on massages, kisses, visual contacts and erotic stimulation, she elaborates on her Facebook page, This project is an opportunity, perhaps the only way for disabled people to have such an experience.
The Morgue, 2017 Luis Henry Agudelo Cano
In a country with high rates of violent crime, many young people in Colombia choose to study forensic sciences or embalming. They seek to discover the identities of the many unknown bodies that arrive at the morgue in the hope that they can then be returned to their families. This busy university teaching morgue in Medellin also doubles as the judicial morgue when the civil service is on strike.
Luis Henry Agudelo Cano has already won second place in the current affairs and news category of the 2018 Sony world photography awards for his black and white series Young People Who Beautify Death. The single image from it included here gives you a sense of its almost ghostly intimacy. Entitled The Morgue, and shot in Colombia in 2017, it is a multiple exposure of one of the young people who are trained to, as Cano puts it, salvage the beauty of the deceased, that those who love them can always remember them. Like his fellow students, this young man is being trained in postmortem techniques to erase the scars and wounds of violent death so that the victims of Colombias prolonged paramilitary-fuelled violence can be viewed by their relatives.
Among the several captured moments of intimacy on display in the shortlist, perhaps the strangest is by Dmitry Kostyukov. His portrait of an elderly resident of a nursery facility near Paris is tenderly observed, but it challenges all our received notions of what constitutes care and, indeed, tenderness. The woman is cradling Zora, a robot remotely controlled by a nurse as an aid to communication, comfort and entertainment of the residents. Many of them ignore Zora, while others take her to their hearts as they would a child.
Mapping SHIV infection in the body, 2018, by Carly Ziegler, Alex Shalek, Shaina Carrol, Leslie Kean, Victor Tkachev and Lucrezia Colonna.
Visualising complex genomic data is hard. In this image, each of the four coloured circles shows the same roughly 100,000 cells from rhesus macaques, with genetically and phenotypically similar cells clustered together. Every dot represents a single cell and the lines connecting them reflect how similar they are. In the bottom right circle, red cells are from monkeys infected with simian- human immunodeficiency virus while blue cells are from uninfected ones. Distinguishing the red and blue cells helps to show which cells change and malfunction during infection, despite treatment with antiretroviral drugs.
Like many of the images that have made it on to the shortlist, Zora the robot care-giver is a glimpse of a future in which new technologies such as advanced robotics and artificial intelligence will inform our lives in ways that, until recently, we would have scarcely imagined outside of the realm of science fiction. It is these glimpses of a future that is already here that makes the selection so compelling. That, and the evidence of the deep humanity that still underlies so much of the work done by those at the forefront of advances in health, medicine and science.
All the winning and shortlisted entries will go on show at the Lethaby Gallery, London, 4-13 July. Category prizes and the overall winner will be announced at aceremony in London on 3 July 2019
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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mealha · 6 years ago
The 2019 Wellcome photography prize: close focus on the human condition
The annual awards celebrate the best images of science around the world
A human face lies inert on a surgical tray as if staring up at the team of doctors hovering over it. It has taken them 16 hours of precise, painstaking work to remove it from a 31-year-old female donor, who had died three days earlier. A few seconds after photographer Lynn Johnson captured this extraordinary moment, plastic surgeons in the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, began the second phase of a procedure that lasted around 30 hours in total. When it was completed, 21 year-old Katie Stubblefield became the youngest person to receive a successful full face transplant.
Taken in 2017 as part of a bigger series documenting Stubblefield’s groundbreaking surgical transformation, Katie’s New Face (2017) is one of several arresting images that have made the shortlist for the 2019 Wellcome Photography prize. The aim of the award is to celebrate “compelling imagery that captures stories of health, medicine and science”. Composed of four categories – Social Perspectives, Hidden Worlds, Medicine in Focus and Outbreaks – the shortlist perhaps predictably favours documentary and photojournalism. There are some surprises, though, not least the often beautiful abstractions of David Linstead’s microscopic image of the capillaries of a human fingertip that had been injected with red ink.
Katie’s New Face, 2017, Lynn Johnson.
At the age of 21, Katie became the youngest person ever to receive a full- face transplant. This was the critical moment after the donor’s face was surgically removed before being transferred onto Katie. There was complete silence in the room as the surgical team absorbed the gravity of their mission. The transformational procedure took over 30 hours and was undertaken by a team of around 30 medical professionals at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
Shroud, Rhône Glacier, 2018, Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
In the Rhône glacier in the Swiss Alps, a family runs an ice grotto as a popular tourist attraction. But, as the Earth warms, the glacier is shrinking and the grotto is under threat – an unusual example of how climate change imperils people’s livelihoods. In response, the family has covered part of the glacier with white geosynthetic blankets to reflect away the sun’s heat and keep the cold in. This slows the shrinkage, but it is only a small-scale, temporary fix.
Zora the Robot Care-Giver, 2018, Dmitry Kostyukov This woman in a nursing facility outside Paris has developed an emotional attachment to Zora the robot. There are at least 15 of these robots currently in use in healthcare settings in France, and more around the world, including Australia, the US and elsewhere in Europe. Controlled remotely by a nurse, Zora can help people with communication and provide comfort and entertainment (including exercise classes). Some people respond very positively to interacting with Zora, others ignore it completely.
Love Givers, 2013, Simone Cerio
Debora is the first sexual assistant in Italy supporting disabled people (male and female) to explore intimate practices. Repression of sexual instincts can cause psychological stress, and this can particularly affect those who are not able to use their bodies fully. By providing physical contact of the right kind in a safe environment, a trained professional can improve a person’s wellbeing, increase self-esteem, and prepare them for future intimate relationships.
The Morgue, 2017 Luis Henry Agudelo Cano
In a country with high rates of violent crime, many young people in Colombia choose to study forensic sciences or embalming. They seek to discover the identities of the many unknown bodies that arrive at the morgue in the hope that they can then be returned to their families. This busy university teaching morgue in Medellín also doubles as the judicial morgue when the civil service is on strike.
Mapping SHIV infection in the body, 2018, by Carly Ziegler, Alex Shalek, Shaina Carrol, Leslie Kean, Victor Tkachev and Lucrezia Colonna.
Visualising complex genomic data is hard. In this image, each of the four coloured circles shows the same roughly 100,000 cells from rhesus macaques, with genetically and phenotypically similar cells clustered together. Every dot represents a single cell and the lines connecting them reflect how similar they are. In the bottom right circle, red cells are from monkeys infected with simian- human immunodeficiency virus while blue cells are from uninfected ones. Distinguishing the red and blue cells helps to show which cells change and malfunction during infection, despite treatment with antiretroviral drugs.
Continue reading... from Photography | The Guardian http://bit.ly/2WkDcRJ
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barbarapicci · 8 years ago
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(via Mostre in Calendario [58] – 19/06/2017) Cosa troverete: Guido Guidi a Roma; Antonio Marchetti Lamera a Milano; Stefano Cerio e Alice Serafino a Torino; Simone Pellegrini e Jorge Mayet a Roma; Walter Valentini e Giovanni Gaggia a Fermignano (PU); Gianluigi Toccafondo a Modena; una mostra sul Liberty a Trieste; Diego Perrone aGenova; Desiderio Beauty Hazard a Terni & more…
Clicca per vedere la lista: https://barbarapicci.com/2017/06/19/mostre-calendario-58/
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paulinah2419-blog · 8 years ago
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Las mejores hermanas del mundo en cerio si (They mess with one of them they mess with all) 👊😏😍💋💜💓💘👸👸👸👸😘😎👭👭 (en Colegio Simon Bolivar Mixcoac)
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spettriedemoni · 7 years ago
In questi giorni in cui un ministro per la "famiglia e la disabilità" parla con toni discutibili delle coppie gay credo sia importante cercare di capire prima di tutto.Questo mio amico ha pubblicato un foto reportage su chi è al contempo gay e credente uscito su L'Espresso poco tempo fa.Lo ha fatto con sensibilità e delicatezza oltre che da credente lui stesso. Vale la pena fermarsi e osservare con attenzione.O almeno provarci.Credo che molte convinzioni vacillerebbero.
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giallofever2 · 6 years ago
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L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
13 notes · View notes
giallofever2 · 6 years ago
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L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
6 notes · View notes
giallofever2 · 6 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
4 notes · View notes
giallofever2 · 6 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
3 notes · View notes
giallofever2 · 6 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
L'eredità Ferramonti
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) L'eredità Ferramonti
Argentina La herencia de los Ferramonti
Brazil A Herança dos Ferramonti
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наследството на Ферамонти
Canada (French title) L'héritage
Colombia (poster title) Los herederos
Finland (TV title) Ferramontin perintö
Finland Musta leski
France L'héritage
Greece Η κληρονομιά των Φερραμόντι
Greece Οι κληρονόμοι
Hungary A Ferramonti-örökség
Poland Dziedzictwo Ferramontich
Portugal A Herdeira
Soviet Union (Russian title) Наследство Феррамонти
Spain La herencia Ferramonti
Turkey (Turkish title) Baba, ogul, gelin
USA The Inheritance
West Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
East Germany Das Erbe der Ferramonti
Release Dates
France 25 May 1976 (Cannes Film Festival)
Italy 12 August 1976
Canada 21 October 1976 (Toronto International Film Festival)
France 20 April 1977 (Paris)
Spain 28 May 1977 (Madrid)
Spain 30 June 1977 (San Sebastián)
Colombia 17 November 1977
USA July 1978 (edited version)
USA 30 November 1978 (Bismarck, North Dakota)
Turkey March 1979
Finland 10 August 1979
East Germany 15 June 1980 (TV premiere)
UK 1985
West Germany 12 July 1985 (TV premiere)
Japan 28 October 1989
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Music by Maestro Ennio Morricone
Costume Design by Gabriella Pescucci
Writing Credits
Gaetano Carlo Chelli ... (novel)
Ugo Pirro ... (screenplay)
Sergio Bazzini ... (screenplay)
Roberto Bigazzi ... (consultant)
technical specifications
Runtime 2 hr (120 min)
2 hr (120 min) (Argentina)
2 hr 4 min (124 min) (Italy)
118 min (Uk)
1 hr 45 min (105 min) (short) (USA)
Anthony Quinn ... Gregorio Ferramonti
Fabio Testi ... Mario Ferramonti
Dominique Sanda ... Irene Carelli Ferramonti
Gigi Proietti ... Pippo Ferramonti (as Luigi Proietti)
Adriana Asti ... Teta Ferramonti Furlin
Paolo Bonacelli ... Paolo Furlin
Rossella Rusconi ... Flaviana Barbati
Harold Bromley ... Andrea Barbati
Silvia Cerio ... Signora Minnelli
Maria Russo ... Rosa Carelli
Simone Santo ... Armando Carelli
Rossana Di Lorenzo... Matilde
1976 - Festival di Cannes
Migliore interpretazione femminile a Dominique Sanda
Nomination Palma d'oro a Mauro Bolognini
1977 - Nastro d'argento
Miglior attrice non protagonista a Adriana Asti
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