#Simon’s fishes
willes-stolensweater · 9 months
Guys, i found Olle, Oski and Felle 🙀
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xie-xie-xie · 1 year
My season three predictions:
Tragedy strikes in the first episode. While many fans believe Simon’s fish are goldfish (which can live decades), they are actually mollies, which live only 3-5 years.
Because Simon had been forced to move into Wille’s room at Hillerska to keep the paparazzi at bay, Linda had been faithfully feeding and caring for his beloved fish.
When the first fish died she thought she’d just quietly buy a new molly for Simon and not tell him, but when she asked Sara’s opinion, she said Simon could actually tell the fish apart even though no one else could.
Simon was getting a book in the library during workies and had left his phone on the table. When Wille saw it was Linda he picked it up, and she told him that one of the fish had died. He asked which one, and Linda said, “The orange one.”
Wille sighed and said he’d tell Simon.
Simon of course was plunged into a torment of grief and guilt, so Wille got Malin and his other bodyguard, interestingly also named Oski, to drive them to Simon’s house. The bodyguards forced their way though the crowds of paparazzi and royal watchers, and Simon broke down when he saw the tiny lifeless body of Felle.
Even worse, as he looked into the tank, he saw that Oski - sweet dear Oski - was just then going belly up. The tears trembled on his long dark lashes as Wille wrapped comforting arms around him. “I should have been here…” Simon choked.
Linda put her hand on his shoulder. “Simón, por favor, no te culpes. It was Felle and Oski’s time.”
Simon dropped to his knees, fingers splayed on the glass of the tank, face anguished. “Will Olle and Satsuma be next?” (This is the first time we learn that the extremely shy fourth fish is named Satsuma.)
Of course Olle and Satsuma were next. Simon blames himself for letting his love for Wille distract him from his pets, and tells the Crown Prince he needs time alone to think. Reluctantly Wille goes back to Hillerska, leaving Simon with Linda to bury Olle, Oski, Felle, and Satsuma. As he was driven away, he could hear Simon’s beautiful voice singing a lamentation.
In episode two, we see that Sara is curled up in the stall with Rousseau, who was delivered to Hillerska without any notice or warning. Because the horse boarding fees are more than her grant will cover, Sara had to give up her room in the Manor House and sleep in the stable with Rousseau.
Full of self-hatred for how she hurt her brother by sleeping with August and helping him escape criminal prosecution for what he did to Wille and Simon, she doesn’t tell anyone where she’s living. Since everyone is angry at her and no one is speaking to her, her schoolmates assume she’s sleeping at home and her family thinks she’s still in the dorm.
The day after the fish funeral Wille is walking around the grounds with his earbuds in listening to sad songs of the sea in honor of Olle, Oski, Felle, and Satsuma, frightened that Simon will break up with him out of guilt.
He passes by the stable and sees Sara asleep in the hay. Shocked, he calls Minou and asks her to find out what’s going on.
Later that day, Minou calls him back and tells him what happened. Wille, who is a member of the second wealthiest royal family in Europe after only the Windsors, has literal vaults of money, just like Harry Potter. So he pays Rousseau’s board for the entire time until Sara graduates.
Felice finds out that Wille did this when Sara returns to the cupboard under the stairs at Manor House. She confronts Simon, who is still blaming his relationship with Wille for the deaths of his pets, and the curly-haired singer realizes that even though he has been avoiding Wille, the Crown Prince still cared about Simon’s sister enough to spend one one-millionth of his fortune on her horse’s expenses.
He hurtles himself into Wille’s arms in the dining hall, smothering the prince’s face with kisses.
And they live happily ever after. The end.
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amustikas · 7 months
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“I showed you my fish pls respond”
would you swipe right on him???
oh and happy valentines ;)
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themesopelagiczone · 1 year
earth fact time. this is NOT A DRILL! two great white sharks have become best friends!! their names are simon and jekyll and they've travelled together for over 4,000 miles. this is a huge discovery, because great white sharks are usually solitary creatures!
an important note is that these sharks aren't swimming side by side, and are usually a couple kilometres off from each other - but their trackers kept pinging in the same part of the ocean at the same time. scientists think they might be brothers, or following a previously unknown migratory path.
business insider | cbc
(edited 08/10/23 to fix spelling of jekyll's name)
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cuties-in-codices · 5 months
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saints & fancy border decorations
in the hours of catherine of cleves, dutch, c. 1440
source: NYC, Morgan Library, MS M.917/945, pp. 228-280
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dcartcorner · 4 months
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mermay shenanigans
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
yeah im a super big fan of cod, those fishes are reely big!
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happy aprils fools yall
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This feels like finally! Growth! Boyfriends now! 💜🧡❤️ But also.. (always) something about the way they look at each other. 💕
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ohgeesoap · 11 months
Is the water still wet?
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
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The Queer Review: "Was there a scene that you did in season two that you were particularly proud of?"
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amustikas · 11 months
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gone fishing!
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evanescencelovrr · 4 days
this is part 2 of my college!simon idea :) enjoy! feel free to like comment & reblog.
Simon mumbled and grunted. He was heaved over the barstool of the Bistro, finished a long day of studies and classwork. A.D, B.C, blueprints of Greek palaces and Knossos rebuilding—my ass. He thought in annoyance, brows slashes down in a glare, rough eyes peering out from his balaclava mask. A girl beside him eyed his mask to which he stared, biting into his sandwhich.
All around the Bistro had calmed down, a few people in and out. Simon always took the seat closest to the exit, it was better for an escape—and he maintained situational awareness. Not only that, but he liked when he sat alone. His brooding form took over at least two seats.
“Bloody hell…the man took chicken outta chicken…” Simon said, staring at his sandwich in disgust. His eyes had widened by a fraction. He chewed the last bite before setting the stale sandwich down, already pissed they messed up his order. He shook his head in annoyance and then managed to catch you.
His head paused in its moment and he drank you in, hair illuminated by the dangling overhead lights. The warm light made your hair softer than usual, and you wore a flowy skirt, some boots and a buckled bag hang off your shoulder. Along with a tank top you’d managed to find in your laundry that wasn’t dirty.
Wait a minute. He’d seen you before. This was the lass that lived across from him. In that tiny corner of a “room,” your “dungeon” as he called it. His eyes narrowed as he watched you order your usual. He had no idea what it was but he was tempted to find out.
Only so he could get rid of whatever the hell he’d been ordering lately. After you received your ticket, you made your way to the opposite seating area away from him, hair flowing and following your movements.
“I keep seein’ that lass…tis a sign or wot?” He’d mumble, more so to himself. The plastic cup nudges his lips before he drank the water, washing away whatever chicken—fake chicken had been left.
Sometime later at night, he’d been walking down the pathway to his dorm. His hands were stuffed casually in his pockets, the sound of music blasting through his wired headphones was the only thing he was focused on. His boots crunched over pebbles, the gravely path taking a turn up a slope. The moon hung high and heavy in the sky.
It was then he caught wind of some laughter pouring out like champagne. Smooth, easy, flowing. Kind of like—you. There you stood, standing ahead and walking, just having finished dinner and on your phone, smiling widely. Your head was tilted up at the moon in amazement, talking about how you’d seen more balls than you cared to admit—
To which he cocked a brow curiously and carried on walking, although slightly slower this time. God. Maybe it was from all the training that weighed him down. He knew it was an excuse to eavesdrop more but to be fair: you piqued his interest. Ever since he’d seen you in that bathroom, hair tousled and half asleep.
“My damn window won’t shut.” He heard you complain, sighing as your head tipped down, focusing on the rocky path. You adjusted your bag, hair flowing. Some laughter sounded over the phone and then said, “Just get that masked man to do it, the one you been telling me about.”
Masked man?
Who else wore a looming skull mask in the dead of night? Him.
“No, absolutely not—I don’t even know him.” You said much quieter, eyes wide and lifting to peer around to see if anyone heard. It seemed like you didn’t know he was directly behind you, hanging a few feet back. He shuffled in his spot and for the first time in a while for the day, found his lip itching to grin. It was too easy. You seemed naive in the moment.
It also seemed apparent to him you’d been talking about him—to whoever friend it was over the phone. His finger tapped against his thigh, head cocking to the side curiously. Although he couldn’t blame you for doing so—lotta lassies fawned over him. He found himself disinterested though, unable to see himself in a relationship for the time being. Maybe it was the trauma, maybe it was the fact he preffered to be with his goldfish and venting to it, only to be returned with blobs of bubbles blowing out.
Just then, his boot crunched loudly on a twig and your head snapped around, hand clutching the phone. He stared, now pausing in his movements, as you were blocking his path. He watched as color drained from your face quite amusingly—and you fumbled to disconnect the phone call.
“Yeah, yeah, make sure to tell him what a nice ass—“
The phone cut off. Now both of you stood staring at each other.
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dvchvnde · 1 month
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you're aware of him in the same way you are of a livewire. holding a metal rod in a lightning storm. there's a sense of danger that seems to permeate around him; a warning to stay away. one you're all too keen to listen to. but it doesn't matter because he takes an interest in you anyway.
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mokeonn · 6 months
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Eusthenopteron in hats
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themarsbar · 6 months
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Slowly, but like a riptide, we keep dancing, you and me.
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thunderstruck9 · 2 months
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Simon Bussy (French, 1870-1954), Poissons coralliens noir a bandes jaunes [Black coral fish with yellow stripes]. Chalk on paper laid on board, 25 x 22 cm.
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