silverowlblog · 5 years
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SSFF - Mini Challenge 4 @simblrsimplyforfun
I did a makeover of Frankie’s beautiful sim Zephyr.  I see almost everyone choosing Lina for this challenge, but this boy needs some attention too. He was already perfect (see for yorself here), I just slightly changed him, to match a new skin and my aesthetic. I’d like to ask for Koli skin please? 💛
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iwatzuka · 5 years
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Simblr Simply For Fun - Challenge #9 
with the fierce Feyre Alis Adinhart by @marshmallowsims 💣
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satellite-sims · 5 years
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SSFF Challenge #9 ✨
Makeover of precious Melody Carlton by @simperbly 🌞
@simblrsimplyforfun @gruesim
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SSFF#9 - @simblrsimplyforfun
I swapped Sims with @dhalsims for a make-over in your own style challenge. This is Erykha Starchild who is absolutely gorgeous! I didn’t change her face at all because she is beautiful and just added skin, hair and make-up. 💜
I hope you like what I did to her @dhalsims as I had a wonderful time with her.
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funpixels · 5 years
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@simblrsimplyforfun Challenge #9 💖
The Mysterious Boris! I mixed my Ebony with @gruesim‘s handsome Zephyr, did a few tweaks and made this guy. And I gave him the name Boris, simply because that was the first name that popped into my head, and I love him.
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berryique · 5 years
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SSFF Anniversary - The Extra Raffle:  Skins for Makeover
Hi all so I made over the lovely sims by @gruesim above. 
Anna was challenge to makeover because it was the 1st time working with my slider at 7x Slider capacity.
Skin Lina by @sketchbookpixels/@gruesim
Eyebag/Faceshine  | Contour  | Eyelash | Nosemask 1 | Nosemask 2  | Lips 1  | Eyeshadow/Lips 2 | Eyes |  Hair | Babyhair 
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dhalsims · 5 years
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SSFF#9 - @simblrsimplyforfun
@ninjaofthepurplethings bravely trusted me to edit her gorgeous new sim, Marina Nervy. I wanted to preserve her essence so opted for a sister act.
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swayplays · 5 years
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Challenge #9: Makeover a Sim in Your Sim Style
I got to makeover @simminglove​ ‘s Natalia Rosewell. I thought Natalia was so beautiful with her curly hair and vitiligo and I wanted to keep her looking as down to earth and sweet as she did. However, my sims always find a way to look like they have resting bitch face. I was really excited to have Natalia in my game and hopefully I’ll get to collab with @simminglove sometime soon.(:
can I please have the Heath skin?
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doka-chan · 5 years
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Mini challenge 4 - Making over a sim to your own style. Download one and make it over to fit your aesthetics.
I gave a makeover to Lina. @gruesim, @simblrsimplyforfun.
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gaiahypothesims · 5 years
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MAKEOVER for Morgan! (In my “style” I guess)
I want to make a huge shoutout to @simminglove for passing me the lovely Morgan to give a makeover to. She was already such a lovely sim I hardly needed to do anything. I really only change her jaw shape, and then the rest is the same. Morgan is now a proud resident of Oasis Landing. 
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@simblrsimplyforfun @gruesim
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SSFF; Challenge Three
Arielle and Evie had a cute little playdate with @marshmallowsims ‘s Cardinal and Carmine. Thank you so much for allowing me to collab with you <3
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linkmahworld · 5 years
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I’ve done my first make-over of his sim sofie Rose with Amanda (with her permission) For the challenge #9 of simply for fun !!!
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plumdrops · 5 years
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It’s mid-February and the weather has turned from snow storms and ice-cold winds to unusually, pleasantly mild. Luckily for Hallie, this change in weather coincides exactly when her friend Emma was coming up for the weekend.  Blue skies were the perfect opportunity to give Emma a tour of her town.
After Hallie’s Super Fantastic Walking Tour of History & Culture, the girls decided they needed a rest by going to the park.  Naturally there needed to be a competition who could swing the highest and the the loser would buy them both a hot chocolate!  After a long battle, Emma was declared the champion of Dreamer Bay Swings so Hallie treated them both to the hot chocolates (whipped cream and marshmallows of course!).  
Before the girls knew it, it was time for Emma’s Grandma to come and take her home. The girls quickly made a pact for a rematch of the Great Swing Championships when Emma came to visit again in the summer holidays.
@silvakristiina @simblrsimplyforfun
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purplepxls · 5 years
Conversion or poses Request
for SSFF Hello! I wanna make some SSFF challenges and I'm looking for people who wants to make clothes, accessory conversions (TS4 to TS3) or poses requests. Please note: - I can convert top/bottoms (I don’t know how to convert outfits / dresses yet! This is bad... LOL) - I also know how to convert simple objects. -The item to be converted needs to be in public download (I can’t convert Patreon stuff) -The conversion/poses will be shared publicly =) If you have interest, please send me a message! ♥
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simsmono · 5 years
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Simblr Simply For Fun - Challenge #9
This sim was created as a result of doing another @simblrsimplyforfun challenge. I cannot express how much I love this sim! She’s so pretty!!!
@mspoodle1 - without peeking or scrolling further, can you guess which sim I used?! Unfortunately, I didn’t have the original skin/hair installed so couldn’t take a picture of her before the tweaking, but I assure you it is the same sim!
For those interested, her SNAP pics can be found under the cut.
Surprise!!! So Mel, did you guess correctly?
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I hope you like her transformation <3 Thank you so much for answering my distress call lol
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swayplays · 5 years
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Challenge #9: Makeover a Sim in Your Sim Style
I got the chance to make over @venusprincess-ts3‘s Josh ( I believe his name is). I LOVED his blue eyes and dark hair. OMG, a dreamboat. A LOT of his CC didn’t transfer over but I did my best editing him to my style anyways. I felt like such a fan girl being able to collab with venusprincess, I’ve downloaded sooo much of her work. Thank you sooo much for collabing with me, honey!(:
can I please have the Alma skin? Thank youu(:
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