#Silver Bells
thatsbelievable · 1 year
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~ Gold | White | Gray ~
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Can Elder Faerie, Silverbell, & Mercurial Knight lost each other in a mall? Since they're ancient beings (and by ancient I mean they've lived for possibly eons), I often imagine them getting lost easily in places they're unfamiliar with. Especially in modern, crowded places like a mall or sum-
Feel free to ignore, have a good day/night <3
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poll-party · 10 months
ROUND 1 - Poll 8/16
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champagnexowishes · 2 years
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fallensapphires · 9 months
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Holidays: Christmas in Silver
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
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radama-zard · 11 months
Dungeons & Drabbles 2023
Day 3 - Approach
FCG & Orym
Orym had known this was coming.
After the day they’d just had there was no way this could be avoided. Still, he’d been hoping it might happen a bit later, perhaps when he wasn't the only one here? Fate was hardly ever that kind though, and he knew there was little point in wishing for what could have been. Whether he liked it or not, this was the situation he’d been dealt with and he, and he alone, would have to deal with it.
… It would really be nice to have at least some back up.
“Hey… Letters?” Orym tentatively tried, putting on his best comforting smile as he ever so carefully approached his quivering friend, almost wincing at just how distressed they seemed. “I know today's been rough. None of us got out of all that unscathed. I- Do you want to maybe… talk about it?”
Internally, he cringed. This really didn't feel like their strong suit. To be perfectly honest, Orym felt far more at home solving problems through actions rather than words, even if he didn't see himself as someone particularly blood thirsty or terrible at talking. It was just that, well, what was there to even say that could make this better?
What Fresh Cut Grass had seen… Orym had only witnessed but a moment of it, and even that was enough to make his stomach twist painfully still.
The grief.
The guilt.
The darkness.
He swallowed thickly, staring down at his shield and Seedling. His only defense, should he fail in soothing his friend. But how soothing was it to be approached like that? To know that one wrong twitch could see your end? Right as you were at your most vulnerable?
That twisting tightened, pain mixing with a nauseating dread.
No. He didn't want that. To be the monster striking at a frightened dog, only gnashing its teeth out of fear.
There was an audible clattering as both sword and shield fell from their weakened grasp, drawing the shaking aeromaton’s attention. Before they could even fully turn around though, there was a pattering of tiny feet, running, dashing and leaping towards them.
A spike of fear.
Then… warmth.
Two tiny arms, wrapped oh so tight around Fresh Cut Grass’ torso, ensnaring them in a shaky embrace.
“... I’m sorry you had to see that. That you… That you were made to experience that. You- No one should have to watch their loved ones die. Should have to- to be put through that guilt again,” Orym whispered, his voice so pitifully small.
“I- It's a pain I-... I know those feelings. That pain. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wish I could- I don't know how to make that hurt lessened. I don't think I really can. But… Having a good friend by your side- It helps. All of you help me every day. So I- I really hope I can do the same for you, Grass. If you’ll let me.”
Tears stung in the corners of his vision. Tears he readily let fall.
Tears that he felt patter against his head in turn, warm and thick, slickening his hair with their dark oil.
“... I-It… It’s so much…” Fresh Cut Grass whimpered out, their face plate dropping to hide away in Orym’s sweet brown locks. “Orym it hurts so much…”
“I know it does, Letters. I know it does…”
Gods above did he know that.
Thus he held Fresh Cut Grass all the tighter, determined to hold his friend together, even as they fell apart on him.
“But it gets better. I promise.”
“...Does it?”
There was such a shattered desperation to their voice, a need, a barely held hope that was so close to slipping away, that it honestly broke Orym’s heart. Fresh Cut Grass deserved so much better than that. A kinder world. A sweeter life.
… One he swore he would make a reality.
“It does. Together, we’ll make it better. I know it doesn't feel that way right now, but please, trust me. It gets better.”
There was a stillness, an end to the quivering that stole Orym’s breath, that shot a needle of fear throughout him, worrying he may have failed.
Had he made it worse? Had that been one stressor too many?
He thought to brace himself, to prepare for the worst, when all of the sudden, Fresh Cut Grass moved.
Around him tight.
A hug.
The embrace finally returned.
“... I trust you, Orym. Thank… Thank ya kindly for trustin’ me too.”
“Thank you for rewarding it…” Orym uttered in relief, letting that heartstopping breath finally fall from his exhausted lips. “We can stay like this for ws long as you need, Letters…”
“I- I’d like that…”
“I think I would too.”
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glimmette · 9 months
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One of Santa's reindeer is named Comet, so... where's Cupid? But anyways, Merry Christmas!
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whosangitbetter · 10 months
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mia-oscarwilde · 2 years
Guys I'm very busy today, just started the decorations 😝 so...I'll be slow at responding messages and btw, the sweater Goemon is wearing is papa's Christmas present for him ❤
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bluwus-art · 2 years
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I always make holiday cards around this time of year, so i hope everyone has a safe holiday !
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daystilchristmas · 1 year
Happy Christmas Music Monday!
Here are The Judds singing "Silver Bells"
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bronkthecat · 9 months
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Silver bells
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christmaswonderland · 9 months
🎅🏻 ChristmasWonderland Archives
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virgo-mess · 2 months
Hi, i really admire your work and writing 💗 and i would like to know if you will still write about Silver Bells? and if so, when do you intend to do this?
Hi, thanks for the compliment and the ask! I'm still planning on writing Silver Bells, but I was hoping to do it during the holiday season! I'm not feeling th christmas spirit quite yet, but I promise Terry and Veda's christmas romance is on its way. For a rough guess, I'd say chapter one will be up by Halloween 😄🎅🎄🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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champagnexowishes · 2 years
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