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polykrom · 3 months ago
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Hier, j'étais une nouvelle fois sur le point de quitter la ville et je m'apprêtais à aller reprendre mon train devant la gare "Calatrava" à Liège.
Je regardais les dernières bandes colorées de la performance visuelle de Buren être retirées de l'immense verrière et je voyais les couleurs que celles-ci projettaient disparaître au profit de la lumière naturelle du soleil de la journée qui déclinait peu à peu.
Je me rendis alors à la boutique du coin pour y prendre une boisson et rencontrai un drôle de personnage, barbu, les yeux perçants, assis sur une chaise roulante, souriant et sans dire un mot semblant demander une aide quelconque ( quelques pièces, une cigarette, une boisson ), j'ai alors entamé la conversation alors que mon train partait quinze minutes plus tard et je suis resté finalement "en tailleur" jusqu'au suivant à ses côtés.
Nous avons alors échangé sur des sujets assez basiques finalement mais poignant de sincérité, il me confia une partie de son vécu, son accident, ses neuf années à la rue, le fait qu'il dormait dans un coin de la gare toutes les nuits, parfois couvert de carton, l'histoire d'un SDF comme tant d'autres et de plus en plus nombreux.
Les conflits de territoire, les amitiés tissées, les dangers, les avantages ( rares ), les aventures marquantes. Il s'appellait Michel et me dit de but en blanc, "toi je t'aime bien, c'est rare des gens comme toi", je compris que peu, ou rarement, les personnes prenaient le temps de s'arrêter pour y préter attention, au mieux ils lui donnaient quelques pièces ou lui offraient un sourire complaisant, au pire ils détournaient la tête ou l'insultaient même.
Depuis mon arrivée, plusieurs autres SDF s'étaient regroupés autour de nous, formant un petit cercle restreint de ces personnes exclues et que la vie ou leur histoire les avaient poussés là.
Une patrouille de police s'est alors approchée et un contrôle général d'identité fût demandé, dont la mienne. Suite à cela, la dispersion du groupe fut exigée, "Liège ville propre", comme on peut lire sur certaines affiches vantant l'image d'une ville respectueuse de l'environnement et de la sécurité de ses citoyens. Cela faisait tache, comme un amas de poubelles ou de crasses qui gâchait la carte postale ou les éventuels selfies de touristes ou badeaux passant par là.
Michel me dit en partant où il dormait chaque soir et me dit en me quittant tout en manipulant sa chaise roulante qu'il serait heureux de me revoir. Je lui dit alors que je l'aurais bien photographié pour la beauté que je lui avais trouvée , il me répondit "Oui, mais pas pour montrer" ... Je le reverrai ... Le bleu de ses yeux .. Michel.
Septembre 2024
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joyammusic · 3 months ago
🎶🌲 Wishing you a peaceful second Christmas day.
A quiet moment in the woods, as day turns into night. Let the stillness of the forest settle with you.
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ianmccloud · 1 month ago
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Sometimes, there are moments when the world stands still – when the stars shine and the river of time carries us into another reality. "The River of Time" is one such moment. It’s more than just a song – it’s a journey through silence, memories, and the unfathomable. Let the music carry you. Listen now...
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byronmorton · 2 months ago
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Echoes of Solitude: A Silent Reflection
🖤🌳 Rooted in solitude, mirrored in stillness. This monochrome masterpiece captures the poetry of nature in its simplest form. 🌙🍃 #PhotographyLovers #Reflections #SilentBeauty
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mistunyan · 5 years ago
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T-shirts on SALE!
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ninartz · 6 years ago
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#finishedwork #Mirame #portraitpainting #portrait #veiled #humble #silentbeauty #eyes #windowtothesoul #deep #colorful #artbynina #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #oiloncanvas #24x24 #ninafabunmi #ninaadaba #ninapicasso https://www.instagram.com/p/B1nEtNhpLhi/?igshid=7z7azhd76hjj
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lettttere · 6 years ago
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Three mashups (Lavonen, Lavonen, Isola/Sandberg) #doubleexposure #ateneum #silentbeauty (paikassa Ateneum) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDP-9aBUsJ/?igshid=1rosn68ukwic4
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silentbeauty1997 · 3 years ago
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the tea cups. to everyone they are bright fun and just a ride. When i think of myself sometimes i see how my grandmother always said i looked like a porcelain doll or a beautiful tea cup. Beautiful and colorful on the outside yet fragile and breakable on the inside. Always have to be handled with care. Just like a perfect porcelain doll. porcelain skin, lips as pink as a rose, eyes so blue they look as if they could be diamonds. does that mean i am breakable ? Maybe but with every crack the more light shines through. Am i a free person? physically yes i am free but mentally and emotionally i feel like im stuck in this eternal hell with anorexia. That will be apost in of its self.
Will I ever see myself as more than just things that are fragile ? Only time will tell.
The Tea cup.-silentbeauty
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paumeh-blog1 · 7 years ago
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joyammusic · 3 months ago
🎶✨ Pause and breathe.
„The winds of heaven blow between the branches of the trees, carrying whispers of eternity.” – Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
In the stillness of the winter landscape, the gentle wind reminds us to pause and reflect. May this moment bring peace and tranquility.
This video is accompanied by the ambient music "inspiration" by joy.am.
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circlesofhealing-blog · 7 years ago
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Another flower explosion! #silentbeauty #flowersofinstagram #sacredgeometry #naturelover (at Fallbrook, California)
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oslolife-blog · 9 years ago
Comment: maritsphotos said "Aftenstund i sjarmerende Damstredet #evening in #Oslo #silentbeauty #treestagram"  
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silentbeauty1997 · 3 years ago
who am i?
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when I look at myself its like a distorted mirrors. To the world i created a world where nothing could hurt me, Nothing is ever wrong . I created a fake world of positivity and growth an healing when in all reality you feel so alone You only shred when you felt the molst beautiful . The world sees you as just another pretty face with a full life and nothing could go wrong . You have people to lean on but not without your anxiety telling you ," you are a burden and thats why no one likes to be around you. when my mom asks what it like to be in my head i tell her it would break your heart. Thats when the voices and ana hit harder. Ana is like a person attached to you without a break . She makes my world more dark and lonely than before. She makes it impossible to find the beautiful colors. Its like having a person make comments all the time after every bite you take. Its hearing every bad thing in your head be out loud. I thought if i ignored you would disappear but you got stronger and worse little did i know . I lost to you again. It cost me everything. My health became worse so much so it jump stared another disorder.
You created another monster one that attacks at any point and at anytime . You feel the weight of world on you. you always have.
Recently youve found yourself not knowing how to be better or how to even take care of your own mental health . You forgot how. You became more closed off than before. You forgot how to be open. You have never been one to show emotions or talk about them . You thought no one would ever understand. 6 years later you are still the same . physically you changed completely to hide the old you different hair color and better clothes . Mentally you were okay for a couple years by hiding behind work and teaching. Then the world went into lockdown. Everything for everybody changed. You again hid but this time behind the worst ways to cope.
You started drinking more to cover the fact that you felt sad and alone and you hated everything about yourself. You hid behind heavy make up and dark hair to change you so much you looked like a diffrent person. . Your world was dark and so was your mind. You so badly wanted to find the colors but did not know how. So you ended up finding colors with THC and you thought that was the only way to keep the colors. Until one day you collapsed and then your world changed again. You were forced to change your entire life again. To this day you are pick up the peices and slowly finding your colors again. You can carry the world and more on your shoulders . Learning that you dont need to pick each piece alone will be your greatest battle. never quit , never back down, hold on to the light for as long as you can.
with love .
- Silentbeauty
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paumeh-blog1 · 7 years ago
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notcarolsblog · 10 years ago
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