#Sigurd x oc
Come and Lay the Roses 36- Angel of Mercy- [Ivar x OC]
Summary: Aaline and Ivar are finally reunited.
Characters: Ivar x OC, Bjorn x Torvi, Ubbe x Margrethe, Hvitserk x Thora, Sigurd x OC, Ragnar, Lagertha
Warnings: arranged marriage, violence, sex, torture, language, mentions of rape/sexual assault
Ch. 35
AN: Wow. It's been a long time. I've been thinking about this chapter for a long time and haven't been able to pin down why I waited so long to update. Part of me blames writer's block, part of me blames my schedule and timing, but the biggest thing I think that kept me from updating was that this would mean the end of this journey.
I came up with the idea for this story in May 2019 and after four years, it's finally finished. I don't think I was ready to end this journey and part with Aaline and the Lothbrok clan. I've been telling myself for weeks that I need to finish it and I've finally decided that I'm ready to end this journey.
I thank all of you who have stuck with me on this adventure.
“Angel of mercy, how did you find me? How did you pick me up again? Angel of mercy, how did you move me? Why am I on my feet again?”
~ “Mercy” by OneRepublic
She was warm. A marked difference from the last few weeks of her existence. She inhaled deeply and slowly, allowing the world to come back into focus. She blinked and surveyed the room she was in. 
It was her room. Her and Ivar’s. The curtains were closed except for a six inch gap that allowed sunlight to stream in and light up the dim room. There was just enough to maneuver the room but not wake her.
She shifted and winced at the sharp pain that lanced through her back. It would’ve been gracious to call the bed she’d slept on for the last few weeks a cot. It was barely more than a metal frame with a threadbare mattress. The metal bars had dug painfully into her bones for the few days she tried to sleep on it. Eventually she took to sleeping on the floor. It was more comfortable by far but still gave her stiff muscles. Sleeping on a real mattress had done little to ease the ache. 
She shifted slowly up to her elbows and glanced around. Clothes were littered on the floor. A serving tray of dirty dishes sat on the dresser across the room and a half full glass of water on the nightstand. She looked at the alarm clock and noted that it was the middle of the afternoon. 
She didn’t know how long she’d slept or how many days had passed since her rescue. She felt grimy and dirty and knew she hadn’t been bathed since then. She decided not to wait around for someone to help her and hoisted herself out of the bed. 
With stiff legs, she made her way to the bathroom and blinked rapidly against the bright white light that penetrated her eyes. She smiled at the bouquet of black roses that were situated in the middle of the counter. Ivar had even left a short note expressing his love. He didn’t date stamp it so she didn’t know when he’d written it but she settled it back on the counter anyway, contentment thriving through her veins. 
She switched the shower head on high and undressed. Someone, probably Ivar, had dressed her simply. She pulled the black comfort t-shirt over her head and slipped her panties down her legs. The dirt and grime from the concrete room she’d been held in still decorated her body in streaks of gray and black and brown. She looked at her face in the mirror and narrowed her eyes at the vibrant purple bruise along her jaw and the dried blood that had caked itself in her nostrils and along her upper lip. 
She tried to comb the rat's nest that was her hair so she didn’t tangle it further in the shower but there was little hope for the strands. She pushed it back from her face and stepped into the shower when the steam fogged up the mirror beyond sight. 
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly through her mouth. The hot air filled her lungs and she felt herself relax. Her muscles began to unclench and she could feel her body disengaging from fight or flight mode. 
Once the trembling in her hands had stopped, she picked up Ivar’s shampoo and dropped a generous dollop in her hand. She massaged the minty soap through her hair and shivered as her scalp began to tingle. 
She combed her fingers through the knots as best she could, wincing at the extra sharp tugs that befell her scalp when she came to a particularly vicious snarl. She rinsed the lather and began again, working to clean all the grease and grime from her hair that she could manage.
She used her own rose scented body wash to scrub the dirt and grime from her body, scrubbing twice like she did for her hair, before turning to the leave in conditioner. She worked the lather into her hair before tilting her head back and closing her eyes, letting the hot water pelt her chest and stomach. 
She startled at the sound of the bathroom slamming open. She barely had time to shut the water off before the shower door slid open and she was pulled into Ivar’s arms. He didn’t seem to mind that she was soaking wet and dampening his clothes. He pulled her out of the steam and lifted her, settling her on the counter top. She shivered against the temperature difference and he left her arms only long enough to wrap a towel around her shoulders. 
He returned to her embrace and she wrapped her arms and legs around him fully, holding him in the embrace of her body. She felt him sign against her neck and knew it was a weight leaving his shoulders. He pulled back and pushed her hair behind her ears with the flat of his palm. She nuzzled into the contact. 
“Are you alright, my love?” He asked, his fingers combing through the wet strands of her hair. She nodded against his palm and tangled her fingers in the longer strands of hair at the nape of his neck. 
“How many people did you kill searching for me?” She asked. He smirked and stepped out of her embrace. He took a second towel from the rack on the wall and began meticulously drying her off. He started from the top, softly stroking the towel over her hair, squeezing the ends. He trailed it across her shoulders and down her arms, stroking over the crease of her elbow and over the backs of her hands. He even toweled off the spaces between her fingers.
“Innumerable. There is no number that will equal how precious your life is to me.” He answered. He brought the towel to her legs and traced her thighs and hips. She sucked in a soft breath when he gently toweled off the space between her legs, stroking the curls and dragging between the crease of her thigh. He smirked before stepping back and lifting first one leg and then the other, settling the balls of each foot on his chest and he dried her calves and feet. 
When he was satisfied, he pulled open the mirror and reached for her lotion and moisturizer. She closed her eyes and he traced his fingers gently over the planes of her face, taking care with her bruises. He rubbed in her moisturizer before opening her lotion and smoothing his hands over her chest. She shuddered when he worked the lather into her breasts, the spaces of his fingers catching on her nipples in a way that she wasn’t a hundred percent certain was accidental. 
She opened her eyes when he withdrew and almost shouted when he lifted her from the counter and returned to the bedroom. She let him settle her on the bed as he pulled a new shirt, his, and new underwear, hers, from the dresser.
He took her breath away when he dropped to a knee before her and, not once breaking eye contact, slid her panties up her legs. She shifted so he could settle them over her hips. He hovered over her, his mouth a hair's breadth away from hers but denied her a kiss. “If you’re trying to seduce me, it’s working.” She whispered. He grinned before picking up the new t-shirt and sliding it over her head without ceremony. She laughed as she pulled her head through the neck and slid her arms through the sleeves.
Ivar grew serious as soon as she reappeared and she twisted around on the bed to face him. She let him examine her face, which she knew was a mess of cuts and bruises. “I’m fine, Ivar.” She said.
He met her eyes and gave her a sad smile. She leaned forward into his space. “You know, this whole time I’ve been awake, you haven’t kissed me.” Ivar tilted his head to the side, his smile growing playful. “Kiss me, husband.” She said, and Ivar was unable to do anything but obey. 
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue seeking entrance almost immediately. She moaned and pressed forward, deepening their kiss. Ivar groaned and pulled back, licking his lip. She grinned at him, blood on her teeth. Ivar growled and leaned forward, his hand settling at her throat and squeezing.
She groaned as Ivar tilted her head to the side and trailed kisses down the side of her throat. They left fire in their wake and Aaline sighed, settling her hands on Ivar’s forearms as he maneuvered her head whichever way he wanted.
She trailed her hands up his arms to his shoulders, tightening her fingers in the fabric of his t-shirt. “There’s something that I have to tell you.” Ivar hummed as he licked a line up the left side of her throat. She moaned when he nipped at the hinge of her jaw. 
“I’ve been meaning to say it for awhile butー” She’s cut off as a whimper works its way past her lips when Ivar sucked a mark into her throat at the curve of her neck and shoulder. Ivar hummed and switched sides, trailing nipping kisses up the other side of her neck. She knew she’d have marks to show for his affections. 
“What did you want to say?” He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He traced the curve of it with his tongue before biting the lobe. She gasped and clutched tighter as his shoulders. 
“I didn’t tell you before. I was afraid.” Ivar pulled back and met her eyes, his hands moving to cup her face. His thumbs stroked over her cheekbones. She blinked at him, her hands releasing his shirt and smoothing out the fabric.
“I love you.” She whispered, her voice trembling. Ivar hummed and stroked his thumb across her cheek. He leaned for and settled his forehead against hers.
“As I love you.” He responded. Aaline released a watery laugh before surging forward and kissing him. Ivar laughed and opened his mouth to her, letting her devour him. She sat up on her knees and pressed bodily against him. Ivar groaned and stroked his hands down her back, reveling in the feeling of his wife safe in his arms again. 
Aaline giggled as Ivar’s hands smoothed up her back, taking her t-shirt with him on his way. She settled in his lap, relief flowing through her veins as her husband proceeded to make love to her.
@dreamlesswonder86 @youbloodymadgenius @inforapound @bcarolinablr @funmadnessandbadassvikings @jay-bel @feyrearcheron-nightcourt @londongal2810 @khiraeth @didiintheblog @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @kingniazx @revolution-starter @0hsappho @love-all-things-writing
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pearlwhitecats · 8 months
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🍯Aela and Kieran🍎
Guys so uh…. I love Kieran so much 😭😭😭 I’m putting Aela and Kieran together now sjdhkddhdkjyall I haven’t been this excited about a character in a while!!!
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yulgurr · 5 months
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Commission I did for @toon-kirby some time ago! :]
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mamaskullz · 9 months
┊┋ Pairing: Ubbe x OC
┊┋ Series Summary: "I see you'll create a
┊┋legacy and when you knew your end is
┊┋coming, that’s when you start lacking
┊┋in the one wish you desired the most
┊┋because of your adventurous ways”,
┊┋the tone in the childs voice as she
┊┋spoke to the great Ragnar with the
┊┋winds flowing through her silver black
┊┋hair that would gently swiftly moves in
┊┋the wind with the hues of her white like
┊┋grey slate eyes knowing her destiny
┊┋would soon start dealing with the sons
┊┋of Ragnar.
┊┋ Notes: Tw:
┊┋ 686 Words Count
┊┋ Masterlist
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As the day crossed while the ravens squalled in their morning routine, a woman walked out of her cobblestone little cottage and proceeded to her daily routine wearing a strap dress with an undergarment that was fitted to her curves-like shape body as her animal hide tunic wrapped around her shoulder strap as well.
The young assiduous woman came to a halt when the presence of a familiar figure came upon her approach he, with her doe eyes from her white like grey slate hue eyes as her demure state fell upon seeing the great himself, Ragnar. "You were just a little kid, Skuld Draugr", the great Viking king spoke towards her as she stood there with her taciturn nature like always to amaze the Viking Ragnar.
"What has become of who was once the youthful, strong who now become the old and lost Ragnar Lothbrok", as the words fell from her pink perched lips with a voice that was seraphic with a rasp that soothes a person's ears she looked at the old man who she once had an encounter with long ago in her youthful as a child.
"I believed at a time when I first encountered a child in the woods with a basket filled with herbs who still had that taciturn and demure fearless nature told me once that as I grew my legacy there will be a time when my journey comes to an end is when i lack the one wish i desired", Ragnar spoke with his bearded lips while coming close towards skuld as she stood still watching him, listening to the words she once told him when she was a child. "Your death is nearing Ragnar Lothbrok, where you will be greeted by the Valkyries who will take you home as they summon you", She spoke yet again knowing it was time for his offspring to continue a family legacy...
As a flock of ravens flies around squalling as Skuld looks at the ravens her eyes set upon a man with runes embedded in his skin with one eye out of the socket wearing a black linen cloak with raven feathers covered around it appears in her sight speaking "The embodiment of the goddess of fate, and the skilled strength of a Valkyrie with the dark petrified aura of a Draugr... its time to prepare the journey of a great embark of your own for the offspring of Ragnar Lothbrok will need your presence and strength, Skuld Draugr", hearing his voice who was deep-toned and groggy she knew it was time for the one who spoke to her was none other than Odin himself who appeared in her vision, as kept looking coming back to reality seeing where Odin was standing was not there no more and the ravens was no more to be seen, as that was the sign that it was time for her journey to begin...
Skuld Draugr was none like no shieldmaiden or no Viking but yet had the skill of a Valkyrie warrior, her mother was gifted by the gods to give such a daughter with the beauty of skin that color was different from the rest as her white-like grey slate eyes, as Skuld was set out to be Odin's Valkyrie, that in death she will be welcomed upon her fellow Valkyries. But as she grows, she encounters the great king Ragnar who she sees in her visions as a seer seeing what future lies in his paths and that it is she who will give her presence upon his offspring when they grow up into young adults, given shes slight younger than Bjorn but older than Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar...
"You are not like any woman I have encountered with such skills like yours" " The Eldest Son of Ragnar and Queen Aslaug spoke with such compassion in his voice that made Skuld grow a smile with her heart beating not knowing what's become over her. Until the visions leave the woman with her eyes slowly opening having a feeling that this journey is going to be difficult...
A/N: Sorry if the prologue was small…
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
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Mermaid Tears - Multi part tale of Ivar and a mermaid  
Jealously -  Ivar gains feeling he can’t explain
Against the World - Request 
Dance with Me  - As everyone is celebrating the recent raids. Ivar watches his wife.
Just can’t wait to be king - Ivar is bored on a rainy day. 
Tattoos - As Ivar sleeps, his wife admires his tattoos
Little Love - Ivar admires his pregnant wife sleeping. (Can be read as a part 2 to Tattoos)
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katttiia · 2 years
Ragnar's sons will be remembered!
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eye-burning · 2 years
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First post babbeeyyyy! Thank you to @nitia95 and @magikchicken for collaborating with me for this, it was truly a fun experience.
Nowruz is today, and on top of it being the Persian New Year, it also celebrates the departure of winter so posting this today seemed appropriate. So Happy Nowruz!
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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A typical day in Crystaleon
I just enjoyed using Saneria more and got at least three people willing to follow her and do all off her bidding... hence I made this meme as a joke...
Sigurd belongs to @silent-dragon
Vincent belongs to @twsted-princess
Hextian belongs to @hey-its-cweepy
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fumidreams · 1 year
ship aesthetics for these?
Dragiselle & Sigurd
Gabrielle & Genesis
Dragiselle Sigurd:
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Gabrielle Genesis:
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The two Royal couples I adore so much... Genesis and Gabrielles really works the most with another. Given Gabi also loves Chess and Blacksmith work.
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i hope you all are ready for more
@gold-dragon-slayer @your-internet-granny
@darkwhisperswolf​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @blonddnamedhandz​ @thelastemzy​ @inforapound​ @supermassiveblackhope​ @captstefanbrandt​ @roonil-wxzlib​  @syreni-dea​ @cynthianokamaria​ @rosiebrosie @loliismutt@pinkisokay @heavenly1927​ @annekleyn​  @rose-02468​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @moonie-flower101​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @ir-abelas-telanadas​ @peachyboneless​ @feyrearcheron44​ @ir-abelas-telanadas​s @http://lgkoval.tumblr.com/  @captainofallfandoms  @captainofallfandoms​ @mistalli​ @severewobblerlightdragon
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r0yalqueen · 2 years
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Sigurd x Freya werewolf oc’s
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Come And Lay The Roses 35- Armies Couldn't Keep Me Out- [Ivar x OC]
Summary: Ivar makes his attack.
Characters: Ivar x OC, Bjorn x Torvi, Ubbe x Margrethe, Sigurd x OC, Hvitserk x Thora, Ragnar, Lagertha
Warnings: arranged marriage, violence, sex, torture, language, mentions of rape/sexual assault
Ch. 34
AN: Thanks for sticking with me. Work started again and it got really busy. We're almost there! Enjoy!
“A villain would tear the world apart if she was hurt, that is a promise.”
Aaline’s eyes snapped open when the door to her prison banged against the back wall. She bolted up and backed into the wall behind her. 
Ecbert stood in the doorway, his hair disheveled and his eyes frantic. His clothes were rumpled and his face shiny with perspiration. His chest was moving up and down rapidly and his cheeks were flushed. The gun in his right hand flashed in the light as his hands trembled and she burst forth, attempting to flee. 
His body blocked the door and he easily wrapped his gun arm around her waist, holding her tight against his chest. She thrashed, knocking her elbows into his ribs and aiming her head for his chin. He snarled and whipped her around to face him, backhanding her with his gun hand. 
She grunted with the force of his strike, tasting copper and feeling pain flare across her cheekbone. He jerked her up and around again, holding the gun against her temple and keeping her tight against him. “You’re my free pass away from here,” He hissed against her ear. 
Her head throbbed as he pushed her through the doorway. For the first time, she heard the sounds of gunfire and shouting. It echoed throughout the room and made her wince, setting off a burst of pain through her already concussed mind.
She saw men she recognized and men she didn’t hiding behind various obstacles. Some were crouched and peeking around corners. Others were standing and popping out from behind their hiding spaces. There were some already on the ground, blood pooling around them and their lifeless eyes staring sightless at the ceiling. 
Ecbert maneuvered them throughout the room, sidestepping bodies and cowering behind tall piles of possessions. His gun pressed painfully into her temple, the metal knocking harshly against her skull as he raced through the room. 
They were nearly to the exit when her husband’s voice echoed throughout the chaos. “Ecbert!” His voice carried over the din of the gunfire, his rage engulfing the space just as much as the gunfire and death. 
Ecbert jerked around. She could feel him shaking against her as he pressed the muzzle of his gun harder against her temple. 
Her heart swelled at the sight of her husband. His eyes were nearly black with rage and he stormed forward with little care for his comfort. His gun was drawn and pointed at the man behind her. Blood was splattered across his face and chest, a snarl fixed to his face. 
“Ecbert!” He shouted again. Ecbert walked the two of them backwards, his left arm tight across her abdomen while his right held the gun steady against her temple. 
“Get back, Ivar! Stay back or I’ll shoot her!” Ivar slowed and narrowed his eyes. He looked from Aaline to Ecbert and back again. He curled a corner of his lip and took a step forward. 
“I don’t think you will. You need her to escape.” Ivar took another step forward but stopped when Ecbert cocked the hammer back on his gun. “Don’t test me.” Ecbert warned. 
Aaline looked over Ivar’s shoulder when she heard footsteps. Björn careened around the corner and skidded to a halt at the sight before him. The other brothers were quick to follow and nearly ran into Björn on the way. 
Aaline could feel Ecbert trembling behind her, his grip on her unsteady as he calculated his next move. Aaline met Ivar’s eyes across the space between them. He jerked his chin down once. 
“Ivar.” Björn called. Aaline jerked forward as Ivar fired a single shot.
20 Minutes Earlier
Ivar sat on aching hips behind the storage container across from Ecbert’s warehouse. He had just entered the building and Björn kept his gaze on the iPad in his hands, watching the heat signatures of Ecbert’s men. Hvitserk and Ubbe were stationed across the street, their group of twenty ready to move on Björn’s word. Ivar and Björn and their twenty men were Team A, first in the building and extraction. Hvitserk and Ubbe were Team B, backup and distraction.
“He’s heading to the back room.” Ivar glanced over at Björn whose gaze was firmly on the tech in his hands. Ivar turned back to his point man and jerked his chin up. Half of the men made their way around the storage container and crept quietly across the parking lot. Ivar peered around the side and watched as the guards at the front of the building were easily dispatched by his team. 
Björn clicked his tongue and Ivar moved out from behind the container. He kept himself low against and in the shadows, coming behind a second shipping container. 
He peered around the side and saw Hvitserk with Ubbe across the lot. He met Hvitserk’s eyes and nodded once at his brother. He received a nod in return and together they made their way to the front of the building. 
Hvitserk was quick to emerge from the shadows and shoot the doormen. One shot between the eyes. Ivar pressed his back against the wall by the door, listening for movement on the other side. He felt more than saw his men trail behind him and press themselves against the wall. He nodded at Hvitserk who turned the handle of the door and pulled it open, allowing Ivar and his men to enter the front.
Björn and his men had entered around the back and Ivar could see them moving around at the other end of the building. Ivar moved around a pillar and pressed his back against it. He peered first around one side and then the other. He heard gunshots from Björn’s side of the room and cursed, ducking out from behind the pillar and charging across the room. 
He shot two men dead as soon as he turned the corner. They dropped hard and he stepped over them with little care. Another man careened around the corner and Ivar put a bullet between his eyes. 
A hand reached out and grabbed his wrist, twisting it to the side. Ivar jerked out of the hold and went to bring his gun back up. The man engaging him sent a swift right hook to his face and Ivar’s head snapped sharply to the side. He growled and headbutted the man, breaking his nose and knocking him back. He slammed the butt of his gun against the man’s ribs before whipping it hard across his face. The man dropped to a knee and Ivar blasted a hole through the man’s temple before he had time to look up.
Ivar looked across the space and spotted the door of the room that Aaline was being held in. He narrowed his eyes and stalked forward, a lone figure emerging from the shadows into his path. Ivar raised his gun but a second man came up and snapped Ivar’s arm up, sending a shot into the ceiling and the gun skittering across the concrete. 
Ivar snarled and hit the man, drawing blood. The first man came up and wrapped his arms around Ivar’s neck, pulling him back. He pulled at the man’s hold and arched back, kicking his feet into the second man’s chest. He went sprawling backward while Ivar elbowed the first man in the ribs. The man cried out and dropped forward giving Ivar the momentum to throw him over his back. The man cried out. 
Ivar kicked him in the ribs before approaching the second man who had regained his feet. Ivar ducked a blow to his head and sent a kick to the man’s ribs. He cursed and Ivar smirked, raising his fists. The man lunged and Ivar caught him around the middle, wrapping him in a headlock. The man struggled but Ivar held fast, tightening his hold until a crack sounded through the air. The man went limp and Ivar dropped him to the ground, his neck broken.
Ivar huffed and spotted his gun barely hidden in the shadows. He took two steps toward it and picked it up. He turned to the man struggling on the ground. The man saw him coming and moved to crawl away.
Ivar stepped on the man’s ankle, freezing him. The man turned wild eyes to Ivar. “Please.” He said. Ivar fired one shot into the back of his head. 
He turned back to the door and found it open. He roared and whipped around. He saw a flash of long hair disappear around a corner and followed it. 
Within seconds, his wife and her captor were visible in front of the exit. “Ecbert!” He roared. The man in question whipped around, his gun pressed to Aaline’s temple. Ivar looked her over. She was dirty and he could see her shivering from where he stood. There was a bruise rapidly forming on her right cheek and blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.
He shouted Ecbert’s name again as the man began to back away, his hands shaking against Aaline’s body. “Get back, Ivar! Stay back or I’ll shoot her!” Ecbert cried. Ivar narrowed his eyes and held his gun steady at Ecbert’s head. He scanned their position, gauging if he could hit his shot and miss Aaline. 
“I don’t think you will. You need her to escape.” He drawled as he took a careful step forward. Ivar could hear footsteps approaching from behind him and tensed before he spotted Ubbe out of the corner of his eyes. He narrowed his gaze on Ecbert when the man cocked his gun. “Don’t test me.” He said.
Björn had reached them and stood behind Ivar. Ivar locked eyes with Aaline and jerked his chin down in a small nod. She blinked once in acknowledgement and Ivar looked back to Ecbert. “Ivar.” Björn called.
Aaline dropped her weight and Ecbert lost his hold on her. She slid down and between his legs as Ivar took his shot.
Aaline looked up when she felt a weight drop around her shoulders. Hvitserk crouched beside her and wrapped his jacket tighter around her shoulders. She took his offered hand and they stood, huddling close to the others. She turned and looked at Ecbert who was sprawled on his back, a gunshot wound in his left shoulder. 
Ivar stepped forward and dropped to one knee beside Ecbert. He glanced with indifference to Ecbert’s wounded shoulder and pressed the muzzle of his gun hard into Ecbert’s wound. The man winced and cried out, jerking back against Ivar’s hold. Ivar looked back at him and smiled. “You lose, Ecbert.” He pulled his gun away from the man’s shoulder and stood. He glanced over his shoulder.
Hvitserk handed Aaline off to Björn and he and Ubbe stepped forward. They hauled Ecbert up to his knees and each held an arm behind his back. Ecbert stared up at Ivar with fixed apathy. Ivar cocked his head to the side and gently trailed the muzzle of his gun down Ecbert’s face from temple to chin. “I’m going to blood eagle you like we did Aelle.” He bent at the waist and met Ecbert’s eyes. “I’ll make it slow.” 
“Ivar.” Björn called. The younger man sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and fought not to roll his eyes. He glanced over his shoulder at his brother. While the older man looked pained to speak, he continued without pause. “Enough suffering, Ivar.” He jerked his head toward Ecbert. “Let it stop.” 
Ivar felt the sneer settle across his face but he looked at his wife. Her face had started to swell and the bruise along her cheekbone was turning a ghastly shade of purple. Her right eye was starting to swell and blood had stained her teeth. She glanced from him to Ecbert and back again before nodding. Ivar took a deep breath and turned back to Ecbert. 
Ivar straightened and nodded to Ubbe and Hvitserk. They took a single step back as Ivar steadied his hand. Ecbert didn’t flinch as the gun was leveled between his eyes. Ivar narrowed his eyes, waiting for…what, he couldn’t name.
He licked his lips and smiled, pulling back the hammer of his gun. 
@dreamlesswonder86 @youbloodymadgenius @inforapound @funmadnessandbadassvikings @jay-bel @feyrearcheron44 @londongal2810 @khiraeth @didiintheblog @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @kingniazx @revolution-starter @0hsappho @love-all-things-writing
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Vikings (TV) Masterlist
my requests for vikings are currently partially OPEN! please only request imagines, and not oneshots. for those waiting for a continuation of ‘searching home’ or ‘unexpected’ i am so sorry... finishing those two is going to take me a while :/
hmu/msg me to be added to a taglist!
main masterlist | request guidelines
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heorte til heorte
(msg me to be added to the taglist!)
relationship: athelstan x alethia stahl (oc) | summary: alethia wanted to go home, to return to her family. instead, she finds herself in ninth-century england. not speaking the language, and still processing the grief of her other life, she searches for an anchor - athelstan. | tags: angst, fluff, timetravel
masterlist | preview | read on ao3
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No romantic relationships // character x character
Queendom - relationship: Lagertha x Aslaug | summary: They’ve both loved and they’ve both lost. Perhaps it was time that their hearts warmed again. | tags: angst, fluff
The Lothbroks, aka, the European version of the Kardashians - relationships: none | summary: When Barbie Murray time travels, she finds out that pink isn’t available in Viking times. Luckily, her new besties all understand that boobs are the best and slay (literally?!) with her. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
I may be a bimbo, but I’m not stupid - relationships: slight oc/ oc | summary: Ivar kills Sigurd in a fit of rage, but Barbie isn't so quick to forgive cruelness. | tags: angst, crack, timetravel
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1st gen Vikings
Strange Woman  relationship: Rollo x timetraveler!reader | summary: The woman that appeared out of nowhere could be oh so dangerous, but even a stupid man would know that she was fascinating. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Friend of Thor - relationship: rollo x timetraveler!asgardian!reader | summary: The reader, a fellow Asgardian and friend of Thor and the new King of Asgard, Brunnhilde, falls through worlds as the new guardian of the Bifrost tampers with the magic. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
And the Gods wished they were me - relationship: Judith x viking!gn!reader | summary: Judith knows she should not mourn Athelstan. Nor should she even look at Norse heathens. She does both anyway, because Judith was named after a woman that had only rage and death, and she cannot escape her fate. | tags: angst, fluff
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Ubbe Ragnarsson
Another day / part 2 - relationship: Ubbe x reader | prompt: we live to fight another day. | tags: angst
Oldest - relationship: Ubbe x timetraveler!reader; platonic!Ivar x reader | summary:  It seems that few things change about being the oldest sibling, no matter which place – or time | tags: fluff, timetravel, slight angst
Yggdrasil relationship: Ubbe x reader; platonic!Ivar x reader; dad!Harald x reader | summary:  How can you tell your father what happened to you when he’d done it to so many others. | tags: angst, dark/gory
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Hvitserk 'Whiteshirt' Ragnarsson
Hvitserksdottir - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “I think we need to talk about the fact that I’m in love with you and also that I’m pregnant.” | tags: angst, fluff
Floki’s Cabin - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “Just trust me. Please. | tags: angst
Searching Home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader | summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, dark/gory, timetravel
Neither - relationship: genderfluid!reader x Hvitserk | Summary: Hvitserk finds out about genderfluidity and accepts he might not be completely straight | tags: fluff, timetravel
Law of conservation - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | summary: You’ve been working as a tutor at your high school for about a year now. When your parents throw a barbecue party for your new neighbors, their mother Aslaug asks you to tutor her son Hvitserk, who is already a notorious flirt at his school. | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
When in Bali... -  relationships: hvitserk x reader, ivar x freydís, sigurd x oc | summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it? | tags: fluff
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Ivar 'the Boneless' Ragnarsson
Unholy Matrimony - A Sham in Four Acts / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationship: Ivar x reader | prompt: I’ve learnt to love you. | tags: angst, fluff smut
Insatiable Little Heathens  - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: drabble, for all of y’all who wanted more of Unholy Matrimony | tags: fluff
Resolve - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar’s legs hurt but he’s so fucking thickheaded | tags: fluff
My kind of witch - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. The man with blazing blue eyes fascinates you as soon as you see him and as you realize the struggles he faces every day, your admiration for him grows into something more. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Red - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar finally meets his match. | tags: smut, dark/gory
Serve - relationship: sub!ivar x buff!reader | summary: Ivar keeps teasing you. You finally have enough and give him a taste of his own medicine | tags: smut
Searching home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 -  relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader |  summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, smut, dark/gory, timetravel
Totally artistic -  relationship: ivar x reader | summary: When inspiration hits, you can’t stop it | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk, ivar x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
Brother - relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader, reader & oc | summary: You left your home and your brother behind for a reason. Now, a man is causing trouble at the borders of Kattegat, and as Ivar's queen, you take justice into your own hands. | tags: fluff
Unexpected / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 - relationship: ivar x thrall!reader | summary: Ivar finally decides to fuck the slave he’s been eyeing for so long, but when his angry side slips out, things take a turn for the wholly unexpected. | tags: smut
Tarot -  relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader | summary: Your day at the fair has been pretty slow – until a client like no other shows up. | tags: fluff
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How the Vikings would react to an accidental time traveler and a quiz to see if you’d survive: https://uquiz.com/dVXpgW
Ragnarssons (+Gyda): First Kiss
Social Media 
How the Vikings would react to guns and snapchat filters 
How the Vikings would react to modern dancing 
How the Vikings would react to modern music, and what they’d like
How the Vikings would react to modern concepts of astronomy and space 
How the Vikings react to modern haircare 
Vikings and Astrology
How Vikings would react to THEM timetraveling
Vikings + getting sick 
Vikings + Halloween 
Vikings + realizing you’re pregnant
Vikings characters + how they'd react to finding Accidental Time Traveler crying somewhere and not knowing why 
Vikings + you on your period  (+ more hcs about Ivar)
Vikings + Legos
Vikings + reader being much less stressed in their time
Vikings + single mother
Vikings + Gender Neutral Thor
Vikings + modern food
Vikings + touch avoidant cuddler
Vikings + Kids
Vikings + their history
Ragnarssons + being possesive
Vikings + Maleficent/Fae!reader
Vikings + curls and afros
Vikings + sleeping habits
Vikings + contortionist/super flexible reader
Vikings as modern!uni students
Vikings + affectionate drunk!reader
timetraveling!Vikings + modern tv/movies
Vikings + gen z slang
Vikings + curly haired kids
timetraveling!Vikings + Christmas
Vikings + eras other than their own
Vikings + ivar being remembered/famous
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mushies-stories · 2 years
what it's like to be with the Vikings
My totally correct not OC at all headcanon at all takes on the boys and how to treat you.
Ragnarssons X reader
Warning: implied female reader, kinda.
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Buying you things and offering power and a crown. While he wants you to love him for him, the boy just wants to keep you happy and content above all for fear that you will one day decide that he was a good for nothing cripple who couldn't even give you a child. You could be royalty, a shield maiden or even a slave but he will make sure to give you everything you could ever ask for. This is regardless of how much you try to reassure him of your love for him. 
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Okay so this man? He will shower you with affection. Compliments and telling anyone who will listen how amazing you are. No matter what you do for a living he supports you 100%. he's the kinda man to see a flower on his way through the village and bring it back to you just to see you smile. But making sure to tell you how much more beautiful you are compared to the flower. Has respect for you and your thoughts and ideas. 
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The goofy one who always seems to show up randomly when you are having a bad day only to relentlessly flirt with you until you are blushing and feeling even a little bit better. Brings you to see stars at night just so he can see how your eyes light up in the moonlight. Always wanting to bring you off on some adventure for the day only to bring you home much too late. Likes when you drink with him and everyone in the great hall.
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The most low key really. Enjoys calm days with you by some water or in a meadow just playing his lyre or singing. He Enjoys just spending time with you and talking to you. Will gift you things like hair pins or new furs in the winter. Generally wants to take care of you. Cant believe that someone like you would choose him over one of his brothers and is thankful everyday for you. 
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Homie just kind of tell you he wants you and that's kind of that. If you happen to want to be with him then he would bring you back gifts from his travels, jewels and clothing mostly. If you also happened to want to travel with him, he would be worried for your safety but would take you anyways. Overall, he wants you safe and happy.
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catcas22 · 2 months
OC Series — Mt. Gelmir Knights
Sir Velkan
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The commander of the Mount Gelmir Knights. Although Velkan himself is not a religious man, his parents were both practitioners of pre-conquest Gelmiri paganism. Both were executed by the inquisition when Velkan was nine years old. As a man, he returned to the Volcano Manor and attempted to assassinate Rykard. The Praetor easily defeated the lone mortal, but after hearing Velkan's story he offered him a position within the inquisition -- with the understanding that he would eventually be given a chance to strike back against the Golden Order.
Sir Velkan is not actually 100% an oc. He's based on this guy, the Volcano Manor Spirit who tells you to kill Rykard.
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Ser Reveka
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The commander of the Mount Gelmir Lordsworn. Ser Reveka is both a draconian and a worshiper of the Tripartite Pantheon (x thanks @thatboreddrake!), a member of the remnant who still call Mount Gelmir home. Like most draconians, she comes from a large family. She is one of eight siblings, and two of her brothers serve as landless knights under Sir Velkan. Her weapon of choice is a flamberge.
Sir Acelot
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The commander of Mount Gelmir's siege battalions. Rykard's Oppenheimer. Sir Acelot hails from a family of minor nobility who distinguished themselves as siege engineers during the conquest. He is Sir Sigurd of the Dragon Cult's second-oldest brother. Acelot engages with siege warfare as if it were a strategy game, reveling in the challenges of tactics and innovation while sparing little thought for the human cost. Using volcanic gas during the Battle of the Killing Fields was his contribution. He was also responsible for modifying the abductor virgins for battlefield use, and he lost his right eye during a field test for the scythe-flail.
Sir Aegir
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The commander of Rykard's troll knight bodyguards. Sir Aegir is the oldest member of the Gelmiri army. He was amongst the quisling trolls who fought alongside the Golden Order during the war against the giants. After he and his compatriots were betrayed in turn, Aegir was spared the typical fate of being blinded and used as a beast of burden. Due to his exceptional martial prowess, he was sent to the coliseum where he spent the better part of a century fighting as a slave gladiator. After Godfrey was banished and the coliseum's were closed, Aegir was sent to the inquisition. He would have lived out his days chained to a forge or a wheel had Rykard not found him. Out of all of his fellow knights, it is Aegir who most wishes to see the Order burn, and not without reason. Whatever mercy may have once existed within him has long since been expunged.
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Captive Part 1
Sihtric x OC
Authors note: This is my first ever try in writing fics. I am totally hooked by the character of Sihtric from TLK, so I just couldn't resist. English is my fourth language, so please bear with me.
Summary: Sihtric is sent to Heasten’s camp to spy and discovers the Danes have a captive – young Saxon girl he just can’t leave to her fate.
Word Count: 2,449
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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Sihtric moved stealthily through the dense forest, his senses on high alert. Haesten’s camp was near, he could already hear distant murmur of voices. The scouts had told Uthred that there must be some five hundred warriors in the camp. The first time they reported on the camp was a week ago and since then the Danes hadn’t moved on. It was weird. What was Haesten doing here, if he were supposed to be marching to Lundene to join Ragnalls forces?
“Sihtric, you are the only one Haesten hasn’t met. He will not recognise you as my man,” Uhtred had said last night. “I want to know where they are going and why they are here.”
Sihtric crouched through the darkness with utmost caution, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Carefully, Sihtric studied the layout of the camp, searching for a gap in the sentries' coverage. After a while he noticed a cluster of tents placed at the very edge of the camp, too close to the trees, casting deep shadows that could provide him with the cover he needed. He crept silently, his figure blending seamlessly into the darkness.
Using the tents as a shield, Sihtric manoeuvred past the sentries, oblivious to his presence. Each step was calculated, his movements a delicate dance of agility and precision. The adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his senses, and sharpening his focus.
Once safely within the camp's boundaries, Sihtric sought out a nearby campfire, its flickering flames casting glow on the faces of the warriors gathered around it. He spotted a sturdy warrior with his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. Sihtric approached, his voice carrying a sense of familiarity.
"Cnut!" Sihtric called out, his tone projecting a mix of excitement and recognition.
Startled, the warrior turned towards Sihtric, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "Do I know you?"
Sihtric's heart raced. Gathering his composure, he quickly responded, "Apologies, friend. I mistook you for my cousin Cnut. My mistake."
Warrior’s suspicion softened, replaced by curiosity. Gesturing towards the campfire, he invited Sihtric to join them. "No harm done. I am Sigurd. Sit, warm yourself by the fire. And you are?"
“I am Erik. Erik Ragnarsson,” Sihtric answered giving the first name that came into his mind and accepted the offer, positioning himself beside the warrior he had chosen to engage in conversation.
Sihtric cleared his throat and leaned in slightly, adopting an air of frustration. "We've been stuck in this camp for a whole week now. It's becoming rather tedious. We've been waiting for something to happen, but nothing seems to be going on. "
The warrior regarded him with a mix of sympathy and amusement. " I can understand your frustration, my friend. It's not easy to be stuck in one place, waiting for something to happen. But it won’t be long anymore. The ransom will soon be underway."
Sihtric's heart skipped a beat. He had stumbled upon a piece of vital information. “So, there is a prisoner in the camp,” Sihtric thought to himself. He raised an eyebrow, feigning curiosity. "Is it? That’s good news! I already started to think there will be no ransom at the end and we are just wasting our time.”
Sigurd glanced at him, his expression guarded. "The negotiations are near completion. It could be a matter of days, perhaps even less."
Sihtric nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. This of course explained why Haesten was lingering in the woods. The prisoner was supposed to be somebody of a great value and importance if it was worth to wait for the ransom instead of marching to Lundene. He needed to find out more although it was clear that each minute, he stayed in the camp increased the possibility of being recognised as not belonging here. Sihtric searched for a way to come up with a believable excuse to retrieve himself from the fire. Before he could come up with something, Sigurd, sensing the restlessness in Sihtric's demeanor, began to speak again.
"You know, " he said, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "That bitch is quite the beauty."
Sihtric's almost chocked with astonishment, his interest piqued. He masked his surprise and leaned closer, feigning casual curiosity. "Is that so? Tell me more."
A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Sigurd’s lips. "She is the daughter of Ethelred the most powerful ealdorman of Mercia. He'll pay a hefty price for her safe return." Sigurd was unwittingly revealing crucial pieces of information, Sihtric did not even dare to ask in order not to provoke unnecessary suspicions.
The realization hit him like a thunderbolt – the tents he used as a cover to enter the camp. The captive girl must be held there, that’s why they were set apart from the others. Sihtric's mind whirled with a mix of concern and determination, he rose from his seat, yawned, and stretched himself.
“I’ll be going to have some sleep. I bet I will be sent hunting at dawn again. If we stay here longer, soon there will be no pray left in these woods,” with a parting nod, he excused himself from the fire and started to walk towards the middle of the camp. Sihtric's mind raced with plans, weighing the risks, and assessing the best course of action. On one hand, the opportunity to locate the captive girl and assess her condition was tempting. On the other hand, the urgency to pass the valuable information he had gathered to Uhtred loomed large in his mind.
“This is madness, don’t even think about it,” he chided himself, “You can’t rescue her now. Uhtreds camp is at least a two day’s walk from here. They will discover her missing in the morning and will chase you both. She will slow you down and you will stand no chance against the pursuers.”
With a resolute determination, Sihtric made up his mind and turned ready to disappear into the night. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of remorse for not directly intervening in the girl's plight, but there was nothing he could do about her right now.
Sihtric stopped as something caught his attention. A faint whimpering sound came from the larger tent and stirred a mixture of concern and curiosity in him. The girl's cries tugged at his mind. A distant memory came to him. He was just a fourteen-year-old lad at his father’s fortress in Dunholm. He had a friend – a girl of the same age as him, a kitchen slave. They used to hide themselves in the old unused stables and share leftovers she would bring from the kitchen. That one evening he had hidden himself to escape the beating for forgetting to tend to his brothers Sven’s horse. He remembered the whimpering sound coming from the small house near the stables. He casted a glimpse through the window and saw the girl curled on the bed and crying. She was terrified with her arms wrapped around her knees and her eyes fixed on the man standing before her and undoing his breeches. Sihtric remembered the feeling of being helpless. He wanted to do something, anything… to distract the man, to call for help. But what help… Who would care of a warrior raping a kitchen slave. He risked of being whipped and laughed at. He was useless and helpless, and he could do nothing to help her. And so, he did nothing, he crouched back in the corner of the stables and then just ran away. He never saw the girl again. He waited for her the next day in their favourite hiding place, but she never came. He looked for her in the kitchen, but she was not there anymore and when he asked the other slaves nobody could tell him anything about her.
Sihtric shook his head as if trying to drive away the sudden memory, but he already knew that there was no way he could leave this girl in the camp and run away again. He headed towards the tent the sound came from. Sigurd and the other warriors that were obviously supposed to guard the tent were still sitting at the fireplace and talking. Sihtric cautiously approached the tent, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and concern. Carefully parting the tent side flaps, he entered the dimly lit space and his eyes fell upon the young Saxon girl sitting on the floor in the corner, tears running down her cheeks. The soft glow of a few candles illuminated her delicate features. Her eyes, vibrant and full of strange mix of resilience, strength and fear, met his gaze. Her hands were tied together in front of her. For a moment, Sihtric was struck speechless, his breath caught in his throat. Her beauty was breath-taking, captivating him in a way he had never experienced before. It was as if time stood still, the world around them fading into insignificance.
Her dark locks cascaded around her shoulders, framing a face that held both innocence and strength. Her skin, smooth and flawless, seemed to radiate with a gentle warmth. Sihtric found himself drawn to every subtle curve and contour, his eyes tracing the delicate lines of her form.
But as much as her physical beauty enraptured him, it was her spirit that truly captivated his heart. There was a fire within her, a spark of defiance that burned brightly in her eyes. Regaining his composure, Sihtric stepped forward, "Stay calm," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm not your enemy. I have come to bring you to safety," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and determination.
Sihtric's heart sank as he noticed the flicker of fear and doubt in the captive girl's eyes. He understood her hesitance. Gently, Sihtric reached out a hand, his voice filled with sincerity. "I understand you don’t believe me. But I give you my word, I am not here to harm you. I am here to offer you a chance at freedom, to return you to your people, and ensure your safety."
The girl's gaze wavered, torn between the hope of liberation and the fear of betrayal. Her voice quivered with uncertainty as she spoke, her vulnerability laid bare. "You are a Dane. Why would I trust you? How do I know you're not like the others, playing tricks and false promises?"
Sihtric's eyes met hers, his voice steady and earnest. "I cannot erase the pain you've endured, nor can I erase the actions of those who have wronged you. But I offer you my loyalty, and my commitment to bring you to safety. Have you heard of Lord Uhtred?" The surprise on the girl's face was evident when she heard the name of Uhtred, but she nodded.
“I am Sihtric and I am lord Uhtred’s man. He sent me to spy on the Danes. I did not know you were here, but now that I do, I will not leave you,” Sihtric kept looking in the girls’ eyes, hoping his earnest answers will reassure her.
He took a step closer, closing the distance between them, his voice filled with empathy. "I understand your hesitation, but I ask you to trust in the sincerity of my words. I am not here to deceive you." He pulled out his hunting knife fastened on his back and saw the girls’ eyes widen in sudden urge of fear. She was evidently about to scream, so he had to be quick. He leaped to her and pushed his free hand on her mouth, silencing her and slit the rope freeing her hands.  
The girl's gaze softened, her guarded expression slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope. She searched his eyes for any sign of deception, her vulnerability cautiously extending towards him.
"Promise me, you will not scream," he whispered in her ear. “If you do, we are both doomed.”
The girl nodded and Sihtric took his hand from her lips.
“Promise me, “her voice laced with a fragile mixture of fear and longing. "Promise me that you will protect me, that you will not lead me into further harm."
Sihtric's voice held unwavering conviction as he made his pledge. "I swear on my life that I will protect you, that I will do everything within my power to keep you safe. "
A flicker of trust kindled within the girl's eyes, a glint of belief in the possibility of an escape. Sihtric stepped back and extended his hand and saw the faintest touch of a smile gracing her lips. Hesitantly she reached out, her fingers intertwining with his and Sihtric helped her to her feet. In that moment, an unspoken connection formed between them, a silent promise of protection and liberation. It was a fragile bond and Sihtric couldn’t help himself but to awe at the girl’s courage to accept and believe in his promise.
Sihtric smiled reassuringly and took her hand firmly in his, determined to show her that his words were not empty promises but a genuine commitment. He pushed up the back wall of the tent and together, they crouched out. It took just a few steps to reach the nearby trees, so Sihtric guided the captive girl towards them, their movements silent and purposeful. Every step was measured, his senses attuned to any potential danger that lurked in the surrounding darkness. Sihtric looked at the girl beside him and knew that both her beauty and courage had stirred his soul in a way no one has ever managed before.
As they ventured deeper into the woods, Sihtric maintained a careful pace, mindful of the girl's endurance and the need to remain undetected. The trees provided them with cover, their branches reaching out like protective arms, shielding them from prying eyes. The captive girl followed Sihtric's lead, her steps hesitant at first, but growing more assured with each passing moment.
Sihtric's senses remained alert, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of pursuit or danger. He knew that they were not yet out of harm's way, that the Danes could discover their escape at any moment. He stole a glance at the girl walking beside him. Her face, though still marked by traces of fear, now held a glimmer of hope and determination.
"I promise you, we are making progress," Sihtric whispered, his voice carrying reassurance. "We are leaving that camp behind, and soon you will be free." The girl's eyes met his, gratitude and vulnerability intertwined within her gaze. She nodded silently. As they ventured further into the forest, the girl's grip on his hand tightened. It was a silent plea for reassurance and Sihtric squeezed her hand in response, silently vowing to protect her.
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