#Sienna in the back throwing up gang signs
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ophernelia · 11 months ago
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@imogencrnza: it was hard getting them all to behave for a picture.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years ago
I wanted fluff but I’m in an angst mood now so make an angsty breakup headcanon for Ethan X MC (set in book3) but at the end they get back together because I’m not that much of an angsty teen LOL - your tumblr niece 😌
Ayla 🥺💖💖💖
buckle up this is a long one. 
Ethan x MC (Becca) OHSY/OH3 Breakup
The time after the Valentines Day argument was weird. They made up kind of after MC sent the Thank You text, and didn’t address any of the lingering issues about the future of their relationship and what hospitals she should apply to. Ethan’s response any time they got close was that he’d “write a glowing recommendation” for wherever she chooses to apply. 
They rarely spent time together outside of the hospital, both of them throwing themselves into helping as many patients as possible. Using work to avoid one another and their fears as best as possible. 
Ethan couldn’t take it anymore. 
One day, he made sure their office hours were scheduled together. 
They sat at the diagnostic’s table reassigning files in stark quiet. He broke the silence: “Come over for dinner tonight. I think we need to talk.”
Ever since the blow out, he had been working up the courage to tell her. There wasn’t a point in holding onto it any longer - it’s been almost a year since he recognized his devout feelings for her. But there was never a good enough time. He waited for a sign or any seemingly perfect moment to let it all slip. 
He’s gonna do it tonight. It had to be tonight. The words had been eating away at him even more so knowing she’s giving him the cold shoulder.
Without looking up at his intense gaze she responded, “Yeah. We do.”
Ever since the Amazon stint, Becca promised she would never ever fall for Ethan Ramsey again. She failed miserably. Spectacularly, actually. 
She’s more in love with him now, after everything, than she could ever possibly fathom. 
But she wasn’t going to tell him. 
She vowed she wouldn’t be the one to say it first. And now with everything going on, all their doubts, there really wasn’t a point to setting those three words free. Not anymore.
When she got to Ethan’s condo, he was in the kitchen finishing up plating chicken piccata. It smelled delicious and her stomach rumbled in response. 
But Becca wasn’t planning on having dinner. If they sat and ate, then they’d talk and they couldn’t talk. Not yet. She wasn’t ready for them to implode.
So she kissed him. Hard. Hungrily. Desperately. She needed to have him one last time. Ethan melted right into her, abandoning dinner. 
MC accepted a position in Arizona. 
She leaves in three weeks - moves away five days after Edenbrook shuts its doors. She hasn’t told Ethan yet.
The words come out before she was ready to say them. 
She couldn’t hold them in anymore. The way his blue eyes were so crystal clear and how he was looking at her, cupping her face and keeping her close. Everything in his eyes told her what was coming next. Her stomach did flips and stirred inside. He was going to say it. His swollen lips parted and he was seconds from saying those three words. 
She could not hear it. She didn’t want to hear it.  
So she told him about Arizona, cutting him off. 
All Ethan said was: “I’m happy for you.” 
He didn’t fight. He didn’t say it. He didn’t beg her to stay or volunteer to follow her. All that he said was an assertion that she made the right decision. 
They were devastated.  -
If working together was awkward before, it was worse now. 
Ethan was more on edge than ever. Everyone noticed. There was gossip about their break up, spreading more wildly than the news of their coupling. 
The gang did their best to keep them naturally apart. If one was in the office, the other would be advised to stay in the clinic or take lunch in the cafeteria. 
Both spent more time at work than they should have. Staying there for at least 16 hours every single day. They should have wanted to be at home, less risk of running into the other. But they stayed. A part of them always stayed together. 
That last day, Ethan was more irritable that usual. His own emotions of failing Edenbrook and starting over reigning supreme. He was back to cynical and jaded Dr. Ramsey.  
Then Leland Bloom came in with one last case. 
They both needed it. Neither wanted their final moments of working together to be tainted by their failed romantic endeavor. 
And it turns out Edenbrook needed the case too. 
They got funding from the Blooms rather quickly. And negotiations happened. And people kept their jobs. And Ethan has a bigger role to play than ever. He spent her last few days arms deep in bringing Edenbrook back to life. 
Formal invitations and job offer extensions were sent to all Edenbrook staff. A few members of the gang cancelled their plans to be part of this new adventure and stay in Boston.
All except one. 
The hospital survived but she was still leaving.
There was no heartfelt goodbye between Ethan and MC that final day working together. Just a “good luck” and “keep in touch”. Professionally speaking. The picture of simply colleagues - not even a hug or misconstrued squeeze of the arm. 
She was off to Arizona. 
A younger Becca would have loved Arizona - the Phoenix music scene, the perpetual warmth and sunshine. 
She hated Arizona. It was too hot and there were too many weird bugs making their way into her apartment and everything was just a little too dry. 
With only a year of residency left, MC barely made it six months there. 
She could have gone back to Edenbrook. Back to where she yearned to be. But it was too painful. Too many memories. And he’d still be her boss. 
His flashy new title making Ethan nearly every employee’s direct superior. 
So she reached out to June. 
Mass Kenmore still had room on their team, and at least MC knows their newest surgical resident.
MC didn’t have a place to stay when she got back to Boston. So she stayed with Sienna in their old apartment. Everyone went down with the ship. Everyone but her and Bryce. The new roommate that took over MC’s room was nice and a second year surgical who transferred to Edenbrook.
MC hadn’t even started her new position at MK before Edenbrook was abuzz with the news she was back in town. 
Elijah let it slip to one of the nurses that Becca was staying with them and that none of the doctor’s could work late because they were throwing her a small Welcome Back party. Though she’d already been back for two weeks and survived her first full week at MK. 
Ofc the news made its way to Ethan swiftly. 
The rumor was that the group had rented out the beer garden at Donahue’s to celebrate the moment she got off the plane. 
So Ethan sat at his usual stool waiting for her to walk in. 
She never did. 
So he went to her apartment at midnight and knocked on the door. 
Aurora answered.  “Dr. Ramsey?” she was confused, taking in the dejected man in front of her. There was only one reason he’d be back in this bubble. “She’s not here.”  
The group dinner ended at a sensible time and MC, Jackie and Bryce decided to keep the fun rolling. Doing their favorite late night activity - swimming in the river. 
Except this time they were actually caught. 
They bolted back to the apartment nearly half naked. The whole thing was so liberating and fun and they laughed so hard, Becca nearly doubled over from laughing that Bryce threw her over his shoulder  “Bryce!”  “We gotta keep moving, Becks. We’re too hot to get booked for public indecency.” 
Jackie stops in her tracks when she reaches the building door:  “What the fuck?” 
Causing Bryce to bump into her and almost drop MC. “Jeez, Jackie, what -” Bryce follows her line of vision to see Ethan. “Shit.” 
And MC is just hanging out with the best view of Bryce’s toned ass, the blood rushing to her head because gravity.  “What’s going on? Guys?” “Varma. Lahela.” 
MC freezes and her blood completely drains from her at just hearing his voice. That velvet baritone cadence of her conscience. 
Ethan holds the door open for them, awkwardly signaling for them to enter. 
Jackie takes the door from him. Bryce is frozen, not really sure if he should put her down or not. MC hoped he wouldn’t. 
But he did. He had to use more effort than anticipated to get her off of him, but gradually she slipped down his body and onto her feet. 
Bryce shot her sympathetic eyes, which she repaid with a scowl. Bryce shrugged and turned to follow Jackie inside.  “Hey, man.” he patted Ethan on the shoulder as he passed. 
She folded her arms across herself, trying to cover herself. Overly aware that she was in her underwear in the middle of the night.  “What’re you doing here.”  “I could ask you the same thing.” 
The silence between them was palpable. “You’re back and working at Kenmore.” he stated as indifferently as he could muster through his hurt.  “It’s my first week.”  “Were you going to reach out? We would love to have you back on the team.” 
She didn’t say anything. and that said everything.  
“Why are you here, Ethan?”  “I came to talk.”  “Talk? What could we possibly have to talk about? Edenbrook’s doing better than ever under your supervision, I hated Arizona and now work at MK. There. We’re caught up.” 
He just looked at her with a sinister smile. 
Her ragged breathing, goosebumps and flushed skin and how her eyes darted everywhere but at his face gave him courage. Or maybe it was the three scotches he downed before that moment. 
Four strides. That’s how long it took to get to her. 
He was so close she clutched her balled up clothes tighter to her chest, using it as a shield. Shielding her heart and exposed skin from him. 
Ethan’s voice was deep and breathy: “No, we’re not.” 
She finally looked up at him, lips parted with disbelief. 
His eyes searched her face for any sign of regret or hesitation. For any sign she didn’t want him just as badly. 
All he got was a brush of her trouser against his midsection as her grip on the ball of clothes loosened. 
Their eyes glued. 
One shallow breath... two... three... 
They collided. Neither sure who moved first. 
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thepinkwriterr · 5 years ago
Loner // IT 2017 Chapter Twenty - One
Dodie Clark - She
Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong, when she's just so nice to look at?
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
I'd never tell
No, I'd never say a word
And oh it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt
She smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
Cause she tastes like birthday cake and story time and fall
But to her
I taste of nothing at all
Cause she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
Yes, she means everything to me
She means everything to me
Danielle's POV
"Uck, that's disgusting." Beverly cringed. Me, Bev, Richie, and Eddie gawked at Casey's table. Clair Benson, one of her pets, was running her hands through his hair while they talked. Casey and Bill were playing tonsil tennis, effectively ruining my appetite.
"When the hell did Stan become a traitor?" I asked, scooting my tray away from my face. "Over the weekend when you were at home. We were at a party and I introduced them. They started talking about stories of each other from school. It was weird as fuck." Beverly rolled her eyes.
"No, you're the whore!" Richie and Eddie came in, arguing once again. "I'm not a whore. If anything, you are!" Eddie retorted, sitting in a plastic chair across from me.
"I don't know Rich...I gotta agree with Eds, you are drowning in pussy." I humored him. He smirked,"Maybe you're right. I had Marina Ledges just begging for Lil Henry the other day."
"'Lil Henry'?" Bev asked, disgust on her face. "Yeah. Y'know...My d-" "We got it Rich!" Eddie interrupted, yelling. "I'm a pussy annihilator!" Richie smirked proudly.
"Really? Then why did Sarah Jesso reject you? She's a known hoe. She would fuck Eddie. No offense Eddie." Bev added in.
"On second thought, I think Eddie's the whore. I mean, have you seen the way he stares at Mr. Zigs?" Richie asked wryly, smirking. "I am not boning my Biology teacher! I get my grades honestly through tireless studying and grueling homework!"
We all laughed. "I don't know Eds, Richie may be right." Bev chuckled. "Yeah. I mean, I've seen the way you two stare at each other, biting your lips and hiking up your shorts to show off your thighs." I shrugged.
"Fuck you guys!" Eddie exclaimed, throwing his things in the trash. We all turned to gawk at the PDA coming from the table of whores once again. When Eddie came back he joined in, muttering something about sucking face.
The bell rang, dismissing us from lunch. "Thank god," I grumbled to Bev as we walked down the hallway,"If I had to look at that for one more second I was gonna barf." "Me too." Beverly scowled.
Someone shoulder checked me. I looked ahead, seeing Casey's dumbass. "Just let it go, Dani." Beverly held my arm, keeping me in place. I exhaled calmly,"You're right, you're right."
We sat in the library, talking about things. She told me that Jake told her what happened. "So, he kinda caused your guys breakup?" She asked.
I chuckled,"No. Both Bill and I were at fault. But regardless, we weren't meant for each other, clearly." Bev nodded,"You're being really mature about this, good for you." She smiled.
What I didn't tell her was how and why I was being so mature. I didn't mind the fact Bill had fucked me over. I didn't mind because now I could feel whatever I wanted for anyone without feeling bad.
"Well, I gotta go. Ben and I gotta study for calculous." She stood, pushing in her chair. I nodded,"Have fun." Sometimes I forget that they're all in the year above me. Everyone except Eddie.
When the bell rang again I grabbed my things and hauled ass from History to Bio. I was hasty to get to the room, as it was my last class of the day. On my way to class I felt someone shoulder check me again.
But this time Beverly wasn't here to keep me level-headed. I turned, slapping Casey. "You fucking whore!" I spat. I could see the anger bubbling up through her, exiting her mouth in the form of a comeback,"At least I can keep a guy, shit you-"
"No that fuck you can't! Bill only went back to you because he thought I didn't want him. You're just a cheap version of me, and you know it. That's why you hate me. Because I'm classy and you're t-"
She punched me in the ribs. It didn't hurt too bad. I rolled my eyes. "Trashy." I finished. She screamed, trying to jump on me. I moved out of the way swiftly. I ran to my class, that was only a few steps away, and nearly avoided her.
About ten minutes later I was called down to the office. I received a detention, while Casey got off...you guessed it! Scott free. That bitch.
Kali's POV
I woke up to a pounding headache once again. I groaned, sitting up slowly. I took some pain numers, then went about my morning routine.
When I got to school all I wanted to do was see Beverly. I knew she was hanging out with Danielle and the rest of the famed Losers Gang.
Another morning spent alone in the bathroom...
Everyday I waited for History and Biology, dreading anything before or after. Our projects were done after today, no need for her to continue to pretend to be my friend.
As I walked down the hallway, ready for History, I ran into a large person. I fell straight on my ass. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" He pulled me up with his large hand. "No, you're fine, it was my fault." I was distracted, focused soully on seeing Bev.
"No no, it's my fault. And how could I have missed such a beautiful girl." He smirked. I recognized him as Ben Hanscom. "I um-I-I-" His smirk stood still,"It's alright. How about I make it up by taking you out this Friday night?" He leaned against the wall.
"I-I have a boyfriend." I ran past him, up the stairs.
History couldn't have rolled around any slower! I sat across from the acclaimed red head, staring at the back of her beautiful hair.
As the teacher droned on and on about the French Revolution and marquis de lafayette's genius, the words of Stevie Nicks rang through my mind.
Something's happening
Happening to me
My friends say I'm acting peculiarly
C'mon baby
We better make a start
You better make it soon before you break my heart
Oh I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I
I want to be with you everywhere
And it was true. I look at this woman. This divine creation of beauty. I felt my face still burning. I tried to control my blush, but I just couldn't.
I packed up my things, ready for the school day to be over. The bell rang, dismissing the students. A note fell over my books. I looked up to see Beverly, holding tightly onto her book bag straps, looking over her shoulder at me as walked out the door. She winked before she crossed the doorway.
I smiled, picking up the note. Scrawled in her pretty loopy hand writing was: We still on for a sleepover? I smiled as I read her name signed at the bottom: Beverly
Danielle's POV
I walked down the staircase to the detention room. Boy oh boy was I in it when I got home. If my day wasn't bad enough you could not believe the only other person in the room. Richie goddamn mother fuckin Tozier.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the P-" "Save it, Creep." He was taken back by this. I hadn't said anything of the sort to him in a very long time.
I looked to the front, ignoring him. My dumbass didn't bring anything with me. My things were in my book bag in my car. I sighed, knowing he wouldn't leave me to sulk in peace. I knew my inevitable fate at home.
He was fucking humming. Again. "Could you fucking stop?" I asked, hatred packed in my words, turning around to face him.
"What am I doing wrong?" He asked, tilting his head in a benign way, continuing his humming. I rolled my eyes. "Don't look at me." He stoped to be a dick, then continued humming.
Furrowing my brows out of confusion,"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I stood, walking over to him. "You're-you're unbelievable! I try to be nice! I try so fucking hard! And you're-you're just a dick to me! All. The. Time!"
He smirked, the corner of his mouth raising. That smirk made all of my anger melt away. Any anger I had ever felt for him dipped off me like a cheap candle and puddled on the floor below me, absorbing into the carpet.
His eyes shone brightly, the florescent lights capturing their beauty in full. Those beautiful eyes. Those Sienna eyes that I had grown to love.
Love? Really Danielle? Do I love him... No, no I couldn't. I can't. But god, those eyes were so inviting and made me feel so warm that I could look into them at the depths of the sea and still feel at home.
Maybe I do love him. No, I know I love him. I mean, how could you not love someone who made you feel like they built the sun, just for you?
How could you not love someone who made you feel that every breath you took was the first that had ever been taken? How could you not love someone who made you feel as if they didn't need music, that your voice was the only melody they ever needed. So how could I not be in love with him?
As I stared into his doe eyes that were magnified by his thick lenses, I thought about what I wanted to tell him. And I opened my mouth:
"I love you. I love you so much. I look at you and all I see is this beautiful human being.
All I see is your smile, your eyes that look brutal and theres a defining pain there, but so much love.
All I see are your dark curls, framing your gorgeous face. Your face could melt away the deepest of stresses, making malignant days seem like heaven on earth.
Your long, taut legs. Your thin cascading arms, leading to large, lithe hands.
Every part, every Inch, ever freckle, every pale section of your being is beautiful. There isn't a part of you that I wouldn't feel honored and blessed to love."
But I didn't open my mouth. I didn't say what I needed to say. I didn't tell him that he's everything I could and would ever need.
I didn't tell him his eyes remind me of rainy days spent inside under the covers.
I didn't tell him that I love him.
Kali's POV
I sat across from Beverly in Biology, filling out a sheet. She made a corny joke about atoms, a smile forcing it's way to my face. We both erupted into innocent laughter.
Just the sound of her giggling voice made my heart flutter. And I knew, in that moment, that I wasn't like other girls. I wasn't normal.
Danielle's POV
"You're not so innocent, Princess. You..." We droned on and on about why the other person was at fault for our broken friendship. It was breaking me to tear him down.
"And-and your perfect face, beautiful hair, long legs..." His tone softened,"You just sit there and pretend I hate you! You sit there and you can't see that you're breaking my heart! You stand here and act like the reason I hate you isn't because I can't stand the thought of you with Bill! You're breaking my heart Danielle. You're fucking breaking my heart."
All I could do was look into his eyes. He had a tears escaping his eyes, only making a short way from his tear ducts before wiping them away. He looked to me for a response.
I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't muster up anything.
He cradled the back of my head, pulling me in close to him. He crashed his soft lips into mine.
Word Count: 2170
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bigmcchickenmood · 7 years ago
Princess and the Pea: Chapter 2
// Wowie wow wow finally another chapter. I really like this one lol but of course I can improve! love y’all for sticking around, and I hope you guys like the little picture i gave ya ;) anywho hoo boy this is a longer one //
Warnings: like, one swear word?
Word Count: 1197
Prologue // Chapter 1 An unsteady breath escaped the newly freed Y/N, who stared up at the tall apartment building that had been her home for the past two years. She clenched her keys tightly, relishing in the sting of the cold metal against the palm of her calloused hand. A rusted motorcycle trailer was hitched to the back of her truck, holding the product of her latest paycheck: a refurbished backlighted hot pink and black Suzuki GSX-R750. The sleek cycle wasn’t unfamiliar to her; it had been her mother’s before it was hers. Y/N had learned to ride on that bike, with her mother close by her side.
Y/N swallowed the growing lump in her throat and waved to Sienna, who was watching from the steps of the apartment building. She hopped into the driver’s seat of her car, shoved the key into the ignition, and drove away from everything that she new.
The girl drove without stopping, determined to start over before the heartache and homesickness set in. She blasted her favourite songs, screaming singing along as she drove along the interstate. After about 5 hours, she spotted the town’s iconic sign.
“‘The Town With Pep’?” she thought, skeptical. “Interesting nickname.” She sighed and continued, following the GPS built into her truck. As she pulled into Sunnyside Trailer Park, her skepticism only grew. The trailer park, and the area surrounding it, seemed oddly out of place, compared to the more picturesque northern side of the town. Y/N raised an eyebrow as she drove through the park, spotting at least twelve people wearing the same, yet somehow familiar, snake-embellished leather jacket.
“Great. Just what I needed. A sprinkle of gang violence.” She mused, finally pulling up to her designated new home.
If she had to be honest, the trailer was surprisingly well kept, both outside and inside. The exterior walls appeared to have been power washed, and to her surprise and delight, empty gardening boxes hung from all ten windows. The interior looked as if it had been recently swept and dusted, and the two bathrooms were impeccably clean. She did a quick survey of every room, eyes widening at the amount of furnishings the home already had. The master bedroom held a queen size bed frame without a mattress, two Nightstands, and even a walk in wardrobe. Three other, smaller bedrooms decorated one half of the trailer, which must have belonged to her aunts and mother when they had lived here during their younger years. The living room was made up of a sturdy but soft couch, with a weathered TV stand sitting proudly across from it (without a TV, of course). Other than the basic kitchen and bathroom necessities, the rest of the trailer was hers to decorate.
Satisfied with her survey, Y/N breathed out heavily through her mouth. She hauled her many boxes into the middle of the living room, deciding finally to throw her clothes into her closet and worry about decorating later. After haphazardly hanging up and folding her clothes, the brunette decided to explore her new town. She shrugged on her weathered brown motorcycle jacket and grabbed her helmet, fitting it snugly onto her head before clipping the strap in place. She gently tugged her bike out of the trailer, swung a leg over it and started it up, getting reacquainted with the familiar cycle. She gripped the handles tightly, then hit the gas and sped off into the heart of the city.
  After driving on the winding road for a while, she spotted a bright neon sign in the distance, advertising some kind of diner called Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe. She pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine, slinging the strap of her helmet around her wrist. She smiled amusedly at the number of other bikes parked next to hers, the thrill of motorcycle racing returning to her veins as she looked over the sleek cycles. Her stomach interrupted her musings with a growl, reminding her of the reason she had stopped in the first place. The mouth-watering scent of fried food invaded all of her senses as she stepped over the threshold of the diner. A small bell rang gently above her head, alerting the people inside of her presence. A stout, portly man, who she assumed was Pop, stood behind the counter and sent her a small genuine smile.
 “Hey there, I’m Pop Tate. Anything I can get for you, dear?” he asked, his voice gravelly but kind. Y/N smiled gently back and surveyed the menu. “A burger and fries with a strawberry shake, please.” she said finally, her stomach rumbling in agreement. Pop nodded and turned into the kitchen, informing them of her order as she took a seat on one of the barstools.
 While she waited patiently for her food, the young woman scrolled through her social media and texted both Sienna and her mother, telling them that she had arrived safe and sound. While her calloused fingers slid aimlessly across the screen of her phone, she heard the tinny sound of the door’s bell and felt a presence walk up beside her.
 “Hey Pop, I'm here for the usual pickup,” said the person, taking a seat beside her.
 She heard a noise of affirmation come from Pop Tate, and glanced up at her new neighbor. She had to crane her neck to get a full view of the boy who towered over her, even as they both sat. He had smooth, dark hair, a single curl rebelliously hanging in front of his forehead. An angry-looking snake tattoo was inked into the soft skin of his neck, the image matching the emblem on his worn leather jacket. Hooded chocolate brown eyes stared back at her, a smirk playing softly at the corners of his full lips.
 “Like something you see, princess?” He said playfully, his smirk now full blown and wide, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.
 A pale pink tint filled Y/N’s cheeks, but she didn't break eye contact. A smirk of her own found its way onto her painted red lips.
 “Maybe, Skyscraper. But, alas, a tall drink of water seems to have blocked my view. Not that I'm complaining,” She winked and he let out a small chuckle, a smooth, deep sound that shook Y/N’s very core. Pop Tate appeared suddenly, and slid Y/N’s order over to her before handing the boy a few brown paper bags.
 “The usual for you and your boys, Sweet Pea.” Pop quirked an eyebrow at him. “Making new friends?”
 The boy, whose name was apparently Sweet Pea, smiled again.
 “Maybe. But I do think I'll eat here, this time.” He glanced over at Y/N, that smirk still ghosting on his lips. “The boys can wait.”
 It was Y/N’s turn to laugh, before she turned her attention to her food. “You won't get a word out of me until I've eaten, Beanstalk. I came here for a cheeseburger and I'm going to eat my fucking cheeseburger.”
 Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow and pulled out his own cheeseburger from the bag. “For you, princess, I’d wait an eternity.”
// Yay reader has finally met our bby boy Sweets. we love 1 (one) tall serpent. also i relate to the reader because i too, just want a fucking cheeseburger that’s all good night //
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