#Sibel Taşçioğlu
malitasoledad · 7 years
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Gulbahar Sultan in 51. Bolum
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ottomanladies · 4 years
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On this day in Ottoman history - 12 September - Haseki Hatice Muazzez Sultan died 
Sultan İbrahim's "Haseki-i sani" (Second haseki), and the mother of Ahmed II. Hatice Muazzez was also called Hatice Sultan. Her nationality, place and date of birth are unknown. The oldest document, dated 9 August 1642, containing her name, is an order of Sultan İbrahim to bring furniture from the Tersane Mansion to decorate her room in the harem. It could be estimated that the "Haseki-i Sani Hatice Muazzez" was 18-20 years old at the time of the birth of Ibrahim's third prince, Ahmed. In Tarih-i Naima, on 6 Zilhicce 1052 (25 February 1643), it was stated that "Haseki-i sani Mu'azzez Hanım delivered a prince named Sultan Ahmed to His Majesty Sultan İbrahim" and stated that she was the second haseki of İbrahim.
Muazzez, thought to have lived in the Harem of Topkapı Palace with her son from 1648, when Mehmed IV ascended the throne until 1651, when Kösem Sultan was killed, was sent to the Old Palace on this date, while Prince Ahmed was also imprisoned in the Cages Pavillion; when Mehmed IV, Turhan Valide and the Harem moved to Edirne Palace, Süleyman and Ahmed were also taken there, but their mothers remained in the Old Palace in Istanbul. This situation did not change until 1687. Hatice Muazzez died the next day from the fear she experienced when the fire that broke out on September 11, 1687 surrounded the Old Palace. Her body was buried in a high hall around Üsküdar Palace. Her stepson, Süleyman II, who ascended the throne two months after her death, handed out Muazzez's jewels to his own consorts, and when Ahmed II ascended the throne in 1691, he had them taken back and placed in the inner treasurer. — Necdet Sakaoğlu, Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları // Sibel Taşçioğlu as Hatice Muazzez
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malitasoledad · 7 years
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Gulbahar Sultan in 50. Bolum
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malitasoledad · 7 years
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Gulbahar Sultan in 49. Bolum
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malitasoledad · 7 years
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Gulbahar Sultan, Sultan Osman, Kalika Hatun and Sanavber Hatun in 47 Bolum
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malitasoledad · 7 years
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Gulbahar Sultân in 46 Bolüm
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ottomanladies · 4 years
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On this day in Ottoman history - 13 August - Esma Sultan the Elder died:
daughter of Ahmed III and Hanife Kadın (in Sicill-i Osmani her mother is indicated as Zeyneb Kadın), Esma Sultan was born on 14 March 1726.
In 1743, her cousin Mahmud I married her to Silâhdâr Yâ'qûb Paşa, but her husband died just a year later. She therefore married Pir Mustafâ Paşa in the same year and, after his death in 1751, Muhşin-zâde Mehmed Paşa, who would serve as Grand Vizier of the Empire twice. With him, she had her only child: Zeyneb Hanım-Sultân(1759?-?). After Muhşin-zâde Mehmed Paşa died in 1774, Esma Sultan did not marry anymore even though she lived for 14 more years.
During the reigns of her brothers Mustafa III and Abdülhamîd I, Esma Sultan acquired properties and riches to the point that she was known as the wealthiest woman in Istanbul. Because she lived in her old palace in Kadırga and because she had influence over her brothers, Esma Sultan was considered a new Ismihan Sultan (daughter of Selim II). Indeed, it was her who warned her Abdülhamîd I when Halil Hamid Paşa planned to depose him in favour of Şehzade Selim.
Esma Sultan died on 13 August 1788 and was buried next to her third and final husband, Grand Vizier Muhşin-zâde Mehmed Paşa. As she was reportedly very wealthy, ottoman statesmen hoped to retrieve a lot of money to fix the treasury, but when her palace was searched nothing was found. Her properties were divided between her nieces Emine and Esma (known as the younger so as not to mistake her with her aunt) // Sibel Taşçioğlu as Esma Sultan
sources: Yılmaz Öztuna - Devletler ve Hanedanlar, M. Çağatay Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları, Necdet Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları
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