#Shukra Beej Mantra Benefits
monkvyasaa · 1 year
Shukra Beej Mantra Benefits
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In Hinduism, the Shukra Beej Mantra has a lot of spiritual and astrological importance. People think that chanting this powerful mantra will bring in good energy, improve love and relationships, and heal the mind and body. This article, we'll talk about the Shukra Beej Mantra benefits, meaning, significance, and, as well as the right way to chant it.
Shukra mantra: How do they help?
According to ancient texts called the Vedas, having a strong Venus planet in your astrology chart can give you extraordinary self-confidence and a graceful demeanor. Venus enhances your charm and personal qualities. By reciting the Venus Mantra, you can gain courage, trust, wealth, luxury, enjoyable experiences, love, marriage, and happy married life. This mantra has been proven to be beneficial for achieving success in life. Additionally, it can also help in expediting the process of getting married.
Shukra Beej Mantra and Astrology
Shukra Beej Mantra is a very important part of Vedic astrology. Venus is known as Shukra in Western astrology. It is considered to be one of the important celestial bodies affecting the lives of people. People think that chanting Shukra Beej Mantra has a positive effect on one's astrological chart and can help with problems caused by Venus.
From an astrological perspective, Venus is a symbol of love, beauty, relationships, wealth, and artistic skill. Its position and aspects in a person's birth chart can affect their romantic relationships, financial stability, and general happiness. The energy of Venus can be both helpful and difficult, depending on how it lines up with other planets.
By chanting the Shukra Beej mantra, people try to bring the forces of Venus in harmony and balance in their birth chart. This mantra is a spiritual remedy that helps in reducing the ill effects of a weak or ill Venus and enhancing its good qualities.
Shukra Beej Mantra Meaning
Shukra Beej Mantra is a sacred mantra that is said to Lord Shukra, the God of Venus. A mantra is made up of a certain set of words that vibrate in a way that matches the energy of Venus. The word "beej" means "seed", indicating that this mantra contains the essence and promise of the entire universe.
Read more - https://www.monkvyasa.com/blog/shukra-beej-mantra-benefits
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drsohinisastri · 3 years
What Are Remedies for Weak Venus As Per Vedic Astrology?
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According to the best astrologer in Kolkata, Venus is a benevolent planet, also known as Shukra in Vedic astrology. When it is positioned in conjunction with a malefic planet or in an unfavourable position in a birth chart, however, it might have negative consequences.
 Venus is a soft, feminine planet. It is also the solar system's brightest planet. Love, romance, sex, beauty, fashion, recreation, luxuries, art & aesthetics, and physical attractiveness are all associated with it. It is in charge of love, relationships of all types, and other emotional bonds. Venus also bestows money and riches on the native. A good Venus brings romance, luxury, and sensual delights, whereas a malefic Venus brings infidelity, bankruptcy, and venereal diseases. You can counteract such tendencies by employing Venus treatments.
 A Look At The Summary of Venus’ Characteristics:
Colour: White, Pink
Element: Water
Day of the Week: Friday
God or Deity: Goddess Lakshmi
Metal: Silver and Copper
Permanent Home: 2nd House
Gemstone: Diamond
Friendly Planets: Mercury, Saturn and Rahu
Neutral Planets: Mars and Jupiter
Enemy Planets: Sun and Moon-
 Effects of Positive Venus :
When Venus is in the ascendant of a birth chart and in the 4th, 5th, 7th, or 11th house, these placements are thought to bring good fortune. Venus' beneficent influence encourages the accrual of riches, jewellery, real estate, a good family life, and commercial and trade success. People with a strong Venus, particularly an ascendant, have a lot of charisma suggested by the best astrologer in India.
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Effects of Negative Venus :
When Venus is in conjunction with malefic planets or is aspected, it becomes afflicted.
Gambling, alcohol, narcotics, and other hazardous substances will become addictions for the native.
Among addition, troubled Venus might lead to diabetes, drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism in the locals.
The native may lack physical appeal and agreeable behaviour if Venus is poorly placed in the birth chart.
A troubled Venus causes marital issues and increases the chances of a failing marriage.
A troubled Venus can also lead to extramarital affairs, extramarital partnerships, and divorce.
A person with a weak Venus is more likely to be a spendthrift, which can lead to poverty.
A negative Venus can also lead to skin problems.
A poorly placed Venus might signal problems of the eyes, nose, chin, throat, sexual organs, kidneys, bladder, and other bodily parts.
 Remedies for Venus in Vedic Astrology :
Here are some remedies for planet Venus to bring about positive changes in your life:
Dress in bright white clothing. Pink clothing in all tints is also recommended.
Respect your spouse or partner.
Give small children or widowed women treats. This is a potent treatment.
Keep a decent character in order to get favourable results from Venus.
Worship Goddess Lakshmi to gain Venus' favours. To overcome hurdles and gain benefits in life, recite the Sri Sookhtam hymn.
Another technique to satisfy the planets is to fast. On Fridays, you should fast to obtain Venus' graces.
According to top astrologer in Kolkata, one of the easiest ways to get rid of a planet's malefic influences is to donate. Venus will reward you for donating on Fridays. Kheer (rice pudding), curd, silver, rice, and perfume are all acceptable donations.
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Mantra chanting is another important treatment for planets in Vedic astrology. Recite the Venus Beej (Seed) Mantra "Aum Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah" 108 times everyday to enhance Venus's positive benefits.
Use Shukra yantras to attract favourable results for Venus.
Wear silver jewellery and colognes.
To receive positive outcomes from Venus, wear jewels such as diamonds, opal, white topaz, and so on.
Natives having low literacy rate Physical therapies, like as breathing and relaxation practises, may be considered by Venus. Yoga pranayamas such as anulom vilom, sheetkari, sheetali, and kapalbhati are good choices. It will help you control your thoughts and fight negative impulses according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
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