#Shrunen Miles
ailar023 · 1 year
Hello! How's everybody? I had this story of g/t Miles and Peter from Ps5 in my head for a long time, and I hope you like it, it's the first time in my life that I write something 😅
I hope you enjoy it and sorry if it has errors.
The tiny spider boy
Chapter 1:
Peter Parker, 24 year old university student, intern at the While laboratory. He is also known for serving and protecting New York City for 8 years as the friendly neighborhood Spider Man.
He is now investigating some strange installations hidden in the Kim Pim areas of Brooklyn, it is a Friday morning and there is a dead silence in the neighborhood where the villain's supposed lair would be. Outside it looks like an abandoned factory facade, you can see the broken windows and the moisture coming from the walls staining the white paint. The closest lights only faintly reach to caress the walls of the brick walls that surround the factory, since it is far from the houses and the population, more than logical for a villain to hide his plans in a supposedly "abandoned" place.
The hero did not waste time and very stealthily entered one of the broken windows that was near the roof, when he crossed it he landed with a thud inside the lifeless building and scanned the interior, it was a wide and open area, yes. If it were not thanks to his improved eyesight, it would be impossible for him to see even the most basic things, while he walked agilely and stealthily he noticed around him how the building had aged for the worse over the years, abandoned pockets of cement, chains that aged over time showing their rust color and they hang from the ceiling still as if they were a dead person, and the walls are not much better than outside, the paint is almost completely gone, all wet showing the peeling bricks and with green mold in between, you can see that the humidity was eating away at the bricks over time.
When I get to the other end there is a rusty door that led to another room, this time to some steps that led down, under the basement and took me to a less spacious area and with many worn, rusty doors, hanging from a hinge or completely thrown away, among those doors there is one that totally caught his attention, compared to the other doors, it was well positioned and hermetically closed, it did not look rusty or dirty like the others.
-Bingo! Surely this must be where Kim Pim must hide whatever he is doing... But the question now is... how do I get in without anyone noticing? Does he have an alarm or something?- He said in his mind while touching his chin.
When he looked at the ceiling, he noticed that above there were some ventilation ducts that infiltrate to the other side just above the tightly closed door, Peter smiled mischievously as he examined the duct and quickly found the rusty grate that once served its purpose to keep steady air when the factory was in its glory days, the masked hero shoots a bold web at the tip of the grate with his left hand, yanking it down to open it followed by another web with his right hand towards his mouth now open from the conduit, quickly pull the spider web and climb up without even hesitation, once inside, throw one last spider web at the same grate that is hanging like a pendulum to close it and leave no suspicion.
He doesn't need to crawl much through the square and narrow duct, at the next opening of the grate on the other side of the door he can see a faint light. He made sure that no one was in sight as he repeated the same procedure to get out, only he was stealthily closing the grate again using a piece of his web as glue.
Now it is in a kind of long and narrow hallway, full of doors that were not well maintained at all, but they did not reach the extreme of abuse that the doors on the side of the abandoned factory had, there are also fluorescent tube lights that gave a weak and delirious light throughout the entire hallway, it was like being in a horror movie, but something that caught your attention is that there was not the presence of a soul in the entire place, it is as if everyone had vanished, or that was what Peter sensed, but that didn't mean he should let his guard down.
The hero in red and blue walked with silent steps and always alert as he passed through the doors, all half-open and showing completely empty and deserted rooms inside, which disconcerted him a little.
-WHAT THE HELL WAS KIM PIM PLANNING??? Or perhaps he realized that I was coming and decided to take everything??? - he asked himself as he took stealthy steps until he came across a huge door that led right at the end of the hallway, due to its appearance and size it seemed to be important, and also It was hermetically closed like the one that separated the interior of the factory from this seedy hallway, the difference is that this was the double automatic sliding doors that welcome you when you enter a shopping center, but with the difference that it has a panel on the side with a green traced hand, means that you need a fingerprint to enter
-Fingerprint, cool!- Spider Man said with a tone of sarcasm mixed with a hint of annoyance.
What's great about this sliding door is that it has a couple of windows on both sides that allow you to see inside, and when Peter sticks his head in one of the windows it leaves him even more disconcerted, it was a huge laboratory! It has the latest technology machinery and tools of all kinds, also a pair of stretchers, one in front of the other, everything looked very well cared for and even as if it had been used for the last time that day!
-What the hell was a laboratory like that doing in an abandoned factory with absolutely nothing?- he said while scanning the laboratory from end to end. -What the hell was that ball of grease up to?-
Peter tried to think, racking his brains, he really tried but he was getting nowhere... Giving a sigh of defeat, he began to walk back through the hallways looking once again at the empty rooms when suddenly something caught his attention in a room. that, compared to the others that had the doors half open or completely open, this one in particular had the door a little more closed, and right behind it there was something that stood out on the wall where it just covered the door, as if trying to hide it , his intuition told him that the answer was there, and it wouldn't be pretty.
He decided to open it cautiously, making it creak a little, and against the right wall, right where the door covers, is full of cages stacked end to end in a row, small enough to hold laboratory mice, all of them. rusty and lacking maintenance, of all those cages only 9 are half open with traces of dried blood, that gave him a bad feeling, but that was not all, among those nine cages there was a tenth that was around the open ones, it was closed under a small padlock with something inside, he fervently hoped it was nothing more than a small rodent, but something deep inside him told him the opposite.
He slowly approaches the small trembling form that he was making a feeble attempt to hide into the shadow of the cage, and when he saw what it was, his heart shattered.
It was a small boy, barely 3 inches tall, he did not seem to be more than 15 years old, with dark skin, he had a robe that was all dirty, torn and tattered, this robe uselessly covered part of his body, all of which was flabby, he was so skeletal that he was He looked fragile like a glass that would break just by touching it, and because of his dark skin it didn't look good, but he was full of bruises and cuts, on his robe he had the number 1610, the same number he had on the door of the cage (Experiment 1610)
The boy looked terrified, with his eyes wide open, he tried to shrink at the end of the cage as much as he could, as if he wished he could disappear, seeing this boy in this pitiful state made Peter's heart boil. blood for this - USING A SHRUNKNED CHILD AS A GUINEA PIG??? THIS TIME YOU GOT OVER THE LINE!!!!! – He said to himself barely in a whisper as he clenched his fists to the point of almost breaking the fabric of his red gloves.
He sighed inwardly. There was no time to get angry now, he had to get this little guy out immediately before someone came.
Chapter 2:
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