crystaldripp · 1 year
Unleashing Your Inner Girlboss: Drawing Inspiration from Sophia Amoruso's Journey
In a world where conformity often seems like the norm, there's a fiery beacon of inspiration waiting for you on Netflix – the show "Girlboss." I must say, I watched this in the span of 2-3 days, it's definitely binge-worthy. It was also, clearly, so impactful that I decided to research the show and dig into its creation. I was pleased to find it is a true story & had to know more. Here, is what I've found.
This series, inspired by Sophia Amoruso's best-selling book, tells the story of a young woman's journey from thrifting vintage pieces on eBay to building an empire with her online company, Nasty Gal. With a dash of humor, a sprinkle of determination, and a whole lot of non-conformity, "Girlboss" celebrates the idea that dreams aren't meant to die in a 9-5 cubicle. Let's dive deep into Sophia Amoruso's life, her work, and the show's transformative impact.
The Birth of Nasty Gal
Sophia Amoruso's real-life story closely mirrors the narrative of the show. She did, in fact, start on eBay, selling vintage pieces she curated from thrift stores. The name "Nasty Gal" was originally taken from the 1975 album by funk singer Betty Davis. What began as a small venture rapidly blossomed into an iconic online fashion retailer. Through her unique eye for style and business acumen, Amoruso turned her passion into a thriving business that struck a chord with a generation seeking individuality.
A Friend by Her Side: The Real-Life Annie
One of the heartwarming aspects of the show "Girlboss" is the character of Annie, Sophia's best friend and confidante who experiences the journey with her. In real life, Sophia Amoruso indeed had a best friend named Annette, who shared in the highs and lows of building Nasty Gal. This genuine friendship lent authenticity to the show's portrayal of the camaraderie between the two characters. Having a friend by her side who understood the struggles and triumphs made the journey all the more memorable.
Non-Conformity in a 9-5 World
The show's rallying cry, "9-5 is where dreams go to die," encapsulates the spirit of rebellion against conventional paths. Amoruso's journey underscores the importance of embracing your passions and pursuing them relentlessly, even when it means stepping outside the boundaries of a traditional career. Her story proves that success doesn't always come in the form of a standard job – it can be built on the foundation of your true interests and abilities.
The "Shane" Factor: Real-life Parallels
One of the intriguing elements of the show is the character of Shane. While the series doesn't explicitly state that he represents Sophia's ex-husband Joel Jarek DeGraff, there are certain parallels. Shane's character, much like Joel, is a musician and has a somewhat unconventional lifestyle. It's possible that Shane is an amalgamation of different people from Sophia's life, including Joel, representing the complex dynamics of relationships that can shape one's journey.
Missteps on the Journey
However, as inspiring as the early success story may be, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges Sophia Amoruso faced in managing Nasty Gal as it grew. Despite her initial meteoric rise, the company later faced financial difficulties and mismanagement. Reports emerged of internal issues and financial struggles that ultimately led to the decision to file for bankruptcy in 2016.
The Transformative Power of Resilience
This juncture in her journey could have marked the end, but Sophia Amoruso's resilience and determination came to the forefront. Even as she relinquished control of Nasty Gal, her story didn't conclude with failure. The lessons she learned from her mistakes and the triumphs she had experienced earlier propelled her forward.
A New Chapter
Amoruso's story didn't end with the bankruptcy of Nasty Gal. In fact, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life. The setback served as a catalyst for her reinvention. She continues to be an inspiring figure. Her net worth had grown substantially from her Nasty Gal days, and she had ventured into various projects beyond fashion, including podcasting and motivational speaking. She has consistently emphasized the importance of embracing failures and staying true to oneself in interviews.
She continued to share her journey through her book, "Nasty Galaxy," which delved into life lessons and personal insights. Additionally, her post-Nasty Gal ventures, allowed her to inspire others with her resilience and ability to bounce back from adversity.
Learning from Sophia's Journey
Sophia Amoruso's story and the show "Girlboss" offer several valuable lessons that viewers and readers can apply to their own lives:
Embrace Individuality: Don't be afraid to be unique and stand out from the crowd. Authenticity is a powerful tool that can open doors you never thought possible.
Pursue Your Passions: Discover what truly ignites your passion and pursue it with determination. Success is often the outcome of relentless effort in areas you love.
Overcome Setbacks: Both Amoruso's life and the show highlight that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. It's how you bounce back that defines your success.
Adapt and Innovate: The online landscape is ever-evolving. Being open to change, learning, and adapting to new trends can propel your endeavors forward.
Confidence is Key: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Confidence radiates outward, attracting opportunities and likeminded individuals.
Sophia Amoruso's journey is a reminder that challenges and failures are often an integral part of the path to success. Despite mismanaging Nasty Gal and facing bankruptcy, her story showcases the transformative power of resilience and the importance of adapting to change. Her ability to leverage her experiences, both positive and negative, for personal growth is a testament to the spirit of the Girlboss philosophy.
So on that note..
"Girlboss" on Netflix, inspired by Sophia Amoruso's life and journey, is a testament to the multifaceted nature of success and, is a reminder that the path to success need not be a one-size-fits-all formula. With a blend of resilience, non-conformity, and passion, you can carve your own trail to success, just like Sophia did. This story can be the spark that ignites your determination to chase your dreams, break free from the mundane, and unapologetically embrace your inner Girlboss.
"You don’t get taken seriously by asking someone to take you seriously. You’ve got to show up and own it." -Sophia Amoruso
While the show portrays the highs and lows with creative flair, it's essential to remember that the real Sophia Amoruso experienced her own share of struggles. Her ability to bounce back from mismanagement and bankruptcy showcases her indomitable spirit.
This story can be guiding light for those who have faced setbacks or are navigating their own unique journeys. Success is not always a linear path; it's shaped by our responses to challenges and our determination to learn and grow. So, let this story inspire you to embrace failures, and turn them into stepping stones. As Sophia herself once said, "You can have a lot of great ideas, but implementation is key."
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beefin4beefinssake · 2 years
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New half a minute review is up: https://youtube.com/shorts/vj23xByZrac
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seriesmagicx · 25 days
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Ein tiefer Einblick in die 8. Staffel von "Hawaii Five-0"
Die achte Staffel von *Hawaii Five-0* bringt frischen Wind und spannende Entwicklungen in die beliebte Krimi-Serie. Mit neuen Gesichtern und packenden Fällen bleibt die Serie ihrem Ruf treu, fesselnde Unterhaltung mit einer Prise Humor und emotionaler Tiefe zu bieten.
Neue Charaktere
In dieser Staffel begrüßen wir zwei neue Charaktere im Team: Tani Rey und Junior Reigns. Tani, eine mutige und entschlossene Frau, bringt eine neue Perspektive und Dynamik in die Five-0-Einheit. Ihre unkonventionellen Methoden und ihre scharfsinnige Intuition machen sie zu einer wertvollen Ergänzung.
Junior, ein ehemaliger Navy SEAL, kämpft nach seiner Rückkehr ins zivile Leben mit neuen Herausforderungen. Steve McGarrett bietet ihm die Chance, seinem Team beizutreten, und Juniors militärische Disziplin und seine Loyalität stärken das Team.
Abgänge und deren Auswirkungen
Die Abgänge von Chin Ho Kelly und Kono Kalakaua hinterlassen eine spürbare Lücke im Team. Chin nimmt eine neue berufliche Herausforderung in San Francisco an, während Kono sich dem Kampf gegen den Menschenhandel widmet. Diese Veränderungen zwingen das Team, sich neu zu formieren und neue Dynamiken zu entwickeln.
Spannende Fälle und Ermittlungen
Die Staffel bietet eine Vielzahl komplexer und faszinierender Fälle, die das Team bis an ihre Grenzen bringen. Von Hightech-Diebstählen bis hin zu politisch motivierten Attentaten - jeder Fall ist einzigartig und spiegelt die vielfältige kulturelle und soziale Landschaft Hawaiis wider.
Steve McGarrett und Danny Williams stehen im Mittelpunkt der Charakterentwicklung dieser Staffel. Steves Führungsqualitäten und seine persönliche Reise werden weiter erforscht, während Danny mit seiner eigenen Rolle im Team und seiner Beziehung zu Steve ringt. Ihre dynamische Freundschaft bietet viele emotionale und humorvolle Momente.
Besondere Episoden und Gastauftritte
Einige Episoden stechen durch ihre einzigartige Erzählweise und besondere Gastauftritte hervor. Diese speziellen Folgen bieten tiefergehende Einblicke in die Charaktere und ihre Geschichten, bereichern die Handlung und sorgen für zusätzliche Spannung.
Action und Stunts
Die achte Staffel enttäuscht nicht, wenn es um Action und Stunts geht. Spektakuläre Verfolgungsjagden, Luft- und Wasserkämpfe sowie explosive Showdowns bieten atemberaubende Unterhaltung. Einblicke hinter die Kulissen zeigen, wie viel Arbeit und Planung in die Umsetzung dieser Szenen fließt.
Kulturelle Aspekte und Kulissen Hawaiis
Die authentische Darstellung der hawaiianischen Kultur und die Nutzung der atemberaubenden Landschaften sind ein Markenzeichen der Serie. Traditionelle Zeremonien, Sprache und Musik werden regelmäßig integriert und verleihen der Serie eine zusätzliche Tiefe und Authentizität.
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und Romanzen
Die romantischen Entwicklungen und zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen innerhalb des Teams werden weiter erforscht. Diese Handlungsstränge bieten nicht nur emotionale Tiefe, sondern auch neue Konflikte und Herausforderungen, die die Dynamik der Serie bereichern.
Humor und Freundschaft im Team
Humor spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Serie und bietet den Zuschauern oft eine willkommene Erleichterung von der Spannung. Die witzigen Dialoge und die enge Freundschaft im Team, besonders zwischen Steve und Danny, sorgen für viele herzerwärmende und lustige Momente.
Fans und ihre Reaktionen
Die Reaktionen der Fans sind gemischt, aber leidenschaftlich. Viele begrüßen die neuen Charaktere und die spannende Handlung, während andere die Abgänge von Chin und Kono bedauern. Die Serie interagiert aktiv mit ihrer Fangemeinde durch Social Media und Fan-Events, was die Bindung zwischen Machern und Zuschauern stärkt.
Diese Staffel bringt zwei neue Charaktere, die sehr gut integriert wurden. Ich persönlich fand es am Anfang gewöhnungsbedürftig, doch ich fand, dass sie sehr gut zum Team passen. Die Storyline in dieser Staffel ist, wie auch bei den vorherigen Staffeln, spannend und gut gelungen. Was soll ich sagen: Empfehlen kann ich es jedem, der ein Fan von Action-Krimi-Serien ist. Aber auch denjenigen, die humorvolle Krimi-Serien mit etwas Emotionen mögen, wird diese Staffel gefallen. "Hawaii Five-0" bleibt eine tolle Serie, die mit jeder Staffel neue Überraschungen und spannende Entwicklungen bietet.
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Hawaii Five-O - Staffel 8
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taka-oneokrock · 2 years
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[show review] @oneokrockofficial closed their #LuxuryDiseaseTour with an epic night @hollywoodpalladium this week! We’ve got all the photos at the link in bio. 📸 @oliviakhiel #oneokrock #youmeatsix #showreview #hollywoodpalladium
(Source: https://www.instagram.com/atlasartistgroup/)
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Show Review: The String Cheese Incident in Oklahoma City
Show Review: The String Cheese Incident in Oklahoma City @sci_official @davidnowelsphotography @americanahighways #americanahighways #americanamusic #livemusicphotography #concertphotography #photographedbyahuman #showreviews
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kamaljohnsonnetwork · 21 days
Dark Matter On Apple TV Review | The G.A.B. (SAF Segment)
Full Show On The YouTube (Kamal Johnson Network). Link Below
YT Link
https://youtu.be/b5_msxihf0c?si=Zf8dQ8h4AFNoehVV via YouTube
Podcast Links
iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-the-gab-101916901/episode/a-lineage-cant-have-a-leader-209871377/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2lDGuVcJT23h1gr1vy9Kvn?si=08f93abeb0664637
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-g-a-b/id1547660066?i=1000666844526
#darkmatter #lessons #women #friends #multiverse #show #series #jokes #showreview #lol #blackamericans #fyp #foryourpage #blacktwitter #whitepeople #blackpeople #blackexcellence #blackshow #blackpodcast #blackowned #twitch #youtubechannel #comedyvideos #funnyvideos #viralvideo #BlackNewsChannel #news #NewsUpdate #newshow
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 2 years
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riotragemagazine: Didn’t get to catch Charlotte Sands (@charlottesands) on her first headline tour? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Charlotte played an incredible set at Thunderbird Music Hall on October 19th. Check out our full gallery from the show AND our thoughts on the show - both links in our bio 💙🫶🏻 #charlottesands #pittsburgh #nashvillesinger #womeninmusic #womenwhorock #showreview #concertphotography #musicpublication #musicmagazine
Charlotte Sands via riotragemagazine on Instagram, 10/31/2022.
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lovebooksgroup · 2 years
BELIEVE me when I say this is a must-see show! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ An extravaganza for the senses! The Cher Show @captheatres @TheCherShowUK @thedebbiekurup @DanielleSteers @millieoconnell @TheJPMitchell #Theatrereview #WhatsonEdi
BELIEVE me when I say this is a must-see show! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ An extravaganza for the senses! The Cher Show @captheatres @TheCherShowUK @thedebbiekurup @DanielleSteers @millieoconnell @TheJPMitchell #Theatrereview #WhatsonEdi
The Cher ShowReview by Kelly Lacey A light-hearted look at the life of the goddess that is CHER. With three exceptionally talented women each taking their turn to portray Cher. Millie O’Donnell is Babe, Danielle Steers is Lady and Debbie Kurup is Star.  From start to finish the energy is high and uplifting. It is a fantastic sensory overload with an amazing set, costumes, and acting and of…
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prattradio · 5 years
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POM POM SQUAD @ Baby’s All Right 3.16.19
In a tightly packed room, trying to bury myself at the front of the stage, Berrin comes out in lace and leather -- staring onto the crowd with a mischievous smirk. Eclectic with a raw edge, Pom Pom Squad’s EP release show was a marker in their growth from a (as front woman Mia Berrin called it) “baby band” to rolling with the big leagues soon enough. Ow is their newest EP that delves into topics such as trauma, coping, finding validation in one’s own grief. Ow is also so much more than an EP. 
At the release show, you saw people crying while mouthing the lyrics because that’s what Pom Pom Squad’s talent can evoke. From Berrin’s body dangling over the crowd to her heavy growl, for me, I felt catharsis every single time. So much so, it was difficult to swallow my own tears during their set. 
At the end of the set, everyone screamed for not just one but TWO encore songs, moving Berrin to tears. “These are no longer mine. These are for you,” Berrin said in reference to her tears. For their final song, people opened up the pit and started to slam one another’s bodies into each other. I almost destroyed my camera wanting to go in but I thought I was safer than sorry to not. 
A fun yet emotional set, Pom Pom Squad is definitely on the rise to nothing short of wonderful success. 
photos + words by katixa espinoza
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uclaradio · 6 years
The Bloom Tour @ Greek Theatre (10/30/18) // Show Review
article and photographs by Gomi Zhou
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2016, back when I was still extremely confused about my sexuality and (to be fucking honest) just who I am as a person in general, Troye Sivan’s Suburbia Tour redefined the meaning of “home” for me. In that crowd full of glitter, rainbow and the best people, I felt safe and valid, despite the fact that 2016 ended up being an absolutely horrifying year for many marginalized communities.
Fast forward to 2018, Troye Sivan has transformed from being an emerging teenage alternative artist to a global pop sensation. For his long-time fans, his new album Bloom along with the singles such as “My My My!”, “Bloom” and “Dance To This” from earlier in the year are all surprisingly pop-oriented, and I was definitely among the worried group of fans. Based on my understanding of Troye Sivan’s musical style, it was really hard to imagine how he could possibly succeed in the current climate of pop. In addition, I had a fear that he had only chosen to opt for this mainstream genre simply because of the frenzy of pop rush within the young queer community that has emerged in recent years. His first album, Blue Neighbourhood, has such an important place in my heart and I would hate to once again lose a favorite artist to the meaningless chase of pop and fame.
Well, The Bloom Tour has proven me wrong.
Stepping off my ride, I saw several lines of young people wrapping around the Greek Theatre. “I like your jacket,” a boy with glitter makeup on his face said to me. Immediately I snapped back to 2016, a different time when I was still so afraid to express myself through styling my outfit. Yet everything felt so familiar, that this crowd of young queer people was still so kind and encouraging--just like how they were two years ago. Perhaps I expected a slightly different crowd, since Troye Sivan has completely switched up his musical genre and even his overarching style as an artist; instead, I was once again welcomed by the same loving energy but now from a slightly younger group of “lovely queer babies” (p.s. this is not to belittle any young queer people, I learned the phrase from a queer fashion show earlier this year referring to teenagers who had just came to terms their sexualities and it seems fitting to be used here).
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Comforting. That’s how every Troye Sivan show feels like for both the artists and the audience. As the stage was being set up, people in the pit were already cheering for Carlie Hanson to come on as the first performer of the night. Only 18 years old, Carlie had already exceeded the expectations of many critics in the industry with her breakout synth-pop tracks such as “Only One” and “Mood”. Opening for a Greek Theatre show must be incredibly nerve-wracking for any teenage rising sensations, but Carlie’s performance was nothing but energetic and vibrant. As she struck up the stage, Carlie kept stepping over the speakers, running across the stage and leaning over to interact with fans from both sides--all without even skipping one beat. With zero shyness or hesitation, she kept her genuine smile and confident attitude from the start of her set all the way till she left the stage.
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Kim Petras’ performance was definitely just as powerful as Carlie. Drenched in a bloody suit, Kim and her DJ walked out from the smokescreen. Performing her culty, mysterious Halloween EP and some of her classic pop tracks, the Greek turned into a giant party for the queer kids. Both Kim and Carlie’s interactions with the crowd were genuine and warming, despite the fact that most people came in to hear Troye. Supportive and loving, I was once again amazed by this young crowd of LGBTQ+ people.
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By the time Troye got on stage, the show had officially sold out. As the lights went out, the theatre felt into a short second of silence before it was completely submerged by waves of screams. There he was, the pop prince of the gay community, dressed in his floaty, silk-like gown, walked out from the curtain. Accompanied by the calming intro of “Seventeen” and the dramatic spotlight shining upon him, Troye looked determined yet soothing. As the pre-chorus chimed in he headed toward backstage again, only to show up again standing on top of the twenty-feet tall platform when the first note of chorus dropped in the most dramatic way ever. Within just a few minutes, he had successfully proven to everybody inside the theatre that he is perfectly capable of illustrating his most original narrative through pop, that he had only bloomed to be better than ever.
My favorite part of any Troye Sivan show is still, the people. The supportive energy I had experienced from the two shows from both 2016 and 2018 has been unimaginable for both closeted me and the 19 years old me. Everyone was encouraged to be themselves, by some of the most hardworking and passionate young artists in today’s industry. Pop or alternative, it is important for all queer people to remember that as long as you stay true to yourself, the future can only get brighter from here
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Find more photography @gomi_show socials
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By Nikita Wagner
Episode reference: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2089050/
Black Mirror Episode 3: The Entire History of You explores the futuristic concept of a cameras implanted on the level of the eyes of a person, similar to body cams, however in the episode this tech records all memories This episode doesn’t fall too short of reality, in the sense that the episode was released in 2011 and it’s currently 2019. The technology of body cams had been in use since early 2015. It has progressed over the course of 15 years drastically to the point where AI is becoming a reality. The fact that in the episode, this technology used can be altered meaning certain segments cut out similar to a modern video editing software. It raises the question could the video memories be edited, or shortened to alter the outcome. There is such thing as a digital footprint, do the cameras in the episode have a larger database where all data is stored? Because that’s a thing in today’s reality. There are companies that record and store your data, it’s been going on for years.
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tvvideodownload · 6 years
Read more from Jacqueline Cutler’s latest column on TvVideoDownload.com
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taka-oneokrock · 2 years
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One Ok Rock for Atlas Artist Group. Obsessed with this band, their show and all these colors. Wrote words, took pics ➡️ @atlasartistgroup. Swipe for lights. #oneokrock #luxurydiseasetour #showreview #atlasartistgroup
(Credit/Source: https://www.instagram.com/oliviakhiel/)
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americanahighways · 1 month
Show Review: Five for Fighting and Lauren Calve at Lincoln Theatre, Washington, DC
Show Review: Five for Fighting and Lauren Calve at Lincoln Theatre, Washington, DC @fiveforfightingmusic @laurencalve @thelincolndc @mlaarons @americanahighways #americnahighways #livemusicphotography #concertphotography #photographedbyahuman #showreviews #music
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kamaljohnsonnetwork · 3 months
The 8 Show On Netflix Review | The G.A.B. (SAF Segment)
Full Show On The YouTube (Kamal Johnson Network). Link Below YT Link
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nopTQWUZJa4
Podcast Links
iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-the-gab-101916901/episode/these-other-groups-they-anti-blackness-189240798/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/58zX5IDVgsOK5T90k3H4SD?si=7a385342bbe543c8
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-g-a-b/id1547660066?i=1000660255795
#The8Show #Netflix #showreview #scam #broke #asianpeople #NigerianPrinceScam #levels #shows #darkcomedy #blackamericans #fyp #foryourpage #blacktwitter #whitepeople #blackpeople #blackexcellence #blackshow #blackpodcast #blackowned #twitch #youtubechannel #comedyvideos #funnyvideos #viralvideo #BlackNewsChannel #news #NewsUpdate #newshow
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An ode to Parizaad
Naa puchh Parizaadon se, ye hijr kaise jhela hai PS: Parizaad is a Pakistani drama. Usually I have never reviewed any shows or movies. But here I am taking it to my blog, trying to pen down a post that’s an ode to the marvelous piece of art that Parizaad is. Without giving any spoilers, I would want to put it here, in writing that I have witnessed a masterpiece in every element. The namesake…
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