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Thank Aunty Francine & Uncle Paul For Messages Via Mum Paula & Dad Paul 🤗🫂
Thank Uncle Paul For His Insight Its All Connected In Any Way We Don't See 🙈 🙉 🙊 ,Yet Sport Awakenings All Connected & Freewill Exists,
We Born Imperfect & Die Imperfect, Yet Want Get High Goodness Within Light 🕯️ Within Goodness Scores Vs Predictive Predator Classes Billionaires Brainwashing Club/Conservatives/Tory Party Lords Knights Dames Sirs Madams/Dictatorships/Zionism/Religious Extremists/Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Sufferers, Scores,
Remember Whom Moulded Zionism Yeah Tory Party Conservatives Lords Knights Dames Sirs Madams & Labelled Us Aggressively Great Britain & Added More Monsters Too Club,
Texas Used Too Belong Too Mexico,
Why United Kingdoms Was Labelled Uk As United Kingdoms Queendoms Globally,
Remember Lords Used Too Run Mini Uk Kingdoms,
Why NATO Run In Europe & NOT USA ?.!.
Where SiFi Ideas Or Day Dreaming Or Dreams Come From ?.!.
Why Greeks & Egypt Have Many Gods Like Most Older 4 Major Religions Scriptures Seem Re-Written By Bad Human Species & Who Formed 5 Lifetime Veto SEATERS United Nations Able Too Block/Stop Anything Yeah Conservatives & Dictatorships,
Who Freed Slaves Loyal Royal Navy,
Why Knights Like SAS Get In Anywhere & Why So Many USA Fires 🔥🔥
What If Gods Can Only Hear Via Freewill Verbally Orally Praying Anywhere & Not Inside Head On Floor Or Knees With Germs/Poo/Wee/Bacteria 🦠🧫/Viruses & Scripts/Scriptures Looping NPC Autopilot Brain,
Only Thing Praying On Floor Did Was Build Up Our Ancestors Immune Systems & We Live Longer,
What If Some 4 Major Religions Re-Written With Hidden Metaphors As Only Teachers Philosophers Who Taught Lords, Knights, Dames, Madams, Sirs, Royal Families Worldwide,
Maybe Swords ⚔️🗡️ At Teachers Philosophers Throats They Adapted/Changed Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim, Scriptures, & As They Could Read ,
Hidden Metaphors Left In Plan Sight & What If Black Down Syndrome Twin Jesus Christ Was So Orally Verbally Handed Down He Had Too Stay In All 4 Books,Yet Why Make Him White As Most Billionaires & Conservatives White,
Why Russia 🪆 & Greek Vaults Only Started Showing Jesus Paintings Where His Black/Brown & Make BRICS PROJECT 2025 Look Great , Remember 2% Swing Win Why We Left EU & Saw ECHR Attacks,
Why Tesla Civil War Trucks Not Selling, Why Barracks Make An Film USA Gets Invaded & Its All BRICS Countries & Tesla Cars/References,
Why Cargo Ships From Barracks Film 📽️🎥 Take Down 2 Bridges In USA 2023, Why African Man Shoots Chinese Dictatorship Near Mines AP Press 2023 ?.!.
Why Italian Secret Services Reveal Boris Johnson As Home Secretary Escaped His MI6/MI5/Met Police Security & Ends Up On KGB Son 2019 Before His December 2019 Elections & Wins 80 Seat Majority & Nigel Farage Drops 650 Brexit Possibly Candidates MP's Whom All Paid £5K After Despots Who Met Stanley Johnson,
Why Royal Family Hate All Torys Apart From Churchill ?.!.
Why Trump Treasonous Coup 06th Of January 2020 Not In Prison, Why Joe Biden SUNK & Replaced With Female Kalma & Tim Waltz With ADHD-AUTISM 22+ Years Old Untalkable Son,
Why MI5, MI6, Say Too Boris Johnson NOT Too Put KGB Son Evening Standard Russian Conservative Elite Into Rigged House Of Lords,
Why MI6 & CIA Say Dangers From Israeli State & BRICS Countries,
Why 2020-2023 MI5 Fear Several Tory Party Possible Candidates Chinese Dictatorship Spies ?.!.
Why Dominic Cummings & Steve Bannon Both Say How/Why Too Reshape & Shrink Military+ & Why Tommy Robinson & Nigel Farage Given So Much Free Army Access & Soldiers Shooting At Life Size Or Heads Of Jeremy Corbyn & Conservatives Mainstream Media Establishment Empire Owned Made It Ok/Normalised,
We Understand Past/ Present/Possible Future Ways, Why Father Time Called Father Time & Mother Universe ?.!.
How We Understand Deaf, Blind, Dogs, Cats, Animals, Trees, Bugs, Fish, Babies/Toddlers, When Scared Or Ill, Yet We All Understand Eachother Without Same Words,
Why We Send Space Stuff In 0's & 1's As If Universal ♾️ Code For Any Living Planets/Species,
Why Micro-Plastics From Petrol, & MK-ULTRA CIA Experiments Used Cannabis Oils & LSD With Soldiers Often Using Twins ♊ ADHD, Autism, ADHD-AUTISM, Like Worms War 1&2 & Why Twins/Twins+ ♊ Split Up Like Experiments & Files Sealed Until 2050,
Just Look On Netflix About 3 Italian Twins ♊ Split Up & Visited Regularly & Couldn't See Files Until 2050 & Born In 1960/1970/1980 From Memory,
Why Autistic Brains 🧠 & ADHD Combination Type Brains Light Up Everywhere On Brain Scanners,
Why Smartphones Now Talking Verbally Or Via AI Too Some People, This Googleable,
Why Billy Caldwell Medical THC Cannabis Oils Stop His 325 A Day Fits & 2018 Private Weed Bud Prescriptions Become Legal Because Of Him & 20K Buy From Places Like Sapphire Clinics & Others In Uk,
While Tory Party Grow 🪴 It Saying Has No Medical Or Science Or Any Benefits, Why Theresa May Husband & Other Tory Party MP's Grow 40 Acres Of Weed,
Why We Used Too Have Cannabis Tonics,
Why Dogon Tribe Say Cannabis Came From An Star ⭐✨ System 12 Billion Light Years Away Via Astroids & Science Believes Came Via Astroids Too ?.!.
Why Cannabis Grow Anyhow Hence Labelled Weed, Why Israeli State & Canada & Uk World Experts On Weed, CBC, CBD, CBN, CBG, THC, & Sell Too World ?.!.
Why Thailand Try Make It Legal Duty & Later Changes Its Mind ?.!.
Why Magic Mushrooms/LSD & Cannabis Oils Treat Mental Health & Chronic Pain & Verification In Science, Why Australia Looked Into Nordic Countries Research On Magic Mushrooms For Bipolar Disorder & PTSD & Making Legal For Treatments,
Why Russia 🪆 & Martin Lewis Trying Too Sink BT/EE Or Internet Cables ?.!.
Why More Black-Holes Flooding Our Gallery Verification By News / Science 🔭🧪
Why Conservatives, Zionism, Dictatorships, Religious Extremists, Want Us All Like NPC Autopilot Brain 🧠/Like Cyber Man/Derlerks,
Why They Fear Woke, BLM, Homeless, Disabled, BAME, Anti-Zionists, Vulnerable, Poor/Working Classes, Real Socialism, Taxing Shares/Stocks & Billionaires Brainwashing Club Because They Couldn't Buy Information & People,
Why Great British Empire Push Its Democracy On World 0-18+ & All Ex British Empire Like Australia Rupert Murdoch Owns 1000 Newspaper Media Outlets,
Why Wasn't I On News 📰🗞️ When I Said Arrest , Take Prison, Psych Wards, Or Kill On Spot Some Most Powerful Surnames In World & I At'd MI5, Police, Scott1984FP Instagram & MP , NATO, All Major Conservative Mainstream Media Establishment Empires, Why This Should Make You All Suspicious Really Suspicious,
Even Journalists Or Edward Snowed Arrest Warrants Or Terrorists Charges & Snowed Had Too Hide In An London Foreign Embassy For Years,
Yet I Said Go After Elon Musk, Boris Johnson, Rupert Murdoch, Theresa May, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Tony Blair, Nigel Farage, Putin, Chinese Dictatorship, North Korean Dictatorship, Irain Dictatorship, Prime Minister, Sunaks, Priti Patel, & More, Prince Andrew,
Climbed Roads Access Too Buckingham Palace Wall & Allowed Too Stay With Dooms Day Clock 1 Second Too Midnight & SO19, MI5, Armed Police, Armed Kings & Queens Guards Did Nothing Shocking All People In Green Park & Fountains ⛲ Outside Buckingham Palace & They Filmed Me Or Took Photos Of Me,
Why Nothing In News,
Why Taken Too Kings Cross MI5 Secret Building & Uncuffed Straight Away & Loads MI5 Agents Entered With ID Cards, Why Then Recuffed & Uncuffed In NHS Hospital & Why Taken From Camden & Islington I Wasn't Cuffed Yet Caged Under An Camera When Taken Too Oxyn Ward & Same When Taken Too Luton Hospital Had Chest X-Rayed Twice & I Met An Well Coral Ward December 2023-January 2024 Guy Their Too,
Why I Join & Make Hoodies & T-Shirts Scott1984FP & Join All Social Media Outlets As One Brand, Why I Get Taken Off Twitter X As Soon Elon Musk Had Full Control & Had Me Permanently Suspended For Breaking No Rules Or Laws, Why He Hate His Trans Daughter Whom An Twin Too,
Why Liam Give Me Cannabis Edibles When I Needed Most Of Nanny Ruth's Death & My 18 Years Breakdown With Jon & How I Only Fractured 1 Rib On: 06-12-2024 Or Bleed 🩸 Out Dispite Cutting ✂️ Down Too 2 Arm Bones Too, Why 10ft-12ft Not Kill Me,
Why All 3 Smartphones 4 SIM Cards Hacked Stopped My 999,911,112,111, XBOX Microsoft & Laptop Taken Offline 15-09-2024 & Then Fully Taken Over In Psych Ward Only After I Managed Too Buy Google Silver Hatch Laptop & Why These 2 Motorola Phones Untouchable Now With NEW GiffGaff.Com & EE/BT Sim Cards,
Why Ruth & John In Bible , I Am Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds, One Smartphone Had No Sim Cards Or WiFi On & Still Hacked & 3 Smartphones Useless Dispite Right Pins Or Patterns ?.!.
Why I Become Spiritual Awakenings Around September 2024 & Never Believed In God/Gods Until Recently, Why 4 Major Religions & Conservatives/Dictatorships/Religious Extremists/Real Terrorists/Zionism/Certain Billionaires Brainwashing Club Make Me Uncomfortable,
Yet I Trust Mosseri & Zuckerberg Whom Put Scott1984FP On Threads / Instagram Accounts Kept Safe On Fediverse & Still Up Now Publicly ?.!.
Why I Hate Injustices & One Sided History, Why Marks & Spencer & Tesco Recruited First Nakba 1948 Also 1948 Can Make 1984, Why Gemini ♊ Intelligence Digital Technologals Beg Too Install On All My Motorola Smartphones ?.!.
Why An Samsung Smartphone Blow Up In My Hand In Carol Ward & I Didn't Die Pr Get Burned , Yet World Believes ONLY Motorola Phones / Pagers Blowing Up Middle Eastern People, Yet Doesn't Kill Me Or Others, I Say Nanobots Frequencies Vibrations Exist,
People Only Die From Smartphones Or Burn When Blowing Up While Asleep In Bed & Its The Electricity Wiring & Blown Up Smartphones & Fire Smoke That Kills People, Not The Explosion 💥
Why I Work & Fight Marks And Spencer Plc 4 Years & 6 Months, Why Casper Glyn Even Turn Against Me, Why I Meet Miss. Swee Chai Ang Where I Learn About Palestine Medical Aid Palestine Charity & Horrors Of Conservatives Trying Give Zionists Uganda Scheme 1903-1906 Or Palestine ?.!.
Why Palestine Removed From All Modern MAPS & Bibles, Yet Old Bibles Call It Palestine,
Why Lots Religious Experts Say Israel Was An Persons Name Not An Country,
Why World War 1&2 Leads Too Killing 5-6 Million Anti-Zionist Jews & Then Creation Of Israeli State, Splitting Up One Country India Pakistan Too 2 In 1947, United Kingdom & Commonwealth New Slavery & United Nations ?.!.
Why Conservatives Hate Universities & Colleges, Yet Not Schools Until Recently They Changing/Loosing Grips On Schools,
Why Conservatives Mainstream Media Establishment Empire Owned Love Division & Divide & Conquer Bigotry & Racism & Splitting Up From Working Together Too Oust Conservatives, Dictatorships, Religious Extremists, Real Terrorists, Why United Nations 197 Figure Heads For 197 Worldwide Mixed Predator Classes Powerful Surnames Same ?.!.
Why COVID 19 Like Spanish Flu & Helped Close Down World & Delay BRICS & Project 2025 ?.!.
Why I Get Burning Cold Fire 🔥🔥 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 First Found In American Civil War Where I Believe Military & Royal Navy Was Trying Too Stop Slavery & Natives Being Killed & Mexico Loosing Texas,
Why Were Knights Like SAS, Why SAS & MI5 Heavily Linked With Royal Regiment Of Fuseliers ?.!. Why Are Uk Police ⚔️ King & Queen 👑 Only, Orders & Like New Knights With Some Middle Eastern Countries ?.!.
Unlike MI6 & CIA Destabilising World For Any Governments ?.!.
Why No One Seeing Or Fishy Going On Around Me & Benji & Jake Social Media Projected On Twitter X & TikTok Where I Mention Scott1984FP

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Hi Bree!
I wanna buy all three of your books and I wanna know what's gonna be best for you:
Which method of ordering would give you the most direct funds, your Wordpress shop or Amazon? Cuz I wanna make sure you get as much of the profits as possible.

Picture of a silly Goose for you, for answering my silly question 🖤
Oh WELL!!! With a sweet baby fuzzyface like that, I'm happy to! 😁
The best direct-support option is to order from my shop. I can ship signed books and other merch anywhere in the U.S. For my international customers, it's books only (sorry, customs is stupid), but I can ship freshly-printed copies directly to you pretty much anywhere there's a KDP distribution hub nearby.
(To the best of my knowledge, there are hubs in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, India, and Australia. Distributions hubs often ship to more than one country.)
And of course, there are print and ebook copies available on Amazon.
If you're in the Richmond VA area, I also have a regular table at the River City Witch Markets at Diversity Thrift and Triple Crossing Brewery.
Thank you for your support! 💜
#genderfluidgothwitch#witch community#witch market#witch shop#witchcraft books#witchblr#Support Small Business#Support Independent Authors#Bree answers your inquiries
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independent multi muse rp account featuring a variety of muses from acotar, bridgerton, the witcher, marvel, and more. written by kel, 21+, she/her, uk based.
open starter tag
currently reading: fourth wing
rules & mules are under read more
hyacinth bridgerton: florence hunt, danielle rose russell
sophie beckett: alexandra dowling
francesca bridgerton: ruby stokes, hannah dodd.
lucy abernathy: adelaide kane.
kate sharma: simone ashley.
daphne bridgerton: phoebe dynevor
edwina sharma: charithra chandran
penelope featherington: nicola coughlan
anthony bridgerton: johnathan bailey
benedict bridgerton: luke thompson
colin bridgerton: luke newton
violet ledger (bridgerton) - ruth gemmell, connie jenkins
lady danbury - arsema thomas
queen charlotte - india ria amarteifio
a court of thorns & roses.
nesta acheron - phoebe tonkin
elain archeron - lily james
feyre archeron - freya allan
rhysand - undecided
throne of glass.
yrene towers - zendaya
elide lochan - danielle campbell
aelin galathynius - skylar samuels
dorian havilliard - matthew daddario
rowan whitehorn - henry cavill
the witcher.
jaskier - joey batey
yennefer of vengerberg - anya chalotra
cirilla of cintra - freya allan
shadow & bone.
alina starkov - jessie li mei
stranger things.
chrissy cunningham - grace van dien
eddie munson - joseph quinn
nancy wheeler - natalia dyer
once upon a time.
emma swan - jennifer morrison
robyn mills - tiera skovbye
alice jones - rose reynolds
snow white - ginnifer goodwin
drizella/ivy tremaine - adelaide kane
the musketeers.
queen anne - alexandra dowling
constance - tamla kari
ninon de larroque - annabelle wallis
aramis - santiago cabrera
merlin/arthurian legends.
lancelot du lac - santiago cabrera
elaine of corbenic - undecided
lady morgana - katie mcgrath
guinevere - angel coulby
the chronicles of narnia.
lucy pevensie - georgie henley
susan pevensie - anna popplewell
wednesday addams - jenna ortega
enid sinclair - emma myers
downton abbey.
sybil crawley - jessica brown findlay
daisy mason - sophie mcshera
hayley marshall - phoebe tonkin ( originals )
hope mikaelson - danielle rose russell ( legacies )
rebecca mikaelson - claire holt ( originals )
freya mikaelson - riley voelkel ( originals )
amy pond - karen gillan ( doctor who )
yasmin khan - mandip gill ( doctor who )
morgan stark - katherine langford (marvel)
bucky barnes - sebastian stan (marvel).
peggy carter - hayley atwell (marvel)
rebecca barnes - tbd (marvel)
RULE ONE/OOC INFORMATION Hi, my name is Kel, I'm over 21+ and use the pronouns she/her. Time zone is GMT.For now, my blog will run on a queue as I'm busy with some real life stuff. But sometimes, I may come online for an hour or two, depending on my mood. Blog is selective, private and mutual only. Also OC, multi fandom and multi-muse friendly too.
RULE TWO/THREADS AND REPLIES Replies can take a while to reply to, but I am not ignoring anyone. Please message if I haven't replied within a month.The best way to begin threads are through sending ask memes. I will also post open starters and maybe the occasional starter call. Not really a plotting person either; prefer to go with the flow.
RULE THREE/TRIGGERS I don't really have any triggers. That being said I will tag other people's triggers the best I can, and if I don't feel free to send a message and let me know. Don't send anon hate either. We all make mistakes and can't remember everything. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen.
RULE FOUR/ETIQUETTE I do not tolerate any forms of hate. Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and any other forms of hate are not tolerated on this blog and I don't want to see any of it on the dash. It's an immediate hard block if I see anything. Respect each other, it's not that hard.
RULE FIVE/SHIPPING. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen. I mostly ship for chemistry, but don't mind discussing ships beforehand if anyone wants to try anything out.
RULE SIX/SMUT AND MATURE THEMES Smut will not be featured on this blog. All other mature themes will be tagged accordingly and I'm pretty much open to anything except rape, incest etc.
CREDIT All gifs, icons etc on this blog do not belong to me. Credit goes to their rightful owners.
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Navratri 2023 Colors: A Guide to the Significance of 9 Days of Sharad Navratri Attire
Navratri, the nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion in India, especially in states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. One of the captivating traditions during Navratri is the daily choice of colors to wear, each associated with a different form of the goddess. This practice holds deep significance in Hindu culture, symbolizing purity. Let's take a closer look at the Navratri colors to be followed this year and the gods and goddesses they represent.
Day 1: Pratipada - Shailputri
On the first day of Navratri, Goddess Shailputri is venerated, also known as Parvati, the daughter of the Himalaya mountains. The color for this day is Orange, symbolizing energy and enthusiasm.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorn yourself in an elegant Orange and red Ikkat Pure Pochampally Handloom Saree to honor the goddess's strength and grace.

Day 2: Dwitiya - Brahmacharini
Mata Brahmacharini, the goddess celebrated on the second day, signifies eternal peace. White, the color of serenity, is the choice for Day 2.

Image Courtesy: Online live daily news
A Pearl White Color Mirror Work Viscose Rayon Navaratri Lehenga Choli reflects the goddess's tranquil and pure nature.

Day 3: Tritiya - Chandraghanta
On Tritiya, we worship Mata Chandraghanta, who rides a lion and is believed to vanquish evil forces. Red, the color of health, courage, and love, is the color of choice.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Embrace this vibrant hue with a Red saree cutdana work to channel your inner strength.

Day 4: Chaturthi - Kushmanda
The fourth day celebrates Mata Kushmanda, who is said to have created the cosmic egg with her smile, bringing light to the universe. Royal Blue, representing elegance and royalty, is the color for this day.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Grace the occasion with a splendid Navratri Chaniya Choli in this mesmerizing shade of Blue.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Day 5: Panchami - SkandMata
Mata Skandmata, honored on the fifth day, is associated with good health. This day is dedicated to Green, symbolizing nature and prosperity.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Wear this beautiful green saree to align with the goddess's blessings.

Day 6: Shashthi - Katyayani
Mata Katyayani, the sixth form of Mata Durga, is the granter of health and happiness. Grey, a vibrant and versatile color, is chosen for this day's celebrations.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Grace the occasion with a Grey Anarkali Dress

Day 7: Saptami - Kaalratri
Maa Kaalratri, worshipped on the seventh day, protects against evil forces. Orange is the color for Saptami, reflecting the fervor of Navratri celebrations.

Day 8: Ashtami - Mahagauri
Maa Mahagauri, associated with peace and intelligence, is revered on the eighth day.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorn yourself in Peacock Green indian saree, a sublime shade that complements the goddess's virtues.

Day 9: Navami - Siddhidatri
On the ninth and final day, we honor Maa Siddhidatri, the granter of divine blessings. Pink, a combination of the energy of red and the stability of blue, is chosen. This color symbolizes opulence and richness as we seek the goddess's supreme blessings.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
During Navratri, people wear different colors each day to show that they are all together and devoted. It's like a colorful journey through different forms of the Goddess Durga, who is very special. When you celebrate Navratri, make sure to wear colors that show how much you love and respect the divine.
Explore the exquisite collection of Navratri attire at Mohi Fashion, featuring enchanting Chaniya Choli, Navratri Ghagra Choli, Anarkali suit, sarees, and stylish sharara suit, all available online. We proudly offer worldwide shipping, catering to fashion enthusiasts in the USA, Australia, UK, Canada, India, and beyond. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Navratri with elegance and style.
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#1226 What is a hedge fund?

What is a hedge fund? A hedge fund is a pool of money invested by private individuals. Their money has more power together than they each would have individually. The expression “hedge” fund came about in 1949 and the word “hedge” was used to imply that the fund was hedged against risk. That means that the investments are spread in such a way that if one goes down, another will go up, ensuring an overall success. The word “hedge” to imply an offsetting of risk comes from the 1670s. The idea probably comes from the fact that you can surround something with a hedge as a fence to make it safer. If you are hedging a bet, you are surrounding it with something else to reduce its risks. The idea of investing as a group rather than as an individual is not new. Ever since the invention of trade, people have invested. You have to buy merchandise to trade, or spend money to grow the crops to trade, and there is no way of knowing if you will get that money back. You have to invest up front in the hope that you will receive a payoff. Investing as a group can increase profits because there is a larger pool of money to invest, but it can also decrease the risk because any losses will be spread across more people, potentially reducing individual losses. Investing flourished along with society, but it really took off with the age of sail and the dawn of truly international trade. People who owned ships couldn’t usually afford to fill them, so they would seek investors and those investors would be guaranteed a percentage of the profits, assuming that the ship wasn’t captured or sank in bad weather. This idea grew to become the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company. The first hedge fund is said to have been formed in 1949, but they probably existed before then. The idea was that the invested funds would be spread across different areas and types of stocks so that the risk was hedged. The fund was managed by a fund manager and that manager was paid a management fee, usually 2%, and a performance fee, usually 20% of the profits. That meant that any manager was invested in trying to get as big a gain as possible because they would earn a large chunk of those profits. This is a great incentive for the fund manager to work harder, but it is also an incentive for them to take more risks because that will increase profits. These days, hedge funds are not completely risk free. Hedge funds generally have several different strategies for investing money. They can invest on a global level, using the differences in values of certain commodities between countries to make a profit. They can invest in regular companies, using long or short strategies. That means they bet money that a company will do better than expectations or worse than expectations. They choose competing companies so that their risk is minimized. They can invest money based on certain events, such as a merger, or a natural disaster. Or they can just invest in regular stocks. There are many other investment strategies as well and each fund manager will have different ideas and different areas of expertise. By spreading their investment over a large number of categories, hedge funds are freeing themselves from being tied to the stock market, which is a way of hedging risk. The idea is that the fund goes up an equal amount (let’s say 10%) when the stock market is doing really well and when the stock market is doing really badly. This is the hedge. Hedge funds don’t take money from just anyone. You need to have a certain amount of wealth to be allowed to join the fund and this is because you need to be able to cope with any losses. A lot of large institutions, like pension funds and insurance companies invest large amounts of money in hedge funds. There are many hedge funds around the world and collectively they hold about $3.2 trillion. The two largest funds are a US fund called Bridgewater Associates and a UK fund called Man. Together, they have about $260 billion. Hedge funds are supposed to hedge risk, but you obviously cannot have zero risk in investing and hedge funds do fail. This can be due to bad decisions, bad organization, or have turned out to be scams, like Bernie Madoff’s empire. And this is what I learned today. Try these: - #848 What is the sunk cost fallacy? - #1224 What is a Ponzi scheme? - #857 What is survivorship bias? - #25 Why is Wall Street called Wall Street? - #833 What is your risk of dying every year? Sources https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hedgefund.asp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedge_fund https://www.etymonline.com/word/hedge https://www.truewm.com/guides/The-history-of-investing-and-what-you-can-learn-from-the-past.pdf https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/hedgefunds/hedge-vaughn.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgewater_Associates https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/5-biggest-hedge-fund-failures-925034/?singlepage=1 Photo by energepic.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-monitor-159888/ Read the full article
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A Complete Guide to Buying Gold Jewellery Online Safely in 2025

Gold jewellery has long been a symbol of luxury, tradition, and investment. With the rise of e-commerce, purchasing gold jewellery online has become more convenient than ever. However, the fear of fraud, counterfeit products, and security risks can make many buyers hesitant. This guide will help you navigate the process of buying authentic gold jewellery online safely in 2025, ensuring you make a secure and informed purchase.
1. Verify Gold Purity and Hallmark Certification
One of the most critical aspects of buying gold jewellery online is ensuring its purity. Gold is measured in karats (K), with 24K being the purest form. However, most jewellery pieces are made from 22K, 18K, or 14K gold, depending on durability needs.
Look for BIS Hallmarking: In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) hallmark certifies gold purity. Ensure that the jewellery you purchase has a BIS hallmark for authenticity.
Check Other Certifications: International certifications like the Assay Office Mark (UK) and the Jewellers of America certification (USA) are also indicators of quality.
Request a Purity Certificate: Reputable online jewellers provide a purity certificate, detailing gold composition and weight.
For a wide range of hallmarked gold jewellery, visit GoldSutra.
2. Choose a Reputable Online Jewellery Store
Buying from a well-established and trusted jeweller minimizes the risk of fraud. Here’s how to identify a reputable online jewellery retailer:
Check Business Credentials: Look for the company’s history, customer service reputation, and certifications.
Read Customer Reviews: Platforms like Google Reviews, Trustpilot, and social media can provide insights into other buyers' experiences.
Verify Return and Exchange Policies: A reputable seller will have a transparent return/exchange policy in case the product does not meet your expectations.
Ensure Secure Website & Payment Gateway: Always look for "https" in the website URL and check if secure payment options are available.
Explore a trusted selection of authentic gold jewellery at GoldSutra.
3. Understand Pricing and Hidden Charges
Gold prices fluctuate based on market trends, making it essential to compare prices before purchasing. Here’s what to consider:
Current Market Rate: Check the prevailing gold price before making a purchase.
Making Charges: This fee varies depending on the craftsmanship and design intricacy.
GST & Other Taxes: In India, a 3% GST is levied on gold jewellery purchases.
Shipping & Insurance Costs: Some stores may charge extra for secure shipping and insurance.
4. Secure Payment Methods & EMI Options
To ensure a safe transaction, use secure payment methods when buying gold jewellery online.
Trusted Payment Options: Opt for credit/debit cards, UPI, or net banking with fraud protection.
EMI & Financing Options: Some reputed jewellers offer easy EMI plans, making expensive purchases more affordable.
Cash on Delivery (COD) for Gold: Some retailers offer COD for added security, though it may be limited to specific locations.
5. Safe and Insured Shipping
When ordering gold jewellery online, ensure the seller provides insured and secure shipping.
Trusted Courier Services: Reliable brands use reputed logistics partners like Blue Dart, FedEx, or Malca-Amit.
Tamper-Proof Packaging: Ensure the jewellery comes in sealed and tamper-proof packaging.
Real-Time Tracking: A trustworthy retailer will offer shipment tracking for peace of mind.
Insurance Coverage: Always opt for insured delivery to protect your purchase from loss or theft.
6. Read Customer Reviews & Testimonials
Before finalizing your purchase, read customer testimonials and reviews. Real experiences help assess product quality and customer service reliability.
Check Verified Reviews: Reviews on the retailer’s website, social media, and independent platforms add credibility.
Look for High Ratings: Consistently high ratings indicate reliability and good service.
Engage in Community Forums: Online jewellery forums and social media groups can provide valuable recommendations.
7. Understand Return, Exchange, and Warranty Policies
A transparent return policy is essential when purchasing jewellery online.
Easy Return Window: Reputable sellers offer a return window (usually 7-30 days) with full refunds.
Exchange Offers: Some brands allow gold exchange for upgraded designs.
Warranty & Buyback Policies: Ensure your jewellery has a warranty against defects and a buyback option.
Buying gold jewellery online in 2025 is convenient and safe if you take the right precautions. From verifying hallmark certification and checking reviews to ensuring secure payments and insured delivery, following these steps will help you make a trustworthy purchase.
For a curated collection of certified gold jewellery, explore GoldSutra and shop with confidence.
By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the convenience of online gold jewellery shopping without compromising on quality or security. Happy shopping!
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Mango Export from India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Global Mango Market

Mangoes, known for their sweetness and vibrant flavor, are one of the most popular fruits in the world. India stands at the forefront of global mango production, accounting for over 40% of the world’s mango supply. Exporting mangoes from India has emerged as a lucrative business, given the high demand for this delicious fruit in various countries worldwide. In this article, we’ll explore the dynamics of the mango export market, its growth, popular mango varieties exported from India, and top importing countries, and how you can tap into this thriving industry.
Overview of Mango Export Market in India
India is the largest mango producer globally, with key mango-growing states including Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, and Gujarat. The mango season typically spans from March to July, making this a peak time for domestic consumption and export activities. India exports mangoes in both fresh and processed forms, such as mango pulp, juice, and canned mangoes.
Mango export from India has seen significant growth over the years. According to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), mango exports reached USD 130.87 million in 2019-2020, a 25% increase from the previous year. The trend has continued, with the mango export market expanding steadily.
Mango Export from India in 2023-2024
In the fiscal year 2023–2024, India exported 32,104.09 metric tons (MT) of fresh mangoes valued at Rs. 495.46 crores, which equates to USD 60.14 million. Comparing this to the previous year (2022–2023), India exported 22,963.78 MT of mangoes, valued at USD 48.53 million.
From April to August 2023, India shipped 27,330.02 MT of mangoes, worth USD 47.98 million. Notably, Indian mango exports to the United States increased by 19% compared to the previous fiscal year, with 2,043.60 MT exported in the first five months of the current fiscal year.
Popular Mango Varieties Exported from India
India produces various mango varieties, each unique in taste, texture, and flavor. Some of the most popular mango varieties exported from India include:
Alphonso Mango (Hapus): Known as the "King of Mangoes," Alphonso mangoes are prized for their rich, creamy texture and sweet flavor.
Kesar Mango: Slightly smaller than Alphonso, Kesar mangoes are sweet and aromatic, making them highly popular in international markets.
Totapuri Mango: Known for its tangy and slightly sour taste, Totapuri mangoes are primarily used for making mango pulp and juice.
Badami Mango: A popular mango variety in South India, Badami is often compared to Alphonso for its sweetness.
Banganapalli Mango (Safeda): Large, yellow, and sweet, this variety is loved in both fresh and processed forms.
Rajapuri Mango: Known for its large size and versatile use in pickles and processing.
Green Mango: Used in various culinary applications, especially in raw and processed forms.
Among these, Alphonso, Kesar, and Totapuri are the top exported varieties, with Alphonso being the most sought-after in international markets.
Top Countries Importing Mangoes from India
India exports mangoes to several countries around the world. Here are the top importers of Indian mangoes:
United Arab Emirates (UAE): The UAE is the largest importer, accounting for 23% of India’s total mango exports.
United States of America (USA): The USA ranks second, importing 16% of all Indian mango exports.
Saudi Arabia: As the third-largest importer, Saudi Arabia accounts for around 9% of Indian mango exports.
United Kingdom (UK): The UK imports about 8% of India’s total mango exports.
Nepal: Nepal is a key importer, contributing 7% of India’s mango exports.
Other significant importers include Bangladesh, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Bahrain, showcasing India’s strong presence in the global mango market.
Key Mango Exporters in India
Several Indian companies play a pivotal role in mango exports. Some of the top mango exporters in India include:
Reliance Industries Limited
All Season Exports
Rainbow International
Organic India Private Limited
Kay Bee Exports
Asian Fresh
ABNN Fresh Expo LLP
M.K. Exports
Usha Edibles Private Limited
Rushika Food Products Private Limited
These exporters cater to the growing global demand for Indian mangoes and ensure quality produce reaches international markets.
How to Export Mangoes from India
If you are considering entering the mango export business from India, here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:
Register with APEDA: APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) is the central agency promoting agricultural exports from India. Registering with APEDA will provide you with an exporter’s code and eligibility for various incentives.
Obtain Licenses and Permits: To export mangoes, you’ll need important certifications such as a phytosanitary certificate, certificate of origin, and certificate of analysis.
Find Buyers: You can connect with buyers through trade fairs, online platforms like EximPedia.app, or direct communication with importers.
Arrange Transportation and Packaging: Mangoes are perishable and must be transported in refrigerated containers to maintain freshness.
Meet Quality Standards: Ensure your mangoes comply with the quality standards set by the importing country. Mangoes should be free from pests and diseases.
Utilize Export Data Platforms: Platforms like EximPedia.app can help you analyze market trends, track mango export data, and connect with potential buyers globally.
Finding Global Mango Importers
To successfully export mangoes, finding reliable importers is crucial. Several global trade platforms offer insights into potential buyers. EximPedia.app, for instance, provides updated data and statistics on mango exports and imports across 130+ countries, including Vietnam, Turkey, Belgium, and Norway.
Exporting mangoes from India offers significant business opportunities, given the global demand for this luscious fruit. With proper planning, adherence to quality standards, and strategic market research, Indian mango exporters can successfully tap into the growing international market. By leveraging trade data platforms like EximPedia.app, exporters can access updated insights and establish connections with buyers worldwide, ensuring long-term success in the mango export business.
India’s position as a leading producer of mangoes, coupled with the increasing demand for Indian mango varieties globally, makes mango export a lucrative venture for businesses willing to explore the international market.
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Shipping from India to UK with QuickShift Axis in 2025
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Smart Systems, Faster Shipping: The Future of Logistics Automation

The logistics automation market has seen a significant surge in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and the increasing need for efficiency in supply chain management. Logistics automation involves the integration of technology to streamline logistics processes, reduce human intervention, and enhance operational efficiency. This market encompasses a wide range of solutions, including automated storage and retrieval systems, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and software for managing logistics operations. As businesses strive to meet the growing demands of e-commerce and global trade, the adoption of logistics automation solutions is becoming imperative. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market growth, dynamics, regional trends, segmentation, competitive landscape, and future outlook of the logistics automation market.
Market Dynamics
Technological Advancements: The rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is driving the adoption of automation in logistics.
E-commerce Boom: The exponential growth of e-commerce has increased the demand for efficient and fast logistics solutions, propelling the need for automation.
Labor Shortages: The ongoing labor shortages in many regions are pushing companies to invest in automation to maintain operational efficiency and reduce reliance on manual labor.
High Initial Costs: The high initial investment required for implementing automated systems can be a significant barrier for many companies, especially small and mid-sized enterprises.
Integration Issues: Integrating new automated systems with existing infrastructure and processes can be complex and time-consuming.
Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing reliance on digital systems in logistics automation raises concerns about cybersecurity threats and data breaches.
Innovation in Robotics: Advances in robotics technology present significant opportunities for the development of more sophisticated and efficient automated logistics solutions.
Expansion into Emerging Markets: Emerging markets present substantial growth opportunities for logistics automation due to increasing industrialization and the rise of e-commerce.
Sustainability Initiatives: The push for sustainability in supply chain operations is creating opportunities for the development of eco-friendly and energy-efficient automation solutions.
Sample Pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/form/1631?name=Sample
Regional Analysis
The logistics automation market exhibits varied growth patterns across different regions:
North America: The region is a significant market for logistics automation, driven by the presence of major technology companies and the rapid adoption of advanced logistics solutions. The United States, in particular, leads in technological innovation and implementation of automated systems.
Europe: Europe is another major market, with countries like Germany and the UK leading in the adoption of logistics automation. The region's focus on sustainability and efficiency in logistics operations is a key driver.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth rate, fueled by the booming e-commerce sector, rapid industrialization, and increasing investments in automation technologies in countries like China, Japan, and India.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are gradually adopting logistics automation, driven by improving economic conditions and the growth of the e-commerce sector.
Market Segmentation
The logistics automation market can be segmented based on:
Component: Hardware (robots, automated storage and retrieval systems, conveyor systems), Software (warehouse management systems, transportation management systems), Services.
Function: Warehouse and Storage Management, Transportation Management.
End-user: Retail and E-commerce, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Automotive, Food and Beverages, Others.
Competitive Landscape
The logistics automation market is characterized by a mix of large multinational corporations and smaller regional players.
Market Share of Large Players: Large players such as Siemens, Honeywell, and Dematic hold a significant share of the market, driven by their extensive product portfolios and strong market presence.
Price Control by Big Players: Major players often have the ability to influence market prices due to their economies of scale and extensive distribution networks.
Competition from Small and Mid-sized Companies: Smaller companies and startups are increasingly challenging large players by offering innovative and cost-effective solutions, particularly in niche segments and regional markets.
Key Players: Siemens AG, Honeywell International Inc., Dematic, KION Group, Daifuku Co., Ltd., Murata Machinery, Ltd., Swisslog Holding AG, TGW Logistics Group, Vanderlande Industries, and KNAPP AG.
Report Overview: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-logistics-automation-market
Future Outlook
New Product Development: The continuous development of new and innovative products is crucial for companies to stay competitive in the logistics automation market. Companies that invest in R&D to create advanced solutions are likely to gain a competitive edge and meet the evolving needs of their customers.
Sustainable Products: There is a growing demand for sustainable logistics automation solutions. Companies that focus on developing eco-friendly products and practices are likely to resonate well with environmentally conscious customers and strengthen their market position.
The logistics automation market is poised for significant growth, driven by technological advancements, the e-commerce boom, and the need for operational efficiency. While there are challenges to be addressed, such as high initial costs and cybersecurity risks, the opportunities presented by innovations in robotics, expansion into emerging markets, and sustainability initiatives offer substantial potential for market players. The competitive landscape is dynamic, with both large corporations and smaller companies vying for market share. Looking ahead, companies that prioritize new product development and sustainability are likely to thrive in this evolving market.
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Courier Tips to UK From India
Sending packages internationally may seem difficult at first, but with the right tips and guidance, the process can be easy and smooth. If you need to send a courier to UK from India, following a few simple steps will help ensure that your package arrives safely and on time. We’ll share important advice to help you handle international couriers with ease. From proper packaging to filling out necessary documents, these tips will make sure your shipping experience is simple and stress-free.
1. Choose the Right Courier Service
When sending an International Courier to UK from India, selecting the right courier service is crucial. Here’s what you should consider:
Reputation and Reliability: Look for a courier company with a good reputation for reliability. Courier Dunia is known for its dependable international courier services to UK.
Service Options: Some couriers offer express delivery, while others provide standard shipping. Choose according to your needs and budget.
Tracking Facilities: Ensure the courier service provides tracking facilities so you can monitor your package’s journey.
2. International Courier in Delhi
If you're living in Delhi and need to send a package abroad, there are plenty of options for international courier services. However, it’s important to choose a service provider that not only offers affordable rates but also guarantees fast and reliable delivery. Courier Dunia stands out by providing excellent International Courier in Delhi, ensuring that your package reaches its destination, on time and in perfect condition. With their efficient services, you can rest assured that your shipment will be handled with care from start to finish.
When selecting an International Courier in Delhi, it's also essential to consider customer support and tracking features. Courier Dunia not only offers competitive pricing but also provides real-time tracking so you can monitor your shipment every step of the way. Their dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist with any queries or issues, making the entire shipping process hassle-free. Whether you're sending documents or packages to UK or any other country, Courier Dunia ensures that your delivery is both secure and timely.
3. Understand the International Courier Charges to UK
International Courier Charges to UK can vary based on several factors. Here’s a breakdown:
Weight and Size of the Package: Heavier and larger packages typically cost more to ship. Make sure you weigh and measure your package accurately.
Delivery Speed: Express services are usually more expensive than standard options. Decide if you need fast delivery or if a more economical option will suffice.
Insurance: For valuable items, consider purchasing insurance to cover potential loss or damage during transit.
Understanding the international courier charges to UK is crucial for managing your shipping costs effectively. Various factors, such as package weight, dimensions, delivery speed, and additional services, can influence the total charges. By choosing a reliable courier service like Courier Dunia, you gain access to transparent pricing and detailed cost breakdowns, ensuring no hidden fees.
4. Properly Pack Your Items
Packing your items correctly is vital to ensure they arrive in good condition. Follow these packing tips:
Use Strong Materials: Choose sturdy boxes or envelopes that can withstand handling during transit.
Protect Fragile Items: Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap or foam to prevent damage. Clearly mark the package as “Fragile” if needed.
Seal Properly: Ensure that the package is sealed securely with strong tape to avoid any accidental openings.
5. Complete All Required Documentation
Sending an international courier requires specific documentation. Here’s what you need to prepare:
Customs Declaration: You must fill out a customs declaration form detailing the contents of the package, its value, and its purpose. This form helps customs officials process your shipment.
Commercial Invoice: If you’re sending goods for commercial purposes, include a commercial invoice with details about the items and their value.
Shipping Labels: Ensure all shipping labels are correctly filled out with the recipient’s address and contact information.
6. How Courier Dunia Ensures Smooth Shipping
Navigating the paperwork for an International Courier to UK can be complex. Courier Dunia is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your package arrives at its destination without any issues. Here’s how we can assist you:
Expert Documentation Guidance: Understanding the required paperwork for international shipments can be overwhelming. Courier Dunia provides expert guidance on all necessary documentation, including customs forms, commercial invoices, and any other essential paperwork.
Regulatory Compliance: Each country has its own set of regulations and customs requirements. We ensure that your package complies with these regulations, avoiding potential delays or penalties at customs. Our team stays updated with the latest regulations to offer accurate advice.
Accurate Paperwork Preparation: Correctly filling out forms is crucial for smooth shipping. When using an international courier in India, we assist in accurately preparing and reviewing all required documents. This reduces the risk of errors that could lead to delays or additional costs, ensuring a seamless shipping experience for your packages.
Customs Declaration Assistance: Proper customs declarations are vital for international shipments. Courier Dunia helps you prepare detailed and correct customs declarations to ensure that your package is processed efficiently and cleared quickly.
Tracking and Updates: Once your package is on its way, we provide continuous tracking and updates. You can watch its progress and receive notifications about any potential issues, so you’re always informed.
By choosing Courier Dunia, you benefit from our comprehensive support in managing international courier paperwork, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your shipment with confidence.
Sending an international courier to UK from India doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process. Whether you’re choosing a reliable courier service, understanding charges, packing your items properly, or completing necessary documentation, each step is important for successful international shipping. Courier Dunia is here to help with all your International Courier in India needs. From Delhi to any part of India, we offer top-notch services to ensure your packages arrive safely and on time. For more information on international courier in India services, visit our website or contact our customer support team.
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Exporting Goods From India To UK: A Detailed Guide.
Considering India is evolving to be the world’s fastest-growing economy, the United Kingdom stands out as a regular and dedicated importer of Indian goods.
With India being a leading producer and provider of essential commodities—petroleum products, jewelry, electronics, machinery, apparel, and pharmaceutical products—it’s no surprise that exports to the UK have been skyrocketing. As of Q4 2023, UK imports from India increased by 11.2%, amounting to £2.3 billion compared to the four quarters of 2022. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to export goods from India to the UK.
1.1. Understand the Market and Regulations
Research Market Demand: Identify the demand for your product in the UK. Analyze market trends, consumer preferences, and competition. Resources like trade reports, market research agencies, and UK trade statistics can be invaluable.
Know the Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the UK's import regulations, including product standards, safety requirements, and labeling standards. Visit the UK Government's official website for up-to-date regulations and guidelines.
1.2. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Registrations
Import Export Code (IEC): Register for an Import Export Code (IEC) with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in India. This is mandatory for all exporters and importers in India.
Goods and Services Tax (GST): Ensure your business is registered under GST and obtain the necessary GST Identification Number (GSTIN).
UK Certifications: Depending on the product, you may need specific certifications to comply with UK standards. For example, electrical goods might require a CE marking.
1.3. Packaging and Labeling
Packaging Requirements: Ensure your packaging meets UK standards, which may include specific materials, sizes, and types of packaging.
Labeling: Label your products correctly, in cluding details like the country of origin, ingredients (if applicable), and any necessary safety warnings.
1.4. Choose the Right Shipping Method
Air Freight vs. Sea Freight: Decide between air freight and sea freight based on your product's urgency, volume, and weight. Air freight is faster but more expensive, whereas sea freight is cost-effective for larger shipments.
Incoterms: Understand and agree upon Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) with your UK buyer to clarify responsibilities regarding shipping, insurance, and tariffs.
1.5. Documentation
Proper documentation is crucial for a smooth export process. Here are the essential documents required:
LUT (Letter of Undertaking): A Letter of Undertaking is required for exporting goods without payment of integrated taxes.
Export License: Ensure you have an export license for the specific goods you are exporting.
Certificate of Origin: This certificate verifies the origin of the goods, which may be required for customs clearance.
Airway Bill: An airway bill is necessary for air freight, acting as a receipt for the cargo and a contract for carriage.
Commercial Export Invoice: A detailed invoice that includes the product description, quantity, price, and terms of sale.
Shipper’s Letter Of Instruction: Provides detailed instructions to the shipping company for handling and delivering the shipment.
Weight Certificate: Confirms the weight of the shipment, which is crucial for calculating freight charges.
Certificates of Inspection (if applicable): Certifications from inspection agencies may be required for certain goods.
Customs Entry: A document declaring the shipment's details to customs authorities.
VAT & Duty: Ensure you understand the Value Added Tax (VAT) and duty requirements for your goods.
1.6. Customs Clearance
Customs Declaration: Complete a customs declaration form for the UK customs authorities, providing all necessary details about your shipment.
Duty and Taxes: The UK Government’s trade tariff tool can help you determine these costs.
1.7. Finding a Reliable Freight Forwarder
Research and Choose: Select a reputable freight forwarder who can handle your logistics from India to the UK. A good freight forwarder will help with documentation, customs clearance, and transportation.
Services Offered: Ensure the freight forwarder offers services such as warehousing, insurance, and door-to-door delivery if required.
1.8. Establishing a Payment Method
Payment Terms: Negotiate payment terms with your buyer. Common methods include letters of credit, advance payment, and open account.
Currency Exchange: Be aware of currency exchange rates and choose a payment method that minimizes risk.
1.9. Building Relationships with UK Buyers
Networking: Attend trade fairs, exhibitions, and business networking events to connect with potential buyers in the UK.
Digital Presence: Enhance your digital presence through a professional website and active social media profiles. Consider listing your products on global B2B platforms.
1.10. Continuous Compliance and Improvement
Stay Updated: Regularly check for updates in trade regulations and market trends. Compliance with regulations ensures a smooth export process.
Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from your UK buyers and continually improve your products and services to meet their expectations.
2. Prohibited, Restricted Items for Import Into the UK
Certain items are prohibited or restricted for import into the UK. Prohibited items include illicit drugs, offensive weapons, and counterfeit goods. Restricted items may include firearms, certain food products, and plants. Always check the latest UK import regulations to ensure compliance.
3. Shipping And Delivery Route
Choosing the Optimal Route: Select the most efficient shipping route considering factors like transit time, cost, and reliability. The common shipping routes from India to the UK include:
Sea Routes: From major Indian ports like Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata to UK ports like Felixstowe, Southampton, and London Gateway.
Air Routes: Major airports in India such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore have direct flights to London, Manchester, and Birmingham.
4. Export Trends to the UK from India: 2023 and 2024 Insights
Exports from India to the UK have seen a significant rise. In 2023, the export value increased by 11.2%, with a noticeable rise in sectors like pharmaceuticals, electronics, and textiles. This trend is expected to continue into 2024, driven by strong bilateral trade relations and growing demand for Indian goods in the UK market.
4.1 Key Exports from India to the UK
Pharmaceutical Products
Jewelry and Precious Stones
Textiles and Apparel
Machinery and Equipment
Automobile Parts
Petroleum Products
Organic Chemicals
Spices and Food Products
Handicrafts and Carpets
Business-Friendly Demography: The UK’s diverse and business-friendly environment makes it an attractive market for Indian exporters.
Legal Regulations: The UK’s transparent legal system and well-defined trade regulations facilitate smoother transactions.
Payments: Secure and efficient payment systems make financial transactions between India and the UK straightforward.
Shipping: Improved shipping routes and logistics infrastructure enhance the efficiency of trade between the two nations.
5. How Does the UK Charge Import Duty on India Goods?
The UK charges import duty based on the type of goods, their value, and the country of origin. Import duty rates can be found using the UK’s trade tariff tool. Goods classified under the General System of Preferences (GSP) may benefit from reduced duty rates.
6. Summary: India And UK Export Outlook In 2024
The export outlook between India and the UK in 2024 is promising. With increasing demand for Indian products, robust trade relations, and favorable economic conditions, businesses can expect growth opportunities. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, Indian exporters can navigate the complexities of international trade and capitalize on the booming UK market.
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Navratri 2024 Colors: A Guide to the Significance of 9 Days of Sharad Navratri Attire
Navratri, the nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion in India, especially in states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. One of the captivating traditions during Navratri is the daily choice of colors to wear, each associated with a different form of the goddess. This practice holds deep significance in Hindu culture, symbolizing purity. Let's take a closer look at the Navratri colors to be followed this year and the gods and goddesses they represent.
Day 1: Pratipada - Shailputri
On the first day of Navratri, Goddess Shailputri is venerated, also known as Parvati, the daughter of the Himalaya mountains. The color for this day is Orange, symbolizing energy and enthusiasm.
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorn yourself in an elegant Orange and red Ikkat Pure Pochampally Handloom Saree to honor the goddess's strength and grace.

Day 2: Dwitiya - Brahmacharini
Mata Brahmacharini, the goddess celebrated on the second day, signifies eternal peace. White, the color of serenity, is the choice for Day 2.

Image Courtesy: Online live daily news
A Pearl White Color Mirror Work Viscose Rayon Navaratri Lehenga Choli reflects the goddess's tranquil and pure nature.
Day 3: Tritiya - Chandraghanta
On Tritiya, we worship Mata Chandraghanta, who rides a lion and is believed to vanquish evil forces. Red, the color of health, courage, and love, is the color of choice.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Embrace this vibrant hue with a Red saree cutdana work to channel your inner strength.
Day 4: Chaturthi - Kushmanda
The fourth day celebrates Mata Kushmanda, who is said to have created the cosmic egg with her smile, bringing light to the universe. Royal Blue, representing elegance and royalty, is the color for this day.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Grace the occasion with a splendid Navratri Chaniya Choli in this mesmerizing shade of Blue.
Day 5: Panchami - SkandMata
Mata Skandmata, honored on the fifth day, is associated with good health. This day is dedicated to Green, symbolizing nature and prosperity.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Wear this beautiful green saree to align with the goddess's blessings.
Day 6: Shashthi - Katyayani
Mata Katyayani, the sixth form of Mata Durga, is the granter of health and happiness. Grey, a vibrant and versatile color, is chosen for this day's celebrations.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Grace the occasion with a Grey Anarkali Dress
Day 7: Saptami - Kaalratri
Maa Kaalratri, worshipped on the seventh day, protects against evil forces. Orange is the color for Saptami, reflecting the fervor of Navratri celebrations.

Day 8: Ashtami - Mahagauri
Maa Mahagauri, associated with peace and intelligence, is revered on the eighth day.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorn yourself in Peacock Green indian saree, a sublime shade that complements the goddess's virtues.
Day 9: Navami - Siddhidatri
On the ninth and final day, we honor Maa Siddhidatri, the granter of divine blessings. Pink, a combination of the energy of red and the stability of blue, is chosen. This color symbolizes opulence and richness as we seek the goddess's supreme blessings.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
During Navratri, people wear different colors each day to show that they are all together and devoted. It's like a colorful journey through different forms of the Goddess Durga, who is very special. When you celebrate Navratri, make sure to wear colors that show how much you love and respect the divine.
Explore the exquisite collection of Navratri attire at Mohi Fashion, featuring enchanting Chaniya Choli, Navratri Ghagra Choli, Anarkali suit, sarees, and stylish sharara suit, all available online. We proudly offer worldwide shipping, catering to fashion enthusiasts in the USA, Australia, UK, Canada, India, and beyond. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Navratri with elegance and style.
Navratri Chaniya Choli
Guide to the Significance of Navratri
Garba: Significance of Garba Forms in Navaratri
Dressing Up for Dandiya Night
1st day Navratri | Maa Shailputri
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#1110 Why are the White Cliffs of Dover white?

Why are the White Cliffs of Dover white? The White Cliffs of Dover are white because they are made of white chalk, which is a type of limestone. The White Cliffs of Dover are a very famous symbol of the UK. During the Second World War they were often sung about because when pilots crossed over them, or when sailors or soldiers on ships saw them, they knew that they were safe. You can see the White Cliffs from France when the weather is good and the sight could have made British people fighting in France long to be home. The cliffs stretch for 13 km with the town of Dover in the middle of them, hence their name as the White Cliffs of Dover. They are 110 m tall at their highest point. There is no way of knowing when the cliffs were first named, but they and the town of Dover have existed for a very long time. Archaeological digs in and around Dover show that people have lived there since the Stone Age and there was an Iron Age settlement. Julius Caesar tried to land at Dover, but the white cliffs were too easily defended and he sailed on. The Romans, and numerous people since, then used the cliffs themselves for defense. Dover became a very important port and the Dover Calais ferry route is probably the most used route between the UK and mainland Europe. It is 42.4 km and 1,831 people have actually swum across. The first person was Matthew Webb in 1875. So, why are the cliffs white? Well, they are not pure white. They have streaks of black flint, but they are white enough to be seen from a long way away. They get their color from chalk, which is a type of limestone and is actually made deep under the sea. The chalk that the White Cliffs are made of was formed between 100 and 66 million years ago during a period called the Late Cretaceous. Chalk is a sedimentary rock, which means it is made from accumulated sediment pressed together under high pressure. The chalk that became the White Cliffs was made from the shells of a microscopic algae called coccolithophore. These algae were single celled organisms, but they produced a series of tiny plates made of calcium carbonate to cover and protect themselves. Each plate was only about 2 to 25 micrometers, which is tiny. A human hair is between 17 and 180 micrometers across, to give you an idea of scale. When the algae died, they sank to the bottom of the sea with their calcium plates. The algae biodegraded, but the calcium plates didn’t and they started to build up. Because they are miniscule and because the sea is so large, they didn’t build up very quickly. Estimates are that they built up about 1 mm every two years. That isn’t a lot, but over time it starts to add up. 1 m every 20,000 years. Over 34 million years, the sediment built up and as it did, the weight from the sediment on top became immense and it crushed the underlying sediment down. The pressure shaped the sediment into chalk. And this is the chalk that formed the White Cliffs of Dover. So, how is chalk formed under the sea part of the White Cliffs? When the chalk was formed, millions of years ago, Britain and most of Europe was under a deep sea. Then, two things happened. The tectonic plates that carry Africa, India, and Europe collided and several mountain ranges were formed, including the Alps and the Himalayas. This mountain building period pushed the chalk that would form the White Cliffs of Dover up and out of the sea. Then, quite a lot later, there were several ice ages and sea levels dropped, uncovering even more of the cliffs, leaving what we can see today. The cliffs are very beautiful, but they are made of chalk, which is a very soft rock. Erosion is a big problem with the cliffs. They are eroding at a rate of roughly 2.5 cm a year. The rate used to be slower, but stronger storms have sped up the rate. The cliffs are not going to disappear any time soon because they are quite thick, but the buildings that are on top of them and near to them may have to be moved. Interestingly, there are also a large number of tunnels that were dug into the cliffs. The first ones were dug during the Napoleonic wars to make canon escarpments, and the later tunnels were built during the Second World War. You can visit them. And this is what I learned today. Photo by Valentin Onu: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-cliffs-of-dover-27658730/ Sources https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/the-white-cliffs-of-dover/history-of-the-white-cliffs-of-dover https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Cliffs_of_Dover https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpine_orogeny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccolith https://www.carmeuse.com/na-en/references/case-studies-success-stories/what-calcium-carbonate-limestone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dover https://www.dovermuseum.co.uk/Information-Resources/Articles--Factsheets/White-Cliffs-of-Dover.aspx Read the full article
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Events 6.5 (after 1960)
1960 – The Lake Bodom murders occur in Finland. 1963 – The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, resigns in a sex scandal known as the "Profumo affair". 1963 – Movement of 15 Khordad: Protests against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini by the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. In several cities, masses of angry demonstrators are confronted by tanks and paratroopers. 1964 – DSV Alvin is commissioned. 1967 – The Six-Day War begins: Israel launches surprise strikes against Egyptian air-fields in response to the mobilisation of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border. 1968 – Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan. 1975 – The Suez Canal opens for the first time since the Six-Day War. 1975 – The United Kingdom holds its first country-wide referendum on membership of the European Economic Community (EEC). 1976 – The Teton Dam in Idaho, United States, collapses. Eleven people are killed as a result of flooding. 1981 – The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that five people in Los Angeles, California, have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turns out to be the first recognized cases of AIDS. 1983 – More than 100 people are killed when the Russian river cruise ship Aleksandr Suvorov collides with a girder of the Ulyanovsk Railway Bridge. The collision caused a freight train to derail, further damaging the vessel, yet the ship remained afloat and was eventually restored and returned to service. 1984 – Operation Blue Star: Under orders from India's prime minister, Indira Gandhi, the Indian Army begins an invasion of the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion. 1989 – The Tank Man halts the progress of a column of advancing tanks for over half an hour after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 1991 – Space Shuttle Columbia is launched on STS-40, the fifth spacelab mission. 1993 – Portions of the Holbeck Hall Hotel in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK, fall into the sea following a landslide. 1995 – The Bose–Einstein condensate is first created. 1997 – The Second Republic of the Congo Civil War begins. 1998 – A strike begins at the General Motors parts factory in Flint, Michigan, that quickly spreads to five other assembly plants. The strike lasts seven weeks. 2000 – The Six-Day War in Kisangani begins in Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, between Ugandan and Rwandan forces. A large part of the city is destroyed. 2001 – Tropical Storm Allison makes landfall on the upper-Texas coastline as a strong tropical storm and dumps large amounts of rain over Houston. The storm causes $5.5 billion in damages, making Allison the second costliest tropical storm in U.S. history. 2002 – Space Shuttle Endeavour launches on STS-111, carrying the Expedition 5 crew to the International Space Station to replace the Expedition 4 crew. Astronaut Franklin Chang-Díaz becomes the second person to have flown on seven spaceflights. 2003 – A severe heat wave across Pakistan and India reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50 °C (122 °F) in the region. 2004 – Noël Mamère, Mayor of Bègles, celebrates marriage for two men for the first time in France. 2006 – Serbia declares independence from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. 2009 – After 65 straight days of civil disobedience, at least 31 people are killed in clashes between security forces and indigenous people near Bagua, Peru. 2015 – An earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.0 strikes Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia, killing 18 people, including hikers and mountain guides on Mount Kinabalu, after mass landslides that occurred during the earthquake. This is the strongest earthquake to strike Malaysia since 1975. 2016 – Two shootings in Aktobe, Kazakhstan, kill six people. 2017 – Montenegro becomes the 29th member of NATO. 2022 – A constitutional referendum is held in Kazakhstan following violent protests and civil unrest against the government.
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How Long Does Postage to India from the UK Take?
When sending parcels or letters from the UK to India, one of the most common concerns is the delivery time.
Whether you’re sending personal items, business goods, or gifts for loved ones, knowing how long it takes for postage to reach its destination can help you plan better and set realistic expectations.
This guide will explore the factors influencing delivery times and the typical duration for different services.
Factors Influencing Delivery Times
Several variables determine how long it takes for a package or letter to travel from the UK to India. These include:
Type of Service:
Standard Shipping: Typically takes longer as it prioritizes cost over speed.
Express or Priority Shipping: Faster, but more expensive, as these services ensure quick handling and delivery.
Courier Service:
Different providers, such as Royal Mail, DHL, FedEx, or UPS, have varying delivery times depending on their logistics networks and service levels.
Customs Clearance:
Packages must go through customs in both the UK and India, which can cause delays, especially if there’s incomplete documentation or issues with the declared contents.
Destination in India:
Urban areas like Delhi, Mumbai, or Bangalore typically receive packages faster due to well-established logistics networks.
Remote or rural areas may experience delays due to limited transportation and infrastructure.
Time of Year:
Peak periods, such as festivals (e.g., Diwali or Christmas), often lead to longer delivery times due to increased postal and courier traffic.
Weather conditions, such as monsoons in India, can also impact delivery schedules.
Package Size and Weight:
Heavier or oversized parcels may take longer due to specific handling requirements.
Delivery Times for Different Services
Here’s a breakdown of typical delivery times for various postage options from the UK to India:
Royal Mail:
International Standard: 5-7 working days.
International Tracked & Signed: 5-7 working days with added tracking and signature on delivery.
Courier Services (e.g., DHL, FedEx, UPS):
Express Shipping: 2-4 working days.
Standard Shipping: 4-7 working days.
Economy Services:
Offered by some providers for cost-effectiveness but may take 10-15 working days or longer.
Specialized India Services:
Some courier companies offer dedicated UK-to-India services with optimized delivery times, typically 2-6 working days depending on the service level.
Tips to Ensure Timely Delivery
Choose the Right Service:
For urgent deliveries, opt for express or priority shipping.
For non-urgent packages, standard or economy services are more budget-friendly.
Check Customs Regulations:
Ensure your package complies with Indian customs regulations to avoid delays or rejection.
Accurately declare the contents and value of your package.
Plan Ahead:
If you’re sending packages during peak seasons or holidays, send them earlier to account for potential delays.
Track Your Package:
Opt for services with tracking options to monitor your shipment’s progress and address any issues promptly.
Verify Address Details:
Double-check the recipient’s address to ensure accuracy, including any specific instructions for delivery.
Common Reasons for Delays
Even with the best planning, delays can occur. Some common reasons include:
Incomplete Documentation:
Missing or incorrect customs forms can lead to delays.
Customs Inspections:
Random inspections can extend delivery times.
High Volume Periods:
During festivals, holidays, or sales events, courier networks may be overloaded.
Incorrect Address:
Inaccurate or incomplete address details can result in the package being returned or delayed.
The time it takes to send postage from the UK to India depends on various factors, including the type of service, the courier company, and the destination.
While express services can deliver within 2-4 working days, standard options typically take 5-7 working days.
By planning, choosing the right service, and ensuring proper documentation, you can minimize delays and ensure your package reaches its destination on time.
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