#Shinsekai Evolution
superthatguy62 · 1 year
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While they both go about it in different ways and one (Legends) definitely does it better than the other (Evolution) I feel like Mega Man Legends and Evolution exist on that cozy axis in regards to their tone/worlds.
Obviously that's because they have similar premises (Adventurer explores ruins to make dosh + uncover some legendary thing that turns out to be a device with a 'kill all humanity/not!humanity function) and a main difference in that one is fantastical and has airships and what not while the other is a more down to earth and semi-realistic including crippling debt setting, but still.
Am I just trying to say I'd be down for a crossover between these two settings? Maybe.
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mihai-florescu · 10 months
Thinking about enstars fandom again. Me saying rinniki is canon isn't really being a shipper but more so I can just read. Like it's right there I can just read things with my eyes. Same thing applies to wataei as well. And shumika.
Im still rolling around in my head your ask regarding infodumping about wataei and one of my points was going to be that you cant really call a relationship integral to the understanding of the story itself just bait... well theyre the ones i can speak the most confidently on and that influenced a Lot of the story, my dearest protagonists. Im not really concerned with who says what is canon because i can read and assess for myself.
And now my usual tangents... there are interactions within ships that are clearly there for the fanservice but the existence of fanservice at times in a piece of media doesnt negate the beauty of the relationship involved...(im thinking about certain shmk scenes in shinsekai rn in particular. The existence of fanservice there doesnt diminish the fact that shu and mika have a very queer narrative. I'd need to go reread a bunch of older and newer valkyrie stories if i wanted to talk about the shift from abuse and alienation to healing and acceptance and becoming equal partners. And i do have my issues with how much of their characterization in !! does rely on the ship, id personally love to see mika's conviction to be a model for the orphanage kids more since it's been missing in the last few years. Antique legend you will always be famous. Anyway i really need to reread human comedy for any sort of meaningful analysis of valkyrie and i dont trust myself to try to analyze shit at 2am when i can barely keep my eyes open to begin with but i shall return to shu and mika one day. Or if anyone has written something on their evolution from ! to !! In particular id love to read it)
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moonsuke · 2 months
I wasn’t prepared for ep 10 of shinsekai yori… I’m crying ;-; The last time I cried this much was for Dali whom shares the same VA as who I’m crying over right now ;-;
It’s more than just the VA but damn is Murase Ayumu good with voicing vulnerability in someone trying to hold it all in…
The animation for this series is honestly quite bad considering it’s from 2012 and this ep is no different, but its also particularly artsy and otherworldly which really adds on to the gravity of Shun’s magic being completely out of his control now. The whole ep is just so tragic as we slowly learnt what has been happening to him, him being unable to control his powers, it warping everything around him and killing his parents, Subaru his faithful dog refusing to leave him alone and so got warped and eventually killed trying to protect him, him keeping his friends at bay, the adults around him already trying many methods to save/off him but to no avail, the hopelessness of the situation and Shun’s desperation, exhaustion, and defeat. It’s so sad hearing him get more and more broken when he’s explaining what happened, with Subaru being his breaking point ;-;
He mentioned Subaru was never leaving him alone, always trying to save him. Perhaps from his loneliness which seems to be a trigger towards transforming someone into a karma demon? He said Subaru was really his only friend and confidant which is particularly sad because he does have friends! But they never did fill the void in him.
All these was already foreshadowed in ep 2 when their teacher asked Shun to read a passage in their textbook about “karma demons”, the animation was entirely similar to what’s happening to Shun, there was even a dog figurine that the character treated as his only “friend” 😭
What a way for him to go ;-; It was done well but whyyyyyy ;-; Shun ;-; I love him he’s my fav ;-;
I did like the more “philosophical” and psychological explanation of why this is happening too. The origins of our choices and desires lies in our subconscious, by the time it reaches our consciousness and we decide whether to act on it, we think it arose from our free will. It’s the same with the psychic powers these characters have. It looks like they’re consciously controlling them but majority of it actually emerges from their subconscious. As their powers grow or as they become more powerful (like Shun who’s hailed as a genius), the subconscious psychic powers begins to overtake them.
For all regular humans, their powers are actually already subconsciously leaking out of them and warping things, but it’s weak and only cause changes after a long period of time (like triggering evolution). Through mental hypnosis, these subconscious leakage are directed to outside the “holy barrier” which surrounds their village. Not to keep the humans safe from outside, but to keep the threat from inside at bay. So for the particularly powerful ones, their subconscious powers spills over and affect everything in their vicinity instead and so eventually having to isolate and kill themselves ;-;
As we progress through the series we really see how humanity having psychic powers is a curse, and the extreme, fucked up ways humans need to create to keep it controlled, especially since it’s on a societal level.
So glad I didn’t give up on it at ep 5. I almost did due to the sudden quality drop of the animation, dialogue, and even characterization. it pissed me off so much I didn't continue watching for a few days. The arc following it (the Queerats’ politics) didn’t help things too since it was so boring and such a drastic shift in tone. Ep 10 has a similar animation style and quality as ep 5 but because of the content I don't mind it much! I also thought this anime was supposed to be supernatural but it became sci-fi??? Didn’t like that at all but well this ep seems to make it worth it for now. So I’ll continue ;-;
Will this really be the last we see of Shun ;-; I love him ;-;
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mediamixs · 8 months
5 horror romance anime to watch on Valentine's Day
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Here are five horror romance anime that you can watch on Valentine's Day:
Vampire Knight: This anime is perfect for shoujo lovers and revolves around a world where vampires and werewolves live amongst humans unnoticed. It focuses on the romance between the protagonist, Yuuki, and her friend Zero.
Elfen Lied: This anime combines horror and romance and tells the story of Diclonii, a newly mutated species that is the next step in human evolution, and their violent interactions with humans. It also features a romantic storyline.
Dusk Maiden Amnesia: This anime blends horror, romance, and the supernatural. It follows a ghost girl, Yuuko, who haunts the Paranormal Investigations Club and her romantic relationship with a living boy named Teiichi.
Sankarea: This anime combines horror and romance with a unique twist, as it tells the story of a boy who has a fascination with zombies and his relationship with a girl who becomes one.
Shinsekai Yori (From the New World): This anime is set in a dystopian future where humans possess telekinetic powers. It features elements of horror and romance as it explores the dark truths of its world and includes romantic relationships among its characters.
These anime series offer a blend of horror and romance, making them suitable for a unique Valentine's Day viewing experience.
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daisyachain · 2 years
Not to be all ‘kids these days’ but watching Ergo Proxy really is a refreshing fall of rain after the 2010s. Not that there haven’t been weird slow-burn works coming out (HnK, No.6, Shinsekai Mori come to mind), but the real self-confidence of the work feels like it’s from a past era. The palette is muted, the character designs aren’t flashy, the series puts its stock in storytelling alone to make it stand out. It feels far more like a live-action drama in its minimalism.
Even tracking the evolution of Keiko Nobumoto’s works, which feel similar in tone to Ergo Proxy, there’s a marked 10-year skip from the moody works of the 00s (Wolf’s Rain, Samurai Champloo) to the loud and shiny works of the 10s (Space Dandy, Carole and Tuesday). The change in production sensibilities prioritized bright colour in the digital era, but alongside that the mood brightened considerably. When you look at acclaimed works in the past 10 years, you can also see that the big names are tilted towards kids’ shows with dazzling visuals. This is filtered through me being on the Kids’ Show Website and North American tastes favouring junk food; even so, I wonder if as the otakubait wave has risen it’s edged out adult animation…at all.
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nipponoverdrive · 5 years
Nippon Overdrive 08.03.2019
artist - song - album/source    * = new    ^ = requests downtown market - star - Instant Dreams EP Snail’s House - MAGIK feat. Sennzai - Alien Pop III Necry Talkie - Touboeno Sunset - One! Tokyo Karankoron - Spice - Noon/Moon *Miwa - Reboot - Reboot (single) SHE IS SUMMER - Darling Darling - MIRACLE FOOD *Chiaki Sato - Dai Kirai; Really Hate - Dai Kirai (single) *yorushika - Ame to Cappuccino; Rain and Cappuccino - Ame to Cappuccino *cidergirl - clover - clover (single) Bird Bear Hare and Fish - Laika - Moon Boots andymori - CITY LIGHTS - Fanfare to Nekkyo; Fanfare and Enthusiasm Chatmonchy - Kirakira Hikare; Sparkling - Henshin; Change NOT WONK - Laughing Nerds and a Wallflower - Laughing Nerds and a Wallflower 04 Limited Sazabys - Brain Sugar - SOIL Bakyun the Everyday - Baseball Player Song - New Boys, New Girls, New City Punk *sajou no hana - Parole - Parole (single) King Gnu - Tokyo Rendez-Vous - Tokyo Rendez-Vous Yoru no Honki Dance - Movin’ Feat. Creepy Nuts - Fetish Frederic - Oddloop - Frederhythm BEAT CRUSADERS - CHINESE JET SET - popdod PENS+ - human - RULES! yet let you notice - Ori - Ori, Kodomotati. Rega - Among the flow - Among the flow 3nd - SSK - World Tour  mouse on the keys - Elegie - Out of Body TWRP - Feels Pretty Good - Together Through Time  TTNG - Whatever, Whenever - Disappointment Island Totorro - Beverly Pills - Come to Mexico Really From - Thumbnail - Verse anonymass - Kaigou; Chance Encounter - anonymoss CRCK/LCKS - Mado;Window - Double Rift midori - Rhythm - shinsekai Cö shu Nie - Psycho pool ≒ Lego pool - Psycho pool ≒ Lego pool (single) toe - My Little Wish - Hear You Mirror - Weathercock - Recollection Low-Pass - Cumulonimbus - Split w/ Mirror The BONEZ -  Hello Monster  - Beginning (EP) Aqua Timez - Saigo Made; Until the End - The BEST of Aqua Timez FLiP - Kaa to Niago - Michi Evolution Cold Kitchen - Kuuchuu Roukaku; Aerial Tower - Rwuuseigun to Nakiyamanu amplifier;Meteor shower and crying amplifier Kinoko Teikoku - Kokudo Slope; Sloped National Road - eureka DOES - shura;carnage - Singles UPLIFT SPICE - Kanojo; Girl - UPLIFT SPICE 9mm Parabellum Bullet - Supernova - Vampire Tricot - POOL - THE Art-School - SCARLET - Ghosts & Angels  Noisycell - Birth - Sources My First Story - Deserve!! - THE STORY IS MY LIFE STRAIGHTENER - VANISH - STOUT RIP SLYME - Dandelion - GOOD TIMES
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superthatguy62 · 5 years
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For my first post of 2020, have this Evolution “Millennium Special” telephone card, which is now on it’s way to being 20 years old.
When I get a chance, I’ll scan the postcard one that came with the Japanese strategy guide and upload it if it’s clearer/better quality.
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superthatguy62 · 6 years
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Artwork of Mag & Linear in Kimonos. Whilst the Linear artwork was used in several places such as Telephone cards for the game, the Mag artwork was used seemingly only in a Dreamcast Magazine issue.
A bit of fanart on the Evolution 2 site shows Mag and Linear in these outfits.
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