marivanilla05 · 3 years
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Shinran day 1: Childhood playdate
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marshmallowgoop · 3 years
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ShinRan Week 2021: Day 7 | Outsider POV
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bakathief · 3 years
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gisachi · 3 years
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♡ ShinRan Week 2021: Day 5 - Power Duo ♡ "Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you." —Walter Winchell
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shinranposting · 3 years
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♡ complementary is one that exchanges different behaviors,characteristics or qualities, that is added to another to make it whole or perfect.
~ShinRan Week Day 5: Power Duo
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defectiveconantoy · 3 years
When Ran is happy, we get a close-up of Shinichi confidently grinning sideways.
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ShinRan Week 2021: Day 7 - Creator’s Choice
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detshin · 3 years
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Shinranweek2021 Day 4: Missing Scenes
@shinranweek even after all of this time, I still find it weird how both Shinichi and Ran didn't have a moment where they looked back to the play and realized that they had almost kissed in front of their entire high-school, so I decided to draw what could've been one panel more during their walk to class the next day 🤭
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shinranweek · 3 years
🌸 ShinRan Week 2021 Prompts 🌸
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Thank you so much for all your wonderful suggestions! After taking them into account, we are happy to present you the prompts for ShinRan Week 2021!
Day 1: Childhood & First Meetings Day 2: Seasons & Long Distance Day 3: Fairytales & Black Knight and Princess Day 4: Time Travel & Missing Scenes Day 5: Antagonists & Power Duo Day 6: Domestic & Wedding Day 7: Outsider POV & Creator’s Choice
Prompt descriptions are under the cut!
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❧ DAY 1
Childhood Growing up can be a pain. Growing up can be sweet. Growing up together is irreplaceable. From nighttime adventures to study sessions, let’s get a glimpse of Shinichi and Ran’s pre-canon life!
First Meetings First meetings often create lasting impressions, from our couple’s Sakura class encounter to their brush with the Akai family. What happened when young Shinichi first met Eri? When Ran met Agasa? What if they hadn’t known each other all their lives? What would that meeting look like?
❧ DAY 2
Seasons Winter skating, spring cherry blossoms. Fireflies and festivals in the summer, changing colors in the fall. Ran and Shinichi, year-round. (—And if you don’t want that “season”,  you can always give it another meaning.)
Long Distance Out of sight, never out of mind. For two yearning souls, distance is nothing and everything at once. The joy and ache of minute-long phone calls? The suffering of waiting? The fear that absence will make the heart grow colder? The much-awaited reunion? Ran did say, “I don't mind waiting for people. Because the longer you wait, when you do meet... You'll be happier.”
❧ DAY 3
Fairytales Are they the doomed lovers of Tanabata reincarnated and given another chance? Does Ran pull a Janet and hold on to Shinichi through hell and high water? Is Shinichi a sulky sultan and Ran his Scheherazade? Does Shinichi turn into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight? A brand-new story featuring a prince and a princess? Let fairytales of all kinds inspire your ShinRan imagination!
Black Knight and Princess We saw them as the Black Knight and Princess in the school play, and we want more. What was going through Ran’s head when Shinichi broke from the script? What would a Black Knight alternate universe look like? One more thing: We all want to see what would have happened if they hadn’t been interrupted.
❧ DAY 4
Time Travel Time is but a concept, especially in Shinichi and Ran’s universe. Shinichi and Ran blasting to the past or traveling ten years into the future? One or both having the power to rewind ten seconds back and evade danger? Want to do a piece inspired by feudal Japan or Prohibition America? This is the prompt for you.
Missing Scenes Can’t stop thinking about That One Scene in the manga/anime that was not within aired material? Like Shinigami Shinichi bandaging Ran’s wounds in the Murderer, Kudou Shinichi Arc? Or the conversation between Shinichi and Sonoko before he ended up in the Black Knight costume in Desperate Revival Arc? Or Shinichi’s internal monologue while he puts a blanket over Ran and eats her chocolate in the Truth Behind Valentine’s Case? Go ahead and bring these missing scenes to life!
❧ DAY 5
Antagonists Shinichi and Ran are Holmes and Moriarty. An FBI agent and a Black Org operative. Academic rivals. Opposing business owners. A “good” angel and a fallen one. Petty people who simply cannot get along. Whatever the case, sparks fly.
Power Duo Strong individually, stronger together. What is the result when you pair a brainy soccer-ball-kicking detective with a sweet-but-deadly karate queen? Answer: A badass power couple saving (or wrecking?) the day — and each other — together. (Battle Couple, Partners in Crime, Bodyguard and Celebrity, Girlboss and Malewife… yeah, we know you want these.)
❧ DAY 6
Domestic All we ever wanted is to see these two living their everyday lives in peace and bliss— baking sweets, cleaning the house, sharing a bed, grocery shopping, adopting a pet, planning a date, all of those. Oh, and engaged or married life. That, too.
Wedding It all boils down to this. Will Shinichi cry once he sees Ran walking down the aisle? What songs are played in the reception? Are they attending a friend’s wedding? Do they catch the bouquet and garter? What happens on the Big Day? On the Big Night?
❧ DAY 7
Outsider POV You are Sonoko. Yukiko. Kogoro. Eisuke. Heiji. Kazuha. Satou-keiji. Someone. Anyone. A complete stranger. People ask you about Shinichi and Ran. What do you tell them?
Creator’s Choice Have a ShinRan creation in mind but can’t quite fit in any of the prompts? Now is your chance to share it!
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In the end, these are all just examples to keep your gears churning. You are definitely free to think outside the box, content creator! ;)
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riaillusion · 3 years
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antagonists/power duo || ladyboss ran and weak shin is my fav! @shinranweek​
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otaku-108 · 3 years
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Only for tonight…
~ Love was never meant for us.
The weight of fate we carry on crowns and swords. Never to be forgotten.
But, only for tonight… ~
My piece for @shinranweek Knight and Princess ❤️❤️❤️ I love drama 🤭
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artycreaty · 3 years
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“Please prove it… with a kiss upon my lips.”
ShinRan Week Day 3: Black Knight and Princess
The kiss we all wanted to see.
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marivanilla05 · 3 years
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Shinranweek day 2: Long-distance/seasons summer festival
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marshmallowgoop · 3 years
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ShinRan Week 2021: Day 2 | Long Distance
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bakathief · 3 years
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gisachi · 3 years
Better late than never?? Supposed to post on the day itself but of course I couldn’t. This is my rushed contribution to the prompt: domestic mixed with black knight&princess.
ShinRan Week Day 6
Prompt: Domestic (+ Black Knight&Princess)
Words: ~2.5k
“Not just once, but twice! Who was it that saved my life again? Oh, unnamed knight with the black cloak, if you will grant me my wish… Please take off that dark mask and show me your true face!”
“If that is what, uh, the princess wishes, I shall show you my sorrow- sorrowful? - face under this moonlight. Oh wow this is cheesy.”
Ran leans on the arm of the couch, bound script covering her resigned face. If she had a hundred yen for every single complaint coming out of this detective’s mouth, she’d have enough to buy two entrance passes to Tropical Land for each day of the week, plus snacks and drinks.
“I went here because I thought you’d be a more immersive practice partner than ‘tou-san. You are worse.”
“I’m sorry, princess, if my mom being an actress ruined your expectations of me.”
“Oh, for sure. And otou-san doesn't destroy the scene by dropping nonsensical comments. And lie on the couch while reading the script. So he’s better by a lot.”
Shinichi props his body up, eyes rolling sarcastically before throwing a look at the lady on the edge. “To be fair, you came barging into my house so early on a Sunday. This is justified.”
“Shinichi, eleven in the morning isn’t early.”
With a stubborn grumble, the detective flops back into the cushions, script on his lap sliding to the floor. “ ’M tired Ran, long case last night, let me sleep.”
“Please, you’re my last option! School festival is in less than two weeks, and I can’t possibly ask Araide-sensei to spare time on a weekend outside of our rehearsal schedule when he’s busy working—”
The lightning speed Shinichi jolts upright causes Ran to cut herself short. “Araide-sensei is the cloaked knight?”
“Yes, didn’t I tell you?”
“You didn’t.”
“Really? I-” she pauses, delayed in taking in the curt iciness of his response when he was so apathetic five seconds ago. On anyone else it’s clear what that tone implies, but she’s never heard it on him.
“Do you have a beef with Araide-sensei?” she asks.
“A beef?”
Ran arches an eyebrow, skeptic. Shinichi meets her gaze, eyes slightly thinning before glancing away, cheeks crimson.
“I mean— Why Araide-sensei? Shouldn’t he be busy, I dunno, being a doctor, than being a fictional knight or something.”
“All the guys in our class were too shy and declined, so Sonoko asked Araide-sensei when he happened to come in for a checkup. He agreed so easily! Would you believe he’d taken a lot of lead roles in plays when he was a student?”
“And that was fifteen something years ago.”
“He’s also good at things like emphasizing lines and handling a woman!”
“Anyone can- What?!”
“Stop being a sourpuss Shinichi, especially when you’re the first to decline.”
He looks at her quizzically. “I did?”
“You don’t even remember?” Amidst the faint pink on her cheeks, disappointment etched on the way Ran’s lips curve to a small pout. “You were the first Sonoko asked... You were so quick to turn her down, she said.”
Astounded by the revelations docking in his brain all at once, Shinichi struggles to recall the conversations he had exchanged with Sonoko the past weeks. None stands out. If she had included Ran’s name in there, he would remember instantly. But Sonoko didn’t. Suddenly, the floodgates in his mind open.
If he finds out later on about the plot and the cast, he’ll definitely find a reason or two to sulk, if not object. Whether Ran is partnered with someone else or Araide-sensei doesn’t matter, for as long as it isn’t him. Him who she’s positive would outright reject her offer to act as a prince because why would he? In any case, god knows Sonoko omitted Ran’s name on purpose for this.
The sly woman has stirred something up, and she will proudly take the front row seat on his reaction she was so sure he’d make.
Not saying Sonoko’s predictions are right. This is just how she thinks. And he won’t react the way she expects he will. She is not right.
Not. Right.
Sonoko, yaro...
“Stand up, let’s do this.”
“You want immersive? I’ll give you immersive.”
Left with little time to process as Shinichi pulls her by the hand, Ran drops her script on the floor. The sudden shift in character is unbelievable. How can someone so sleep-deprived turn into someone this enthused in a span of a breath?
“But first, let me…” He leaves the room, and Ran picks up her script, still quite lost. Whatever she said earlier must have triggered something, and she’s torn if she’ll ask once he returns but considers the possibility that he may break character. Not gonna risk that. He said he’ll give her an immersive practice, and it’s oddly unexpected, but she’ll take it. This is good. After all, she needs him as the knight.
Wants him as the knight.
“Sheesh, Ran, stop…” Shying away from her own maidenly thoughts, Ran flips to the designated page, scene, and line, rehearsing as she waits.
Some minutes later, Shinichi reappears, holding his script and something else. Of all things she would expect him to own, a blue fancy Columbina mask adorned with elegant silver and royal patterns wasn’t one of them.
“Mom has these things, okay,” he explains, putting it on. Ran isn’t sure if she wants to laugh or tease, but she does neither when she gets a glimpse of him with half of his face covered, and she catches her breath at the sight.
Standing against silk red curtains and brilliant glow of afternoon sunlight, he really does seem like a mysterious knight…
“Don’t laugh, idiot. After doing this for you. Wear this,” he says, and Ran zeroes in on the line of his lips because she has nowhere else to look at as he places a small barrette tiara on her hair. Doesn’t matter what he says, what they wear, even if they fail to match the daintiness of the mask and tiara. Shinichi with this on makes Shinichi as the knight much more vivid now. And Ran as the princess...
“Sorry!” She claps a hand on her warming cheek, pulls back a dumb smile she doesn’t notice she is wearing. “And I— I wasn’t laughing!”
“Still smiling creepily though.”
“I wasn’t being creepy! Geez. Anyway! Page-”
“Page 27, Scene 8, Line 10. Got it.”
After some short blocking instructions, they drop their scripts on the couch, and begin.
“Oh, unnamed knight with the black cloak, if you will grant me my wish… Please take off that dark mask and show me your true face!”
“If that is what the princess wishes, I shall show you my sorrowful face under this moonlight.”
Two steps forward and he removes the mask, and time slows down. She’s seen the same face a million times yet this time, her heart leaps like she’s laid eyes upon the most handsome face in the universe.
“Might—Might you be Spade?” She carries on, taking everything she can to maintain composure. “Long ago, you were banned from this land by my father… but now you’ve become the prince of Trump Kingdom...”
It’s nerve wracking, the way he’s strikingly still, eyes laden on her, either waiting for her next lines or admiring how beautiful she is with the tiara, she isn’t quite sure. The mask is gone, but he isn’t breaking character. Meanwhile, she’s trying her darned best to stay as Princess Heart of Bridge Kingdom.
“If you have… not forgotten about our childhood promise, then please…”
A nervous lump forms in her throat as she wraps her arms around his shoulders, and his hands find her waist, and she nearly gasps but holds it in because right now, she’s Princess Heart, not Mouri Ran asking this of Kudou Shinichi. “Please, show me on these lips.”
“As my princess so desires...”
It should be ‘the’, not ‘my.’ And there’s supposed to be another line after that, but nothing stops him as he leans in ahead of time and her eyelids flutter to the erratic beat of her heart. It’s better to be partnered with Araide-sensei in this after all. He will not mess up his lines, and she will not lose her mind the way she’s losing it now.
Two parted lips are a pucker away when the doorbell chimes, making both jolt.
Ran is first to snap out of character, as if she hasn’t had the urge to earlier.
“That—That must be Sonoko. I forgot to tell you...  I invited her in.”
“Oh, great,” Shinichi says.
Forcing her limbs into working order, Ran disentangles slowly, drawing a distance. Shinichi glances at the mask in his hand, then at her, before tossing it to the couch and turning for the door. From the window, she watches him walk to the front gate, scratching the back of his head in an annoyed manner like she just woke him from sleep, but grumpier. She hasn’t seen him display much emotion on a Sunday noon the way she’s seeing him now.
Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered him, she sighs, her turn to slump onto the couch this time.
“As I was saying, the prod already scouted the finest material for the costumes, and I decided, pink suits Princess Heart— Hello? Are you listening?”
Ran nearly drops the knife she holds if not for her inhuman reflexes. “Of course! Princess Heart in pink! Yes.” Like nothing happened, she resumes slathering jam and butter on the toast she’s preparing for the three of them. She doesn’t need to look at her side to know Sonoko’s eyeing her from head to toe.
“What happened to her?” The woman turns to Shinichi who sits at the high stool by the kitchen island.
“Dunno,” he says, sounding as noncommittal as he probably appears. Her back is turned against him, but she can see his face, and god why is she blushing?
“I just helped her rehearse. For the play,” he adds.
“Oh?” Sonoko’s brow perks up her forehead, hair whipping as she turns between her and the boy across them. “Did you?”
“Yup. Page 27.”
The dramatic gasp that tears from their friend’s throat is exactly the kind of gasp they expected; even so, Ran still flinches as Shinichi’s stool rakes the floor. “You kissed and I didn’t see?!”
The two yelp in unison.
“That’s sly! You have to do it again! I’ll judge.”
“Excuse you! It didn’t happen, what you’re thinking!”
“Oh, shush, Ran, this is good practice. Good practice.”
“Relax, rehearsal is rehearsal! In the actual play, once it’s Araide-sensei, he’ll do a better job—”
“I’m going to the toilet,” Shinichi gets off the stool, jaw stiff, out of the kitchen.
“—with a hug than a kiss. Right?” Sonoko ends, once Shinichi is out of the room.
“What?” Ran’s expression is inscrutable as she faces Sonoko completely, the flush across her face befitting embarrassment or ire. “You’re losing me here!”
“Oh, you’re not going to kiss, Ran. The lights will dim before your lips touch.”
“Then why—” she puts down the bread and walks in haste to the island to flip through the script, “Wh— That’s not in here!”
“Sonoko-sama hereby deems the script revised now that we have Araide-sensei.”
“Eh...?!” Ran cannot explain the play of her reactions. On one hand, a cloud is cleared from her mind, having to worry no more about doing something she has no experience with in front of watchful eyes. On the other, bunch of half-formed thoughts whirl through her mind that goes, Shinichi and I almost kissed for nothing, for nothing we almost k-kissed, an almost kiss with Shinichi, almost—
“That won’t do! I mean— That’s so not you! T-To choose a hug over a...”
“Duh, Ran! Even if it’s just a play, I won’t enable a kiss scene between a student and a staff member. We can fake the kiss. That, or switch to hug. Or better yet, change the male lead.”
“Change the male lead? In two weeks? Who will agree?!”
“Easy.” Just in time, Shinichi returns, hands in pocket and long face worn all the way to the stool.  “I know someone who will.”
‘Once it’s Araide-sensei, he’ll do a better job…’ What? Kissing Ran? Shinichi wants to puke. Sonoko needs to think things through. If this is part of her plan, it’s unacceptable, it sucks.
There’s no way, no way anyone can do a better job kissing Ran than…
“Aaaargh, what are you thinking!” He ruffles his hair in dismay, curses here and there. He only wanted to help Ran yet he almost went for it. Not as Spade but as himself. The audacity. It’s part of the script, sure, but—
If it is part of the script, then have Ran and Araide-sensei rehearsed it before?
“That’s it,” Shinichi huffs, storming out of the bathroom. If this is the kind of reaction Sonoko wants from him, she’s in for a show. Not just a show but a lifetime of curses and mental stabs. For her to go this far is unbelievable. Did Ran even agree to that? Will such a scene really happen in the play? No matter how despicable Sonoko’s methods are, he has faith she respects Ran’s preference as the female lead. No offense against Araide-sensei, but he cannot take Ran’s first kiss, whether as Spade or not.
That is not to say he knows Ran’s preference, especially when it comes to a first kiss, but… it’s not... Araide-sensei... is it?!
He cannot ascertain, not when Ran did nothing when they were about to kiss…
Okay, halt there, self. I said immersive. That’s immersive. She was acting.
All was but an act. She’s a great actress. I suck. No need to make this a big deal.
Shinichi is a pitiful mess once he’s back in the kitchen.
“My offer still stands, you know.” Sonoko sits beside him, munching a toast, while Ran is busy returning the jam in the cupboard, back against them.
“Your offer?”
Shinichi glances at Ran, then at Sonoko, with that feral grin on her lips and Shinichi does a bad job looking pissed, and it’s maddening because he is pissed, just not obvious with the blush forming across his cheek.
Reprimanding Sonoko is what he intends to do. For doing him dirty, him and Ran dirty, for dragging a staff to be the male lead, for imploring Ran to give her first kiss she’s probably saving in a different setting. All invalid reasons, when he cared less about the play before. He’s a full-time idiot, and Sonoko knows it clearly that’s why she’s offering the role again. He doesn’t want to fall into her trap, the same way he doesn’t want anyone else to be Spade when Princess Heart is Ran.
But Ran looks over her shoulder and they accidentally lock eyes, and pink blooms across her cheeks before she turns around, and suddenly the words that leave his mouth completely betray the thought process he underwent in the bathroom.
“If Ran agrees, yeah,” he says.
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I’ll share my sky
Beta’ed by @mirrorfalls​!
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The joke goes that Japan has four seasons — flower-watching, fireworks, leaf-viewing, and Christmas lights. The first Ran associates with raucous picnics on cheap blue tarps, beer for the adults and cheap bentos for everyone, the practice of hanami being less about flower appreciation and more an excuse to be outdoors during the first warming days of spring.
There are places in her heart for the thrill of fireworks festivals, koyo trips to the mountains, the crystalline cheer of illuminations. But the sakura was how Shinichi came to her, and so it is the season she has loved best. And in his absence, the one that has hollowed her out the most.
In Tokyo the cherry trees are a pale uniform pink, carefully spaced along waterways and avenues to form lush, picturesque canopies. Nothing like the variegated sprawl of wild sakura, impressionistic pastels dappling the sloping forests. Ran hopes Shinichi has time to drink in this loveliness wherever he is, whether the piled blooms stand in architected harmony or he’s chased his case into the unruly domain of nature.
Knowing how his work absorbs him, however, she wouldn’t be surprised if he missed cherry-blossom season altogether. She imagines him walking under tangled thatches of muted pink and dusty purple, his nose pointed into a book, entirely engrossed in the print. She sighs and wills imagination-Shinichi to look up, and he does, eyes lighting up as he watches the crisscrossing branches tremble in the wind.
The path along the Teimuzu is relatively uncrowded in the morning, so she positions herself against a flower-laden branch dipping low over the river before taking out her phone, sea cucumber swinging from its strap. She smiles and makes a V with her fingers and snaps a photo of herself, but her expression comes out dopey and wrong, so she deletes that picture and takes another. This one captures the background of frothy flowers well, and more importantly, is cute. She scrolls in her contacts until she finds Shinichi’s name, attaches the photo, and writes, “I’ll save you a place at all the hanami parties, so hurry back!”
She doesn’t send it. Instead, she presses the phone to her breast and looks out over the Teimuzu, where the sun makes fractured images in the ripples beyond the veil of cherry branches. In a few weeks the trees will be spring-green instead of snow-pink, the path will be carpeted with petals, and the river itself will gain a blanket of foamy white, courtesy of the hanafubuki, the blizzard of falling petals.
Ran presses backspace on her phone until the cursor has eaten all she’s written. “Miss you,” she types instead. As enormously and implacably as the sea the Teimuzu flows into. As constantly as the cherry trees, flowering every spring.
She presses send.
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