#Shinra OC Event 2020
shinraholidayparty · 10 months
Frequently Asked Questions
Given how new this is, these are mainly an attempt to head off the main questions I think people might have, based on my own experience in fandom as well as what I've seen others doing in their event weeks.  As questions are sent in however, this will be updated!
💡 What is this?
Shinra Holiday Party is an annual Final Fantasy VII event to celebrate the winter holidays with our favorite Shinra Personnel, be it Turks, SOLDIERs, or board members!  We'll post a week's worth of prompts, and you see if any of those prompts inspire a fanwork.
💡 How do the prompts work?
Basically, there's a post that will have the days listed with the prompt for each day.  You do not have to fill all of the prompts to participate, and if you want to post them out of order, please feel free!  However, please note that if you post them out of order, they will be scheduled to be reblogged on the event blog on the "correct" day, just to kind keep things together.
💡 How do I participate?
By posting a work either here on tumblr or to our AO3 collection!  If you're posting here on tumblr, be sure to either use the #shinraholidayparty tag or ping us (@shinraholidayparty) so that you can get reblogged to the event blog.
💡 What kind of work is allowed?
Any kind of work!  Writing, art, graphics, fanmixes, gifsets, and any other kind of fanwork is allowed.
Traced, plagiarized, and AI works are not considered eligible for the event.
💡 Can non-Shinra characters appear in the work?
Of course!  Our Shinra crew doesn't operate in a vacuum after all.  If you would like to include some of the AVALANCHE team or some OCs or honestly, anyone at all, please feel free to do so.
💡 What if I can't make any content?  Is there any way that I can still help?
Absolutely!  It's called "signal-boosting," and it will greatly help the fanworks reach more people!  You can reblog the prompt list post as well as any entries that you see that you enjoy.  Sharing and commenting is loving!
💡 How do I tag sensitive content?
So I'm going to go a little in-depth on this just in case you're new to tagging in general.
If you are posting your fic to the AO3, you should be using the Archive warning labels as appropriate.  These labels are as follows:
Graphic depictions of violence.
Major character death.
If you use "Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings," your work will not be reblogged to the event account.
You must also use the Archive's Rating system appropriately, choosing one of the following:
General Audiences
Teen and Up Audiences
Please see the Archive's guides on Ratings and Warnings if you have further questions.  You may also find the Archive's guide on Tag Types or "How to Tag" useful.
In addition to that, it's generally considered polite to tag/warn for any of the following:
Abuse (including Child Abuse / Neglect)
Ageplay / DDLG / DDLB / etc.
Animal Cruelty/Death/Harm
Any AU settings, including Cafe AUs, Omegaverse (or even just A/B/O Dynamics), Modern AU, etc.
Body Horror / Medical Horror
Drug Use
Dubious Consent
Kinks in general should be tagged so people can find them!
Kinks specifically regarding bodily fluids, such as Bloodplay / Scat / Emetophilia / etc.
Racism / Transphobia / Homophobia / etc.
Torture (psychological or physical)
Now, it is not required that you use these tags, although if the work is reblogged to the event account, you may see these tags added where appropriate.
💡 Is this event related to the Shinra Holiday event on Twitter in 2020?
Short answer: no.  Long answer: Still no, but this event was heavily inspired by that one.
💡 Why are there lightbulb emojis?
Because it's for the Shinra Electric Company! 💡💡💡 And because I wanted something cute to break up the visual monotony of all the text.
💡 I have a question not addressed here!
By all means, send in an ask!
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laerel · 4 years
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Whoa the last day! It's a fresh new one I created few days ago but I may develop her later. It was fun anyways.. I've always wanted to have a Turks OC... 
26 notes · View notes
pinkvanna · 4 years
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Standby Mode
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revivedxfighter · 4 years
Retracing The Past
This is a drabble based on my headcanon for Harmony’s FF7 verse. I talked about it on my muse’s profile and headcanons pages. The focus is more on world building and Harmony taking the time to remember the ones who were lost when the people fought with Seto against the Gi Tribe. This also takes place shortly after the events of the main game and based on interactions Harmony had with other roleplayers over the years.
It’s also inspired by the song “How the West Was Lost” - Link
I hope everyone enjoys this piece. 
Streams of light pierce the darkness and pools on the cold earth and rocks. The offer the lone visitor light to a realm long forgotten from decades ago when triumph and tragedy came to a head. Her lone, silver eye lowers to find dark sprays and splotches, the blood spilled on the fateful day when her own people took their last stand. The remnants weathered through the seasons, but it is still here, hidden from the world above these caverns.
Yes, Harmony remembers that story. It seems to be only yesterday when her father was alive and told her that tale of where she came from. She is a daughter of a tribe of people who believed Cosmo Canyon was promised to them from the sun goddess. Oklahashi, the People of the Sun. Those were her ancestors who once roamed Gaia, just as the Cetra have. Her father, heavens bless his soul, told her about these ancient people, just as his father told him.
A black leather clad hand rests on the cave’s wall. The very hand that is not her own, but a construct made of metal and wires, courtesy of Shinra’s Science Department after her supposed death. Dread washes over her when she faces the fact that she has served as a soldier, only to be cast aside as fodder when a mission ended with a devastating explosion.  She fell for the lie that the company is the gateway to a bright future. All will be well, they say.
So many were lost here...
Harmony thought and her hand moves away from the rock wall and dip in her messenger bag. She pulls out several flowers from inside and continues on. Vibrant, lush petals contrast the dreary surroundings. Footsteps are her only company in this silent world that serves as a mass grave of that fateful battle that led to the demise of her people and Cosmo Canyon owned by the settlers and Shinra itself.  These steps abruptly stop by each bone fragment, each piece of flint and black spots, gently setting one flower beside the object. An offering to represent a missing soul. A quiet apology to all who suffered and died for what they saw as the right thing.
It explains everything now. Why she is among small number of Oklahashi left, why there is so much bitterness and misery.
Her heart aches for the lost that have died for the deception the tyrant that is Shinra conjured. The very company that claims they want to defend the settlers who claimed the wild land, who lied to the surviving members of the tribe they will be in good hands, and the guardians of this Planet who perished for peace.
Her trek ends before an unusual sculpture. A lion-like figure stands alone with an array of weapons protruding from its body. The ghastly sight of Seto’s resting place is the reason why Harmony came all this way. He was a key player in the fight. He stood with the settlers against the Gi and Oklahashi warriors. Carefully, Harmony approaches Seto, her gaze unmoving. Lips part to finally speak as though he was still alive. 
“I imagine I may be the last thing you want to see...I have not come here with ill intentions or disrespect.”  Harmony’s voice is soft, as though afraid to disturb the others who rest here.  “When I was young, I did not understand why you sided with the settlers. I’m...I’m not sure if I fully understand it now. It hurts to see what has happened to you and my people.” She stands just a short distance away from Seto. Her one eye taking in all the details of how his last moments were. He has stayed with the Gi and many of the Oklahashi, sealed away from the world. Her other eye, replaced with another construct hides beneath the eyepatch. She dares not show it unless she must. 
She has given most of her flowers to every sign of death she saw, but saved something for Seto. “So much has happened since you were among the living. Gaia has almost dealt with the same fate all of you. We were so close to losing everything.” Eye downcast, the bitter memories of fear, the loss of her dear friends, and the catastrophe that ended one era and birthed another. The Planet is healing, slowly but surely, but the new period of uncertainty did little to help those who grieve in light of Geostigma and the deaths of thousands at the hands of their own hopes, dreams, and future. 
“You son...I met him. I don’t think he was quite fond of me, and...I don’t blame him. I don’t. I have hope that things will change. I only want to be his ally and friend.” Her hand slides back into her bag once more. “I know what I say and do cannot change what has happened. Just as our actions, though our home was spared, cannot reverse everything.” She pulls out a second bouquet with an addition nestled among the flowers: A single olive branch. 
“But I am here to say I’m sorry for the anger, tears, and spite that brought us here. I may not understand your intentions, but I forgive you and I know...I know you never wanted hatred to drive the issue of whether to share the land. I hope you can forgive me and my ancestors...Just as i hope they have moved on, leaving their anger behind forever.”  She takes a few more steps closer to Seto. “I wish only peace for every spirit who still dwell here. This is the least I can do for you...If only...” A sad sigh escapes the woman and she lowers herself, setting the bouquet before the rocks that serve as Seto’s base. Returning to her feet, Harmony gives a silent bow before slowly turning away and begin her return to the outside world. 
“If only fate smiled upon all of us.”
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