#Shindler's List
girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Halina Silber, a Holocaust survivor who was number 16 rescued by the legendary Oskar Schindler died this week at the age of 93. In 2015 speaking at a holocaust remembrance event in Baltimore she said “You are the last generation to hear of our suffering and the miracles by which we survived the Holocaust”. “Many of the Holocaust survivors have already passed away and so, when the rest of us will be gone, we hope that you will keep reminding the world of our past”.
The memory of the Holocaust is fading. soon, there will be no more survivors to tell the story. It's our duty to share and make sure the memory is not forgotten. Halina, we pledge to speak out and remind the world, Never Again!!!
May Halina's memory forever be a blessing.
Joseph Waks
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menandwomanofhistory · 5 months
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Oskar Schindler
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
The writer Philip Gourevitch complained: “Schindler’s list depicts the Nazi’s slaughter of Polish Jewry almost entirely through German eyes”. I see this in John Boyne’s repulsive book The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas too, which has become the most popular text for teaching the Shoah.
Spielberg's Schindler's List
Its hero is Bruno, the son of a Nazi like Göth. He is a tiny Oskar Schindler. Gourevitch adds, and I think he is right: “The mindless critical hyperbole which has greeted Schindler’s List suggests that powerful spectacle continues to be more beguiling than human and historical authenticity — and that the psychology of the Nazis is a bigger draw than the civilization of the people they murdered.”
That is true, too. Schindler’s Jews are terrorised people who cannot be whole. They are a cringing mass, with none of the intellectual or spiritual sophistication of the protagonists which is insane when you consider who did what to whom. The critic Liel Leibovitz said the film was, “the least Jewish in sensibility” of any film about the Shoah he had seen.
This was the director Stanley Kubrick’s response: “Think that’s about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn’t it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. Schindler’s List is about 600 who don’t. Anything else?”
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mcbethviolins · 2 years
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comradecowplant · 3 months
Chappell Roan's musical stylings still don't super ignite my soulfire but now having caught good luck babe & hot to go on the radio several times this week i admit the songs have grown on me quite a bit. perfectly nice fun indiepop earworms!
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actorguy104 · 9 months
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
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Amon Leopold Goeth is an SS Hauptsturmführer and commandant of the nazi concentration camp in Plaszow. A war criminal, he personally killed at least half a thousand prisoners.
On the left, there is Amon Goeth, played by Ralph Fiennes in "Shindler's list." On the right, there is actual Amon Goeth.
This is how people perceive nazism. At first, it seems to them a very attractive, liberating idea, it gives them a feeling of power and satisfaction. Why do people fall for nazism? Because it has many names, people need time and a lot of blood spilt to realise what it is. In the Middle Ages, it was called Christianity. Nowadays, its name is "From the river to the sea" and "русские вперед". Nazism gives you the feeling that you have the right to kill other people because of their ethnicity or religion. Nazism gives you the feeling that rape and mass murder are justifiable. Nazism violates the main law of the Universe itself, "Thou shalt not kill." "You shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, or his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour" - these are the words from the Bible. Ironically, in some russian translation, there was a phrase translated like, "Thou shalt not kill your neighbour." Nazism blooms when people are embittered and dream of making their neighbour feel bad just because "I feel bad, so they must suffer even more." Or even "I am happy and my neighbour is also happy, but I don't want my neighbour to be happy, I want to be happy while they're not." This is the physiology of nazism and the pathophysiology of humanity's development.
Russia invaded Ukraine, and Palestine invaded Israel because "I feel bad so my neighbour must suffer even more than me."
But in the end, everyone sees the true face of nazism. When the Insanity virus goes away, and people see the consequences of their actions, they see that nazism has their own faces, that it's not an abstract but a very concrete and material thing. It scares them so much so that they either live in shock and disgust or gaslight themselves that they didn't do anything wrong, that it wasn't their fault, for the rest of their lives. There are maniacs, of course, too, who genuinely enjoy killing, raping, torturing others - but the main body of nazism are "people who just believe in what is right".
God, please, save us and our close ones from nazism. God, please, save us from the neighbours who "believe in what is right" and who "just follow orders". And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
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axbxlx · 1 year
some scab actor said that Shindlers List is an Indie Film. it was made by Steven Spielberg and Universal Productions????? and has an A+ Cast??????
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
EVery year I think,I should watch every Oscar winning film......And every year I stop myself cause.
!.I dont wanna watch Gigi
2.I dont wanna watch Crash
3.I'm on the fence about Annie Hall
4.As a film fan I kind of wanna see Shindlers List I just dont know if I am ready for it
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster
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scottguy · 11 days
Article: Ex-Aide Warns What Laura Loomer Really Wants From Donald Trump: ‘It’s Terrifying’
Ex-Aide Warns What Laura Loomer Really Wants From Donald Trump: ‘It’s Terrifying’
Laura Loomer (and other Trump sycophants) are EAGER to start sending people to gas chambers.
They really want the job.
They will get the chance if you don't vote blue.
Remember, you may be a Republican, but if you're black or Latin, or an immigrant with any non-European ethnicity at all, they will come for you too.
Your Republican party affiliation will not protect you when they start rounding up victims. It will be indiscriminate chaos.
Remember Shindler's List? It wasn't pure hatred driving it all. Part of it was simply GREED. They STOLE all of the assets of the Jews which were free for the taking once they had been arrested. Finally, the "problem" of six million Jews in ghettos "solved" with gas chambers.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
and we did say it no. the library round about was fun. but no. we heard it all over and over. and you questioneed him trump and know nope. he hides data fromhaving 80 ercent plus of all businesses and monies. and finance. and they were aghast and why hehas no moneyis he still has a decent share and they guasp and then where is it.
and of course very large stashes and caches. and the ones in the parks. as they grab it and go. tons say it we need it now and will go there. tons will
Thor Freya
and ok shindlers list andwas is idea we do this
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vicky104-blog · 6 months
Did you watch a movie that inspires you? How did it impact your perspective in life? Do you have a favorite movie?
In this blog, I will share 3 masterpiece movies. Then I will tell you why this movie changed my perspective on life.
The story depicts the righteous deeds of Oskar Schindler during World War II. Oskar Shindler was a German Industrialist, born in Hungary on April 1908. He was known for saving the lives of 1,200, Jews. He gave bribes and luxury items to Nazi officials to keep his workers safe. Oskar Schindler died in October 1974.
Schindler's List is a historical drama film. It’s powerful at the same time heartbreaking. Watching it is almost too realistic, you can feel the despair and fear of Jewish People. The ending was so powerful, particularly when Schindler regretted that he didn’t save as many as he could have done. It's one of the great movies ever made.
                                           “One who saves one life saves the world entire”
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It did change my perspective in life, knowing it happened in real life. The atrocity of the Nazis changes the course of history. People may try to reverse history through false information, but those who suffered from history can’t deny the human capacity to do atrocious deeds. 
Meanwhile, some are grateful for their privileged life but still many people are suffering. Those who are privileged can’t understand the condition of the people who suffer in this economy.
“Love is like a box of chocolate,” is the movie's famous line. As the title mentions, Forrest Gump is the protagonist of the movie. He is intellectually or mentally challenged and has a physical impairment. Despite life problems, he has a positive attitude to face any circumstances. 
Forrest Gump went through a lot of adventures while holding on to his love for Jenny.
Eventually, Jenny and Forrest met again and had a son, but the former died afterward.
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Forrest Gump was taught with some wisdom from her mother. Indeed, the love of wisdom makes him profound and tough. Furthermore, this movie made me realize that no matter the circumstances always cling to hope and be optimistic. 
Nemo is the last mortal on earth, at the age of 118 and his memory is deteriorating he is interviewed by a journalist to disclose completely his life. 
The central theme of Mr. Nobody is about choices. Everything remains possible in life to happen before making a choice otherwise, once you make a choice there will be consequences. The movie is profound in addressing free will and finding the meaning of life by making a choice.
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As a creator of your life, every decision you make is right. Your choices may go wrong depending on how you perceive the circumstances but it doesn’t matter, find meaning whatever the circumstances are. it's up to you to find meaning and seize the diverse possibility of making a choice. 
These 3 masterpiece movies that I share can change your perspective. Oskar, Forrest, and Nemo represent each of us. The point of life is to create purpose and meaning.
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tiddieslurperr · 10 months
so obvious when a dude downlods letterboxd to impress some indie girl or smth cause no way your ass is watching shindlers list and the godfather twenty four seven at least throw in over the hedge or smth mix it up a lil 
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
steven spielburg has been an errand boy for the synagogue of satan since forever, think about his big movies and their subject matter, first of all and perhaps most obviously think of shindlers list, (im not gonna waste my life googling the spelling of jewish last names) it was released in the late eighties or early nineties i dont remember which but it was the FIRST major hollywood film depicting the holocaust, a lot of people dont know that, there had been some miniseries and made for tv kind of deals but no big hollywood picture, in jewish hollywood? it took until the fucken nineties? how? america would have LAUGHED shcindlers list out of the theaters at any other point in history it took decades it toook a generation passing away and a new generation being propagandized from childhood into adulthood to watch the movie without literally laughing at how absurdly ridiculous the story is, just patently and obviously untrue, he shot the movie in black in white so now it exists as an old movie in peoples minds weather they know it or not despite being released around the same time as tim burtons batman films. in that same vein he directed the first indiana jones film, which depicts nazis being killed by the fucking ark of the covenant which cemented JUDEO christian values in americans mind, rebolstered nazis as the eternal villians in americans minds, he also directed E.T. which kicked off another space aliens craze, i dont believe the earth is flat (i was fucking close just due to the constant lying and gaslighting i think weve all been there) but aliens are fucking stupid they dont exist, we are alone in the universe, we arent insignificant, i dont look up at the night sky and feel insignificant, i know be those stars burning balls of gas or the angels themselves they were hung for US! the moon may be a broken off chunk of earth coalesced and trapped in our atmosphere and the sun may be a close star again of burning gas but they are both for US to serve as a lamp in the day and a nighlight at night, he also directed Jurrassic Park, and i believe in dinosaurs and i believe in evolution though i dont believe either of those things happened the way they are trying to say it did, every major movie he directed was for jews and against the gentile christian audiences core values and we all ate it up.
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mcbethviolins · 2 years
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Giorno Memoria, passato e presente nell'opera di Andrea Villa
‘Red-emption’, bambina con vestito rosso di Shindler’s List” (ANSA) – TORINO, 27 GEN – È dedicato alla memoria e al ripetersi della storia, ma anche alla bontà di alcuni esseri umani, la nuova opera di Andrea Villa, lo street artist soprannominato il Banksy torinese. “Con il nuovo manifesto ‘Red-emption’ spiega l’artista – ho voluto rappresentare la bambina con il vestito rosso del film…
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