#Shimmer Tag Team Championship
colonelcrusto · 3 months
Ring of Horror: Rosemary
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Hailing from the Valley of Shadows (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) is Holly Letkeman. Better known today by the monstrous moniker of Rosemary. Okay, maybe it's not the most menacing or imposing of names, but Rosemary herself is both those things and more. Plus, Rosemary's Baby—A classic horror flick directed by convicted statutory rapist Roman Polanski so there's a spooky connection to the name. Getting her start in the business in 2008, Letkenman was trained by three Canadian greats, Johnny Divine, Tyson Dux, and Coach Scott D'Amore. She'd work her first match on January 30th, 2008, at a Prime Time Wrestling event in Belleville, Michigan, featuring heavy cross-promotion with the Insane Clown Pose's wrestling promotion, Juggalo Championship Wrestling.
In March, Letkeman took the ring name PJ Tyler, inspired by Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and possibly Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, and began performing across the Canadian Indies, frequently appearing for Scott D'Amore's Border City Wrestling. By her second year, PJ Tyler could be regularly seen on Pro Wrestling Xtreme and Great Canadian Wrestling shows.—It was in the latter promotion that Tyler picked up her first championship, winning the GCW WILD Champion in a tournament. PJ Tyler's run lasted 117 days before dropping it to some random dude named Anthony Darko. Info on the title change and Darko's run with the belt is .—And not really all that important. Near the end of 2010, Tyler switched up her ring name, dropping the PJ and the Tyler in favor of a Courtney and a Rush.
Courtney Rush didn't slow down, working feverishly across various indies North of the border and somewhat dipping her toe into the United States indie scene, mainly for SHIMMER Women Athletes' taping in Chicago, Il. She'd end up signed to Impact Wrestling in 2016. But before that, Courtney Rush dominated Canadian wrestling, amassing quite a collection of championships, including an 833-day regin with the Acclaim Pro Wrestling Woman's championship, among other not-as-lengthy but still pretty lengthy title runs.
On her own, Courtney Rush was bound to make it. She had all the tools needed to succeed in the industry. It was just a matter of time before Courtney Rush was signed with someone. Unfortunately or fortunately—depending on your perspective—Courtney Rush went, and doggone got herself possessed. Possessed by a demon assassin. Rosemary.
Track 10 off Marilyn Manson's fourth studio album, Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death), filled the Impact Zone on January 26th as Rosemary took the stage. Painted up like some kinda demonic, demented haunted house performer, smudges and smears specked her arms and legs, not a look wrestling fans were accustomed to. She delivered a terrible, nonsensical promo to the Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards), who stood in the ring. Fellow Canadian Crazy Steve and fellow monster Abyss joined Rosemary on stage, officially coming together as Decay. The trio attacked the Wolves—Stealing their Tag Team titles in the process. Decay would legitimately hold the titles in March after defeating Beer Money Inc. (Bobby Roode and James Storm) at Sacrifice.—Early in the same show, Rosemary scored a shenanigans-filled win over wrestling legend Gail Gim. In October, Rosemary would get some gold of her own. Winning the vacant TNA Knockouts World Championship in a Six-Sides of Steel match against Jade.
A respectable 266 days with the strap ended with Rosemary dropping the belt in a title vs. title unification match with Global Force Wrestling Women's Champions Sienna (Allysin Kay) at Slammiversary XV. In the weeks leading up to the event, Rosemary turned Face, claiming The Hive had sent her to protect Allie, first saving her from a beatdown from Sienna and Laurel Van Ness. What The Hive exactly is is not entirely clear. It seems to be more of an idea. Or perhaps it's an ageless being from beyond the stars that is psychically and spiritually linked to the being known as Rosemary.
A feud with the debuting Taya Valkyrie would end before it started, thanks to personal issues on Valkyrie's part. Rosemary reentered the title hunt, failing to regain the yet-again vacant Knockouts title in a tournament. The feud with Taya Valkyrie picked right back up once Valkyrie returned. Their short-lived angle concluded in a fancily named hardcore match (A Demon's Dance Match.) No longer preoccupied with the title or Taya, Rosemary could again focus on protecting her pal Allie.
And help, Allie needed. Su Yung had her sights set on ending Allie. On the April 26th, 2018, edition of Impact, Yung, along with a legion of Undead Bridesmaids, attacked Allie, attempting to put her in a coffin.—An attempt stopped by Rosemary. If you're a fan of horror and wrestling, then this is the feud for you. The demonic Rosemary protecting the sweet, innocent Allie from the evil undead bride Su Yung—Chef's kiss. Big, sloppy, chef's kiss. An injury Rosemary sustained at an indie show facilitated her needing to be written off TV a week after the start of the angle. The May 3rd Impact featured a match between Rosemary and Su Yung. At least it was meant to. Before the bell, the women broke into a brawl on the ramp. Yung summed her Undead Bridesmaids, who with them brought a casket. Allie was there too, trying to assist her best friend, Rosemary. It didn't go so well. Allie was forced to watch as Su Yung dumped Rosemary into the casket, sealing her inside.
A lot happened while Rosemary healed up. Allie went, and doggone got herself possessed, turning Heel and aligning with former rival Su Yung. Allie (now going by Dark Allie) and Su Yung teamed up to defeat Jordynne Grace and Kiera Hogan (No relation to former singer/reality star Brooke Hogan) at the January 2019 Homecoming. Rosemary returned that night, saving Kira Hogan from a post-match beatdown and reigniting the storyline with Allie and Su Yung. Rosemary worked to free Allie from the demonic hold that had taken over her. Along with Kira Hogan, at March's Against All Odds event, Rosemary dragged Allie with her into the Undead Realm in hopes of retrieving her friend's soul. -- Rosemary failed to save the soul of Allie, losing her friend forever.
Rosemary's revenge came in May when she laid out Su Yung in a Demon Collar Match (Dog Collar Match) where the ladies worked smart rather than hard. It's not a terrible match. But it does lack the violence and aggression you'd want from such a heated blood feud between two unholy hell beings. Instead of using the chain to brutalize one another, they find creative ways to incorporate its use. Choking spots. Tripping and tangling each other up. Dragging and pulling each other around the ring. It all works. Just would've worked better in a different match with different wrestlers. These two should've been trying to kill each other. They should have bled and broke to finish off this feud. Though Rosemary did take Su Yung prisoner.
Rosemary kept her captive close, having Su Yung accompany her to the ring over the next few weeks until Father James Mitchell had Havok free Yung while attacking Rosemary during a non-title match with Taya Valkyrie. Rosemary continued her unsuccessful pursuit of the Knockouts Title while simultaneously battling James Mitchell, Havok, and Su Yung. The entire saga came to a head with James Mitchell banishing Havok and Yung to the Undead Wasteland and Rosemary rescuing them.
TNA/Impact Wrestling has always been a wee bit silly. But Wrestle House was the undisputed peak of Impact/TNA buffoonery. A goofy Big Brother/Real World-style reality show, except with a vaguely supernatural twist. They can't leave the house, possibly due to a curse from Rosemary. The whole thing was madness. Ridiculous fun to be enjoyed by all but a few wrestling fans with a penchant for brightly colored suits, Southern idioms, and tennis rackets. It might not have been "Real Wrestling," but it was stupid, creative, and different, which is always appreciated. Her time in Wrestle House led Rosemary to form a brief team with former enemy Taya Valkyrie.
The team of Rosemary and Valkyrie competed in a tournament for the Impact Knockouts Tag Team Titles. They lost and stopped teaming after. She wasn't single long. Disbanding her team with Valkyrie in December and getting back with one of her exes by January. Ex-partner, that is, and it was Crazy Steve whom she got back together, reforming Decay—Sans Aybss; in his sted, the group added Luchador Black Taurus and former Rosemary foe-turned-friend Havok. When it comes to the story of Rosemary, it is hard not to be reminded of the famous quote: "Do I not destroy my enemies by making them my friends?" Time after time, rivals become allies.
With Havoc, Rosemary would have her first run with the Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championship. The iconic team of The IInspiration (Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay) took the belts from Decay after 98 days. Rosemary floated around the Knockout Tag and Knockout Women's Championship scenes for a few months with no success. Havok abandoned Rosemary in June, leaving her without a partner to face the Knockouts Tag Team Champions—No longer The IInspiration but now The Influence (Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood). However, as fate would have it, an old frenemy was back to get Rosemary's back. Taya Valkyrie. Valkyrie partnered with Rosemary for a title match at Slammiversary. That night, Rosemary became a two-time Impact Knockouts Tag Team Champion. In addition to aiding Rosemary in getting back the belts, Valkyrie joined Rosemary in her quest to find and bring back Havoc.
In the Undead Realm, Rosemary and Valkyrie found a different… Maybe unpossessed Havoc, going by the name Jessicka. Eventually, the trio took the name the Death Dollz, defending the belts under the Freebird Rule.—A rule allowing any two members of a larger team to defend the belts. Possibly made most famous by supergroup, the Spirit Squad, a quintet of male cheerleaders made up of five young men who at one time had dreams of being "serious" pro wrestlers but ultimately just got drenched in poo.
Between 2022 and 2023, the Death Dollz held the belts twice. Losing their titles first to VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) before getting them back 56 days later. The Coven (KiLynn King & Taylor Wilde) ended reign two for the Dollz. -- In the wake of this loss, Rosemary returned to the Undead Realm to retrieve her former partner, leaving her current partner, Jessicka, to wait. Rosemary wouldn't return.
At the Under Siege pre-show from London, not that one, the Ontario, Canada one, The Coven faced the Death Dollz in a non-title match. Jessicka's partner was a surprise return. Not Rosemary, but rather, for the first time in some seven years, Courtney Rush—Free of Rosemary's demonic possession. Rush and Jessicka carried on as the Death Dollz until the demise of Impact Wrestling at the end of 2023.
A brief history of TNA/Impact Wrestling. Founded by J, E, double F, J, A, double R, E, double T, and his father, Jerry Jarrett, in the long, long ago of 2002. That same year, Panda Energy International purchased a controlling share of the promotion, appointing Dixie Carter (the daughter of the company's owner) president. Smashing Pumpkin's frontman and full-grown man-baby, Billy Corgan, thought he bought the company. He didn't. In 2017, Anthem Sports & Entertainment acquired TNA Wrestling, rebranding the promotion as Impact Wrestling. Anthem rebranded again in 2024, reverting to TNA Wrestling. Rebranverting? (That's a word, right?—If you use your imagination.)
The Rebranverting didn't stop with the promotion's name. The Death Dollz also got an all-new-old look. Rosemary was back with Havoc by her side as Decay, returning to become TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions at the rebrandverted TNA relaunch event, Hard To Kill. And for the most part, that's the road so far. There's so much more to the Rosemary story. Years of television, interwinding character arks, and continuity rarely seen in the weird, wacky, and wild world of wrestling make it something special and worth the time.
Holly Letkeman and everything she's created within TNA/Impact/TNA (Again) has continuously been a diamond in the rough. Horror or humor, she delivers. Rosemary and her host vessel, Courtney Rush, deserve to be known. Their story to be heard. You could say it's a shame Rosemary has had to spend so much time trapped in the endless purgatory of TNA/Impact.—On the other hand, WWE never would've leaned into the spooky absurdity of Rosemary's world. More people would've seen her and her story. But it wouldn't have been as good. It wouldn't have been nearly as good. No, Rosemary is right where she should be. And it's on us to find her. To join The Hive.
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wewerecore · 9 months
CORE Pro #126 12/25/23 …if only in my dreams Wind Creek Event Center - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Attendance: 2,525
Match #1
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The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay/Trench) vs. Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Hyan/Kylie Paige - Slim J was hoisted up for the Bishop Bomb, but JeeVeS Kay grabbed on to Slim J's ankle and pulled him free from Bishop's grasp. Slim J and JeeVeS charged at Bishop but he back body dropped them both over the top rope and to the floor. Sonny Kiss ran at Joshua, but Sonny was soon lifted up for a Bishop Bomb and sent crashing into Slim J and JeeVeS on the outside. Trench applied the inverted full nelson on Big Dan Champion, but Champion broke the hold by driving Trench into the corner with an avalanche splash. Big Dan whipped Trench to the center of the ring where Hyan hit him with the Beauty Sleep and got the pinfall. Winners: Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Hyan/Kylie Paige
Match #2
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Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton and Silas Mason) - Silas Mason went for the Thrillride on Starboy Charlie, but Charlie countered with a crucifix. Mason kicked out but ate a superkick from Marcus Mathers which sent Silas tumbling to the floor where Mathers took him out with a dive. Kerry Morton tried to throw a fireball at Starboy Charlie, but Charlie saw it coming and stomped on Kerry's foot. The delay caused the fireball to erupt in Morton's own hand. Starboy Charlie hit the Gotch piledriver on Kerry Morton and covered him for a three count. Winners: Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers
Match #3
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida and Flamita) - Fuego Del Sol tried for the tornado DDT on Flamita, but Flamita pushed Fuego off and right into a single arm tiger suplex from Kaito Ishida. Giant Baba Yaga went to break up the hold but Titus Alexander had made his way to ringside and he hooked Baba around the ankle. This distracted Baba long enough to allow Flamita to hold her at bay as Ishida got the pinfall. Winners: Black Generation International
Match #4
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The 37KAMIINA (Yuki Ueno/MAO/Toy Kojima) vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Nic Nemeth) - Tim Bosby went for the rip cord lariat on Yuki Ueno, but Yuki Ueno countered with the WR. Nic Nemeth broke up the pin and soon after tried for the Fameasser on MAO. MAO avoided the move and when Nemeth landed in a seated position on the mat he was met by a Meteora from Toy Kojima. MAO springboarded off the top rope with a Phoenix Splash and the 2023 Trios Kingdom winners were again victorious. Winners: The 37KAMIINA
Match #5
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SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament - Finals Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose - Stephanie Vaquer tried for the package piledriver on Raychell Rose but Queen Aminata made the save with a jumping hip attack which propelled Rose forward into a rolling cradle on Vaquer who could not kick out in time. Winners and NEW SHIMMER Tag Team Champions: Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose
Match #6
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Coal Miner's Glove Match Eddie Kingston vs. Titus Alexander - Eddie Kingston climbed to the top rope and retrieved the coal miner's glove off a pole. On his descent Titus Alexander connected with a dropkick to Kingston's back which sent him crashing out of the ring to the apron before falling to the floor. Black Generation International made their way to ringside but referee Scarlette Donovan intercepted them and threatened to stop the match. What Scarlette didn't see was on the other side of the ring where someone hopped the railing.
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- Chris Hero, Kingston's long time rival, attacked Eddie on the outside. Hero connected with a big boot and removed the coal miner's glove from Eddie's hand. Hero put on the glove and went for a rolling elbow but Kingston ducked and hit an exploder suplex to Chris Hero on the floor. A dazed Kingston pulled himself into the ring where Titus quickly seized the advantage and hit the Chaos Theory on Kingston, but King kicked out at two. Chris Hero tossed the coal miner's glove to Titus Alexander who put it on. Titus went for the spinning backfist on Kingston with the glove, but Eddie ducked and countered with a backdrop driver. Kingston grabbed the coal miner's glove and put it on before drilling Titus with a Sliding D using the glove and Eddie made the cover. Winner: Eddie Kingston
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #1?? 02/03/24 Regional Pro-Wrestling Day 2024 LuLu Temple - Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 04/03/24 - 04/07/24 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Partner Promotions include: GLEAT JTO (Just Tap Out) National Wrestling Alliance
04/05/24 CORE Rage Party Union Transfer - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The biggest party you'll ever attend! Featuring live music and all your favorite wrestlers. Live music from Zwan more to be announced.
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Real Name: Natasha Maria Banks
Ring Name(s): Natasha Bee (formerly; 2012-2014), Tasha Marie (currently; 2014-present)
Nickname(s): Tasha (real life), Tash, Nat, Grape (when she had purple hair), Blue (with blue hair), The Goth Queen, Supernatural Princess, The Bad Guy (formerly)
Born: March 12th, 1994 (age 30)
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Billed From: Phoenix, Arizona
Height/Weight: 5’7/125 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown (1994-2016), Purple (2016-2023), Blue (2023-present)
Ariel Banks (mother)
Evan Banks (father)
Stella Venus (younger sister)
Isabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Annabelle Hawkins (cousin)
Bailey Hawkins (cousin)
Jackson Wilson (cousin in law; married to Isabelle)
London and Paris Wilson (cousins; twin daughters of Isabelle and Jackson)
Marcus Wilson (cousin; son of Isabelle and Jackson)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romantic Interest(s): Austin Theory (boyfriend; 2022-present), Finn Bálor (on screen/tv only; 2014-2016; a little bit of romance in 2018-2019), Unnamed ex boyfriend (2018-2021)
Children: None
Companies/Promotions: SHIMMER (July 7, 2012-March 26, 2014), WWE: NXT (March 27, 2014-July 17, 2016), WWE: Raw (July 18, 2016-April 22, 2019), WWE: Smackdown Live (April 23, 2019-October 13, 2019), WWE: Raw (October 14, 2019-October 8, 2020), WWE: Smackdown Live (October 9, 2020-October 31, 2021), WWE: Raw (November 1, 2021-April 27, 2023), Free Agent (April 28, 2023-February 1, 2024), WWE: Smackdown Live (February 2, 2024-present)
Face/Heel Turns: Face (July 7, 2012-August 14, 2014), Heel (August 15, 2014-June 28, 2016), Face (June 29, 2016-November 14, 2021), Heel (November 15, 2021-January 1, 2023), Tweener (January 2, 2023-February 29, 2024), Face (March 1, 2024-present)
Theme Songs:
First Theme (SHIMMER; 2012-2014)
Second Theme: (2014-2016)
Third Theme: (2016-2022; 2024/current)
Fourth Theme: (2022-2024)
Starts at 39 seconds into video
Tag Teams/Stables: Blood Sisters (with Stella Venus; 2019-2024)
Finisher Moves:
Signature Moves:
Big Boot
Submission Moves: Sharpshooter, Boston Crab, Cloverleaf, Cobra Clutch
Titles Won:
NXT Women’s Championship (NXT Takeover: London 12/16/15 against Bayley & Nia Jax after making Bayley tap to the Sharpshooter) Held for: 108 days (lost to Asuka at NXT Takeover Dallas 4/1/16 after getting knocked out by the Asuka Lock)
Smackdown Women’s Championship (Backlash May 21, 2017 against Naomi after making her tap to the sharpshooter) Held for: 92 days (lost to Natayla at Summerslam August 20, 2017 after tapping to the sharpshooter)
Universal Women’s Championship (Raw 12/23/19 in a 8 women battle royal; won after throwing Cassie Brown over the top rope and becoming the first ever champion) Held for: 105 days (lost to Cassie Brown at Wrestlemania 4/5/20 after getting hit with a chair and then getting hit with the Messysault or Bitchysault at the time) *1st reign*
Universal Women’s Championship (Raw 11/8/21 in a fatal four way elimination match against Aliyah, Natalya, and Dana Brooke; won after eliminating Natayla with a Stunner) Held for: 511 days (lost to Cassie Brown at Wrestlemania 39 4/2/23 after getting hit with a Messysault and getting pinned) *2nd reign*
Other Accomplishments:
Record for the longest reign as Universal Women’s Champion (511 days)
NXT Year-End Award - Female Competitor of the Year (2015)
Medical Conditions/Injuries:
Head Concussion
Facial Contusions (two times in career)
Sprained Ankle
Busted Lip
Torn ACL
Managers: Stella Venus
Has Managed: Finn Bálor, Stella Venus
Rhea Ripley
Dakota Kai (off screen)
Cassie Brown (off screen)
Rosalie (off screen)
Megan Foster (off screen)
Austin Theory
Grayson Waller
Johnny Gargano
Tommaso Ciampa
Candice LeRae (off screen)
Indi Hartwell (off screen)
Maxxine Dupri
Kairi Sane (off screen)
Cody Rhodes (off screen)
Randy Orton
Kevin Owens
Sami Zayn (off screen)
Finn Bálor
Damien Priest (off screen)
Paige/Saraya (off screen)
Sasha Banks/Mercedes Moné (off screen)
Roman Reigns (off screen)
Seth Rollins (off screen)
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose (off screen)
CM Punk (off screen)
Triple H
Stephanie McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Beth Phoenix
Dominik Mysterio (off screen)
JD McDonagh (off screen)
Jey Uso (off screen)
Jimmy Uso (off screen)
Solo Sikoa (off screen)
Tama Tonga (off screen)
Tonga Loa (off screen)
Nikki Bella
Brie Bella
Chelsea Green (off screen)
Liv Morgan (off screen)
Scarlett (off screen)
Trained By:
Matt Bloom
Beth Phoenix
Cassie Brown
Shawn Michaels
WWE Idol(s):
Ashley Massaro
Eddie Guerrero
Beth Phoenix
Stone Cold Steve Austin
John Cena
Bret “The Hitman” Hart
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
D-Generation X
Tasha grew up watching wrestling and her favorites were Stone Cold, DX, The Harts, and Ashley Massaro
Tasha’s first wrestling event was Summerslam in 2008 when she went with her parents and sister. Ironically, this would be the first PPV/PLE she would win in on the main roster
Tasha is good friends with singer Billie Eilish which is why she used her song “Bad Guy” as a theme
Her signature colors are purple and black and sometimes blue. She always comes out to the ring with a hooded cloak and mask
She is allergic to shellfish and is lactose intolerant
She has wrestled both men and women in her career
She was a cheerleader in high school and also took karate
Tasha doesn’t like any type of seafood mostly because she’s allergic to shellfish
Tasha has knee issues due to her tore acl from a year ago as well as slight ankle issues
She has 7 tattoos and a studded nose piercing
She owns a Siberian husky named Olive who is three years old
Social Medias: tashamariewwe (Instagram), misstashamarie (Twitter), thetashamarie (TikTok) *These aren’t real so don’t look for them*
A/N: Tasha is part of the same fanfic/au as Cassie Brown, can you read about as well. Cassie’s info is on my profile (you might have to scroll a bit to find it). I’ll be publishing about Stella, Megan, Rosalie, and Roxanne soon. Also The Hawkins and Jackson are OCs as well and I might make something for them. I haven’t decided yet.
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wrestlingmgc · 3 years
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Shimmer Tag Team Champions Team Sea Stars 
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Phoenix Of RISE Champion and Shimmer Tag Team Champion Delilah Doom [November 11th, 2017]
This weekend was a big one for Delilah Doom, who achieved championship status in not just one, but two of the most prominent women wrestling promotions in the United States! On November 10th, Delilah defeated longtime champion Shotzi Blackheart for the Phoenix Of RISE Championship, ending her reign which began in March. Then, the duo of Doom and Leva Bates (known together as Totally Tubular Tag Team) defeated Mount Tessa (Tessa Blanchard and Vanessa Kraven) for the Shimmer Tag Team Championships. Mount Tessa had been champions since November of last year and were only a few days shy of reigning for a full year.
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Delilah returns to RISE on December 1st for RISE 6: Brutality in South Gate, California. For more information, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1454550934623359/
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ashley-jones · 3 years
Change of Script
Warnings: Cursing, Age Gap (7 years - Rhea / 23 years Shayna), Oral, Blackout Smut
Kevin is nothing like this in real life! He's a total sweetheart. Demi and Kevin literally belong together, so this is no hate to him! ♥️♥️
Character name: Adriana Rhett
Characters: Rhea Ripley, Shayna Baszler, Charlotte Flair, Nikki A.S.H, Nia Jax
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A change of Script was never easy, it's takes a while to learn and perform properly. But of course when Rhea helped Adriana after being held to a chokehold, the administration just had to change everything.
The story that was mixed between Shayna and Adriana was a queen with her peasant that obeyed everything she said. A psychopathic girl that follows her orders with innocnece and pride. Adriana played the rule perfectly because she was that person. She could kick someone's ass on command, she was follower not a leader.
New story and script slammed in front of her. Boom The Fiend and Alexa Bliss vibes hitting her almost immediately. Only, Rhea was the master with her pet with an obsession. It would add more action to the fights that would have Rhea drained and kneeled halfway to losing, but also cause proper tension between Rhea and Shayna that would lead up to their final match.
"So tell us Adriana, is your tag team with Nia Jax and Shayna over?" Byron questioned. "Of course. You know a girl my age should never stay with such abuse.." she innocently played off. Her glittering pink and blue dress shimmered brightly in the lights surrounding the ring. "So who will replace Shayna?" he asked. Her head cocked to the side, humming softly while biting the inside of her cheek.
She opened her mouth to speak with 'Brutality' played loudly over the intercom. Lowering the microphone the girl smiled, eyes darting towards Shayna and Nia who sat across from her and the empty seat. She hated new scripts, they where difficult to go along with, but she could at least have a little fun with it right?
She but her lower lip when Rhea climbed through the ropes. Shayna was handing glaring at the Australian who walked directly to Adriana. Shimmering blue eyes lifted like an obedient puppy. Shr took a microphone sitting down beside the younger, crossing on leg over the other smirking towards Shayna and Nia.
"Such a lead up to the championship!" Byron excitedly called out. "Do either of you two have any words for Shayna and Nia?" Pat questioned. Adriana lifted the microphone cocking her head to the side.
"I'm gonna send you to hell." she coldly replied.
Adriana could change every single one of her emotions with the snap of a finger. It made her character so much more alive to the audience.
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"Fuck I'm tired.." Adriana mumbled. She collapsed against Charlotte who shifted wrapping her arms around the girls shoulders while keeping her phone in view. "I bet. I credit you kid, handling a complete script change after a horrible beating from Shayna.. I wouldn't be able to do it." Charlotte softly said. Adriana hummed tracing her fingers against the bruises wrapped around her throat.
She leaned her head back against Charlotte's shoulder closing her eyes in hope of resting for just a few minutes. But of course, that never seems to happen because Rhea came looking for her the moment her head leaned back against the queens shoulder. Charlotte wished her luck earning a tired hum as she followed after the Australian wrestler.
Despite her exhaustion she still perked up grabbing Rhea's sleeve once they passed by cameras. She looked like a child following their caretaker for a severe punishment. She smiled childishly stepping up beside the older wrestler, forcing her arms to wrap around her shoulder. The blonde interviewer smiled holding out the microphone towards Rhea. "How does the new tag team feel Rhea?" she questioned. "Get away from me." she simply replied.
"That's not nice." Adriana whispered. She shifted from her arm following beside her. "Where are we goinggg?" she pouted. "Quiet." Demi ordered. Pouting Adriana stoped crossing her arms glaring at the other. Rhea stopped letting out an annoyed sigh, grabbing the girl and lifting her up over her shoulder. Her long hair flowed beneath her squealing in surprise. "Rhea!" she cried. They entered a room, the door shutting behind them. Before she could say anything she was flipped over the other shoulder and tossed onto the couch.
"Ow..." She whimpered. She looked up at Rhea pouting like a child. "What was that for?! I've been good today, no need for manhandling me!" she whined. "You're right, you have been a good girl." Rhea rasped. "But I have to manhandle you so you don't fall back into your misbehaving ways." Rhea growled.
She hummed letting herself fall back against the couch, lifting her legs up on the arm. "Leave it to the ring Rhea..." She whispered. She didn't mind the teasing, but considering the relationship Rhea was in, and the severe confusion the older wrestler brought her really pushed the thoughts of sexual teasing out of her mind.
"What's with the attitude?" Rhea growled. "I'm tired Ripley." she mumbled. Sitting up pushing her hair back and standing up. Before she could leave Rhea stopped her pulling her body closer, lifting her chin and staring at the deep bruises wrapped around her throat. Her body physically reacted the moment the sore bruises where touched, hand quickly pulling the others away. "Hurts.." she whispered.
Rhea leaned down placing gentle kisses along the bruises, small hands gently grasping at her torso, cold hands pricking against her sweat slicked skin. "Rhea.." she whined. A whimper left her once her tongue traced along the curve of her throat and collarbone. "I c-can't.." she pushed. Gently pushing Rhea back, lowering her head.
For once she was pushing her character away, the true 18 year old girl showing. She was scared. The queen doesn't show fear, but Adriana does. Because she's still young, the youngest wwe wrestler to step foot into Raw. Maybe she did have a crush on Rhea, and would love to have her in every which way. But she wasn't a homewrecker. She didn't wanna ruin a relationship that seemed perfectly set.
"I'm sorry.." she whispered. Stepping back she walked out of the dressing room leaving Rhea to stand alone.
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Adriana laid on the large black leather couch, a pink fluffy blanket covering her small frame. The 76" tv lit up the large living room, Hell's kitchen playing quietly with Russian subtitles flowing across the bottom. "King!" she called out. A dark black and grey husky came running into the living room, jumping onto the couch and pushing in beside her.
The sound of her security alarm alerting someone was at her front door made her sit up. King srartebed barking running straight to the door. "Alexa.. show the front door camera." she spoke up. The tv screen flashed to her door cam, Rhea standing there a few feet from the door.
"сука" she mumbled. Tossing her blanket off leaving her in the fluffy pink shorts and a white crop. The cold air hitting her instantly as she stood and walked towards the door unlocking it and pulling it open. "You know.. a home is usually meant for privacy, not work." she spoke up. She stepped to the side allowing Rhea to come inside, shutting the door and locking it once again. King began sniffing the unknown woman before growling and walking back to the couch.
Rhea looked around the large entrance way. The paychecks from each affiliation really showed. The house was huge, and for only one person it was insane. "Why'd you take a cab?" Adriana asked. "Got in an argument with Kevin, and I couldn't find my keys.." the older one answered. Her voice was rasped even more than it usually was, accent more present.
Adriana nodded leading the other into the living room. King laid on his dog bed beside the heater, which the owner of the home turned it up. "Thirsty?" she softly asked the other female. "Um yea.. Doesn't matter what.." Rhea replied. The younger wrestler stared at her then walked into the kitchen grabbing out two beers. She popped them both open dropping the lids into trash, pressing her knee to the top so it went back under the sink.
Walking back into the living room handing her one of the bottles then shifting so she was sitting on her foot. "What was the argument about?" she asked. "Demi.. what happened?" she tried again. The Australian looked towards the young Russian, her accent mixing beautifully with her birth name. "He was messaging other girls. Then for upset me when I pointed it out to him.. Turns out it's my fault for being too busy." she simply explained.
"Shit. Demi I'm sorry.. Was he doing anything with the girls.. fuck.. I'm not trying to pry.." she stumbled. Rhea looked over towards her, the blue glow from her led lights shimmered across glowing skin. Demi could smell Adriana, her perfume and lotion intoxicating together. "You smell incredible.." she mumbled. Setting her drink down, grabbing the others and setting it aside. Pulling her legs out from under her and pulling her down so that Demi could lean over her.
Curling her legs so that her knees tucked against either side of Demi's waist. She didn't push her away when her lips curved along her throat, sucking gently on the bruised skin adding more to the purple, yellow, and blue color format. "Demi.." she whimpered. Her nails trailed up her shirt, striking them down her back carefully leaving red behind.
"к черту это" she whispered. Flipping them over she leaned down kissing the Australian, who wrapped her arms tightly around the younger kissing her back roughly. Adriana bit Demi's lower lip, tongue pushing through the moment her lips parted. Tongues battling for dominance, the older obviously winning. Sucking on her lower lip before shifting down kissing her sharpened jawline and towards her well carved throat.
She pulled her cardigan off and threw it to the floor, Demi's shirt following after. "You okay with this princess?" Demi quickly asked. Adriana looked up quickly ocean eyes meeting deeper blue, heart beginning to race. "I feel confused.. I want to, but I'm scared.." she admitted. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I know our first encounter wasn't the best of examples.. But I can try to be more gentle." Demi assured.
"I never said you had to be gentle. You've tossed me out of a rink and into a table once, believe me I can take a beating." she joked. Rhea laughed wrapping her arms tightly around the girls waist. Lips colliding once again, clothing shed in every directions. Adriana was laid back, the older wrestler taking control. Tongue piercing cold against her stomach as it dragged down into her navel, pulling the Victoria secret branded thing down her silken thighs.
Rhea dove in lifting her thighs and resting them over her shoulders. Moans spilled from the younger wrestlers lips, back arching, hands grasping at the woman's short blonde locks.
"Demi.." she whimpered. The led lights glistening across her skin like a waterfall, long pink and blue strands mixing and knotting together. Thighs clenching against the others head, pulling at the strands of hair whining and moaning, singing out to the female who's tongue worked her as if they where back in the ring. 3 fingers stretching her virgin cunt, thrusting in and out slowly causing more slick to sleep down and onto the leather couch creating a small puddle of arousal.
"Demi!" she cried out in pleasure.
"such a good girl.." Rhea rasped.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
Ruby Riott's accomplishments in other promotions. 
Absolute Intense Wrestling
AIW Women's Championship(1 time)
All American Wrestling
AAW Heritage Championship (1 time)
Alpha-1 Wrestling
A1 Alpha Male Championship (1 time)
Channel Islands World Wrestling
World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
Young Lions Cup XI (1 time)
Ohio Valley Wrestling
OVW Women's Championship (1 time)
Revolution Championship Wrestling
RCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
Shimmer Women Athletes
Shimmer Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Evie(also known as Dakota Kai)
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But you mean to tell me that not ONCE as Ruby Riott in WWE, Ruby COULD not become WWE Raw/Smackdown’s Women’s Champion? She couldn’t even become WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions with Liv Morgan? RIDICULOUS
Ruby Riott was underutilized, underappreciated, underrated and undervalued in WWE and a Women’s Division that didn’t know what to do with her. 
Ruby Riott deserved so much better.
But Ruby Soho is gonna make them regret EVER wasting her potential and kill it in AEW
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evas-apartment · 3 years
Famous Puerto Rican Wrestlers!
So, the last post i made on pro wrestling got a lot of positive feedback, so I’m gonna keep talking about it lol. Two things that mean a lot to me are wrestling, and being Puerto Rican. Nothing makes me immediately like somebody more than when I’m watching somebody on TV and going “oh shit! they’re latine, that’s really cool, wonder where they’re from” and then going to their wikipedia page and finding out that they’re also Boricua, that’s really cool to me. So I thought I’d highlight some famous Puerto Rican wrestlers, cause representation matters. Join me under the cut, will you?
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Damian Priest
Known in Ring of Honor as Punishment Martinez, he currently works for WWE on the Raw brand under the name Damian Priest. He is a one-time ROH TV Champion and he is also the current WWE United States Champion, which I love. I love latine people holding any gold, but there’s something real cool about him being the US champion specifically. Like we’re the face/representation of the country. Anyway, super good wrestler, super charming, wrestled a match tag-teaming with fellow Boricua and singer Bad Bunny in a match better than it had any right being. Also he has a really deep voice, and I really like that.
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Also known as Carlito Caribbean Cool, Carlito was a mainstay of WWE’s mid-card throughout the latter half of the 2000′s. Carlito is a one-time WWE United States Champion, a one-time WWE Intercontinental Champion, and a two-time tag-team champion, with his cousin Primo (Primo being Spanish, for cousin :P). Carlito is the son of Carlos Colon Sr., the founder and owner of WWC, the World Wrestling Council, the premier wrestling federation in Puerto Rico, and as such Carlito and a lot of his family is involved in wrestling, in either on-camera or behind the scenes roles. The reason I’m not featuring his father is due to his cover-up in the murder of fellow wrestler Bruiser Brody, but that’s another story, for another time. Carlito was famous for “spitting in the face of people who don’t want to be cool”, literally spitting apple in the face of people that offend him. A good hand, and a memorable character, Carlito still wrestles today for various other promotions, on the independent circuit.
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Zelina Vega
Wrestling as Rosita in Total Nonstop Action, Zelina Vega is perhaps best known for being the manager of Andrade El Idolo in NXT and on the Raw brand of WWE. A great wrestler in her own right, she shines as a talker, a vital part of the art of wrestling. In TNA she was a one-time Knockouts Tag-Team Champion, with Sarita, and she is also an accomplished cosplayer. Like seriously check out her cosplays, they’re really good. She currently wrestles for the Smackdown brand of WWE, usually in really good outfits.
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Pedro Morales
Pedro Morales is famous for being the first ever Latino to hold a world championship in wrestling, holding the WWWF (what the WWE was called before 1979) for a staggering 1,027 days, being not only the 4th person to ever hold that belt, but for having the 5th most combined days as WWE Champion. Back in that day, championship reigns were long, and champions worked many, many, MANY days traveling all around America, and the world entertaining people. A champion in many other territories, Morales is also a WWWF United States Champion, a tag-team champion, and an Intercontinental Champion, also having the most combined days as an IC champion, making him the first-ever WWE Triple Crown Champion (having held the world championship, the tag-team championship, and one or both secondary championships). A well decorated-well season, well-liked wrestler, Pedro Morales is a testament to Puerto Rican success, saying that not only have Boricuas been killing it in this game for some time, we’ve been doing it for at least fifty years, and I think that’s really cool.
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A champion almost everywhere she works, Ivelisse has held championship gold in Shimmer, the World Wrestling League, All Elite Wrestling, winning the Tag Team Cup with fellow Latina, the Cuban-American Diamante, and perhaps most famously Lucha Underground, being a Trios Championship tournament winner, and a two-time Trios Championship holder, with Angelico, and Son of Havoc. Currently, she works for Shine Wrestling, a sister company to Shimmer, where she is their reigning and defending Shine Champion, with her current reign being more than 600 days, which is nuts. She also holds the distinction of holding that championship for the most combined days, good for her!
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Eddie Kingston
Finally, we have Eddie Kingston. I haven’t been following AEW for too long, so I JUST found out that he’s Puerto Rican, and that makes me so fucking excited lol. Potentially, the greatest talker going today, Eddie Kingston has that rare ability to talk people into the building, to really make people care, to make people really believe what he’s saying, and that when it’s all said and done, Eddie is gonna kick your ass. A very decorated champion, having held the top prize in Combat Zone Wrestling, All-American Wrestling, IWA Mid-South, and being the first-ever Chikara Grand Champion, he currently is wrestling in All Elite Wrestling, where he is known for his partnership with former bitter rival Jon Moxley. His feud with Moxley won Feud of the Year from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, and most recently Kingston wrestled Miro for the TNT Championship at AEW All Out on September 5th, in an EXCELLENT match. What else can I say, other than Eddie Kingston is one of the coolest wrestlers currently at it, and I am damn proud to call him one of my own.
So! This is something new that I might keep doing going forward, let me know if you like it! This isn’t even close to every single notable Boricua wrestler, but I didn’t wanna take up your whole dashboard, just most of it lol. As I said before, if you’ve read this far, thank you, I appreciate it, tell me what you think, I’m open to suggestions, and if you have any questions, my inbox is always open. Thank you!
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buttdawg · 4 years
Allie’s Master Plan
I’ve been trying to understand Allie’s motives for seducing QT Marshall, and to my eternal horror, I think I actually came up with something that makes sense.   Let me break it down for you.
Step One: Allie debuts in AEW, defeats Leva Bates at Fyter Fest 2019.   This angers the powers that be within AEW, who are irrationally convinced that the Librarians are the greatest idea in wrestling history.   
Step Two: Allie loses to Brandi Rhodes at Fight For the Fallen 2019, due to interference by Awesome Kong.   The match is intended to punish Allie for defeating the Elite’s hand-picked women’s wrestling star, but Allie quickly realizes how easy it is to manipulate Brandi’s fragile ego.    
Step Three: Allie turns into “The Bunny” and brings the Butcher and the Blade to AEW to beat the shit out of Cody, furthering Brandi Rhodes’ descent into madness.   Also, The Blade is Allie’s husband, so the Bunny phase of her career isn’t quite the plothole as I originally assumed.
Step Four: Brandi forms, disbands, confuses the Nightmare Collective.    When MJF whips Cody in early 2020, she renews her ties to the Nightmare Family, which leads to her managing the team of Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall.
Step Five: With Butcher and Blade firmly established in AEW, Allie abandons the Bunny persona and begins seducing QT Marshall, which allows her to infiltrate the Nightmare Family.
Step Six: Somehow, Allie convinces Brandi to team up with her on AEW Dark.   They win their matches, but Allie does a lot of sneaky stuff to get the pin while Brandi does most of the work.  
Step Seven: The success of the “Nightmare Sisters” goes to Brandi Rhodes’ head.    Using her backstage influence, Brandi arranges a women’s tag team tournament.  
Step Eight (?): Allie and Brandi make it to the tournament finals, but Allie takes a dive to cost them the match.   
Step Nine (?): Allie convinces Brandi that they were robbed at the tournament final, and suggests that the best way for Brandi to salve her wounded ego would be to outshine the tournament winners by introducing an even grander prize: the AEW Women’s Tag Team Championship. 
The bottom line here is that Allie’s endgame here is to manipulate Brandi into creating a women’s tag team division in AEW.    From there, she can either win the titles with Brandi, or dump the Nightmare Family in favor of some other partner and win the titles that way.     
This may all seem kind of half-baked, but I looked up Allie on Wikipedia, and lo and behold, she held tag team gold in both Shine and Shimmer.    Her partner: One, Kimber Lee, currently signed to Impact Wrestling.  
So maybe Allie has plans to bring Kimber into AEW before kicking the Nightmare Family to the curb.   Then she’d have it all.   Tag titles, a nice contract for herself, her husband, and her good friend Kimber Lee, and who knows what else?     A small price to pay for pretending QT’s hair implants look good.   
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by @thedeboniardevistation
Pairing:  Alex Shelley /FC
Category:  Smut
Warnings:  none
16.          “I don’t mind if you take what’s yours, but give me mine.” Sweet Things- The Pretty Reckless
It was impossibly unfair how good looking Alex Shelly was.  Who gave him the right to look so damn good?  You thought as you watched him in the ring with his partner Chris Sabin working against the Young Bucks.  You tried not to be too obvious in your staring, hoping you were drooling as you watched his muscles ripple and sweat trickling down his body.  You felt an almost irresistible need to lick him clean.  
Shaking your head to clear it you stepped back from the curtain.   You were glad your ring gear was black because you were sure a damp spot would be pretty evidence on a lighter color.   The worst part was that he knew exactly what he did to you.  Knew you were probably back here, working yourself into quite a state watching him.   And he would take full advantage of it.   The best part was that Alex knew exactly what he was doing and he was more than generous in making sure you were well pleased.  
Evil knockin’ at my door
Evil make me its whore
I don’t mind if you take what’s yours
But give me mine
The road was a lonely place and the two of you hand a mutually beneficial relationship.   No commitment, no strings attached.  A you scratch mine and I’ll scratch yours kind of deal.  No expectations and no feelings.   There wasn’t a whole lot of talking between the two of you.  You honestly couldn’t say if you had a single thing in common outside of a love for wrestling.  But you liked it that way.   As soon as the deed was done, he would go his way and you would go yours.  
As the bell rang, signaling the end of the match you felt a shimmer of excitement.  This was gonna be fun.  Alex and Chris had just defeated the Young Bucks, capturing the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles.  You were practically salivating at the thought of blowing Alex while he wore nothing but that belt.  
Evil, I want you to know
I’m much too young to be owned
I don’t mind if you take what’s yours
But give me mine
As soon as he stepped through the curtain, you could tell he had the same thoughts on his mind.   His eyes found yours as he accepted congratulations from his co-workers, slowly making his way through the crowd until he stood in front of you.
“Let’s go.”  Alex said grabbing you by the hand and leading you down the hallway towards the Motor City Machine Guns locker room.  There wasn’t much to it, barely the size of a walk in closet, but it had more than enough room for what you needed.  
“I want to suck you wearing that belt.”  You said as soon as the door was shut behind you.   Immediately dropping to your knees you worked on freeing Alex from his wrestling tights as he secured the belt around his waist. Sitting back on your heels you admired the view, eyeing his muscular body with that gold around his waist. “It looks good, real good.”  You murmured hand reaching out to encircle his quickly hardening cock.  
Alex moaned as you slid him into your throat, his hands moving to the back of your head and guiding himself in until your forehead was touching the cool metal plate of the championship title.  
“You look good like that,” He said smirking down at you as your eyes found his.   “Take real good care of me and I’ll put that belt around your waist while you sit on my face.”   You moaned in agreement around his length sending vibrations through his shaft.  
Your head began bobbing on him sucking furiously as you swallowed him, your tongue stroking the flesh as it invaded your mouth.   Alex cursed under his breath as you deep throated him, swallowing reflexively as he entered your throat and pulling him out again, your tongue working him as he slid out.   Keeping just the tip in your mouth you sucked hard and swirled your tongue around and sliding it through his slit.  Your efforts were soon paid off, feeling the first spurts of warm come landing on your tongue as you swallowed.   Pulling off with a gasp you sat back on your heels, smirking up at Alex.
Taking off the belt Alex tossed it over the back of the lone chair in the room and pulled you to your feet, quickly divesting you of your shorts before picking up the belt and snapping it on your waist.  
“Looks almost as good on you as it does on me.”  Alex commented as he situated himself on the floor and motioned for you to get on him.  “Now put that pretty little pussy on my tongue and let me show you how to make someone scream.”  
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squaredcirclesirens · 5 years
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Several Names Announced For ROH's Women's World Title Tournament
A few more names have been announced as names of 16 competitors in the tournament to crown a new women’s champion in ROH. The tournament kicks off with eight first-round matches at Quest For Gold in Philadelphia on April 24th.
Miranda Alize is one of the top competitors on the independent circuit in addition to being a viral sensation. Now “The Superstar” wants to be Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion.
A seven-year pro, Alize trained under Hall of Famer Booker T and has wrestled extensively in Mexico and competed for STARDOM in Japan. Alize has worked for a number of U.S. promotions, including SHIMMER and Reality of Wrestling, participated in the first Mae Young Classic and competed in the UK.
Ashley Vox, who refers to herself as a “Reel Catch,” has an opportunity to capture the Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship.
Vox, who has established herself as one of the top female wrestlers on the independent circuit in recent years, impressed ROH officials in the handful of dark matches she competed in for the company in 2018.
She is no stranger to championship gold, as she and her sister Delmi Exo — known collectively as Team Sea Stars — are the reigning SHIMMER Tag Team Champions. They ended the 377-day reign of veteran stars Mercedes Martinez and Cheerleader Melissa this past November.
Gia Scott may not have the experience or name recognition of many of the competitors in the Ring of Honor Women’s World Title tournament, but she certainly doesn’t lack confidence or talent.
Although she has only been wrestling for two years, the 21-year-old Scott has dominated the women’s division in MCW (Maryland Championship Wrestling), an ROH affiliate and one of the top independent promotions in pro wrestling. Scott is the current and three-time holder of the MCW Women’s Title.
Alex Gracia is one of 16 competitors in the tournament to crown a new women’s champion in ROH.
Although Gracia has only been wrestling since 2018, she’s already made an impact both domestically and internationally.
A graduate of the Texas Wrestling Academy — which was formerly run by Shawn Michaels and has produced stars such as Bryan Danielson, Brian Kendrick, and Paul London — Garcia has competed for STARDOM in Japan and for several promotions in Mexico, including CMLL. She’s a former holder of the women’s championship in Reality of Wrestling, the Texas-based independent promotion owned by Booker T.
The field joins previously announced competitors Katarina Waters, Martina, Jenny Rose, Nicole Savoy, Sumie Sakai, Angelina Love, Tasha Steelz, Mandy Leon, and Kellyanne.
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wewerecore · 6 months
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 - Update
We at COal REgion Pro-Wrestling would like to first thank our super sponsors for The Co-Op 2024, the United States Space Force and General Dynamics. They share CORE's commitment to bringing forward ideas that shape our world.
Thursday April 4th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- After thirty years The Co-Op has partnered with the National Wrestling Alliance to revive Eastern Championship Wrestling! Since the legendary Philadelphia based independent promotion closed up shop in 1994, fans have been clamoring for Eastern Championship Wrestling to return. Hardcore fans have continued to chant the initials of Eastern Championship Wrestling at events all over the globe, and finally it returns to Philadelphia for a one night stand as part of The Co-Op.
Eastern Championship Wrestling - Super Spring Sizzler Spectacular
01. Tony Stetson (with Johnny Hot Body) vs. Damien Stone 02. The Sandman vs. Miguel Perez Jr. 03. Tommy Dreamer and Johnny Gunn vs. The Dark Patriot and Jason Knight 04. Tatsumi Fujinami vs. Osamu Nishimura 05. Three Way Dance: Stevie Richards vs. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Mikey Whipwreck 06. Eastern Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Title Match: Shane Douglas (with Mr. Hughes) vs. Tito Santana
Friday April 5th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- One of the most talked about matches from last year's annual wrestling week returns with a new format. Eight women will take part in a one-night tournament. The winner of the tournament will face off against Lindsay Snow in the main event. The winner of that match will not only win Lindsay Snow's Kaiju Cannabis Cup II, but will win control of this event next year! - In special non-tournament action, despite her recent success in TNA, Jody Threat still wants revenge for the vicious attack she suffered at the hands of Athena. Jody Threat has challenged Athena's top minion Billie Starkz to a grudge match. - Also in non-tournament action, Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose will defend the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship against Miu Watanabe and Rika Tatsumi.
Lindsay Snow's Kaiju Cannabis Cup II
01. Hyan vs. Kenzie Paige 02. Yuki Kamifuku vs. Alexxis Falcon 03. Killer Kelly vs. Ram Kaichow 04. Nicole Matthews vs. Jessie McKay 05. Non-Tournament: Billie Starkz vs. Jody Threat 06. Semi-Finals: X vs. X 07. Semi-Finals: X vs. X 08. SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Match: Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose (Champions) vs. Hakuchumu (Miu Watanabe and Rika Tatsumi) 09. Finals: X vs. X .0. Kaiju Cannabis Cup Match: Lindsay Snow vs. X
Saturday April 6th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers returns by popular demand. Jeff Jarrett again takes the pencil from Sonjay Dutt and guarantees great wrestling action presented in a wholly unique party-like atmosphere. - Two masked tag team wrestlers calling themselves The Devil's Masked Man A and The Devil's Masked Man B have demanded a spot on this card. The Devil's Masked Men claim to be the rightful holders of the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Championship titles, according to these men they were fired from AEW for being "too dangerous" and replaced by Mike Bennett and Matt Taven. Jeff Jarrett has honored their request and they will have a chance to prove the legitimacy of their claims starting at Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers 2.
Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers 2: Port Of Call Philadelphia
01. Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri vs. DAMNATION T.A. (Daisuke Sasaki and KANON) 02. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss and Slim J) vs. The Devil's Masked Man A and The Devil's Masked Man B 03. Riho vs. Rhio 04. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. Schadenfreude International (Chris Brookes and Takeshi Masada) 05. Mistico, Titan, Star Jr., and Flip Gordon vs. Los Super Astros (El Merenguero/Super Loco/Jose Estrada Jr./Miguel Perez Jr.) 06. Mark Briscoe vs. Axel Tischer 07. Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Karen Jarrett/X vs. Effy/Allie Katch/Dark Sheik/Sawyer Wreck/Maki Itoh 08. Texas Chainsaw Massacre Deathmatch: Leatherface vs. Jeff Jarrett
Sunday April 7th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #127 04/07/24 White Flag 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- CORE returns for the first time since Christmas night of 2023!
CORE - White Flag 01. Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Hyan/Kylie Paige vs. Hang Your Head In Shame (James Drake/Zack Gibson/Killer Kelly/Xia Brookside) 02. Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason and Tim Bosby) 03. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho 04. YOICHI vs. Mad Dog Connelly 05. Hallowicked and Frightmare vs. Astronauts (Fuminori Abe and Takuya Nomura) 06. The 37KAMIINA (Yuki Ueno and MAO) vs. Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers 07. Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose vs. STARS (Mayu Iwatani and Momo Kohgo) 08. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Titus Alexander
Other Events:
CORE Rage Party 04/05/24 Union Transfer - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The biggest party you’ll ever attend! Festivities will kick-off thirty minutes after Ring Of Honor's Supercard Of Honor
Featuring live music and all your favorite wrestlers. Performances from… William Patrick Corgan's Zwan Destroyer Graham Parker CMAT And a special DJ set by Gronk!
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daminouspurity · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXhrgHwlHHk)
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wrestlingmgc · 4 years
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Shimmer Tag Team Champions Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez
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Shimmer Tag Team Champions The Kimber Bombs [April 12th, 2015]
On April 11th, 2015 at Shimmer Volume 57, the team of Kimber Lee and Cherry Bomb, known together as The Kimber Bombs, defeated Global Green Gangsters to win the Shimmer Tag Team Championships, ending Global Green Gangsters’ reign at an impressive 727 days. The following night, the team defended the championships against Team Slap Happy (Heidi Lovelace and Evie) and were victorious, going on to hold the titles for 442 days. On April 11th, 2015, however, The Kimber Bombs were finally defeated by Team Slap Happy, this time, for the gold!
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enbecake-blog · 5 years
Cricfree beIN Sling TV No Buffering 1080p Without Paying CCW: Delta, Missouri, USA
    NYAC / Bill Farrell Memorial. CCW: Delta, Missouri, usa today. SHIMMER: Berwyn, Illinois, USA. ACW: Stevens, Pennsylvania, USA. AEW Dynamite #8: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
DDT Ultimate Party 2019 ~ DDT Group Big Set. Tokyo, Japan. Ccw 3a delta 2c missouri 2c usa lb7 serial numbers. Ccw: delta missouri usa state. GWF Legacy - 24 Jahre Berlin Wrestling - Tag 2: Berlin, Deutschland.
Ccw: delta missouri usa flag.
IPW:UK OMG! Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
NYCW Tag Team Turmoil 2: Whitesboro, New York, USA. WXw Road To 19th Anniversary: Dresden: Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland. AEW Dynamite #6: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Ccw 3a delta 2c missouri 2c usa = peace. CCW: Delta, Missouri, usa. BCW Ring Of Glory 2019: Eckernförde, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. CCW: Delta, Missouri. CCW: Delta, Missouri, usa and canada. CCW: Delta, Missouri, usages. Ccw: delta missouri usa time.
Ccw 3a delta 2c missouri 2c usa pdf
Wrestling World Championships. AEW Full Gear: Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
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