#Shi Wudu isn’t appear but I add him
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Can I hold him ?
Relationships: Ling Wen&Shi Qingxuan, Ling Wen/Shi Wudu, Shi Qingxuan&Shi Wudu
Warning: a little ooc
A/N: I’m thinking about Shi Qingxuan and Ling Wen relationship, and I write this! I think it will be a sweet moment. Shi Wudu doesn’t appear, but I add him because they have married and have children together. If you want next parts,please like this post 💖
Shi Qingxuan came back from mortal realm, walked towards to his brother chamber. Actually it was his brother since he had married with Ling Wen. He wasn’t close with her although he visited her sometimes when she was pregnant. He heard a baby crying voice. He stopped at the balcony near garden. He saw a woman wearing cream cloak and tie her hair in ponytail was holding a crying baby. The baby faced at him. Qingxuan decided to walk toward them. He pulled his face, and that face made the little one laugh.
Ling Wen heard her baby laugh. She wondered why so she turned around, and saw a man in white and green clothes. She changed her baby position so both of them faced to Qingxuan.
“Fengshi” She said with her smooth voice. She bent a little, and patted her baby’s head softly.
“Oh hi, Ling Wen. Please call me Qingxuan” He said awkwardly. “We’re the same family now, please don’t be that formal” He waved his fan and, chuckled. Ling Wen nodded. The baby laughed, and led his hand to Qingxuan. He smiled at him. “Can I hold …”
“Him. This is A-chao” Ling Wen said. She led her son to him and took him a proper pose. “Oh, be careful” Ling Wen used her hands to support her son’s back.
Qingxuan looked at his nephew. He thought he looked like his mother more. For Qingxuan, Mochao looked just like his siblings. When he saw them no matter at the same time or one of them, he had no idea who was who. Qingxuan touch the little one’s soft cheeks, then he held his hand. He was heavier than the first time he held him.
“Hi there” Qingxuan rocked his nephew left and right. “Who is a good boy ? Yes, it’s you” He tickled the boy. The little one giggled happily. He had been holding him for a while, and talking to him even he could answer only by laughing. Qingxuan thought A-chao would be talkative when he grew up.
Ling Wen couldn’t stop smiling at them. She knew that Qingxuan didn’t like her, but she was glad that he loved her children. At first, Ling Wen worried that Qingxuan wouldn’t accepted his nephews and nieces, but when she saw him played with her children made her feel more comfortable. She had been watching Qingxuan playing with her son. Afterwards, the baby started facing to her, and leading his tiny arm to her.
“I guess you miss your mama now” Qingxuan looked down at him, and brought him back to his mother.
“Thank you Qingxuan” She said.
“It’s okay little one. We can play together next time. Maybe with your twin brother and sisters too” He told the baby who hadn’t released his hands from him. “By the way, Have you seen ge ?”
“He just gone to mortal realm” She answered him as caressing her son’s head.
“I guess I will see him next time” He said as waving his fan.
“I think he won‘t be gone for long. You can wait for him here or …played with the babies while you are waited for him…if you would like to” She recommended her idea to him. She thought he would like to play with them too. “I think they have woken up already” She added.
“Sure! A-chao, Do you hear that! I’m playing with you and your twins” Qingxuan said joyfully. The boy clapped his hands with his happiness.
Ling Wen looked down at her son, and kissed his soft cheek. The boy giggled as his mother still kissing and hugging him. She led Qingxuan to the babies’ chamber. They had been talking about Shi Wudu and the babies all the way to the chamber.
#tian guan ci fu#tgcf fanfic#tgcf#mxtx tgcf#heaven official's blessing#ling wen#shi wudu#shi qingxuan#shuiling#fanfic#fan fiction#I’m bad at naming#Shi Wudu isn���t appear but I add him
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i am in the birds that sing (i am in each lovely thing)
THIS FIC HAS SPOILERS FOR CHAPTERS 123-124 OF TGCF. as a disclaimer, though, i'm only caught up with suika's translation, so i don't know how these two actually end up. pls don't spoil me!! content warnings : suicidal thoughts / ....suicide equivalent? think what mo xuanyu pulled in mdzs canon. nothing graphic, but it's not lightly implied either. please take care! here's some soundtrack, if reading with music is your thing. read on ao3 + end notes.
He Xuan,
This is a graceless beginning to a graceless letter, isn’t it? Of course, it hardly matters. I wish for you to never read this at all, so you can remain as happy as you can be. I don’t even know if this will survive my endeavor. If it has, and if you’re reading it, I urge you to fold it again and burn it. It will bring you no joy.
Why write the letter at all, then? The truth is, I am awfully lonely, these days, and this is hardly something I can simply tell my neighbour when I invite her over for tea. She’s a sweet young woman. I hope she fares well after this. I’ll have to ask her to leave the pinwheels where they are, and see that they don’t get blown away.
I keep getting lost in thoughts, but again, it doesn’t matter. All I have to waste is paper and time, and though I’ve spent much of one already, I shall not run out of the other before I am done.
I suppose I just want to clear my head and go...wherever I am going serenely, without dragging a heavy heart behind. I am also selfish in that special way humans are, and want to cling to the possibility, as infinitesimal as it is, that someone somewhere will know of me.
To the core of the problem, then ⎯ or, actually, the core of the solution.
I have a little divinity left in me, you see. Oh, not much ; figuratively, barely enough to fill a teacup. It will not keep me immortal, or give me my spiritual devices back. Ultimately, it will not save me, so I thought I might devote it to something that will be worth it.
I’ve been doing an awful ton of research. My brother attempted the impossible and, against all odds, succeeded. I made my best attempt at doing the same. There are many spells forbidden and forgotten to find, if one works with single-minded purpose.
I unearthed the one I wanted, after a while.
Shi Wudu’s sixth birthday goes by without a hitch. So does the year that follows it, and the next, and the next. He never presses his ear against his mother’s door, waiting with baited breath for a newborn’s first wail. There is no longer a nursery and no new cradle in the Shi family’s mansion.
When he leaves, stubbornly holding his head high as whispers and gossip surround him, what remains of his belongings tucked in the bag hanging at his shoulder, he leaves alone.
I thought of looking for a way to bring your family and fiancée back to life, at first. Then I realized that if they did, they would still be mortal, and your happiness would be fleeting. It was a great shame to lose them once ; it would have been a tragedy to watch them die again. I discarded that idea soon after I came up with it.
A group of children wades through the shallow current of the stream that runs like a silver ribbon around the town of Fu Gu. The boys rolled up their pants to their knees, the girls hiked up their skirts as high as they dared. They kick and splash water at each other, and the air rings with startled yelps and breathless laughter.
One of the girls latches onto the shoulders of the boy next to her and bears down with all her weight, dragging them both into the river. She bolts to her feet as fast as she can, expecting him to catch her and pull her back again, giggles and wrings water out of her soaked mess of a dress. Instead, he stares at her like he’s never seen her before, like she caught the sun shining high above them and set it into her smile.
Not for the first time, she is mesmerizing. For the first time, he is charmed.
When I found what I was looking for, it took me one year to translate it, then another to check it over again and practice. Aren’t arrays that must be drawn perfectly in a single line so very annoying? I had to make sure it worked.
These are bold words from me, though. Even as I sit here, writing this, I do not know whether it will succeed. All I know is that I won’t be able to live with myself if I do not try.
Red robes rustle as the couple kneel and bow their heads before the family shrine.
There is no gold to line the bride’s veil, and the clothes themselves have been handed down three generations. But the joy ⎯ the joy they radiate changes everything. In that aspect, an emperor couldn’t dream of a lovelier wedding.
As is tradition, the bride and groom bow thrice : once to the heaven and the earth, once to the aging couples looking on with tears in their eyes, and once to each other. They rise to the sound of cheers, their hands still clasped in each other’s. The wedding party wishes them good luck, prosperity, healthy children, their words running together like songs.
Blessings come raining down on them, and the road ahead is endless.
Here is how it works : the only person who needs to disappear is me. The rest is all consequences, like ripples in a pond. Without me in the middle, there is no stone to be thrown, and the surface remains peaceful. There will be no newborn baby for a hungry spirit to latch on. My brother will never go to the lengths he did for someone who never existed to begin with.
You will have the life you should have had from the beginning, without knowing you ever suffered.
In a beautiful two-storied house, a young woman slumps against the bed frame, her face flushed, breathless but somehow glowing. The midwife hands her a small, wailing bundle. She takes it into her arms with infinite gentleness, cradling it to her chest.
The door opens. A young man in dark robes half runs, half flies into the room, a little girl on his heels. The child climbs onto the bed, babbling at her mother the entire time, while her husband leans over her, his gaze softening.
Three dark heads bend together, cooing at the newborn. The baby opens its eyes and chirps at them, small and soft. The mother starts to cry, while the girl whoops and claps until her father shushes her.
A few minutes later, another woman bursts into the room. Gege! she calls, then gasps. Oh, she’s so cute!
He Chunhua, they call the infant, for the spring flowers blooming outside the mother’s window.
It is a simple and elegant solution. The best I could come up with, anyway.
Don’t think I rushed headlong into this. I could have, as I rushed into many other messes ⎯ but I thought this time, neither ge nor you would be here to catch me if I fell, and so I proceeded as carefully as I knew how.
I made a list of everyone my disappearance might affect. Of course, my brother and yourself were the first. I used to be upset at this, but now, I am glad the other heavenly officials were never as fond of me as they claimed to be. Fewer ripples in the pond to mind.
I thought of all the prayers I answered over the years, the little demands and the big. But I trust that you, the version of He Xuan I never knew, are a good person, and that you will attend to your worshipers as I have to mine. Hopefully, you will also help His Highness in his time of need.
I suppose that with all this covered, there is not much more for me to say.
Three children tug each other by the hand. One is, to tell the truth, a teenager already ; the second doesn’t appear older than eleven or twelve, and the third is only a small boy, eight years old at most. The eldest leads them up the temple’s steps and into the semi-darkness.
There, the shadows are broken by thousands of candles lit by a steady stream of worshipers. Even now, as the dusky sky stretches into night, many still pray at the god’s feet. They ask for kind winds on their journeys, for good fortune for their businesses, for beneficial matches for their children. A hundred prayers rise into the sky, with the smoke of a hundred merits. All over the land, there are such temples, with such people sending the Lord Wind Master their wishes and hoping for his blessing.
The eldest sister lights an incense stick for each of her younger siblings. Together, they kneel among the other devotees.
Unlike the others, their prayers do not ask for anything. They tell the god about their mother, and how hard she’s been working lately. They talk about their grandmother, whose health has been improving a little with the death of winter, and about their grandfather, whose extraordinary resilience still has him running the family’s shop despite his old age. They talk about themselves, too ; how their education goes, the friends they’ve made, the life ahead of them.
It always ends the same way. Father, I hope you are doing well. We miss you very much.
They will come back next week.
If you’ve read up until here, you have thoroughly disregarded the advice I’ve given in the first lines, and I must scold you for it. I understand, though. There are few things more tempting than the truth, once it has shown even a glimpse of itself. I hope this doesn’t upset you too much. You were in so much pain that first time ; even after all that has happened, I do not want to add to it, even in a lifetime where you will not remember.
Well, now you know. If this letter exists at all, that is. The person who wrote it was never here, so it is unlikely, but I cling to the childish hope that it will make it through somehow.
I don’t know what will happen to me. The ritual says very little, only that it goes against the rules of the world. I don’t know whether I will be able to enter the cycle of reincarnation again, or if it is forever barred to me.
What I said that day is true. I wanted to die then, and even now, I cannot bring myself to mind the idea. What changed since I left the island is that I decided I would rather not die in vain. If the letter survived, then at least one person in the world will remember my name. I’m quite happy with that.
I hope it doesn't hurt. I hope it feels just like falling asleep.
I want to say more, I really do. But, He Xuan, if you have read this to the end, I don’t want to burden you with anything you might feel towards the shadow of a ghost, be it hatred, or guilt, or (dare I hope) gratefulness.
Once again, I am sorry. The wrongs of this lifetime will never appear in yours, but I will remember them all the same. I cannot bring myself to forgive that version of you for what you did, no more than I can forgive myself for what I took part in.
It is all right, though. There will soon be a blank slate, a world in which neither of these things happened, and we are happy ⎯ or at least, at peace.
Just know that even though you might think I have done much for a stranger’s sake, you were the furthest thing from a stranger to me.
With hope once again,
Shi Qingxuan
In the middle of a convoluted array stands a forgotten god. Blood drips down their fingertips as they bend down to complete the circle with a swift, decisive stroke.
The dawn explodes into shards of light.
When the dust settles, the field is almost empty. A gentle spring breeze blows across neat rows of pinwheels.
All is quiet, and all is new.
#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#heaven officials blessing#shi qing xuan#shuangxuan#tgcf spoilers#kim's fics#tgcf fic
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