#Shi Tawakemono
A Introduction to my OCs
So, after thinking it over, I figured I would create this post to help introduce people to the numerous OCs I have. I won't list every single one but here are a few of the main stays that feature on the blog.
Azirina Kharabbi: A Khajiit Dovahkiin from the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Initially, she was just a character in the game but has since evolved into so much more. With two storylines currently in the works and several pieces of Artwork done by the amazing @korvanjund she is probably the character who has grown the most out of them all.
Shi Tawakemono: My Persona 4 OC. Serving as a way to express my knowledge of Forensics but also showing how much life can change, Shi is one of my most interesting characters to write about. Her story has some major twists in it that I look forward to sharing with you all.
Astarte: The namesake of the blog and one of my oldest OCs. Astarte is my demon angel hybrid from Ao no exorcist, born when innocence fell in love with pure evil. She is one of the first characters of mine people will have come across I imagine. Without her, I wouldn't have started writing or created this blog. The fact people like her still amazes me to this day. And she has also evolved from her original conception to the character we see today, including leading to the creation of the following three characters.
Evening's Dawn: Astarte's mother, an original angel character. Known also as the blind angel in my works, Evening's Dawn is innocence personified or she was prior to meeting Astarte's father. Her alias comes from the blindfold she wears, a piece of purple silk ribbon, that serves to keep her blind to the sins of man. Following her death, she is bound to her daughter, possessing her should it be necessary.
Nocte: An ancient entity OC. Nocte and Outcast are remnants from the universe before ours. Nocte is darkness personified, being responsible for evil and death but also the night, stars and dreams. They are actually one of my first Gender neutral ocs, only taking on a gender identity when possessing someone, in this case Astarte.
Outcast: The other ancient entity and origin of all. Also the third being possessing Astarte. Like Nocte, Outcast is a remnant of the universe before ours. However, Outcast signifies creation and life. Together with Nocte, they kept the universe in balance. But, with the creation of humans and the rise of their God, Outcast and Nocte were cast out to the abyss between realms until Astarte's birth. Such a paradoxical creature was the only thing strong enough to host the two of them. Their original name has been forgotten, lost to the ages. So they took on the name Outcast. Like Nocte, they are gender neutral.
Teufel: Last but not least is Teufel or Project Teufel 2.0 to use her full designation. She is a more recent creation, essentially being a modern day Frankenstein's monster. Teufel was created as part of a project to create super soldiers. The amalgamation of Flesh and technology that would obey any command, thanks to a specially designed programme. However, prior to the programme being completed, the lab was destroyed, leaving a cybernetically enhanced Teufel with a incomplete computer program in her brain. Her story is something I am very excited to write about.
Patricia "Patches" Byrne: Bioshock OC. So, I got into Bioshock recently. And, despite every effort to not do so, I created an OC. Dr. Patricia Byrne, nicknamed "Patches" as every outfit she owns has patches sewn into them, was brought to Rapture because of her expertise in Biochemical engineering. Although, she also studied Psychology and Genetic engineering. Her main role was to help in the creation of the Protectors of the gatherers, aka the Big Daddies. However, after some really, shockingly poor decisions on her part, she ended up being arrested and used as a test subject for plasmids, after being ripped apart and sewn back together. This gave her the appearance of a splicer without the insanity. Though she knows it is only a matter of time until that takes effect.
And that's it for now. Please feel free to ask any questions about any of these characters. If you want to read about some of them, you can on my AO3 account here.
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I've been sitting, contemplating this for a good few hours and thought, Fuck it! WIP FRIDAY! I'm gonna tag @korvanjund and @reachfolk because I love reading about your ocs, but if you want to do this, feel free to.
However, this one isn't about Azirina. Oh no, the following is about Shi Tawakemono. Trigger warnings ahead for mentions of assault and injuries.
She came to slowly, the light blinding her as her eyelids flickered open. Her head was swimming with unfocused sounds, thick and distorted as though she was submerged underwater. Shadows moved over her face, blurred and strange as her brain tried to return to its senses. She had been walking along, then.....then......it was blank.
"Tawa.... sei.....he....e?" Her eye flicked to one of the shadows leaning over her, the other registering only darkness. She went to turn her head, only to hiss in pain.
"Don..... ove..... acked.....lice her....." Her brain was swimming as she focused back above her. Slowly, the world came back into focus, the swirling images clearing to reveal she was looking at a hospital ceiling.
"Shi-san! You're awake!" She looked to see Dojima standing beside her, a unrecognizable doctor beside him.
"Wha.....What happened?" Shi paused as she heard how hoarse her voice was. Had she been intubated?
"We removed the tube a few hours ago, Tawakemono-Sensei." The doctor explained. "You were.....in an accident." He began. Shi looked at them both, her eyes widening as vague recollections swam in her head.
She had been walking, then blank, then pain as someone kicked her, then blank again. What had happened?
"One of our patrols heard a commotion in an alley Shi. They found you being attacked by a group of men." Dojima began to explain. "We think it was because....."
"My baby!" Shi suddenly said, trying to raise her hand to her stomach, only to hiss in pain.
"Your body suffered some horrific damage, Tawakemono-Sensei. We managed to resolve most of them, though you will need further surgery. But....." He sighed as she looked at him.
"What did you do?" Shi asked, tears welling in her eyes as she began to fear the worst.
"I am sorry Tawakemono-Sensei, but your baby couldn't survive the damage inflicted on you. And, your internal bleeding was so great, we had no choice but to perform an emergency hysterectomy." He explained.
Ringing filled her ears, drowning out the rest of his words as he began to explain what they had done to save her. Her baby, the last connection to the man she loved, her reason for living, was gone. And she never even had the chance to hold them.
Tears rolled down her face as she turned her head to the side. Her world was collapsing in on itself, becoming hollow as a pain filled void consumed her broken heart. And no amount of medical intervention would help her.
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character ever feel superior to others? What traits in other people make them feel superior or inferior? Do they ever act on these feelings?
With Azirina, it depends on the storyline. In her normal storyline, she is made to feel inferior by other people because of her race. Alot of people immediately judge her because she's a Khajiit. But, rather than listen to those people, she works hard to show she is more than they believe her to be.
In her evil storyline, she feels superior to all. After all, she's been trusted by a Daedric Prince to complete his plans. She intimidates and dominates all those she believes to be inferior, torturing them in all kinds of methods to get them to obey her. Her actions speak so much louder then actual words.
Astarte often feels superior to everyone. In her storyline, she is the future ruler of Hell. What makes her feel superior is the fact that many respond in one of two ways to her. Cower at her feet, or worship her like a goddess. Whilst she tries to be a gracious leader, her superiority can rear its head when she punishes those who fail her.
Shi is indifferent to most people, never feeling superior or inferior. Until her accident. After that, as she begins on a downward spiral of depression and self-loathing, she feels like she will never be anything. She will always be inferior to everyone else. She can't have a family, she won't make the same bonds as anyone else. She lost everything. She is nothing. Which pushes her into wanting to go to the Oblivion all originate from.
Teufel suffers alot from feelings of inferiority. This is because of the surgeries that made her into what she is. People often react with fear or disgust when they see her, which is what makes her endure these feelings. But, she does try to fight against these feelings, no matter how difficult it is some days.
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3, 6, 9, 12 and a question of your choice for Azirina and anyone else you want to answer for!
Thank you for this. Sorry it took so long to reply to it though. 😅 Let's have some fun with this. For @solravn The characters involved are Azirina and Shi.
1.Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them? (Question of choice)
3.What is your favorite childhood memory?
So, starting with Azirina, her family consists of her husband Farkas, her two adopted children Lucia and Blaise, Lucia's pet fox and Meeko. And she is close to all of them, choosing to spend every little moment she can with them.
In her evil storyline, her family (if he can be considered that) is restricted to Molag. Although, she also considers Brak'aath and Vulon as Family. But she isn't really close to any of them.
For Shi, her actual family disowned her after the death of her grandfather. So, the ones she considers family are Ryotaro Dojima and his daughter Nanako. He was the first one to actual show he cared about her, checking on her as she worked when she first joined the force. Eventually, when she met her partner, she considered him family to.
But, after the events of the game, she was left heartbroken but still called him family.
6. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
For Azirina, her favourite childhood memory is the first time she watched the stars with her parents. Whilst she doesn't fully recall everything, she can still recall seeing her mother and father smiling at her, holding her close as the stars glittered above them.
For Shi, her favourite childhood memory is a trip to the local festival in her hometown. Her parents took her, her mother helping her dress in a yukata. It was the last time they were together before her parents were killed.
9. Are you a spiritual person?  If yes, what do you practice?
For Azirina, one of the hardest things she ever had to do was fight Miraak. Given her ties to a Daedric Prince, she understands him wanting to escape Apocrypha, and she wants to help him. So seeing him being killed before her, knowing she failed, was the hardest moment of her life.
For Shi, the hardest moment was learning that her baby hadn't survived an attack on her. She was attacked because of who she had fallen in love with, and was carrying their child. An attack rendered her unable to carry children after losing the baby, and she has never fully recovered from it.
Neither character is actually a spiritual person. Shi believes in science and fact. The closest Azirina gets to a spiritual practice is her belief in the universe granting you what you desire, provided you don't ask alot, and are willing to work for it.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
For Azirina, she would love to return to Elsweyr, especially with her family. She cannot show them her village, but she can show them about the Khajiit homeland.
For Shi, the only place she wants to go is to somewhere where she could have her child, hold him in her arms and enjoy a life with him. But that, sadly will never happen.
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13 and 22 for the asks!
Ok, brace yourselves because this is gonna be a long post under here. But thank you so much for asking. ☺️ Here we go. For @sweetsunshine
13. Describe your character's typical wardrobe for the regular day.
It's probably going to be easier to show images then describe Azirina's. Artwork by the lovely @korvanjund
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Astarte's outfit is relatively simple. She usually wears a light blue t-shirt or blouse with dark blue shorts and black tights underneath, though if it is warm it's just the shorts. Around her waist is a purple and green tie gifted to her by her lover which acts like a belt. If she's just relaxing on her own though she wears the following. Artwork by @flittermilk from a long time ago.
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 Shi's attire consists of blouses and work pants or surgical scrubs if she is working on a autopsy. Her relaxed outfit is a short sleeve shirt and cotton trousers. Something soft and easy to move in. 
Teufel's usual outfit never changes because of the claws on her back. It's always a vest and cropped pants with either a surgical mask or a scarf to cover her face. As seen in the artwork by @flittermilk
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22. What are their eating habits like? Do they snack throughout the day? Or do they eat sparsely?
Azirina actually has pretty good eating habits. Whilst occasionally snacking on sweet things from Elsweyr, she eats really regularly and decent meals. This comes from her past as her tribe would always eat at set times. 
Astarte is a horrendous snack fiend. She is constantly snacking on some food, usually sweets or junk food, and very rarely eats a substantial meal. 
Shi eats sparsely, with her work schedule often meaning she can't eat a full meal. She has the occasional snack but tries to keep her diet healthy. 
 Teufel tries to eat regularly but does occasionally have days where she eats nothing but snacks. However, with the stitches at the sides of her mouth, she has to be wary of what she eats. 
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So, I have toyed with this idea for a while and decided to give it a go. To help improve my writing abilities, for a as yet undetermined period of time, I will be uploading a short story involving one of my OCs, and maybe someone elses provided they are ok with it. These will be based on prompts suggested by all you lovely people on here. All you need to do is send me a message or an ask with a prompt and a character, for example "Azirina" and "Sickness".
Right, so here are the OCs you can choose from.
Azirina Kharabbi, Khajiit OC from Skyrim
Astarte, Demon angel hybrid
Evening's Dawn, mother of Astarte and angel
Outcast, Elder God and original creator of universe.
Nocte, Elder God and Counterpart to Outcast, potential destroyer of universe.
Teufel, modern day Frankenstein's monster with cybernetic enhancements.
Ash, twin brother of Astarte.
Shi Tawakemono, Forensic Pathologist OC from Persona 4.
With the exception of Teufel and Shi, any non human characters can be made human. But please add this to your message or ask so that I am aware. Prompts can be anything. All works will include necessary trigger warnings and be marked as NSFW as required. Also, all works will be put up onto AO3 as well. I hope you will help me with this.
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Baths. A peaceful time, when one can sit back and relax. And bath bombs, while a niche trend, could be fun. So, one was tossed in. Except this time, as the water bubbled and began to turn a pastel shade, a dark shape emerged. They gasped, soaking wet, and turned to you, staring at them from outside the tub. Shaking their head, the purple-skinned being brushed the hair from their eyes.
“Ah, hello- Stop screaming, you’re the one who summoned me- As I was saying, hello, darling. Do your characters worship anything? If so, is it a religion, a fiendish entity such as myself, or something else like a television show? Anyhow, must be off.”
They lay back down into the suds, the dark silhouette vanishing. A small sticky note appeared on the wall, repeating the question, and signing it “Azrael, @oc-ask-demon”
Well, this is an interesting one. Sorry it took so long to answer 😅 @oc-ask-demon
Azirina is a difficult one to put into a category for this. Technically, she doesn't worship anyone. However, her bloodline is linked to renowned Daedric worshippers, particularly of Molag Bal. So much so that, as a child, she was going to be bound to him, to serve for all time. So, she does but does not at the same time.
Astarte, Outcast and Nocte don't worship anyone but have been revered as deities in the past.
Evening's Dawn serves God, which is obvious given she is an angel. But she can no longer worship him.
Shi Tawakemono worships science, facts she can prove. Although, this faith is put to the test.
Teufel doesn't worship anyone. Any belief in a higher being that she once had were decimated when she was transformed into her current form.
Patches is a Christian, though this faith has been pushed to its limits whilst in Rapture. However, she argues that all she has endured and witnessed must be part of some greater plan she is unaware of. So her faith remains unbroken.
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3. Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
For whichever OTPs you want to answer for!
Oooo, good one. Hmm, seeing as I have so many characters, let's limit it to the big four who have works about them available. So Azirina, Evening's Dawn, Shi Tawakemono and Astarte.
Kicking things off is Azirina and Farkas. Farkas is the one who compliments Azirina in front of everyone the most, though Azirina will also compliment him. It originated from when he compared her to a sabre cat kitten. Looks adorable and harmless but will kill you if necessary, indicating that whilst he saw her as cute, he knew she was strong and deadly.
As for Azirina's other storyline "partner", which I use in the loosest possible sense of the term, neither really compliment each other. They argue alot and insults tend to fly but that's because both of them are dumbasses and too stubborn to admit how they feel. However, he does call her his moon at one point, when he thinks she isn't listening. (She was.)
Hmm, for Shi and her partner, she actually compliments him more but that is usually because she is defending him when people put him down. Most of their compliments are expressed privately as Shi is a rather private person.
Evening's Dawn gets complimented alot. Again, the majority of it is in private settings but if her and her partner are out and someone comments, especially with regards to her blindfold, she is about to get complimented to the end of days.
Astarte is a little more complex. She can get complimented non-stop by basically everyone, especially if she decides to extend her influence on people. However, with regards to her actual partner, she compliments them non-stop. They can try to compliment her but she always replies with several about them. It takes alot to gain such sway over a demon's heart and she wants them to know how much they mean to her.
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! May your day be filled with cake, friends, and good vibes! 🎉🎈🎂 :D ~☆
What is the absolute perfect birthday present for your character? What would they do with this present?
Oh, now this is interesting. And it varies wildly from character to character.
For Azirina, the perfect present is a locket with a small queen of the night flower preserved within it. The reason for this is because they remind her of her home in Elsweyr and her family, as her father would often place them around the tents to remind them all that even the desolate can have some beauty. As for what she would do with it, she would wear it constantly and eventually, pass it onto her daughter.
For Astarte, the perfect gift is a crystal shaped like a rose with a mimicry of her purple flames within it. This gift was actually created by several of her brothers. She keeps it on her vanity table where it reminds her that, even when they seem out of control, her flames can be beautiful.
For Shi, the perfect gift is incredibly simple. It's a photograph of her and the man she loves at a summer festival in her hometown. It was taken a the perfect moment capturing the two of them laughing together. Shi keeps it beside her bed although, at her lowest points she keeps it in her grasp to try and ease some of her pain.
And last but not least, the perfect gift for Teufel is a large, triangular scarf. Usually a simple colour is fine as the thing she adores about these scarves is how easily they cover her lower face. With her surgeries stitching her face into a rictus grin, she does anything she can to hide it. She wears them constantly, with heavy material for the winters and lighter material for the summers.
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character share any characteristics/traits with you? Was this intentional?
Where have you come from strange fairy? Please keep the questions coming.
All of my characters share traits with me. Each character gets a trait of my personality but it can be exaggerated.
Azirina has my sass, Astarte has my cruel mind, Shi Tawakemono has my logical approach to everything, Teufel has my curiosity, Evening's Dawn has innocence, Nocte has my rage, Outcast has the same ability as me to view every thing logically and Lycia has a combination of my logic, sass and high functioning autism.
Initially, this was never intentional. I would create them and start to work with these characters. As they evolved and improved, they took on a piece of my personality and advanced on that. So, basically, my OCs are my babies.
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Has your character ever broken someone's heart? Have they ever made someone close to them (friend, s/o, etc.) cry? How has this situation affected their actions in the future?
All my characters have broken someone's heart, but let's trim it down to two. Azirina and Shi. A warning to you all, this is gonna get dark.
Azirina has broken Farkas' heart, albeit unintentionally. And it was all due to something she cannot control. During their travels, she picked up a weapon, one that seemed to poison her mind. She became addicted to it, using it constantly. And when he tried to help her, she chose the weapon, because the addiction was so strong. Eventually, she does manage to get it under some semblance of control but it's always that. And it still breaks his heart that he cannot help her. As such, whenever battling in the future, Farkas is the one who carrys this weapon so that it cannot take control again.
As for Shi, and I'm gonna put another warning here because I am going to mention some rather dark themes. She has both broken hearts and had her own heart broken. Initially it was the breaking of her own heart that caused her to break others by shoving them away. The constant spiraling depression she fell into got so bad that when the child of one of her friends, who she loved like a younger sister, came to help her, Shi unleashed such a tirade of rage and anguish that it made the girl break down in tears. Her actions following this, with multiple suicide attempts, mean that now, she is basically under constant surveillance and supervision from those who care about her. Because they know that one slip up from them could spell disaster.
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A vision comes to you in a dream, of a purple-skinned being lounging around on a sort of fainting couch, one leg draped over the side carelessly. The fiend turns, blackened hair draping away from their face as they pleasantly smile at you.
“Ah, here’s another one. Apologies for having it be so late at night, today was absolutely abyssal. Now, as for your requested question: What sort of voice does your character speak in? Not exactly accent, but tone, and persona? Are they direct and rigid, or more loose and twangy? A silken voice, or a rough and rugged one?”
As they finish asking, the dream snaps away. But there’s a sense in the back of your mind… if you answer, that Azrael, the @oc-ask-demon, will know.
Oh, now this is an interesting question. And here we go.
Azirina's voice is silken, but has a hint of a twang to it. Her unique way of speech helps hides the twang, but that silk flows like that river through every word.
Astarte's voice is temptation personified. Silky smooth, each honey ladened word drips into the Listener's ears and consumes their senses. However, she is rather rigid. She'll disguise her tone with that silky voice but her temptation is always present.
Evening's Dawn voice sings, even when she speaks. Her words soar like birds, dancing on the sound waves and around the people she speaks to. But it is loose, adapting to put those around her at ease.
Nocte and Outcast both have far more rough and rugged voices, which are extremely direct. Nocte hisses and spits their words, whilst Outcast is far more rigid. Given their ages, time has worn their voices to the point where even their whispers are as soft as snow.
Shi is very logical and rigid in her speech. Every word is considered and expressed as she wanted it. There are times where she has been considered an robot because of it. However, if one can break past that tough shell, her voice is soft and gentle, embracing you in words.
Patches, my latest creation, has a twang in her voice. Whilst most of it is gentle and loose, there is no denying the rough twang that hangs on certain words. Especially with her accent.
As for Teufel, her voice is rough and rugged. Especially when the programming is in control. The damage done to her voice box during multiple surgeries rendered her constantly hoarse and with a rigid tone.
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Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
If your character had to choose one favorite memory, what would it be? How about their worst memory? Why would they pick these two memories?
Congratulations, you are now entering the dark part of these characters stories. Please keep your arms and legs inside the carriage as we journey through the trauma of these characters. As you will see, the reasons for why these memories are their favourites or worst are pretty self explanatory.
Azirina is easy to respond to as her worst memory in both storylines is the day she lost her family. During the ceremony which gave her the scar upon her shoulder, her family was slaughtered by a Thalmor attack, leaving Azirina the only survivor and the last remaining member of the Kharabbi bloodline. And she witnessed it all, still suffering horrific night terrors to this day.
Her favourite memory in her normal storyline is when she got married to Farkas, closely followed by when she adopted Lucia and then Blaise. These were the happiest days of her life because she was, once again, part of a family. And that's all she wants.
In her evil storyline, her favourite memory is when she is gifted her Daedric Titan, Vulon. Initially, she was told not to name him as he would die for her. But, she ignored that and named him. He has been her closest ally for the majority of her time in ColdHarbour, along with Brak'aath.
For Astarte, one of her favourite memories is when she received her first familiar Kitsune, a three tailed fox. He has been with her since his birth, supporting her and guiding her when she needed it. She doesn't know what she would do without him.
Her worst memory is when she learned of her mother's death. Evening's Dawn, the angel that gave birth to Astarte, sacrificed herself to save her daughter from the wrath of others. After all, she is a living paradox where innocence fell in love with evil.
For the next two, I am going into quite sensitive topics so please do not read any further as we will be discussing miscarriages and surgical procedures.
For Shi Tawakemono, her favourite memory was finding out she was pregnant with a little boy. Having just been betrayed by the love of her life, this baby was a fresh start. Someone who she could love and who would love her back unconditionally. Something she hadn't really experienced for a long time.
Her worst memory was when she ended up losing her baby after being attacked by others. The damage done was so severe they ended up removing her womb and ovaries, preventing her from ever having children.
For Teufel, her worst memories are waking up after the surgeries to see what was done to her. Every time she woke up, she would see she had essentially been ripped apart and put back together again. The rictus grin on her face was always the most shocking, especially as she injured herself when she saw it. Her gasp pulled the stitches, tearing the newly healing skin.
Her favourite memory was when she was introduced to her guardian. He looked beyond the scars and implants to see the terrified girl beneath. And he treats her like his own daughter, making sure she is ok. He makes her forget, for just the briefest of moments, that she was torn apart and reconstructed into this beast.
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