#Sheri: it's cool I came out of a lifetime of trauma and I'm A-OK. I'm gonna go be fucking obsessed with this PhD student now
void-botanist · 1 year
🌞 favourite character from current wip If I had to pick just one from Nicea (how could you do this they're a crew, they're a family, they're an ensemble pov), probably Celia. She's everything: witty, kind but shameless, always ready to charm and/or smack someone for you, and above all, horny. She lights up every room <3
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet Along with Drowning in the Stars, Sheri. I've goofed around with Sheri and his love interest a bit, and I've pretty much determined that their personalities in Triad were right, but the plot just hasn't aligned itself. I feel like I need a little bit more to go on before I can really start writing (and it's pretty low on my priority list but sometimes I spontaneously figure stuff out and become obsessed). I just wanna watch Sheri be the most awkward gay because he has no idea what he's doing but he is extremely sincere and persistent.
🌼 least favourite writing genre Mystery, maybe? I like the idea of writing it but I don't have the patience to plot it out. Or any genre that relies heavily on violence because while I enjoy reading it I don't really like writing it.
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