#She's getting there in baby steps but won't ever let the twins feel unloved or like their voices don't matter <3
heartchip · 2 months
♡ + kids, specifically a couple that Aven's about to get his hands bit off trying to pester a certain stormgoat over <3
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Tris had never expected to be a mother, least of all as young as she did. She'd been thrust into being a parent to her siblings just a few years prior to that, and having had to give them up to someone to care for them in her stead... Being a parent was the last thing on her mind, honestly. Not then, not something to think of for the future, and certainly not when she actually got pregnant, making the twins a shock that she had to quickly overcome, considering she was, technically, on her own when she had them - A surprise she had to do like her siblings and pass to someone more capable of caring for them in her stead until she could take them back, utterly breaking her heart all over again.
Even so, she's never stopped loving her and Aventurine's twins, Rei and Ren. Just like with her younger siblings, any money she makes is sent directly to them, split with their aunt and uncles and leaving her with the bare minimum she needs to survive, herself. She writes them whenever she's able, calls, visits... Though she's not able to be there 24/7, Tris does the best she can with the situation she's been given, and is working as hard as she possibly can to make a solid, steady home she can bring the twins home to. Her ultimate goal, especially now that she's an adult and reunited with Kakavasha Aventurine, is to have a stable and loving home - Anything Rei and Ren need and somewhere safe to call home, she wants to provide for them. She hasn't been able to do that until now, and that? That's going to change, just as soon as they're able.
Tris loves her kids with everything she has in her. They're amazing, brilliant kids, and she'll never hesitate to let them know that, responding to every message as soon as she possibly can to remind them she loves them, and just how incredibly proud of them she is. She's there to support and help, back them as much as she can and love unconditionally despite the distance between them, and have never once failed to to remind them she does love them, and fully intends on bringing them home someday - Though now that they're in their teens, that's also a choice she's leaving up to them, too. They've been in the care of family friends since they were toddlers; she's not going to force them to leave what they're comfortable with, but that's a talk for them to have as a family, too.
She would lay her life down for her kids faster than you can blink - You best believe they've been one of the very few things in this universe keeping her going, and she's never about to let them feel ignored or alone if she can possibly help it! <3
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