#She is so adorable look at her stupid bug eyes omfg
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qtjaz · 7 months ago
I love you scrunkly
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aintzane411 · 7 years ago
spoilers for voltron season 4 under the cut!
Episode 1:
BOM keith!!! We knew about it but still aaaa
why is everyone being a dick to keith let him live
theyre keeping him so busy just let him take a nap
btw this is 100% not real shiro this is a clone this is wrong
i need a hairspray AU with coran as corny collins
lance had to have been a theatre kid cmon
why does kolivan’s mask have 3 eye holes? he doesnt have 3 eyes does he? 
other guy has 3 eye holes too
rip other guy
i s2g keith is gonna get back and everyone’s gonna rip into him but this poor boy just needs some oxygen and a nap jfc
coran laser noises!!!
ew ka//ura like kudos to shippers but *sigh*
keiths bom suit lowkey looks like he has boobs like i am totally here for trans!keith yes pls
kolivan insists he doesnt bind during missions bc its dangerous and that just adds to his stress levels poor bby
there are. furries in this rebellion. god damn it
“undetected” my boy keith doesnt do “undetected” guys
pls just let keith be happy omg
whyyyy are they furries??? like the artists knew what they were doing cmon
im gonna cry if this is actually shiro like i love kuron to death but please no
im so scared omg
let! keith! rest!!!
“he can finally be the leader i was unable to be” god keith ily im sorry babe
sheith hug!!!! leading into a group hug!!!!
but lets be real im terrified like keith is leaving the team what the fuck
Episode 2:
aaaa flashback!!! Katie!!!
o shit this is called Reunion we’re gonna find matt this episode!!!
ill punch this kid callin pidge a nerd fight me bro
pidge is so cute holy fucking shit
also tag yourself im matt’s “big fucking muscles”
ooh heres the scene they showed at nycc does that mean the kaltenecker scene is in the season too?
my smol smart child im love her
smol smart badass child
stop! misgendering! my! child!
pls give pideg her brother back 
“paladin pidge” how cute
plant gun!
portable xray!
o shit matt was an officer!!!
i like how matt’s “rebel officer transponder” picture is him in the galra prison gear lol
omg matt “what the garrison doesnt know wont hurt them” i love
“what dad doesnt know wont hurt him” MATT
im gonna scream if matts dead
dont you dare
theres still 9 minutes left dont you dare
please plesae please please god
its almost 3am and im glad im emotionally dead inside or else i would have cried like 4 times already
omg its just like ree’s canon holy shit lol
there he is holy shit thank god
this is. so pure.
ofc matt has a bounty on his head jfc
“lets show this guy what the holts are made of” god fucking bless
ok now you guys gotta find sam too cmon
niceeee good work guys damn
Episode 3:
okay pidge has her brotehr now lets get my boys back in the right lions kthx
ok so after rewatching s3 i think haggar and zarkon are possessed by these creatures
omg. omg matt is straight for allura wtf this is the Last Thing I Expected
shatt hug!!
technically kuratt hug but shhhhhhhh
omg lance calm down
oh boy here comes super zombie zarkon rip
“wayward son” omg
milkshake reference yes
wait please give me langst and have lance feel like hes being replaced by matt please i need more langst in my life
omfg kaltenecker scene!!!!
its even better than the clip omfg
i want lotor to come to the good side i want him to be a good guy let him have mommy issues with keith
yessss bls tell hunk how much of a genius he is thank
oh nooooo i bet pidge normally plays the game with lance but shes busy with matt aaaaa D:
i changed my mind i dont want langst
second ship??? oh boy
third??? OH BOY
matt needs to wash his hair
smelly boy
shoutout to ree and matt
i need more info on shiro/kuron omfg please
omg omg matt is gonna pilot green holy shit
damn rip narti there goes our main physically disabled character besides shiro ugh
omg i think lotor is gonna end up on team voltron whoa
Episode 4:
“besides playing keith is really easy, just act moody” dont call me out like this
ok lance was 100% a theater kid but always an ensemble member never a lead, for which he was bitter about and made up for the fact by being way too over the top as an ensemble
is. is coran gonna do drugs?????? what the fuck????
omg corans room is adorable
ewewewewew brain bug omfg ew
space mall!!
omfg his fucking accent jfc
hunk “well it rhymes so its gotta be true” ily hunk
please never use any of this advice for real theater stuff smh
stick alien!
omfg an “on ice” performance holy shit
fuckin stick alien zarkon and haggar holy shit
careful guys you might break an arm
like i did smh
“loverboy lance” beautiful
even tho its not shiro but shhhhh
stop! throwing! hunk! under! the! bus!!!
the fact that no one is questinoing coran’s personality just proves that none of them would notice the subtle changes between shiro and kuron so the theory still stands
jesus christ fucking meta “except for you shiro youre the most popular character ill never get rid of you” fuck you writers
varkon! mermaids!
i miss keith :(
ep 4 moral of the story: dont do drugs kids
let! bibobi! live!!!!
Episode 5:
yesss give me keith!!!!!
omg voltron and bom and rebels are all doing a big mission together yes
me: suddenly remembers the “and lance dies so theres that” interview also me: panics
different VA??? not norman reedus i think???
hunk! being! badass! yes!!!!
im still v suspicious of this shiro smh
shes pretty oh no
why tf does there gotta be furries in the rebellion
oh fuck i almost thought matt died jfc
this commander looks like a steven universe diamond
bby im proud of you for training with the bom but im so glad youre back aaaaaaaa
babe there he is aaaa!!!!!! im love keith!!!!!
now give me the real shiro jfc
and get lance back in the blue lion jfc
i s2g if matt dies
i s2g if lance dies
eyyy hell yeah go acxa
eyyy hell yeah go keith
this is going too well something is gonna happen im so scared
im really scared damn
Episode 6:
hhhhhh im terrified oh boy here we go
this one is called a new defender oh fuck
white lion?!?!?!
will keith be the white paladin?!!?!?!?!!
i just really want everyone back in their original spots bls
wait wtf is going on i zoned out for a bit its 4am
its gonna be those alternate reality being things again istnt it
lance “what are those” nice meme reference
shiro now is not the time to stay behind and analyze fuckin get ur team out of there god damn it now theres a force field around the planet fucking hell
this isnt good. this isnt good at all. and the music sounds so ominous oh god
im so scared
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
lance i s2g you better not do antyhing stupid
bls no a//urance
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
shoutout to coran for just having to hang back while all of his loved ones risk their lives
lance i s2g
im so scared holy shit
w h o a
shoutout to coran for just accepting that alluras telling him to leave when everyon ehe loves could very well die
im love keith and his new leadership skills he learned in the bom but DONT YOU DARE DIE HOLY FUCK
no one is allowed to die
keith dont you dare
keith dont you dare
holy fuck oh my god hes ok hes ok holy fucking shit
o shit
o shit lotor is gonna join the coalition i fucking called it!!!
holy fuck that was a lot of emotions and where the fuck is shiro fuck you writers fuck you
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ive-made-a-mystic-mistake · 8 years ago
~Adopting a puppy~
another request from my instagram @/ive_made_a_mystic_mistake 
so happy you wanna adopt a puppy
he has wanted a dog for a while 
probably wants a big dog 
probably gets a German shepard 
is really glad it isn't a cat 
wants to teach the puppy how to dance 
also wants to teach it to sing 
brags about the puppy to jumin to annoy him 
doesn't realize he has to potty train a puppy 
doesn't realize you have to train a puppy in general 
many scripts were ruined 
many zens were ruined 
you said you'd help him 
more like you'd do most of the work because the poor guy is busy plus doesn't have a clue how to train a dog 
he's really worried the dog won't like him because of this 
the pupper actually loves him 
you tend to find an exhausted zen sleeping on the couch with the puppy
 literally bouncing off the walls in excitement 
spews out knowledge on proper care for a puppy 
the floodgates have been opened 
will not stop talking about puppies 
is not sure what kind of puppy to get 
when you arrive at the animal shelter he mellows out 
don't let him Find out this animal shelter puts animals down to make more room 
he will get really sad and possibly very angry at the employees 
you find many puppies all are cute and then you find a puppy who is missing an ear one eye and the other eye looks like it's infected 
you see him tear up 
he spends alot of time with that puppy 
you can tell he loves this puppy and has a connection 
you tell him you will get that puppy 
his face lights up 
an employee asks you if you are sure 
they say that the puppy is pretty stupid and ugly 
you have to hold yoosung back 
you quietly tell him that if he wants the puppy he has to be nice 
he listens to you and is nice only for you 
you get the puppy and you end up having to drive 
yoosung and the puppy get along so well 
you let him name it 
turns out this puppy is the sweetest puppy ever and and cuddle bug 
this puppy is a Malamute pit bull mix
shes a bit unsure
so she does alot of research
next day you find her exhausted and you just facepalm
she tells you that you should get a medium sized dog with a short coat that doesn't need to eat much
your only thoughts are a basset she said she considered them but they may be too high maintenence 
you say you'll take care of the difficult things like cleaning it's ears brushing it's teeth and clipping it's claws
she gives in and says alright
honestly what helped was seeing you so excited about a dog and your puppy dog eyes
plus it's not a cat so how bad could it be 
she knew how bad it could be shes just trying to feel better
you do some research and find someone who's basset hound just had two puppies and the only one left is the runt 
you go check out the puppy
jaehee practically melted when she got to spend time with the puppy
she fell in love
it's jaehees turn for puppy eyes
you agree
she says she finally understands the obsession jumin has for Elizabeth as a joke s
he has to tell you she was joking 
you two do some shopping for the puppy
later that night you find jaehee fell asleep while doing researc about bassets with the puppy in her lap
you smile and kiss her forehead 
I love jaehee
 first off this boy is way to excited 
you decided to get him a puppy to help him deal with his emotions better 
aka therapy pupper 
you don't tell him though 
he wants to get a small white dog but that's where you draw the line 
no small puppers for this boi 
have you seen how he treats Elizabeth? 
you and him both easily agree on a big fluffy dog 
he really wants a saint Bernard 
"it's so big and the cheeks are so squish able and so drooly and they are so cute!" 
you agree only if he is ok with cleaning the drool 
he pauses and thinks 
decides a border collie will do 
you remind him they are very hyper dogs 
"I'm a very hyper cat" 
“ you are not a cat” 
he says he will take the dog in walks and play ball with it and have so much fun so don't worry 
you get him a border collie puppy 
you know what happens? 
let's just say you need a new couch and pillows
and shoes...
and blankets...
he promises from now on he will be a good owner 
you give him a second chance before giving the to saeran who loves the pupper
he acctually takes care of the pupper
lil cutie
Jumin Han
"what about Elizabeth" 
literally first thing he says 
it takes alot of work to convince him 
you get a small dog to help him feel better 
you refuse to get a chihuahua though 
you are hoping that the pupper and Elizabeth get along 
they aren't the best pals 
but they know that Elizabeth is queen of pets 
with this understanding they get along 
if this line is crossed then you and jumin have to break up a fight so the dog doesn't get hurt 
Elizabeth can be mean 
jumin grows to love the pupper 
has a new way to mess with zen omfg
you decide you get him a puppy to help with his emotions 
dogs are natural empaths so they know when to distract you 
he's a bit opposed to the idea at first 
"what's so great about dogs?" 
you gasp and drag him to a pet store immediately 
ask if you can help take care of these puppies 
he complains alot till they let you care for an extremely fluffy black and white Siberian Husky 
literally stops mid sentence and pays attention to this fluffy puppy 
he's heckin baby talking to this puppy 
he realizes you have been watching and smiling 
"you didn't see any of that" 
"also you were right dogs are great i want this one" 
someone looks like they are about to complain that they were gonna get that one but he gives them the look 
you do a bit of shopping as he takes care of this puppy 
how will these two geniuses work together? 
you find it really adorable 
but you wonder why he is only super expressive and sweet to puppies 
but you get over it 
also you love huskies so it works 
you seem to have a thing for geniuses
 you arent able to finish saying you wanna adopt a puppy when he interupts saying the puppy will be a samoyed
he then apologizes alot for interrupting because this boy is so sweet omg
you reassure him that it's fine 
you also tell him you love samoyed puppies so it's chill
you guys are prepared
so many toys and a bed 
food, a bowl 
you are gonna be the best dog parents
when you get the puppy he has his camera ready because he wants so many photos of you and the puppy
little did he know you planned to get photos of him too 
you sadly don't have a fancy camera though
when you get to the puppy
let's just say v forgets about you and is focused on the puppy
this didn't last long though
now you are both crying over a small fluffy white puppy 
you probably look like idiots 
v starts taking photos of you 
your phone dies before you could get photos of him
this puppy steals your cuddles though ~masterlist~ 
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