#She and Charlie were just really good friends and losing his bestie destroyed him
hollenka99 · 2 years
I am falling through a Layton rabbithole again and damn it, I might write a fic with crimeboys if I find the time and motivation to write a whole game's worth. God forbid I'm dumb enough to plot out the entire original trilogy. I don't have much but
Hershel Layton - Wilbur
Luke Triton - Tommy
Flora Reinhold - Niki
Inspector Chelmey - Schlatt
Dmitri Allen - Charlie
Claire Foley - Sally
Don Paolo - Possibly Fundy but not 100% decided
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miscellaneouslover · 5 years
Twilight, Rewritten
Bella is the new girl in Forks, but she’s gay. Like mega, mega gay. She’s in the cafeteria and she can’t stop looking at Rosalie Hale and Jessica is like “i know right theyre all hot” bc Jessica may prefer the dick, but if Rosalie told her to run away with her she wouldn’t hesitate
Edward is also really, really gay. Him and Bella become like the best of pals in Biology. Edward still wants to eat her, but he fights it off and instead talks to her and they become inseperable. The entire school assumes they’re a couple, but nah. They just besties.
The first book/movie consists of them bonding and Bella figuring it out early on what he and his family is and she promises not to tell. And it’s good. He invites her to play baseball and she immediately accepts. James, Laurant, and Victoria come along and James still sets his eyes on Bella.
Eventually he bites her and she turns before Edward could save her so New Moon is basically him training her to be a good vamp. Bella convinces them to not ‘kill’ her because it’d destroy Charlie. She tells them she’ll stay in Forks until graduation and then do it.
The Uley pack becomes aware that Bella was turned and it starts a war. Simultaneously, Victoria is out for blood for the murder of her mate. That’s the story for New Moon. Anyway, at this time, Jacob comes to warn Bella because he’s still her best friend and he wants her to be safe, even under these circumstances. Because, you know, he’s New Moon!Jacob and not an asshole just yet.
This is where he imprints on Edward and that just brings up another problem. For the first time in history, a werewolf imprints on a vampire. Now Jacob has to decide what to fight for. His brothers or who he is meant to die for and protect.
During this time, Jacob becomes attached to Edward and the two come together rather quickly. Bella is v supportive but she doesn’t have the heart to tell them both she think Jacob smells like shit. Like during the whole book/movie her thoughts consist of how cute they are but Jacob smells bad
Sam becomes aware they can no longer hurt the Cullens under these new circumstances and, instead, they turn their heads to the common enemy that is Victoria. New Moon ends with a meeting between Sam and Carlisle. It’s very tension-y
Eclipse is where we see the pack and Cullens come closer as allies. Don’t mistake it for companionship. At this point, Bella has complete control over her abilities and she’s now one of the strongest assets her new family has, other than Emmett. Jacob and Edward are going strong with little issues other than Edward’s brooding ass and Jacob worrying about Victoria.
Carlisle and Sam are constantly away trying to discuss what is needed to do, especially with newborns appearing now and having to deal with two problems at once, unbeknownst that it’s all Victoria’s doing.
This is where Bella and Leah finally meet. Leah is spiteful and angry still, but she imprints on Bella when the Cullens go to meet the pack at the border. Bella just considers her attractive, but she’s wondering why Leah is glaring at her so badly and wonders why she seems to hate her. Jacob catches on right away.
Now Leah is over more often as discussions over what to do with the newborns commences. Bella is still unaware the imprint happened because she’s a dumbass. Her mind is also overwhelmed with all of her issues: Victoria, the newborns, having to ready herself to ‘die’ for Charlie to grieve, and the looming battle with the Volturi, who she has yet to meet.
In Eclipse, the Volturi is talked of constantly in a bad light. Edward explains they are deadly and corrupt, Aro being extremely dangerous. He’s afraid he won’t be too happy about the Cullens mingling with werewolves, which is why he and the others are so determined to stop the newborns from coming to Forks before Aro comes down and see what has happened.
Eclipse ends with the battle, Bella gaining the ability to fight for the first time after long training sessions with Jasper. She’s a natural. She was frozen in shock when she saw the vampire nearly kill Leah just before Jacob came to her rescue. That is when she finally realizes that Leah imprinted on her. Unfortunately, the two aren’t able to discuss their feelings because Jacob is writhing in pain with broken ribs.
A new treaty is created after Carlisle saved Jacob. Edward had to be comforted by Bella and Alice as he waited to see his mate. Jasper had to try to calm him with his ability, but Edward was forcing himself to hear Jacob’s thoughts, trying to feel the pain in a way that they both could be hurting because Edward was so warped with guilt.
The Cullens and the pack were officially allies after Victoria’s demise and Jacob’s aid. Edward runs in to comfort his mate, leaving Bella to talk with Leah about what was going on because keeping those feelings bottled up was not good for either of them.
Leah admits she has feelings for Bella, but she’s been trying to resent them because Bella was a vampire. Bella doesn’t take offense, saying they could take it slow.
Eclipse ends with Alice having a vision that the Volturi would discover their big secret. And they were coming.
Breaking Dawn starts out happy and fluffy. Jacob and Edward prepare for a wedding and Leah and Bella are finally going strong, happily revealing their relationship to their loved ones. Everything seems to be falling into place but Carlisle explains it’s time to tell Charlie the truth, which meant they would need to leave soon, bringing Leah and Jacob with, of course. Also, they needed to leave to avoid the Volturi since the vision was still fresh on their minds.
In an attempt to keep his son in Forks, Billy tells Charlie about the pack and the truth. He tells Charlie Bella is different as well. Not a werewolf, but she was something. Jacob was furious, but he understood why he did it. Charlie still loves Bella nonetheless, but Edward says he’s constantly trying to guess what she and the Cullens were.
Just as things are beginning to settle down, Alice has another vision. Laurant has gone to the Volturi, and he told them everything. They were on their way. They needed to be ready to fight.
Breaking Dawn consists of the preparation of a war, Edward and Jacob having to put their wedding on hold so they could be ready.
When Aro finally arrives, Bella is in awe at the turn out because he brought all of his followers. He is engulfed with rage upon seeing them and the wolves. He swears to wipe them out. But Bella knows, now after Edward explained to them, he is truly after him and Alice. He wants their gifts, and he will do anything to have it.
The war is bloody and deadly. They lose people on both sides(y’all can decide who dies), but eventually, the Volturi falls. And the field they fought in is engulfed in flames as they put the vampires to rest. It’s not exactly the picture perfect ending, but they won.
Breaking Dawn ends with Edward and Jacob’s wedding. It’s small, only involving close relatives and friends. In the end, Leah and Bella declare they don’t want a wedding. They’d just prefer to stay together forever.
In the end Bella returns to the field that they fought for the war and she has a few last thoughts to herself. She is happy she decided to befriend Edward Cullen. She is happy she decided to be content with her changing. She is happy she fell in love with Leah. If she would’ve gone back, she would’ve done the same.
Twilight Rewritten . . .
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sillypandalover91 · 4 years
Part 2: After the Auction
Alastor wasnt used to losing.
Not in the sense that he would flip over the board of monopoly if someone had stolen Boardwalk and Park Ave. from right under his nose. Though Husk swore that he would never again count cards when playing with Hazbins no matter how hilarious Alastor's face had been when he handed over the last of his colorful paper money to the feline when he landed on the overpriced blue territories.
No, Al wasn't a sore loser.
But this DrAngler44 was a bad winner if he ever saw one.
"Computer offend you again, babe?"
Alastor had gotten into a habit of playing with Angel's laptop while he went through his hour long nighttime ritual of thoroughly bathing himself, drying and dusting his fur and followed by his face routine and ending by brushing his teeth.
The laptop had been a gag gift from Vaggie, who had found it amusing to see the two old men fumble their way trying to figure out how to use it. After figuring out how to set it up, Angel was the first to master searching for things and using helltube. Alastor was more than happy to call it Angel's laptop if it meant he didnt have to continue embarrassing himself trying to figure the damn thing out.
But then Angel, during their nightly cuddles, mentioned finding a funny sounding video on Helltube that one of his fans uploaded recently. It was a haul of his merchandise, both recent and vintage.
And the vintage items certainly caught Alastor's attention. He scrolled down to the comments, smile widening as he figured out how to torment demons in a way that wouldn't upset Charlie. Angel's delighted face as they watched the doe demon unwrap a limited edition trilogy called "Lady Science".
"Holy shit," cried Angel, accidentally jostling Alastor in his excitement, "Sorry, babe."
Alastor rolled over on to his side but kept a hand buried in Angel's fluff, "It's no problem at all, cher. I take that you are fond of this particular installment of your rather impressive repertoire?"
Nodding, Angel turned down the volume but paid careful attention to the goodies that came in the set. "This one was so much fun to do. The director is an incubus, one of Lady Lilliths personal court now, which is a shame cause I loved working with him so much."
"Yeah, he gave me artistic control and even let me write this one! It did so well that we did two more. You should really listen to the commentary on that one, it's a hoot!"
"Do all of your picture shows have commentary?"
"Some of them, yeah. Well, the fun ones do." Angel glanced down at his thighs where the bruises were covered by his pajama pants, "Mostly the ones Val ain't got his nasty little talons in which, these days, they're few'n between."
After that conversation, Alastor borrowed a few films from Angel's library and, with Husk's reluctant help found the commentary.
"I'd ask why you're watching porn of your boyfriend banging other guys but quite frankly I dont give a fuck," grumbled Husk as he took a seat next to him.
Alastor paused the video and gave the feline a side glance, "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"What? It's not like I'm going to beat off with you here and I know your virgin ass isnt going to get off to this either."
Eyes and smile sharpening, Alastor said, "My good fellow, the implication that you are going to, as you crassly put it beat off did not go unnoticed. I'm not going to let you watch my beau in the throes of ecstasy."
Husk snorted, "Why not, all of hell has."
"They're not my friends, Husker. Now, go away. I'd hate to cut our friendship short because you lust after my darling."
At this, Husk spat out his beer, "I- I don't, you know what, I'm not drunk enough to unpack that one. You enjoy," he squinted at the title, "Angel in The Baby Sitter."
"I intend to, old sport~"
One film had turned into two and three, five, until Alastor watched well over half of the videos in Angel's collection.
Who knew Angel was so beautiful when he was genuinely happy and having fun without the use of drugs. Ah, he did! But it was still refreshing to see him this happy when at work.
It was so endearing that he couldnt help but want to see more. Unfortunately there were only so many films left in Angel's library and the newer stuff had Valentino written all over it. So once again enlisting Husk's help, Alastor learned how to use the laptop to find where to buy Angel's earlier work.
"You know you can always ask him to get you more...fucking addict." The last part was muttered under his breath so Alastor ignored it.
After all it wasn't an addiction and it was, well, there were worse things to be addicted to than wanting to hear Angel's witty comments and joyous laughter.
"Or you can watch the actual porn with him and have him comment irl." Both men turned to see Cherrie grinning at them, "What? The princess said I could visit with my bestie so long it was in the parlour. Bet she didnt know there were a couple of old horny motherfuckers in here already."
Slamming the laptop shut, Alastor picked it up and made his way out, "What you do with your mother is your business. Now if you excuse me, I have things I need to win."
Angel found out because there was no way his sales suddenly boosting both on the Studio's website and on auction sites went unnoticed by Val who asked him to his office and nervously informed him that all future productions were going to be overseen by the incubus director Angel was so fond of.
That had been a few months ago and Alastor usually always had that air of self satisfaction that he usually attributed to an amazing release but Al wasn't one to do that and his self satisfaction came from securing items lesser demons wanted to get their repulsive hands on.
Those nights always resulted in heated make out sessions and some light petting on Alastor's part and ended in cuddled sleep.
Tonight, however, when Angel stepped out of the bathroom, he found Alastor glaring at the computer screen face void of a smile before carefully and slowly typing with his two index fingers.
Angel covered his mouth to hide his endeared smile, "Computer offend you again, babe?"
"Not the computer," muttered Alastor, his brow furrowed in concentration as he continued to type out his message in the chat of the auctioning website he frequented, "Some imbecile is flaunting the lot I wished to procure."
"Aw, I'm sorry, doll." Walking up behind his disgruntled beau, Angle draped his arms around Alastor's shoulders and rested his chin between his fluffy ears, giggling as they twitched in response, "You know I can just go through the Studion Vault and steal ya whatever you want. Not like Val actually keeps track of my older work anyway."
Alastor stopped typing and glanced up at Angel, "You mean you can find me this beautiful photograph of yourself? And the corresponding body pillow?" He pointed at the images DrAngler44 uploaded, "I loathe the idea of this creature having these photos of you but I admit that it is wholly because I had just the spot for them in my office at the radio tower."
When Angel didn't respond, Alastor frowned and spun around on his chair to tug Angel onto his lap, "Mon ange?"
"I haven't seen these in years," replied Angel, still staring at pictures. "Hells, this was the very first time I ever let my stupid feet be photographed. I had to beg Val to destroy most the of the copies and cut the photo off at the feet. You know there are only like 3 of these, right?" Ignoring the sudden burst of static, he counted off who had the other two copies, Vox has one cause, of course he had to have my feet in his possession and Lucifer has the other one cause Lilith thought I looked cute."
The static grew worse behind him and, now that he thought about it, maybe he shouldn't have brought Vox up. Angel felt Alastor tightened his hold on him, "You ok, baby?"
"Can you help me write my message," gritted out Alastor through his smiling teeth. Angel typed it out much quicker and sent it with Alastor's approval.
Alastor got up and carried his beau to bed where he tucked Angel in much to the spider's protest, "What about you?"
"Oh, I'll be back soon, cher. Vox has something I want."
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