#Shaun is whipped
oeuvrinarydurian · 20 days
It’s a Wednesday Special.
This tiny clip made me think of @astridcontramundum’s “many examples of meta” post.
I was going to re-blog hers with it, but I can’t find it, so it’ll be a less exciting standalone. 
Endeavour: Passenger Opening titles.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
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Found out about Gyaku Shaun Sai Hanri recently and wanted to do a lil style experiment. Welcome to 2003, Von Katmas
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risilence · 10 months
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(Ignore my character 🥴🥴 She's been through a nuclear war)
I truly cant get enough of Cait 😭😭 I have been avoiding the main story quests and when I did start them she... she... She gave me permission 🫠😭😭
I legit had Cait pull me to the side and tell me it was ok to help the Minutemen! She didn't dislike my choices or me helping them 🥹 She even liked it when I told the Minutemen to step aside so I can reclaim the castle 🥺🥹😭 I love this woman!!
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nonotnolan · 7 months
The Ends Justify The Means
As always, this February story is dedicated to my valentine, @mergeman
"Okay, but did we have to add him to the Hivemind?" Jordan said, looking at his unconscious boss with a look of resigned disappointment. "If I end up with an old man's vocabulary because of him, I'm gonna be so upset. This body looks too good to sound like a geezer." He tossed his shirt to the ground and gave me a flex. "See what I mean?"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Some humans stress-tested my 40% Free Will rule, and Jordan was definitely one of them. "One, bringing him into the Collective is the only way to bend his authority to our will. Two, the symbiote doesn't change our speech, it just enhances our knowledge. And three, the eventual goal is to overtake most of humanity anyway. We were gonna have to add Shaun sooner or later."
Jordan nodded, though I doubted he was paying any attention me. He was one of the part-time workers I had converted within the past two hours, and so his symbiote half was still checking out his new body. I can't blame it, I suppose.
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I wasn't sure this plan was even going to work, so I was glad we managed to succeed. Capturing the part-time college students who worked here had been easy-- a bit of flirting from a tempting body, a kiss to introduce the symbiote, rinse and repeat. Shaun had been much more difficult. We had to resort to ambushing him in the bathroom where there we no cameras. Jordan's strength held him in place while I pried open his jaw to insert the new symbiote. It was far from elegant-- Shaun was stronger than he looked-- but at least it worked.
Shaun finally opened his eyes, and looked at me with a wry grin. "Alright, sir. I know we have a lot to talk about, but let's retreat somewhere else, shall we? It's cramped in here, and I think Jordan is a few moments away from whipping his dick out."
"You're not wrong," I said, shaking my head. "We should probably leave him to it. If nothing else, it will be nice to talk things over someplace a bit... less pungent. I assume you know what is going to be expected of you?"
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"I do," Shaun says, crossing his arms. "Although I was hoping to talk to you about that one. I scheduled Darren to work Valentine's Day because I haven't had that day off for the past three years. This body's wife is threatening to make life miserable if I still have to work the holiday despite my recent promotion. I have a proposal for you."
I smiled at the audacity of this symbiote. Clearly its host body had a lot of confidence.
"Darren will still get the day off, of course," Shaun said. "But instead of working the day myself, I'll just tell Jenn that she's going to have to handle the shift solo. We don't need two store managers tomorrow night-- no one goes furniture shopping on Valentine's."
"You'll never guess what happened today!" Darren said, greeting me when I arrived home. He and I had been dating for a few weeks now, ever since I was granted control over this host body. Unlike the symbiotes who were mostly extensions of my mind and my personality, I had full control and full autonomy over my decisions. Coming out of the closet was one of the first changes I made to this host's former life.
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"Your store is actually closing for a holiday?" I guessed, walking up to him and hugging him from behind. I held him close, feeling the heat of his body against my borrowed chest. Humans were very big on physical contact, and it was a ritual I was more than happy to join.
Darren chuckled as he turned around for a quick kiss. "Okay, so it wasn't a miracle. But it was still pretty crazy! Shaun texted me, and approved my vacation time for tomorrow. Can you believe that? I've never known him to change his mind like that before."
I just smiled at him. "Maybe your District Manager yelled at him about it? You did submit that request a few months ago." As much as I hated feeding white lies and omitted facts to my boyfriend, I couldn't justify telling him my full truth this early in the relationship. Anyway, the only way I'd be filling him with a symbiote would be if we broke up and he posed a risk to my secret. I wanted a relationship with an equal, not a masturbatory fling with a clone of myself. Anyway, what was the phrase? The ends justify the means.
"Well, maybe." He paused a few minutes to consider this possibility before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, and I'm not going to question it. I'm just glad you kept those dinner reservations! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's date!" He smiled, and I could feel my heart melting. I would do anything in my power to make him happy.
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nat-20s · 8 months
A non-comprehensive list of the various nicknames Donna uses for her family members
Oi, you lot: literally any group of 2+ people
Love, dear: Shaun, Doctor, Rose, and occasionally the Tardis
Lovie, darling, treasure: Rose exclusive, said with full conviction and sincerity.
Major/Major Mott: Grandad, expected to be responded to with a salute and a "general" or "general noble"
Mother: this is not a nickname this is a warning
Sylvie: this is not a nickname this is being a fuckin nuisance. Much more common when she was a teenager but she still occasionally whips it out
Mom, said with bad exaggeratted american accent: meant to still be annoying but in a much more playful way
Mummy: exceedingly rare, but said out of genuine vulnerability and hurt and sometimes someone really does just need their mum. Said the most frequently after dad passed away
Hon: Shaun and Doctor
Honey: Shaun and Rose
Bumblebee: Doctor exclusive, because he's always buzzin about
Babe (genuine): Shaun
Babe (sarcastic): Doctor
Sexy, hot stuff, good lookin': always shaun, 50/50 on whether it's just to fluster him via flirting or if it's because she's cruisin' for some smoochin'. Frequent enough that everyone else knows to quietly leave the room if they hear these
Weatherman: This one's Shaun, actually, for when his head's in the clouds
Sha sha: Shaun, his baby niece used to call him that and everyone else thinks it's adorable, usually Donna uses it when she's trying to convince him to let her spoil Rose
Star eyes: Shaun, for being one of the most starry eyed people she knows. This is said when she's feeling extremely fond and sappy about him
Dumbo, dipstick, idiot, dunce, prawn etc: Doctor, during fairly obvious cases
Clark Kent: Doctor, when he puts the specs on
E.T, Spock, Data, Marvin the Martian: Doctor, when he is pointedly distinguishing himself from humans
Dr. McCoy, Sherlock, Inspector Gadget, Nutty Professor: Doctor, when she's 95% he's bullshitting something
Betty: Shaun and Doctor, whom she refuses to tell the reason behind. she alone knows it's actually short for better half
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themeatpit37 · 5 months
Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack Random Assorted Headcanons
This is just a fun little collection of random headcanons I got! Mostly showing these since I have been wanting to write for a while but either haven’t had the energy or any idea of what to write. Enjoy!
❤️💛💙☀️Sunny Day Jack☀️❤️💛💙
I have a lot of headcanons for Jack but one of them is that he LOVES it when people run their fingers through his hair. He will practically melt into their touch like he was starved of attention and hold your arms so they don’t stop. His hair is VERY soft too so it’s heavenly to touch! A win win scenario!
Jack is very much a physical guy. If anyone gives him permission, he will absolutely take the opportunity. It also has to do with his need to be seen since you can’t really forget someone who practically clings onto you! But seriously please let him hold onto you, he needs physical contact.
HE. LOVES. KISSES. Doesn’t matter where, when, or why just give them to him. He does prefer giving passionate and soft kisses though because to him they show how much he loves whoever he’s kissing.
Very much prefers honey on his pancakes over syrup. He’ll still use syrup but will use honey when it’s available. The natural taste honey has fits better on pancakes than maple or pancake syrup does. He does love a good blueberry syrup though!
Shaun is very easily excitable in my eyes. You’re hyped about something? He is immediately hyped too! You could be explaining the history behind the creation of dishwashers or something and as long as you are happy, he is fully listening and engaging as much as he can all while hyping you up!
Attends furry conventions whenever he can. Is he a furry? No one knows anymore but he does know a few too many inside jokes though.
Canonically, I am pretty sure he is a monsterfucker but in my opinion I feel he likes “weird” monsters the most. Like yeah werewolves and demons are cool but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have at least one erotic dream about Seth from The Fly.
His favorite fall drink is apple cider! Hot cocoa is nice but a warm mug of spiced apple cider just hits different especially with a squirt of whipped cream!
To me, I always read Ian as a very emotional guy. Wears his heart on his sleeve type. It’s kind of a side effect of his home life and the way people treated him as he got older.
His favorite flavors are cinnamon, brown sugar, matcha, and pistachio. Flavors for what? Anything really. But mostly in either baked goods or drinks. Speaking of, his favorite milk flavor is a tie between strawberry milk and banana milk.
I get the vibe that on social media, he follows mostly cute animal accounts, food blogs, and aesthetic pages of many varieties. His favorites are the ones that post outfits or accessories for outfit ideas.
One of his biggest fears is spiders and most insects! Something about them just makes him freak out, especially if they got lots of legs like a centipede. Even caterpillars freak him out sometimes, but he rarely ever kills them. Most of the time they get put under a cup and released.
Due to us not knowing much about him, most of this is based off nothing but vibes. He is 100% a collector though. He has a whole binder of Pokémon cards, multiple blind bag toys of his favorite games and expensive figurines sit on his shelf, posters are all over his room walls, and his collection is constantly growing.
Very superstitious. If he learns about an urban legend from another country, it becomes part of his beliefs like hiding your thumbs in your pockets while passing cemeteries to keep your parents safe or throwing salt over your shoulder after spilling a salt shaker.
Sometimes when he is alone with his dogs, Pico and Cheese, he’ll have full on conversations with them like they’re people who know what he’s talking about. Usually it’s a rant about someone annoying he had to deal with or explaining what happened at work that day.
Naps often. If you give him an opportunity to nap, he will take it. Even if he gets the best night of sleep in the whole universe, he’ll always be ready to take a nap. Bonus points if it’s with someone he likes or if his dogs are there.
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sulfies · 5 months
Wolves in Romé pt1
Desmond ran. His paws trotting on the stone floors of Rome, with the wind licking at his maw, he did not stop. 
They were after him… the crazy furry cult.. the followers of Romu- Romunucu… or whatever Shaun had called them. They weren't so silly once they appeared to be real and very much after Desmond.
Desmond who had a tail and two furry ears and paws and a whole wolf body. Desmond who had woken down at the sanctuary that held that ugly armour, covered in fur, no longer human.
Did Rome even have wolves?
An arrow flew past him and he stopped his flashback with a sad inhuman yelp to keep on running. Didn’t these guys worship wolves, shouldn’t his species be considered sacred to them or something?
His paws slipped slightly on the smooth dirty stones as he took a left to an empty alley. He was glad it was dead of night, Desmond did not think crowds could handle a wolf running up and down the streets. 
Another arrow flew past as Desmond tried to plan his route, he remembered that there was an entrance to a forest he could maybe get to if he took a turn two streets down to the left… or was it to the right? He never had to do this without the animus map on his right corner before.
Desmond howled suddenly as pain shot through his back leg.
 He got hit… 
One of them had to hit eventually but damn it hurt. He took a sharp right, eyes blind in pain and crashed muzzle-first onto a dead end.
The kicked puppy noises that left his inhuman form were pretty sad.
“There you are finally! Come here doggy”
3 cackling shadows came over him as he backed into the end, laid low, teeth bared, snarling.
 Desmond knew he was fucked. His new wound was hurting and he was tired, he didn't think he could take all three of them with these odds but at least one would come down with him if he did.
One of the cultists, the one at the front, stepped up holding his sword between them to put distance between his very biteable arm and his sharp teeth. Desmond barked at him and bit the air… teeth clanking in a clear sign of step the fuck away but the man only grinned.
“We have been waiting for you little pup, come on now don't make this hard for us. Romulus is not the most patient…”
Desmond only snarled and growled back again, thunderous rumble from his chest never stopping as the other man swung his sword around his face.
Suddenly, a landing shadow on the clothesline above them caught the corner of his eye.  As he snarled and dripped sylva everywhere for his life he could see the shadow shift and move right above the other two wolf furries slowly, like a predator eyeing its catch.
“Come on you stupid dumb mutt…”
The sword's tip slashed at his muzzle and Desmond's attention shifted back to his main threat as he growled once more, his snarl fully on display as he started tasting blood from the dripping wound. Oh, how he wished he had his gear. 
Busy with keeping the sword in his line of sight, Desmond only saw a glimmer of metal before the two men staying behind, laughing at his desperation, crumbled onto the cold stone road behind his main attacker. There was no other sound as Desmond saw his savior rise from the bodies that cushioned his fall and make his way over in small steps.
If he had lips he would have the biggest grin right now.
“Why don't you leave the poor dog alone Amico, I’m sure we can find a lady that is more of your…taste”
Ezio spoke. 
Desmond knew that voice as if it was his own.
The remaining follower whipped his head around and Desmond saw his opening.
He lunged at the man's arm holding the sword, bringing the man down in a scream with his soft arm in-between his very sharp teeth. They slammed down to the hard ground in a roll and the man, to his credit, managed to land a punch on his nose, kicking him onto a stack of empty crates. Desmond would have been madder if he hadn't taken a chunk of the man's flesh between his blood-soaked muzzle as he was thrown across.
The man's agonized screams filled the alley and left as quickly and abruptly as they started. Desmond could not see what happened from where he was thrown into but he could guess where one or two pointy metal objects could end up in a screaming man on the floor.
When Desmond could get the dirty cover they put over the half-rotten crates out of his eyes and tangled limbs he saw Ezio leaning over the man with a chunk of an arm missing.
Ezio turned his head to where he was lying down, wiping his blades on the dead man's robes.
”You poor thing must have been scary to get chased by these lunatics.”
Yes, it was.
Desmond stayed where he was, breathing heavily as the adrenaline slowly started to leave him.
“Let me look at you little pup… I think I saw his sword hit but it's too dark.”
Desmond huffed what was supposed to be a snort when he saw Ezio slowly get on his knees, hand stretched out, crawling closer over to where Desmond decided to lay inside the old broken crates.
“Come here Cucciolo…” snapping his fingers, he whistled.
He whistled. He didn’t think Desmond was actually a dog…surely. It was dark but he was clearly larger than a village dog with way sharper teeth even in pitch black.
“Come on I won't harm you~”
Yea, I, might harm you! 
If he had been a regular wolf that is, Desmond thought.
Another whistle and Desmond gave up trying to teach Ezio common sense. 
“There you are mi Bello…” Crawling under the boxes and bits he could see Ezio take in his size. “You are a bigger thing than I thought huh, couldn't see much at this hour but not a puppy I recon…” 
Yes… He was very much not a puppy. Desmond rolled his eyes as he stopped in front of Ezio shaking his coat to get rid of bits and dust. Moonlight on his fur the assassin was now finally able to get a real good look at him. 
“Definitely not a puppy… oh boy… Not even a dog are you?”
The hand he held in front of him wavered a bit, clearly wasn't sure if he wanted to keep the limb so accessible now that he knew the animal in front of him wasn't the friendliest of spiciest or a man's best friend.
Ezio wanted to laugh, Desmond also did because why the fuck was Ezio Auditore alone in an alley at night face to face with a wolf he rescued from some crazed bastards. And why was his arm still out!?
“H-how about you don't hurt me?” 
Of course, only Ezio would try to bargain with a wild animal. Stubborn dumbass, but this was a better scenario than having Ezio put him down for a rampage a wolf could cause on the streets.
As the man tensed further, Desmond trotted closer with his eyes on Ezio. His hand was still but he could see from Ezio's face how much he wanted to move it away. 
Once again, stubborn dumbass.
He heard the man take a sharp inhale as he brought his wet nose to his palm, he waited a bit sniffing mostly for show and for Ezio to let go of the breath he held. Slowly, placed his maw onto the open palm, his blood-soaked fur dirtying the man's gloves.
“No way…”
He looked back up to Ezio to find the man's eyes twinkling with glee he had never seen in any memories he watched. Tilting his head into the palm Desmond felt the man finally get the courage he needed to start petting him as his fingers twitched between his sticky fur.
“Leonardo is going to lose his mind… Pazzesco! I am petting a real wolf…” 
He wouldn't be alone, Desmond was losing it for sure. Well, he had been losing it actively since the animus but becoming a wild animal in the 1500s Renaissance? I think he got to a point past therapy on day one of Abstergo kidnapping.
He was a wild animal in Ezio’s Italy…. He was getting pets from THE Ezio Auditore in THE Renaissance.
“Who's a good boy~ Look at that tail wag!”
Oh god, and his tail wagged…. 
Desmond turned his head to look at the betraying limb but when he did the twist bumped his back leg right onto Ezio’s knee. He jolted in a yelp as pain shot through him, he had almost forgotten he had an arrow to his glute.
“Oh Cucciolo... wait a second boy”
Desmond stayed in a low whimper as Ezio dug into his pouches. Getting bandages and a flask, he looked over to the wolf with sympathy.
Lips pressed flat Ezio spoke in a teasing tone his face did not reflect ”Facciamolo… we are going to make a little deal you and I” He placed a gloved hand to his own chest “I promise to help you heal…” then pointed at him…
Desmond looked into his eyes unimpressed as Ezio tried to bargain with, again, a literal wolf. He hoped his animal face was expressive enough to get his point across.
“...and you have to promise not to bite, Capisce?” 
His hands scratched at his ears and Desmond had to admit it felt nice, like a relaxing massage on just the right spot. “This will hurt, I am sorry.” Then the same hands moved slowly toward his legs. Desmond knew Ezio talked from experience when he said his warning.
God and he couldn’t even have alcohol to ease the pain that was about to come!
Ezio’s eyes darted between his wound and his face a few times.
 He was clearly expecting to be bitten.
 Then again what wild animal would not if you yanked an arrow out of them? Desmond could not blame him really for thinking of his limbs when he was making a chew toy out of one a minute ago…
Ezio's hand closed around the arrow shaft in a gentle pressure.
Both of them took a deep breath.
“Please don't bite me!”
Desmond was not proud of the voices that came out of him…
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ibbity · 10 days
recently learned that my younger brother is on his 8th playthrough of fallout 4. not sure what he was doing in the previous 7 playthroughs exactly, but he has never followed the BoS path beyond following the emergency broadcast to rescue Danse and co. from the feral ghouls, or followed the main storyline/institute path at all. He had no idea that Danse was a synth, or what happened to Shaun. In this playthrough, he is almost exclusively spending his time either in Nuka World or in the Glowing Sea, without RadX or any protective gear, because he thinks it's fun to see how close he can get to dying of rads before he radaways himself. When he isn't playing lone wanderer style, he is mostly accompanied by Hancock, whom he refers to as "my bitch." His Nora is fancifully kitted out in raider gear over her vault suit, and fights her enemies by pistol whipping them. Sometimes she also pistol whips Hancock, which my brother insists Hancock likes, or makes him join her in humping the corpses of dead enemies. I'm kind of dying to know what he did in the previous 7 playthroughs, but he's so far been very vague about it.
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zombii-ships · 4 months
sorry if these are ooc i was just brainstorming and bein a horny nerd
-World’s biggest breeding kink. Dude’s absolutely got a huge thing for claiming his partner, and he loves to watch his cum spill back out of them.
-Praise. PRAISE HIM. PLEASE. Tell him how good he makes you feel and he’s over the fucking moon. He’s so motivated by praise, the simplest “you’re making me feel so good” is gonna flip such a switch in his head.
-Makeup/Body Paint. Whether it’s seeing his partner in clown paint, painting their body and feeling them up, his own makeup smearing on them, or theirs running on their face, he loves it. Jack’s immediately down for round two if he catches a glimpse of his partner’s liner/lipstick on his chest.
-Foodplay. You thought whipped cream was just for the pancakes? Surprise surprise!
-Size Difference. Loves feeling big compared to his partner, whether he’s topping or bottoming, he loves the difference. Loves seeing his partner in his clothes, especially his jackets and pajama pants. Put on something of his and its gonna ignite something in him.
-Voice Kink. He LOVES getting to hear his partner, if they make a noise while they stretch? He’s horny. Moan? Horny. Whisper in his ear? Horny. So so easily stirred if he’s the one who gets you to make noise for him, too~
-Hickies. MARK. HIM. UP. PLEASE. Dude absolutely loves getting to show off what his partner did to him, he wears them like badges of honor.
-Bonus, I know he’s an absolute FIEND for giving head and he loves just knowing that he’s pleasuring his partner. Dude’s a total pleasure top.
-A nut for roleplay. Pet/Owner, Slasher/Final Survivor, Vampire/Prey, whatever, dude LOVES playing a little horny pretend with his partner.
-Masks. Ghostface, leatherface, pyramid head, gas masks, he loves the mystery there and he finds it really hot. Goes along with his roleplay kink, but either way, he’s super into it.
-Exhibitionism. Give him the go to make porn of yall and he’s gonna go nuts. Something about filming the deed or just you getting off turns him tf ON. Plus if he can go back and show you the footage?? “Look how pretty you looked here. Fuck- lemme rewind so I can hear that sound again~”
-Monster/Abnormal Toys. What’s a horror junkie without some monster dildos??
-Begging. Beg HIM. Beg him for whatever, doesn’t even have to be sexual, he just loves it. He just wants to hear you pleading with him, asking for his permission.
-Shibari. Let him make your body into art. The more intricate the better. Whether it’s simple ties or a whole full body production, it’s the artistry and the restraint that really gets him, plus seeing you wrapped up for the taking isn’t half bad either. Bonus points if he gets to do pretty harnesses and collars ✨
- Waxplay/Temperature Play. You or him, but mainly you I think. You’re the canvas and he’s the painter, and he’s obsessed with how you let him paint you. Whether it be pretty dark colored wax, gently touching you with ice, or just warm hands against your skin, he loves your reactions, watching you squirm between the different sensations.
-Oral Fixation. Don’t suck on his fingers unless you wanna rile his ass up
-Cosplay/Costumes. IF YOU LET HIM DRESS YOU UP he’s going to go absolutely feral. Ian’s a fashion fan, so seeing you in something he specifically coordinated to look good on you and to his personal tastes would have him going over the deep end. He’s literally obsessed.
-Blindfolds. Now I know he’s scared of being left alone, but I think he’d enjoy the rush of giving up control to you like that, letting you touch and trail over his body without knowing what’s next would have him super sensitive and needy in seconds. Plus if you let him blindly roam his hands over you?? He’s about to get SO handsy.
-Also a roleplay guy. He’s an actor, let him get into a role! Not only is he excited to make the bit convincing, but he might slip pretty deep into it, local man gets horny from improv.
-Body Writing. Write all your favorite things about him on his body, and let him put his signature on you?? Dude would be over the moon going about his day with your words of praise written on his chest, tummy and hips.
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tunnelsnacks · 5 months
Deacon head canons from my old blog be upon ye!
The UP Deathclaws were never real...the L&L gang is though
“He’s sharp as a whip, feisty in the field and extraordinarily cautious with his actions and even more careful with his words”
Deacon’s favorite color is green, hazel green
If he had a character theme it would be Deacon Waltz by Christian Sedelmyer and Jerry Douglas (The name’s just a coincidence)
A very very light sleeper, before Wanderer he would only sleep for around 3 hours peppered throughout the day
It always takes him an hour to fall asleep, even after he & Wanderer start ‘their you sleep and I’ll watch over you’ deal
He’s not religious, but he still prays
Before Wanderer he’d have, what my old therapist calls, micro-bursts of stage three sleep without realizing it (REM sleep) people can do this while looking and cting completely awake, which is why Carrington doesn’t take him serious in meetings... he looked like he’s not paying attention but nada, the man’s brain was just shutting down a little bit
Because of the lack of sleep he got for so long, Deacon disassociates between himself & his body constantly. At times careless with himself...cracking jokes & laughing in dangerous situations... his brain was teetering the line between being asleep and awake so often he couldn’t tell the difference. (sleep deprivation makes you feel unstoppable...cocky even)
Another thing he lost as a result of Wanderer was being able to sleep standing up, because his body doesn’t need to take over for his mind anymore
Smells faintly of cigarette smoke (mainly because of Dez) and basil and something else that can’t really be placed
He fell in love with a school teacher once, she was the one that taught him how to read
Can write/read French but oh god pronounces every letter like how they sound in English... so he sticks to writing messages to himself that most people think are ramblings of a child when/if found
October is his favorite month... June makes him ache
If he’s not at Wanderer’s side or on his own op, he’ll be at the Church... but after Tea Party? He settles on the couch in Wanderer and Shaun’s home until she convinces him to just move in, they’ve slept in the same room for so long at this point but he can’t fathom having a home again. It’s a hard adjustment
If you look of the definition of a ginger you’d find a picture of him at age 14, the freckles keep coming back no matter how many times he gets them removed
You know how you can catch him spying on you in the settlements? Yeah, he wanted you to see him... but not near 111 or a few other places
He’s the person in the Third Rail that points Wanderer to MacCready before they meet, he can’t have her traveling alone like that when she still so green to the world
In codes, D is for Desdemona and d is for Deacon
If not written, agents that are high enough to know their names say Big D and Little D (Dez hates it but he thinks it’s cute, if not clever)
He tenses ever so slightly when he hears the name John/Johnathan
Holds tension in his jaw like no one else, it’s a wonder his teeth haven’t shattered
Hates the taste of coffee but constantly drinks it
Was a hell of a swing dancer in his youth, now he likes slow dancing though that wasn’t discovered until Wanderer showed up
He’s 37 at the youngest and 45 at the oldest
When he left the gang at 19, they shattered every bone in his left hand & wrist, it aches when it rains
Hides his eyes because they were her favorite part of him, the one thing he can’t change ironically, also the sleep thing. He can’t let people know how tired he is all the time
He was born in Rivet City and his mother was a hairdresser, father a drunkard of a city security officer
His ma taught him how to French braid hair
His last name is Deacon. Baby Shaun is the only one who knows that though... Shaun said “Hey Mr. Deacon” & he said “Hey Mr. Hale” (Wanderer’s last name) & Shaun being the clever kiddo he is, cocked his head to the side connecting some dots cause if his first name was Deacon why would he respond with Shaun’s last one?)
Absolutely fascinated with the old world, collects information and fun facts about that time forgotten which Wanderer feeds into
His favorite thing Wanderer tells him about/teaches him is the proper pronunciation of some words and how to spell others
The man has always had a temper, got it from his dad, he works very hard to keep it under control (I can think of a few pieces of dialogue where he’s talking through gritted teeth, anger threatening to boil over)
At first, he was only by Wanderer’s side so nobody could pull her away from the Railroad - he knows what a game changer she is... but they work so well together and she plays along with his tall tales so often that after a while he forgot about the first part
A terrifyingly good shot, better than MacCready and he’s doing it with sunglasses on
He 100% is John D, the terminal entry where Pinky(?) says a runner was the sole survivor and then immediately tried to get people to go back for documents?? A classic Deacon move
Only smokes in HQ (I’ve actually only seen his idle animation of that in the church and at Mercer) unless he’s in a role or somewhere where Wanderer is comfortable... or is extremely stressed out
He hates Hancock, well not hate- but he’s not on the Christmas card list
Deacon knew Shaun was taken 60 years before Wanderer woke up. He knew and he didn’t tell her and it is the secret he hopes she never finds out
Dee’s gotta special soft spot for Tinker Tom, loves him like a crazy brother
His sniper rifle is named Church Bell, lovingly crafted by Tinker
Not sure how he feels about gen 1’s and 2’s, especially after knowing Nicky V but... if he’s gotta do it
Exclusively refers to Nick Valentine as Nicky V
He knows Preston Garvey has a fat ass crush on Wanderer but has neglected to tell her this little fun fact
Tries to shave his head nearly every morning, when he’s with Wanderer he does so when it’s his turn on watch and she’s asleep
The Railroad is his family, they mean so much but of course he’s always kept everyone distant after what happened with Agamemnon
Deacon has been with the railroad between 14 and 20 years
He genuinely doesn’t like Carrington but he’s not going to avoid going to him if he’s hurt of course
His hands are always warm, which is great cause Wand’s are always cold (being frozen for 210 years will do that to a gal)
Do I need to go into the heights thing??? He hates tagging along to set up MILAs but he’ll be damned if he lets his best friend fall off a roof again
He picked the name; Wanderer (don’t get me started on Project Wanderer and Dez’s “it seems fitting” I’ll rant for so long guys)
Doesn’t like sweet foods but fancy lads is a whole other topic
Open spaces stress him out, too much he can’t see
Non-binary but uses he/him pronouns
Doesn’t drink more than a beer or two, but has an unsettling high tolerance
He won’t ever instigate a relationship beyond what he and Wanderer have, as his va Ryan Alosio put it in an interview, his heart’s been absolutely shattered and he can’t stand the thought of being the cause of someone he loves getting hurt because of him again. He loves her but he can’t
Before he got surgery for the first time, he looked like Ryan (the devs actually tweaked his design to resemble him) his original face looks close to what he has now, not that he remembers what that face looked like
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slutouttanowhere · 8 months
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Mavis Pete x LA Knight
A/N: The superstars’ names may fluctuate between their real name and their on screen names, it depends on what feels natural to me as I write it. So for context purposes LA Knight will be referred to by his real name Shaun Ricker. I didn’t even plan on finishing this, but admits all the Wrestlemania drama I needed something to take my mind off it. Also it’s 3am right now of me posting this. Likes, comments and Reblogs are welcome and appreciated.
⏯️ Chapter 1
Tiny tag: @cardierreh15 is included because she’s the voice of reason even when she gets on my mf nerves
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Chapter 2
“Girl you are you gonna fuck him?” Cardíerre’s voice shouted over the phone. Cardíerre wasn’t in the business, but we’ve been friends since college. She’s never too far away since her realtor business is set up in Florida.
“Of course, she isn’t, because she’s scared.” Bianca cut me off before I even had a chance to say anything, I let out a breath of frustration as I tried to get my lashes to stick properly. Bianca, and Trinity, who happened to be in the same city tonight, sat on my hotel bed “helping” me get ready. Cardíerre bubbled up with laughter on her side of the phone, I paused my eyeliner to keep myself from trolling my eyes and ended up messing up.
“She’s not gonna sleep with him because maybe she likes him, y’all know how Mavis is with people she cares about.” Trinity chimed in, a smirk stretched across her mouth, it was a joke, and I knew my girls didn’t take my “mishaps” personally, I still felt bad though. I tend to give more time to business partners than actual family, it was easier to deal with people who didn’t have expectations of you. With people I knew personally, it felt like I was forced to be vulnerable.
“I’m…working on that,” I mumbled, Bianca lightly slapped my butt with her braid causing me to yelp in shock. I whipped around, my eyes widened, and to my shock, it was Trinity who held the weapon in hand.
“Girl calm down, we all know you’re emotionally inept,” Cardíerre said pitifully, I could feel her rolling her eyes from her end of the phone. I could hear waves crashing in the background, no doubt she was on the beach as usual. She’s practically a mermaid with all the time she spends, in or near the water.
Turning back to the mirror, picking up my edge brush, and hair gel, I began to slick my baby hairs down. “Anyways, I don’t know what you guys are trippin’ for, we’re just gonna get some food, and have a little drink. That’s it. We’re chillin’, AP paired us together so if we're gonna be in sync on TV, we should at least get to know each other better off-screen right? What’s the harm in that?” The girls went quiet, I could see Bianca and Trinity’s facial expressions in the reflection of the mirror.
“Cap! You’ve been tryna wear this man’s skin since I met you, and I don’t even watch wrestling. Getting to know him is only gonna make it easier for you to develop a crush. What if he doesn’t turn out to be who you think he is? Then you’re gonna get your feelings hurt, but you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself bookie.” Cardíerre said candidly, that she was right, I couldn’t help but feel optimistic about being able to control myself.
“Guys, relax, I promise we’re keeping our new friendship strictly professional. It’s not gonna be another Nic Nemeth situation.” I tried to reassure them, but the course of groans and protest told me they didn’t believe that either. Not one of my best moments, lusting after a man who had only gotten with me for clout. That whole thing was a media dumpster fire that Hunter gave us both an earful for. I haven’t talked to him since then, word on the street is, that he’s supposed to be leaving for TNA…good riddance.
“It’s not like Shaun is any better of a choice,” Bianca muttered, she never liked the idea of us together in any capacity. She didn’t bring up her disdain for him often, but whenever the chance arose to shit on LA Knight during girl talk, best believe she was right there having the most to say.
“Ugh, here she goes.” I groan, and Trinity chuckles, my disdain for trash talk about any of my hoes is well-known amongst us. The last thing I want is for my delusions to be ruined. “Leave my lovers out of this please,” I whine, while I appreciate the concern, I am an adult, and I’d rather my friends not baby me.
“Sorry to cut it short girls, but my dick appointment is calling. Talk to y’all later, and Mavis be good!” Cardíerre shouted over the phone, I smacked my lips and folded my arms over my chest.
“No promises.” I tease playfully before hanging up my phone. I checked the time on my watch; even though it wasn’t dark out, it was getting to be pretty late in the evening.
Trinity huffs out a breath of air, “Actually, that’s our cue as well, I owe Bianca dinner.” They decide to drop the topic thankfully for me, she rolls off the bed, Bianca following her lead. Before they left, they enveloped me in a tight, much-needed hug. I squeezed Trinity extra tight for good measure, she’s doing huge things in TNA right now. She has easily become one of my idols, “love you girlie, and don’t let all this attention go to your head.”
“Yeah, focus, I can’t be the only EST around here, I need some competition.” Bianca taunts me in a melodic voice, dancing her way to the door, and swinging her braid. Trinity blew me a kiss before they both left out the door, sighing contentedly I took a seat on the edge of the bed. I made sure to look through my purse to check that I had everything, and then a knock on the door caught my attention.
“Who could that be?” Opening the door, on the other end is Randy. His lips parted to speak, but when he looked up from the floor, he was taken aback when he saw me. I felt naked under his intense gaze, I could feel my face heat up, and the butterflies began to swarm. ‘Professional Mavis, you promised you’d be professional’ I try to remind myself, though it was hard to follow my moral compass when Randy Orton was looking like he wasn't to swallow you whole.
“I thought we were gonna meet up.” I leave him standing at the door to retrieve my phone, and purse from the bed. When I turn back, I catch him staring at my ass just like I did before. He grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, his eyes sweeping the ground.
“You never texted me the place, and I have no absolutely nothing about the area. I figure we could ride together, you could tell me a bit about your hometown, and of course food.” He leans against the door frame, his eyes scanning my face, and up to my hair. Curiosity in his eyes. “I don't mean for this to come out rudely, but are you wearing makeup?” I did not expect him to ask me that at all, now walking side by side down the hall, I try to collect myself.
“Technically yes,” I answer shortly, the elevator doors open, and he lets me step on first. His arms fold across his chest, Randy is always observing me, and at first, I liked it. That was before we were forced together by Adam, his watchful gaze wasn’t anything more than that, but I felt vulnerable. The illusion I work hard to keep going doesn’t even exist to him, takes the fun out of things for me. It feels like I’m no longer in control, but rather the other way around.
“Technically?” He asks, the humidity of the summertime air smacks us in the face, a stark contrast from the cool chill hotel. I can already feel myself growing agitated from the heat, but try to fight it off.
“Well yeah, the eyeliner is makeup, but that’s just about it. I wasn’t in the mood for a full face today. It’s nice for TV, but other than that, nah nah.” I explain quickly, I’ve never had a guy show interest in, what I thought was frivolous, things about me before. I part my lips to tell the valet to bring my car around, but for the third time tonight, Randy sidesteps me, telling them to bring his car instead.
“What, you don’t trust me to drive?” I’m ready to argue if he chose to put up a fight, but I’m met with the opposite reaction when he turns to me as the Cadillac truck pulls to a stop in front of us. A smirk curling on his lips, he opens the passenger door for me and offers a hand.
“Don’t take it personally, old habits die hard and all that. Besides, you wouldn’t rather me act like old me would you?” His tone is playfully suggestive, with a hint of arrogance in his words, and for a second I feel a drop of regret. His eyes soften, and his hand extends further to take mine. A spark of electricity shocks us both as our hands touch, and before I realize it, I’m already taking his hand. I catch a glimpse of Trinity and Bianca over Randy’s shoulder when I duck my head into the SUV. They make mocking kissing faces at me from afar, I roll my lips trying to hide my smile.
“Idiots,” I mumble to myself, my phone buzzes, and at first, I think it’s one of the girls. It’s a text from Stephen, I smile thinking about our friendship. He’s the sweetest guy I know, I just want to put him in my pocket and keep him to myself.
Steph🧡🔥: hey, still wanna mess around in the gym tomorrow?
I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, I could hear his accent through the text. Forgetting all about where I am, and who I’m with, I quickly reply.
Petey💰💜: I’ll mess around with you anytime 😈😌
“Which boyfriend is this?” Randy’s voice made me jolt as I was not expecting him to speak up just now I wasn’t sure if he was even talking at all. My phone buzzes again, my eyes flicker to the screen for a second before I turn my attention back to him.
“First of all, I don’t have a boyfriend, and secondly mind your business.” I flick my hair over my shoulder playfully, his eyes are on the road, but his lips twitch. A poor attempt to fight back a smile.
“So then it’s not Shaun.” He tries to deduce, I know Shaun and I had a little moment in front of Randy tonight, however, I interact with a lot of people backstage. My phone goes off again, I swipe the screen, and have to hold my breath from the message I just read from Stephen.
“Hmm, jealous, are we?”
“What? How am I jealous of him?”
“Because.” I pause quickly texting Stephen back.
Steph🧡🔥: watch it now darlin’, I may not be from Texas, but I know how to use rope.
Steph🧡🔥: are ya satisfied now? your bad behavior is rubbing off on me
Petey💰💜: LMAO Ok Cowboy! Rope me up then! 🤪
Petey💰💜: yeah I’ll show up tomorrow brb love ya
“I talk to so many people, I’m a socialite, and you chose Shaun. See what you must understand Randall.” I hold my pinky out, he glances at me, and he chortles at my antics.
“I’m a P I M P, and I always keep it player.” I smile brightly, my tongue poking out.
“Alright, all jokes aside though. Don’t let all the attention go to your head, and before you fuss at me about it, I’m just looking out for you. I know those guys, more so than you do. As I’ve observed, I see how easily it can be for someone to become attracted to you. You’re talented, smart, beautiful. You got it all kid, and some people genuinely want to be around you, some people just want to suck you dry.” Randy says honestly, I didn’t know how to respond to that, and I don’t think I should have. I’m both flustered and touched by his words.
“Huh, that’s the second time someone told me that today…” Randy didn't respond to me, but rather let me sit with my thoughts. We sat in a sort of comfortable silence, just trying to take in that wealth of wisdom he just dropped on me. I didn’t feel the need to fill the void for once, and he didn’t force it either. We finally made it to the restaurant, thankfully for us, it wasn’t too full, but it was a Monday after all. I called beforehand, and requested a spot near the back be reserved for us. When we reached our table, Randy pulled out my chair for me, and pushed me in gently. After the waitress took our drink orders, they retreated leaving us to get settled, and look through the menu.
“So, how did you get into wrestling?” He asked, a genuine expression of interest on his face, he leaned back into his seat. Instantly a grin broke out across my lips, my face felt heated as I reminisced on my teen days, and who specifically inspired my wrestling career.
“Boy I hoped you wouldn’t ask me that, but I practically manifested this foolishly not thinking it would actually happen.” I paused for a moment to glance at him, he seemed to be confused by my words, so I took a moment to formulate a coherent sentence.
“You Randy, you were one of my biggest influences as a fan. I grew up watching you punt kick almost every person on the roster, and RKO’ing every single retiree that had dreams of another run.” I laughed seeing the shocked look on his face turn to a humorous expression at the mention of his infamous ‘Legend Killer’ persona.
“Wait a minute, how old are you?” He asked, he watched me wearily, and I nearly choked on my spit.
“How young do you think I am? Jesus Randy I’m 27.” We simultaneously let out a spout of laughter, his face turning a soft tint of pink, and his hand pressed to his chest.
“Hey now, I’m 40 so, that's a pretty decent age gap Mavis, and in my defense you look like you’re in your early twenties to me.” He argued halfhearted, just then the waiter came with our drinks, and placed them down in front of us. Our laughter had died down as he both took a breath to order, but once the waiter left, we were back in the flow of conversation.
“Like I was saying, I wasn’t always a fan. I didn't catch on to it till I got a little older, and I was already in sports in school…” I had started to talk about all the extracurriculars that led me to this point, it hadn't dawned on me how much I was talking till I suddenly snapped out of it, and realized how quiet Randy was. “And I’m talking to a whole lot about nothing…sorry.” I mumbled, I wanted to go find a whole, and crawl in it.
“No, don’t feel embarrassed, this is the whole point of us hanging out so we can get to know each other better. It’s refreshing to hear such genuine passion, and being comfortable enough with me to share that with me. And trust me Mavis, I was hanging on to your every word.” He spoke honestly, like he always does, but for some reason when it’s directed towards me I fumble every time.
Like an idiot I said, “Yeah, cause I already know pretty much everything about you.” Which earned a guffaw from Randy. It made my heart feel good knowing I can get someone who I deemed to be so cool, to laugh so effortlessly. My lips curled into a smile, my heart damn near pounding in my ears, but I maintain my composure. His arm resting on the table, if I flexed my fingers outward, our hands would be touching. Instead of caving to my intrusive thoughts, I pulled my hand back smoothly, and instead flicked my hair over my shoulder. Randy clocked my every move, before I allowed myself to overthink I cleared my throat.
“So tell me everything then.” He cut me off before I got the chance to say anything, which stumped me. His timing is too good, and I hate it.
“Wait, what do you mean? Tell you about what?” I asked dumbfounded, my brain malfunctioned as of thirty seconds ago, and I’m not used to that happening. Usually I’m the one having people flustered, and tripping over themselves.
“Well I’m not gonna find out the most interesting things about you on the internet, so you tell me instead. Rant, and ramble as much as you want, I won't interrupt I promise.” A tiny smile curled up at the corners of his mouth, and honestly I wanted to cry. I felt like it was such a stupid thing to get emotional over, but who would have thought that I’d be having dinner with one of my idols, and they actually offer to hear me talk about my stupid life?
“Ha, not really sure where to start.” I looked up at him for help, and thankfully he understood my silent plea for direction.
He placed a hand on his chin, stroking it slowly in thought. He didn't have any beard hair, but just trimmed down mustache, which somehow made him even more handsome.“How about anime? I know you like Pokemon, anything else you’re into?” I perched up at the mention of anime, it took nothing for me to start going on, and on about it. Every now and again Randy would chime in, but not saying too much that it would derail me. After a while I forgot who I was sitting across from, and was able to completely let go for once. For once I didnt feel on edge, or the need to mask. There’s really only one other person that makes me feel like that, Shaun was one of those guys you wouldn't expect to be as sweet as he is until you got to know him. Honestly I wasn’t supposed to get to know him, but it kind of just happened one night. We clicked so well, we had an instant connection, and I just felt I had to keep him close, unlike a lot of guys I had romantic situations with. I felt bad for ditching him for Randy today, in the heat of the moment I let everything go to my head, and dismissed him like he was nothing. Suddenly feeling deflated, I take a sip of my drink, and nibble on another salmon roll. My food had barely been touched because I was talking so much.
“Uh oh, what’s wrong?” Randy’s voice brought me out of my meditation, the sound drowns back into my ears, and the ache in my lungs told me I had been holding my breath too long. I wasn't keen on talking about my romantic life with anyone but my girlfriends, so I opted for a dismissive smile.
“I’m fine, just tired. Actually I promised Stephen I would come to the gym with him for his Youtube channel.” I mumbled the last part, losing my voice towards the end. I peaked up at Randy from my plate where I poked at my food with my chopsticks. I could tell by the apprehension in his eyes that he saw right through me, and that bullshit lie, he didn't call me out on it this time. Instead he nodded his head, then signaled for the waiter. While we waited for the receipt to come back, we sat in silence, and I was grateful for that. My social battery is all tapped out for the night, and I fear I might let something slip that I shouldn't because of it.
We walked with our arms interlinked, the city was buzzing with people coming, and going. It being later in the night, the bars are really starting to fill up with people, and if I’m being honest I missed being a regular civilian on the street. “Feels like a fever dream sometimes.” I said after Randy got into the driver's seat, my head leaned against the cool glass window. My eyes strain upwards to look at all the bright business signs, I get choked up thinking about my life before wrestling, and everything that’s happened up till that point.
“Miss it huh?” He asked, his voice sounded further away despite that he’s merely inches from me. I could see the GM building in the distance, the top of the skyscraper lit up with its signature Detroit blue, and there was something about it that didn't seem real. Maybe it was my perspective, and where I am right now in life. Maybe it’s because I always thought I’d be stuck here forever.
“Is it possible to love, and hate something at the same time?” I peered over at him from the driver's seat, and I was internally going feral. He leaned back in his seat, one hand on the wheel, and the other on his chin. His infamous skull tattoo sleeve looked sleek under the shine of the city lights. His muscles toned, and defined.
It was a long pause before he spoke. “There’s a thin line between the two, gotta be careful because if you're relating something you hate with something you love…do you really even love it? Do you really even hate it?” His words sparked a sudden joy in me, I rolled down the window, and stuck my head out.
“I love you Detroit!” I shouted as the wind tousled my coils around, a few cars honked, and even pedestrians shouted back praises of love. I let the wind continue to caress me as we drove through the streets, I whipped my hair out of my face, and caught a glimpse of the way Randy had looked at me. Desire flickered in his eyes, but by the time I fully turned to look at him, it was gone. As we approached the hotel, melancholy settled into my chest. I know we can just see each other again during the week, but I didn't want the night to end. But, by the time he got out of the car, then came around to open my door I had sucked it up. I grab onto his shoulder for support, as I try not to fall on my face from nearly tripping over my dress. I didn't realize our close proximity til I looked up, if I went up on my tip toes, I would be able to touch his lips. They looked so soft now that I'm looking at him up close.
His lips stretched into a teasing smirk, “Careful Mavis, might make your boyfriends jealous.” I blinked, and whatever spell he had me in had been dispelled. I rolled my eyes pushing him inside, walking into the hotel without him. He finally caught up to me by the time I made it to the elevators, from my peripheral I watched as he stood there with his hands in his pockets. A grin on his lips.
“C’mon, I was just messing around.” He pleaded as we stepped on the elevator, thankful that it was deserted. Instead of acknowledging him I pressed my lips together, and scrolled through my phone instead. I had more than a few notifications, but I didn't bother looking at them at the moment, I just wanted something to distract me.
“Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment after the night we just had?” Randy, now fully turning to me, I was willing to make a comment, but then he said, “Boy are you a rollercoaster of emotion.” He chuckled lightly, officially fed up I whip around to him, the elevator coming to a stop, and without hesitation I cut into him.
“If there’s anything else you’d like to insult me about before I leave please let me know.” I don't even think I was seeing straight, I had a history with his insinuations, and though he may have had pure intentions, it’s still a sore spot for me.
Randy looked shocked by my sudden shift in mood, and tone. His hands held up in defense, for once I had him stumped, and right before the elevator doors closed again, I reached my arm out to stop them. Without a word I walked off, and left him there being that his room is the floor above mine. I angrily swiped my key card, and threw off my shoes, shimmy out of my dress, and threw myself on to the bed. About an hour later, there’s a knock on my door, I groaned, and put a robe on. I looked through the peephole, I exhaled tiredly, but opened the door anyway.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Shuan stood on the opposite of the door, ramen noodle pjs, and a plain navy blue t-shirt. Exhaustion etched onto his face, I stepped to the side, and let him in. Gingerly kissed me on the cheek as he passed me on the way in, and made a beeline for the bed. I let out a soft giggle, then go into the bathroom to slip on an oversized sleep shirt. I grabbed my bonnet from the night stand, and carefully stuffed my hair underneath. Shaun had taken his shirt off, and tossed it to the ground.
“Scoot.” I crawled onto the bed, I tried to roll him over, but he wouldn’t budge. My grunt turned into laughter as I realized how ridiculous he looked laying there like a chalk outline. Eventually he did turn over on his side to face me after a minute, his baby blue eyes looking prettier than ever when he’s half awake. We both lied in bed staring at each other, both wide awake, and weary at the same time. He turned over on his back, then pulled me in so I could lay my head on his chest, and I didn't argue. The sensation of skin on skin contact, and the sound of his steady heartbeat is enough to lull me to sleep.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Dino here! Not on my account because too lazy to log in. XD But for a request... How about the boys' reaction to y/n wearing a halloween costume that hits all of those types of taste. And I don't mean just general like wise, but also hits all the right kinks wise. >3c
Aaaahh Dino! I missed you 💕💕 and of course I can do that! It is spooky season after all. Though when you says boys I'm assuming Jack, Shaun, Ian, and nick?? (I hope so...)
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Sunny Day Jack
I see Jack as a switch personally. His purpose to please his sunshine. He NEEDS them to need him. So he is willing to play whatever role you need him to.
If Jack is Dom in the relationship as stated in my Halloween special I really think he would get a kick out a sexy revealing ringmaster costume.
Somewhere deep down (*cough* Joseph *cough*) he likes to the idea of taming you. Of REALLY making you his. So when you dress up and act like your in charge he is more then ready to pounce.
Without even knowing it he is also really into over stimulation. See you writh, moan, and squirm cause of him does something to him. Needless to say you be the one in the Ring master costume, but Jack is the true master.
That being said if he is Sub he is like puddy in your hands. Especially if you put on sexy law enforcement costume. Something about a flashing badge makes him more submissive (and breedable)
Wanna experiment put vibrating bullets on his dick as you pound into him? Do it Wanna pull his hair causing his head to go back with ever thrust? Please do it feels amazing. Wanna use hand cuff and cuff his hands together or to the bed? Get ready for a sweaty, moaning mess on your hands.
Look he may throw around the prises, but this man has a prose kink of his own. So please call him your pretty boy as you pound him. He NEEDS to hear you say it.
Jack likes being a sub more then cares to admit. It's nice to let someone take over for a little while, and take care of him. He might to do it more often. (Vut not all the time because there is still that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that if he isn't in charge things won't go like he needs them to.)
Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry.....ANYWAY Look it's no lie Shaun is Dom it feels more natural to him then being a sub. (But if you bat your eyes nicely me MIGHT consider it.) He also kinda basic in the aspect that a sexy cat costume really gets him going.
Something about your long sleeved leotard, accompanied by your fuzzy cats ears and tail, and knee high boots get his hard and ready to breed you to the fullest.
Leash and collar play FOR SURE. He likes to tug you closer to where he wants you by the leash. He said himself this man has a daddy kink, but I wouldn't put it past him to have a master kink 👀. Also keep in mind d he has a brat taming kink.
He isn't huge on bondage, but he indulges on occasion. See after he is done thoroughly fucking you he likes to have cuddles and aftercare. Rope and cuffs just make that process longer.
Shaun is the true master in this relationship, and he WILL breed you till you remember it.
Sub 100%. This man's pleasure is your pleasure, and he doesn't mind. Having the family he does it's not a wonder why he fell into the sub role so easily. That being said the costume that really Ian going would either be a sexy priest/nun or a sexy devil. The shame of comminting such sin with a member of the church or a devil turns him on immensely.
Ian really like bondage and whips. Bondage because the feeling of the rope wrapped around his body as you hold his hips and he brunches off your dick/strap-on make each orgasim that much more delicious. As for the whip...sin that's all.
He also has a mommy/daddy kink, and praise kink. Please call him your good boy, or tell him how pretty he looks taking your dick. It sends him to cloud 9 every time.
Letting go of things, and letting people take the reigns is second nature for Ian. So he has no problem letting you be the Dom in this relationship.
I'm sorry this man is Dom for fun. You see his favorite thing to do is let his partner believe is submissive, until they are the ones face down ass up as he pull the leash attached to your collar with each thrust.
Very much into bondage. You look so pretty tied for him it feels like he is unwrapping a gift from God. Overestimating is another big thing for him. He really likes to see how far he push it before you are BEGGGING him stuff you full.
I do wanna say thought he isn't all rough all the time. He will only push you as far you want him to, and makes sure a safe word is in place. Like the others Doms your security and safety is top priority.
That all being said Nick is a professional Dom so he is careful, efficient, and above all else loving. You are his top priority.
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There's No Place Like Home
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Soencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: The tornado was coming closer and closer to the team. You and Spencer were too far away from the bunker. That is until you spot a large pipe and get an idea from a certain movie. (S7Ep7)
Word Count: 1,240
A/N: This has been a WIP for years, so I just wanted to post it.
Morgan and J.J grabbed Shaun off the ground and ran back towards the tornado bunker with the other officers while you and Spencer ran towards Travis.  
“Travis! Stop!” You yelled into the storm; you could barely hear yourself think because the wind was so loud.  
“We can’t help him. Y/n, he’s gone! Come on!”  
The lightening flashed and the two of you were stuck in place as you watched the tornado pick Travis off the ground and he was swept into the deadly wind.  
You always remembered a saying, if a tornado isn’t moving then that means it’s headed straight for you. You and Spencer were so close that you saw the swirls of wind catch trees and fences and rip them into the air.  
“Oh, oh God.”  
You felt Spencer’s fingers capture your wrist as tightly as he could manage, “Y/n, run!”  
The two of you turned and began sprinting back to where the bunker was.  
There was only one problem, the bunker was a lot further away than they had thought it.  
You weren’t going to make it.  
Looking around, you spotted a large water pipe nearby that was sticking out of the ground in an arch shape. A completely crazy idea filled your brain, so you pull on Spencer’s hand, jerking him to the left.  
“What are you doing?” he yells over the storm.  
You drop down on the ground next to the arched pipe, “I saw this in a movie once! These kinds of pipes run far underground.” You explained as you took out your handcuffs and placed on cuff around the pipe and cuffed the other tight on your wrist.  
Spencer’s eyes widened, “A movie?! Do you know how inaccurate that is?!” He screamed back at you.  
“Spencer! There is an F2 tornado right behind you, and we aren’t going to make it to the bunker! Now cuff yourself to this pipe or so help me that will be the least of your worries!”  
He shook his head in disbelief, ready to argue with you but a bright lightning strike made him quickly take out his own cuffs, cuffing his left hand to the pipe and ducking underneath the pipe to kneel beside you.  
This plan was definitely not the safest and could go horribly wrong so fast. Spencer knew this and wrapped his arm around the pipe and grabbed onto your own cuffed hand, “I love you!” your hair was whipping him in the face, it looked like you were underwater and your eyes were squinted due to the force of the wind.  
You squeezed his hand back, “I love you too!” you brushed your hair out of your eyes to properly look at your boyfriend. His hair was going in every direction, his face expression serious and scared, but his eyes never left yours.  
“Don’t let go! And, Y/n, if we die, I’m gonna kill you!”  
“Shut up and close your eyes!” you screamed back as you curled tightly into his side.  
There will be all kinds of everything rolling around inside that thing; glass, trees, animals, mobile homes or maybe full Dorothy and there’s a house floating around in there.  
They were hoping that their vests would protect their bodies from a lot of the debris, keeping their eyes closed so nothing gets in their eyes and, in your case, pray that Bill Paxton was right.  
“Try to keep your breathing normal! This thing will be a vacuum!” Spencer shouted at you and you nodded back, not even sure if he saw it or not.  
Within seconds the edge of the tornado engulfed them.  
At first it was just extremely strong wind, trying to slide them across the ground in its path.  
That was until you felt the wind get stronger and your legs started to lift off the ground. Your heart skipped a beat as your whole body lifted off the ground leaving you suspended in the air.  
“Spencer!” you shrieked.  
Spencer wanted so badly to help you but he couldn’t because he was quickly swept off of the ground as well.  
They shut their eyes tight as the wind picked them up and up and up until the two were vertical in the air, the tornado trying to pull them into its dark embrace.  
They grabbed onto the pipe with everything they had, lightening was flashing all around them, pieces of glass were cutting into their faces and hands.  
You were gripping the pipe for dear life, but it wasn’t enough. The tornado was pulling and pulling you to the point where your arm started to hurt from being around the pipe.  
Your grip was slipping.  
“Don’t you dare!” Spencer screamed at you. He could feel your fingers dragging away from his own. 
“Spencer!” your fingers slipped off the pipe and you screamed as you were being sucked into the tornado but the short chain on the handcuffs stayed linked and the metal cut into your wrist as it tried to keep you on the ground. 
Spencer squinted his eyes open. His heart leapt into his throat when he saw you floating around in less protection than he was. Doing his best to keep one arm wrapped around the pipe, he reached out and blindly searched for you. He waves his hand around until he feels his fingers brush against yours. He grabbed your empty cuffed hand and held it tight. 
It wasn’t long, but it felt like a lifetime for you and Spencer for the tornado to pass over you.  
Your surroundings started becoming clearer, and, once out the other side, gravity roughly dumped you ungracefully back down to the ground again. 
The two of you were panting heavily, winded and sore. Sucking in deep breaths. Lying on the ground, but your cuffed arms were in the air, your hands still cemented together in a vice grip.  
Spencer was staring up at the sky in shock.  
You both were just inside a tornado and survived! 
He groaned in pain as he sat up, looking down at you sprawled on the ground. He quickly took out his key and unlocked both of your cuffs, brushing your hair out of your face he cupped your cheek with both of his hands, wiping away the dirt on your cheeks. 
“Y/n? Y/n, sweetheart, talk to me.”  
You groaned and pressed your cheek into his hand, “Owwww.” 
Spencer let out a relieved chuckle, “Hey.”  
You opened your eyes and smiled at him, “We made it.”  
Spencer was so relieved, “Do you know-” 
You closed your eyes, “Ugh, please. Spence, we made it. Can we save the lecture for later?” 
“I was going to say do you know that you are the most amazing woman ever.” He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“Reid! Y/n!” 
The two turned to see J.J and Morgan sprinting across the field to get to them.  
“Oh my God!” J.J crouched down beside them, “Are you two, okay?”
Morgan looked out into the night at the tornado that was now dissipating, “How did yous survive that?”  
You chuckled, dusted yourself off, and accepted the hand Morgan offered you to stand up, “I love the movie Twister a little too much.” 
Spencer stood up and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head as Morgan and J.J. got in contact with the rest of the team. 
“You saved us.” Spencer whispered into your hair. 
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slocum-dodson · 1 year
After finding out that my son is elderly, I decided to drink a bunch of beer and do some jet because Preston and the employees aren't present. I have to set a good example for them. So after talking with the Shauns, I went into their plant lab and I took out my aggression on one of the nerds.
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I pistol whipped him because I don't respect him, nor do I need him to respect me. He doesn't work for me.
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The nerd folded like a piece of paper. He is not Slocum's Joe Material. He will be dealt with when I inevitably decide to hollow out the institute and turn it into Slocum's Prime.
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zirawrites · 2 years
'capped her kid' yowch
ok time to cheer everyone up~
companions react to sole and shaun making them breakfast in bed?
they deserve a good day off.
Cait: Cait wasn’t the kind of gal to get sentimental, but there was something about Shaun standing at the end of her bed with his wide smile and hands clutching a plate of pancakes that made her melt. “Is all this for me?” Cait greedily snatched the food from Shaun, and he gave a boyish giggle. “Shaun, be a dear and grab me a beer and this breakfast is perfect.”
Codsworth: Codsworth didn’t have a designated sleeping area, but that didn’t stop Shaun and Sole from buying his favorite motor oil as a gift for after he was done recharging. “Goodness! I thought I was the one supposed to give you both breakfast in bed.” His mechanical eyes blinked away phantom tears. “I will endeavor to make the most of this motor oil by using it to fuel a deep-clean of the house.”
Curie: Curie was sure that the Sugar Bombs cereal, whipped creamed pancakes and cherry Nuka Cola wasn’t exactly a nutritious meal, but she ignored her impulse to lecture Shaun about the food pyramid when she saw how eager he was for her to try his breakfast. “Did Sole let you flip the pancakes?” she asked. Shaun nodded enthusiastically. “That is my favorite part as well.”
Danse: Danse was used to unseasoned slop heaped onto a metal tray in the Prydwyn canteen. He wasn’t sure how to react when Shaun and Sole handed him a plate of waffles covered in candy and whipped cream; apparently Shaun’s favorite treat on Sunday mornings. He had endearingly helped Sole make an extra plate. “Thank you for the subsidence, Shaun.” Danse paused. “And the future toothache.”
Deacon: Deacon knew he was being cheekier than usual, but it was more fun to play an entitled brat than boringly accept Shaun and Sole’s breakfast. He leaned back on his pillows, folding his hands behind his head and stretching against the mattress. “Ah, finally! Shaunsworth, Soleington. You’re late with my breakfast.” Shaun laughed while Sole rolled their eyes. “This is coming straight out of your trust fund. I mean salary. I can’t remember which is which because I am a busy and rich businessman late for five meetings and a stock market.”
Hancock: “This all for me?” Hancock’s grin stretched across his leathery face as he took in all the colorful breakfast items Shaun and Sole had whipped up. There was a little bit of everything and sprinkled with candy, which was no doubt Shaun’s request. “Now this is a meal fit for a mayor.”
MacCready: Mac couldn’t help but tear up as little Shaun sat on the edge of his bed with a plate of pancakes. It reminded him of when Lucy helped Duncan make a breakfast of their own. “Aw, Shaun. You shouldn’t have.” When Shaun added that Sole had also helped, MacCready wiped tears on the back of his sleeve.
Preston: “The most important meal of the day!” Preston wasn’t sure what else to say at Shaun and Sole’s hospitality. He was always the one making food for settlers. No one had ever done the same for him since he was a kid. “I need the fuel for a run later today. Thanks for thinking of me, Shaun.”
Piper: “Gimmiegimmiegimmie!” Piper grabbed towards the tray of breakfast like an eager child, and Shaun laughed as he cautiously handed it to her. “What’d you make me, Shaun? Sugar Bombs casserole? Mirelurk steak?” She looked at the fluffy pancakes with a smiley-face drawn in whipped cream and smiled. “Aw, I didn’t know you knew how to draw my picture.”
Nick: Shaun was so excited to show Nick his breakfast that the synth didn’t have the guts to tell him that he couldn’t eat. “Real kind of you, Shaun.” Then Nick side-eyed Sole, and they knew Nick expected them to eat it for him to keep up the charade.
X6-88: X6 wasn’t used to anyone making him food as much as he wasn’t used to an enthusiastic little boy bouncing at the end of his bed. Shaun held up the plate of breakfast with a wide smile and expectant expression. “This is for me?” X6 glanced nervously at Sole. “I prefer more protein, but...” He took the plate of sugary food from Shaun and shrugged. “This will do. Thank you, Shaun.”
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waltwhitmansbeard · 10 months
"hugging the other from behind to see what they're doing"
9. hugging the other from behind to see what they're doing
Shaun's been at it for hours, this damned potion. Sweat trickles horribly down the back of his neck, but he can't move away from the bubbling pot on his stove, not when he's so close to getting it right. He's gone through four iterations of this concoction, each with a different variation of the main ingredient, and based on the smell, it seems walnuts are the way to go. The brew isn't as clear as he would like, but hey, if it works, it works.
He lifts his ladle to stir before all of the components settle to the bottom, but before the wood can touch the surface, something grabs onto his sides. He lets out a startled yelp and whips around, brandishing the ladle like a weapon. "Who in the Hells—"
"Gil, Gil, it's me." Vax has the nerve to be laughing as he says it, as if he didn't just give Shaun a heart attack.
Shaun brings one hand up to press against his racing heart, and the other grips the ladle even harder. "You...menace. I ought to beat your brains in for scaring me like that."
Vax eyes the ladle skeptically. "Please just tell me that cookware isn't the security system you employ around here."
"I'll set up a new ward for annoying rogues specifically."
"Well, now I'm hurt." He pouts. "I just wanted to know what you were doing."
Right, the potion. With a sigh, Shaun turns around to stare back down into his pot. "It's supposed to be a potion of confusion, but I'm not convinced I've got it right."
The arms that nearly scared him into an early grave wrap around his waist, and a chin comes to hook onto his shoulder. "Hmm. Is the only way to know to test it?"
"Why, you offering?"
Vax squeezes his middle. "I've been your guinea pig before, to some...mutually satisfying results."
Shaun snorts. "Yes, well, if I'm satisfied with these results, it means that you've likely attacked me or something here in my office, so I think I'll pass."
"Fair enough." Vax buries his face into the crook of Shaun's neck, and he finds himself increasingly disinterested by the potion he's working on. "How much longer do you have to be...stirring or whatever?"
Oh, Shaun's stirring, alright. "You're trying to distract me."
"How successful am I?"
Devil man, he is. Shaun tosses the ladle onto the stove, which he extinguishes with a wave of his hand. He reaches up to pull Vax's face away from his neck so he can look him in the eyes. "Very."
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