prettycurearchive · 1 month
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DokiDoki! PreCure - DVD Covers (6-10)
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hikaru-hoshina · 11 months
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2013~2023 fairies!
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minmos · 17 days
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numberonepeacock · 24 days
Doki Doki! Pretty Cure Origin Story
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When Deusmast tried to swallow the whole world (read the Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure section) gave Diabolos an idea of how to get revenge on Vanessa. He wanted to take over her worlds and knew that Mobius was a significant source of her powers, which were fueled by positive emotions from others. To destroy it, he had to use his magic, fueled by negative emotions from others. However, he could not leave his castle, so he had to think of a way to do it. He decided to power up a negative emotion and reshape it into a powerful being under his control.
After 497 years of searching for something evil in Mobius that was strong enough to use, he found the selfishness spreading among the Mobians due to the lack of interaction with the goddess. Mother Heart was more of a watch-and-protect kind of person, Hana Ange could only meet a Mobian on her island and many Mobians didn’t like the whole being on a floating island high in the sky, and Crescendo was very shy and small so many Mobians didn’t see her. Mother RaPaPa is the only goddess to ever interact with the Mobians.
He captured all of it and created Selfish Proto, which he sent down to Mobius to destroy it. Mother Heart arrived to stop Selfish Proto, but, while she was stronger than him, her magic had no effect because of the negative energy flowing around them, powering him up. She retreated and went to the Crystal Empire to seek Vanessa's help. Vanessa created three female Mythical Mobians, a Jackalope, a Dragon, and a Unicorn, and turned a Turtle Flicky into a Cure Flicky. She gave the Unicorn, named Cure Magician the Eternal Golden Crown, the Dragon, named Cure Priestess, the Miracle Dragon Glaive, and the Jackalope, named Cure Empress, the Crystal Mirror. The three Cures defeated Selfish Proto, locked away half of his power in seven black crystals, and then locked him away using the Eternal Golden Crown. However, they used up all their strength and faded away, instructing their Cure Flicky, Melan, to protect the Three Sacred Treasures.
Back at the Crystal Empire Vanessa wondered what to do about the new threat Diabolos had created. She knew that soon either his creation would break free or he’d create another one to take its place and Mother Heart or any of her other sisters wouldn’t be able to fight them. She decided that if that ever happened again she would create more warriors like the Cure Empress, Magician, and Priestess but instead of making them, she would grant young girls on Mobius such powers. She decided to wait until the next Negative Boss rose up, which would be the Dotsuku Zone, before creating more warriors. She started to make more worlds 135 years after Cure Empress, Cure Magician, and Cure Priestess locked away Selfish Proto.
Later she sees that Melan is having a hard time trying to keep all three items safe. Vanessa decided to help her so she visited her and asked to take the Miracle Dragon Glaive and the Eternal Golden Crown with her. She knew that Melan was closer to Cure Empress and would want to guard her item, the Crystal Mirror more than any of the others. The Flicky at first protests but soon gives in.
Vanessa bubbles the crystal holding the Crown around it, which is sealing the less powerful version of Selfish Proto (King Jikochuu), and takes the spear and leaves. Melan was given her dragon form by Vanessa so she could help her partner in fighting Selfish Proto, however, she is an Ancient Flicky and is also immortal thanks to Cure Empress. Before she died, Cure Empress and the other Cures used the last of their magic to freeze her age so she could protect the items.
Back at her workshop, Vanessa created the Trump Kingdom and housed the darkness and crown in a chamber under the castle. Vanessa gifted the Miracle Dragon Glaive to the royal family and told them that only a female member of the royal family could wield it, as she created the royal family from the spirit of Cure Magician (yes the royal family are dragon Mobians).
7365 years later, in 0008 CE, an attempt at releasing the dark magic held back by the crown leaves Vanessa worried so she creates Cure Flickies, who could turn into Cure transformation items, to send to the Kingdom to help protect it. The people who used these items were known as Cure Knights (that’s what I’m calling them, yes). Every 20 years, they prayed to a special mirror in the Mirror Tower, which granted them Lovely Communes. Vanessa sent these through the mirror from her workshop. However, while many had tried to go through the mirror they always ended up back in the tower.
2,000 years later, in 2008 CE, when they are praying a Lovely Commune with a purple cat head, who is asleep, comes through. They are all surprised because normally it's always five or fewer items, but never just one. They are even more surprised when the mirror shatters right before their eyes and they all realize that this is the last Lovely Commune they will get. The Lovely Commune then wakes up before turning into a purple cat, Dabyi, and flies out the window of the tower. The Cure Knights followed her and saw that she had bonded with a young girl named Makoto. They let her join them and taught her how to use Dabyi and fight.
A few years before this, the young princess of the Trump Kingdom was born. However, as the young princess is brought into the world, her mother, the queen, is taken out. Vanessa worried that the king might do something in the future that could release the evil under the castle. So, she started working on making more powerful Cure items for the next team. Five years after the last Lovely Commune was sent through the mirror, the Princess of the Trump Kingdom, Marie Ange, fell ill to an unknown illness. This caused the King to go into despair again. After getting an answer from one of his friends, the King went to the chamber under the castle where the Eternal Golden Crown was trapping the darkness, however, if he took the crown the darkness would be released.
At that time, Vanessa had gone to get the cure for the illness, knowing that the king would go to the chamber to get the crown. She couldn't let him do so. While Vanessa was gone, Sapphire and her siblings watched with Ruby and Emerald holding a sleeping Rabbit, Dog, and Bear Cure Flickies. Their mother told them to watch over and have them ready just in case. However, when Vanessa returned, the king had already taken the crown and had healed his daughter. Vanessa could only watch as dark energy flooded the room and corrupted him, causing him to fall over the balcony and into the nearby water, leaving Marie Ange to worry as he rose out of the water as King Jikochuu.
Vanessa then asks where the crown is and Sapphire shows it to her in a bubble and says she pulled it out once the darkness escaped. As King Jikochuu terrorized the city, his seven Selfish Agents, formed from the crystals with the other half of his power, appeared in front of him and asked for his orders. Once he gave them, they started turning people into Jikochuus. The Cure Knights, the Trump Guards, and Marie Ange fought them. However, the guards were soon turned into Jikochuus, and the Cure Knights died during a battle against two of the Selfish Agents, who were killed as well. Marie Ange used the Miracle Dragon Glaive to turn King Jikochuu to stone. Vanessa then called her to the mirror and told Dabyi to get Cure Sword to the tower as well.
When Marie Ange got to the tower, Vanessa came out of a mirror, and Marie Ange begged her to save her kingdom. Vanessa told her that she could not but had something to help. Marie Ange called her selfish for not helping a world she created and causing King Jikochuu in the first place. Vanessa stared her down and said that she was the one to talk. She told her that she made the Miracle Dragon Glaive, so she knew its power. So why didn't she use it to destroy him? The princess didn't say anything. Vanessa then said that she didn't help her worlds the way Marie Ange wanted her to, but she gave them something to help them. They should be grateful for her help because if she wanted to, she could destroy their world, which would destroy their magic, which the evil was connected to. So, in tune, destroying them. The two stood in silence before Vanessa sensed someone. She then handed the princess the three Cure Flickies and told her to send them through the portal to Mobius, so they could find partners, and to make sure to send Cure Sword through, no matter what. The princess thanked her as she goes back through the portal.
Marie Ange ran over to the Mobius portal where she sent the Flickies through. She was then found by one of the Selfish Agents, who tried to turn her into a Jikochuu but was stopped by Cure Sword when she made a chandelier fall on her. The two then dove into the mirror leading to Mobius. However, Bel, another Selfish Agent, attacked them by firing mirror pieces into the mirror. This causes Marie Ange to let go of Cure Sword, who falls down to Mobius.
Bel then confronted Marie Ange, like Vanessa, and pointed out that she could have destroyed King Jikochuu but refrained from doing so because he was her father, causing Marie Ange's heart to turn black slightly. Vanessa and Sapphire watched in anticipation, wondering what Marie Ange will do. Bel then attempted to turn Marie Ange into a Jikochuu, but Marie Ange pulled out her heart and broke it into two pieces, separating her dark side from her good side. The remainder of her body turned into an egg and descended to Mobius with the good side, while the dark side went to King Jikochuu's side.
Vanessa froze time to decide what to do with the heart piece and the egg's form. Sapphire suggested turning the good side into a Cure and making the egg a Cure Spirit of a Baby Dragon since the egg was technically the body of Marie Ange, who was a dragon. Vanessa agreed and had Topaz, Amethyst, and Peridot work on a transformation item (Love Eyes Palette) and a weapon (Love Kiss Rouge) for the new Cure. Vanessa and Sapphire worked on the memories for the good side. Once the items were ready, Vanessa powered them up, connected them to the good side (the power that lets her use her items), and gave her new memories and designs before giving a design to the bad side and the egg.
When Vanessa finished, she resumed time and guided the bad side to King Jikochuu's side, the egg to a shop run by a knight from Trump Kingdom, and the good side to a kind old woman. Vanessa and Sapphire watched as the good side landed near the old woman's house, where she turned into a ten-year-old female hedgehog.
The old Trump King and his wife were hedgehogs, but the dragon genes ran strong in the royal family because of Cure Magician, so while Regina (the dark side) and Ai (the egg) became dragons, Aguri (the good side) became a hedgehog because it still runs in the family. The dragon genes seem to only go through the females of the family and if one of the daughters, who isn’t the next ruler or the ruler, has a child they or any other of their descendants will not be a dragon, a lizard maybe but not a dragon. I could have done it that Regina becomes a hedgehog because Marie Ange speared King Jikochuu, who was her father, and Aguri a dragon because the light side of Marie Ange was her love for her kingdom but how would you explain a Dragon Mobian when they are all extinct? So I did it this way and also for Ai, most baby dragon Mobian don’t have wings so she looks like a baby pink lizard Mobian.
The seven agents were born from the seven crystals that held the other half of Selfish Proto's power and they're based on the seven deadly sins. When King Jikochuu, who is the half that got sealed away with the crown, merges with one of the agents, he becomes Selfish Porto, but he can only merge with one person at a time. He couldn't merge with them now because he is merged with the Trump King. When he does merge with one of them they take the other agent's powers which in terms will bring together the full power of Selfish Proto. If an agent dies their power doesn’t disappear, but if all of them die, King Jikochuu cannot become Selfish Porto because all that power has returned to Diabolos, who can give it back but probably won't.
Previously: 🧚🏼‍♀️😊 | Next: 🪞👗❤️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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curetsun · 1 year
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8.2バニーの日だ🐰🐰🐰 by ほぺ太🐶 ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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fuzzychildchopshop · 3 months
Sharuru, Raquel, Lance, Dabyi, and Ai by Ziva12345
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xbuster · 8 months
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ready to listen to the sharks on the radio while watching f1 and waiting for the restart after the red flag. multitasking waiting to get disappointed
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aestasachie · 1 year
The time was so short with you, it hasn't even reach 1,5 years yet why do i have to retire you this soon? :'(
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prettycurearchive · 30 days
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DokiDoki! PreCure - 2014 Calendar Pages
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panvani · 1 year
Also for what it's worth "Charles" does sound less dumb in French/Japanese
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bluedogxl · 2 years
do you think it's a nice change kome kome from delicious party pretty cure is a fox instead of a rabbit like Sharuru and Rabirin?
honestly didn't really notice that was a trend (likely cause i haven't seen whatever season sharuru's from!) but i don't think i would have minded if she was a rabbit instead of a fox. i mean obviously now i would mind if she was suddenly a rabbit but. knowing only what we knew at the reveal, a rice ball rabbit would make just as much sense as a sandwich dog.
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numberonepeacock · 20 days
Doki Doki! Pretty Cure Characters as Mobians
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Aida Mana/Cure Heart - Magenta Rabbit/Bright Blonde Rabbit
As Cure Heart, she represents love
Hishikawa Rikka/Cure Diamond - Dark Blue Beagle/Light Indigo Beagle
As Cure Diamond, she represents wisdom and controls the power of ice
Yotsuba Alice/Cure Rosetta - Light Brown Bear/Orange Bear
As Cure Rosetta, she represents warmth
Kenzaki Makoto/Cure Sword - Lilac Purple Maine Coon
As Cure Sword, she represents courage
Madoka Aguri/Cure Ace - Brown Hedgehog/Bright Red Hedgehog
As Cure Ace, she represents love
Sharuru - Rabbit Cure Flicky/Pink Rabbit Mobian
Fairy partner of Cure Heart
Can also turn into a human, taking the form of a young middle school student
Raquel - Dog Cure Flicky/Blue Pug Mobian
Fairy partner of Cure Diamond
Can also turn into a human, taking the form of a young elementary school student
Lance - Bear Cure Flicky/Orange Bear Cub Mobian
Fairy partner of Cure Rosetta
He is the youngest out of the four fairys
Can also turn into a human, taking the form of a young kindergarten student
Dabyi - Cat Cure Flicky/Purple British Longhair Mobian
Fairy partner of Cure Sword
She is the oldest of the four fairys
Dabyi is able to transform into a adult human and acts as Makoto's manager under the name "DB"
Ai - Baby Dragon Cure Spirit
A baby-like fairy
Fairy partner of Cure Ace
Ai is in fact Princess Marie Ange, who was reverted back into an egg after she split her good and bad parts
Magical Allies:
Joe Okada - Golden Hedgehog
Is a shopkeeper in Clover Tower and secretly a knight from Trump Kingdom, named Jonathan Klondike.
He is also Princess Marie Ange’s fiancée.
After the Trump King retires from his throne, Joe became the first president of the newly established Trump Republic.
Regina - Blonde Dragon (Red Outfit)/Dark Yellow Dragon (Purple Outfit)
She is the King Jikochuu's daughter and acts as his second in command.
Over the course of the series, she strikes up a friendship with Aida Mana. However King Jikochuu turns her evil again.
Later it is reveled that she is the Aguri and Ai’s biological sister since she and Aguri are the dark and light parts of Princess Marie Ange’s heart while Ai is her body, reborn as an egg.
After discovering that she loves not only her father but also her friends, Regina teams up with the Pretty Cure in order to save her father who is trapped inside the heart of the King Jikochuu.
Princess Marie Ange - Light Pink Dragon
The Princess of the Trump Kingdom.
Trump King - Brown Hedgehog
Is the former ruler of Trump Kingdom and the true identity of King Jikochuu.
He is the father of Princess Marie Ange, Madoka Aguri, Regina, and Ai.
Cure Empress - Green Jackalope
One of the Legendary Pretty Cure.
She was the original user of the Magical Lovely Pad.
Cure Heart bears a striking resemblance to her, as pointed out by Cure Empress' fairy partner, Melan.
Cure Magician - Red Dragon
One of the Legendary Pretty Cure.
She was the original user of the Miracle Dragon Glaive.
Cure Priestess - Blue Unicorn
One of the Legendary Pretty Cure.
She was the original user of the Eternal Golden Crown.
Melan - Turtle Cure Flicky/Dragon
Fairy partner of Cure Empress
Selfish Proto
He is the entity who was defeated by the Legendary Cures 100,000 years ago.
After Selfish King was defeated, Bel ended up becoming his host.
He was defeated by Cure Heart in her Parthenon Mode.
King Jikochuu - Black Hedgehog
He is responsible for the destruction of the Trump Kingdom and is the leader of the Selfish group and the Jikochuu.
It is revealed that the Selfish King is, in fact, the former Trump Kingdom's King.
Bel - Light Blue Bear
Is the leader of the Selfish Trio and the oldest in the group.
Marmo - Yellow Fox
Is the only female of the Selfish Trio.
Ira - Red Lion
Is one of the members of the Selfish Trio, and the youngest.
Leva - Green Snake
Is one of the members of the Selfish generals and deputy of the group.
Gula - Orange Pig
Is one of the members of the Selfish generals and deputy of the group.
Goma - Violet Peacock
One of the seven Selfish Agents.
He and Lust were killed in the battle with Cure Sword's seniors.
Lust - Blue Goat
One of the seven Selfish Agents.
He and Goma were killed in the battle with Cure Sword's seniors.
Kentaro Aida - Pink Pig
Mana's father.
The chef at their restaurant "Buta no Shippo".
Ayumi Aida - Orange Rabbit
Mana's mother.
The server at their restaurant "Buta no Shippo".
Sokichi Bando - Dark Grey Baboon
Mana's grandfather.
Isuzu Bando - Violet Grey Rabbit (Mobian)/Light Cyan Rabbit Flicky (Fairy)
Is the late grandmother of Aida Mana and can take the form of a fairy known as Bebel.
Yuuzou Hishikawa - Dark Purple Dragonfly
Rikka's father.
He is a photographer, often traveling around the world to take many nice photos.
Ryoko Hishikawa - Dark Blue Beagle
Rikka's mother.
She is a pediatrician.
Seiji Yotsuba - Brown Bear
Alice’s father.
He is the president of Yotsuba Enterprises.
Shouko Yotsuba - Golden Swan
Alice’s mother.
Ichiro Yotsuba - Gray Bear
Alice’s late grandfather.
Mari Madoka - Light Brown Fox
Is the adoptive grandmother of Madoka Aguri.
She holds tea classes and tea ceremonies at her home.
Supporting People:
Sebastian - White Wolf
Is the chief butler of Yotsuba Zaibatsu.
This old gentleman is very loyal to Alice and can fulfill any of her orders immediately.
He is the only person so far to know the girls' true identities.
Eru Morimoto - Racoon
Is Aguri's friend from school.
She admires and respects Aguri for her strength and courage but also for her maturity.
Reina Itsutsuboshi - Blonde Butterfly
Is a rival to Alice, and a heiress of "Itsutsuboshi Corporation".
Mr. Kido - Chinchilla
Is Mana, Rikka and Makoto's homeroom teacher in Oogai First Middle School.
Previously: 🧚🏼‍♀️😊 | Next: 🪞👗❤️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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curetsun · 1 year
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おめでと〜🥳 by ほぺ太🐶 ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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