#Shalria would just think he was Kaido's cheap bathrug
heavenlyborne · 4 years
"For better or worse" for Kirionism
Send “For better or worse,” for a rough idea on how I imagine a ship between our muses would turn out?  
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(Thanks for being patient with me, @logpcse! This is an ask I was looking forwards to as well as there’s definitely potential for something given Kiriko’s position as both a Shichibukai and Information Broker?? When you have so much of the world’s wealth and power resting at the end of your fingertips, certain other things become much more valuable and difficult to procure...)
If ever there was a case of mutual benefit, I think this could be it for both Kiriko and Shalria? Gold, silver, precious gemstones and more are all very fine treasures but information is a treasure in itself and all too often overlooked by those who need not worry about a thing in their lives. Knowledge is power in this world and an Information Broker could prove to be a powerful ally, even ordained certain privileges not extended to others should the Shichibukai system ever be abolished. It’s a known fact that not even Admiral Akainu can challenge the word of a Celestial Dragon, so Kiriko’s name could be ‘mysteriously’ absent from the list of Warlords that are now ordered to be captured and brought in for either execution or life imprisonment in Impel Down. Information has a costs however, and in exchange for valuable information, money could be handed down for whatever the Broker requires. Or services if that is preferred - Dr. Vegapunk is a very good doctor who is centuries ahead of the world when it comes to technology extending to surgical matters. They probably wouldn’t ‘like’ each other very much but fortunately liking people is not necessary for business. There are many people in the world that Shalria despises, or wishes to keep an eye on as she knows better than most just how important it is to know certain things, particularly when it comes to ‘ancestral enemies’ like the D. She still hasn’t forgiven Monkey D. Luffy and Shalria would wish to find out everything about him and his crew, due to the unfortunate incident in Sabaody Archipelago where that filthy ape dared lay hands on her brother while his crewmates assaulted her father. She would impose how crucial it is to follow his journey, to garner every crumb of information that Kiriko can about him and his crew - where they are going, what they are planning, their weaknesses and more. All the better so that in the end, she can crush their pathetic little dreams and make the experience as painful as brutally possible.
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