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biomic · 1 year ago
proud of you for seeing inoue's boytoy showing up in yet another one of his shows and not saying anything about it. i dont think its growth. but thats growth
well i was unfortunately spoiled on it long ago durring my depression hiatus but it's also like. it'd be shocking if kohei didn't appear in this show, you know?
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salsmayonise · 1 year ago
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[Shachi! Unagi! Tako! sha sha shauta~ sha sha shauta~!!!]
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biomic · 5 months ago
So, your favorite OOO combo theme is ShaUTa's Shout Out, right? So what's your least favorite?
TaToBa's Regret Nothing ~ Tighten Up
GataKiriBa's Got to Keep it Real
LaToraTah's Ride on Right Time
SaGoZou's Sun Goes Up
TaJaDor's Time Judged All
PuToTyra's Power To Tearer?
can't have a least favorite when they all bang
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
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Douta Combo (ドータコンボ, Dotacombo) Also known as The cruel combo, is shauta's alternate form that takes control of shauta whenever it likes...i don't know what to replace the other medals with i just recolored them red so like douta combo is meant to be like a crueler shauta over all, yes the dolphin is not the only medal replaced, well it kind of is right now, see i want to replace the rest of the medals with other cruel sea animal's or atleast scary ones and come up with a whole new alternate form for shauta, yeah i know this is just an example image of what shauta's medals become. Please help me on this your the smartest kamen rider fan i know...
Hmm, Core Medals don't just change colors because they're part of other combos, so Unagi and Tako should retain their blue color. I think the Dolphin Medal could get away with having some other color though- Saramiuo's medals aren't all in the same color family as one of them is sort of a scarlet color, so maybe if that was the only one that's red it would be ok?
(Btw Saramiuo is what the combo would be if OOO used it- but it's primarily used by Kamen Rider Aqua)
Also, I just looked it up to be sure... and apparently Shauta IS based on a dolphin already?? The "Sha" portion isn't "Shark"... it's "Shachi", the orca or killer whale... which is actually type of dolphin. Shark is represented by "Same" in the aforementioned Saramiuo set. So... oops? 😅😂
I guess you can base it on some other dolphin species still, like the bottlenose dolphin (the one that's typically depicted as the "friendly cute cuddly" dolphin but is actually a jerk irl lol).
So... yeah, those are my suggestions I guess?
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
Tatoba:Gokaiger's please...Don't turn me and my friends into ranger key's...
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Tatoba, Gatakiriba, Latorarta, sagohzo, tajador, shauta and putotyra: GOOOOOKAAAAAAAIGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
sorry about the huge images too...
Well, if it's any consolation, they're just giving their power for the Gokaigers to use. It's not like the past sentai ceased to exist when their powers became ranger keys, they just lost them for however long the Gokaigers had the keys until they were returned to them.
I also find it amusing that the Gokaigers had an exact color match for all of the not-TaToBa forms... except Ahim, the gentle princess that doesn't look like she could hurt a fly, who got the berserker, out-of-control Putotyra 😅
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lupato · 2 years ago
my combos song ranking btw
putotyra > tatoba > tajador > gatakiriba > sagouzo > ratorata > shauta
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kaedekisaragi · 1 month ago
Resumo da live de Kamen Rider Memory of Heroez de terça:
-Shining Assault Hopper é muito roubado.
Curtiu? Quer mais? Confira no link abaixo
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
That one part in kamen rider ooo x den o the movie but with my sentient ooo combo's (also forgive me if i miss anything.) Naomi:Here's some delicious coffee! Ryutaros:Wai! I've been waiting for this! Naomi:Here you go. Kintaros:That looks like a lot! Ryutaros:Thanks! Kintaros starts sleeping Ryutaros:Oi kuma-chan, why are you sleeping? Naomi:Here you go. Momotaros:this looks pretty tough... Urataros:it's all in the wrist. Naomi:Here you go. Urataros:Thanks, naomi-chan. huh? whose are those? Naomi:Alright! Urataros:Where are you going?! Naomi:Here you go! Eiji:Oi ankh! *eiji puts aside whatever ankh had on the table i didn't see in the video...* Momotaros:Glance... Eiji:Oh right i had some more friends to bring one minute... *Insert eiji doing multiple combo's summoning each combo not including tajador* TaToBa:Owie! i landed on the floor-of a train? Gatakiriba:What the... Latorartar:G-Gaon? Sagohzo:Eh seem's pretty tame compared to what the others have been through... Shauta:A train! i always wanted to go on a train! wait when are we stopping? i have a swimming lesson to give. Putotyra:can i derail this thing? All the taros:what the hell?! Momotaros:Who the hell are all of you! Eiji:Oh, Well... Ankh said we should help den-o with his job! Ankh:I didn't say bring out the combo's... Eiji:oh right... Tatoba:I'm tatoba, the variety combo as some would say! Gatakiriba:I'm Gatakiriba! the insect combo! Latorartar:I'm latorartar! The Scorching combo! Sagohzo:I'm sagohzo! The gravity combo! Shauta:I'm shauta! the- *INSTANT HEADACHE* Sagohzo:Uhh shauta you ok? Shauta:yeah...where's somewhere i can laydown... douta in shauta's mind:KILL THEM...RAPE THEM...MAKE ME PROUD. Shauta:GOTTA GO! *runs off* Putotyra:Uhhh ok? i'm putotyra! the INVINCIBLE COMBO! *RAWR* Momotaro's:I don't care if you guys are combo's or deluxe gravity whatever combo's, YOU NEED TO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Ryutaros:You tell them! Momotaros:Get off of my- Putotyra:LISTEN BUB WE ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TRAIN UNLESS YOU MAKE US! so how about YOU mind your business, Peachman... Momotaros:WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME JUST NOW YOU- To be continued... yes i actually had to watch some of the movie to get some of the lines right...hopefully you leave a long answer as i perfer that.
Sorry if I can't really give a long answer 😅 With these kinds of posts, I don't really know what to say since they're basically whole fics in of themselves and I feel awkward saying something about it? And it's not like I have a terribly good memory either so if they're based on something existing I may not completely recall the details haha
That said... Momo would 100% start a fight with anyone of these sentient combo people. I don't think he'd be very appreciative of so many of them showing up all at once. He can handle maybe one or two (and especially if they defer to him easily) but I reckon these combo people would have strong personalities that won't gel well with him.
Whether the other Imagin would join him would largely depend on their mood I think, though if one of the combos gets on their nerves they may also end up picking a fight with them.
In other words: chaos is sure to ensue
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
TaToBa:Guy's i can explain. Shauta:You get 3 form's (Aka tatoba, tajador, and super tatoba) and i only get 2(aka normal shauta and liquid state)?! Sagohzo:You guy's have more than one form? Shigazeshi along with every other csm combo behind him:You guys are getting form's? (the joke here is that the csm combo's never make a real appearence aside from the csm box along with their appearences in the manual that comes with the csm...)
If you're counting Tajador as an extension of Tatoba then it technically has four forms since the one using the Core Medal with Ankh's consciousness (the one that cracked when he "died") is counted separately for reasons, then there's also Tajador Eternity from the movie we don't talk about.
But yeah... though to be fair it's a damn sight better than what we've had in recent years. These days we're lucky if we get more than a couple of the base combo forms in the show before they get retired in favor of a powerup. The show just can't keep up with how bloated the toyline has become.
At least the CSM exclusive Combos got released years after OOO was done and the show itself showcased all the existing Full Combos at the time...
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
Every single reality show ever starring...
TaToBa Gatakiriba Latorarta Sagohzo Tajador (Aka Tatoba's second identity) Shauta Putotyra Burakawani Renai Saramiou Bikaso Shigazeshi Mukachiri Seishirogin
Mukachiri: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution. Tajador (Aka Tatoba's second identity): You could lose a few. Gatakiriba: You could be less lazy. Renai: Don’t be such a bitch. Mukachiri: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
TaToBa: What the fuck. TaToBa: ESPN is showing 2003 national jump rope championship. TaToBa: Who the hell watches jump rope competiti- ooh bouncy.
Latorarta: Where are you going? Shauta: Hell, eventually.
Saramiou: You can’t have a gun on stage! Putotyra: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.
Shigazeshi: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth. Seishirogin: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
Putotyra: Oh, hey, I didn’t see you come in! You should have come by and said hello! Mukachiri: Oh! Yeah, I uh… Mukachiri: Didn’t want to bother you. Mukachiri: Or talk to or listen to or be around you.
Sagohzo: Go big or go home! Bikaso: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home. Sagohzo: I'm going big!
Sagohzo: lifting weights Seishirogin: Wow… They’re so intense! Shauta: I wonder what drives them. Sagohzo, internally: Oh I am going to be SO good at giving hugs.
Sagohzo: You know me, Renai, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters? Renai: What? Sagohzo: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.” thanks for watching and taking your time to actually read this hopefully...and if your asking how tajador being tatoba's second identity work's...that's up to you not doing all that researching.
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...This is a lot to take in lol
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
Sagohzo:Hey shauta what you wanna eat? Red shauta (Aka realistic shauta):THE SOULS OF THE INNOCENT... Shauta:A bagel Red Shauta:No! Shauta:2 bagel's Yep you know how the dolphin is actually worse than the shark according to this image atleast?
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yeah i made a fanmade shauta form after that called red shauta yeah it takes over shauta sometimes, and...yeah...even putotyra would be like "AW GROSS WHAT THE *BLEEP* SHAUTA?!"
Yeah I know the whole thing about dolphins being more fucked up than sharks 😂 People just see dolphins and think they're cute but forget they're apex predators too... and they can even take out sharks too. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that dolphins would gang up on a shark and hit it repeatedly until it turns over and basically drowns because it can't right itself to swim which is part of how they breathe??
But yeah a Red Shauta- or more accurately a Douta or Iuta (dolphin in Japanese is iruka) I guess- would be quite scary lol
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asknarashikari · 11 months ago
Ok so you got tatoba, Gatakiriba, latorata, sagohzo, tajador, (aka tatoba's second identity) shauta, putotyra *insert name of all csm combo's here cause i'm too lazy to type them all* But there's one combo...that no one knows.... WHAT COMBO DOES THE FOX MAKE? I'm sorry i had to.
Ankh would likely slash you across the face for asking such a question lmao
But because I'm the type to take everything seriously... maybe a canid type Combo, to contrast the feline one used by Kazari? There's lots of other canids to choose from other than the usual wolf and dog... like jackals, bush dogs, and of course raccoon dogs (aka tanuki if you're referring to the Japanese species)
Also looking at the canid family tree on wikipedia is so wild, it seems like the English language just doesn't have enough canid-related words because some species that are commonly called foxes are not closely related to others also commonly called foxes, same with wolves...
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am-ace-ing · 2 months ago
[id: a reply from shauta that reads "von karma said this" /end id]
sitting around waiting for edgeworth to be framed for murder 
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hatorishimaselfship · 2 years ago
Feferi: Kamen Rider OOO, Shauta Combo
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Karkat: Kamen Rider Geiz (For time shenanigans)
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Meenah: Kamen Rider Thouser
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Hero suit for F/O?
Not many people watch this franchise, but!
Reblog with a picture of your F/O and I'll assign them an already-existing Kamen Rider suit!
Proshippers welcome!
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mangolon · 3 years ago
I think all the combo songs from OOO should have been Eiji singing a duet with the Greeed the combo is associated with.
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de-sterren-nacht · 3 years ago
if it makes you feel any better i have to restrain myself from saying "a little fucking doeggy!" every time i go downstairs and see my own dog
the way he says doeggy fucking haunts me
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