#Sexypink/Jouvert 2019/Vulgar Fraction/Nothing/Robert Young
sexypinkon · 5 years
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sexypinkon · 5 years
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sexypinkon · 5 years
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~Sexypink~ Robert Young/Vulgar Fraction Carnival 2019
On our way to the launch.
24 Erthig Rd Belmont. Panel Discussion. Speakers... Winston Suite is a civil engineer and educator who was detained by the State during the Black Power Revolt. Peter Weller is a psychologist and the president of the Caribbean Male Action Network (CariMAN). Environmental activist Gillian Goddard is a director of the Alliance of Rural Communities and is one of the pioneers of the burgeoning TT artisanal chocolate movement. The panel will be chaired by spoken word artist Arielle John. Choreographer Makeda Thomas' Carnival mini band New Waves! and the moko jumbie band Moko Somokow will also launch their 2019 presentations at the event. The Egbe Omo Oni Isese Traditional African drummers will perform at the launch. For more information on Vulgar Fraction and Nothing, WhatsApp 1-868-774-9368, email [email protected].
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