#Sexology Clinic in jaipur
narayana-hospital · 1 year
Anxiety Disorders, Causes, Treatment – Narayana Neuropsychiatry and De-Addiction Clinic (NNDC)
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Disorders of Anxiety 
Disorders of Anxiety are common mental health issues that affect millions of people worldwide. They are characterised by feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry that frequently interfere with normal life and daily activities. In this article Dr. Mukesh Daderwal  Neuropsychiatry  at Narayana Neuropsychiatry and De-Addiction Clinic (NNDC) one of the best Neuropsychiatry in murlipura jaipur explains the cause of mental disorder and how to prevent it.
What are The Causes of Anxiety Disorders
There are several factors that can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. Some of the common causes include:
Genetics: Anxiety disorders are more prevalent in those with a family history of the condition.
Brain chemistry: Anxiety disorders can also be caused by alterations in brain chemistry. Anxiety can be brought on by imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
Factors from the outside: Anxiety disorders can be brought on by traumatic experiences like abuse, neglect, or violence. Additionally, chronic stress can contribute.
Conditions of the body: Certain ailments like thyroid issues, coronary illness, and diabetes can likewise add to the advancement of uneasiness.
How to Treat Anxiety Disorders
There are several effective treatments available for anxiety disorders. Some of the common treatments include:
Therapy: A form of talk therapy known as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) aids individuals in recognizing and altering negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to anxiety. Additionally, exposure therapy, which gradually confronts fears, can be beneficial.
Medication: Anxiety disorders can be alleviated with the help of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. A healthcare professional should oversee the use of these medications.
Changes in lifestyle: Anxiety symptoms can also be reduced through regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleeping habits. Meditation, yoga, and other forms of deep relaxation can also be beneficial.
Although anxiety disorders can be crippling, people can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life with the right treatment. It is essential to seek professional assistance if you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety symptoms.
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Narayana Neuropsychiatry and De-Addiction Clinic (NNDC)
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urologistdoctor · 1 year
Navigating Your Health: Finding the Right Urologist in Jaipur
When it comes to urological concerns, having access to the best urologist in Jaipur is crucial for top-notch care and peace of mind. Urologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the urinary tract and male reproductive system. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help you find the ideal urologist in Jaipur. We’ll explore factors such as qualifications, experience, patient reviews, services offered, and the importance of location and accessibility.
Qualifications and Credentials
The first step in your quest to find the best urologist in Jaipur is to evaluate their qualifications and credentials. A certified urologist has completed rigorous education and training and is typically board-certified. The search result mentions a urologist with 15+ years of experience. This is an excellent indicator of expertise, as years of practice often correlate with a deep understanding of urological conditions and their treatment.
Experience Matters
Experience plays a pivotal role in selecting a urologist. The more experience a urologist has, the more likely they’ve encountered a wide range of cases, enabling them to offer well-informed and effective treatments. The urologist in Jaipur mentioned in the search result, with over 15 years of experience, is a promising candidate for your consideration.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials
In the age of information, patient reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a urologist’s quality of care. Look for online reviews and testimonials from patients who have been treated by the urologist you’re considering. These reviews can help you gauge patient satisfaction and the overall patient experience. Positive feedback is a strong indicator of a urologist’s expertise and commitment to patient care.
Services Offered
Another essential aspect to consider is the range of services offered by the urologist and the facilities available at their clinic. Ensure that the urologist provides comprehensive care for a wide spectrum of urological conditions. These may include treatments for urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, prostate issues, and more. In the absence of specific information in the search result, it’s advisable to check with the urologist directly to verify the range of services they offer and their clinic’s facilities.
Location and Accessibility
The location of the urologist’s clinic is a practical consideration. Select a urologist with a clinic that is easily accessible to you, ensuring you can reach the clinic quickly in case of emergencies or for regular appointments. While the search result provides limited information about location, you can contact the urologist’s clinic directly for this information.
Cost and Insurance
Urological treatments can sometimes be costly, so it’s essential to inquire about the cost of services and whether the urologist accepts your health insurance. Understanding the financial aspect of your treatment can help you plan accordingly and avoid unexpected expenses. As the search result does not provide information about costs and insurance, it is recommended to discuss these details with the urologist’s clinic.
It’s important to note that not everyone with kidney stones will experience all of these symptoms, and some individuals may have no symptoms at all. Left untreated, kidney stones can lead to complications such as urinary tract infections, kidney damage, or blockage of the urinary tract.If you experience symptoms such as severe pain, discomfort, abnormal urine colour, or any signs of infection, then you should consult the Best Urologist In Jaipur. Dr Sandeep Nunia is the most reputed Urology doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the best Urologist in Jaipur for treating ailments such as Laparoscopic treatment, Female Urology, Sexology treatment, Uro Oncology, and Kidney stone treatment.
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rohan800 · 2 years
Best sexologist hospital in jaipur / Mediva hopital
At Mediva, the top hospital in Jaipur, excellent medical care is promoted together with committed patient care. Thanks to our top-notch medical infrastructure and state-of-the-art medical technologies, we promise top-notch sexual treatment and counseling services at the most affordable pricing. To support people in having a meaningful sexual life, we use proven treatments, preserve the highest standards of privacy and safety, and take a serious approach to treating all sex-related and infertility difficulties. The team of sexologists, gynecologists, pathologists, infertility specialists, hormone specialists, and microsurgeons at Mediva Multi-Speciality Hospital stands out as the best in India at treating male and female sexual problems. The largest research facility for sexual and reproductive health issues in Rajasthan, Mediva Hospital in Jaipur has  35 beds and offers services in gynecology-maternity, general surgery, medicine, urology, orthopedics, knee-hip replacement, pediatrics, sexology, fertility & IVF, diabetic clinic, laparoscopy, and endoscopy surgery. Dr. Joshi's team of female sexual counselors, gynecologists, and physiotherapists for sexual rehabilitation offer top-tier care and useful consultation to advance sexual well-being at his Mediva Hospital.
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Men and women who experience sexual problems should visit Mediva Hospital, one of the best in Jaipur, because doctor Amit Joshi is a very skilled individual with a friendly demeanour toward patients and other team members who support patients. Patients can easily discuss any problems with doctors, who will then suggest medications and treatments that are very cost-effective or nearly as expensive as medicine available in hospitals
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shivanipshot · 3 years
      जानिए स्तंभन दोष क्या है | All About male erecticle dysfunction In Hindi
स्तंभन दोष का अर्थ स्तंभन को बनाए रखने या प्राप्त करने में असमर्थता है| स्तंभन दोष में समस्या से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए, स्तंभन (इरेक्शन) शायद ही होता है, या यदि ऐसा होता है, तो यह केवल कुछ मिनटों तक रहता है
मनोवैज्ञानिक तनाव व शारीरिक नपुंसकता स्तंभन दोष के मुख्य कारण है। यह शिथिलता 40 साल से ऊपर के पुरुषों में आम है।
स्तंभन दोष के संभावित कारणों का समय पर निदान करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि आप सही उपचार प्राप्त कर सकें।
जैसा कि स्तंभन दोष (इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन) अक्सर यौन जीवन में असंतोष की ओर जाता है, यह पुरुषों में मानसिक आघात का प्राथमिक कारण भी है। पुरुषों के इस खराब प्रदर्शन के कारण कई विवाह कथित तौर पर टूट गए हैं।
आपने स्तंभन दोष (इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन) के बारे में सुना होगा, लेकिन क्या आप इन आवश्यक संबंधित तथ्यों को जानते हैं? स्तंभन दोष के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं के बारे में जानने के लिए इस वीडियो को अंत तक देखें। समस्या :- स्तंभन दोष (Erectile Dysfunction in Hindi) मामले :- प्रति वर्ष 10 लाख से अधिक मामले स्तंभन दोष का इलाज:- शॉक वेव थेरेपी उपचार (Shock wave Therapy treatment) इंजेक्शन उपचार (Injection Treatments) स्तंभन दोष के लिए सेक्स थेरेपी (Sex Therapy for male erecticle dysfunction                                 Read More...https://pshotindia.com/
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vivanhospital · 5 years
          Things You should understand Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Over the previous few years, loads of patients are coming back to our clinic WHO are literally not stricken by HIV or the other sexually transmitted sickness however ar still troubled to search out an answer to their issues associated with their privates. a significant a part of their suffering is very associated with reading loads of info from Google or finding tedious ways in which to treat them with treatment. The worry of obtaining a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is that the one that perpetuates the positive feedback of existence of those "NOT therefore TALKED ABOUT"diseases. STIs ar quite common and simply transmitted through sexual contact. several STIs ar curable and every one ar treatable, however the sole thanks to apprehend if you have got one is to speak concerning them, consult a skin doctor and find yourself tested if needed.
Common Symptoms of STIs: Talking to your doctor concerning your sex life may appear too personal to share however ideally seeing a skin doctor takes you to the way of resolution of the matter. Here ar some common symptoms that will warn you to the presence of associate degree STI:
Pain and/or burning sensation once urinating Discolored, smelly, or significantly serious discharge Abnormal emission Warts, lesions, or sores within the sex organ space Rash or skin sensation within the sex organ space Painful intercourse Lower abdominal pain, fatigue & Low back pain (females) Q: however are you able to defend yourself ? A: protective yourself sexually involves not solely learning concerning STIs however active safer sex anytime you have interaction in any gender.
Avoid or minimize direct oral, anal and sex organ contact by employing a barrier technique properly and systematically. Avoidance of impulsive intercourse with a whole intruder Form a trustworthy , honest, and communicative relationship. Always examine your partner for any wart, ulceration or the other obvious lesion on the sex organ elements Limit your variety of sexual partners. Talk to your partner concerning your STI standing. Include STI testing as a part of your regular medical check up. Learn the common symptoms of STI’s. Do not use medication or alcohol in doubtless intimate things as they'll inhibit your ability to create selections and will have an effect on your facility. Get unsusceptible for hepatitis B and C. Get unsusceptible for HPV if you're a lady between the ages of nine and twenty six. Q: however does one get tested for STIs? A: there's nobody check for all STIs. Get yourself examined by a skin doctor and find the tests suggested because it saves cash and avoid inessential investigations.
Q: however ar STIs treated? A: The treatment depends on the sort of STI. solely use medicines prescribed or instructed by your doctor. There ar product sold-out over the web that incorrectly claim to stop or treat STIs however the security of those product isn't renowned. Consult your skin doctor to talk concerning however you'll be able to defend yourself or to induce tested and treated consequently.
Read More...Best Sexologist in Jaipur, Sexology Hospital in Jaipur | Vivan Hospital
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shivanipshot · 3 years
                           5 Steps to require When Migraine Hits
Its that point of the day once you struggle to seek out air and suddenly throbbing pain mixed with anxiety starts to hit you, you immediately know you're in trouble. Migraine sure is difficult to handle and it does take a toll on you when it hits hard. You could be in an elevator or attending your classes as was common , or even working just another day, ahead of the screen that stares back at you and migraine decides to offer you some trouble. At times, you would possibly feel it coming, otherwise, it's just completely out of the blues. In either of the circumstances, you crave for something which will magically deduct your pain and cause you to feel somewhat better. Migraine Headache But, Is There Any Magic Wand? Not sure that one thing especially , but what you'll definitely do is know some vital thing and 5 of those things are listed here that cure migraine. There might be endless reasons why migraine might hit you hard and have a toll on you. But, when that situation arises, you would like to understand some tips that would convince be life-savers and may cure migraine.
1. Sit during a Relaxed Environment: When it's that point , all you recognize is that you simply need to get out of this as soon as possible. the simplest thing that you simply can do at that point is, cut the lights and find your own spot and relax. Light is understood to be problematic for a few and therefore the situation is named photophobia. Though this not could be the sole method to cure migraine, this is able to provide relief to some extent.
2. Aroma Therapy: Certain fragrances are known to appease headache and calm you down. Here are some aromatherapeutic oils that relieve/cure migraine: Peppermint: Soothes pain Lavender: Relieves headache , lowers anxiety Rosemary: Contains powerful anti-inflammatory and pain killing properties. it's even known to scale back stress and increase blood circulation. Chamomile: Calmes tension in muscles and aids headache.
                          Read More...https://pshotindia.com/
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shivanipshot · 3 years
HIV/AIDS - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Precautions And Home Remedies
What is AIDS? Helps known as the Acquired immunodeficiency disorder (AIDS) is a dangerous condition which is brought about by the human immunodeficiency infection (HIV). This is an immune system illness which harms the safe framework, and consequently meddles with the body's capacity to battle the life forms that causes infection. HIV is an infection that centers around contaminating the safe framework consequently expanding the danger of the body being tossed to a few different diseases and sicknesses and strengthens the effect of existing contaminations too. Without legitimate treatment, the disease may advance and achieve a high level stage, which is AIDS. When the HIV contamination forms into this stage, at that point the individual is at more serious danger. This specific infection separates the cells present in the resistant framework accordingly making it frail. Without treatment, the HIV contamination will handily form into AIDS who given the way that the safe framework progressively loses its solidarity. HIV is an explicitly sent disease (STI). Before the finish of 2015, individuals who have been tainted with HIV has been accounted for to be 1,122,900. The figures from 2016 show a gauge of 18,160 being determined to have AIDS. As of now, there has been no fix recognized for AIDS and the exploration is under progress. What are the Symptoms of Aids? For the most part, contaminations given by other infections, microscopic organisms, growths or some other parasite may cause side effects that are more serious to that of HIV. These conditions typically improved further with individuals experiencing HIV at that point and in the people who have a solid resistant framework. On the off chance that the resistant framework is appropriately working, it would naturally ensure the body against the high level impacts of such diseases while individuals experiencing HIV will have the HIV infection disturbing the great deeds of the insusceptible framework. What is the Cause of AIDS? HIV is typically brought about by an infection, which may spread through blood, sexual contact, breastfeeding, labor or from a mother who has HIV to her youngster during pregnancy. All together for an individual to be tainted with HIV, the contaminated semen, blood or vaginal discharges probably entered the body. This could occur in a few different ways including sex, blood bondings, sharing needles or pregnant and labor. HIV is normally communicated uniquely thesely. Coming into contact with the individual who is experiencing HIV doesn't really mean the infection will be communicated to the another. For the most part, sex and sharing of needles utilized by one as of now are two basic techniques with which the HIV is communicated. When the infection is communicated to someone else by any of the previously mentioned ways, it begins lessening the force of the insusceptible framework to shield the body from any sort of disease or malignant growth. How Does Hiv Aids Spread? Taking part in butt-centric or vaginal intercourse with a tainted individual without wearing a condom. Imparting needles and needles to somebody who as of now has hiv helps. Being penetrated with a careful instrument or a needle which is polluted with HIV tainted blood. Offering needles and needles to somebody who as of now has HIV helps. Infants can create HIV helps from their moms who have effectively been contaminated during breastfeeding or birth. Hiv helps can't be communicated by embracing, sharing drinking glasses or kissing. Children can create HIV helps from their moms who have effectively been tainted during breastfeeding or birth. What are the Universal Precautions of HIV AIDS? On the off chance that the OIs can be forestalled, general future can be improved for individuals who experience the ill effects of late-stage HIV. Aside from the administration of the HIV infection with the assistance of medicine, the individual is required to avoid potential risk. Wearing condoms can help forestall STDs. The inoculations should be taken for expected OIs, which can be examined with your doctor. The patient should have the option to comprehend that the germs that Surround the climate it could just demolish the circumstance. The individual should restrict their openness and avoid potential risk with defensive gloves particularly when they are changing the litter. The food sources that are now in danger of defilement ought to be stringently kept away from. The patient should ask their doctor in regards to their excursion exercises to ensure they limit their openness to expected OIs. What are the Diagnostic Criteria for AIDS? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that one in each 7 all determined to have HIV in America and are uninformed of the status. It is significant for the patient to comprehend their HIV status to guarantee that they come in the treatment at the soonest and have a go at forestalling the advancement of the infection that will prompt extreme insusceptible challenges and different contaminations. HIV can be identified with a particular blood test. The blood is again tried before a positive outcome is affirmed. Retesting is important to ensure that is a positive analysis. On the off chance that individuals have the danger of disease with the most recent half year then the quick test will be taken and another test will be led following half a month.                                     Read More...https://pshotindia.com/
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shivanipshot · 4 years
                                          What is Depression?
Misery ( Clinical melancholy or Major discouragement) is a typical psychological sickness around the world. It is a mind-set problem that causes misery, loss of interest in things you once delighted in, and contrarily influences how you think, feel, and act. On the off chance that Depression left unchecked, it could diminish an individual's profitability to work both at work and home and can prompt serious clinical medical problems later on. Best case scenario, it can prompt self destruction. Misery is not quite the same as normal emotional episodes, which individuals experience consistently. Fortunately, Depression is repairable. As indicated by the WHO, in excess of 50 million individuals experience the ill effects of Depression in India. Is it accurate to say that you are searching for the best discouragement treatment focus in Jaipur? On the off chance that you are from Jaipur or any close by spots and searching for the best discouragement treatment, at that point Dr Chirag Bhandari is the most ideal decision accessible at Psychiatrist Jaipur. He is the best mental consideration expert who gives treatment to wretchedness, Bipolar turmoil and other mental issues. Key Facts: 1. In excess of 50 million individuals experience the ill effects of discouragement in India. 2. Ladies are more helpless than Men. 3. It can prompt self destruction. 4. There are viable drugs and mental medicines for moderate and serious melancholy. 5. Side effects of Depression: Change in rest examples or unfit to rest 1. Fatigueness or loss of energy 2. Self-destructive musings 3. Absence of sexual craving 4. Loss of interest in exercises you once appreciated 5. A sensation of trouble Reduced focus and neglect 1. The sensation of defenselessness and sadness 2. Crabbiness or outrage upheavals 3. Sensation of uselessness 4. Anxiety 5. Inadvertent weight reduction or gain 6. Sluggish development and reflexes                             Read More...https://pshotindia.com/
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vivanhospital · 6 years
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Best Sexologist in India
Dr. Saatiish Jhuntrraa is best Sexologist in India . Book Online Appointment , call or visit for sexology related problem.
Dr. Saatiish Jhuntrraa, sexologist certified from the American Board of Sexology is treating patients all for more than 28 years now. Trained and experienced to counsel and treat patients experiencing any form of sexual illness. Medical graduate from the Government Medical College, Rohtak (Haryana)), Saatiish received his post graduate training in Psychiatry from Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi. Having completed post-graduation, he founded the Vivan- the hospital for sexual health. He has also attended several national and international conferences on sexual health and presented research papers on various aspects of human sexuality.
As a sexologist in Jaipur, Dr. Saatiish is currently performing as the Director of Vivan Hospital and has his clients spread across the globe. The doctor is well versed with all aspects of human sexuality; thus can provide medical and psychological assistance to his patients. He focuses on comprehensive management of sex problems with tested medications, yoga therapy. Lifestyle changes, and counselling. The doctor is specially trained to treat patients having psychiatric illness, a comparatively neglected field. As am active sexologist, Dr. Jhuntraa guides people to prevent sex abuse in children.
The study of human sexual life and relationships fall under the branch of Sexology.
Sexology is an immensely important field of study since there are a number of people who are suffering from sex-related problems and are seeking answers for the same. Doctors who’re trained in this field guide their patients and treat them for any sex related problems, ensuring best possible results.
Everyday there are people who choose not to open up with their sex-related problems, which later becomes a huge matter of concern. The idea of Vivan Hospital therefore is to extend a helping hand to the patients, helping them discuss and get over the problems that surround their sex life.
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Sexology covers a number of problems and the ones that are covered and treated in Vivan Hospital include
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