walking-jinx Β· 4 years
At my age, MOST of the people I know is may sexlife.
Not to be judgemental pero, how can you do that with someone knowing na you won't end up together?
Ah okay. That's called confidence. Or.. Just having fun?
Sa sobrang kagagahan ko and I often spit green jokes (KAHIT VIRGIN PO TALAGA AKO) mukha akong di na virgin πŸ˜‚ di nga sila naniniwalang virgin ako. Pero pake ko. πŸ˜‚
Im 1nN0C3nt HAHAHAH Thanks sa wattpad at sa mga random porn gifs na lumalabas sa newsfeed sa twitter na nagbibigay idea sakin sa mga kagagahan ko. πŸ˜‚
Dear future husband,
This is for you! πŸ˜‚
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sex-in-formation Β· 3 years
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Bad orgasms are defined as a non-positive, non-pleasurable, or negative orgasm. Bad orgasms can negatively affect a person’s relationships, sexuality, and psychological health. We can also simply put it bad orgasm as :- ^ Feels negative ^ It may happen during intercourse filled with pressure ^ Has negative effect on your Psychological health or relationship. Any person of any gender or any sex can have a bad orgasm. Five scenarios of bad orgasm :- βˆ† Non pleasurable encounter βˆ† Having sex to avoid conflict βˆ† You feel pressured to have orgasm βˆ† Orgasm negatively impacts your life βˆ† You were bullied to have encounter or Coerced sex. #badorgasm #sexeffects #sexisnotobject #sexandlife #feelingpressured #negativefeelings #sexualrelationships #phychological #coercedconsent #sexlife101 #sexlife #sexlifebelike #sexencounter #sexuality #sexwriting #sexwriter #sexinformation #sexknowledge #sexpositivemovement #sexisnotdirty #sexisnotaboutviolence #sexispartofnature #sexispartoflife #sexemotions #sexualchoice #sexfactsforeveryone #sexfact https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkfX2RBldp/?igshid=1uw5tbnxer7hh
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sex-in-formation Β· 4 years
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Follow me on Instagram @sex_in_formation
Yes. We may not think that sex is a large priority for people with terminal illness, but sexual expression can be an important mode of communication and connection, especially at this difficult time. Maintaining a sexual relationship with their partner, even if it is not the same type of sexual relationship as before, may help patients bolster their feelings of self-worth and may alleviate some of the suffering felt by both parties.
#sexuality #sexpositivemovement #sexpositivewriting #sexpositive #sexpositiveculture #sexpositiviworld #sexpositiveeducation #sexpositivetalk #sexlife101 #sexlifebelike #sexlife #sexisamazing #sexislearning #sexheals #sexualhealing #sexisbeauty #sexispassion #sexispartoflife #sexisimportant #selfworth #sexualrelationships #sexcommunication
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sex-in-formation Β· 3 years
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Sexuality-related concerns may arise from the physical aspects of your disease or treatment, as well as from the emotional aspects. Anger, guilt, or worry about illness and survival, treatment or even finances may affect sexuality. Some ways how cancer affects sexuality :- √ You may have a different sense of self-worth and self-confidence than you did before being diagnosed with cancer. √ You may feel depressed, anxious or have little or no interest in sex. √ You may feel embarrassed or worry that others see you differently because of physical changes such as weight gain or loss,hair loss, swelling, scars or the presence of a central line or port. √ Survivors of childhood cancer may be self-conscious about underdevelopment or delayed development. √ You may have different sexual priorities or expectations during treatment and when treatment ends. √ Your partner may have different sexual priorities or expectations during treatment and when treatment ends. √ You may have low energy or fatigue that interferes with all intimate activities. √ Pain, nausea or vomiting, problems with erection or premature ejaculation or vaginal dryness or discomfort during intercourse may interfere with your ability to be interested in or enjoy sex. √ Your oncology team may advise you to abstain from intercourse for a period of time if your total white blood cell count and/or your platelet count are below a certain reason number, or for other medical reasons. #cancerandsexuality #sexuality #sexualempowerment #healthysexuality #sexandcancer #cancereffects #cancer #cancerawareness #cancersurvivor #sexpositive #sexpositivemovement #sexpositivityculture #sexpositivity #sexpositivityworld #sexpositiveworld #sexknowledgeispower #sexknowledege #sexknowledgeishealthy #sexlearning #sexlifebelike #sexlife101 #sexlife #sexthing #sexualresponsecycle #sexualfunction https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVbZnCB-TN/?igshid=16ce9u38cw87v
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