#Seun Ayoade
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biogenericpublishers · 3 years ago
Complex Kinesiological Conundrum Could Microzyman Machinations/Inhibitions Explain the Relative Tardiness of Initial Infantile Human Locomotion? Seun Ayoade* in  Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research
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“The onset of walking is a fundamental milestone in motor development of humans and other mammals, yet little is known about what factors determine its timing. Hoofed animals start walking within hours after birth, rodents and small carnivores require days or weeks, and nonhuman primates take months and humans approximately a year to achieve this locomotor skill”.
We, mankind, are the tardiest living thing in terms of the age we start walking. This is highly embarrassing. It is embarrassing to evolutionists who declare man to be the most biologically advanced and evolved species. It is equally embarrassing to creationists who insist that man was made in the Image of God. If man is the most advanced and evolved animal why do our babies take so long to learn to walk? Why are we, the “peak of God’s creation” carried around by our mothers for a year while the zebras and goats and horses are proudly walking and cavorting just hours after delivery? Creationists have a ready excuse-the fall of man and his expulsion from the Garden of Eden caused man to become genetically degraded [1]. After all, they argue, the first humans Adam and Eve walked and talked the very day they were created. Evolutionists on the other hand put forth other arguments for the very embarrassing ambulatory limitations of Homo sapiens. I hereby refute these arguments viz-Refuting the gestation argument-This argument states that humans are pregnant for 9 months unlike those other animals that are pregnant for shorter periods. However, baby elephants walk hours after birth and the gestation period in elephants is 18 to 22 months! Refuting the Life Span Relativity Argument This argument states that because horses and dogs have shorter life spans than we humans their apparent early walking is not really that early [2]. I refute this argument in the table below by showing at what age human babies would walk if we had the life span of cats and dogs etc table 1.
Refuting the Brain Development Argument
This argument states that all animals start walking when their brains reach a particular stage of development [3]. Then why do humans reach the stage so late if we are the most evolved animal?
Refuting the Bipedal Argument
This argument states that walking on two legs involves much more balance and coordination than walking on all fours and so should take longer. If this argument was true human babies would start crawling hours after birth! Human babies don’t crawl till 4 -7 months! Also studies by Francesco Lacquaniti at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy have shown that despite homo sapiens’ unique gait, the motor patterns controlling walking in other animals are nearly identical to that in man!
Intelligence Argument
This argument claims that since humans are more intelligent than other animals we have to start walking later because we have so many other things to do with our minds apart from walking [4-7]. However, ravens are very intelligent birds yet raven chicks walk and fly at one month old. Monkeys are intelligent and yet start waking at 6 weeks!
The key to cracking this mystery will be to do a comparative study of the cellular dust [8-10] of various animals. This is not likely to happen any time soon however as the mainstream scientific community continues to deny the existence of the microzymas [11].
More information regarding this Article visit: OAJBGSR
https://biogenericpublishers.com/pdf/JBGSR.MS.ID.00254.pdf https://biogenericpublishers.com/jbgsr-ms-id-00254-text/
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How Accurate and Ethical is the Information on your Hand Sanitizer?
Authored by Mister Seun Ayoade*
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I hold in my hand the bottle of hand sanitizer I applied before I started typing this letter to the editor. The label says “kills 99.9% of germs”. Really?! I hate to burst the bubble and rain on the parade of the millions of people using hand sanitizers in this sad season of the corona virus, but you have to know a secret. Nobody Has Ever Killed The Corona Virus Or Any Other Virus. EVER. If by killing, you mean irrevocably taking away life so the entity never comes back. When we use insecticides on insects they die and never come back. When a pet dog is run over by a truck and dies it never comes back. We never hear it bark or see it bite again. When a soldier is shot on the battlefield and dies, his life is over. His family and friends will never see him again. Is this what we do to the corona virus when we use hand sanitizers? No way. No way Jose! When we use hand sanitizers, we attack germs but do not kill them. We merely immobilize, denature, and disable them-converting them from dangerous germs to innocuous cellular dust (microzymas). The germs will be back sooner or later. We kill viruses if we “kill” ice when we put salt on it, melting it to water. We “kill” viruses if we “kill” water when we boil it and turn it to vapor. It can still condense sooner or later. Viruses “die” if an egg “dies” when the chick steps out of it, later to lay another egg! The technical term for what happens to the germs when we attack them with antiseptics and antibiotics is known as “pleomorphism”.
If I manufactured hand sanitizers, I would instruct my technical writers to inscribe “this product attacks and temporarily disables/ denatures germs for your safety and good health” on the label. That would be an ethical, accurate and more realistic description of what hand sanitizers do. So now you better understand how we battle the corona virus when we use hand sanitizers. Even mainstream scientists that deny the existence of the microzymas (cellular dust) and adhere to the germ theory will admit this much- “the question is often posed, ‘are viruses living?’. If to be living demands a cellular structure, then the answer is that they are not”.
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biomedres · 3 years ago
Faint Background Radiation, Anti Matter and the Cellular Dust Hypothesis - BJSTR Journal
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Faint Background Radiation, Anti Matter and the Cellular Dust Hypothesis by Seun Ayoade* in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Ether- a medium assumed to permeate space and fill interstices between particles of air and other matter, medium in which electromagnetic waves are transmitted. Oxford Dictionary 1965 page 415. I hereby propose that faint background radiation is nothing but cellular dust emission. I also attribute anti matter discrepancies with matter to the same phenomenon. Hence the big bang was not the start of the universe but merely a stage in the universe’s manufacture. The microzymas set the big bang off. The uniform values of faint background radiation corresponds with the uniform size of the microzymas [cellular dust never exceeds 500 nanometer.
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A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis-Crimson Publishers
A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis by  Seun Ayoade in  Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine
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Metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls, better known as reincarnation, is the belief that upon death, a human being can return to the world in a new body. This belief is found in many cultures and religions worldwide. It is easy for today’s scientist to dismiss the concept of reincarnation as superstition invented by the imaginings of unenlightened and backward people-yet through the ages, tales abound of people insisting they had been to this planet in times past. The famous World War 2 American General George S. Patton (November 11, 1885-December 21, 1945), to the amusement and embarrassment of some of his fellow officers, repeatedly insisted during the allied campaign in North Africa in the 1940s that he was the reincarnation of a contemporary of the Carthaginian General Hannibal who had lived two millennia earlier! [1,2] General George Smith Patton would often allegedly give details of ancient battles not recorded in any history books. The infamous African American rebel slave Nat Turner (died 1831) whilst but a little boy, spoke with clear detail about things that had happened on the plantation he lived many years before he had been born-to the amazement of older, adult slaves [3]. Can human memory be inherited? Can a father pass to his son or a mother to her daughter memories of things she saw or did the same way she can pass on facial features or the colour of her eyes and hair, or musical talent? Can memory pass from one individual to another without them being related by blood? Human memory is not yet fully understood, but the present consensus is that part of the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible. According to conventional medicine, upon death the cells of an individual perish. According to the germ terrain duality theory however the microzymas/cellular dust, including the cerebral dust of the brain survive-with the memory of the deceased presumably intact [4-7]. I postulate and propose that under certain rare conditions, the cerebral dust of people long dead invade the cerebrum of the living-just as how germs invade-giving people snippets of the memories of the deceased.
This is a scientific and rational explanation for “reincarnation”.
Hollenbach, Karl F (2012) Patton: Many lives, many battles: General patton and reincarnation, USA.
George S (2006) Through A glass, Darkly, USA.
Thomas G (1831) The confessions of Nat Turner, The leader of the late insurrection in Southampton, Va, Lucas & Deaver, print, Columbia, USA.
Seun A (2018) Re-examining time and time travel in the light of the microzymas. Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 2(4): 149-150.
Seun A (2017) The future of medicine lies in microzyma research, not in stem cell research; Flexner the germ theory fiend. J Nurse Health Care 5(2): 1-2.
Seun A (2018) A few more differences between the theories three. ARC Journal of Nursing and Healthcare 4(3): 1-2.
Ayoade S (2017) Koch’s postulates and germ terrain dualism; Cellular dust as yet another term for microzymas. J Mol Genet Med 11(4): 297.
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clinicalnursing · 3 years ago
Iris publishers- Iris Journal of Nursing & Care (IJNC)
Farcial Futile Pharmacy Fiasco-Let Pharmacy Return to Its Apothecary Roots!
Authored by  Seun Ayoade*
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Peruse the following hypothetical conversation at a hypothetical graduation ceremony.
Inquirer – Congratulations! You are now a pharmacist.
Pharmacist- Thank you.
Inquirer-So what can you do as a pharmacist?
Pharmacist-I can sell people drugs after the doctor prescribes them
Inquirer-Can you manufacture drugs?
Pharmacist-No I cannot. Chemists, chemical engineers, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmaceutical manufacturing technicians and technologists can do that.
Inquirer- So all you do is read the prescription, check your shelf and hand the drugs over to the patient.
Pharmacist-Basically, yes.
Inquirer-And you spent 5 years in university to learn that? My 10 year old can do that. Anyone who can read the doctor’s writing can do that. And these days with many doctors handing over electronic prescriptions you don’t even have to be able to read the squiggly scribbles.
Pharmacist [visibly angry]-Oh shut up! Pharmacists can also recommend ointments and creams for a cut or a bruise or burn, rash or infection.
Inquirer-So can I! I have done so many times. And I didn’t have to study for 5 years to learn that.
Pharmacist-I can give injections!!!
Inquirer-So can the heroin addict on the street. You don’t need to study for years to be able to find a vein. A layman can read a prescription and sell a drug. A layman can recommend creams and lotions. A layman can give a hypodermic injection. But a layman cannot mix chemicals together and produce a tablet or a capsule or a syrup. That is what a pharmacist should be able to do. I’d go to college for 4 years to be able to do that.
Pharmacist –Shame on you! This discussion is over.
Below are some of the most important drugs ever invented in the last 100 plus years and the discipline/profession/occupation of the inventors and discoverers.
There is not one pharmacist on the list! Some may say what of Sir David Jack [1924-2011] who discovered Beclometasone? He took a combined honours degree in BOTH chemistry AND pharmacy so was not a stand-alone pharmacist. The same thing applies to Nagai Nagayoshi [1844-1929] discoverer of ephedrine, who studied medicine, pharmacy AND organic chemistry. Even John Stith Pemberton (1831 to 1888) creator of Coca Cola who many pharmacists claim as “the most famous pharmacist” was actually a medical doctor! Right up to the start of the industrial revolution apothecaries were at the forefront of the discovery and invention of drugs. In those days medicine, surgery and pharmacy [apothecary] were three distinct professions. A sick person would visit the doctor (or the doctor would visit the sick person) for a diagnosis. The doctor could recommend a surgery (which the surgeon would be called upon to perform) or prescribe a medication. The patient would head for the apothecary [pharmacy] where the apothecary who also manufactured the medication would sell it to the patient. Medicine and surgery have since been combined into one profession. Pharmacy remains alone and is the worse for it! The same professional (medical doctor) today diagnoses, prescribes and cuts. The pharmacist still sells the medicine but does not manufacture it any longer. How sad! Perhaps it is because the pharmacy profession lost its highest meaning (drug manufacture) in its disjointed transition from apothecary that the profession now desperately seeks to ape medical doctors and has become so inward looking and hostile to other professions that it will not permit even a medical doctor or a holder of a first class degree from a related discipline (e.g. pharmacology) to pursue a master’s degree in pharmacy! Let pharmacy return to the apothecary model or be downgraded to a diploma occupation! [1-2] India has set an excellent example in this regard [3].
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ijnc/fulltext/farcial-futile-pharmacy-fiasco-let-pharmacy-return-to-its-apothecary-roots.ID.000571.php
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baydorz-blog · 7 years ago
​Man dies in SARS custody, family demands justice. #baydorzblogng 
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Peter Dada, Akure A family in Ondo State  has called on the state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Gbenga Adeyanju, and the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Ibrahim Idris, to investigate the death of their son, Seun Ayoade, who died in the custody of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the Ondo State Police Command. Seun and his brother Abayomi, together with some other suspects, were allegedly arrested…
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request . The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased.
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citynewscom · 7 years ago
SARS Officer Exposed for Allegedly Framing and Killing Husband of a Woman Who Rejected His Love Advances (Photo)
The late Seun Ayoade
  A 37-year-old man, Seun Ayoade has reportedly been killed by an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, identified as Ojelabi Oladele. The man was reportedly tortured to death because the wife refused love advances from the SARS officer while she was married to the deceased.
  According to a report by Sahara Reporters, the woman who…
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A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis_Crimson Publishers
A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis by  Seun Ayoade in  Advances in Complementary & Alternative Medicine Journal
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Metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls, better known as reincarnation, is the belief that upon death, a human being can return to the world in a new body. This belief is found in many cultures and religions worldwide. It is easy for today’s scientist to dismiss the concept of reincarnation as superstition invented by the imaginings of unenlightened and backward people-yet through the ages, tales abound of people insisting they had been to this planet in times past. The famous World War 2 American General George S. Patton (November 11, 1885-December 21, 1945), to the amusement and embarrassment of some of his fellow officers, repeatedly insisted during the allied campaign in North Africa in the 1940s that he was the reincarnation of a contemporary of the Carthaginian General Hannibal who had lived two millennia earlier! [1,2]
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request  . The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased.
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request  . The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased.
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request  . The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased.
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baydorz-blog · 7 years ago
You see why we should #ENDSARS: SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request. #baydorzblogng 
The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, pictured below has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased. Gbemisola in an interview with Sahara Reporters, said Seun and officer Ojelabi Oladele were friends and that during her…
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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SARS Officer reportedly kill man whose wife turned down his sex request  . The wife of 37 year old Seun Ayoade, has accused an officer of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), Ondo State Police Command, Ojelabi Oladele, of torturing her husband to death because she refused having sex with him while she was married to the deceased.
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